The Huron Expositor, 1929-08-02, Page 4IF" I Q o4 •de �41, ' I , .1 ------'— —1, " .--,-1; , 1, —­; !: �� . � ­ I I I . h I .1 - cmq— , rrm .m f'� . T* " I I .L 1 .� I R I, ,r ­� ..... . . ­­-­ . - '�7�.. 1 . ', ­�,, ........... "I'll", OnA , , dur, t � "I I Z 0 - ----- ---------­--�-4 �" 27 10 ,,7Q ov'r 09 the ter ; ­� ���� , ­ 57 . �� - I - ----- � pi ,,,, # - ; . ,,.. " , ;. , �� .. III.] . ,�, , ,,;`4 "I 11 11. .11" f4 . . evq%tatioz created by the Z I I � I , ,,.,� �,�,�� � �:,��,,7!-�",..,.,­ , ,, , � '4in r, uoverlam=tj - . .-1, ,,, ��,,, ,�,,, I , ,. I I I �, ,� :,­ t ;V I ,­�, The I , , A � I " I �i , q� , - V , , M aG ,4 Seemed roper, min " �. 11 , , I ft , , I : , , T , , , FR 9 ,,, - - 'A E I .., N A � Mz;�­ �;,Z� ., i�, �, ,,� ��.'.!;,� �, , .. . - 0-9 � P W=taea of t e Germ,Q�a, ' � ­ , ­ • 'tVW04, tho 7401['�V.Q= �4ur a4q,on� amd)t,m in Canada might R�Ojp I " � -1 I , , I—. , , ,. '',tI , IV lkawp pl;x Loosed that not a :,;010, ; ,�,, qw a womam wim": "74,72 - I I IRIQ la ®n killed or a that4s, � ' � it t*Qa C� se� WOM ftky, , .. . I � I ,,�', ... Qzwpka FAAU�C%)� Ti4ii of property des ' J,- � I �� I I .I, , ; k� QmaH sl�='Zz 511U t=tk 90 that for a time t�h, I '-i " ­� in 46 t he t47 -4r V�41 . '' , , l"i:,,;,'.'.!�, �-r"Av= -T4 , , ,q7 ,9k , oxq the �­ t6�,nam,�, JU :�UZ413 mi= os great a terror in Li ��,. �,,� '' , t . . " �. ", , �arm w4 OW , 's r ,�,y,.;: 11 I "I"Ll"11 44 , , on tl�Q the submarines were to � 4, %on ra(M � ' a�ii , I alt PlUPPing. One reason they bi i I � ,­ � , - 1. " �N'Pt: whet4g� from sapling or silk 1§0144 vas, that the military atift ­ ­­,­ I t4es" had devised no weapons to I ­ 1, i4�,;";�,,��,­ 'CJ�0=. AU TiM, a4Wt i� doesn't tales ,1�piust them. Had this weapj4,�) ',nlf"',,, x ,': � ,7, "" uIr ,ob material to clothe .-� v -4- �b4an4evised, eventually most :-. . . _ 02 L , ­ I . �,�.,�,���,,'.,�.. M, 4 : .41", n0V=d&7--, -Ind 4 silken t4reod don might have been laid to w= ... I . ...� The British admiralty has now p �'ll,li�l'.1����,",� � hold a washing. �i�jl�'X "; p� 4' I L. � 11� mitted the story to be told of h IT". I'll.' - 1�,111�14 �Y I � 4 ,�',t', , ,�.,* nd why shouldn't it be so? W'h') the invention came about and in Ma ;,��:',,�': , '111 Y�, 1.1�111, ��, .7,,4)' t�, 1�,'� ,ald want to go back to the days Collier's Mark Bar who was in La , ', , - "Ji." 7� ,, , ' , 91�,v QTY � . void n it took twelve yards of cloth t�) don in the Zeppelin season and woj i''J,�­-'�,!)e,. � 1!'�ii " ed on the problem of destroying 1 :;�.%1111.1 4440 a woman's skirt and as much ­&�, 1, , " , �� , airships, sets forth the dramatic is ,�'�,g,j,." - It rµ *brie of the material to finish the Its hero is John Pomeroy, a man . ., �4T��vI Si":��W�,t',�� ITK�S—Qrmeliat- TO the Woollen stockings -suppose, who few readers have ei i;�J'f���,�,��:. alld undies, and the Iron sides? heard of. A,�,�;#,,, � 1. �,,?,,4,�,� "A Yard of silk and a good sun tayi Mr. Barr explains something wbi , , ,, � ��lZ;:. - . Izt,�.`, 4ZPke UP the costume of th � we suppose has puzzled most of PaT, ',�,,,' e present who have thought of the Zeppelin FI . I`F, d,' -y miss. And who will say that she slur I � bk'�, ­ � . Ply one large gas bag. Wliy, , J�4'I s "not wise? There are a good many wondered, would slot a single bull ,.�- .. is �"- z�� ', ,- Men during the Past two week., of even if fired from a pistol, punctu I broiling weather, who would have lik- the bag and let out the gas? U,ow w 1. 11 ;,.� it possible that the Zeppelin, wit ,4, ®d to possess the necessary nerve to , out turning a hair, could take a wh( I don a similar garb. Why make fun belt of machine gun bullets in 11 1:11.",.� � of the women? vast ,belly? Well the Point is tb 1 I , I ,1 the Zeppelin was not a single balls ,� ---- - . . but a ,balloon composed of perhaps interior balloonettes or inbated con .. I.. � BOG NRCKLES NOT ON partments. It can thus -be undc : I FAVOR stood how one Zeppelin received . 1. fewer than 2,000 . bullet holes, b How often one hears disparaging calmly (Proceeded with her work, a: marks about the large five eelrei � I t safely returned home, the leakage . I "I gas having been negligible. Ordina p2eces recently put into circulation by bullets were useless. Then trao 11, 7 -1 the Dominion -Governments About bullets were used. They, too, faire * ': I ", 1 their size, the material in them, in because if their puny flame liv 1'� 1 -fact people do not seem to take very through the time of flight to the Ze �, 111� .I kindly to the big nickle, pelin, they were too weak to igni M�: , 1­1I"E, L � the hydrogen at the surface of t' ..,, True, their similarity in size to a bag where it could mix with exyge � , I � , quarter, enabled some of the early The flame bullets slipped through ti � �� , � r .1 i I birds in the business to actually prcs- bag and were snuffed out -by the e i 1�- 1� eat them for quarters and get away closed hydrogen. 1, I %, k With it. ;But that didn't last long..Now and then a lucky hit mig: .1 " cripple one of the airships, but th � I And who has not gone through the was a mere chance. What was wan � 1. . , I 1, mistaking 1. experience of actually one ed was a bullet which would pier. I . � of the big nickles for a quarter and the various skins of the Zeppelin ar set fire to the gas inside. That tendering it in payment as such? Theset a difficult problem may be infer * I look of disgust or distrust or the 'sai` red from the fact that the Zeppelin castle smile of the storekeeper is a sailed boldly over London night aft( I � I -;� humiliating experience one does net night, those on board feeling as s( 'want to go through more than once, cure as the dugout kings on tl^ western front. The inventions boar � .. _wt many have innocently put theiia- I was hurriedly organized with instrw selves in that position again and a- tions to solve the problem and to li: � I 1 gain. It makes a person in such sir- ten carefully to every suggesti') , . 11 ,. -cumstances look as small as the -Ad made even if by a civilian or an of fi � � I ve cent piece and feet a good deal vious crank. Three hundred men c I � smaller. science were specially set to worl among them being Mr. Barr, wh � And now comes a real grievance worked in partnership with Prof. Ver � I %7 I against the circulation non Boys. They were given a list o of the big nickle. A clergyman from Ottawa all the old ideas which had been four, impracticable so that they would no is blaming the Dominion Government waste their time on th n, em. Boys a for the falling off in church collet- Barr had a laboratory and were wei 1, �, tions. He says that when there were on their way to success when a flab! I , . , ,only the small five cent pieces, people =.,�fr;� the admiralty "Cees, , . e .'a' I • were ashamed to put them on tvi-� col problem had been solve � by Pomeroy who had a shop benc, , , � , . i � lection plate. They had to put on a and a little back yard. If Pomero I 1:1 �!, dime or a quarter. Now people save had not been an unusually determi'l - I �.,; their large nickles and drop them on ed man he never would have succeed 11 , ", " I �, .as to the plate with a very superior Air ed, for when he went first to the ad, � 1 miralty to explain his idea' it wag .",� �.as though they were twenty-five cert �,- pointed out to him that it was scien- " I . pieces. tifically impossible, and its impossi- ��, : � I:' 'Isnqt that the truth Ask any bilitv was scientifically demonstrated ' ., I, 91 Tnc church treasurer if it is not so. to him. " � His idea was to use his own wo,r(L-, . 'I old 5 cent piece looked a mighty small ,f . . . . . . , to put a "pinch of dynamite in the - coin to be dropped from the hand of ,:�� 1�i,�. nose of the machine gune bullet." He ,. 1�i -an adult church goer. The -ten cent explained that he had fired such bul- i 1� I 14, , ,piece was not much better, and t.-, re- lets into a brick wall and they New 7�­ , ,,�. the bricks apart. Then the expert ,. 81 Iain ones feeling of respectabilit­ a 14. 11 " said "That's your answer, Pomeroy. 141:,. man was generally forced to .. �1, par' Dynamite will explode that way, ;but § with a quart 1, ,.-r. not if it strikes the soft, stretched I If The big nickle has changed all that, silk of a Zeppelin bag- We know all I , ., k Properly handled it looks like a q.1ar about dynamite. a .� ,��­ - It won't ignite the I& doesn't , , ter and dropped from a proper �eig�q Zeppelin gas because it just dop 1p',V­ behave that way. The very idea of .�I to the collection plate, it sounds like R dynamite—making nitroglycerine safe � .. �� 1,11 & quarter, Or even a half dollar, and by soaking it up in powdered kiesel- ­ , 11 Ir then, too, it gives a man a clever feel- guhr, which is an infusorial earth— ". 11, By 136- of having put something over makes it certain that the worst idea %j. I ' of all is to imagine that dynamite in �,rrl There can be no question about it, lt a small bullet's nose can light the "".?, I . the big nickle is no friend of the gas. You see, Pomeroy, the nitro - ,..1 church. The merchant can and docs glycerine is so evenly soaked up and , - I 11, " protect himself, litit the church col- distributed through the harmless ,'!� ,2i4.. . , lection Plate is at its mercy. The big mineral mass that it loses its danger- ,4��". ous habit of going off at a feather's �'.•1 nkkle makes a big and glittering Pits, I T. I touch." on the plate, but when they are count- Pomeroy wets duly impressed ,butt 11,3 2: ed there isr't much money in t'he he went home and after another ex- r�t,R; I ,collection. periment, returned and said that lie �If, had fired his bullet through a silk , 11y ,fan , . -- - -- - - handkerchief which had been wholly 1, k, , PNUCENSED DMVERS consumed. Incredulous, the. experts ,, i hasted to see the demonstration. It I:— I ��, ;: I was as Pomeroy had said. What he, . (From the Peterboro Examiner) had stumbled on was a new applica- fp 4,� � -A check-up in the Stratford district tion of the principle of acceleration, � : �,� 'has already resulted in 40 motorists whereby in its flight through the air � ". ( , , ��N';,. V8ing summoned for being unable to the hoavy infusorial earth was set `lir. 3;roduce their drivers, licenses when back while in front was squeezed out I'll 1, "�` a" , called upon by the police to do go, a thin spray of pure nitroglycerine. ,.��,," I The Examiner feels quite sure tiiat It was with Pomeroy's 'bullets that , '. , ff,�'r, "; "I' yt'�`�� similar results would follow in every Leefe Robinson brought down that �,�" I., � i�,�,�, 0ther part of the Province were the flames the first Zeppelin on English ,���, � �.' , I ,02eials to begin a drive upon un- soil. For this he received the Vic- 'Q licensed motorists. toria Cross. Another big ship I 11��;" came was ( 1� In short, the regulation is of little similarly destroyed. Then the , use as a factor in the safety situa-" great Mathy in the I-31, flying at a t , , ��', li , � 1".. tion because the 'Government's chief new height, 14,000 Leet. He too was I � �-, , . _ �:: concern seems to be over the revenue- brought dow-p dead, his ship a -har_ d 11M, ­e measure red ruin. This was r a I ��, I really the end, 1� , rnther than making it an effective though a year later in October, ',;)17, r - .... `!,b Cc Upon motorists generally, J 1"i,:, 'Che I 1, : . Germany sent over 12 Zeppelins flying ,� !�,""� � If ther " F sere .40 people in one small at 20,000 feet. But they encoutitered V��;, ci ty driving without the permit tI,e a worse enemy than Pomeroy's bal- - „ , lav'r Says is necessary, the I ) �, I total lets, a 40 -mile gale. Only five of el ,. , ;!�,,� �� , _ , I . t�&oughout Ontario must be large, in- them ever returned to Germany. That , 1.1'��-`,,'�, � 4 � bed. was the last of the Zeppelins. sl , , %, , D& . He)lry's department should make ct� t,' I& law mean something or drop it. ,'., a I a),. 'It is not fair that careful, law- ;-%," . . I qI . ST"', ITA !,� �p'� . . Obiding citizens should have the trou- ,. . ��',­, I ?,'�, 614 -And expense Of securing a driving Notes. — Mr. Howard Leary is di '-;4'l, �� lb -en when they are endangered on spending part of his vacation at the H ,� 1 11.1 I ". 11 tae K,vhWars by reckless motorists home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a? �no i,,. , 11 " 1 ,', *,TOO i re HIG law, keep their money J. Leary. --Master Billie Bolea, of of � I I their pockets, and drive as th(,ugh Niagara Falls, returned to his home lei " 'I , More Was .no duch thing as tragic on Ii. � Sarturday after spending a month er �Ws,• 11 at the home of itfrs. A. Smale.—Mr. ar. " Z�T­ .1.�. hdrev. ate far too many unlicensed and Mrs. Ray Rex and son, Hat -old, M ,�&Ofatk ftlad Xr-JR.4ni7 should sl=p of Buffalo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. in, , UL" , oiht bi his sInrabor and zee that they William Jeffery over the week end.— Cl ) to Pass the test and P,SY Mr. Archie Lumton has bought the of 42 fmdc �?'h,efk t6k4it fees. , I 1:,11,111.1 �4��', .� .!, I ,� horae Of the late Mrs. A. Hotham.— D( I ­ �,��:��­ , .�. '"" . I �. . I "'e;v" I ,. � . . ...."''4 ,� . , - , �� , ­ � �Y' "'.", ", I � I ,, ,I, ,. 11��(, . ­ , " �', :, . , I � 1.11, 1- ',:1%,­V.r" �.111"�,�il-,'� , ­ " .-"... I :", '-4 " '.. ,,,,�,, �� �, ,�, ,� �': "I"." � , 111pj­ , 1, ,,�' "I";"'1,��'����f',.,,,I�z�,-,,',;,,,,���,,�l:, , 11 I . I � ' ­ . � L, , ,11 ' ', - , ­ "'. . 11 I . . ,. h , � �,� �� , � �, :; , �� 1: ,�:, � L � � � ` , , � . I i � , , , � ; ".1 I ,� 7 � I � : . ,� � I I . , e � ['91 0 "I'l­ , -I �, �:q"�,ffe'k'� R�,;:—,;,%�J,­-,,�,-�,!., I 11 ­---­. — mTT�-,­-- ­ P ! ! ­ , , L ,4 ' ; ' .r,:-- -, 7 7� ;�­,,,—, 9" - , I , 6, & i � L , .1 . � :-%,04 ft, 144 T ,_ � , , ,b KX�']�.',�; "ia-: ", 4r- V, � � '14 , , �­ .Uqw:,43w qpz=P=Qd � Qng � Q 'A' ", �',�, " � �,;4 1 1 1 t0174"OhIp hvA 1111rdbleah . , MQVIZ4 .HL � " . :6, . I RZ14; �i WP,TQC�.70-QZv, and HCl. John C ,= I P, � I? - Qv UP,% Q - �� ,;� I 4 i3, ;R�11.1,md two QQ=-o wib� - 1, ft- K 11�. 10 tbQ om 4 . .... li 5 , 4�4, 0990% 4iebivan, visited I ''. 4Q,�;4 , T" --� ,WT�"Qn ',��, I 't ''O., , . .. . I " � V1 I,,- 0 1 1 7'.1,i4r!%.Qd0 ,, , W, ��W,4 ��' Piw� ovQr the week end. T 31, 4tivap ' uta wader lt.­�.A' large 'am the PQZ15 wmh� ratam� . � � �140 4%(azded the golden wedding , Ad's ion tQft attonded the Stara Zion to t4oir '402, In 4tartn. Iveramy of WT. and Mrs. Ov Tor lurday School picnic in queeaps imrk , , )P, at Stratford on Friday. All report i� I %%Pr at Fonamll. — Mr. and I Zor a awd, %me- OA, William .Vlqvdi.��n VM am fZ, 4ander, Mr. and Mrs. , , ., , A , U43CW , - � , , ,QDD, �­ 1� M0114P. =4 Children, Mr. and X Iz- arivl,,�d pub� *r, MIZ411, and pir. and Wre. ", I I ­1�1­ . I MI- Huptqr, 02, Strawbro, spevAt Be . , , , '.,1, , .. '. , I . .1 ch,�T`100 gal4flelsch, Mr. and IV �, . 4y '4 ar- wf$.4 Xr6 qud Xgp. ,v, M. M� '' ,,, 14�10to@-"-R� as MvUQre ,pS%Gt, , of Henry Mazel and Mr. and Mrs. Ga - ' .1 , ' M, 7 , d i n4 , e 0,e� �®r et Xoael and daughter, all of Detr ;el, as xr*� Trilliam 'MorupsID"P 09 I � n on, T!,,X�7; Azit* - I '. , ,ad ronto I 41p.pf hrother, '�W. John Rhea.LZP ErO Visitlloq nth Bar. cina . V , Urls , , , �,q�% I a. ,P -e, spent the week end with relati Pd. J. W Wwden Qlad Xr. and Bar.% -0�, 09 Ott=q' �� 4', TA,,Dr . 4 p a gupat at % . , ,,tg of here.. and Mrs. E. Dedels i . her 'brot4'P'' � .. Sp- R Malur.-mr.andlo § Mr. %%omas X,py u I . Zrs. A, W. X.Qr. M p '- J=. - Ida daughter, of Kitchener, visited at )u- ris QU4 Clarence .-,nd- tor, -,a Qua rs .�X . , . , A�,T�Ond son % a 4bll- Mrs* Gib �, � , of Det*4#� and home Of the latter's pareuts, M! . � ,Q�% of Wingham, W ­ , "&fi6 the Mrs- - E. Datars, Sr., over Sunday -,I "1Y in CQ40011& guests 02, Ab. and Urs. Johla ��'Mey Mr. Henry Tin£®l has sold his TtWo I , - J. worrilp spent Sund, 'r vd With Mr. and bgra. H: Mitchell, , ri- ­-� I last weet". Miss Teresa Z4*ch has on John Street, north, to PvZr. Willi � 11 returned„.'Q',Me after a mo4th's v , �'Jk'-” ise .1. I mit Miller, who intends using them Erol int BL Y 117E with friShe *v. in Windsor ,=d D�it. Warden. --A moving picture show T - a1donal given in the town hall on Tues¢ , , �� tine, W .L. ;q "-, ­ la- Notes' -'At ''a --speolal meqftg of' uonventi'du':'jla Windsor te. the school lboawa change WS6 made from $�' , d Zs � d*zFete evening by L. Schilbe & Son in i nr- in the principalship of .. I.,Dlumban.-Mrs.' JVZ_,jgaret interests of their fertilizer busine )w school. the public Maloney 16 visiting at the home of --A number of the residents of t Kenneth Ashton, of Fordwich her son, Louis, in Detroit. -Mr. and sections, who are qualified, are ma ik has 'been engaged for this position in Mrs. Thomas Ryan and family motor- ing application for a pension un( 'n- place of J. McKercher, of Maxwell, d to Lucan on Sunday. the Old Age Pension's Act. -Mr. ,k Who resigned. -Mr. and Mrs. R. M. e 'G. Hess is attending a convention lie McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riddel - - --- ­ - . ntion le. and Miss Olive McGill are enjoying . � Hamilton this week, being hold we a motor trip to Montreal. -,Dr. E. C. (00hmTA1\\T(CE agents and dealers of the We.stir, er Wilford arrived home a few days ago . house Manufacturing Co­-4Mr. a Mrs. Arthur Truemner and childr from Chengtu, China. The trip was Notes ---,MZ. and Mrs. Earl Lawson visiting at the home of the for, Lh made by Russia and Siberia and -re- Were visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. are 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen us quired six Weeks Of continuous travel- McMillan, of London, this,week-er The Trueniner.-Mr. Albert Schwalm, as ling. -A large number from here are community picnic held last Thursday ve attending the Chautauqua 'being pres- to Bayfield was much enjoyed by all. Saskatchewan, is visiting here at t � t., ented in Winghara and G When will we go again -Mr. home of his mother, at present. --Ra Goderich this and re Week. -Mrs. Dable and little daugh- Mrs. H. Stewart, of Emerson, M and Mrs. L. H. Xalbfleisch, of I Man., mira, are spending their holida as ter, Frances, left on Monday for their were visitors at the home of their with relatives here. h- home in British Columbia after spend_ niece, Mrs. Roy Lawson, last week.- & Ie ing the past three months with h, -,r Mr. Wilbur MoRorie and son, Willie, -7=-=--=- - er Parents, Councillor and Mrs. fohn- and two daughters, Misses Helen and mt ston.-Blyth Citizens' Band motored Florence, spent over Friday at the ]BRUSSELS )n to Gorrie on Sunday evening and gave home of Mr. and Mrs. William Brit - 20 a concert before the United Church. ton, the two girls remaining ,for a Briefs. -Ernie Miller, of St. Thom n- A large number were Present. -How- holiday.--JWheat cutting is over and was renewing old acquaintances r- and Carr, of Ingersoll, is spending his will soon be housed. The farmers town during the past week. -Jam no holidays with his cousin, Edwin Ben. are harvesting one of the best crops McCracken, of Toronto, was here , at der. -Ross Robinson, who is taking a in its history. - The Mission Band a visit with his mother, Mrs. Willis Id Special summer course in Torontohas held their' meeting at the home of McCracken. - Mrs. James Huffmi i of secured a Position as assistant n a Mrs. Ed. 'Britton on Thursday of this and son, of Montreal, are the rues , — -y continuation school near Sudbury. week, when quilting was done for the of the former's father, George Ma ,r -� - �-- bale. - - ners.-Misses Margaret Downing ai . (1, ------------ �— 'honelen Barker have returned ho !d E=VMLLE from Goderich where they were a P- Notes. -The Sunday School of this tending summer school.-IMss his to church visited Centralia Sunday M1LLS(GR1R191\\T garet Heeney, of Kitchener, was ie School last Sunday, the visitor for a few days with her frien rL ing charge. -A community picnic was Notes. -` Mrs. Lorne Eiler and Miss Jean Ferguson. -Miss Jean Sco is held at Stratford last Saturday, a daughter, Gwendolyne, and Mr. Allan of Toronto, is spending part of ni .I- good number going. Everyone was Cochrane Were week end visitors wit'i vacation with her grandparents, M pleased with the day's outing. -Mr. friends in lAstowel.-Mrs. R, Dick and Mrs. Peter Scott. -Mr. and Mr it and Mrs. Walter Hein, Mrs. Walters returned to her home in Toronto af- Mason, of Merlin, were week end VL is and two little girls visited the forme ter spending a few holidays 4t the itors with Mrs. Arthur McGuire.- t- er's sister, Mrs. Charles John-, on home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nelson, of Pete, e Wednesday of last week. -Mrs. Wes. Cochrane- -,Mir. and Mrs. Geo, John- boro, are spending a few days wit ,I Horne was confined to her bed for a ston and son, Gordon, of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N&Call.-Mr ,t few days last week but is improvitig.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman, of and Mrs. George Dawson, of Tivei --Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, of Seaforth, called on friends recently, ton, were week end visitors at th s London, visited in the neighborhood -Mr. Peter MacDonald, of Stratfor�t, - home of the latter's parents, Mr. ar, r last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forde of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip Ament.-Mr. and 'Mr! and family visited -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Jarrott recently. -Dr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, of London, were wee � Hodgert, near Seaforth, last Sunday. Robert Ferguson, of Pontiac Michi- end visitors at the home of Charli i -- -----.------- gan, and Mr. and Mrs. Snell,' of Ex- Miller. --James McDonald, of Nei - York visited his nephew, A. H. Mc - TUCKERSHME - eter, called on old friends on Friday' Donald, for a few days last week. 11 Notes. -Mr. Carl Haines, of New -Quite a number attended the Sun- . - ark, N. J., is visiting at the home of day school picnic from the Hillsgreen ---.-.— Mr. and Mrs, congregation on Tuesday last at Bay - and W. H. McLearl.-Mr. field. Hillsgreen was in charge of EENSALL ' and Mrs. Jack O. and daughte,., the sports, which were carried off 3, Shirley, of Pigeon, Michigan, were very well. For Sale. -A neat frame dwelling for sal - visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Will on Oxford Street, in good condition. one for F McGregor, for a few days. -Mr. and — also ,large stable. For further Particulars ar, I Mrs. Andrew Bell were visiting their Ply to Mrs. -Minnie Little, Hensall. 821s- t daughter, Miss Etta in London on WRNTEEROP For Sale -A nice home in Hensall for sal, orexhange, with one or two lots ; dry eel I Sunday. -Mr. John C. Doig, of De- 1-ar,hcardwaod floors, wired, etc. ; garage an( l troit, treated himself to a new car Notes. -The Ladies' Aid and Wo- brick stable. Central location, on corner Rich I and motored up to spend the week men's Missionary Society will� meet mond and Nelson Streets, F. W. pees. I end with his parents, and on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Morrison on Wed- Music Exams. -At the midsummer [ they all motored up to Gorrie, where nesday, August 7th. The mite boxes examinations of the Toronto Con. , they spent the day visiting friends.- are to ,be handed in at this meeting. servatory of Music, conducted by I The many friends of Mr. Jonah -Miss Margaret Eaton was operated Vigo Kihl in Hensall on July 9th tht . Green will be pleased to learn that he on for appendicitis in the Memorial following Pupils of Miss Greta L`m- is able to be out again after his ser- Hospital, S,2aforth, on Monday and mie, A.T.C.M., were successful: Junior ious illness. -Mr. and Mrs. Lennis is doing nicely. School Piano, Florence NfeDonald.; Seaman, of Kitchener, and son, Jack, Football. -On Wednesday eveninPrimary School, Helen Glenn; Ele- g are visiting Mrs. Seaman's brother, an exciting game was played at Win- mentary, Myrtle Thompson, Isabel! ' Mr. Robert McGregor. -Mr. and Mrs' thrGp between Chesley and Winthrop. Smale; Elementary School, BestrideDaymorid. Joe McLellan were visiting friends There was a large crowd and much for a few days in this neighborhood, enthusiasm was shown. The score in Death of Mr. Peter Robertson.- -The Pupils and parents of School Chesley was 2-0, and at Winthrop it Many in this district were surprised Section No. 7 held their annua' , pic- was 2-2, so Chesley is ahead. M1 and of the death in nic at Bayfield on Tuesday of this Willis, of Brussels, had his da Winnipeg of Mr. Peter Robertson, el - week. Every home in the section was floor erected between Clark's store dest son of the late Thomas Robert - represented and the picnic was a huge and Nelson Govenlook's home. The son. Mr. Robertson went fwest fif6'y success. Blyth Orchestra furnished the music years ago and was one of the Pioneers ­==� and as the weather was cool, dancii-9 at Carberry, Manitoba, He is -ur- MNGUAD\/ff was a pleasure. vived by his wife, formerly Miss Hel- en Dodds, and a family of five daagh- Notes.-Mrs. Lena Ryan, sons ---t ters and four sons. He was a bro- Francis and John, and Miss Betty ther of Mr. James Robertson, Hensall Goodrietter returned to Detroit after - Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, Stanley; Mrs. spending their vacation at Mr. . Tate, Aylmer; Mr.. Dodds, Vancouver; Patrick Gibb -ons. -Misses Evelyn and , Notes. --Sacrament of the Lord's Mrs, Ha,bkirk, Regina. Mr. Robert' i Robert - Kay Patterson are holidaying in De- Supper was observed on Sunday last son was a strong, robust man and troit.-Misses Winnifred and Ads, in the Presbyterian Church. We had was only sick a few hours, heart trou- Moir are visiting in St. Augurtine.- the pleasure of part of the Mitchell ble being the cause of death. Mrs. P. Gibbons and Miss Evelyn choir in assistance with our own, al- Two Brandon Boys Ply to Daven- have returned from Seaforth. so joining with us in the Holy Sacra- Port, Iowa. -"Seth Strachan and Wil- - --------� ment.-Mrs. Moore, of Chicago, who bur Twitchell, ,both of this city, re- MAhTLEY spent a wrt eek or More visiting at the port their arrival at Davenport, Iowa, M,aase, returned to her home :,n Mon- after an 800 mile flying from Bran - Notes. -Mr. Ralph Weber and Mr, day last. -Mr. Will Bell, a former don. They. made the journey in the Louis Brall, from Detroit, wereweek resident 'of Cromarty, called on old Strachan -Waco airplane in about ten days ago. --Mrs, end visitors in our burg. -Mr, and acquaintances a few dhours heavy flying. They encounter - Mrs. Thomas Purcell have left for , Toronto, and sister, Miss CurAe, Of ed very heavy head winds in eastern , . ,rito, spent Midland, where Mr. Purcell is running I hbme in .nt a few holidays at their North Dakota, so lay over one day at the cement mixer for the King Con Tonto the village and left for To- Vargo. The next day the wind was ato 01 , struction Company. - The late hot, n Saturday. -Mrs. Aller, of favorable and the remainder of the weather is rushing the harvest and Exeter is at present visiting with her trip was made in record time. Seth it is feared there will be a lighter daughter' Mrs, Quance.-Preparatory St,,,h,, will visit one day with his !rop than exnected.-Thrashing oper- I services were held on Friday even- old chums at the Illinoie, Iowa, Inc., itions will be' in full sway next week ing la Rev. Mr. Xaine, of Sea- where he was a former student and ;o get rid of the wheat crop and make l forth, occupied the pulpit and preach- will fly to Iron Bridge, Wis., where .00M for the spring cro.p, ed a very helpful and able sermon- he is employed as a pilot and instruc- ­ --- -------- -- He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, ton by the Kaepernick Flying Service, Campbell and daughter, of Staforth, Wilbur Twitchell will resume his '97f. (C(0)JUDMAH \ ,former members of Cromarty Church. training in flying at the Illinois, Iowa, i Notes. -Mrs. Deehil, of London, ­==;=:7==� Airways, Inc., where he has been a -laited be student since last spring." The above fis. Evel;�sister, Mrs. J. Carlin.- ZURISMI interesting item was taken out of a McGrath, of Detroit, is Brandon paper and will prove of pending her vacation at the home of Death of Former Resident. -Word much interest to the readers in this er parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. 1%ic- was received here on Friday of the section, as Mr. Twitchell is well ,cath. --Joe Murphy, of Detroit, spent death of Philip Hartman, which took known in Hensall, having been born le week end at his home here.-MiEg Place at his hiMe near Watford, on and raised here, and is a brother of ucy Burke has returned from Lon- that day. The late Mr., Hartman was Orville Twitchell of our village. an, where slue was visiting. - Miss Well known to many of the residents Briefs. -Mrs. C. M. 'Redden and lit- I-ary Doyle and Miss McCarthy, of of Hay township having lived o , motored to Ham- etroit, are visiting at the home of farm on the Goshen Line south for ilton on Monday and intend spending Doyle. -Mary McGrath, of Toronto, many years. When he sold the farm a -week there at the home of her son spending a week at her home here, he moved to Parkhill, where he was grid daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. -Miss Annie Curtin spent the week � interested in the milling business for E. T-Tedden and family,-MRSteT Jackie id With her mother, Mrs. M. Curcin. a number of years. Re was a suc- Deitz, of Xippen, is spendina few -Miss Dorothy M,elady, of Kitchener cegsful farmer, q.tvning 2G:Dacres near days with his aunt, Miss Alicg e Kyle. lent a day at her home here. Watford at the 46e of his death. The -Xr. and Mrs. E. S-heffer left on ­� funeral was heldoon Monday, a num- gzturdzY evening for Toronto where ber from this township attending. His thev intend spending a week Or SO ,9TAI\\TLP,Y widow survives him: with their son, Norman, and wife and Notes. -Rev. L� H. Kalbfleisch,'of other relatives. $ - and Jean McQueen, also Miss Notes. -Mrs. Robinson, Sr., and her Elmira will have charge of the morn Misses Margaret ughter, Mrs. Margaret Erratt, Of ing and evening services In the Lutb- Manson have returned to their home . Sara ).milton, came to Stanley last week er4n Church next Sunday. Rev. E. "After spending a couple of weeks with d will remain for a while at the Tuerkheim is taking the services I home on Goshen Lirio­-Wr. RUG_ at their cousin, Ray Reid, of London.- i Keys, Brodhcgen on that day. -A, sitting of The many friends of Mrs. Albert of London, spent the week R magistrate's court presided over by Whitesides, of Goderich, and,f,orme-r- d at the home of his parents, Mr Mr. C. A. Reid, was held in the hall ly of this. village, d Mrs. N. Keys, of gabyl will be pleased to * On Line.- here last Friday. Two fines were Im. learn that she is feeling a little bet - SS H. Erratt, of Auburn, is vJ,g',t- posed when the Parties pleaded guilt,. ter, following r recent Serious op� r er Owi he I With her niece, Mrs. Robert Mr- -Mr. J. E. Hess, who holds a re- er ' atiola performed at -Goderich 116s- ncheY, at present. -Mr. F. Agnew, qPonsible position With the Canadian Pital. The wish of her many rela- Chicalgo and Mr. 14. Crawford, ;� General Electric Co., Toronto, as en- Lives and friends is that she will con- troit, visited for a day) or two gineey, visited raletiyes here last tinue to Make satisfactory recovery, . I I I I I I I 0 1 J , , . I ��:�, ,, , I I 11 .1 � I , I I I . , ,,�� I �. 1. I - - - ",., . � ".", , I ­ - -1 .1 ­ . � I' I I I j I � • �. H I ," , I ­­,­ "k. ,..... ��, , . "�:�,,�­,,;�. ,It, ��: �: ,! ', �;"":, : , � � P.':.­­� '­,:"­'�',' , � , ­'. , I . I ., I i .:� — 1� 01- cl- ley in - len rs. J. ITBI rs. rn- )A, res ,rid 1a Ind — 48 4m .a ,as ay I -he so, lis A- -er ft. ­- ..... I - - - -- . at by —Mr. Ray McArthur, accompanied by Seaforth, ,where she hpo U40A 0 . 1pod- . g- Mrs. 8. McQueen and daughter, Hel- tion with Dr and Mrs. Sproat" ,�t ad en, spent the week end with Mr. and their 4,m, &re.--O.n, Sunday mg�,4 . � en Mrs. J. D. Reid, of London. — Mi. noon lost a number o;V t4p odil&- n. Earl Hedden, of Philadelphia, Pa., is lows Of Hd, n idsall Lodge unlod tjb . ry spending this week with his mother, the Brueefi,a brother4 in their deeoy- of Mrs. C. Hedden and family. — Mr. atiou service at Baird's Cantete�y �e Stewart McQueen and Mr. Xi 9 Kinsman Bros. W. O. Goodwin and William 4. . V. left last week by motor for the West-'MoLaren taking a leading part in tho :I- —Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and ,service of song, While Bro. G. J. Suth- 7s daughter, Lois, of Detroit, spent the erland gave an address. There wao week end at the home of �r. and a good attendance at the cemetery Mrs. R. "'Higgins and family. _ r. considering the very unfavorslb4. . Sam Rennie rendered a most pleasing I state of the weather, there being f7e- solo at the United Church on Sunday I quent showers of rain. Rev. Mru morning last, which was greatly en- I Bremner presided and took part im 'is joyed. At the evening service Mrs. I the service, as did also Past District i'd H. J. McDonald and Mr. W. O. Good- IDeputy Grand Master Mr. Moore,. aC win sang a lovely duet.—Miss Elva Goderich.—We are pleased to lea= 38 Bolton and friend, Dr. J. A. Spellman that Mr. Robert Bonthron, who hzo )n of Kitchener, motored up this week I been quite seriously ill for the pas�,e in and spent a few days at the home of week or so, is now considerably im- 'n Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton and Mrs. proved. -.-]Rev. Mr. Colling, of GramC L8 Kate Bell and other relatives.—Miss Bend, will conduct services in the 1- Doris Chapman, of Palmerston, is a United Church on the coming Buz, , d guest at the home of her grandmother day, August 4th.—Mr. F. Fraser fir, " Mrs. G. Scott—Mrs. Tait and .little moving into his new dwelling thJQ t- daughter and son, ,of London, spent a week, r- immediately west of the plala- a few days this week at the home 'of ing mills, and has a well finished amfl- I .Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell and up-to-date dwelling.—The many redia ', family.—The many friends of Mr. tives and friends of Mrs. Nathan PecL tt Robert Bonthron will regret to learn will be pleased to learn that she is !t that he has been confined to his room improving nicely from her laze quital '- for the past week or so with illness. serious illness.—Mr. Edmund - GeigeV 3- At date of writing he is slightly im- of London, very ably taught the BibR&P I ;- proved, which we trust will continue. Class in the United Church on Sun- -,Rev. A. Sinclair, wife and family, day morning last.—Miss Eleamew h are this week leaving for a month's iFisher is receiving con atul grationa vacation to Tobermory, Pike Bay, having passed her A. T. C. M. e,xwm- , . Grand Bend and- other places =Miss ination in music held in Clinton tre- - e Vera Sundercock left last week for cently. I ( rc-�� �'e��NTERN FAIR T WE �--J) - " LONDON - ONTARIO , I I I Sept,, gth4-4th, fimdm,veg 8929 I - I I A greater Western Fair invites a greater crowd of visitors! ! 1Entirely housed in modern up-to-date buildings. Firm displays . will be finer than ever. All indications point to large entry lists of Live Stock, Poultry, Agricultural Products, etc., New Poultry Building, resurfaced race track. Bigger attraction bigger way. 1, $40,000.00 IN PRIZES AND Alf RACT.sJNn,a, Are YOU represented? Boys' and Girls' Calf Feeding Competition. Complete poultry - classification with liberal prizes. ' SPECIAL LIGHT HORSE SHOW—Sept. 9 to 12, in the New Arena. Send for Prize List NOW. Closing date Aug. 29. For further , information. write: J. H. SAUNDERS, President. W. D. JACKSON, Secretary. I London, Ontario -- I rrBE' , Ire I 11, , " 0 Ges Your Home a jkthraawl) ­ Pit does, or if your preoem� bathroonz needs modernizing, specify Rnzco Bathroom Fin - (a tures and Fittings. I Quality and beauty are bu.119 1114711, into them td) ensure lasting aer_ 11 11 vice' and satisfactjomL. BeautF . of design, gleaming white 00 ch&nningly tinted, lEmca Fix- , N I 9) I I 'ft=GS fat into any color scheme, � If You haven't running water Im . I , I your home to supply bathroom, Ldt- . .. . chop and laundry, = IEMpM . I I DURO WATER SUPPLY SYSTERE I I ­ will solve this problem. Modelt) . made gor deep or shallow wello having m1aimuni capacity 02 258 gallons per hour. The Initial C002: 1 Acaurprisinglylow. Znstah an Empire I Duro and solve the Water Buppl_v . Problem forever. I I I , I Foir SERe By I Geon rc� 0 k affla ki I I I . - ­ , � I 1�s . y ;1 1I 5 d . V kt� I 0 1 1 1 . I , - , I .1� r '��,��!'�� � ,.�, ­ r, ��­, �: , I '' :;%-Ii " ­", I . ,�,�­,�,:�,�,�­, I ,.,,.,,:.. "s'; . I " ­­ - , . 11 i .: I 1:1:1 ��, ; , %, .;:... I ," ,,�, �,� " � �i: