HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-07-26, Page 8E'.(nAllt FOR PICKLING. V/11 HAVE EMIL e esAAOL718 in cams Z5 ' aAnl, .- glint's 26c Rs asPiIby'S; 2 for , sst gess d Cheese ,.115c 4. 's SHREDDED 266 .COCOANUT—Per lb. 5a ;.AR1EN'S GELATINE—Makes giants of delicious jellye s• ees package �NNT—New 18 paunch:, ▪ LARP per pound aTCHES—Good quality lS �i g© 8 for ,1ii3A3MING MOLASSES -1n bulk 6c Th. BAKING SYRUP—In hulk..l0c 1b. 1:54,1 ;MALADE- 40 -oz. jars sea Qui= QUAKER. OATS 1;}0C with china Without China 121. crop honey. Lac 30c and 1oc GLASS FRUIT SETS—Bowl rJO� and six nappies; per set .... eJ EXTRACTS -10c or 3 for 25c CROCKS -2 to 12 gallons at gi se ;ger gallon �J 'FANCY ISCUIPS, including Cocoa- nut Fingers, Peach Fingers, Fruit 1B set, Vanilla Wafers and 2 Jel-lu ies at, pound T. D. Hutt kon Phone Pharr PIDdndxdl-166 gc FOR SUNDAY IDIINNEr: Order one of our fine Roasts, Roast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast Veal, etc. You will find our meats are meats of quality, and if you have guests they will praise your selection as well as the way it is prepared and served. Geo° Cammemol ihcIAPIT STRIEET - S]FAAFO PIHIONE 58 C5 TE Auto _ngur°ence PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Zest us explain the coverages and the (.l$mount of protection afforded for Mall premium. Even a minor accident will cost you more than the premium on a policy. armpit Settlement of all Clai eam A. IID. SIFF ibaLANJ general Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. 'ItrNIE 152 - SEAFOR VII, ONT. WATSON cc REM Ell:MEG RirM, ONT. AL INSURANCE AGENTS mpreseatinag only the hest Can- edian, R;ritish xa n d Americana Companies. AB kids of insurance effected not the lowest rates, incl®dinug— M[lictlE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISKS —Also -- MAL ESTATJE and LOAN AGENTS iPronnpt attention paid to placing Maks and adjusting of clam. l tininess established 50 years, guaranteeing good service. C1tmea for Singer Sewing J, aelninno Company. OFFICE (PHONE, 33 W ?E SIDIENCE FE.'ONE, 33 J %Aran at ]Erne Debeutureec Gra tt-Resat invest me e V; ffver .'s t rtn anell trearo . ® ff '" ffur i . &af0 Q P ftta carrtdi =24.L.,4,00 .,3lanekv mai a a y toit P RSoopheso THERMOS rlOTTL1E:S PICNIC PLATES 1B3ATIDIING CAPS GOLF SUPPLIES FST AID ARTICLES CREAMS LOTIONS TALCUBlil.S AND FACIE POWORRS A IFULL /18ANGE OF TOILET SPECIALTIES 4: AT atilt s AuramEcy THE REKALL DRUG STORIE PIHIONE 28 SIE 4iFOi T1 11llltE T W RO EX OSll 1L Q , DISTRICT MATTERS Local Briefs —Mrs. James McKay, of Toronto, is visiting with friends it Seaforth and Egmondville.—Mr. Jack Hinchley, who has been examining departmental papers in Toronto, is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley.—Miss Margaret Tough, of Varna, was the guest of Mrs. Robert Smith — Miss Patterson, of Winnipeg, is a g'lest at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. F. Cluff.—Mrs. Robert McKinley and two sons, of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of Mrs. McKinley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall.—Mr. and Mrs. Brine Scott and daughter, of Toronto, were guests at the home of the Misses Brine on Sat- urday.—Mrs. Milton Chesney, of To- ronto, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. R. 'Habkirk. — Mrs. Theisen and son, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mrs. J. Car- bert.—Mrs. Verson, of Toronto, is visiting with friends in Seaforth and vicinity.—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hen- derson and family, of Toronto, were visiting with Seaforth friends on Sun- day.--4Mr. and Mrs. E. Huesto . and daughter, of London, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. J. Patter- son.—Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Grieve, of Buffalo, were week end guests at the home of Mr. Grieve's father, Dr. J. G. Grieve.—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ament, of Detroit, spent the week end at Mr. Ament's home here.—Mr. William McKay, of Schumacher, is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. Adam McKay, who has been ser- iously ill for some days.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright spent a' few days in Toronto this week.—Miss S. J. Moran, 'R.N., of Saginaw, was called home owing to the serious illness of her nephew, Master Edward Carron. —Mrs. McLoughlin, of Arnprior, is spending the holidays with her sis- ter, Mrs. Robert Govenlock, in Mc Killop.—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. Earl Bell, Miss Florence Peattie and Mr. John Beattie were in Hamil- ton on Tuesday, attending the fun- eral of Mrs. W. J. Moffatt, a former well known resident of Seaforth, who passed away on Monday, following a long illness.—Miss Marion Scarlett has returned from attending the sum- mer school of missions held at the Ladies' College, Whitby.—Miss Hel- en McMann, of Detroit, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs Leslie Scott, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott.—Mr. and Mrs. George Dale, Sr., of Alma, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barron.—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hender- son returned this week from a month's visit with relatives in Windsor and Detroit.—Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Intosh and family, who have been spending two weeks' vacation with relatives and friends in Seaforth and vicinity, returned to their home in Detroit on Sunday.—Rev. W. D. Mc- Donald, Mrs. McDonald and fami$y, of Agincourt, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Routledge. Mr. McDonald's furni- ture was moved from Egmondville to his new home this week.—Mrs. J. N. Grose, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Fleurcheutz in Egmondville. Mrs. Grose is an old Seaforth girl, being a daughter of the late George Duncan, for many years a well known resident of Seaforth.—Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan spent the week end with friends in Hamilton.—Mr. and Mrs. William Knechtel and daughter, Miss Alice, spent the week end at the home of Dr. Perrie, in Wingham.— Mrs. Munn, who has been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, leaves on Friday for her home in New West- minster, B. C.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mr. J. Anderson, of New York, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith. --The Misses Brine spent several days with their sister, Mrs. P. Scott in Brussels. Many old Seaforth friends will re- gret to learn that Mr. Scott has been in very poor health for some time.— Mrs. F. .T. Kerslake is visiting with friends in Michigan.—Mrs. Sill, of London, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chapman, Goderich Street.—Miss Jean Stewart, Mr. E. Untbach and Mr. George Stewart, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here.—Mr. Arthur ': eattie, son of Mr. Henry K. IBeattie, of Vaarmeou- vret, le spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. James 1.:,tattie, on Ms return from a year`b •attnldy im ^' rig, P r its ,--Tigre, J. J. Ivv7' est, pike )Be etrriee aid • ie r tan and 'feseres. Claire and BordeneMerner, off Vii5d- carr, were the gueetc of Seiforih frriendn this week, Mae Iffergazot Crich 'is spending her v=tion at Eilt eklin ]Perk, Gootttd'atra newt Ihaom att, 02 nstrLollta alart the'. V,7oott Gad 'at ttiira Wile 01 .1rb algersr, ry, iastSlltz~ ;< 5ma i. -t111,, and Witletla Jamas G. Clark, of Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, were) seoent guests at ithe home of Mrs, Clark's sister, Mrs. An- drew Kirk, in Tuckersmith. — Mr. A. Wheeler, of Detroit, is a guest at the home of Mr. W. ]Edmunds. --Mrs.'. L. Creighton and two young da>ngh- ters and Master Francis, of Detroit, were guests last week at the home of Mrs. Creightones parents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. Kirk.—Mrs. Earl Smith and baby, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. --.Mr. Allan Esler, of ' In11aday, Alberta, is visiting reins' tives and friends at his old home in Varna and vicinity. — Miss Bernice Dorrance is visiting friends in De- troit.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Con- signey and family, of Detroit, are vis- iting friends in town. -]hiss Davina Anderson and Miss Margaret Wilson, R.N., are visiting friends in Cleve- land, --Mrs. W. N. Knechtel and Miss Grace left on Monday from Owen Sound for a trip through the Thirty Thousand Islands to Mackinac Island. For Saes.—.Large oak side board. Apply to Mm. Robert Hawthorne, Seaforth. 3215-1 For Salle.—Six roomed frame house on Chalk Street. east of St. James' Church and school. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Hurley, Seaforth. 3214x1 Expert Kodak Finishing, 23 cents a roil, any size, post paid. Extra prbn.te, 3 cents each. Jackson Studio, Seaforth, Ont. 3215-4 Binder Twins.—Car load binder twine will be here before wheat harvest. collie and Poet your twine, R. J. McMillan. Phone 123. 3211-tf For l5 - IP %oaiest cottage in Seaforth, havise e1+t19 modern convenience and stand- ing, with garage in 2 lots of ground, large lawn, beautiful flower garden and vegetable garden, with young fruit trees Doming into full bearing. Within 5 minutes walk of churches, stores and schools. A bargain at $3,500: owner would accept $3,000 for quick sale. Write Box 502, Seaforth, er phone 308. 3215x3 Part Time Life insurance Underwriters to represent a British Life Lnsurance Company. in Ontario. Only ambitious and well •.noun men and women should apply. Excellent op- portunity to right persons. State age, occu- pation, references. Strictly confidential. R. T. MacKeen, Assistant Manager, 27-29 Wel- lington St_, East, Toronto. 3214-1 Goderich Races.—Owing to acci- dents and withdrawals the 2.1' stake race at Goderich on Civic Holiday will be an open race for the same purse, namely $1,000. Goderich Association has gone the limit in placing $2,800 at the disposal of the trotters and pacers this season and the owners should notify Dr. Clark at once if they intend to compete for this large purse of $1,000 as we require five en- tries to race. Horses eligible July lst; 5 per cent. to enter; 5 per cent. additional from winners. Money di- vided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent of purse. This will be the best contest of speed in Ontario this year.—Dr. W. F. Clark, Secretary. Funeral of Mrs. Hicks. --The fun- eral of the late Elizabeth Ann Dal- getty, wife of the late Richard Hicks, for many years principal of the Eg- mondville public school, whose re- mains were brought from London for interment in the Egmondville ceme- tery, took place on Saturday after- noon from her late residence in Eg- mondville. Rev. C. Malcolm officiat- ed. Mrs. Hicks had been in ill health for some years but prior to that was a prominent member and active work- er in connection with the Egmondville church. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. Beattie, R. McGonigle, Bert Goven- lock, J. Murray, T. Jackson and G. Hills. Died in Hamilton.—.]]Zany Seaforth friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs W. J. Moffatt, which occurred at her home in Hamilton on Monday, July 22nd. Mrs. Moffatt was born in Hamilton, where the greater part of her life was spent, but for some years, while Mr. Moffatt was Principal of the Seaforth Public School, she was a well known and popular resident of this town. She had been in poor health for some time. Besides her husband and aged mother she is survived by four sons, Ormond, Charles, John and Kenneth Moffatt, all of Hamilton. The funeral was held on Tuesday from her home, 110 Delaware Avenue, when the services were ]conducted by Dr. Drummond, assisted by Dr. Martin. Interment wasmade in Woodland cemetery, Hamilton. Golf.—The return game kith Lis- towel in the inter club series for the Johnston Cup was played on the Sea - forth course on Friday afternoon last, Seaforth winning by a 20-2 score. After the game the ladies served tea at the club house. The summary: Seaforth. Listowel R. M. Jones....1 J. A. Schinbein 0 W. E. Southgate 3 M. R. Hay 0 J. E. Keating....3 W. A. Kiblor0 F. S. Savauge...3 W. Climie 0 D. C. Ross 0 J. G. Burk ....2 G. D. McTaggart 1 A. Kernp 1 W. Greig 3 W. Zilliax 0 H. ,R. Sharp....3 W. A. Johnston 0 K. M. McLean...1 Major Savage 0 T. S. Smith......3 H. B. Wanzer0 —Mrs. Frank Sills will be in charge of the tea at the club house on Thursday, August 1st. Accidents.—On Thursday afternoon of last week Mr. John McMillan, of Roxboro, met with a very serious ac- cident, and one which might easily have proven fatal. He was cutting weeds along the road side on the sec- ond concession •of .MeKillop, when he slipped or stepped into a hole, and the scythe struck his leg, making a deep gash. Unable to •+walk he lay on the road side for a considerable time before he weer noticed by a motorist and given attention. For some days he was in a very vlreakenn- ed eondition from loss of blood, but is now improving. --On T'uecday evening wi'aile •Mr. Ed. Jarman was scalding with the haying on the faze! e Mr. eteorge Leitch, near Couet':.trace, he mat with an accident that nfay v`o prow PAW. IIs WIZ unloading ;lay •' Jh a hey forts; and had dmetpod cl gore fell on the suck,-t,I'bei i the trip'rope srlli tint in the rtot`L mad WA), 011eetni . the fort to time 02 , iae!s toes:,Want it f bathMdS tt'1'r.C15ln37 Save washing and danger of b>rea tae • by using Paper Sa ppliee on your picnic. PLATES C UPS WAXED PAPIER TABLE NAPKINS 1` �inpon 's OOISS'r®RIE SIEAFOBTH Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. the abdomen. The blow punctured about an inch of the bowels, and he is now in a very serious condition in the Seaforth ho ital. It is hop- ed, however, that no complications set in, he will recover, and on Thurs- day he was resting quietly. 11. ELGRAtr.IL'n Women's Institute.—The Belgrave branch of the Women's Institute held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Walsh on Tuesday af- ternoon, when there was a good at- tendance. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Charles Coultes, vice-presi- dent, and opened by all singing the opening ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted and at the con- clusion of the general business a re- port of the district meeting held at Londesboro was given by Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. Joseph Clegg, Miss Cela Coultes favored with a vocal solo, which was much enjoyed. The topic, "Kitchen Equipment in Dollars and Cents," was taken by Mrs. Jas. Michie and proved quite interesting. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Walsh and Mrs. Martin Grasby, after which a social hour was spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. McCrae, in Londesboro, in August. Notes. --Mrs. Harvey Watson and little daughter, of Ingersoll, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Dunbar.—Miss Corinne Scan- dret, of Toronto, visited over the week end with her mother.—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grisdale and child, and Mrs. Grisdale, Sr., of Toronto, are guests with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilkin- son.—,Mr. and Mrs. N. Parent and son and daughter, of Bad Axe, Mich., visited with J. A. Brandon. — Mrs. David Scott visited a few days with friends in Goderich.—Miss Wade, of Fordwich, is visiting her brother, C. Wade.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandon spent Sunday with friends at Wroxe- ter:—The sympathy of the commun- ity goee.out to Mr. and Mrs. J. An- derson, 6f the village, in the loss of their little daughter.—Mrs. C. Coul- tice and,,5hildren spent the week end with friknds at Stratford.—Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and son, Jack, of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent and other relatives. ��➢ N1 I ON Notes.—Miss T. O'Brien, of Toron- to, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Walter Swinbank, of the London Road.—Misses Janet McTaggart and Helen Manning are at Port Bruce Girl's Carnp—Miss Clete Ford is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Pecunier, in Dorchester -Harold Manning has taken a business trip to Amherstburg. 'Miss Norma Bentley, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Morgan Ag- new.—The Misses Beattie, of town, are holidaying at their home in Wat- ford.—.Miss Jean Hogg, of tows, has taken a trip to Quebec to take a course in conversational French.—Dr. and .Mrs. Butler, of Chicago, and Muster ]Silly and Miss Lily, are spending their vacation at their sum- mer cottage on the London Road.— Mrs. Gordon Marshall is visiting her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Dan Nash, of Stratford. -'Mfr. and Mrs. W. Gregg and Miss Daisy Copp, of Toronto, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Jos. Copp, over the week end.—Quite a number from town took in the circus at Goderich on Monday.—Mrs. Frank Jenkins, of Mimico, returned to her NOW IPILAYI[NG THE WONDER DOG The Land © to Silvell- FT/7K COMING ALL NEXT WPh'^iRI''£ CodeTom' . 1 Peodreced t s tie ` Geek 4Agnor Ol the story, eta esSot g vim ,fl t7hJa thonnnnn do rft 17100 d 4e rlr l • . gid, i!,4411n l` home &mien after spending the as. couple of weeks in Dayteld and a lin- ton.--The Women's Institute will hold them' regular meeting at Mrs. Se.valle's home on Thursday to enter- tain the grandmothers' of the town., A good programme is being prepared after whi.:h a social half hour will be held.—The ladies oa St. Josephs Church are holding a mid -summer carnival on July 31st. Supper is to be served from 6.30 to 7.80. Danc- ing and other amusements will follow later in the evening.—Archie Kennedy and daughter, Helen, of Detroit, are visiting the former's sisters and other relatives in town.-4Mrs. Thos. Mor- gan and Master Bobby spent Friday in Stratford.—Mrs. Forden, Sr., of Brantford, Mr, and Mrs. Forder, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kennedy. -"Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wigginton spent Sun- day in Clandeboye with the former's mother, who is seriously ill.—Mics Jessie Campbell is visiting her aunt in Fergus for a few weeks.—Rev. A. MacFarlane, of Englehart, New On- tario, formerly of Clinton, called on friends in town last week. — Miss Brown, of Woodstock is visiting her brother, W. C. Brown.. Mrs. Allie Slonman, of Stratford, spent the week end at her home in town.—Mr. and Mrs. 'Montgomery were in Win- throp on Monday attending the fun- eral of their nephew, who was drown- ed in the West on Wednesday last. DUBLIN •• " Notes.—Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Simp- kins, of Windsor, called on friends during the week.—Miss Helen Kraus- kopf, of London, spent a 'few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kraus'kopf.—)Mrs. F. J. Feeney is vis- iting in Toronto and Rocheeter.— Miss Odessa Holmes, of Buffalo, is visiting friends in the village.—Miss- es Beatrice and Margaret Strub, of Kitchener, is visiting their grand- mother, Mrs. T. Burns. --Miss Mary Beale spent Friday in London. E 11.2111 V 1111eJlaE Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns and family, Mr. Silas Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns and children visited Mr. and Mrs. William Pybus Sunday ev- ening.—Master v- ening.Master Ronald and Willner Elford visited in Exeter recently.— Mr. Grant Hern visited at Mr. Chas. Johns' recently Miss Bessie Johns visited relatives in Exeter last week. —,Mr. John Brook is sporting a new Ford car,—Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Canning were cal- lers in the vicinity on Sunday even- ing.—Sunday School was withdrawn on Sunday afternoon last on account of the funeral of the late Mr. Jona- than Cooper.—Miss Margaret Johns visited her cousin in Farquhar sev- eral days during the past week.—Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns and children vis- ited in London recently.—Miss Helen Johnson and Miss Prudence Radcliffe of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright recently. IHI.IIILII SGR EIEN Notes.—Raspberry picking is now the order of the day. — Miss Edna Cochrane and Mrs. R. Dick, of Toron- to, are spending a few holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.—Mrs. Forrest and daughter, Jessie, of Moline, Manitoba, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Love and family,—Mrs. A. McbMurtrie, of Hensall, and son, Alex. of Toronto, and Mrs. Young and daughter Lois, of Toronto, were Sat- urday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Love and family —Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan and Mr. Steph- en Troyer, of near Hensall, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer.—Mr. John Farquhar, of Hensall, is spending his holidays at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. t;ochrane,—Mrs. M. Reichert and family were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Price and family, of near Clinton --- Mrs. L. Troyer is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan. STANLEY Notes.—The Sunday schools of Goshen, Blake and Varna United Churches are holding their annual pic- nic at Bayfield on Thursday after- noon of this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Armstrong took a motor trip to the Falls over the week end. ---Mr. Richard Robinson, of Carlyle, Sask., returned last week to Stanley and intends spending some months on the farm here.—Mr. and Mrs. W, Braun and sons, of Forest, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Robert McKinley. —Mr. William McClinchey disposed of a valuable horse to Mr. W. Harvey recently. Anderson-Erratt. — The marriage took place at the Parsonage, Varna, on Saturday, July 20th, of Miss Ruby Erratt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erratt, to Mr. George G. An- derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, all of Stanley. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. James Penrose, after which the bride and groom left for a short honeymoon trip, returning to the ,groom's home on the Parr Line. These are popu- lar young people in the social life of the community, and their many friends join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous married life. TUCKERSIKETIE Died in Michigan.—Word has been received from ]Bay City, Michigan, of the death of Mr. Charles Mitchell, on June 25th, 1929, at the University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. Mit- chell Was travelling service eau;:'naer for the Irndtnetri'al 16rownhoist Cor- poration of Cleveland, Ohio. He ma born in Aberrdeenn i1re, Scotland. and for the pact 27 yaearta bac heern a rraa4- deuat of 1:::.y City, Michigan. He lc survived by his v lfe who etas fbrrmra- erly Wary 3. McGeoeh, dna °linerere- amnith; two coma, T. P. Chadney, of n City, Mieh.; W. I?.'d tnecmey, dna 'Saglrmaw, Mich.; Mrd^ VT. C. Moan, SEggstioa, Illy Beeklig Teat llll�o Bully CCuusioie r 20 per eel, 06 0. Greatest iM Goo& -en c ° 4J Appll 'Le now V Ile ng held et CO E WJT3 S ppJy YOUR' Ned ion- Monne, .© c©m st Wormden°i'ant my1I�I M]]]erry low elf • HALTVii',iC3 6 y1gM °fir k:"^e?s ststlze-IlecY Mar, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Char- lotte G. Mitchell, at home; also two brothers in Scotland, two in Chicago, Ill., and two sisters in Johannesburgh, South Africa. Masonic funeral ser- vices were held at the home, 1616 Green Avenue, with burial in Elm Lawn Cemetery. Notes. — Misses Jean and Janet Murray, of Gorrie, were renewing ac- quaintances this week.—Miss Etta Bell, of London, visited her parents over the week end.—A number from here attended the St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church picnic on Ttayday. .fter- noon and a good tilts -reported. - Mr. and Mrs. Roboding's and Miss Tena, of London, are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 'Stewart. ST. C®LlUr1QB Notes.—Don't forget`.e sr inwns so- cial in St. Columban W"gdl esday ev- ening.—Misses Evelyn Mcsrath is spending her vacation fat the par- ental home. --Joseph ll uraphy, of De- troit, spent the week rand at his home here.—Denis Maloney and Jas Shea spent the week end at their homes here.—Miss Luey Burke has returned from spending two weeks in London, Niagara Falls and Forest. — Mrs. Patrick McGrath and Miss Gertrude McGrath have returned from a trip to Detroit and Chicago. ILYTI8I Briefs.—Union services were con- ducted on Sunday by Rev. George Weir, the morning service being in St. Andrew's United Church and the evening in Queen Street United Church. Mrs. McCall, of Chatham, sang in Queen Street Sunday school on Sunday morning.—Walter Cowan, of Detroit, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. YD. Cowan. Other guests at the Cowan home are Mr. and Mrs. Dick and children and Miss Margaret Cowan, of Brandon', Man.—Mr. and Mrs. Dewar, of Ot- tawa, were the guests of the latter's brother,, William Lyon, sharing the meek.—Mrs. Latimer and het dan'_ ti- ter, Miss L. O. Latimer, left •,,Yt Wait on a motor trip to 'Sankatehewah, go- ing by way of the Aertherm Statho,n-- Rev. and .Mrc. Shore are =ending their holidays with their 'non VItttue, in SJdotrtreai.--]Mist Violin ] )]aloha is attending ournrsmmt aaslmavol 4m CleVoland taking a eons= fin Aa'.---Zrro. Settee Anderton is tjtaite illi 'a,i tilta home) ®a her dnngli ', £ el o�at194, East Boy few ©T - DT s 20 h® 50 per tomo of ITWWa.�i^. i).Fnmon,�,g Wawanosh.—A community picnic wild be held in Russell Richmond's bush men Wednesday, July 31st. A full pro- gramme of sports, etc., has been ar- ranged.—Miss Haiel Petts spent Suns day at the home of her parents, J. and Mrs. Petts,—Harold Walla left on Monday for his home in New- ark, N. J.—George :! owitt, of East Wawanosh, is slowly improving from his injuries received when his car went into the ditch on July 12th, while returning from Wingham. It will he, some time before he has the use his hand again. of I 11iID' 1IDlc' I ° 7 'School Report.—The following in the report of Hibbert Separate Schoohl No. 4. Section A -=Pupils are arrang- ed according to marks obtained own promotion examinations; Section 15.--.' Pupils are arranged according to year's work, homework, neatness, at- tendance, discipline, etc. Successful] Entrance Class-sMc1ver, Karry (13); O'Reilly, Vera (11) ; O'Connor, Rose (H) ; Doyle, Nellie. Section. A: Jr„ IV to Sr. IV—Morris, Joseph (3); Morris, Ellwyn (lH). Sr. III to Jr. IV—Williams, Catherine (H); O'Con- nor, John; McIver, Joseph; Feeney, Marie; Feeney, Fergus; O'ReilIy, Joseph; Jordan, Mary. Jr. III to Sr. III—Morris, Mary (11); Atkinson, Margaret and O'Connor, Joseph (eq- ual); 'McIver, Marion; O'Reilly, Mar- garet. 9[I to Jr. III—]Jordan, Anna; Williams, Hanna; Fitzpatrick, Mary; Feeney, Mona. Part I to II—McIver, Louis; Atkinson, Teresa. Primer tori Pt. II—McIver, Tom, 543; O'Connor, Gerald 529; Williams, Tommy 525 ' Coyne, Matti 504; McIver, EdwarcR 500; Jordan, Clare 496; Atkiimsonn, Genevieve 496. Jr. First Class—Fitz- patr. ick, Margaret 385; Feeney, Cara 297. Section B: Jr. IV — Morrie, Ellwyn 95%; Morris, Joseph 93%. Sr. III—Feeney, Fergus 96%; Jordan, Mary 90%; Williams, Catherine 89i; Feeney, Marie, 78%; Mclver, Joseph 66%; O'Connor, John 60%; O'?eilly,. Joseph 51%. Jr. IH Mclverr, Marion 91%; O'Conjior, Joseph 84%; O'Reilly, Margaret 72%; Atkinson, Marg 0 71%; Morris, Mary 709. II--,orcdlarm, Anna 82%; Feeney, Mona 74%; WU- liams, Fianna 71'%; Fitzpatrick, Moan] 80%. Part IiF — Atkinson, Terrain 98%; McIver, Louis 70%. Pri.eneet--a Jordan, Clare 05%; Atkinson, Gene- vieve, 98%; Feeney, Carl 90%; Fitz- patrick,' Margaret C 'o; Dome, Pasta 88%; 'Never, Edward 84%; O'C teiEd Gerald 82%; McIver, Toss gl1%• 17 Hams, Tommy .z We. —.'Ludy llgt. l e tyke, Teacher, '.1 if 4