HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-07-26, Page 4I
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- Fera _ Uat b Q44 alwa s %QA Q Tamil@ alaw" tatiom � lea ratflaatia �„rvic�.R - , • ,
.. ��I~� .: GSI" ���� ���� 1�J' C�� �v!J [ t�� U � �� � � a� a�? Q �. ' �.
1.0 i. �a�z� u aa9 !quad IVrnflll, %� $]lir Il�a +> w-tl� lv akN': afi� 00nBal 140Q ,; x,24•. , , �k .
? iic�amz�£�uanlm 4aau mal" apf
� ,� , QL'�'romm ties g9etroii' tease 1P�essp Maass,®d baa lltmaeuads cit kaomrn� almd ab>ro d. d®pefla; �uu$ SDShcs�r oR Qldd�elt&euros fla tae aaoo&rl�] a .:� , rc, + tza l [ s. JIDav(ld W if,
`11i :, Hie body reached his home oo Soli-, been invitwd � the siate7" lo�alge ; of teau n race tl se vo11 , f
� �;�, �A�','�_�",!;, "kry ' i � ,n � la, �8�. 7�itae 7�orowito �rhola� is i$$arnaflO$i>rng day. 7Phae fanuneav+fl was haeld faoetta Civ- l a.uc * elq a t` 4itteffid wi$h $heel $hsr�gl" y tanuua l $ieoulm ci u�r achool I �
o M -W
,eret I
n ,4r•,. as i , $flea;gent T1anQAtQPr trap of P couple of a •
to flOrouaaOte a great lnakia 100-) a>pdt an Cflhureh Gaza 'Xonday afternoon and :eco �tfleAiA,l.s._,ia , tiro bg held OR the" ween$ or so and visited a >i>lumbar of � �''
:: it tri Ji gpstalre" agaaiani t tfiar� . eni�act�, was one of the largest held in t$Ais com!%i Sl 'A Q afternoon at iBaird's '>ligaces of St, aa+ icaall: al<Il ,so in � ® Q "" "
merit of the $aaigi' bill now''llefor@ vicinity for some time, showing the Cem�ery,ttfle after two o°cfloclla tea@ suanmer maontlhs,08iaa h�iIl$h find r ,. r�. gg
t` r- t c¢aaat ss ra W� shiaagtaAun ecoaa• est@em in v✓hich Jack and leis parents and we %l1Klliia , a number intend mt- pleaaklure resorts.-;Pr✓frs. illliraurm I 'Fera you as prao4apI J,Rnndmooa tW45 �* $ +g� r 4
r �a�a' oliaaac conference wi$kn Q seat ]3ritiffi are held. Alev.leis actor, lead $amdiun� if $h day is $adoraknle. p $aur Dunt scores o8 aeaatrJ t® �btgm 'tl 1�Ild lsai��.
I-- i t it ,1;' Smith, ]p a list, Sr., ant' Our village, 47Ve rJJ®ae
and thae other dominion"$ is to -be held. charge of the services. The ]mall- :Air P&D Se'rvice•-The emir mail pleased to see, ekes sufiicieant9y re- high standard of eRoieimc?. - I w s
; e' �� � 511 5 1"T�U� TE Thaey' are all to agree to trade with bearers were his siic 'Sunday' school service is alrgg4y 'being considerrably covered from her lake illness cfc a °1Ph@r® is a �afftii®lm wt�ut� $aa� �4utn•
�, one another rather thaws with 'the class mates, Dyke. Wheatley, Reggie used from thci:1,81ensall post office, the ana�b@r of months to . ° `
„$ids g . of QAntanio ]Jolted States. The gesture is to be Little, Wilson gtit$fle Skewer: 3�ofl- rate being kiww cents for $lee first perausik last to �QDIUL�1 �tka>mograiiatc,' ` (�+�u7raIl, itae�laataliWD,1.
g nom® down to $one village ai f@v✓ days oac% Cllvil serrviee, ceiulIlatmL4ufl Tc�21Qeo cu=r- airaa9 i 2flQA x+46
°i' gi M�'' ; ' n ,.:., y a rad the Seaforth' timned with an eye to dramatic effect, ma @, 1PJallnner CutltaiflIl aznd' �Jilliam Dune® Ammd reel c@n$s for. Paola Buc-
s•t g ago.• -,P&. and liars, Alfred Clark on q f
� a �u��A� tz Board, held in Tone dta.y the ball is passed the im- Alexander. The casket was banked ceeding ouneq, - The service' is term- :Sunday last were visited by their rel- sea arrruan�gedla fa�1 „,+„
eels] gest will be raised and right with wreaths and sprays, among them @d Air 11Giail 'Service,, you mimot tiL lu l Cs li r GBUtooll. �",, y mo$ awamL 0?
iii+m 0iinrdly Ilasst, the follow_ P ativos, Mas_ Alford and 'Miss AfliUord,'`; .
`+, �, �: 34$Ual�ol mai passed b kiss gsalflaratly �r✓aved in the face of 1Tnc1 rose@ v✓aeat+hs from Cavan Sunday trapgt+ qia 7Pou�o>znto, l�ammilton, London of a$r®i$-�1Ji[r. ]H:�nofld I[Drinalmanuond, �C ®�µ�� Jg � 1°IIi� air , Il�G9. ;ti _:
;. Y am, School, Bandag '.ch000, Saallatoon, and indsor, and a letter leaviffig accompanied by, -two of his daughters, ',
�, ,,' *, At times it is difficult to repress 'Sack., g.AL, 313, Football Club, Glee her@, 6AY in . the afternoon sun the o- ,,_,.
sgx@rat th@ w®ek end in Toroan,o with write to -allay for in�f®rmmation. Ii�lnoffi® Slih�.
est ABY �GIlaat rise future policy of the feeling that there are people in Club and others from friends in aging- 4,4'3 traain would ,lam sent out from Mr. Drumm ond's -parents, and were
Canada who do not know what they 'ham, Listowel, Seaforth, Windsor, London the following morning at , 11 A. SITO ,Z4 (G°/a1'a° �a�lais �� ' °
�_ I i'Zm u�la>ag conamges fan the accompanied back by Mr. Drummond's � �. 4"JA3�IIA, �'� pflce-i>aAMORLmlL "
wan or why, where they are h@ad- Clinton, ]Brussels and Saskatoon, 6.50, and a letter sent from here in father, who is malign a short visit i J['rinncapall. °
A l>li.$o giv4 legal node® ofterlxa- ed or when they will get there. 7Clney showing their deepest sympathy for the morning on the'$.13 train would �"�
a14c oa o2 contract, and that the here with his son and hid health,
y and
Gu threatened a tariff war with this those who are left to mourn the loss b@ dispatched from London on the in $on@ interests of his h@al$ln, wlaicln
» 2144 baO Sao intention of ill-treating country in 1910. A truce was ar- of a loving son, brother and tri@nd. 2.30 air plane. Yt will 'be seen that has not been good for some time past,
itha t apers by their resolution of ranged by the Taft -Fielding recip- Those that are left to mourn the loss very good arrangements have been in fact, was epri fined to his room and .
y �]l;.11.-CCarried,, rocity agreement, which congress of a life taken away so young are made for time saving and this is, in- ;bed for a couple of months or there -
a promptly ratified. The Canadian Con- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. deed, a fast aage in which we lave. a,bouts.-Iffr. and �Uilirs. Jacob Linden- with a ffavv choice �,t 111/2 aan4n �a lzswaad, and' ar suPP•v with lkbl w¢aEk
servatives raised the cry Of no truck Montgomery,William and Andrew, Briefs. -Mr. -and end Mrs. Arthur Wil- plain downward �0o 6.16 cenlm.. A Sew mut- ](� SupPly, incltndirat� 0rsaaked-oma ®tyarlimp°
glefld were visited hYy one of their dher bolls mold from puss 40 @ auxskr PW Pound roes Right at 800, and the musket was rmffi-
nor trade with the Yankees, went to brothers, and one sister, .Margaret, son and daughter, Marie, who have sans and members of his family dur- and boloznw were barely a dy, at last aottflcra, 1Pachero bid m at(r=,d4y 18% cants Z.
q,. D9V9®Q !MG UP 7HE the polls and repudiated reciprocity. and his aged grandfather, 'Mr. Simp- been spending the past few weeks at week's decline. Selling from 6�a to at/ cents. o. b. and 14Vheed cenSP/,l W.O.C. for s6 16., IDC ,
ing the peek �V@@'k.-=MiaB Ethel friends Lack off quality in a cmnsiderabl� chore of salesmen deiced fl$�j'a S.oab. and! fl6� dsc�¢637 t
A Liberal organ now raises the same son. �Hlis uncle, Ma•. John Simpson, the home ok Ply: and Mrs. W. Consitt, dock was in ]Port Stanley with friemmds the offering did act tend to enliven Proceed- w.o.m hoping for aettlemeah at the r6hca -
GAS TAX cry, against the advice of the leader accompanied the body home. The returned to their home in Torognto on attending the recent large picnic of ings on the beet market Something bettu•s Price, ed with
row. The price out on ooem 09
of the Liberal government; :and is burial was held at Maitlammdbank Monday of this week. -Mr. Lee lEg@d- the Commercial Trav@Illers. - Mr. than a dozen loads of store cattle went to compared with ooleat ho�u was in (374 i3Il
Zp speaking of the gasoline tax the demanding that the leader of the Con- cemetery. We extend our deepest den, who spent the week end at the Robert H'o art➢ treasurer of the the Scab up r 2 o'clock. Stockers pound.
brought Per n t. to as a o tans cone off No. A oovaa ammal
<amano ue Reporter in a recent edi- servative arty be summoned to head sympathy to those that are left to home of his mother, Mrs. C. M. ]fled- gg fee% to from
extreme 9 cents Per with
and 06 in the peso 04 No. 2. 'b.
q PCounty Of l�@rth, with his OffiC@ a$ feeders frem 91/a 10 cents. with Just the the receipts to days were 4.800 cafCdlog �Il,24aJ' .
a bi- artisan rally t0 save the mourn. den, returned to Hamilton On Monde ` oda small lot at the top. catilvp. +800 hags and 2.300 ahe0p • caul ' 6
itovmR said: p °✓ Stratford, and form rl of the town -
dominion] Notes. --:Messrs. Andrew and Wil- accompanied by his brother, Frank.- y ibLelker and springer trade roes dell with 1.50; ions: Dios c,Oli-d �` s. ® t
Q ntario has had a gasoline tax for The right of Canada to pass what liam Montgomery returned to Wind- At the United 'Church on Sunda ship e Hibbert, was in the village on Priem unchanged do. fa; b�tcher,,leers, choice Rii.00 tm ommog •
g Y Wednesday !renewing as naimmtarl�Ce13 calves un n medium otYauing found a ready slot tett .bo �aod, 310.00 to $10,76; do. oommo�
some years but out of the many mil- tariff' legislation it likes is urachal- sor on Tuesday. --Mr. and Mrs. John morning last, Mrs. A. Joynt render- g � market at .Prices showing an advance of 60 :89.00 to $9.75; butcher ➢Pisses, choice, $fl0.6Q
and is enjoying just a few days well
]folies collected from the province mmot len able. The right of Canada to Armstrong, of London, and Miss Vera ed a delightful solo, which was mucin cents per cwt for tong and eling to strong ae 311.00; do. fair to coos; $10.00 to $1o.I
coxae cent has been turned over to call upon other parts of the empire Armstrong, of Detroit, spent Sunday enjoyed, while at the evening service, earned holidays -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. on other graaaes. Stronger feeling at Buffalo do. common, $s.so to $9$8. ; butcher ocean,
$r5wa15, cities or municipalities to as- to help it strafe the United States with Mr. and Mrs. F. ]Bullard. - A Mr. T. Sh@mitt also sang a pleasing W. ]Bonthron and son, Harold, have was credited in Part for the grain'lidse• Mast good Bo choice, $7.so to $s.so; do. cotiznmor� ,
for the past week or so been enjoy- choice veals sold from 15 to 151/8 Pons -Der .lea medium, 36.00 to 37.26; do. canners aunml
slot theses in constructing and main- may be equally well founded; but the few from here attended the farewell solo. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin very ably atop with % eat 16 and the ehIs rtlla.,e.at nutters, 34.60 o 1,6.60; butcher bulls, good to o
$aiming roads. There has been an a exercise . of that right is not with- given Mr. and 'Mrs. John McDonald, presided at the organ, in the absence ing a motor trip and taking in a num- 1 too of cent sand seers vests bfiou lit .$7.15.4hoice4s.00 'to 3s.2s : slot medium. by b �
gi- bet Of places where they have tela- ao to 14 Dena dna gm�assers sold btoady"hr II7.76: aa. lrotog�aesas, $6.7b to ¢7.26: baby bz3f.
ta'tion on the part of a number of out dangers to the dominion itself. of Walton, before their departure to of Miss E. Fisher, who is taking a tives and friends and different sum- 7 to 9 -is Per pound. iv10:00 to $14.60; feeders, good, II9.75 Q®
ciky councils to secure a share of this The least of these arise from the fact Windsor this week. -Our football month's vacation. -MTs. M. A. For- Lamb awPPly was heavy, wither➢®,�aa off. II10.00: do. fair. IIs.6o to II8:60: strscts-
tis, but toe@ goy@torn@rat ]las not been that it has more to lose than to gain team goes to Chesley this Friday rest and Miss Jessie Forrest, of mer resorts, and in writing, reports a &heap ,and lambs totalling some 2; 00 Ylrn• ct am- ._, fused, 39.00 to We8.60; O. fair, $8.b0 tm °
, Sympathetic. Two years ago Gan- in a trade war with this country. night. Moline, Man., visited for a few days most pleasant trip.-Theionflower beds pa lambs were awed a cents Per ort the
medium. . 311., good .00; . $16 so; �50
at our railway station are looking Pared with least vVedna�day, the oSer' for the medium. 31a.00 to $14.00; do. grassers, 07.6ae
anoque was forces] to spend over Great Britain and the dominions can- � last week at the home of J. B. For gaud kine 'Leine a4 conte Per poith i . �l bulkrely to II00 ; springers, $lambs to nice, 0 ; mrlkoato �
fine and very much credit ia- doe t0 loo 4amnits Sold up .to 2 airlock with the bulk 87b-00 to $110.00; ,lambs, choice, 314.00 1�
o. Ix,000 in blailding skr@Pts at each ap- not proflta�bly take in each other's rest, of ]Parr Line, Hay.- -3fxs. Ber- P
roach to the town roads which are washing except on a basis of tariff the Bell and son, Arnold, of Toronto, Mr. Thomas Shaddock, section fore- at the 14 cent bid dna Some half cozen at 314.60; do. Pulls, IIla.00 to s12.00; slne�,
�o , ZURI�°� man, and his men, who give so much 141/2 cents and some culls as low sae It cents chaise, 36.00 to 30.60; do. medium, 05.00 Ap
a part of the main provincial high- equality., Are Canadian industries intend this week taking a two weeks care to their cultivation" and a180 $O per � - Sheep also were ra,'alow.trade, $5.50; hogs, selaetu, w.o,c., 314.75 to $16.60;
why, and used by all motorists. Yet ready to accept even that degree of vacation and will motor to Atlantic with the few that �ossasd the soa4gs .idling do., f.o.b., 313:60 to 618.76; do. thick aruootam. u,
Notes. -Mr. William Henderson of our florist, Mr. John Zuefle, who also at 6, Pot, 61b cry Per Pound fob• - a gw� w.oe., $14.25 :to V14.50; aro., off trucks, $14.20
this town was not recompensed ir. any free trade toward which the uresent City and other places. -Mgrs. J. P.
Detroit called on old friends in town takes a great interest in beautifying and down to 3 cents mer pound:mild; or to $1460
way whatever for this outlay -a pale- government in Great Britain is mov- Campbell and little son, Neil, of Wind- and Ives fine flowers to that end.
%ing? Are Canadians generally pre- one day last week. Mr. Henderson g
ghle injustice g soT, and Elliott Bell, of Detroit, are j
1 f Z • h hool about our bowlers have been enjoying them -
,2 a
sa a
P , w
1 ready become burdensome, while the his mission work. -Mr. and Mrs. C. crop promises to be a good ore, and up on Sunday last and spent the day
'g-, work may be said to have scarcely Eckart and their son, J. M. Eckart, a large yield is expected. with their relatives, G. J. Sutherland Toronto, July 23rd. a,% - .� .
(11 started. called on friends in our bur- last Auto Accidents -A number of auto and sister, Miss Hattie. Mrs. Scor: Chickens, s lbs. up . . . ............ • 3s-42'"
I^ We believe that the roads in Huron Sunday.- uite a number from here accidents took place locally during th'a and Mrs. Carroll intend remaining for Do., 4 to 6 reg. 33-40
Q g Do., a to 4 res. as -ss
attended the lawn social at St. Colum- past week, but fortunately with no a week's visit in •H'ensall.-Messrs. Hens, over 5 res . ....... ......... 32-34
tCounty are equal to any in. the Prov- ban last Wednesday evening. - The serious results. Greta, the five-year- Gerald and Alvin Warrener, of Pont- .Do., 4 to 5 res• .................. 21-82 ;a '1
• .............
ince of Ontario, and far superior to farviers are busy cutting wheat and old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd- iac, •Michigan, were week end visitors a ost� t t. 4 roe. . 27 30
$ole roads of a large majority of other the crop is a bumper one, on'y the inand 'Hiaberer, was hit by a car with friends in Hensall and vicinity.- Ducklings ........ •... ............. ?5-38
�ountles. But they are not good acreage is small. while crossing the street at the past Mr. Alvin Hoskins left for Detroit Broilers, re . ......................... 85-45
1 es Your, Home Need
office. The driver, Mr. T. H. Meyers, the latter part of last week following
s ,enough. For one thing they are not ------ -- did not see the little girl when he - " ��
#1 wide enough. The bridges on them a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Hos- "6f'
backed his car and she was knocked kits intends remaining for a month DAIRY MARKET
'-' are not wide enough; either; dor are°�°�[�®� over by the fender. She is able to
with her father, 'Mr. L. Hefferan and Toronto. July 23rd- - Cheese, new, large,
play again. sister, Miss Evelyn. -Mr. Mr. James Rab -
the culverts. The estimated cost of yn 211: twins, rt/2c; triplets, 22c: Shiltons, 27c.
mood roads in this county for 1929 Funeral of Jack Montgomery. -The -Last We evening a coupe ertson received a telegram on Satur- Old, large, 26c; twins, 26%; triplets and cute � at Qfl®@i3y OP Il� �O131P pffrz'$@IIS
funeral of the late Jack Ross Mont- owned by F. Fairbairn collided with day eveninglastadvisin him of the 28c; old stilton, 80 to sic -
was close to $110,000, exclusive of all onset whose death occurred on a sedan owned and driven by Mr. W. g Rutter --No. 1 creamery, prints, 40 to 41c; �� ®®� �QQ�� ®�@ rni$�9D
a, g death of his brother, Peter, of Win- No. 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 39c. Specify ]Emco ISatDnno® �IIZi=
In grants. In this pro- July 17th from drowning, near Sas- McLaren, Hensall. The accident took nipeg,'but did not receive any particn• Eggs -Fresh extras ;n cartons, sec; fresh
�,' ,gramme there was very little new katoon, took place on Monday after- place opposite Mousseau's garage. Lars. -The Misses Murray, of Gorrie. extras, loose, 88c; tirs,m, Soc; seconds, 25 to tures and Fittiang& °
noon from Caven Church, Winthrop, Both cars were badly damaged but sent the past week or two with their 26c. -�..
'. construction work, the 'money requir- P
the remains having been brought ,by the occupants escaped with a shaking cousins, Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, of the , t0,liaility and] beauty are i�llall4 a '
ed being largely for resurfacing, his uncle, John Simpson, from the u town. line, a little west of Ki en
g West for interment in the 'Maitland- up.
Saturday evening a Young PP GlEBAIIIN PJ�A]It1gIE7P '%it•: �t�theln7t tai �rflSl>?� flgB�flIlflg �®ffo
amsaini@nanee, one bridge and the Dec- g Y g and in Hensall with Mr. James IItob-
�t1.:: ,i , i r
a ¢asset machinery to carry on this bank cemetery. The very large at- man from Detroit had his arm badly ertson. Quite a large number are go- Toronto, July 23rd. -Manitoba wheat --No. - �indl Sa{CisgacQa®�, �ccS14II{tj/
(' tendance bore testimony to the fine cut when he smashed a glass in the in u to Ki en or a little north of 2 Northern, $1.711/2 ; No. 3 Northern, $1.661/, ;
g F Kippen, ' No. 4 wheat, $1.67%; No. 5 whit, $1.421e of design, gle»a�g Wlcate£ 6Zi
wov®rk- character of the deceased young man car in which he was an occupant. it, to witness tiespaving of elle Lon-' t
Fa''. TO raise this sum it required 2 No. 6 wheat, $1.26 ba fees whit, $ton L (c. ,,Q',1,.Zri l tinted] .2mco ]rias
+{, The grief of the whole community ov- The driver turned out on meeting an- don Road in that. vicinity. -Mrs. G. ;,f Godericin and 'bay Porte. Price on tracts I • - g � D
,' Leroy of 2% mills and the Ro-nd Com- er his untimely end was also an ex- other car and :the jar when the car F. Case has had,.;& large number of ic4higher than above). ,, ta�¢e� fit into any color scfi�nffi�o
mission asked the County Council to pression of deep and sincere sympa- dropped into a depression on the side relatives and friends from diff event Manitoba oab-No. 1 feed, 6s, 1-2c; No. 2 7 . ,, 1 ; %
feed, 641 OA -f. Q^raderich and bay ports). ®'
F mak@ this levy. Til@ council refused thy with the bereaved parents and of the road, caused the young man parts visiting at i➢1@ir Doone on Rich- American corn -No. 2 yellow, aa.lsn� ; No. )1V.'19;,,9{osn 4act°°u't suammmammg water nn
u"• relatives. Rev. Mr. Smith conducted to shove his elbow through the glass. mond Street, SofYth.-We regret to 3 yellow, $1.17'/2 (all rail delivered, Toronto yOnarAome to supply bathroom, kit-
;;, it. That means that proper mainten-
the service. Jack Montgomery was Fourteen stitches were required to report that Mrs. ;William Henry has 'freights). rcheaf, and lam an EXPIRE
ante on roads where a start has al- the o M;ltfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, baso �Yc
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. close the wounds. The acrid .rat took not been enjoying her usually good included: iBran, Per ton, .$62.25: shorts, per " ,;D,{1�� XOQ WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM
t;. ready been made in the good roads John Montgomery. He was born in place on the boundary road between health during the past couple of ton. 6.34.26; middlings, 840.25. ,i;r l `,"I'Ulve twe problem. Xodehs
i •` improvement scheme, will have to be VAntbrop and was in his eighteenth Hay and Stanley, near the No. 9 weeks -We are pleased to learn that Ontario oam-Good, sound, heavy oats imi 41 N 1'k � •
ai'{.:..Ziarlp@d. It means that there will ear. He ]tad been employed an scklool house. oar. solo. 46 to 48a f.o.b. olmfPPing points. ,i
Mrs. James Clark, of. our village, who seat&Oa Dice$ Or lahalflOc� e✓eflfla
Ingham for four months in afar- Reunion. -Arrangements are under had the misfortune 'solve weeks ago ®uteric sand grilling wheat Y.o.ia. ohappfnty �l�g �alninauan capacity Of 23rD
Lbs fiifl4D ffi@[>G roads, n0 -widening Of cul- points, according to freights, 61.15 to 01.19. p ty 9
X • tory and went West about two weeks way for a bome-coming and reunion when visirting relatives and friends ,at Osta--42 to 45c. ,a,i. 99491LO per Taonr. Tho Wtiail C013tr
r': verts, of bridges, or widening of ex- ago to assist his uncle, John Simp- of old boys and girls of the French Kippen, to fracture her ankle, is now Barley -Malting, 86 to 88c.
isting roads, no additional drainage. son, near'Saskatoon, with the harvest. Settlement along the Blue Water getting on nicely n able to o Buckwheat -sac.' iarnaargurisitntlylow. IInatallarml2anpasa
it TPD@ reason of the refusal was, of �7iPlrile attendin a .Sunda school ghway. The sunt will be held on g Y ., �, d g Rye- -No. 2. 950 qua® and zsOIlvo tie tvagos supply
\. g y pie- Hi around a little in ,fchie house. - Miss Wanitaba flour -First Patents, in lute, $8.4(4:, [!p$®bfl61aZIl if®ff®PmS» -
nic at Harris, Swk., he noticed that Sdptember 1st and 2nd, and a large Kate McEwen of ,Gal$' and formerly Toronto; second patents, in jute, 07:80.11 .
4'�uII9e, the fear Of the COUP1Cifl that ' ' Ontario Floor -Track, Montreal, ear Gots.
i, two girls who were bathing had got number of visitors are expected to of the townshipAegr ]here, is here oo per cent our -patents, Per seers], 1, ca
��' talres would be raised. An ever-
4,1�1beyond thein depth. '17C@sting tfll@ir take part in the cel@oration. gather visiting with her Etna y_,relatives and jj
`:., present fear but not a veiny .far sight-. ,ries he jumped into the water and L. Marchand, who has charge of the friends. -Miss Irma' envie, who was � For Sale By
ed pohey, because present day roads rescued one of them, returning for parish at Drysdale, is preparing a here for 'a couple of w0eks or so vis- LIIV1E STOCK MARIK11FTS '
"la''. the other he became exhausted and booklet, in which the history o¢ the t
i vnH not meet present day traffic re. iting with her parelfts and brother, (Buffalo, July 28rd. a eceipm of hags, 6,800; ISiire sank before help could reach him, los- French Settlement, along -Lake Huron Sam, has retun•ned to Detroit to re- holdover,, 400; weights below 210 lbs. active, Ge'Go i s - a �1 r alnarem@ in life as the result of his allant will be given, sume her duties as nurse, connected 10 to 16 cents over Saturdoes average; othersAo
t , f3aunciis 'tm'ay pass til@ buck from slow, steady*, bulk 1e0-210 pounds, 012.90 to •
j; deed. The remains were followed to with one of the large
hospitals' of SM * 220-240 pounds, M2.40 Ao 012.15; 200 to
,{ ' session to session, but it is quite ap- their last resting place by a cortege that city.-IMr. J. E. McDOnell was Soo pmrnds, 012 to $12:26: pockinc sows. $10.26 , .,,
4 i ' glasr@nt the situation will have to be of forty-four cars. The floral tri+b- ffiRNSAILI at Port Stanley a few days ago, at- to 810.75.
1 .. utes Which were very beautiful and tending the Commercial Travellers' Receipts of cattle, 1,600; dry fed ateers and
v +F' mat, and met soon. The tax 'payer Poor Sale. -A nice home in Henanil for sale , year9.•+nas. 85 to 75c higher: gt�saers and -s ggpp
ti ^p of to -morrow has as much right to numerous, included wreaths from the or exchange, with one or two lots; dry cel- great picnic.=Mr. Frasers new dwel- cows, 25 to 60c hitcher; gmin fed ateem and o►-. I N,
Sunday schools in Winthrop and Har- I+ar, hardwood floors, wired, etc.; garage and ling is nearing completion, just a lit- yeaAinegn, $14.75 to 816.10; bunk grans steers (1
, ': pay for permanfant roads as has the ria, Bask., the Orange Lodge and the brick stable. Central location, on corner Mich- tle west of the planing mills, and ,and beifem. 0,12-25 to $14; good eovn_ $9.2; . „ .
ks mond and Nelson Streets. F. W. Ewa. to 310 ; cutter , grades, 65.50 to 08.C - ..
t&31 player of t0 -day, but CaalBtrliCtion football. team. Six of his companions presents a very nice appearance.- Receipts of calves, 1,100; veaiero active.
fi 11 ,.
No4ice.-I wish to give notice to the public .
r `z; 7ntila€t aoralm@rbc@ to -day. Counties with whom he was very popular act- that I am prepared to attend to ord2rD for Mzs. Dinsdale, accomtdpaalied by her steady; Gond to choice, $18 to 818:50.
' , rl petal.] have to provide b@iter and will@r ed as pallbearers. Relatives were trucking and will be pleased to receive orders daughter, Mrs. F. Simmons, and her flbeeeipYs of sheep, 2,800: lambs, 26 centsD��.A� `
P lower, quality Plain; good to choice centring �' • '
present from Saskatoon, Detroit, and wools give the same prompt and sates- husband, also her sisters, Mrs. John at Ei151. �th owmnm, 012.50 to 016.00; . team
L J 7r6 ads raise] v7ider awl more substantial Win ham, Brussels, Bluevale Wrox- focto- attention. Phone 9-85, Hensall. 17zro Murdoch and Mrs. T. 'Taylor; are and' `��� s
culverts and bridges, and there are g Willard. azc2-3 ewv6'.e to 07. eY/ '
eter, Stratford, Clinton and Thedford. have been camping at Grand ]Bend
Golden Weddina Annavemaary.-Mr. and Mrr. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, July 28rd.-- ' o
i t19t tOVO alternatives in the matter. Owen Geiger extend a cordial invitation to all for the past week ao.-Mea. �. Although
mt the ws 1®at Mont' � � _ ®� Fittwos � ,
ern. TIM Late Jack Mont omen The 'ro �
yuglEl/ Cisii$ �li t�Ii@ work til@msP.➢VPs, Or Y- their neikrhhnrs and friends. to on "at home" R111ne1laYt, Of Muskegon, MICU., Waa rad
community was shocked when the sad at their residence on Friday, July 28th, front here during the g
�Idd en ' t➢t until Public Opinion a to 5 and 7 to 9, the occasion being their g past ween VlHitin dirk, "tirade in killers showed were
i ower xthan
p A news came Wednesday, Jelly ]prof, oa regards actA,vity. Bids were lower than
golden wedding anniversary. 3214-2 with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Le@peY, Mra. at seer week's close, bs anywhere from iso
p ea -the ov�rxtinnent to do the work that Jack Montgomery, Youngest eon Hugh 'McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. D.
on butcher steers and heifers to 26 cents on a w
' ' ° ,'thein. gra ille batter instance, the of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Montgomery Golden, Anniversary. - The many W. Foss. -Mrs. James Sparks was in cowg. ,Baby meeve-a were the meegu6n. a
ly had lost his life saving the lives of relatives and friends of Mie, an Mrs. London during the fist V7'@ek attend- lig bt offering in that clans moving fairly � -- � - , ,
• t%%. 'CAU not be long, but just how readily st a spread o4 10 to 14R'
two girls from drowning. Jack had Owen -Geiger are lodkirnd f and ing tree tuners➢ of hair lister, elle lame 74 aents Per " _ , „ter- T . --
liel'Ynaalalttt c¢1rntruetlorl of, county gone West a acute➢ ago and was @n- with much pleasure lm tltai acciling Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. �llesc. Thompson , �,'� feedorrs ;r„ov�a rwnmr� rle�atditq �Ityi at ncric
d t it all 'loin & to be arty 'b0tte -'r, 2717 gaged with his uncle, Mt. John Simp- of their invitation to 'be present with of Toronto, another sifter of Mrs, a shade to as quarter lower, and atoms made
ti,,� ,op 0 �Na�� eagT& ' orn title ta1E- son, ne ar Saskatoon, and wag rattend- them on .the coming Friday, duly Sparks, called here $or herr, aecom- nP a third of tho weftrh-+rP cut mod-af2ex�aoon, 11 I
frog a Sunday School picnic, and t>�@ ZrJtSs� lErtirinm which socounfizd for only 1,000 ➢call anY oar - T
;y "iyxe Ido � god, 215th, to unite with thein tri the cele- panied by her daughter, , tie in all, massa of :the killer oolei viers oz ���b
'a�t .' ,'f""t "1 ' L.a ',,Md for fat legnt"5irls went in bathing and got beyond ,brating of that happy event, and it who motored from" the . ci'ty. ll�ncit cruel➢ Rota dna chfo�ly to eoa:nl and ntukifml�a
4 ii tB�1r.,,depth. Jack went to their ren promises to be the most largely at- sympathy is felt 96't the berealved amara Wtebeto. Only a fear bervy ateora aotafl t„
I o r tittle 44d lost his life In the attempt. tended golden arinivewoar'y held in ones, rile tat@ Mra. Ciarka Vas well up to 11'/2 nznas dna moainwn to chs tan lr:ab r
tla�4i tl4is,ti to
`��1U �ue., ,', "Jirm x'la E8@re a �7ed, �aicli tm ld a there made 0 bo 11 eQnm. Butah2r cocao e
this village or nolghborh6od, And fdlrmra'bly known hi our village, cold loom 7n/a to 8 wft got' rr h1h&, •
„ t
�� t11.
, ,: ;>
r' , r., , ,r..
r� 9!'
;, , ,. ..
r a'r
:: A
. r-,"
.. ,, r. .:.. ,.,. :...t"
�. ,. ,'', 1 ..: .. :. ,..,.::,
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.. 1 . :. , e, ...1.
..,_...� ,, . t. ... .... r.. .. .. 1 .- l
pared for the various other ember-
was principa o uric sc
45 ago and will be remembered
spending a few days at the home of
selves on their fine green from day to
There are a good many municipali-
rassments that might result from
closer identification with the economic
-by many of the older residents Very
Mr. and James A. Bell. - Mr.
Case Troyer, of Bridgebur g, is spend -
ri nd-
da and have bad a number of friend-
ly with neighboring rinks. -
ties, 'besides Gananoque, who think
til@ of the eilti gasp-
interests of other imperial units. The
few of the pupils he taught reside in
this section now.- Mr. Edgar Magee,
ing a few days -with his mother, Mrs.
Mr. William McLaren, hardware
that retention
line tax by the Government an injus-
Globe may discover that it waving
the flag over a proposition altogether
of Seattle, Wash., was a visitor here
Charles Troyer, and his sister, Mr.1.
George Hudson. -Mr. J. B. Forrest,
merchant, recent] had a motor mis-
hap while motoring through Zurich
too artificial to appeal to a nation
for a few days this week. Mr. Mage]
was in the em to of the late J. J.
Ward and sister, Miss Mary, of Parr
g i_�
and for which we bc.. lie was in
True, the Government bears spec-
that is fundamentally practical.
Merner, when Mr- Mermmer conducted
Line, Hay, accompanied by Mrs. M.
A, Forrest and Miss Jessie Forrest,
no way responsible, as another car
on of road construction costs as-
a general store business in Zurich
of Moline, Men., motored to 'Lions
crossed directly in his course. Mr.
earned by counties, but considering
,�v r�r17Trr��v
about twenty years age. He is now
Head on Sunday last: The many
McLaren'$ car escaped with small in
jury, but the other car was badly
r .
the millions of dollars the automobile
with a lar a manufacturin concern
g g �
Pacific A. M.
friends and relatives of Mrs. R. Cud-
wrecked. -Mrs. Peter Fisher has ne-
is accountable for in taxes and the
Notes. -on Saturday last, Robert,
on the coast. -Rev.
Stroeder, of Maidstone, visited friends
more will regret to learn that she is
to her with illness
turned from visiting relatives in
increasingly large sums these auto-
the eldest son' of Mr. and Mrs. J.
here for a few days this week, -Miss
confined room
Her daughter, Miss Beatrice, of To-
Brucefield and vicinity, while her
mobiles are forcing municipalities to
Varley, underwent an operation in St.
Lottie Tuerkheim is visiting friends
ronto, is home taking care of her. Her
daughter, Miss Eleanor, is enjoying a
spend on roads, the division of these
Joseph's Hospital, London, for antrum
at Desboro and Chesley this week.-
numerous friends trust that she wi 1
few weeks of well-earned holidays,
Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin taking veru
taxes can scarcely be called a fair
trouble and is progressing favorably.
-Mr. Mrs: J. Dalrymple left for
A meeting of the directors of Zuri�l
soon be restored to health.-l�' „�1'
capably Mass Fishers place as pipe
one. If the Government pu. all the
their home in the West after visiting
Agricultural Society was on
Tuesday evening. Judges were a
3' g• g P-
riot Bell had his tonsils removed at
Mrs. Patterson's hospital last week: --
organist. -Mrs. J. A. Swan and lit -
money they received by way of auto-
their many relatives and friends.-
Haying is now finished in this ec,ction
pointed and committees named. The
A large number of friends of Mr. and
tie sen, Junior, of Detroit, are visit -
in Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Swan, Mr.
ffiobile and gas taxes, back into the
and wheat cutting is general, and the
special prize committee reported
man rhes have been donatedWatson's
Mrs. William Kyle held a reception
and Mrs. A W.
s parll,
communities from which they collect-
crop shows every evidence of 'a good
Y g P
fors ecial competitions. A handsome
for them at Mr. Cliff on
Friday evening of last week and tires•
E. Hemphill, accompanied by their
E. H
@d it, there could be no cause for con-
silver cup will be given to the person
Pored them with two handsome chairs,
son, Howard, and daughter, Mary, are
plaint. But that is one thing the Gov-
winning the largest amount of prize
The address was read by Mr. Doig, of
enjoying an extended motor trip and
takingin a number of laces of in -
�rmmment does not do. It has too
money at this year's fair. Ali.e Dun-
port Huron, and the rest of the even-
terest.-Miss Margaret Haibkirk is
many other uses for the money.
bar and her dancers have been en-
ing was devoted to dancing until the
camping at resent at Grand Bend.-
P g P
gf each county received the money
Notes. -Sisters Stephen Joseph and
gaged and will entertain on
grounds in the afternoon on Fair
early hours of .the morning. - Mr.
James Kil atricy, while workin on
Haying is now over in this section
collected within its boundaries in gas-
Mary Magdalene have returned to
Day and give the concert at night.-
Dr. Hair's bald, had the misfortune
and harvesting under full Swing and
g g
the crops are looking wonderfully
aL `
- olive' taxes and licenses, the financing.
their home in New stork after send-
The ionic of the scholars and teach-
last week to f411 from the scaffold,
well.=Our coal merchants have been
of road construction would not be the
ing their vacation with their rarents
ers of the local Evangelical Sunday
breaking a bone in his .foot, which
delivering large quantities coal
vexing problem it is for many coun-
and relatives in this vicinity, -,Mr. W.
School was held at Grand Bend on
will lav him up for a while. - Mr,
during the past week and are still
I. '
ties to -day. They could cut their
Manley is busy helping to repair the
Wednesday afternoon. - A number
Ken Magnan and sister-in-law, Mrs
busily engaged in doing so.
garment according to the cloth. Ale
threshing outfit for Mr. C. Eckart.-
from town attended the circus at
Goderich on Monday. -Farmers are
W Magnall, of Beachville, accom-
it is the good roads taxation. has al-
Rev. J. M. Eckart returned to his
home in Hawthorne, N. X., to resume
busy cutting wheat at present. The
panied a .Mrs, G. F. Scott and Mrs.
A. H. Carrol, of Woodstock, motored
,2 a
sa a
P , w
1 ready become burdensome, while the his mission work. -Mr. and Mrs. C. crop promises to be a good ore, and up on Sunday last and spent the day
'g-, work may be said to have scarcely Eckart and their son, J. M. Eckart, a large yield is expected. with their relatives, G. J. Sutherland Toronto, July 23rd. a,% - .� .
(11 started. called on friends in our bur- last Auto Accidents -A number of auto and sister, Miss Hattie. Mrs. Scor: Chickens, s lbs. up . . . ............ • 3s-42'"
I^ We believe that the roads in Huron Sunday.- uite a number from here accidents took place locally during th'a and Mrs. Carroll intend remaining for Do., 4 to 6 reg. 33-40
Q g Do., a to 4 res. as -ss
attended the lawn social at St. Colum- past week, but fortunately with no a week's visit in •H'ensall.-Messrs. Hens, over 5 res . ....... ......... 32-34
tCounty are equal to any in. the Prov- ban last Wednesday evening. - The serious results. Greta, the five-year- Gerald and Alvin Warrener, of Pont- .Do., 4 to 5 res• .................. 21-82 ;a '1
• .............
ince of Ontario, and far superior to farviers are busy cutting wheat and old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd- iac, •Michigan, were week end visitors a ost� t t. 4 roe. . 27 30
$ole roads of a large majority of other the crop is a bumper one, on'y the inand 'Hiaberer, was hit by a car with friends in Hensall and vicinity.- Ducklings ........ •... ............. ?5-38
�ountles. But they are not good acreage is small. while crossing the street at the past Mr. Alvin Hoskins left for Detroit Broilers, re . ......................... 85-45
1 es Your, Home Need
office. The driver, Mr. T. H. Meyers, the latter part of last week following
s ,enough. For one thing they are not ------ -- did not see the little girl when he - " ��
#1 wide enough. The bridges on them a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Hos- "6f'
backed his car and she was knocked kits intends remaining for a month DAIRY MARKET
'-' are not wide enough; either; dor are°�°�[�®� over by the fender. She is able to
with her father, 'Mr. L. Hefferan and Toronto. July 23rd- - Cheese, new, large,
play again. sister, Miss Evelyn. -Mr. Mr. James Rab -
the culverts. The estimated cost of yn 211: twins, rt/2c; triplets, 22c: Shiltons, 27c.
mood roads in this county for 1929 Funeral of Jack Montgomery. -The -Last We evening a coupe ertson received a telegram on Satur- Old, large, 26c; twins, 26%; triplets and cute � at Qfl®@i3y OP Il� �O131P pffrz'$@IIS
funeral of the late Jack Ross Mont- owned by F. Fairbairn collided with day eveninglastadvisin him of the 28c; old stilton, 80 to sic -
was close to $110,000, exclusive of all onset whose death occurred on a sedan owned and driven by Mr. W. g Rutter --No. 1 creamery, prints, 40 to 41c; �� ®®� �QQ�� ®�@ rni$�9D
a, g death of his brother, Peter, of Win- No. 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 39c. Specify ]Emco ISatDnno® �IIZi=
In grants. In this pro- July 17th from drowning, near Sas- McLaren, Hensall. The accident took nipeg,'but did not receive any particn• Eggs -Fresh extras ;n cartons, sec; fresh
�,' ,gramme there was very little new katoon, took place on Monday after- place opposite Mousseau's garage. Lars. -The Misses Murray, of Gorrie. extras, loose, 88c; tirs,m, Soc; seconds, 25 to tures and Fittiang& °
noon from Caven Church, Winthrop, Both cars were badly damaged but sent the past week or two with their 26c. -�..
'. construction work, the 'money requir- P
the remains having been brought ,by the occupants escaped with a shaking cousins, Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, of the , t0,liaility and] beauty are i�llall4 a '
ed being largely for resurfacing, his uncle, John Simpson, from the u town. line, a little west of Ki en
g West for interment in the 'Maitland- up.
Saturday evening a Young PP GlEBAIIIN PJ�A]It1gIE7P '%it•: �t�theln7t tai �rflSl>?� flgB�flIlflg �®ffo
amsaini@nanee, one bridge and the Dec- g Y g and in Hensall with Mr. James IItob-
�t1.:: ,i , i r
a ¢asset machinery to carry on this bank cemetery. The very large at- man from Detroit had his arm badly ertson. Quite a large number are go- Toronto, July 23rd. -Manitoba wheat --No. - �indl Sa{CisgacQa®�, �ccS14II{tj/
(' tendance bore testimony to the fine cut when he smashed a glass in the in u to Ki en or a little north of 2 Northern, $1.711/2 ; No. 3 Northern, $1.661/, ;
g F Kippen, ' No. 4 wheat, $1.67%; No. 5 whit, $1.421e of design, gle»a�g Wlcate£ 6Zi
wov®rk- character of the deceased young man car in which he was an occupant. it, to witness tiespaving of elle Lon-' t
Fa''. TO raise this sum it required 2 No. 6 wheat, $1.26 ba fees whit, $ton L (c. ,,Q',1,.Zri l tinted] .2mco ]rias
+{, The grief of the whole community ov- The driver turned out on meeting an- don Road in that. vicinity. -Mrs. G. ;,f Godericin and 'bay Porte. Price on tracts I • - g � D
,' Leroy of 2% mills and the Ro-nd Com- er his untimely end was also an ex- other car and :the jar when the car F. Case has had,.;& large number of ic4higher than above). ,, ta�¢e� fit into any color scfi�nffi�o
mission asked the County Council to pression of deep and sincere sympa- dropped into a depression on the side relatives and friends from diff event Manitoba oab-No. 1 feed, 6s, 1-2c; No. 2 7 . ,, 1 ; %
feed, 641 OA -f. Q^raderich and bay ports). ®'
F mak@ this levy. Til@ council refused thy with the bereaved parents and of the road, caused the young man parts visiting at i➢1@ir Doone on Rich- American corn -No. 2 yellow, aa.lsn� ; No. )1V.'19;,,9{osn 4act°°u't suammmammg water nn
u"• relatives. Rev. Mr. Smith conducted to shove his elbow through the glass. mond Street, SofYth.-We regret to 3 yellow, $1.17'/2 (all rail delivered, Toronto yOnarAome to supply bathroom, kit-
;;, it. That means that proper mainten-
the service. Jack Montgomery was Fourteen stitches were required to report that Mrs. ;William Henry has 'freights). rcheaf, and lam an EXPIRE
ante on roads where a start has al- the o M;ltfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, baso �Yc
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. close the wounds. The acrid .rat took not been enjoying her usually good included: iBran, Per ton, .$62.25: shorts, per " ,;D,{1�� XOQ WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM
t;. ready been made in the good roads John Montgomery. He was born in place on the boundary road between health during the past couple of ton. 6.34.26; middlings, 840.25. ,i;r l `,"I'Ulve twe problem. Xodehs
i •` improvement scheme, will have to be VAntbrop and was in his eighteenth Hay and Stanley, near the No. 9 weeks -We are pleased to learn that Ontario oam-Good, sound, heavy oats imi 41 N 1'k � •
ai'{.:..Ziarlp@d. It means that there will ear. He ]tad been employed an scklool house. oar. solo. 46 to 48a f.o.b. olmfPPing points. ,i
Mrs. James Clark, of. our village, who seat&Oa Dice$ Or lahalflOc� e✓eflfla
Ingham for four months in afar- Reunion. -Arrangements are under had the misfortune 'solve weeks ago ®uteric sand grilling wheat Y.o.ia. ohappfnty �l�g �alninauan capacity Of 23rD
Lbs fiifl4D ffi@[>G roads, n0 -widening Of cul- points, according to freights, 61.15 to 01.19. p ty 9
X • tory and went West about two weeks way for a bome-coming and reunion when visirting relatives and friends ,at Osta--42 to 45c. ,a,i. 99491LO per Taonr. Tho Wtiail C013tr
r': verts, of bridges, or widening of ex- ago to assist his uncle, John Simp- of old boys and girls of the French Kippen, to fracture her ankle, is now Barley -Malting, 86 to 88c.
isting roads, no additional drainage. son, near'Saskatoon, with the harvest. Settlement along the Blue Water getting on nicely n able to o Buckwheat -sac.' iarnaargurisitntlylow. IInatallarml2anpasa
it TPD@ reason of the refusal was, of �7iPlrile attendin a .Sunda school ghway. The sunt will be held on g Y ., �, d g Rye- -No. 2. 950 qua® and zsOIlvo tie tvagos supply
\. g y pie- Hi around a little in ,fchie house. - Miss Wanitaba flour -First Patents, in lute, $8.4(4:, [!p$®bfl61aZIl if®ff®PmS» -
nic at Harris, Swk., he noticed that Sdptember 1st and 2nd, and a large Kate McEwen of ,Gal$' and formerly Toronto; second patents, in jute, 07:80.11 .
4'�uII9e, the fear Of the COUP1Cifl that ' ' Ontario Floor -Track, Montreal, ear Gots.
i, two girls who were bathing had got number of visitors are expected to of the townshipAegr ]here, is here oo per cent our -patents, Per seers], 1, ca
��' talres would be raised. An ever-
4,1�1beyond thein depth. '17C@sting tfll@ir take part in the cel@oration. gather visiting with her Etna y_,relatives and jj
`:., present fear but not a veiny .far sight-. ,ries he jumped into the water and L. Marchand, who has charge of the friends. -Miss Irma' envie, who was � For Sale By
ed pohey, because present day roads rescued one of them, returning for parish at Drysdale, is preparing a here for 'a couple of w0eks or so vis- LIIV1E STOCK MARIK11FTS '
"la''. the other he became exhausted and booklet, in which the history o¢ the t
i vnH not meet present day traffic re. iting with her parelfts and brother, (Buffalo, July 28rd. a eceipm of hags, 6,800; ISiire sank before help could reach him, los- French Settlement, along -Lake Huron Sam, has retun•ned to Detroit to re- holdover,, 400; weights below 210 lbs. active, Ge'Go i s - a �1 r alnarem@ in life as the result of his allant will be given, sume her duties as nurse, connected 10 to 16 cents over Saturdoes average; othersAo
t , f3aunciis 'tm'ay pass til@ buck from slow, steady*, bulk 1e0-210 pounds, 012.90 to •
j; deed. The remains were followed to with one of the large
hospitals' of SM * 220-240 pounds, M2.40 Ao 012.15; 200 to
,{ ' session to session, but it is quite ap- their last resting place by a cortege that city.-IMr. J. E. McDOnell was Soo pmrnds, 012 to $12:26: pockinc sows. $10.26 , .,,
4 i ' glasr@nt the situation will have to be of forty-four cars. The floral tri+b- ffiRNSAILI at Port Stanley a few days ago, at- to 810.75.
1 .. utes Which were very beautiful and tending the Commercial Travellers' Receipts of cattle, 1,600; dry fed ateers and
v +F' mat, and met soon. The tax 'payer Poor Sale. -A nice home in Henanil for sale , year9.•+nas. 85 to 75c higher: gt�saers and -s ggpp
ti ^p of to -morrow has as much right to numerous, included wreaths from the or exchange, with one or two lots; dry cel- great picnic.=Mr. Frasers new dwel- cows, 25 to 60c hitcher; gmin fed ateem and o►-. I N,
Sunday schools in Winthrop and Har- I+ar, hardwood floors, wired, etc.; garage and ling is nearing completion, just a lit- yeaAinegn, $14.75 to 816.10; bunk grans steers (1
, ': pay for permanfant roads as has the ria, Bask., the Orange Lodge and the brick stable. Central location, on corner Mich- tle west of the planing mills, and ,and beifem. 0,12-25 to $14; good eovn_ $9.2; . „ .
ks mond and Nelson Streets. F. W. Ewa. to 310 ; cutter , grades, 65.50 to 08.C - ..
t&31 player of t0 -day, but CaalBtrliCtion football. team. Six of his companions presents a very nice appearance.- Receipts of calves, 1,100; veaiero active.
fi 11 ,.
No4ice.-I wish to give notice to the public .
r `z; 7ntila€t aoralm@rbc@ to -day. Counties with whom he was very popular act- that I am prepared to attend to ord2rD for Mzs. Dinsdale, accomtdpaalied by her steady; Gond to choice, $18 to 818:50.
' , rl petal.] have to provide b@iter and will@r ed as pallbearers. Relatives were trucking and will be pleased to receive orders daughter, Mrs. F. Simmons, and her flbeeeipYs of sheep, 2,800: lambs, 26 centsD��.A� `
P lower, quality Plain; good to choice centring �' • '
present from Saskatoon, Detroit, and wools give the same prompt and sates- husband, also her sisters, Mrs. John at Ei151. �th owmnm, 012.50 to 016.00; . team
L J 7r6 ads raise] v7ider awl more substantial Win ham, Brussels, Bluevale Wrox- focto- attention. Phone 9-85, Hensall. 17zro Murdoch and Mrs. T. 'Taylor; are and' `��� s
culverts and bridges, and there are g Willard. azc2-3 ewv6'.e to 07. eY/ '
eter, Stratford, Clinton and Thedford. have been camping at Grand ]Bend
Golden Weddina Annavemaary.-Mr. and Mrr. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, July 28rd.-- ' o
i t19t tOVO alternatives in the matter. Owen Geiger extend a cordial invitation to all for the past week ao.-Mea. �. Although
mt the ws 1®at Mont' � � _ ®� Fittwos � ,
ern. TIM Late Jack Mont omen The 'ro �
yuglEl/ Cisii$ �li t�Ii@ work til@msP.➢VPs, Or Y- their neikrhhnrs and friends. to on "at home" R111ne1laYt, Of Muskegon, MICU., Waa rad
community was shocked when the sad at their residence on Friday, July 28th, front here during the g
�Idd en ' t➢t until Public Opinion a to 5 and 7 to 9, the occasion being their g past ween VlHitin dirk, "tirade in killers showed were
i ower xthan
p A news came Wednesday, Jelly ]prof, oa regards actA,vity. Bids were lower than
golden wedding anniversary. 3214-2 with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Le@peY, Mra. at seer week's close, bs anywhere from iso
p ea -the ov�rxtinnent to do the work that Jack Montgomery, Youngest eon Hugh 'McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. D.
on butcher steers and heifers to 26 cents on a w
' ' ° ,'thein. gra ille batter instance, the of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Montgomery Golden, Anniversary. - The many W. Foss. -Mrs. James Sparks was in cowg. ,Baby meeve-a were the meegu6n. a
ly had lost his life saving the lives of relatives and friends of Mie, an Mrs. London during the fist V7'@ek attend- lig bt offering in that clans moving fairly � -- � - , ,
• t%%. 'CAU not be long, but just how readily st a spread o4 10 to 14R'
two girls from drowning. Jack had Owen -Geiger are lodkirnd f and ing tree tuners➢ of hair lister, elle lame 74 aents Per " _ , „ter- T . --
liel'Ynaalalttt c¢1rntruetlorl of, county gone West a acute➢ ago and was @n- with much pleasure lm tltai acciling Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. �llesc. Thompson , �,'� feedorrs ;r„ov�a rwnmr� rle�atditq �Ityi at ncric
d t it all 'loin & to be arty 'b0tte -'r, 2717 gaged with his uncle, Mt. John Simp- of their invitation to 'be present with of Toronto, another sifter of Mrs, a shade to as quarter lower, and atoms made
ti,,� ,op 0 �Na�� eagT& ' orn title ta1E- son, ne ar Saskatoon, and wag rattend- them on .the coming Friday, duly Sparks, called here $or herr, aecom- nP a third of tho weftrh-+rP cut mod-af2ex�aoon, 11 I
frog a Sunday School picnic, and t>�@ ZrJtSs� lErtirinm which socounfizd for only 1,000 ➢call anY oar - T
;y "iyxe Ido � god, 215th, to unite with thein tri the cele- panied by her daughter, , tie in all, massa of :the killer oolei viers oz ���b
'a�t .' ,'f""t "1 ' L.a ',,Md for fat legnt"5irls went in bathing and got beyond ,brating of that happy event, and it who motored from" the . ci'ty. ll�ncit cruel➢ Rota dna chfo�ly to eoa:nl and ntukifml�a
4 ii tB�1r.,,depth. Jack went to their ren promises to be the most largely at- sympathy is felt 96't the berealved amara Wtebeto. Only a fear bervy ateora aotafl t„
I o r tittle 44d lost his life In the attempt. tended golden arinivewoar'y held in ones, rile tat@ Mra. Ciarka Vas well up to 11'/2 nznas dna moainwn to chs tan lr:ab r
tla�4i tl4is,ti to
`��1U �ue., ,', "Jirm x'la E8@re a �7ed, �aicli tm ld a there made 0 bo 11 eQnm. Butah2r cocao e
this village or nolghborh6od, And fdlrmra'bly known hi our village, cold loom 7n/a to 8 wft got' rr h1h&, •
„ t
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