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The Huron Expositor, 1929-07-12, Page 8
A rirse them Se kunCe,/ andtgaahe, a'01111i41 lAntla*e, It:40n..lge,g tact and caartesy be hare aka' 'ti Zeinaties that wine before him, have won for hian a permanent place In the affections of all who knew him well. The b -est wishes of the corn- Munity go with Mr. and Mrs- Mc- Donald to their new field a service Agincoart.—Com. approaching. The import - wing Good Vinegar is clear- 'aed y nill health autheri- say that "peer vitterS3r nett,7 We have always made ty iof handling good 'vinegar. URE SPIRIT OR C ER VINEGAR, galls ... - PLGIELISON'S BAKING POWDER Woe leaking powder we have put up initpressly for ourselves is our best neller. There is a reason. =RN OR PEAS 25c s fer MINIMAL S OE CREAM—Cleans ZnAshes and preserves leather qg q:C any color CeUJC CAKNED PLUM S--aRegular cents, for 04..i1NIIID PEARS—Regular 1)3© 416 cents, for SOCX-EYE SALMON— €0C Special, large tin MED CO OE SALMON— SEc Special, large tin S. O. S. CLEANSER 15c 2:31(..LOGG'S OR POST'S BRAN *tc 1LAKES-2 for OIKICK FPTIDeand G WAS6 poundfor /EWE ROSE RICE 26c a for liZADAME ROY'S COMPLEXION 630AT6', eontainng witch hazel, glycerine and uttermilk, three wrapped cakes in neat box. eiloc Special per box Was fornterly 20 cents WING lEc F. D.' 11-11u cillailorfa IT&one r Phood-165 - ere/h.. FOR SUNDAY DINNER Order one of our fine Roasts, Roast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast Veal, etc. You will find our meats are meats of quality, and if you have guests they will praise your selection as well as the way it is prepared and served. GeQ. Cameron DION STREET - SIEAFO 71131 PHONE 58 At© -irEsun-aunce PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY lAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISIO gat ,ns explain the overage a and the amount Of prote ion afforded for aseall premium. -- Even a minor accident will cost you e than the premium on a policy. parr r 'Prompt Settlement of all Claims. A. D. SUTHERLAND ° Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. WankTE 152 - (SIEAFORTH. ONT. 7.7./ECSOhT It SIEAFORTIE, ONT. -RAL INSURANCE AGENTS Tesiresenting only the hest Can - Mho, ritish n n d Americans Companies. Melds of insurance eff at the lowest rates, includiet glIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, 01013IILIE, TORNADO • AND ' GLASS flSKS —Also-- EgMhts lESTATE and LOAN AGENTS 71soj pt attention paid to planing and adjusting of elaime. siness established 50 year, guaranteeing good service. 8,gcnats for Singer Sewing Machilme Company. OFFICE PHONE, 33 W RESIDENCE , .• ONCE, 88 J ° Uro - ATM TTRR oTfOEiERT RANKER -AGENCY Ensuranee of all kinds. onds, Real Estate Money to Loan SgAFORTII, ONTARIO . Phone 91 A n L1CPC3D ono mole :motto= Iowa tlatt ..t411lrit; erztia bszig ,V11' StAltiL446 "ett fprzl, c Sappho TIETERMOS EOTTLES PICNIC PLATES BATHING CAPS GOLF SUPPLIES 'FIRST AID ARTICLES CREAMS LOTIONS TALCUMS AND FACE PCOWDERS 'A FULL RANGE OF TOILET SPECIALTIES AT Itin's hat RIK/ THE REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 28 : SEAFCDRTE THE HURON EXPOSE -TOR DISTRICT MATFERS Coal Business Sold.—Mr. Andrew Archibald has sold the coal businesa he has been conducting for several years to W. Ament & Co. Mr. Ament has also purchased the large ware- hcuse at the station owned by Mrs. W. L Keys, and which has been used by Mr. lachibald. Church Services.—Communion will be dispensed at the morning service in First Presbyterian Church on Sun- day next, when Rev. I. B. Keine will have for his subject, 'The Programme of the Upper Room." Rev. Mr. Elder, of Cromarty, will preach the prenaga- tory service on Friday evenin.g,. July 12th. Former Seaforth Minister Honored. — Before moving' from. Lynden to Mount Forest, Rev. T. W. and Mrs Cosens wve made recipients cf twp upholstered walnut chairs, a walnut end table and a pyrex pie plate set in a silver stand, accompanied by a complimentary address from the con- gregation, and another from the Young People's Society, Seaforth Schools Have Good Record. — In the recent Entrance examina- tions Seaforth Public and Sees -agate Schools made an exceptionally good record. Nine pupils from the Separ- ate School wrote and nine passed,six taking honors. In the Public School, 18 pupils wrote, 17 passed and five took honors. Miss Winnie Savauge, of the Seaforth Publi6 School, won the scholarship, having 671 marks out a total of 750, the highest marks made at any centre in the Inspec- torate. - • Lacrosse. --Under the direction ct the Lions Chrb, a four team lacross, league is now organized in Seaforth and vicinity among the teenage boys. There are two public scshool teams, one separate school team and one Eg- mondville team.' The games schedul- ed below v, -ill be played at the Re- creation Grounds each evening at 6.45 p.m. No admission )011 be charged, and all interested ih Canada's oldest nation gline are invited to come and boys rilay. The cause'is worthy of your support. The schedule is as follows:— July 12—Egmondville vs public.No July 17—Separate vs. Public No 1. July 19—Separate vs. Public No. 2. July 24—Egmondville vs. Public No.1 July 26—Public No. 1 vs Public No. July 31—Egrhondvil1e vs. Separate. The New Bowling Green. — With the erection of the fine new club house, the work on our bowling green is rapidly approaching completion. The electric fixtures were in 130Si- tion for the mixed rink competition Tuesday evening and give Seaforth the finestlighted and tommodious bowling green in Western Ontario. The club house itself has been built largely by voluntary labor, under the direction of Mr. Robert Porterfield, and the Club has to thank most heartily those citizens 'who -Wave so generously don- ated their time to this work. The club house itself, when painted and decorated, will add the last tOuch to a portion of our town which has been made a real beauty. spot. —The grand opening tournament will be held on August 14th, but it is essential that the greens be played on beforehand in order that the& be in first class condition. Every howler is urged to use the new greens as much as possible and thus helP for the tournament date. Present conditions point to a bumper entry of at least one hundred rinks. On Friday even- ing the first of a series of twilight tournaments will be staged with in- vitations extended to outside' club's. A Tribute to Rev. W. n. Meponald. —There «recently passed from our midst in the person of Rev. Ws D. Mc- Donald, one who had greatly endeared himself to the people of this commun- ity and especially to the congregation of Egrnondville. For over six years ministered to their spiritual needs arith unsparing zeal and with tM deepest devotion to that great Christ. in mission to which he had given his life. Few, indeed, are there in that congregation but -will recall for many years to corne, some act of self-sacri- fice, of tender human sympathy which seemed to be a -part of his daily life,. On the last Sunday of June he preach; ed his farewell sermon, giving hid people a message of hope and inspire, tiOn that would impel any congrega- tion to go forward confidently and coarageously in its -work of Christian service. While all regret his leaving the feeling uppermost in the hearts of all has been not one of aorerowt' his ?Metal, butesZgoy that tIly tloto pritile&ed to have hina minis to af. • s Girls Treleaven- Doormen-2Kr. and Mrs. James Bloomer announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Helen Bettie, to Charles Edward Treleaven, son of Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven, 737 N. Wallet Avenue, Chicago. The core ony took place at four o'clock Thursday, July 4th, at the Bloomer home, 54s N. Wailer Avenue. DT. Cleworth, of the Austin Methodist Church officiated. The bride's gown was of white georg- ette with coronet of white rhinestones. Her shower bouquet was of white ros- es and lilies of the valley. The bride and groom were unattended. Her sister, Hazel, played the wedding » arch. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. The wedding supper was served at the Central Piazza Hotel Austin. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven de- parted on a honeymoon tour to the Sand Dun's, Michigan. The bride's traNelling suit was of navy blue crepe wi'it hat to match. or Sale. --Four pot of beautiful ferns. ply to W. A. Crich. ' 8213-1 For Sale.—Fine reed baby carriage. AnPlY at The Expositor Office. 3213-1 Wanted.—Married (man to run farm. Apply to E. .7. Box. Seaforth. a211-te Wanteril at Once.—Maki for general 'house work. Apply at The Expositor Office. Binder Twine.—Car load binder twine will be here before wheat harvest. Come and get your twine. R. .7. McMillan. Phone -112V. 1-tf Residence For Baled—Desirable re3idential property for sale in the Town of Seafor:h. Conveniently situated on Victoria Street, op- posite St. James' Church, one minute from Main Street. All modern conveniences. Bar- gain for quick sale. Apply to .1. M. McMil- lan, Government Savings Office, Seaforth. 821.3x1 Wonsee's Institute.—The July meet- ing of 'the Women's Institute was held at the home of Miss Evelyn Har- burn on Friday, July 5th. The Presi- dent, Miss Eva Scarlett, occupied the chair. 1The meeting opened by sing- ing the Institute Ode after•which sev- eral items .of business were attended _c• A very humorous reading was given' by Miss Dorothy Broadfoot. Miss Gertie Webster rendered a very pleasing solo. Minutes of the last eting were read by the Secretary, Miss Alice Thompson and approved. -The report of the district meeting held in Exeter was given by Gertie Web - 'sten The programme for the year's meetings is ready for the .Press and this year promises to be a more in- teresting and profitable one for any- one who attends the Institute.. Re- freshments were served after which Ole meeting closed by singing the Na- tional AEthem.. Council Meeting. 7- The regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday with ell the members present. The minutes of the last regular and the special meetings were read and confirmed. It was moved By J. W. Beattie, seconded by H. Box, that the report of the Finance Com- mittee, be adopted as read. The'f61- lowing accounts 'were passed, ahd cheques issued for same: W. G. Fee, 870; John Ai WilSon. $75; Thernas Storey, $75; W. Dunlop, °S41.75; Wilson Hawkins, $59.10; Superior Manufacturing Co., $3.98; Canadian NationatRellway, $5.91; Geo. D. Fer- guson, $18.71; R. S. Hays, $20; Geo. A. Sills, $1450; Bell Telephone, $2.45; Aikenhead ,Hardware, $29.75; Mrs. Thomas Storey, $6; E. L.- Box, $12.48; Harry Hart, $97.10; James V. Ryan, $79.50; Sol Williams, $18; Thomas Melady, $4.50; John McQuaid, $19.50; J. A. Case, $5.75; Wilson Hawkins. 79.80; A. R. Box, $3. On motion- of W. A. Crich and R. G. Parke, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the mayor... n Egmondville.—A very happy time was spent at the ',home .of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendth,son on Tuesday evening of last week, when „a large number Of old friends from Duff's Church, McKillop, gathered to spend an evening with them in their new home. A short tirne ago Mr. Hen- derson retired from th4-farm on the fourth concession of McKillop, where all bis life of 67 years had been spent, and he and 4irs. Henderson came to „Egmondville to enjoy a rest, well earned )by bothM them. During the evenitng Mr. and Mr's. Henderson were presented with an electrici reading lamp and a handsome oak table an spread, by members of Duff's church, of which church both had been valued members for a great many. years. The following is the address: -"To Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Dear Friends: We, members of Duff's Church and neighbors, have gathered here this evening to express to you our., sin- cerest regrets at your departure frosn the -old home on the 4th concession. You have been -residents of our com- munity for many, .many years and feel pleased you have retired after earning a well-deserved rest. 4 ihe community you have always beacii ready to lend a_ helping hand, and your kind- words and -deeds will re- main with us as a pleasant memory You will be g—Ceatlf missed as a neigh- bor, also as church workers, but we feel, what is our losses -is another's gain. We are confident you will make many valuable friends in your new surroundings ip Egmoirdville, and trust in your new environment yo p Win not forget your old friend. Or earnest desire is that you may be spared to continue your happiriees in your new home and we may have the pleasure of 'Meeting yo fr•?e„ggfpirtt- ly. As a slight token'of our estee , we .ask you, Mr. fid, Nirs. eneeidere to aecerpt this elettrie lamp, warm living room table and Sar f ao Mend:trance of the happy days we spent among you. Hu eollittudatstv_.ft pray that Providence, Who`guides NM directs the destinieS Of ,all'nt.mr oft. tect you and your fatuity, •that God's riehest %leggings may boo 7ours,, and that rein' clap 'ofrad item Via he pil atrays full and Om Ov7inV age laid many others art t'e wales and hgiVe a new lis0 me titles in Hoye? cant Girls' Eqolls." These are cloth hound aseD1 Printed from clear type. Just the thing for Summer reading. Priced t 1511 CENTS EACE. s OORSTORE - szaFolarza Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. prayers of your old-time friends and neighbors. Dated at Maltillop, June -28th, 1929." hOlf0 -malt. T4, J. GrehA, V•110-0 11Qa fort 43 yereru ago au an 0 e'er in 0 Sat tlezue Ariny, b rehire/nu t* con- duct the week end meetinge, •;nay 13-1'& vrill be Misted by Capt. Wright, who is in charge of the Weal cop.—eldre. David Chesney, of Wise- nipeg, is visiting her sister, M. Harry Charters and other friends here.—Ms s En a Holmes, o 'Ii t, Michigan, was in town over , the American holiday an called on her many friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mendiek and Mr. Frank Patterson, 6f Toronto, spent Saturday end Sunday with friends in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat, son, Ronnie, and daugh- ter, Margaret, spent the American holiday with friends in town and vi- cinity.- Mrs. R. H. Sproat, who had been in Detroit, returned with then). —Mrs. Elgie, of Tuckersmith, is spending a few days in Mitchell with her niece, Mrs. Hanna.—Mrs. Annie Elliott, Main 'Street, moved on Wed- nesday to Stratford, where she has purchased a home on Grange Street. Mrs. Elliott.will be mueh missed. in town, but the best wishes of her Mazur friends go with her to her new home. —Master Stanley Hill, who has been seriously ill with tonsil trouble, is convalescing at his home on Victoria Street. --Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan, of Cookstown, and Mr. George Dunn and daughter, of Russel, Man., were the guests of Miss Annie Hudson this week.—Mrs. J. Colquhoun and Mrs. Neubauer, Clara, Martha and Ed- ward Neubauer, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., spent the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse. — Mr. William Finlayson has resigned his position as priiicipal of Milverton pub- lic school and intends giving his futll time to the insurance busipess.. He has been appointed representative for this district of the London Life In- surance Company.—Mr. arid Mrs. J. T. Dodds and .Mie William Dodds, of .Foxholm, North Dakota, and his,sens, tavid and Clifford, 6f New Rockford; . D.,, are guests at the home of Mr. obert Dodds, in Harpurhey. s-- Miss Isabel Cameron, of Detroit, is spend- ing her -holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geofge Cameron.—Col. R. S. Hays and Mrs. -Ha ers sail -next week on a two months' trip to Europe —Yr. Hugh Savage, of Duncan, B. C., presi- dent of the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association, and Mr. Leslie A Redy, of St. Marys, called on The Ex- positor Office on Saturday. — Miss Margaret Case, of Detroit, spent. the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. --/Mrs. Samuel Dias - son, 0,f Edmonton, and her grand- daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Fort Seskatchestvan, are guests at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.. Suther- land.—Last week Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly, Miss Alice Daly and Jack and George motored to the Shrine of the Canadian Martyrs at Fort Ste. Marie, returning the following\ day by ()Atha and Toronto. --Miss MaY. Broadfoot is visiting in Bruce Beach.—Miss Helen Glendenning, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southg e.—Mr. and Mrs. B. Trumble of Flin , Mich., Mr. Met -vine 'Martin and Ma er Earl- Mero, of Goderish, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph pro. — Mr. Harry Minett, of Toront , is a guest at .the home of Me:. and Mrs. A L. Box.—The choir of NOrthside United Church picnicked at Port Albert, On Wednesday, when delightfulsetime was spent at the lake.—Miss Leona Rex is in Toronto vislting her aunt, Mrs. H. Minett—The Sunday School of First Presbyterian Church will hold a picnic to Bayfield on Wednesday af- ternoon next, July 17th.—Mr. Mark lhatterson, of Toronto, spept Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. --Mr. and 'Mr. William Sharp and Mrs. Margaret Foran, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and MrsnJames Devereux. ST. COLIO itAN Notes.—Mr. and rs. Basil Byrne, of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. V. McGrath and ether rela- tives here during the past week.—The following teaclasesesand students are home for vacatior Thomas MeQuatik end Charles Malone, from Windsor ; Je.ms Lane, Teeswater; Mildred and Gertie ,IVInGrath, from Guelph; Mary Doyle, R.1 Iletrtit; Mary Dempsey, Chatham; Ma e Feeney, Boston; Anne Atkinson, R.N., 'Toronto; Joseph Moy- lan, Toronto; Margaret McGrath, Niagara Falls. --Rev. J. M. Eckert ids sojourning -here among his many rel- 'atives.—Mr. Joseph Stapleton spent a few days with hishbrdther, Carol, at Marden, recently.—Mr. Jos. Murphy, of Detroit, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Murphy, covet the 4th of July holiday. Local e iefs.—Mrs. Young, of Pe- trolia, and Mrs. Christie, of Point Ed- ward, attended the reunion at S. S. No. 2, McKillop, last week a n d while here ,were theguests of Mrs. W. M. Stewart. — Miss Florence Scotchmee, of the Clinton Hospital staff, is ia guest at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright.—Mrs. Ts Bechley and family, of St. Thomas, re guests at the home of Mr. and rs. It. J. 'Sproata-Miss Mamie Mur- ray, of Harniltortwas the week end guest of."Miss Hazel Reid.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Aylmer, spent the week end with Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. R. L. Clark.—Mrs. Archie Scott, of Ottawa, is a guest at the home of her _brother, Mr. J. M. Govenlock.— Mrs. Leslie Scott, son and daughter,. of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. -1\�r. M. K., Piliman, of Seattle and one of the business men of Seaforth in the early days, is visiting with -fielnds here.— Mr. andeMrs. W. B. ,Dickson, of Dickens, N. D., were week end guests at the home of the Misses- Brine.—Mrs. Robert Clennahan, of Glencoe, is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake.—Miss Gaetzmeyer, of Butte, Montana, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devereaux—Mr. Sydney Deem, of Sarnia, is visiting at the home ofhis father.—Mr. and Ms. Neil McLeod and family, of Flint, Michl n, and Miss Annie VanEg- le mo ot Toronto, are guests at the ho of Mr. and Mrs: D. F. McGre- gor, in Tickersmith.---Mr. W: Smith and his Mother Mrs. J. H. Smith, of Toronto, are visiting with Seafortb friends. --,Mrs. Snell and daughter, Miss Marguerite, of Hamilton, are the guests of Mrs. John. Turner. -- Mrs. Grace Hill, of Crediton, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Annie West- cott.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Peck - elder, of Lansing, Michigan, are. vis- iting at the home* of Mr. and Mrs William Charters, Mill Road.—Mr. and Mrs. -Archie McPherson, of Galt, are guests' at the heme of Mrs. William Sclater. -Mrs. George 'McLeod and her fathbr, Mr. David Duimpof Russel, Manitoba, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson.—Dr. H. 11..Ross andedaughter, Miss Margaret, leave, on Saturday on a trip to the Western Prbvinces and Vancouver.— Mrs. Albert Mero and little son, Ger- ald, of Goderich, ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Mero.—Mr. Thomas J. Purcell has returned tb Detroit af- ter spending his holidays aTiis home e h . , TWO OF SCREEN'S LEADING. COMEDIENNES %. "The Girl With the Rolling Eyes —in— ETC • s A Main Street Mai who wanted to he a Broadway Star in the worst way —and almost succeeded. ANeTONtO MORENO playing opposite< • NOW SHOWING Monday, TuesLy and Vle esday M ION DAVIES • "1. HIE cAarpaoMID LOVER" The' stae of "The Fair .Co -Ed" and "Tillie the Toiler?' in a story of a paty of American college girls adrift in Monte Carlo. TWO FAMOUS STAGE SUCCESSES ci • . RUN C S !1110 DON'T FORGET TEE iift&Ike At St g Fria:lwy, July - When. Mothen:well vis40 Bea Game at 6.15,p . "fieDnatssitom An these:4es • s• aro Naying drat claoqlalld ao 122 and woo ,totitionci IIP.:agno 1,6tanditig, t,gittll gamut, ian- Oured. ELIF4VILLE Motes. --Mr. Ewart Cornish, of De- troit, spent the weekend at his home here.—Mr. and Mrs. reordon Ford and family, of. Flint, Michigan, were vis- itors in the neighborhood last week. =Mrs. Charles Johns is visiting her sister, Mrs. S -ithaley,,o St. Marys. —Maste 1Vte1sin Gardin is vikiting his aunt, frs. William ns, for a few days—Among those rom here who atten ed the Miner's picnic which was held ltear Tillsonbtirg on Wednes day were: Mill and Mie. Ed. Johns and family; Mr. Silas Johns, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnaand children; Mrs. R. D. Hunter and Miss Mariorie Hun- ter; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Miners and family.—M' John Barnaby, agent fo the Aluniinuni Wearever- Company, beld a demonstration at Mr. William Johns' on Friday evening last: — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Tohns and falba were visitors in St. Marys last Sunday. , • 6 .1 CONSTAT C Ig Notes.—Mr. and grs. Ed.; Britton returned from'. Toronto on Thursday last, where they spent a few days with Mrs. Britton's sister and other rela• tives.—Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart and family, of 41‘orcento, and Il/frs. MeNala of Drayton, visitid at the home of Mr and rm. J meg Dale and other rel - ti over the week erM.-t4)tilots Sean Lao -on, of Clinton, spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson. ---,Mr. end 'Niro Douglqs Muir and. ughters, gatian and -jean, of Nianra, visited at tbp hove di' Mr. and Mrs. 13. IS. Stephen. son. --Misses elerk and Mdith gOtton *tinned frovit Toronto on Satnrday, (erli TO the Mny ri g the r - erg ai Reimetions im Hee ig Val ©Hth of toJ es 'fere 5.31y. (1.1 omiefoll liaLs at 1 Irmaderff Low HeosA A Clearance off. Lazges° a..Itilkorma.b e Coats Trsvel Cogs Dress C© Every Coat'in-,StA at aPreatly Reduced Price.- , SPEC FAL Pk CES SPECIIAL PRDCES ' SPECDAL PRECES SPECIAL P [ICES SPEODAL PES DN UNENS DiM GLOVES 1IN H.SllRY DN LANGE DE \ DN WASH GOODS - • - • 'SustmEliv Fr6c4s, th IFEIcer, - Pretty Styles.from which to 'select ; it simply dependi von Offe.kind of dresses that ou p\refer-Silks,- W sh Dresses, N'epes and other favoked fabrics. Lovely col- orisgs age, varikijnodels froM which to suitST pair indi- / -Viduattaste. A visit to the sore will disclose many attractive items torjsumunertime shoppers. 4 S hirer ••• where they spent a week with theie sister and other friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Klinet and family, of Harbour Reach, ltifichigan, 'spent a /few days last week at the home of Mr. T. E. Livingston.—Mrs. 'James Methies of Miihigan, is vislitikg at the ho of her brother, Mr. TT E. Living-1ton —Mrs. Robert Lawson motored with Mr. and Mrs. Seeley; of Clinton, to Fonthillt visit wijhe their brother, Mr. Joh'*s. EXETER1 .. o Squire Picnic. — The above picnic wap held -at Springbank on lFriday, Jtily 6th, when about •fifty took part in the jolifications of a somewhat glor- ious day. Aft el- dinner the party in- dulged in all kinds of spoti' Mr. Nel- son Squirrq/ewas appointed head sports- inan, vehith ,duty. he earr ed out suc- cessfully in regards keep* the party going. ,First he took -the party to see the animals and birds which the chil- dren enjoyed- immensely. They all strolled back to thesports ground, where the married Men played the single • men at softball, the married en being successful. , After:that the oller people played horseshoe, a game 'ch they delighted in. After the sp rts -an elabprate supper was serv- ed, finishing ,off with ice,„cream and oranges. The party then congtegated and elected the officers f,dr the ensuing year: Mr. Frank Squires, President; -Mr. Albert ,Seatt, Secretary -Treasur- er.' The ddy being ended the party then disniissed. and returned to their homes,' happy and contented with the glorious day they had spent. , Ladies' Association UECF LT Lad -The monthly meeting of the Ladies' As- Voniatiora of the United Chbrch, of Brucefield, was held at the home of MrKW. S. Broadfoot on Wednesday, July 3rd, with an attend nee of 2 After an hour spent in eviring, the President to* the cha' and took charge of the meet g.. In the absence of .1Viirs. Rattenhurt, Hrs. Stephens took the laiotionarpaiet and Mrs. k. McQueen read a paper on "Hints to Health," pertaining to the benefits of fresh alr and sunshine. Several new members were enrolled and Mrs. A. McQueen asked the ladies to hold the next reseeting at bet home. /At the close of the meeting thelalzstess served a delicious lunch. otes.—Rev. W. A. Bremner con - ted anniversary services at Sinith's Hill, on the Benmiller circuit, last SundaY nd /Rev. Mr. Cumming, of Benmille preached in the; Uniitedl Church here. pedal thanksgiving -prayers were offered for the recovery - to health of eur beloved King, and at the close of the services the National Anthem was sung.—Mrs. Ross and slaughter, of Liberty, Sask., are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Toudh and ether friends in the vil- lage and cemmunity.—Mr. and Mrs. Elsley,cf Mount Forest, spent the week at the latter's mother, Mrs. W. Stevenp.—Mrs. Clanagan, of Simeoes is visiting friendihin the village and vicinity at present. — Miss Edna Thai-rips:hi is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson.—Miss Emma McDonald is spending her- holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. James McDonald.— Mr. Sydney Thompson and his bride, of Simeoe, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thompson, last week. 11 ERT Notes.—mise Mary Doyle, R.N., of Detroit, visited over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle.—Miss Anna At-' kinson, St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- to, spent the past two weeks at the• home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jogeph Atkinson. We congratulate Miss Atkinson on having obtained the highest standing in her class for the observance of school rules, at her re- cent graduation from St. Michael's Training School for Nurses. There were over fifty gratInates.—Rev. Bro-• then Francis, Montreal, visited hils parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dalton.— Mr. James Doyle and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Do recently. Iley-Dalrymple.—A quiet but pretty t wedding took place at Thames Road Church Manse on Saturday, July 6th, ;! when Miss Edna Lanes Dalrymple, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late William Dalrymple, was united in marriage to Albert H. Hey, all of Hibbert. The bride was attired in white silk crepe de chine trimmed with silk lace bertha and pearl orna- ments, withht and shoes to match. After thkerdnony luncheon wns. served al the h me of the bride, after whjth th y left for Hamilton, Niagara a other points, the bride travelling iil a pretty nay celanese dress with hat to match and tweed coat. Mr. and Mrs. Hey on their return, will reside on the groom's fine farm near Cromarty. 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