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The Huron Expositor, 1929-06-14, Page 8
R ..'d meaty of 1'eseves �hers; bottle QC 9N S., $$ oune bottes, con- tt p zs much as eiht 25c bottles O'Cedar CAI or Lloduid . Veneer, SCIALwth polithialg cloth FREE. RIGHT ALUMINUMNow is the time to brighten up pipes and metals. SLYER FIGS—tegular 25c, for, pound ELLY POWDERS— Gold or Shirrifff's 4 for rnRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLYPOWDEIRS, 3 for ANQUET SARDINES 3for eONDON SPECIAL SOAPLarge bars; 4 for A good soap and more of it than any soap we knew at 5 for 25c. LARD is higher. Ours is stillpound 8@DUTCH SETS -18c pound or2 pounds]BAKR'S SHREDDEDCOCOANUT, pound PEP HAND CLEANERRegular 15c, for I(,IARASCHINO CHiERRIES ofspecial quality; pound PAINT eLaren's, Pure 2c F. D. clipon Monne Pkor Pkoodl—lI65 ISN'T TI:i11;e( TEMPTING There is daer in nelectinthe smllest cut or scratch. In- fection in te leat of these is a serious condition. Can you saffely treat these mninor hurts? IIs your Medicine Cabinet orFirst Aid (Kit well stocksedVERY HOME SHOULID IEIIAVE Sterilized Absorbent Cotton and Gauze, Adinesive, ]Bandages, 110/ ne, Perolnde, Germicidal Soap, Etc., or a complete First Aid ]lit. Za, DO IIT NOW til Its h4ruil1til THE IREKALL DRUG STORE PHONE 28 SEAFORTR ff yom're ffond off sausage and ffind lit knard to get the kind that tickles omlr palate, suppose you try ours ffor • change; also our homne-made llognna. ' A sammple off either will be o rreal treatII have an epert sausage and lalognia mmaker now employed, and a order off either will corvine you of their nnerits. 0 THE HUON EXP®SIITOR 2AIIT STRRTFT - SEAFO!aT111 PI ONE 58 PUBLIIC LIIABIILIITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIIRE, THEFTCOLLIISIION IIDIISTIRIICT MATTERS S.. laidytiPr dr ; li unicipl Word, ;a iiioll Townhip, crushed loz 14$..30; Workmen's Compen. Bc�ssx�i, $U1.$0; J, V. Ryan$86.:64); ll`k►�allasa 1�'®adYr $15account, $2a8. Bickell-Smitt:the town donate $100 to the Bowling Club for the purchase of lot and that a e. ' froutof s m® iA1 f acee town bttla dParke-Crich: That the request of Mr. A, W. Dunlop to place another gas pump on North Main Street, be granted, the same to be under the supervision of the Street Committee, Mr. Dunlop assuming all responsibil- ity regarding saie. Cardno-Parke: That William Hartry be paid salary as assessor amounting to $166; also stamp account, $1.12. By-law No. 318, a by-law for granting permits to gas stations and residential district, was read the necessary times and finally passed. On motion of Messrs. Bickelland Crich, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. Appointed Inspector At Toronto.— Mr. D. M. Beattie, B.S.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie, of Seaforth, who has been in the employ of bhe Ontario Government for the past three years as Instructor and Inspector for the Belleville District, has been ap- pointed a Dominion Department of Agriculture Inspector, with headquar- ters at Toronto. Mr. Beattie will act with the Cold Storage Commissioner in the examination and classification of butter and cheese for home consump- tion and for export trade. us explain the coverages and the Mount of protection afforded for .,nmall premium. Even a minor accident will cost you amore than the premium on a policy. IPrommpt Settlemment off alk Claims. D. SUTiH1il,ILAN]1 General IInsurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. Pt0NE 152 - SEAFORTEI, ONT. WATSONSEAFORTH, ONT. GNERAL IINSUIRANCE AGENTS representing Duly tine best Can- adian, British a nel American Companies. All kinds of insurance efffected t the lowst rates, inclung— E, LIIFE, ACCIIDENT, AUTO- OaIILE, TORNADO AND PLAT GLASS ]IRIISKS For Sala—,Solid walnut sideboard. Applto E. VanEgmond, Egmondville, Phone 23 o143. 8209 - For Sale.—Pigeons, Satinettes, Cumulets Turbits, Nuns. Apply Pirrie Ferguson, Bay eld, Ont. 3207 For Bale.—A closed in light wagon, in goon conditon, suiable for milkman, baker, etc Cheap for quck sale. Apply at The Exposi fr Oflioe. 3208-1 Bae Supplies For Sale;—Supers, extratnl comb, Jumbo hive bodies and comb, etcstoring can, etc. IW. D.•Hoag, Bx 337, Sea forth, 3209 Ferguson v. Mur. a and Kerr.—Fol- lowing the trial of this action at Gde- rich Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, `before His Honor Judge Lewis and a jury, on the findings of the jury, Judge Lewis entered judgment for the plaintiff against Ross Murdie and William Kerr, farmers, of McKillop, for $200 damages with costs, and dis- missed the counter claim of the de- fendants with costs- R. S. Hays act- ed for the plaintiff and Best 8a Betfor the defendants. The action against Oliver Elliott, on the consent of the plaintiff, was dismissed without- cost. ]Inducted at North Battlefford.—The ordination and induction service of David K. Perrie, M.A., recent gradu- ate of Knox College, Toronto, who has accepted the call to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, North Battle - ford, took place on May 29th, and was presided aver by Rev. Gardiner Dickie, MA., B.D., of Rosetown, moderator of the presbytery of Prince Albertand Saskatoon. .Mr. Perrie is a nep- hew of Mr. Wm. Knechtel, of Egmond- ville, - and is welll known in Seaforth, leaving occupied the pulpit in First Presbyterian Church on several oc- casions last year and with much acceptance. --Akso— AL ESTATE and LOAN AGEl`NTTS Prompt attention` paid to placing ;Asks and adjusting of claimss. usminess establihed 50 years, guaranteeing good service. &joints ffor Singer Sewing P,/Iachinne Connpamy. OFFICE PHONE, 33 W RESIDENCE PHONE, 33 J T1N. JlOIIIN RANKIIN AGENCitnsurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan APOR?ri, ONTARIO Phne '1 p•6.1t 6 SIS Oplomgd etts tar=„ a'ollie Lost.—A Collie, female, with abert tax tag on her, yellow and tan. Any in formation will be gladly accepted by ownG:don Bolton, of Hibbert, Hensall P. 0. :1209x2 For Sale --A threshing otfit, one 25-5 Sawyer & Massey gas •tractor and a larg size McDonald separator with all modrimprovements, and in a good state of •pair. Apply to Con Eckart, Seaforth.3209- ase Fer Scale.—Six roamed frame house o Jarvis Street, with hard and soft water, eletrio lighter and furnace, also a good barn wtt lights and water. One acre of land tide cultivation. Apply to Mrs. D. H. Stewar Seaforth, O:mt- 8189-1 Huron Presbtery. — The Huron Presbytery Executive met in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Thursday, June 6th, with all memoers present but five, with Mrs. Mollard, of Exeter, presiding. After the de- votional exercises, some impressions from the Branch Conference at Chat- ham were expresed. It was the opinion of some that should we visit Friendship House, London, it would shave us what real missionary work is. The coming year's work was plan- ned. A couple of vacancies caused by sickness, were filled, and Mrs. Mnl- lard gave us her parting message, "Let Christ be our aim; let Christ be our motive.” ]Berry-French.—A pretty weddin took place at the Baptist Parsonag Brantford, recently, when Heedaughter of Mr. and •Mrs. R. J- Frenc of London, formerly of Seaforth, b came the bride of Arthur (ScottBerry, also of London. Rev. Dr. Lan ford officiated. The attendants weMr. and Mrs. David Linn, of Branfold. The bride was charming in gown of peach crepe romaine, wihat to match, and carried a shower roses and lilies of the valley. Afthe ceremony a buffet luncheon w served at the home of Mr. and Mr David Linn. After a honeymoon spe at Hamilton and Kitchener, Mr. aMrs. Berry will reside in London. Wins University Scholarship.—The following from the Kincardine Re- view -Reporter will be interesting to many Seaforth friends, as Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sperling are former well known restie,is of this town: "When the Scholarship Committee of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario met at London recently they awarded to Miss Edna •Sperling, of Kincardine, a stu- dent at that intitution, the Sir Wil- frid Laurier Memorial Scholarship for French Conversation (advanced), and also the Saunder's prize for French Essay was secured by Miss Sparling. This clever �:oung lady who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Spar - ling of this town, has each of the three years she has attended the Uni- versity, carried off some outstanding scholarship and awards." Died In Saskatchewan.—Many o friends here will regret to learnthe death of Mr. John Daley, wl passed away at his home in Kenned Sask., on M'ay 29th. Mr. Daley wborn in England, but the greater pa of his life was spent in Seaforth. Si: teen years ago he moved with 1lfamily to the West, where he . ht since resided. Mr. Daley is survlvby his wife and two sons, Arthur al Edward Daley, in the West, andone daughter, Mrs. Whyard, of Du gannon. He is also survived by tc brothers, Mr. Peter Daley, for mal years a well known resident of tl town, but now residing in Usborr and Mr. Edward Daley, whose hoe is in England. SeriousMotor Accident.—A veserious motor accident occurred the Highway, two and a half mil west of Seaforth, about• nine g'cio on Wednesday evening. Mr, " a Mrs, J. E`. Henderson, of Seaforth, h just come south on the .McKillHullett boundary and turned eas; the highway, when a Ford car, oc pied by two commercial men, colliwith them almost head on, The n Durant car of Mr. Henderson was most completely demolished, and boccupants were seriously hurt.Henderson was badly cut aboutface and head, and was taken toSeaforth Hospital, while Mrs. H Jerson was taken to the office ofW. C. •Sproat, where she was gi medical attention .before being remed to her home- The other car also badly wrecked, Abut it isknown how seriously its occupywere injured, as a passing car t them 'both on to Goderich shortly ter the accident. Seafforth Races.—The Seaforth Turf Association have completed all the improvements and have everything in readiness for their horse races on Wednesday, Jure 19th. Although the entries do rot close until noon on Tuesday, those already in assure a big entry in all three races, and spec- tators are guaranteed a good after- noon's sport. The races are being held under the auspices of the Ham- ilton Driving and Athletic Associa- tion. Since the reopening of the track iri 1925 the Seaforth Association have endeavored to rrovide the public with thehest of clean racing, arranging the classes se that every heat is a real spirited contest, and appointing capable and rliable officials, starter, judges and timer, who hae fullcharge of the races, and the promm provided during the past few years warrats s tramper attendance on Wednesday nxt, Town Courncil.—The regular meet- ing of the tows Covincil Was held inthe council chamber an Monday even- ing, With alltame members preoeitt. The report cit the ll'i ,noe Commit - • vas od on mtion of• ttle and Snaith, and the follng s,fsd paid: '.l O; 3. A. son $76; J. A. Wildon ; t ,. 1C1.; Bath eland, in - 7a , $5.60; C. 1 '. *mobs ction,• ull Ttill1 $2.t15;, f.r',+ig SC au se] , + 'Ylotliit$ Free Clinic For Crippled Child—Plans have been completed for Crippled Children's Clinic to heat the Stratford General Hospital, Friday, June 28th, under the auspi of the Stratford Rotary Club. canvass of tl-e entire district has 1Lmade. and there will be many childpresent 'for examination by theskilled surgeons in crippled childrwork in the province, Dr. D. E. R ertson, of the staff of the hospital Sick Children, Toronto, will pre and will have as many assistants necessary- It is possible that scases have been odrlooked.Rotary Club wishes it known t any and every crippled child iscome at this clinic. The expert adreceived may be the means of sting a little cripple on the goad health, happiness and usefulnAnyone wishing to bring their cto the Clinic should communicate once with Dr. D. Smith, chairmathe Rotary Crippled Children's Cmittee, Stratford, so that an appoment may he given. The Roclub's work among crippled ehilis made possible largely through generosity of the 'people of the trict in atronizing the annual RoHillowe en frolic. For the benefiparents in this district, any doctoSeaforth will furnish particulars garding this free clinic. Sofftball. — Pontiacs defeat Acmes: A real treat was giver the sporting element of Se:`'orth Tuesday night in the formof aplyd.. gme of softball, betren Pontiac Susan .Snrrr; of , St and oinr locaal AonoastsPint Presbyrtearm J . 3foi' Sal@ b '"�for. Them iia P p" -l1 1l $'Loi out the •Choe is # aA .distiat tlead; whii trra ord M artel ismfnrtaL irrtrmirm �teear o waiald no d oubt. St eve] for paper are PAPS et' n, g tr asEWELYN nMonday, oJ9 rADDMISSION hccs ootpndell W:Iehild��.jjj�j nofr�oFL Lary(�(tSe wlay a pea r> er a ural 6 Nom'' `' r . Ade? ow with I..,. ATM; ;BL]S V. XED AUTO ' i. and glasses those made of away when y IP PAPER CUPS MAPS S - SEAIF4�RTii[ all magazines prices. T ll: T. I 0. w be F he di h Ile te fr 15, b s a C a 1 t h h e i s b 0 e 0 d , with dishes Use them them. NAIPIIED'S PAPER• ]ROAD IIPSOno - taken for at publisher's :O0i Subseripti!ps and STOE,E papers the team 19 somewhat so • ' expressed ' contested ' turn L . ing - - - o e o '- a h IF S e , aErliColl!.1E.artwith s. Id idid iy rY nd Mt; Drnto th Aeon ren osteetic at the lis- rre- last ate in Seaforth Square. The Stratford being used to making at least runs a game up till then, were si,rp"ised to be held dovin close by a group of comparatively younger and smaller boys, and also this to be their hardest ga'ie this season. The re- game to Stratford Friday night will no doubt he one worth while see- and a hearty invitation is ex- tended to all local people interested to go. down and cheer the boys to victory; they are determined to do the playing. Judging the game as a whole, the number of errors and fumbles were about equal on both sides with the exception that some Seaforth runners took disastrous chances between `bases, this being an unreturned advantage to the Strat- ford team. The game was well at- tended and 6u•r boys were well sup- . SEN-TIT—TN TO1VitMY Paramount's NOW THE oUGAN PHILO Tuesday their CLIIVE MARY and o 11 Iif IJ SHOWING• WONDER ire PIIERCE McCULLOUGH DOG• „{�aYTiie g ,lJ'q Wednesday Production �1fL1C ENDJ,Lis..o®1in Seeps le of S99 and New 1929 1°9'2�0'�SUCCESS 0.. j,11aIIV featuring BROOKrt BRIIAN BACLANOWA eci T 'WEEK CESS 't ! C OTTee n �:Ilff1lg �S o cs ets. °- The foundation of the best figures—the secret of the best fitting" rr gowns; the new long 1 hips, low waisted models I '. 0646 - `� .n, e, 'Pe ����j',/pl��°}irr t 11V87 - be given TUAY, from Reinnemmbethe SS by • 5 ��pi.0E the the ofr_n.U(�Qhr��its JUNE to 7 p.ni. ME Ladies' .Ai:Il 18thaf- 25c date. N l[ 4 Ii1�TG8 FO I' T)A17E) HOME • Floor Covering, Dr %I perries, wed, ,ng, Etc. Our home -furnishing section contains its pre flier display of Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs and Mats, Linoleum by the yard, Congoleum by the yard; Cur - tain Materials, �trapery and Upholstery Materials, Bedding Supplies, etc. Now is the. time to IInnake Sellecctions. 0O- , II age R�: orcseo G.rta!itdren Woivert -_/)p SCES F ftpMi1i t � li c J 1 8 rr.1� S.frthSt,. i � Tudor the ! St _©f Z©m= dt&s® auspices onasei1 ]istitntee.lyvant store024, ,t''' ,Kbemiti. of Seaforthto e 1 ,, t�i w1� 7r�3 `fiuA � d 'PIF. ' r • ' �allneaaa�ei ceent.ei ,yga h.a c [ls• C rd aa,.: o, ptn-taan, oaeb i0g' played Ms poo,x1� �oa11, ntoeg° the hall i gond his roru1 reach. 'erguson, pitcher, f atused more t a :walkd, eau "t a straight retun ret from la and `played aad game throughout. Fank roby) Kling, tarot base, and howarry McLeod, end 'base, and -ole aviest hitter (whn he hits it) and usally does, Lorne (Pink) Pinto -Ly, 3rd las, made a brilliant at -rpt to put a runner out coming om second but was unceremonious - transported off the field by the dily impact of runner. Dick Parks, hort stop, coered his ground well d proved a heavy hitter. John ardno, right field, caught all flies n his reach and some apparently out it; between walks and bunts he ways made 1st base, at least. Al- an McLeod, centre field, surprised e rest of his team, if not himself. He is a sure fly catcher (but not with is mouth). Maybe he had glue on ishands. We'll ask him about that. Frau`k Case and Orval (Shaw) Holmes xchanged on left field, both justifyng themselves and playing very wellfter the game the Acme Tuxiquare with the assistance of a num er of the C,G.I.T. Girls and the coAeration of the visitors themselves ntertained the Pontiac Taxis Squarf Stratford, and how! A •banquewas served by the C.G.I.T. girls uner the direction of Miss Smith, aftewhich all departed in (pieces)or t be conventional we shall say, peace The announcement of the next gam will be posted in front of the Pos Of ice. w/e dupe that the same anadditional suqortwill be given ifuture games.—Cm. Local Brieffs—Miss H. Isabel Grham left on Wednesday to attend th ri-annual meeting of the CanailiaW'omen's Press Club in St. John, NeBrunswick, and will later attend th annual meeting of the Canadia authors' Association in Halifax - Mrs. Thompscr. Scott and Betty an Mrs. Jack Forsyth and son, oftroit, spent tho week end with rel tives in Seaforth and Tuckersrnith.Miss Ethel Grieve, of Toronto, spethe week aul here.—.Mr. John Neiands, of Waterford, was here on Frday attending the funeral of the laohn Stewart..—Mr. Earl Smith an sister, Miss Edna, of Toronto, spe the week end with Seaforth friends. Mrs. William McDonald, of Scollar Alberta, is a guest a the homes Mr. Adam McKay and Mr. and Mr A. R. Box.—The Misses Shearer, Chicago, and Mrs. R. B. Williams, Stratford, were week end guests the home of Mrs. H. J. Gibson. --Mi Mildred Johnston, of Hamilton, is guest at the home of her brother, M Thomas Johnston.—Mr. H. W. Stra ser, a former business man of th town, spent the week end with friers here.—.Miss Julian Kenny, wh•i h been visiting with friends here for t past two months, returned to h home in London last Sunday. She w accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Eckert and Mrs. J. Nolan and so Frank, who motored to London f the trip.—Mr. Andrew Oliver, of L Angeles, California, is spending month with his parents, Mr. and M William Oliver in Egmondville. came east to see his father who h been in poo: health for some time. Miss Margaret McLean (Riversid left Tuesday to visit friends in Bri ish Columbia —Mrs. George Huds and two daughters were in Stratfo and Norwich over the week end. The many friends of Mr. Adam Kay, of the waterworks, will be Ale ed to know that he is able to be o again. --Mr, and Mrs. Louis Heim a nephew, of Fordson, Michigan, spe the week end with friends in Se forth.—Miss Caldwell, of Niaga Falls, was a guest this week at t home of her sister, Mrs. R. H. Spro —.Mrs. Walter Robinson and dao ter, Miss Dorothy, spent the week e here.—Mrs. James Rankin' is visits her son and his family in Detroit. Mrs. Lorne Dale, Margaret and Lor returned home Sunday after spends a week in Blyth. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Montgomery and Mrs. Henry Stewa of Brantford, were here last week tending the funeral of the late Jo Stewart.—Mr. J. E Keating was Windsor this week attending the tario Retail Druggist Association C vention being held in that ci ty:—M Margaret Case and Miss Crose, of Ford Hospital, Detroit, spent week end at Maple Hall, the home Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case.—Mrs. W ren Ament, of Detroit, is spendin few weeks at the home of Mr. Mrs. William Ament—Mrs. Le Mullen, of Toronto, is a guest at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen Miss Margaret Stewart leaves on S urday for Toronto.—Miss Jean Wi er, of Goderich, is a guest at home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ro Winter.—Mrs. W. F. McMillan sp the week end at the home of 1 daughter in Stratford --Mr. and Pearson Grieve, of Buffalo, were h last week visiting at the home of Grieve's father.—Mr. Ivy Headers who has resided in Seaforth for s eral years, has moved to his fathe farm in McKillop, and Mr. and Henry -Henderson will occupy the r dence recently vacated by their son Dr. Russel Hartry and Mrs. Hart of Fort Frances, were here last w visiting at the home of the ,doct father, Mr. William Hartry. — M Agnes O'Rourke, Mrs. A. O'Rou and two children are visiting 1 O'Rourke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Purcell. DUBLIN Notes.—A large number of our n and boys attended the :n oly Ne Rally at St. Bridget's Church, Log —On Monday evening at St. Petrie `Church, His Lordship Bishop say of Pembroke, gave Conga I. ellen forty children.—Miss Ilk'. Maloney, uf elo, Is visiting her mother, Ill T. Maloney.—Mins s,_tty. 'a °rrrhiot of Windsor, spent tho reek end et her parents.-421as Mary' Jordan, Tpronto, is spending a vacation n her pagents.-••-dillies Angela Xn111t Who MS attendfn'g: eeboa1 i i let 111ohigra 1, is home fol 'a= ' .1 wrap roompauled, ?off Etta.. CiCY4p, trot toot. Is trtc s' Roo, _ a t T 3 t 1 1 e n e n. - d De- it to d nt 1, of s. of at ss a g�' da as he as n; ar as a rs. as e rd Mc- as- nd at ra he at, g h- ng na ng E on - iso the a�die the at- rt be bt' Int ler Mrs. ere D11, ev- is Mss. rt', eek or's is eke Vlrs oho len Ws cosi, to of NIL. len, Pith acs ;asap ar2dDp FIA Imo+ t %Wag 041.sJ�' jl ipi y We j� 1�e JJ�va . gm �^�Il�l S ., Q II aly:i:, wed j'rLE hf,.a .l\iw' ' to have,: . , . , '�� t s tir. ; -, A NEW FAT y ©F CURSE 7 I This week we have placed on ( the stands in. our showroom rb creations in Summers 4`` headwesr. White Hats and light fancy1 modesnare in evidence; Felt Hats are again in the front row of popularity. !' , . itnew ,. You will find them hese. "-- HANDSOME SUMER I. IID MESSES 1; Striking creations that have all the kinks of the ° latest fashion dictates. They are so effectively de- signed that you will surely want one or more, Prices: $3.65 to $21.50 ' New Shipment of House Dresses Just IIere Prices: $1.451 to $2.90 CHILDREN'S a CTAS LI PANTIE .. ... .. : , 11Ja 111Pd SS.IPdAy A dandy line awaits your inspection. (Every dress 'a better garment than you'd expect at the price. IEpIrkeS: $2.50 to $1.75 , ' �' ; ° t,;l I,k ` 't ! C OTTee n �:Ilff1lg �S o cs ets. °- The foundation of the best figures—the secret of the best fitting" rr gowns; the new long 1 hips, low waisted models I '. 0646 - `� .n, e, 'Pe /' f ; rrE ])Aust be perfect to set's properly. We take spe- ..* tial; ,pairs to sell you corsets, that will fit A pe'fect1y. ' We have a me re than ordinary ✓t.ewe showing of the famous 'r", (Comfoflette Girdlle ' A good 6 & A Corsets for ; style for sports stout `j� Prices: wearfe >� $ 0 gure• ` L7 to $ 4 .50 $1..00 1. iiiDDD 4!t .AA N l[ 4 Ii1�TG8 FO I' T)A17E) HOME • Floor Covering, Dr %I perries, wed, ,ng, Etc. Our home -furnishing section contains its pre flier display of Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs and Mats, Linoleum by the yard, Congoleum by the yard; Cur - tain Materials, �trapery and Upholstery Materials, Bedding Supplies, etc. Now is the. time to IInnake Sellecctions. 0O- , II .„,..... :,,,,, ,„, ,,,..... Woivert -_/)p F ftpMi1i t � li c J 1 8 rr.1� S.frthSt,. NOTIICE Opsins to the fad that We are completely overhauling and recce: - atructing our Seasfforth $](rime, we shall lee unable to do any Chop, nog. until farther notice. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF FLOUR, FETED, MANITOBA OATS, OAT CHOP AND IeOLLIEID OATS B DART—,in bates X53®.0®, per torn S!:IORTS—in bags] $30.004 -peer too MIDDLINGS—_ ; �+ bag $36.00 per too ;. IPERI 61 ry' 1.xt.._rR&.;ir1r L`'4•iaaas�ia�➢,n .,� *w,, _ ::,1, x s«•,. ..,',aa.a":r•,� . .., n• ;..ii e: new' • i,; , • a ` © d- l eliding SIILV WARE CLOCKS caskets — TrPe,,s Mimtle fir. Salt and Peppers $&OO to $25.1I` I► Knives :. nd Forks to Itchen f'' Entree Diss $4.51® WW ram a ierrs(passortment �jsssor b tient �,,oy,�f•f77 ►.a rhes at . ,�- il.eU+41U7!/1 `able . GU b t -- _ r�,,�, �ii� (; -r1� rib its :..% 'iTC �6 �. ULL + 0d 3., litoM 12WIE .1Lii t / P t Q '� "��