HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-06-14, Page 5a 7 r frac Siday as otti ' sage would IIiI„' a 4o G . ipar ¢iaau legs el a comma: al ny wi ahh a pont. t111ID1muus rtmentahlly &Iv& allerm21 record' for the yam 9 years, iFa11Il nun email zmoll the e®anj vim 11Del= �AIl® ellitilga ksim. II RJI.T SE ERNATIONAL curs co., LIMITED sn Way Sttreeg 7:'uolroim4® nobligationdais , send me partied= of above ,Address LIIVE STOCK MARIKI>+;1t'S Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June Quotations :—Heavy beef steers, $10.60 to 0511.50; botcher steers, choice, $11.00 to 911.50; 4o. fair .to good, $10.00 to 910.75; do. common x;9.00 to 99.75; butcher heifers, choice, $11.00 to 811.50 ; dc. fair to good, $10.00 to $10.15; -do. common, $9.00 to 99.50; butcher cows. sgood to choice, $8.60 to 59.50; do. common, to medium, $7.00 to $8.001 do. canners and cutters, $4.50 to 96.00; butcher bulls, good to choice, '$8.60 to $9.00; do. medium, 88.00 to X8.50; do. bolognas, $6.50 to $7.00; baby beef $10.00 to $14.00 ; feeders, choice. $9.75 to *10.00: do. fair to good, $9.00 to $9.50; stock- ers, choice, $9.25 to $9.75 ; do. fair, $8.57 to 399.00; calves, choice, 518.50 to $14.50; do. medium, $10.00 to 112.50; do. grassers, 97.50 to 58.00: springers, $85.00 'to 9130.00: milkers 475.00 to $110.00: Iambs, per cwt., $15.00 to 419.60: heep choice, 56.50 to 57.50: do. med- ium, 5.3.50 to $6.00; do. culls, $2.50 to 54.00; 8rogs, selects, w.o.c., 513.25; do. do., fed, 0912.95; do., f.o.b., $12.25; do., thick smooths, -w.o,c., $12.75. ItIAKE THE MOST OF YOUR WESTERN TRIP Stop Over a Few Days at Minaki. Minaki Lodge, just east of Winni- -peg on the main transcontinental line .of Canadian National Railways, is 'quite a social rendezvous these days. 'Travellers are amazed at the facili- ties for 'comfort, rest and recreation -that, are provided in this beautiful Northern resort. - The lodge, under Canadian Nation - s1 manageli'lani, is very -modern •in comfort and convenience,$—spacious— bright—satisfying. One may indulge in golf, tennis, fishing and all outdoor sports. If you contemplate going West, be sure to stop off at Minaki. Any Can- :adian National Railways Agent will give you descriptive booklet and full information. CA ID) OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart and family -desire to express their appreciation of the 0eindness and sympathy extended to them -through the death of the late John Stewart, rand also for the flowers and those who loan- ed ears: MARRIAGES Stevens—Nott,—At Knox Church Manse, Lon- desHwro, on June 1st. by the Rev. James Abery, Alberta Nott to Ernest L. Stevens. ^9$11 lr y9k t3E �11A r ni40.2; Can 4 llsli '+Ili 'tie Mr. omd ... Socrtt,14, Gaitnp glen.and vrl;r ea .Wien r p d Hannign1140-411 .43.44 And 4,u4%srpa. �10 R111 1W Creep' lin V elsoMte strut 31440 8r4 Ore,017 lb; bog +�411n:,yeax; T etneatA. In erfi ld Bend o11 May 80th, 314ary Teytgtaan, w 4tew of the late Francis Tretreau, eged 81 years, 11 months- and 14 days. Creiisshank. --In Wingbarn, on June 4th, Geo. Orttllarbanit .in, his 8Srd year. Elder, In Slay. Township, on Wednesday. June 6th, to SSr. ands Mrs. Bert ]Elder. e daughter (Audrey Marlon). tri ?tar. On, l orad. to Bldg. ea Sane UCT11Q➢N,, SALE UCTION'-SALE. — THE UNDERSIGNED auctioneer has been instructed to sell, without reserve, at Constance, on Tuesday, June 25th, 1929, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the fol- lowing: House and lot and stable, also car riage shop and the following 'chattels; New stect and rubber tired buggies, also some real goon second hand rubber and steel tired beg- gies, also new and second hand wagons, hay racks, cutting box run by power, good Mas- sey -Barris 7 -foot cut binder in good working order, 1 well-bred mare by 1Vionbars, 2.11%; one well-bred mare by Unkq, 2.11%; one geld- ing by Unko, also several other articles too numerous to ,Mention 'found around a car- riage arriage shop. Terns.—All sums of $10 and un- der, -cash; over that amount 5 menthe' credit: will be given on furnishing approved bankable Paper. A diseount of 4 per cent. straight orf for cash. W: M. HUGILL, Proprietor; Geo. Elliott. Auctioneer.' 8209-2 Rapture Evict Belre Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, Will be at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTE for one day only MON a AY, JUNE 24th and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his. famous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in 107 to 15 days and has cured cases in from three. to six months. This appliance is positive- ly demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't let this op- portunity get away from you. Re- member the date. 3209-2 iNcigop Ass ss Il11Delld The McKillop Township Treasurer will be rt his office, Lot 26. Concession 4, on Thurs- day, June 20th, 1929. to receive cash pay- ,ptents on the Hoegy Municipal Drain Assess- ment. Parties paying their assessment are 'asked ter do so by cheque at par at Seaforth. JOHN McNAY, Clerk. 8209-1 r "1rA-Nas NOTIlCIES SOWS FOR SALE. --FOR SALE, 5 YOUNG rows, bred to farrow in August and Sep- tember. Apply to JOHN NOLAN, R. it. 4. Seaforth, or phone 21 on 144. 3208-2 ARM AND CROP FOR SALE. — 100 eeres, Tuckersmith Township; good build- ings, well fenced end watered: sown to barley, oats. spring wheat and beans, clover and timothy hay. Immediate possession. Owner forced to sell on account of ill health. For further particulars see A. D. SUTHERLAND, In.urance and Real Estate, Seaforth. 3208-3 EBD GRAIN FOR SALE. --FOR SALE A quantity of good seed oats, also some No. 21 O.A.C. barley, six rowed. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS, No. 3, Seaforth, or phone 4 on 187, Seaforth. 8197-tf 1TOR SALE.—TIMOTHY AND AI•SIKE mixture, 27 per cent. alsike, 10 cents pound. Pure timothy seed, $4.00 per bushel. Yellow. Blossom Sweet Clover seed. $5.00 per bushel; white blossom sweet clover, 94.50 per bushel. All Government graded. Apply to RUSSEL DOHERTY, Lot 18, Concession 17, Grey. Phone 37-19, Brussels. 3197-tf ROTARY Criped. Ch[_dr ci0s ST}RATIEORIl'D GENERAL ]EIOSIPffAIL l ' FRIDAY, JUNE 28th, 3192 Parents of crippled children are cordially invited to bring them to this clinic where the outstanding surgeons in the Province, in crippled children's work, will .preside. EXPERT ADVICE WITHOUT COST Parents wishing to bring children should advise Dr. D. Smith, Chairman Crippled Children's Committee Stratford Rotary Club, at once, so that appointment may be made. This work is made possible largely through the proceeds re- 'eeeeived'from the annual Rotary Hallow'en Frolic. Oa R tt LEN. leaders .Rbe Lists➢-Comervative Paas C rma m Will address public ,trem usday 8,0 eeting fn �+: r eon, June 289 He will Ve assisted by Hon. E. ►:,. Rycknsa,n, X..C., M.P., Senator Donnelly, Duncan Sin- clair, .M.P., and George Spotton, M.P. MEETING BEGINS AT 2 O'CLOCK Loud Speakers atrranggedl go, that sail May hear perfectly. Seating teConi- •mlotion for all 'Band attendance. Public reception on lawn of George 'ppatton from one to two p.ri }� GODGOD847E '$' Iai 111 RING &., ZiQ 1,. al fe gp Is 1f t e rf MS 'Vti'' di':tNTWD The Connell of the Township of 810441 tyill' receive tenders An io LSO 040100 1; pail., of June 16th, 1929, for delivering crushed stone and lake gravel on township roads. Tender- ers to tender Per yard guile, All tenders must be in hands of Township Clerk on or . before +time 'mentioned hereinbe- fore A. JF. 191ESS, Enrich, Ont. Township Clerk, ]Say. 8208.2 MU 07 CMS 25c Get yours before they are llnekedi over. �I I a J. A o }�y V V E S LL C 1LI�0 S JEWELLER POPULAR IL.AR STALILI[O S Enrolment No. 1137 Approved Forms 0 The Imported (Belgian Stallion "SULTAN" —2456— 1090 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday—Will leave W. Hawkin's Dray Barn Sesforth, and proceed 8% miles south, then east 2 miles to Roy Brown's, for noon; thence east 1% miles, then north 8% miles, then east to William Cleary's, for night. Tuesday. —East to first crossroad, then north 2'/ miles, west 13/4 miles to Beechwood; north to Tim Lynch's, for noon; then north and west to Thomas Price's, for night. Wednesday.— East 11/4 miles, north 2% miles, west to Ike McGavin's, for noon: thence west and north to Walton, east and south to Russell Bar- row's for night. Thursday.—East to Gravel Road, south 11/4 miles, west and south to John Campbell's, for noon; thence to Ivy Hender- son's, by way of Winthrop, for night. Fri- day. --est to W. J. McBriens, for noon; thence south to Orville Phillip's, for night. Saturday.—West to first crossroad, then south 11/4 miles and east to Andrew Kirke, for noon; thence by way of Egmondville to his own barn, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. This route will be continued throughout the season. health and weather permitting. Terms.—To insure a foal, $14.00, payable February 1st, 1930. CHARLES GODBOLT, Proprietor. DOMINIC REYNOLDS, Manager. 3204-12 Enrolment No. 2096 Approved Form I The Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion FLASH -ON No. (25022) (20576) imported This celebrated stallion will stand for mares as fol lows : Monday.—Wi,. leave his own stable, Lot 23. Concession 5, Logan, and proceed to Andrew Krauskopfs, Lot 7, Concession 3, McKillop, for noon; thence to Peter Hignell's, Lot 14. Concession 5, McKillop, for night. Tuesday— To his own stable for nosh, where he wili remain for the afternoon. Wednesday—To Joseph O'Rourke's, Lot 4, Concession 6, Mc- Killop, for noon; thence to Rock Bros., Brod. hagen, for night. Thursday—To George Ben- newies', Lot 8, Concession 12, McKillop, for noon; thence to George Siemon'3, Let 24, Concession 11, Logan, for night. Friday—To Tames Roy's, Lot 12, Concession 8, Logan, for noon; then will proceed to his own stable, where he will remain until the following 4lrnoay morning. "this route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. Terms.—To insure a foal, $15; due Febru- ary let, 1930. JACOB HIGNELL Proprietor & .tanager. 3205 - ,Enrolment No. 2200 Approved Form 1 The Pure Bred imported Percheroa Stallion RAVEN 12804 Will stand for mares this season as follows: Monday—Will leave his own stable, Staffa. and go west 3% miles, 11/4 miles south to John Simmon's, for noon; east by way of Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—North to the 7th Concession, west 214 miles and north 2t, miles to John Dalton's, for noon; then west and south to William Riley's, Tuck- ersm'ith, for night. Wednesday — East to Sproat's side road, then north 33!1 miles and west 11/4 miles to William Drover's, for noon; then north to Fred Searlett's, Leadbury, for night. Thursday East 3% miles and south to Thomas Moylan, Jr.'s, for noon; then east 114 miles and north 11/4 miles to Manley and east 1'4 miles and south to Ed. Rosey's, for night. Friday East to Brodhagen and south to Norman Bokes, Concession 5, Logan, for noon; then east and south to the 4th Con- cession of Hibbert, to Gray Bros., for night. Saturday.—South-west to his own stable for noon, where he will remain until the follow ing Monday morning. Terms.—$14.00 to insure. payable February 1st, 1930. LIVINGSTONE & TEMPLEMAN, Proprietors. John Livingston, Manager. Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 The Premium Clydesdale Stallion FAVORITE AGAIIN No. 24337 Monday.—,Will leave his own stable, Brum- field, and go east to the second Concession, Tuckeramith, then south to Thomas Forsyth's, for noon. then to the Kipper Road to Kipper,. then south to Robert McLaren's, for night. Tuesday.—East by the White School to Angus McKinnon's, 10th coneessinn, for noon ; then east to Donald McKellar'., Cromarty, for night. Wednesday—North to the 9th Con- cession and west to William Patrick'd, for noon: then north to the 7th Concession and west to Robert Dolg's, for night. Thursday— West to Gemanell's corner, then to George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then east to the side road, then north and west on the 2nd Concession to Carnochan Bros., for night. Ft'iday.—West to Broadfoot's bridge, then south to his own stable. where he will re- main till the following Monday morning. Terms. --To insure, 916, due February let, 1980. ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor & Manager. 8206 - Enrolment No. 2177 Form 1 The Pure Bred Ciydesdale Stallion MONCREIFFE PRINCE ^ No. 24388 Monday.—Will leave his own stable. Bruce - field, and go east to the 2nd Concession, Tuck- ersmith, then north to Howard Cfrlch'e, for noon; thence north and wet to Andrew Flynn'., Concession 5, Mullett, for night. Tuesday. --North and west to Robert Watkin's, Concession 7, Mullett, for noon; then south to the Graham House, Clinton; for night. Wednesday. --West by Huron Road to David Rods -r',, for noon; then to Ruben Ortega, for night. Thursday. -10 John H. Me'iwan's, Sr, Cdneession, Stdnley, for r'$oon: then south to the Bayfield Road, then west to Elmer Web- ster's, for night. 'Friday° -South on the Parr Line to R. S. McAlli'atet''e, for noon: then mouth and east to the Town Line, thence north to William McKenzie's, 3rd Concession, Stanley, for night. Saturday. --North to the Hayfield Read to his own stable, where he will remain until the foll6W0t,ma;r/fonday morn- ing. Teresa.—'Ito insure, 215; two Matte from one owner, 928: dire 'Pdbrntlry let, 1930. It. D. MI111talDeal't. Pirbprdetor. CIHARL1S IVIAAiNIN0X 1 ntInC0i'. age rv" f ,y N a s wits, Sile TH ]B greatest safety feature on any auto. mmobibe — dine braking system.— — has been developed on the Ford car to a degirse that nnnsnuu'es absollute driving confidence. g.eing fully enclosed, the internal =pane brakes on all four wheels are free from any danger of impaired performance from mud, sand, road] dirt, grease or other ¢orei matter entering the mechanism or between the bands abrad], drum. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear Wheel, is distinct and separate, operated by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel[ spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to accommodate two sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. The smooth, even bralknng of the Ford car yields more advantages than maximum. safety at all times, since it makes tires ]last longer and adds immeasurably to ridlnng ease wad driving comfort. ,.lies g X4:11 , di Drive it Yourself-- thereis no '. ,0 Better Test - Ford .Car Features Choice of colours 55 to 65 miles an hour 40 -horse power engine Full balloon tires Fully enclosed six-brako system 4 Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers 20 to 30 miles per gallon, of gasoline Shatterproof glgms windshield Theft proof ignitiotzz holy Reliability and low upkeep Arrange for foualr dernoras'esr4uei@lrs ride via the nes resp Ford dealer 0 F RT F NTA r, 3' 5. 5, ra ,y 4 EARN Me `1 ® Iles C11 A L AY Letrrn And Bots r iw,1$tnitory, 70,1 , Wiaaing, l.... ,... t. •, u.,r inp, Be^_nutyCul Work�. ,ei+ opens. Writo es axs12, free i nntrtactivn� • DOMINION SCHOOLS • ass Km8358 401301370 27rcn oga :�Nopgrccts9 ��- 15 enerszcze TAMES IF®R S �B.M AS FOR SALE.—A FEW OHOICE forme in the Township. el Usborno, rnekeromith end Hibbert. Good buildinao and well located as to market. TIBIO7i'AS CAM- ERON, Exeter. Ont. 80684tf WARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Conoesaion 16. Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house. barn 55,00 on stone foundation: another building 26x56; windmill, drilled well: 90 scree plowed. halanoe has been under sae -tare for oeverml years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Poe- sessien first of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 3, Walton. 8186-tf 1, ARM FOR SALE.—FOR ' ALE PART LOT 28 and 29. Concession 9. McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK. Executor, Sen - forth. 8201-tf "WARM FOR SALE. ---100 Ar•RE FARM IN Tuckersmith Township, T,ot. 24. Concession 1, L.R.S., Huron County; good clay loam: level. Two story brick hon.,. and L-shaped bank barna with leteet imp mvemenln; wee] wire fenced; well tile drained; handy mar- ket, church, school. Situated on Highway No. 4, between Here all and Brumfield. Terms easy with Possession to snit pttrobager. Ap- ply to JOHN HAZELWOOD. Kippen, Ont. 8207x2 'u:sARM FOR SALE.—LOT s, CONCESSION 6, Stanley, 100 acres, all cleared. Or the farm are a 1% storey freme house, cement foundation, ciatern and cement floors in base- ment; barn 84x70 with lean of 12 fent, on a stone foundation; barn 85x52 and drive shed. Farm drained with tile, and wire formes ; 4 acres fall wheat, 40 acres p1on4+"u94; .balance seeded down. Situated one-half Ville frons Church, 1 mile from school. 4 Mille mm Kippen; 6 801185 from Hennall. Illi r,1 800,1 and telephone. Farm in good 406 ole eultiva- tion. d'Or further pnrtidntar0 alfat> on pronalt ,. 13. aril. CAIIt1LILE, Peoatibi-, TO 11, 1, Doi& P. O. 0147 tt2 FM' Auk kvers During the week end of .Dune 15th and 16th, the Woodstock Salvation Army Band, consisting of 28 players, will visit Seaforth. Brigadier and Mrs. Burton and Adjutant Kitson will accompany the Band. r-- .3 The programme for the week end will be:— Saturday Evening, Opening Air on Main Street. Special Sunday Services held in the Citadel at 11 a -m. and 7 p.m. 'These will he conducted by the Brigadier. . Musical Meetings will be held in the Park at 3 p.m. and 8.15 p.m. Rev. ].ane will act as Chairman in the evening. Weather unfavoaable, these will be held in Citadel., 3208-2 D. IHI. Epi&IIINNFS Registered Drugless! Practitioner. CUIiROPRA CTO I" ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric is athn Commercial Hotel, SeafortIa Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjnnetrnents given Por amen= off all Hinds. 06642 0 00000001 O S. T. Hohmmes & Sona O O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer. ® ' O O O Finest Motor and Horse- 0 O drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block, Main Street, opposite O O The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 0 Holmes, residence, Goderich O 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' O 0 residence, G,pderich St., East. 0 O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. All kinds of up- 0 0 holstering neatly done. O 0 Phones: 119 or 308 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O TV. J. CLIEARY O O Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Director. O 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 O Equipment. O O Night and Day Service. O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O ess I have purchased the Coal Basi>aesa of Mrs. W. L. Keys in Seaforth, nm will hereafter use her Store House. A full line of all Grades of Coca and Coke carried. Also National Fertilizer, of J ngete- soll, on hand. 0 W. T. !::OX 1 CO. 0 0 Funeral Director and O 0 Licensed Embalmer. O 0 H. C. BOX O 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 equipment. O 0 Cha4ges moderate. O 0 Flowers furnished on short '0 O notice. 0 7' Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Rhone 48 O 0 0 000000000000 A C (Inc w Airchibaki PHONE 44 W - SEAFOBTHEE 3205-tf SIE MdICIIILIL®IP MUTUAL FERE IN SU1 ANtCIE CO'. SIIEAD OFFICE--SIEAFO r, T1RI, ®1`1 OFFICERS: James Evans, Beechwood - Preaid eat James Connolly, Godlsi'ieh, Viees•Pres. O. F. McGregor, Seaforth. AGENTS: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, C1imts'it W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John 2mu" t ey, Egmo- d'ville; J. W. Y120, ri (30,11 rich; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodilagenl; S ht Watt, (Blyth. DIRECTORS: lllla7il B.inn, . R. No. Si, 82,1COValq, 3oy�T Mi BedllIGTJi1fl, ga 1.'J Mt , 1 eeeltwoar1'; .TiA511(IeOJ sol etrlet S A1resr. I3rrss eolb g1D1`i'",ta atbOFSt °C3/5,5i 1 los iii tu/se `z1 ;, 3o. t� flat ikon, rateddlelel e, 4