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The Huron Expositor, 1929-06-14, Page 4
�Jae'X41¢ 1Q1144140, 1114-14 , (4.4i$44 MOP. r: $etGtleamaema. In fact 'the east or ether ovale ' oil that ear le dna to lea' vary much out of luck. RTH COLLE 1 A E i0110wung is a copy of the reso- passad by the Seaforth Col- stitute Board on May 21st, owed by R. S. Hays, seconded by , Sills, that we throw open all Paebi its .positions in the school and AtIreatise for applicants; replies to be in by une 5th, and that the Secretary r^#,�,`te.`the present staff that their ap- aliteatioats will lie considered.—Car- glad." IMF, CROPS 1TN HURON TEAM= Amp PUPIL (Woodstock Sentinel -Review) Remarks by A. K. Overholt,. prin- cipal of Brantford Collegiate, in an address before the Woodstock Rotary Club provide plenty of food for thought on the part of parents as well as teachers. Mr. Overholt ex- presses firm belief that every teacher has a definite responsibility for not only the mental but the moral and character -building characteristics of each student who passes through his classes. The instructor who does not admit this, he argues, is not a suc- cess. Mr. Overholt believes that the teacher is shirking duty who takes a position that training of morals and character is the work of the -home and the church alone It would be a fine thing for the country if every teacher accepted such responsibility ani used it worthily. 11 If one took a drive from the stea- tite of this county' to its boundaries in any direction, that person could not help but come to the conclusion that Theron has been wonderfully blessed in crop this year. It is many years since the wheat and clover have come through the winter as well and given as much promise as they did this spring. Sind, then that promise gives every ful- raiment for harvest. There is a stand 4if wheat on the farm of Mr. Jamie- son, on the ;Huron Highway, west that is worth travelling miles to see and there are many more stands of the same crop in this county, that have never been excelled. The same is true of clover, and like- wise true of all spring crops. There are stories of damage by frost to some bean crops in the southern par of the riding, and of damage to pota toes in other parts. In others, rain is needed, but on the whole it is doubt- ful if any year has given greater promise of a bountiful harvest than this. Even if these promises are not en- tirely fulfilled, Huron has only to look at conditions in some other counties to come to a full realization that they are living in the Garden of On- tario. One look at the county• of Kent should be sufficient. The high waters of Lake Erie this spring put .1,600 acres of land under water, and forced 300 farmer families off their land. These farmers have waited and worked in the hope that the ovate_ would recede or be driven back in time to replant their crops, but that time is past and the water is still there. ' These families have been forced to scatter and are practically ruined, and ruin to 300 farmer families means practical ruin to their immediate vil- lages and towns, and to a large num- ber of people in other sections as well. Taken year in and year out, one is forced to the conclusion that Huron County is a pretty good place to live in. JU Ell9ILE DRIVERS There is a law in Ontario which says that no person may drive a motor car without a license, and that a license may not be issued to a person •lander sixteen years of age. This law was put on the stitutes as a safeguard to public safety, but .judging by the number of juvenile drivers one beets on the highways, it is, a law, not widely known to par- ents or car owners, wners, or one which they choose to disregard. It is truethat there are some boys and some girls who are as good, if not better, ear drivers than their fathers, and certainly better mechan- ics, because a large majority of the present generation seem to learn the workings of a car by instinct rather than by pra. tile, as a farm boy ]earns to handle horses. But again, there are others who .are not in this class, and still others, while they may be able to drive and handle' a car, are not responsible when entrusted with one. N. one questions the nerve of a juvenile driv- er. One will take chances with a light heart, that would make a sane grownup shudder to even contem- plate. Nerve and judgment, howev- er, are two very different things -_a wonderful combination when they go together, but a very dangerous thing on the highway, when a driver lacks one of them, and that one—judgment. And under sixteen years of age, one is not altogether noted for judgment. That is, probably, why this law was vveitteii. The dangers of motor traf- to on the highways and, in fact, on all roads, have become so great that the authorities are forced to take ev- er precaution and lay down every safeguard to . prated the safety of the (alike, even when some of these safe- rds may work a . tepnporary in- :oaavenienee or hardship on some. And there is another [point car oerenetS > should give earnest nar to. Adeideirits are no respectors of per- t'ol . (011e may tome` to any one and meat uneltpeeted tunes. When one cadent, does cona'e, whether t;; at fieri s, iii. One of the ail of thaaarrs la a loom - r lig *try tit fault of 004. e. VOA havn c�r wines it Bolas ,*0 a cal"i lieTOlt' A CENTURY OF THE LONDON POLICE (New York World) The most striking fact in the hun- dred -year history of the London police force, just celebrated in England, is that the origir al organization estab- lished by Sir Robert Peel has remain- ed almost unchanged. When he re- pl'aced the ' arious small local "watch- es" with the metropolitan police, Lon- don was suffering from an epidemic of crime. He nude the police commis- sioner a royal cfficial, responsible only to the home secretary. At no point did political control enter intu the scheme. An eble, high -educated and trusted attorney, Sir Richard Mayne was placed at the head of the force; capaLie subordinates were secured and a remarkable esprit de corps was drilled into the men. A century later Peel's system survives substantially intact. AImost equally striking is the fact that in the whole period from 1829 to 1915 London had precisely six po- lice commissioners. American cities change their police heads every few years; they reorganize their adminis- tration every decade or so. On this side of the ccean our police problem still remains largely unsolved. It is a harder problem than •London's, but there are lessons we can learn from her success. taw* VA', ''7• Q lane erT ed big aerVt4as 1,4 4C1144ZAIY &A throe organ, mad Upe.Will Webster and in 11rly,'a :St; r iielens, spent Sun, day with Wire. Wellste-es brother and sister, Mr. nal! rvey and tlifiiss Annie Taylor. The Tslylor family had a family reunion on Sunday last, held at the old borne, where Mr. Harvey and Annie new live.—Don't forget the strawberry festival to he held on the church lawn (Wednesday, June 19th. A good programme is being provided. Everybody come and en- joy themselves. -,-Mr. William Dale, Miss Thelma Dale, Mr. Arthur Brow - ley and Miss Mary Coulter, all of To- ronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dale over the week end. —Mrs. Ed, Britton attended the fun- eral of her uncle, Mr. George Arm- strong, of Belgrave, held on Wednes- day.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. William Britton went to Listowel on Wednesday to visit the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark.—The W.M.S. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter on Thursday of this week. KIDPPEN Notes. — Miss Dorothy McLean spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Susan Passmore, of Hensall. — Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Sr., of Hay, is vis- iting with her sister, Miss Kate Moir, of the London Road.—Quite a num- ber from this vicinity attended th anniversary services of Hensall Unit ed Church on Sunday last.—Mr. and Mrs. H. McGregor have treated them- selves to a fine new Studebaker sedan and during the week have taken a number of friends for a pleasant out- ing. CH1[SI'ELHUIRST Notes.—Mrs. Wright was called to her home on Monday last owing to the serious illness of her mother.— Mr. and Mrs. J. Varley were in Crom- arty on Saturday last attending the wedding of Mr. Frank Stagg and Miss Grace Houghton.—Mrs. Watson and baby, of London, are visiting at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole at the store here.—.Mrs. W. Wilkin- son and son, Jim, were in London re- cently, attending the graduation at the Ontario Hospital. 11:1111LLSGREEN Notes.—The young people's anni- versary will be held on Sunday ave- ning, June 23rd, at 7:3e p.m. The Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A., of Seaforth will conduct the service.—Misses Ag- nes and Jean Cameron, of Clinton, spent the week end at the home of their uncle, Mr. John Cochrane.— Misses Muriel and Martha Carlile, of Clinton, spent the week end at the home ,of their parents, Mr. and Mrs W. Carlile.—Mrs. L. Troyer spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horner, of Zurich,—Mrs J. Steacy, of IHensall, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. W. Jarrott —Qniite a number from this vicinity attended the anniversary services in the United Church, Hensall, on Sun- day. ---Mr. W. Taylor, who has been working in Windsor, returned to his home. MANLLEY Notes.—At last Saturday's meeting of the McKillop Council, Mr. John Reid was awarded the contract of the Hoegy drain, and Mr. W. Rapien was awarded the contract of the two cement bridges over the Woods drain, Lots 10 and 11, Concession 3, Mc- Killop. The work started last Mon- day, so that the bridges will be com- pleted shortly to accommodate the travelling public. Bill is a hustler .— A large number of our men attended the Holy Name Rally held at St. Bridget's Church„ Logan, last Sun- day.—The many friends of Mi•. Jerry O'Hara are sorry to learn he is on the sick list.—,Many friends will re- gret to learn of the death of Mrs. Duffy, which occurred on June 12th. The funeral will be held on Friday at 9.15 a.m. to St. Columban Church. CONSTANC1E Notes.—,Mr. Lawrence Taylor, of Detroit, spent a few days with his relatives here.—Mr. and Mrs. Will MclVftllan and daughter, NCarian, of London, spent the week end with rel- atives.—The service on Sunday was a decided sueeess. 1tev. Mr. Johnson preached a very practical and force- ful sermon, his text and thought throughout being directed to the peen of the congregation. The men's choir O*Celledti en:velves. The members ath their' and congregation wish to WALTON Notes.—Rev. W. J. Maines, of Duff's United Church, and Rev. W. A. Bar- ker, of Brussels, exchanged palpits on Sunday morning.—Mrs. William Clark and Miss Jean Clark returned home on Saturday evening after spending several weeks in Toronto.—John R. Leeming, of the 14th concession, Mc- Killop, underwent an operation for appendicitis on Saturday night in Sea - forth Memorial Hospital. He is doing as well as can be expected. — Mrs. Joseph Dennis is confined to her bed through illness. Hier many friends wish for her speedy recovery.—Mrs. T. Watson, of London, is at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bennett—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bou - gar, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mrs. Bougar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald.—Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and their daughter, Miss Mary, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Pryce, of Winthrop. —Peter B. Gardiner spent. Mqnday in Toronto on business.—A large crowd attended Thomas Clark's sale in Wal- ton on Monday.—Miss Gertrude Mil- ler spent the week end with Miss Ran- kin, of Seaforth. Misses Jean and Maud Ferguson, of Seaforth, visited friends in Walton recently. — Miss Muriel Farquharson, „ of Winthrop, spent the week end at home. ilten4ne tyR tiara t4k 'al Rrexiu nP $fq0trai'- a is s*11:01; ivaagealtat ' o0.a41a and children tilfq out our fair Bethin- ion. A dd'i'., lunch was served by the hostess, .tk'he next 'meeting will be held at.."014 home of lllxs. W. S. Broadfoot,., 4: (Wednesday, JFIy $rd, at 2 Pan, I9, •and Mrs. J. W. Aiken - head and **later,. Ruth, .were week end guests With friends here, Anniversat Services: Young peo- ple's annivereaey services will be held next Sunday,;, Rev. H. G. Whitfield, of St. Hpiens, will be the special speaker. ,3toung people's choir is preparing sr+ecial music. It is mt- pected that Miss Irene Snider, of London, will assist the choir. On Monday evening the popular lecture, "The Luggage of Life," will be given by 'Rev. D. yCr,cTavish, of Exeter. STAFFA Notes —A church service will be held on Sunday evening, June 16th, in the United Church, under the auspices of the W.M.S.,-at 7.30 p.m. Members of the Society will take part. Special music. Parker-Norris.—A very pretty June wedding was solemnized at the Manse of the United Church, Hensall, when Rev. A. Sinclair united in marriage Eva Ismena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norri:Q, of Hibbert, to William George Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker. The bride looked charming in a gown of flower crepe georgette. with satin slippers and hat to match, and carried a bou- quet of carnations and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid was Miss Mar- garet Norris, R.N., of Stratford, sis- ter of the bride, who wore a black and white ensemble with hat and shoes to match. Harry Norris, cousin of the bride, was groomsman. The bride- groom's gift to the bride was a pend- ant, to the bridesmaid a silver salt and pepper set, and to the grooms- man a pipe. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Parker left by motor for Stratford for a short honeymoon. On their return a reception was held for them at the home of the bride's par- ents, when a host of friends gathered to extend best wishes to the young couple. AYFEELB Breezes.—Mrs. Minnie Ross, of To- ronto, who has been at her cottage, "Sum -R -In" for the past three weeks, left for home Sunday, motoring with Mr. and Mgrs. Cobb, who came up for her. --Miss Agnes McIntyre, of Strathroy, who has spent several sea- sons here, arrived last week and is at Mrs. John Pierson's.—Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Detroit, arrived home Fri- day for the summer vacation.—Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, of Toronto, and Mrs. L. Niles and son, of London, are at Mrs. Shannon's cottage, arriving Saturday. Anniversary.—Last week we refer- red to the coming event, the celebrat- ing of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Bayfield Parish, when the Church of England had its beginning in 1849. The special services have been arranged as follows: Sunday, June 23rd, 11 a.m., Rev. R. C. Pitts; 7.30 p.m.; Rev. E. C. Jennings • Sun day, June' 30th, 11 a.m., Archbishop Williams; 7.30 p.m., Rev. F. G. Rick- ard. Afternoon of Sunday, lune 23rd, service at Varna, 'Rev. A. C. Pitts; afternoon of Sunday, June 30th, Arch- bishop Williams will hold Confirma- tion service at St. James' Church, Mid- dleton_ There will also be special services during the week at Trinity Church, Bayfield. Monday, June 24, 8 p.m., Rev. Wln. A. Townshend; Wed- nesday, June 26th, Rev. R. S. Jones, Rural Dean; Friday, June 28th, Arch- deacon Jones Bateman. On Tuesday evening, June 25th, in the Town Hall, a supper and concert is to take piece when a good musical programme will be given and a play, "Left in Charge" put on by the young people of the congregation. This anniversary prom- ises to be an outstanding event and the services will no doubt be largely attended. All are welcome. ., RUCEFC' II °a1LID) Notes.—The newly -organized Wo- men's Association met at the home of Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot on June 6th. The first hour was spent in needlework and social entercourse, after which the meeting was ,opened by the sing- ing of a hymn and Scripture reading and prayer conducted by Mrs. William Rattenbury, Convener of the Devo- tional Committee. Mrs, Alex. 'Broad - foot, the President, presided. The roll call was responded to by a fav- orite recipe. Miss Helen Tough was elected Treasurer, and ether business wan transacted. The ' topic for the day was a ."enmpei'aiaee." Mrs'. Tagg Cog :aaamaaa.acca,..aaaaaraa STANLEY Notes. --,Mr. Frank McClinchey, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at his home' here. Sunday June 9th, was observ- ed as Father's Day in our churches.' Rev. J. Penrose gave a very suitable address and the music was furnished by a men's choir,—Mr. Earnie Pen- rose, of London, is visiting his par- ents at the Parsonage, Varna. Talbot-Dowson.—A quiet but pretty wedding took. place at the home of Mr. and Mrs; . W. J. Dowson, Goshen Line, on Saturday morning, June 8th, when their daughter, Vera Marie, was united in marriage to Mr. Leonard E. Talbot, son of Mr. and Mrs: -W. H. Talbot, Stanley, Rev. J. Penrose of- ficiating. The wedding march was played by ,Mass Ruby Erratt. The bride looked very charming in a white crepe romaine with a veil, coronet, style, caught with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of carnations, lily of valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Fern Taylor, cousin of the bride, attired in tea rose georgette, carry- ing a bouquet of carnations, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was attended by .Mr. Anson Coleman. Im- mediately after the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served to their immediate relatives, Misses Mable Calver and Margaret McKinley assist- ing. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to bridesmaid silver salt and pepper stands, to the pianist a silver bar pin and to the groomsman, a silver belt chain. The happy couple left by motor for Ham- ilton, Kitchener and Niagara Falls the bride travelling in a cocoa brown and French biege wool ensemble suit with hat, shoes and purse to match On their return they will reside on the groom's fine farm on the Bine Water Highway. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Talbot wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life, ZURIICIEI 53y174t"'"1t8GP 119AS3 SCPi)'A117p OG3A Mato iia, osultar an , 014 I?Q iO but whit, ba'ITQ,�. jv t&dJ QI 4100," and how he toh7s'the peer fel' low by the hand and tlarotlgla the healing Bower given hint from Wax, en, he.. restored klim to strength; .At the evening service lir, %Smith took for his subject what i4 termed in the Epistle of John, the New Command- ment, "that we love one another,* and which he dwelt upon as the great est commandment of all, and which,. if carried out, would revolutionize the world and stated how necessary it was first of all for Christians to love one another, and become filled with that love and burning zeal that would then send them out into the whole world in the service of God, and re- deeming it for Him. The musical part of the services were of a very fine and special character and at the morning service in, addition to *Very fine anthems rendered by a choir of over 30 voices, ably led by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, with Miss E. Fisher splen- didly presiding at the organ, a well rendered duet was given by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and Miss Champion, of Galt, a talented singer, and a most splendid solo by Mr. Sam Rennie, while at the evening service, in addi- tion to fine anthems, a splendid violin solo was given by Miss Greta Lam- mie, accompanied by Miss Fisher, pipe organist!" A good quartette by Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Pfile, Mr. John Passmore and Mr. Thomas Sherrit, and a closing and very finely render» ed duet by Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. L. Hedden. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns and in every respect the anniversary ser- vices were most pleasing and success- ful, while the large congregations were delighted to again meet their former pastor and his wife, and they received a great welcome. Briefs.—Mrs. C A. McDonell, ac- companied •by Mrs. Adams, of St. Marys, spent Sunday last in London, with relatives and friends.—Mrs. D. Urquhart and daughter, Miss Beatrice -'isited friends in our village on Mon- day last.—We are pleased to report that Mrs. Duncan McMartin, who has been so very seriously ill for a num- lwr of weeks, has improved very niuc h in health during the past week r r two, so much indeed that she plans it a few days going with relatives she expects here on the coming Sun- dae, to Galt, where her' sister, Mrs. McDonald resides, and spending some months there in the interests of her health, and the change will, no doubt prove beneficial.—Our local Orange- men are already talking and planning about the coming glorious 12th of Thly —Miss Florence Welsh, of Lon- don, spent the past week here with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh.—Mrs. John A. Mitchell, of near Crediton, was here the first part of this week visiting her rela- tives and was accompanied by her son, Gordon Mitchell.—Garden parties and strawberry festivals will, no doubt, soon be the order of the day. —Miss Alice Kyle spent a couple of weeks recently with relatives in Kip - pen and vicinity.—Mr. Olive Twitchell \vas in London this week on business — Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie spent the past maple of weeks with her sister in I'lattsville.—.Mr. Milton Pfaff, post- master at Exeter, accompanied by Mrs. Pfaff and little daughter, spent a few hours with friends here on Sat- urday last. --Our bowlers are engag- ing in a number of local and neigh- boring contests and getting wakened up for the midsummer competitions — The Hydro Commission have been trimming and cutting out branches of shade trees on our streets that inter- ferred with the service.—'The Masons of Zurich Lodge, Hensall, are look ing forward to an interesting meeting on the coming Monday evening, when there will be an election of officers and on the following week, June 24 which is known as St. John's night the officers will be duly installed.— A number of those interested in base- ball were in Exeter on Tuesday after- noon last, attending a ' very exciting game.—Dr. and Mrs. J.' Munn and little son, of Seaforth, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Alex. Munn.—Mrs. Bertram North who has .been spending a week or so with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R Higgins and family, returned to her home on_Stmday last, accompanied by her husband, who spent the week end here.—We understand that Mr. Fred Brock was operated on on Wednesday of this week, in the interests of his health, at Victoria Hospital, and his many friends and relatives extend to him best wishes for a speedy recov- ery to health.—Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peppler have returned from a very pleasant three weeks vacation with relatives and friends in Elora, Han- over, and a number of other places.— Mrs. Balfour, of Mitchell, is visiting far a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elder.—Mr. William Simpson, accom- panied by Fred Stacey, of Detroit, spent the week end at their respective homes. --Miss Lulu McDonald is home from London spending a week or so with her parents and with relatives in our village.—Mr. and Mrs. Young of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nutt, of Glengowan; Mr. and Mrs. Malloy and Miss Cameron, of An- derson, were Monday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde and family, of the London Road, a little south of our village.—The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge have arranged t.s hold their annual decoration services the first Sunday in the month of July. `invitations are being sent to the sister lodges and to the local clergymen to be present and take part in the services.—We notice from a recent copy of the Los Angeles Times, in an account of Bank promo- tions in the California Bank, the name of Mr. George M. Chelew, formerly of Hensall, and a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook, of aim village, has been promoted from assistant. cashier to that of junior vice-presi- dent, and- also the work of personnel officer.—Mr: Stephen Troyer has re- turned home from spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Elide. -- Mr: and Mrs. Frank Brierly, of Al- berta,. who are here on a visit with Mrs. Brierly's mother, hare. John Sack - son, and relatives and friends in, this vicinity, are planning for a trip to langland and Ireland this fall, --,Mrs. C, aunt aid • little sons q4't o llny'e; seen *siting iv %Pith rela sons, f l ew Toot City for »+:ilunber Of weeks, are Notes. --Rev. A. Datars conducted the services at the Lutheran Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Datars is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Datars Sr., Zurich, and was ordained in the nanistry recently. He will leave for D,'sboro in a few weeks, where he .vill take charee of the Lutheran con- gregation.---Rev. on- grr-gation.- rev. W. Y. Dreier, assist - e'; Rev. Gretzner at Port Elgin in evangelistic meetings last week.—The Zurich Public School picnic, which ':as billed for Wednesday afternoon, was called off on account of wet weather.—The Holy Name Society of the local Roman Catholic Church. held a celebration on- Sunday here. Many from a distance attended the event.— lles,rs. W. Lamont, J. P. Rau, J. Pfaff and J. A. Manson attended a director's meeting .of the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company held at Crediton on Satur- day—Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cal- fas and daughter, Elda, who spent the winter months at London, have returned to their home here.—The framework of the new barn being erected on the farm of Mr. P. Deichert Jr., Blind Line, has been put up and work is being done on the roof and siding. Mr. Deichert's barn was des- troyed when struck by lightning some weeks ago.—The brickwork on the new house being erected 'ba Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch is nearing completion.}- Mr. and Mrs. J. Straus and children of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. F. Thiel on Sunday.—Mrs. C. Fritz and son, Ward, visited relatives in Kitchener and Guelph for a few dans last week. -- Mr. and Mrs. A Meininger, of Dearborn, Michigan spent the week end with the latter'Is parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh —Mr. and Mrs; D. Stanbus and Mr and Mrs. 0. Steinbach, of London visited relatives here on Sunday.— Mrs. Moses Geiger, who is seriously ill, was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Blake Horner, 14th concession, on Monday, who will take care of her during her illness. IHIIENSAILL Notice.—There will be a bee for cleaning in McTaggart', Cemetery on June 20th. Ev- erybody come out. 3209x1 Piano and Violin Recital by pupils of Miss Greta H. Lammle,'A.T.C.M., will be given in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday evening, Jane 21st, at 8.16 p.m. Admission 26c. 22G9-2 For Sale.—A nice home in Hensall for sale or exchange, with• one or two lots; dry cel- lar, hardwood floor, wired, etc.; garage and brick stable. Central to t1on, on corner Rich- mond and Nelson Streets. F. W. Hess. 3208-tf Anniversary Services.—Anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday last, morning and evening, and were conducted by Rev. E. F. McL. Smith, of Penetanguishene, a former minister here for about 13 years, for what was then known as Carmel Presbyterian Church, who de- livered mist forceful, inspiring and eloquent sermons, which were listen- ed to with the greatest attention by large eongregatieins that taxed the capacity of the spacious church. More particularly was this so at the even- ing service, many coming from quite long distances -to again hear Rev. Mr. Smith. At the morning service he dwelt upon giving °'what we had in the Master's task taldn for the sub- ject of his retneeis that beautiful Bible narrative o'4 t194 Apostle t°'eter, ala hid 'Way to wdrr hip; arid- noticing at the gate or etitfrranee to the temple that poor lame bedgae Soliciting alms, and •aylrore Peter ated With iitets sympathy for dm. , roo2 fellow, nir Nowadays ttila..e yawing fa'l dieuual 4'ai4 ;alk Ot lie laattLeir feetwear ass tIlaa gr nialfee. Sint ppm.',� liar Q,'a,.:.l sq ;prinoep must have .something besides Style -,n -they DnIIuat j to I.,. Re aagraalmlle Quality. Our children's Shoes are carefully $ l0iepl 140Pal Itai4 roast manufacturers and while possessing all the stylle 2ecattgpes, are C pia eta anteed to give the satisfactory service which' parents elei>meped. Here are a ffew of oar new styles which are extra eud'v allnePt Misses' Patent one -strap . Slippers with grey overlay On =nap, p, cushion soles, rubber heels. Sues 11 to 2. $1,195 for Misses' Patent wide strap Slippers with fawn strap and $' r bright buckle extension soles, rubber heels, for c'' Misses' Patent wide strap Slippers with buckle fastening, t� �u4�J leather linings, rubber heels, for Children's Patent wide strap Slippers with fawn straps, buckle fasten- ing, extension soles, rubber heels. Sizes 8 to 10 for Children's Patent wide staiap Slippers, buckle fastened, til agE leather lined, for e"J IJ e1J Special in Play Oxfords for Misses and Children—Brown leather up- pers with blonde Panco solea and heels. Misses' sizes, $1.95 ; Children's size, $1.75. Von TELIEIPHONH 11 SE Ol ppO 1 ifCOMME MAL 161e71l'lIIL CC - expected home in the very near fut- ure.—We regret to state that Mr. Charles L. Jinks is still quite poorly and confined to his room, but we hope he may soon take a deeided change for the better.—Miss Margaret Mur- ray, of London, and formerly of our .village, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Hattie D. Sutherland. Miss Murray's many friends were pleased to meet her again.—+The auc- tion sale of the housiehold effects of the late Mrs. Carmichael, held ore Saturday last, was quite largely at- tended and very good prices realized on the whole.—The many friends of Mrs. Robert Higgins are pleased to learn that she is improving nicely from her late and quite serious ill- ness. Sumter 0liriiiy We have just received a new shipment of summer lea's — Mohairs, Silks and Summer Felts in all the new colors and white. Fancy scarfs to match any color. Style and Quality at low cost. Always Specials for Friday and Saturday. Nrs. Bertha,4o en, Hens ChautmzEn «Han Cha :taaaca3 IIA PA i'�. K, S1EAF®1', THHI VICTO DAILY PROGRAMME: FIRST DAY JUNE 22nd AFTERNOON Rest EVENING—Popular Broadway Comedy• — "The Family Upstairs" Martin Erwin Players SECOND DAY—JUNE 24th AFTERNOON— Concert .Moscow Artists Lecture—"Education or Catastrophe" Mrs. D. Pirie Beyea EVENING—Notable Musical Production— Scenes, from the Russian Life Anatol Frikin and His Russians THIRD DAY—JUNE 25th AFTERNOON—Grand Concert • Ernest Toy and Lowell Patton EVENING --Concert Ernest Toy and Lowell Patton Lecture—"Awakening China" Dr. Tehyi Hsieh FOURTH DAY—JUNE 26th AFTERNOON— Gala Performance for the Children...Herb Taylor, Famous Clown EVENING— , Great Romantic Drama—"Smilin' Through".'. Martin Es -win Players FIIF'Il'll;-DAY—JUNE 27th AFTERNOON -Popular Concept Jackson Jubilee Singers Lecture—"Canadianization" Capt. Stanley Nelson Dancey EVENING—Grand Concert Jackson Jubilee Singers A SEASON TICKET FOR ALL THE ATTRACTIONS FOR FIIVE BIG DAYS—$2.20 Admission for children 25e to all programs. Afternoon Programes, 3.00 p.m. Evening Programs, 8.00 p.an. JUNE 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th, .27th GALVANIZED SHINGLES for the Reed Handsome, fireproof. lass the life es, the building. aka anoother. 2letpriceo, I 9II� IIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111111111114:;f:11 gata06.0 SI -MET S(TJ EL C1 EL INGS Yoe Sa> ho®Il}�s9 fli�dDfStem, Hotels, Mitch 1 S9 we. s1 I 13AUTIPUL -- Mi 1:T!?I) O ECONOMICAL atAILVAIII )ID Cut .ae o m",�asico m4 ntYob.2Gia© assn 6 tc�symabaol Itre � e � • pir; Istlff Pup in a ,1::y. 11Qanyhasadaoi patterns. ]Easy toy handle. Nailed. place over old plaster. No due �1t dirt No muss ,a m..i iittom l etledn and paint. Get12See facto and aegte your mow cogozargese geonoser ba a