HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-06-14, Page 3\DP
Silb'k'.'7 c;f
mu 1
the compete>tat-serfvice vvnt
which b sinesg accou l> ta
ra. eco by The itcambliez
Rosen - Birds ysrr
A ti, yr IS WELL
The happy mother is the ono whose
taby is well—it is the laughing
gurgling baby who always brings
joy to the home. When baby !s ill
everyone in the home suffers—not
only through worry over the little
c+ne but though loss of sleep—no
one can find rest with a sick baby in
the hone. Thousands of mothers.are
happy mothers because they have
'found the way to keep their little
nines well—or if sickness does come
on suddenly, as it usually does with
llittle ones, they have found the way'
to speedily bring the baby back to
(health again. Mrs. George Kech,
"Ibindberg, Alta., is one of these moth-
-ars and she writes as follows:—"I am
the happy mother of a seventeen-
snonth-old baby girl. Baby is heal-
thy and strong and sleeps well at
might. 1 give her no other medicine
but Baby's Own Tablets and she just
loves them. I am never without the
Tablets in the house."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the bowels; sweeten the stomach and
thus drive out constipation and indi-
-gestion and make the cutting of
-teeth easy. They are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
)box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Continued from Page One
Moved in amendment by Messrs.
111 and Henderson, that an insur-
ance policy be placed with the Can-
adian General Insurance Company,
and that the policy be one on which
the premium is $648 up to $10,000.
The amendment carried by a vote of
21 to 7.
Mr. Thomas Orr, Secretary of the
'Rotary Club, Stratford, and Mr.
'Mountain, President of the same
Club, addressed the council, re a
crippled child clinic being held in
Stratford on June 28th, at 9 o'clock,
when all children would be examined
tree by specialists.
The report of the County Property
(Committee was read and adopted.
The report of the House of Refuge
(Committee was read and adopted.
Keys -Hill: That the Old. Age Pen-
nion Board for 1929 be Messrs. Hen-
erson, Craigie, Kennedy, Hubbard
and %' iggins.—Carried.
Tenderson-Stalker: That owing to
the dangerous condition of the Prairie
road, south of gingham, which was
-badly damaged during recent floods,
'e feel that it is in real danger of
of being destroyed and we would re-
commend that the balance of road be
stoned at west side to protect same.
:About one-third of this road was stone
otected last year at a cost of about
.---!Sent to Good Roads Commis—
Middleton -Rader; That Goderich
Township he given a reasonable
amount per yard for gravel taken
2rom gravel hill on Benmiller road.—
Sent to Good Roads Commission.
646 ,6 y3,,KW nido
To "Nlugget" tion
capeno with a
itwitint I
Men and women
yhc, al tze that
pp arcalncs counts
• Ws ye have well-
• polished shoes.
S'IQ'D7GY "Plggiesrz°o your
show fthdO rriasiaag?
'rewartha-Stalker: That a by-law
be prepared limiting the gross.load to
be taxied over the steel bridges of
the county to 10 tons.—Carried.
,Mole -Rader: That the council ad-
journ until Friday morning.
The Clerk made explanations re the
matter: of the Old Age Pension Board
as follows:
The Department of the Attorney -
General will furnish the Clerk with'
all blank forms, etc., and all informa-
tion with reference to the method of
procedure. Until these necessary-
documents are received, the commit-
tee can not organize and assume the
work pertaining to their duties.
County Engineer Patterson address-
ed the council regarding the esti-
mates for the Highways Department,
and claimed the estimates had been'
pared very close.
The County Treasurer also spoke,
regarding the rates and announced
that he thought the ordinary rate
should stand of 4 mills.
After much discussion it was mov-
ed by A. H. Neeb, seconded by Robert
Higgins, that the rates to be levied
on the equalized assessment of the
county for the present year be as fol-
lows: For general rate, 4 mills; for
highway rate, 2 mills; and a special
levy of 1 mill be raised to be applied
to pay off the present provincial high-
way debt.—Carried.
The second report of the Good
Roads Commission was read with Mr.
Adams in the chair. The report was
The Education Committee report
was read and considered clause by
clause and adopted.
The committee appointed to equal-
ize the property assessment of the
village of Wroxeter and apportion
the same between the townships of
Howick and Turnberry, reported as
Turnberry $ 2,890.00
Howick 146,585.00
Snell -Wright: That the adjust-
ment of the assessed property of
Wroxeter between Turnberry and
Howick, as reported, be adopted.—
Mole-Ililubbard: That the Clerk and
Treasurer be granted two weeks' holi-
days each and to arrange that one be
on duty while the other is away.—
Mr. Frank Johnston, an old reeve
of Ashfield, was ,present and was ask;
ed to address the Council.
Mr. Johnston spoke of the great ed-
ucational influence of a term in the
council and said that it was 'a great
experience and broadened a man's
views, besides developing his social
The matter of the proposed trip to
Guelph on June 18th was then taken
up and discussed.
On motion of Dr. Milne, seconded
by George Hubbard, it was decided to
abandon the trip.
Iwas decided to hold the picnic at
Ba?%ield on the 21st of June.
The motion made by Messrs. Mc-
Kibbon and Henderson, re changing
the number of times of meeting of
the council, was then taken up and
after discussion was laid over to the
December meeting.
The Council having concluded the
work of the sessfen, rose and sang
"God Save the King" and "Auld Lang
Syne," and on motion, adjourned to
meet at 2 o'clock p.m., on the after-
noon of Tuesday, the third day of
Children's Shelter.
The Children's Shelter Committee
reported as follows:
We have visited the Children's Shel-
ter regularly and have found it in
first class condition.
We have had the necessary repairs
attended to including decorating din-
ing room and kitchen.
At present there are seven children
in the Shelter, ranging in age from
ten months to nine years, four of
whom are going to school at the pres-
ent time.
We have secured the necessary help
to act as an assistant to the Matron.
The Matron deserves great credit
for the way in which she looks after
the children. — Robert E. Turner,
(Legislative Committee.
The Legislative Cornnmittee report-
ed as follows:
Re motion o$ TUdeKibbon and Milne.
we recommend that this motion be
Re motion of Hill and Ballantyne,
we recommend that this be done.
We recommend that the request of
Hay Township be granted. '
In the matter ofthe communication
from the Police Magistrate, aching
Continued on Page Sit
llue Stripes, 1:,1ue Serges, Fancy Worsteds,
Dublin Twists, and smooth finished Tweeds of
high-grade materials, beautifully patterned
and colored. These excellent Suits are single
or double breasted with two or three buttons.
If ever savings were offered; if ever quality
and style were o1; ered, now is your opportunity
to get a suit which for general abiding appear-
ance and from the standpoint of value has no
equal. Our stock is very complete. Come any
day and see what a beautiful suit you can buy
here for
Light or Dark Greykids:
lues, Browns and Sand
single or double breast,
wide or me u o
will be surprised wh.at woo,
derfuul values these orld,suits` 'ry
are. Sizes 36 to 42.
For quuick lclearrance,
Complete your Summer
costume with a new (Kat..
Make your selection from
our beautiful display of the
most adorable styles—hats
with a wealth of novel trim-
mings in the very smartest
colors. Both large and small
o 2 Si f e Nose
Gold Dollar—Long wear
foot, excellent value at $1.00
Weldrest -- Point or
straight. heels, at $11.53, $1.95
Orient Silk and Silk Chif-
fon, at 51.50
Kayser Silk—The stand-
ard of quality, at $TL543, $1.95
Sik Bloomers
Made in all the new want-
ed shades; extra full sizes;
very fine quality. Manufac-
tured by best Canadian mak-
ers. Price BSc
Vests to match above.
Price TE'6
Rams AND i., OYS9
e. e
B lb$ igga„n Shirts and
Drawers 50c
Penman's No. 71 Merino, $1
Hatchway Naincheck.. $1.2.5
Gold Tack N:., incheck . o$1.00
Balbriggan Combina-
tions $1,00
►: albriggan Combina-
tions $1.25
Boys' Underwear, 50c t4e $1.
At Matchless V
Sports Dresses, Dresses for Parties, Street, Business or Dance. Styles that make them
the most exclusive creations. Fabrics that give them a touch of individuality. Colors•
that make them lovelier than ever. A selection that promises the most stupendluous values
on dress of outstanding merit. Special attention given to stout or large sizes.