HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-06-14, Page 2Screen Doom troll Sfltr Elaeatl, madlca iva QCurec fferemt sizes au d ga aur 411304Vaat elPeQE0 ° canted complete with wouep, Elia apaaD a We, Stencilled Door, unvarnished, complete $2.25 Stencilled, uevarnished, but with brackets, complete $2.75 As illustrated, varnished, complete $3.25 With Panel, varnished, complete $4.75 Screen Windows, hardwood 45e to 75c Fly Swats 199 Fly Oil, per gallon $1.25 Sprayers, with glass jar lac Y PAILS Dairy, in all weights of tin, 25e to $1 Strainer Pails, heavy tin $1.45 Galvanized Pails, Special 30c 3ther designs 40c to 90c ARN DOOR HANGERS Aad enclosed square track of special strong design. Ball Bearing $2.00 Pair Track 25c Foot SHOVFJ S AND SPADES Sterling Brand, solid neck, re-inforced blade $1.35 each D Handle $L55 Scoops $Il -135 Ditching Spades $1.65 GLASS WASH BOARDS. .50c each rgil A t' 11) e Ao Sills AL Sono WARE, , PLlUDVE31NG IFNIMACE WORK L 1E ffismosa USE RESTLESS CORDOTlON' BROUGHT OR BY THE PRESENCE oe @3WORU° MID RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. "..O A(RtCO7DICS--PLEAS,A T AS SUGAR • SUMMER SCHOOL, dl �LDLIo ( 3R Jl ® AUG �3 ll I Sic �0IIdg9nit6unII S�}E�IIAII.�� ®tI1I1ES�Ilel and recreation. (11) Public ll ealitis andEactennology= l3j For information write the Director, Dr. H. R. (2) Nature Study.Kingston. or the Regis - London, Dr.K.P.R NeviUe. (S) 1`1t07rntaIl Hygiene. Astronomy, Chemistry, English, French, Gerr nnan, Greek, History, London, rano Courses offered also in °, , f „� • : 111 I f �'1l `1 Latin, Mathematics and, yr , +e Zoology. is;l,mac, - , e 24 8 y 0 I IT +ir In awry y'yozarr magesi am r+.. rstly e�ter.c,llater= that a.,' ,. theirs share to the(}s r7 I 0 Ea off daily toil Banish the menace off oiso Instead, with tlieflco-il•ngT?n - flood, yew hoami farm with safe, kightt e, ,ect rio t,�it,atto The cost of lbturaagnnt g)I eflieo-J ,n t,rtt amivsiaitag t your home pa ll077 ® SAME illi GSqlice032 1a®iWDrro payment tterr?mm ettniciratlnnii )l II t ants gilre Val destanomstreatiow. DELCO-LIIGIIIT SALES & SERVICE CAMPBELL & HUTTON, Box 1, Komoka, Ont. W. C. BENNETT, Walton. (By XErakr4 Quadeiciicla, Ont) I've wandered far mer y from God, Time paths of sin too long rim trod, have erected mealy ,;gra'eious years, II now $repent with bitter teas, I'm tired of sin Una straying, Lard; I'1$ trust Thy love, believe Thy word, My only hope, my only plea, That Jesus died and died for me. W. J. Kilpatrick. PIlBAYE r: Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the many missionaries who are serving Thee in the hard places and who, by Thy 'grace, are leading many out of the bondage of sin into the light of life. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen., S. S. LESSON FOR .ITUNIE 16th, 1929 Lesson Topic---.hidah Taken Cap- tive. Lesson Passage -2 Kings 25:1-12. Golden Test—Proverbs 14:34. In the preceding chapter we read how the king of Babylon invaded Jud- ah and. besieged Jerusalem, and how the king went out to him and surren- dered. Wanting the faith and piety of an Israelite, he had not the resolu- tion of a man, of a soldier, of a prince. With him were carried away into captivity, the military•men,_the crafts- men and many of the rich people. Then the king of Babylon appointed a new king to reign as his deputy over the poor of the land. Had this king continued true to the king of Babylon he would have protected him. By rebelling he but hastened the ruin of the kingdom and his own downfall. For nine years he did evil in the sight of the Lord as his prede- cessors on the throne had done for long years. Had he sought the help of God even the mighty army of Bab- ylon could not have accomplished the downfall of Jerusalem.. It was, con- sidering the strength of the besieged and the besiegers, a stubborn con- test. For two years almost they held out. When their supplies failed and famine stalked through the city, Jer- emiah earnestly persuaded the king to surrender, but his heart was hard- ened, to his destruction (Jer. 38:17). At length, the city was taken by storm. A breach was made in the wall and the enemy made its wry in- to it. The king, his family and all his great men managed to steal out by night but this soon became known and they were followed and captured or scattered. The king and his sons were brought to the king of Babylon. There he was tried for rebelling against him who had set him upon the throne and to whom he had sworn fidelity. He was forsaken by both God and man and great was his pun- ishment for the last thing he looked upon was the putting to death of his sons. Then his eyes were put out and he was fettered and led away captive to a strange land. Thus were two prophecies that seemed to contradict each other, fulfilled. Jer- emiah prophesied that Zedehiah should be brought to Babylon and Ezekiel prophesied that he should not see Babylon. It would appear that the king of _Babylon did not. intend to send . any colonies to people Jerusalem fir the walls were broken down, . and the whole city with that magnificent structure, the temple built at such cost by Solomon, was set on fire and utterly destroyed. By the burning' of the temple God would shore hovv lit- tle he cares for the external pomp of his worship, when the life and power off religion are neglected. It had, stood for over four hundred years We are told by Josephus that the second temple was destroyed by the Romans on the same day, the 10th of August, as the Chaldeans destroyed the first one. — (Condensed from enry's Bible). 0 k=IIAT does '''after forty" mean to you? e ycu a leas capable thn yye used to be? Nervous? y tied,? Run down? T the ellfect off two or three boxes of De. Wil- liams' PirmPr Pills, the tonic that has made hundreds of middle - aged women feel 'hen years younger II¢ w,ri]i ourish and invig- orate' -{ i„e blood, so often , thinned and devitalized by advancing years, tone it sup to better service, nathe you feel strong again, mer for life 1 P lay Dr. Willlinemm' 11 ss & Dans now at your drug- giet'a o¢ any de>„l a in anedii iinn, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine tiro., t'•rackvilh Oast, 41010 AO mon e h taas3 aka sad Mere er Dano rags • (133A Ali cggei • a? pendent, ant➢ke d tat tO farads, more itis lined to fellow their tercets. alk hit our Wdstlna serellA 0 education, anainly iai*uation and. coach/44d by w,ommarah favors the twirl thraaaghent. The weak'disclpllina fires, a far worse egeat upon the intracts le boy than upon the docile girl. So tt e boy generally learns as little as poa- sible, and conies to college with an untrained mind and convipeed that. intellectual e,t ort is' an affair for. sromen. "For one branch of his education has not, been in women's hands. His athletics have been under men. Here he has experienced that life of physi- cal contact and physical violence which is natural and pleasant to most 'boys. So he leaves school, having been taught that mental culture is a womanly thing, but that physical prowess is the principal manly virtue, "At the time when practically all professional men were in the Church, the university was a place for edu- cating 'clerks.' (In memory of this, university folk still wear clerical gowns.) During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries this clerical learning became identified with the education of a gentleman, and the uni- versities .became seats of culture. Since then, especially in America,they have expanded to include instruction in practically all branches of know- ledge, from Greek to big culture, and so the cultural aspect has rather fal- len into the background. It is still, however, possible to obtain a 'cultural' degree in most universities, but the popular demand• is all for technical instruction which can be put to prac- tical financial use later. The ideal of a university as a place where the student will learn to use his mind, to appreciate the past, and to value at- tainment with a sane and human scale, is a fine one, but it is no use disguising the fact that the major- ity of students desire rather to make useful friends and to learn a gainful profession with as little high -brow addition as possible. "The student who chooses to study 'iterature or pure science and to train his mind by rigorous methods will probably enjoy it. : e will probably lead a full and happy life, but he will :bid himself unclassed in American so- ciety. In our larger cities he will find a few friends with whom he may be on terms of intellectual understand- ing, but to the majority he will be high brow, eccentric, and suspect - Public life willbe practically closed to him, and he will probably become a college professor and live forever under the reproach of having an 'academic mind.' "So the average boy takes a prac- tical professional training whose primary end is to enable him to earn money. In the view of many 'women rights' advocates he has all the world to choose from. Practically he hes no such choice. He is urged into the path where family influence will help him. He becomes a doctor or a law- yer because his father can give nim a good start in that profession. In fact, he soon finds that there is only one profession really open to him he must become, _a.. money-maker. Th.. average boy has very little choice, indeed, as t.i his future, and, to tell the truth, after his devastating train- ing he rarely has any desire to choose But if his rebellious mind should stray to the 'lee arts, to music,' ter to pure science, he is soon reminmd that to gain the approbation of society he must make money. He is soon brought to understand that compli- cated system ef tabus of all the things a man must do and a man must not do, which rules our woman -made so- ciety. "The position, put shortly, is this. Until about 20 yeas s ago men and women lived under a system of con- ventions such as (a) that vw,men were weaker and more delicate than men and required protection; (b; that a lady must not earn her livelihood— to do so was unladylike; (c) that wo- men must utit copy men or ape men's habits—to do so was most unlady- like; (d) that women's place was the home. And, conversely: (a) that men must give way in all things to wo- men; (b) that men must earn a live.' lihood for their dependent women; (c) that men must not copy or ape women in any way—to do so was un- manly and 'ndeed monstrous. Some of :hese conventions were no doubt good, some were bad, and some simply untrue. Since the teeinning of 1 -his century aided by economic changes and prob- ably by the war, women have broken and are breaking every convention which they do not like or which has in any way fettered them. But they have enforced all the old conventions which fettered men. So that to -day free woman is living in the twentieth century, while men are bound by all the conventions of the Victorian age. To -day, woman never hesitates to, break a convention and never permits' man to do so, for the unconventional woman is a brave creature, defying the lightning, whereas the unc,inven• tonal man is an outcast. "Thus, if n woman enters a pro- fession and succeeds, she is a heroine; if she fails—well, she is a woman, and she will rot be blamed for it. But if a inan fails he is simply a failure, and that is all there is to say. "tome men may rebel against this woman -made civilization, may.. claim that they, teo, have a right to ignore a few conventions, but they will soon be tamed, regouated, and disciplined to do what is good .,for themselves and agreealble to their women. "So future generations will lead peaceful, well.regulated, butsy social lives, full of efficiency, of 'service,' of 'citizenship,' and all the other virtues of the hive. For in ;the moot highly organized community lifethat we' •know, the active workers'" are all wo- men; the bees have put . their men where they belong. It is true that the life of the hive seems to lack some spiritualvalues; perhaps tfinei Poor drones might have centrilutted. setu►ethiir1g—aoW.. they can ter*4y 'nd 4. 4 0 0 0 0 A csrrereff =Veil own dame° grass yawns ¢cam ALWZYS GSA =eels rigfa l 'ae dog iff yecs do paw coofz- tzr^ag da a 1Perfcracs7 Oil Racry88 ijnal sonchnramseinsID mine Pmar>rem- n I1t 'a yaanre bit—float n a t.nr.ezre ttl;u mi elect ity, dem caci®reis A Ant ce Nov rose to 04,11¢37 ay vane asota enaiil ice° t*rc e», the =era fret r m4,4 in at aght-vt,tE - 0 thaccao n.esn e0C7 292P cxGk'ab? aro womb m eCnicc.� t nhaat- ==c, rro.,v firsorstra4tsraauey- ° 151 urnin 2a CY,:iCSC{CICtte.a a' CiC:1p 4.444.441:11i..0 ye. r�aµres�rCrtysur+�t��a�t�y�ac�^ e;�•me�>rvr:,r�r�r�' WORLD MISSIONS As a business roan speaking to business men, I am prepared to say that the work which has been done by missionary agency in India ex- ceeds in importance all that has been done (and much has been done) .by the British government in Indian since its eommencement.—Sir W. Mack - worth Young, K. C. S. I. GIFT A REAL COAT ,OF TAN TIEIIIIS SUMMER Plan a .Holiday in the Lake of Enys District. Huntsville is the "getting off place." From there smart little steamers wait to take you to any one of the pretty resorts that dot this famous chain of picturesque lakes. Days spent in the northern sun- light—moonlight nights in a drifting canoe—you can't have a, better holi- day. All outdoor sports await you. Golf, tennis, boating, swimming, danc- ing --you'll have a wonderful time in this fairyland. Canadian National Railways have prepared a new booklet on Lake of Bays. It's crammed full of pictures —tells you where to go—how much it will cost. Any agent will gladly give you one. 3209-1 °OA (HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" in life as well as their parents were started. The two children are to a rave equal opportunities, as such things are understood to -day. Which of tnem, the boy or the girl, will have the bet• ter chance in life? "At birth, Nature appears to favor the male, fog it is well known that more boys are born than girls. Bit dispassionate Nature takes with one hand while she gives with the other. Baby boys are more delicate than the baby girls; more of them die, so that more girls grow up than boys. You will have a better chance of life itself if _yoga are torn a girl, for, although physically weaker, women are consti- tutionally stronger than men. "There was a time when this physi- cal strength gave man the leadership. As recently as the middle ages we lived shorter but more active lives, so that physical strength counted for much, constitutional strength for less. But the Medical Science of to -day has greatly increased the span of life and the period of activity, thus giving to the strong constitution, the full ad- vantage bf its strength. Most of us lead rather sedentary lives, in which a good constitution is better than. pow- erful muscles, and so the old condi- tions are reversed. "Even physically the well -nurtured girl of to -day is quite as strong as many a man. Our pular fiction and our movies still maintain the tra- dition of the frail and shrinking maid- en whom the villan masters easily with one hand. In real life the villan to -day would have no such easy task, that frail maiden would probably lav him out quite effectively if he tried on any of his games. "So .brother and sister grow up with this advantage on the side of the girl. They go to school together, for co-education is not only cheaper, but is now considered a necessary part off equal treatment. It is true that this co-education is 98 per cent. in the charge of women, who can understand the girl, but who cannot understand the boy. In infancy and early child- hood, woman is the natural guardian. Children are then neither boys nor girls, but just babies. tut by the time a boy is five or six years old he is (becoming a boy. He is male, and if true equality is to be granted he should he taught by a man. "Md iiy women—and, I imagine,most mothers—are under the impression that they caan understand boys, par- titularly their own sons. They will tell you that they know every thought in the boy's head. They do not, they never will, and every son knows it, Every boy requires and should get the guidance of a man. His education should be in 7nen's hands. "Educatioralists agree that boys and girls take teaching and discipline CALLS =IS A WOMAN -RULED WORLD According toRamsay Traquair, writing under the head of "The Regi- ment of Women," in The Atlantic Monthly, the lot of the American male as compared to that of his sis- ter "is not a happy one." He makes the point that while there has been much talk of equal right for women, it is the men who need to assert their right to a better balance of these mysterious "rights." To prove this contention he sketched t'% lives of sa boy niad a girl both belonging .to a7n aves.'a a American family. Thus: ., "The father is welt .e,attai'lioherl hi business, the mousers ,. tsk s plar in the social, life of the:o rnati`it1, Both have the daunt- idat}llb• ofthe mts Arr'ia= stuia?t IIra nl tcls• gad halm* .to a nnerond asci©ti®'s and atf& . Their manna me aiat14o;i aatde a':mood education, Wet tie1 otiil and tarraivtyrcattrr for both i dr's evil and to atratt.. tlne]na Fob B Gusts 12,131190 Do not wait for stifness or lameness Co cat in --rub inn Abaorbine, Jr., im- resediatelyi Title famous liniment will sreglene the ache • andpainn caused, by e'go7rabti'or bumps reduce the nn&sa- ,st;no and discolouring of c ' as skin, a+ t assist flaunt to healtquicksly. jr.i,i d a Concentra ..t ,Ilan-. Efea& and a depeaadaible antisepti It dost. not otam qtburn u either the die tidther, arid, b greactiets. a i today 4i `7 a at yuue favm>rate • r r,r 577r'i 7'r.k itrtti gIi'rrirsv nth ,,,th a,s' b1ine women will ever give them to as. They do not know what equal oppor- tunity means. Ile there, then, any hope?. None, in eehorus. #The vr✓o ll t s liars in tomdrD;7 is sl Me iia vfirtlee.. thea Meta fitnalitiea air Man have irerq littl op Ot tteiiit11 u h1ild tilidele Of G3a4Yi:(Cikd`11 °�irm'd', d hld�. 4tltt9 0 IIaor atrAlt14et tad oto aaa r Ido& peas, mid ins tr?agre leabbb' 't1 ; thn unless --lout it is 'a wild thought -44A, may exhibit, a little of the vinttO whish was .once regardas lnea:anik, ly manly—coeuage." F A tire hunt to stand, '• a strains off 1929 motor- ing braying, quiets? piclt-up, highs pts shaper -strong carcass combines new este- naeesing principles, new construction. Side-walls are strongly buttressed, to resist set and curb wear. Tread is thicker, with deep -cut ,blocks to give greater nonskid mileage. The New Royal Cord is the tire you must have to get the Best from your carr. OMINi". IF. Daily I[DUITLEN Smith I:Protthe C NADA NEW permanent beautyfoil 'cement, , t:o etc ®TP WOO& fli0CDTS is assured of you. use the Latest tg,lurnalpLnfl 6'LUXOR" IFL®orf 1 rcn�lrr�rnc�llo E lsy to appLy and dries wa.1k on over night. a LUXO f " is more dlii rcabk than .l t ,or ordinary Enamel's: it des not hp. CT crack and holds its mazveltous beauty under' heavy f®®rt wea. as t`.l' fiX OR 99 yowc cement lin ®Drys. For sde ids