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The Huron Expositor, 1929-06-07, Page 8
Cif TEA -3 pounds . $1.80 meads $2.95 ,t in DATES—Plump and meaty of earseellent flavor, with very been, l pite; per pound 4JUTRAL SHOE OREAM—Cleans, elol hes and preserves all 2i 5 cogolrad leethers; bottle (S ON OIL -32 ounce bottles, con- tains as much as 8 25c bottles of O'Cedar Oil or Liquid Veneer, for 4/5 cents, with a polishing cloth FREE. STAY BRIGHT ALUMINUM PAINT eJ Now is the time to brighten up pipes and metals. LAYER FIGS—Regular 25c, ;1ten for, pound JELLY POWDERS—McLaren's, Pure 01 Gold or Shirriff's �56 4 for ,5� SRIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLY elft_' POWDERS, 3 for �UJJ BANQUET SARDINES 25c 3 for ]LONDON SPECIAL SOAP 2i Inc Large bars; 4 for L�c� A good soap and more of it than any soap we knew at 5 for 25{c. LARD is higher. Ours is still pound DUTCH SETS -18c pound or 2 pounds AKER'S SHREDDED COCOANUT, pound PEP HAND CLEANER Regular 15c, for 1.6EARASCHINO CHERRIES of ren,, le special quality; pound UUUU Bc lac W. D. 111tchlg®ffi Phone IPhor Phood-166 3Pat er There is danger in'neglecting the smallest cut or scratch. In- fection in the least of these is a serious condition. Can you safely treat these minor hurts? lls your Medicine Cabinet or First Aid Kit well stocked? ? ? EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE Sterilized Absorbent Cotton and Gauze, A tI it esi ve, ]Bandages, Ilodine, Peroxide, Germicidal Soap, Etc., or a complete First Aid Kit. DO IIT NOW 'ME REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 28 SEAFOR7 iii Seaforth. The wedding though quiet, entertained the following guests: Mrs. Porter, mother of the groom, and Miss Ruth Strangway, of Corun- na; Mr. William Shensen, of Toronto; Mabel Ross, Rev. and Mrs. Craik, of Gorrie; Mr. C. P. Sills, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Radford, Walton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Craik, of Gorrie, while during the signing of the register Mrs. Radford rendered several piano selections The bride's going away gown was a figur- ed blue georgette and a coat of sil- ver grey moire, with hat, shoes and purse to match. The many and valu- able gifts testified to the bride's popu- larity, both in Gorrie and Seaforth, where she had spent about five years as Assistant Postmaster. After the wedding luncheon, the bridal party Left for a week's honeymoon trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Detroit. The best wishes of their many friends go with the bride and groom to their home in Sarnia. THE 1BIUI[$ON EXPOSII'I1'OR AREN'T TIEEY 'll"IEMlPTLNG 11f1 you're fond of sausage and find Cie herd to get the kind that tickles D7o33x palate, suppose you try ours for Ll change; also our home-made lohognna. A sample of either will be re mall treat. 11 have an expert sausage and leohogna maker now employed, and a Ceial order of either will convince you o2 their merits. Geo. amcarroln, IIDIISTR.IICT MATTERS %wanted. --Married man to run farm. Ap- ply to E. J. Box, Seaforth. 3208-1 Plants For Sale. — Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and flower plants for sale. Apply to J. G. Grieve, V.S., Seaforth. 3208x1 Lost.—Hurn-rimmed speetaclee, West Gude- rich Street, near Main, last Saturday after- noon. Kindly leave at Expositor Office. 3208x1 For Sale.—A Fireeo range (coal or wood), in first class condition; cheap for quick sale. Apply to Dr. 11. R. Ross, Seaforth. Phone 110. 3208-1 Don't Miss the good supper to be given by the Ladies' Aid of North Side United Church, on 'Tuesday, June 18th, from 6 to 7 p.m. Ad- mission 25 cents. Remember the date. 3208-1 Wins Trip to Muskoka.—Mr. G. H. Elliott, the well known auctioneer and insurance agent, of Clinton,! aves on June 17th for a five day 'hoiday to be spent at the Royal Muskoka Hotel in Muskoka, as a guest of the Canada Life Insurance Company. Mr. Elliott sold over $100,000 worth of insurance for this company last year. Passed University Exams.—The fol- lowing graduates of the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute have successfully passed their university examinations: McMaster—A. Grainger, third year Arts; W. F. Oliver, 1st year Arts; Toronto Medical—C. Aberhart, third year (Honors); C. H. Hough, third year; A. M. Hough, 3rd year; R. L. Norris, 2nd year. Dental College --J. R. Edmonds, 3rd year (Honors). 0 Women's ]institute.—The Depart- ment of Agriculture are sending a lady to Seaforth for a special two days coaching in Household Science Judging on the afternoons of June 10th and llth, at 1.30 p.m., sharp. The coaching is for all this year's Institute members and will be held in the basement of the Carnegie Library. The Women's Institute are holding a sale of home-made cooking on Sat- urday, June 15th. Further announce- ment next week. 5 AIR STREET - SEAFOETiHI. PHONE 58 PUI:.L11C LIABILITY IPROP>E1'ere DAMAGE FERE, THEFT COLL11SIL® 1 E t us explain the coverages and the .count of protection afforded for Emmen premium. Even a minor accident will cost you more than the premium on a policy. Prompt Settlement of all Claims. A. D. SNTFEEIRILANIID General Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, !Etc. EPIEONE 152 - SEAFORTE, ONT. 1IHIEE .11.0IHIN IRANKI N AGENCY "Insurance of kinds. ends, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAIFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 1a A I''AI Q AIIN For Sale.—Pigeons, Turbits, Nuns. Apply field, Ont. Satinettes, Cumulets, Pirrie Ferguson, Bay - 3207 -3 f'0 r r int 2. , - Good , Books for Summer reading. A choice list of titles to choose from, by the most popular authors. 85 CENTS EACH camps OOKSTORE - - SEAFORTEll Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. o Laidlaw, of Toronto, spent the .weak end with her =they. a.nd sister here. —Mrs. W. R. Plait,' *id daughter spent the week end in Toronto. -11r. and Mrs. A. King and Mre. Harris, of Preston, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Siproat.— Miss Hicks and Miss Helper, of the Collegiate staff, were week end guests at the home of Mr. James Wright, at Kippen.--Mr. Reid Edmonds has suc- cessfully passed his third year in dentistry and left on Wednesday for Port McNicoll and will spend the summer on the S. S. Assina'boia.—Dr. C. Mackay, W. J. Duncan, C. A. Bar- ber, John Beattie and J. E. Keating were in London this week attending the Lions Convention being held in that city, their pictures appearing in the Mail and Empire on Wednesday among the other delegates from On- tario and Quebec.—Mr. Joe Hart un- derwent an operation for appendicitis at the Memorial Hospital on Sunday. —Mr. Norman Day and two buy friends from Detroit, motored over - and spent Decoration Day with friends in Seaforth.—eMrs. R. C. Vokee and two daughters, Dorothy and Bar- bara and a friend, all of Detroit, were in town the guests of Mrs. John Sproat and Mrs. G. C. Dale, Huron Road, West, over the Decoration Day holiday. --.Mr. and Mrs. George Allan, of Fordson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones over the week end.—Miss Ena Holmes and her cous- in, Cecil Wylie, of Flint, Michigan, spent the American holiday the guests of Mrs. Wylie and Miss Henry. Mrs. Wylie, who has been seriously ill, is improving.—.Mrs. M. McMillan is seriously ill at the home of her son, Mr. J. M. McMillan.—Mrs. McFadden is seriously ill at her home on Chalk Street.—Mrs. F. M. Holmes, of St. Catharines, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Munn.— Mr. George Hill and family, of Har- purhey, have moved into the resi- dence on Victoria Street, recently va- cated by Mr. A. A. McLennan:t— Messrs. B. O. Muir, W. C. Bennett and Charles Neely are attending a reunion of the 38th Ottawa Battalion (being held in Toronto this week.— Dr. eek—Dr. John Sloan, of Oakland, Cali- fornia, and Mrs. Sloan, of Bayfield, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Shannahan.—Mr. Alex. Powell, of the Kitchener police force, was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell. in ,McKillop, on Wednesday. — Mr. Harold Dale has purchased the resi- dence of the late Mrs. George Murdie on Goderich Street, West.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, of Tillsonburg, were week end guests at the home of Miss E. Davidson.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yule and two children, of Guelph, were guests on Tuesday at the home of the Misses Brine. Mr. Yule is a former organist of First Presbyterian Church, and is one of the foremost organists and conductors in the Prov- ince.—Mr. William Elcoat underwent an operation in the London Hospital this week.—Nine children were bap- tized by Rev. I. B. Kaine in First Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn- ing last, at the close of the Sunday School. These were Donald James Munn, Doris Elizabeth Ferguson, Wil- liam George Spencer, Duncan Ander- son Bell, Muriel Doris Kellar, Edward Horton Box, Richard Samuel Box, Marion Ruth Green and Madeline Joyce HugiIl.—Mr. W. A. Crich was in Toronto this week. — Mr. J. G. Mullen spent the week end with To- ronto friends. Mrs. Mullen returned with him on Monday.—Mrs. J. G. Mc- Michael is ,visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Holmes, in Detroit.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, who have been .spending some weeks with members of their family in Detroit, have re- turned home.—Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glinske and two children, of Detroit, were here last week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat. Mrs. Siproat, 'who has been in Detroit for some weeks, returned with them. —Miss Jean Govenlock, of Weston, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock.—Mr. Sam Somers, of Detroit, was calling on Seaforth friends last week.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Bristow and two daugh ters, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Web- ster.—Mr. Josh Dennison has sold his large brick residence on James Street to Mr. W. McDonald, of near Kippen. —Mr. C. Eckert has returned from Detroit, where he spent several weeks with his daughters —Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan and family and Miss Julian Kenny, of the Huron Road. East, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCaffery,near Stratford, on Sunday. girls singing very sweetly during the Mass. Following the ceremony the wedding party motored to the home of the bride's parents where a de- licious (breakfast was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich left for Kitchener and Martyr's Hill, near Quebec, where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride travelled in an ensemble suit of sand color. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Dietrich was the guest of honor at a shower given by Miss Mary Flannigan, when she was presented with a silver sugar bowl and cream pitcher on a silver salver, by sixteen of her girl friends. For Sale. -One house refrigerator and one medium size refrigerator; also 3 window frames and sashes. Apply to W. A. CRICF{, Seaforth. 3208-1 30,000 Plants For Sale.—Asters, tomatoes. cabbage. cauliflower. Albert Baker, Railway Street, Seaforth. 3206x3 For Sale.—A closed in light wagon, in good condition, suitable for milkman, baker, etc. Cheap for quick sale. Apply at The Exposi- tor Office. 3208-1' Why Be Troubled with your stomach? Dr. M.cLeod's Stomachic is guaranteed at Aber - hart's Drug Store, Seaforth; also at Hemp - hill's. Drug Stare, Hensel!. 3208x1 House For Salle.—Six roomed frame house on Jarvis Street, with hard and soft water, elec- tric lights and furnace. also a good barn with lights and water. One acre of land under cultivation. Apply to Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Seaforth, Ont. 918942 Special Optical Notice.—Have your eye examined by our well known and painstaking spealialist, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex- pert for Keats, Toronto, and Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal; 19 years coming to Sea- forth- You are assured of the beat optical work to be obtained and at very moderate cost Our frames and mountings are the best make of the best makers and our prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday and Wednesday, June llth and 12th. Close Wednesday at 12, noon. .Beattie's Fair, 'Seaforth. 3207-2 New Clubhouse Assured.—The Ex- ecutive of the Bowling Club wish to thank the citizens of Seaforth for the generous way in which they have re- sponded to the call of the canvassers, collecting funds for the new club house. About fourteen hundred dol- lars has been raised and work will be started at once. While the response has been most 'generous, all who de- sire to contribute may not have been canvassed, the fund is still open for donations, and therefore, if any citi- zen has been unwittingly overlooked, he may still participate and leave his donation with Postmaster Sills at the post office. It is the intention to have bees to help out the work and keep down expenses. Announcement will be made and any citizen willing to help in this way may do so by applying to Mr. Robert Boyd, Chair- man in charge of the building opera- tions at the new bowling green. —.This Wednesday, a mixed rink competition will take place, and ev- ery member is asked to come down to the greens and enjoy the sport. If you are not a member, come anyway and try the game out. ]POR SALE.—Five acres, one Emile groma Seaforth; Modern house with Amoco, ,bath and toilet; small harm; gond orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid eco to start chicken farm, head, era. Apply tem lid. MAYS, Sea3i?dD1<r tl'3, Ont. e Ca.zanagans balit, over t ,144 3,0113 fin Harm & Erin shcirra::cdI by kw lar ti .1 and tr . Bowling.—The first Wednesday mix- ed tourney was held on the local greens Wednesday afternoon, when there was a good crowd and much en- thusiasm. The greens were in fine condition and the afternoon's play was much enjoyed. The Executive hope to see even more ladies in at- tendance next Wednesday. Harry Stewart's rink were the prize win- ners with 3 wins and a plus of 9. The Score: Miss Ross Mrs. O. Neil Dr. R. R. Ross W. G. Willis -2 wins plus 8. Softball.—At a most enthusiastic meeting of representativ s frrom the Girls' Softball Clubs f of Clinton, Brucefield and Seaforth;, held in the Carnegie Library, Seaforth, on Tues- day evening, a District Association was formed with the following of- ficers: Hon. President, Mr. George D. McTaggart. Clinton; President; Chas. li. mes, Seaforth; Vice -Presidents, Alex. Addison, Brucefield; D. Thorn- dike. Clinton; T. A. Beattie, Seaforth; Secretary -Treasurer, A. D. Suther- isnd. Seaforth. There being no re- presentatives from Goderich, Blyth or Hensall, it was decided not to arraege a schedule until these Clubs have been Beard from, each club to have the app ?rating of a Vice -President, and the officers to compose the Executive Committee. It was decided to play a double schedule of home asIl home games with the two teams standing highest playing home and home games for the district championship, the winners playing off with other district winners for the County Cham- pionship represented by a trophy don- ated by the M.P.'s and M.L.A.'s of the county. The schedule will be drawn up the last week in June when the examinations are over, and it is definitely known how many clubs there will 'be in the district. Strangway-Ashton. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton, Gorrie, at high noon, on Tuesday, June 7th, when their daughter, Mar- garet Evelyn, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. William Strangway, of Sarnia. The bride looked particularly charming in a gown of white georgette and lace trimmed with pearls. She wore white shoes to match, while an exquisite bandeau of pearls was wonderfully set t ff by the 'bride's Jet black hair. The bride carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss Beryl Ashton assisted the bride, gowned in sunburst Cesleulene and carried a shower botnclu4t of yellow roses. 1111x. Wm. Mermen, of Toronto, supported the groom. Mevldelsssohn'>F wedding march w s beautifully rendered by the bride's aistr, Missy Paulinse. After the cere- mony the guests Oat derwrn fnrulPtUout repeat will a was dem' i rsot erred b r Ment i9 of Van brr die, do . ' le Edo Mg g 3ldarn ruaitla,ote2 0 .oyer Oats Our Suggs>>s A yt: b it needs?®ei W II RT > T hien atmEglto Death of John Stewart.—The tragic death of Mr. John Stewart, which oc- curred Wednesday morning at the home of Mr. W. R. Plant, C.N.R. sta- tion agent, cane as a great shock not only to his relatives, but to the com- munity at large. Mr. Stewart came up from London on the six train Tues- day and had been about town all that evening, and was apparently in ex- cellent health when he retired. It is supposed that while descending the stairs early the following morning, he was stricken with a heart attack and fell part way down, fracturing his skull. When Mr. Plant got up to attend the early morning train, he found him lying at the foot of the stairs, life being extinct, but he had apparently been dead only a short time. Mr. Stewart was born in Ox- ford County 67 years ago, being a son of the late Henry Stewart, and his early life was spent in that county. Later he spent some years in Clinton, before coming to Seaforth. In 1916 he enlisted with the 161st Battalion, being transferred to the 7th Canad- ian Railread Troops, and served over seas with this Battalion until 1919. Since the close of the war he had re- sided in, Kirkland Lake and in Sea - forth. Quiet in manner, but genial and the soul of honor, he possessed a wide circle of friends, who will deeply regret to ;learn of his sad and sudden death. Mr. Stewart wan never mar- ried, 'but is survived by two brothers and.. one ,Sister, George Stewart, of Calgary; D. H. Stewart, of Toronto, and Mrs. F. J. Montgomery, of Brant- ford. A,1pnilitary funeral will be held from theehome of Mr. W. R. Plant on Friday ,afternoon at 2 p.m., inter- ment beipg made in Maitlandband cemetery.., Local Briefs.— Mrs. Manners, of Brussels, is the guest of Mrs. Alex. Stobie.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Hillis, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Hillis' mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull.—The many friends of Mr. William Wilson are pleased to see him out again after his long ill- ness.—Mrs. J. G. McDermid and Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, of London, were visiting with Seaforth friends last week.—.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler, of London, are guests at the home of Mrs. Joseph Fowler, Huron Road, West.—Professor Brenton Kerr, of Buffalo, spent the week end with his arents Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. — Mrs. A. Westcott Miss Davidson W. R. Smith Harry Stewart -3 wins plus 9. Mrs. Cluff Mrs. Chapman J. Huggard Harry Jeffrey—Minus 2. Mrs. Jeffrey Mrs. F. Sills Mrs. Close R. J. Winter -3 wins plus 4. Mrs. Haggard Mrs. R. J. Sproat Mrs. Haigh R. Devereux—Minus 2. —One rink of the local bowlers, composed of C. P. Sills, E. H. Close, G. D. Haigh and R. H. Sproat, were in Mitchell on Wednesday afternoon, attending the holiday tourney in that town. They lost one game, but came home with the fourth prize. Church Notes.—Rev. Mr. Elder, of Cromarty, will occupy the pulpit iia, First Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning next. Rev. 1. B. Keine will occupy his own pulpit in the evening. —Dr. J. Buchanan, D.D., of the Mis- sionaary Rest Home, 119 Lake Shore Road, Mimico, and retiring Moderatorof the Presbyterian General Assem- bly, was painfully injured Tuesday afternoon when struck down by a motor car at Albert Avenue. He suf- fered fractured ribs and a broken leg. The doctor was crossing the street and stepped back when be saw the approaching car. But he was too late. (Commissioners of the "Auld Kirk" gathered at the Fifty-fifth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, in St. Andrews' Church in Toronto on Tuesday night and elected Rev. Dr. David Perrie. of Wingham, as their Moderator. Their choice, unanimous, is a Canadian who has served the church in Canada for more than forty years, and thirty- five of those years in one charge. Dnetricin-BtliIl➢ianls. — A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in St. James' Catholic 'Church, Seaforth, on Saturday morning, June let, at 8.80 o'clock, by Rev. Father E. Goetz, when ,Miss Loreen Williams, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Williams of Seaforth, was united in marria to Charles Dietrich, of Kitchener. bride, who was given in m- i-� :'e by her father, wore beautify 1 gown of white crepe, de ela'ii'ie' and bridal veil with a crown of white roses. She carried a bouquet of white rosea and lilies -of -the --valley. , The bride was ended by Mos r 'arry Flannigan, who was becomingly go'ined ilia pink crepe de chine withwhite list andcarried a bouquet of pint carnations.The brides 'ootst V1ns supported by his bratil r, Oletuo Dietrich, oi8.1'044611eerr. The organist, a. teals IfY.-6V6voult, played ' islffg Weds .g ruin ale, a choir of p Mr. Donald Kerslake and sister, Miss Dorothy, of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake.—Mrs. Jones and daughter, Miss Jones, of Toronto, and Mr. Jones and Miss Campbell, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw.—Mr. Thomas Gillespie, of Toronto, spent a few days this week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. -- Miss Jean Smith and Miss Abbie Seip were in Gorrie on Tuesday attending the Strangway-Ashton wedding.— Mrs. L. T. DeLacey and her mother, Mrs. G. E. Henderson, have returned to their home here after spending the winter in Toronto. — Miss Florence CONGO LIENM RUGS Any size made -==Army pattern made. NOW SHOWING Zane Grey's YARDAGE CONGOILIEUM Excellent for tedrooms, QUAKER -FELT RUGS For Dining .Room or Bedroom. GREATEST WESTERN THE11LLER V8,18,5i1Ch /� w1ITH j ACK `OIL Rolling menace of the mountain gorge and the flinty clash. of steeled humans —Holt facing a crisis and triumphing /in a fearful climax Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The screen's, most vital personality c (01. ra fro EL11`S®1E GLYN'S MHO WW1 IEp supported by liMl1iL EIAMIILTON and EI ;1 L''tr18iGN 5'OED I4C ss LIINOLEUMi RUGS ]fn all Sizes and Patterns. YARDAGE ILIINOLEUM 2 yds. wide, 4 yds. wide; in best patterns. STAIFIFA Notes.—The W. M. S., of Staffa United Church, will hold a sale of home cooking in the club rooms on Friday afternoon, June 7th. Lu will be served. .IFI1llLLS(REEN Notes.—Mr. John Farquhar, of Hen- sall, spent the week end at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mr's. J. Cochrane.—Miss Mildred Johnston, of Kippen, spent Sunday at the home of her. friend, Miss Martha Carlile.— Miss Eileen Turner, of London Nor- mal, spent the week end at her home. —Miss Louisa Turner, of Clinton, vis- ited with friends on Sunday. — Mr. and Mrs. John Diek, of Orillia, and Mrs. Tait, of Toronto, called on friends recently.—Mr. D. F. Ander- son was a delegate to the London Conference last week. VA NA School Report.—Tile following is the report of Varna School for May: Sr. IV: Pass 380 --David Hodge 470, Muriel Elliott 4210, Alvin Elliott 891, Vera Steep 385, Doris Chuter 881, Lloyd Johnston 374, Elliott Chuter 833, Gertrude McLinchey 205. Sr. 171I —ass 300: Ida Chuter 383, Hazel making 337, Lillian Elliott 815, Bill Austin 205. 11 Class: Paas 240--E1- mer Johnston 818,1NilIlie McAah 809, Harvey Chuter 249, jack McLinchey 14,0. 1st Class: Pass 840 — i. <4;sie [fluter 8l Jean Reid 847, 'Ford Johnston 818, Gordon rio3raer. 800, Charlie 1aunkin 885, Jenne Enlacing 258, Bernice Steep 28'7. Thom rho did riot have perfect a ttnal nlc®--- 1L1'tyy'd, 1bi11, Zae!i, Portl. N'ti t"aer ora roll, 28; average attendgtice, 2 .ih--•- Ruby L Taylor', Teacll.7. FLOOR OILCLOTH Choice Patterns in Good Quality, TAPESTRY and VELVET I': UGS Some to clear at reduced prices. rro':a•... PRETTY HEARTH MATS You will really want some. VEI Y EFiFI CTIVE CU I" TAINS The very latest, frilled and otherwise L CURTAIN MATERI[AILS Almost sure to have w'• At you'll like. °TAPESZCI[ ,Y AND MOHAIR HIAI[IR For Npholsterrr—See what we can do for -you. 114 BASS CURTAIN RODS Prices for these, 121c to 70c each. rrl� ayish, - fort Li�irallraitpidr:�d�yulu��.�uea:nls+;axwe tvros�t. wi;.str+!.+ 6 VfsNe*,a' o went t n Fi Se it r hOiit NOT110E ®vying to the gnat that wts nre completely eroria:trahing 52.1111dl reseew et cting oar Slagorth plaint, we shall he unable to,4.i, may Chopping --until further notice. .WE IMAYIE A ,GOOD SUPPLY GF TL0UR, MED, PJ,[ANIIT©I8A OATS, OAT CHOP AND ROLII;'ED OATS B AN—rte 1b , , .. ,cz 830.00 per tom 5!:{o1;:TS---ln bege $30.00 per tom MI DI<DLIINGS--Iat hags $36.00 per tom e ns DIAMOND 1:]111?lgS Newest Designs 81©.00 up WEDDING RUNGS Plain and Engraved Te match above. '7/ATOMS, Ladies' and Gent's Wrist Watches • 80.00 trap Don't be old fashioned, Deal in that old watch for a xe .orris. S2L 1VIERWAR, AND ]BRASS Yon wilt hike our 17803h1 and prices. CLGC1E5 Spiecial Tambour t7ftyl'c Mantle, $12.09 ' tlrbe Latest in OEotnntne .Veweller t and Necklets) Iron 50 cent© apd IPffiONIEi : 04 7o Store 64 OJ., Most.savntiugm e, b \vESTC A.