HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-05-31, Page 1K
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1a E 'TONT DOCTOR, Sunny int tlae home of 11Q�rs. �1$lriglat's London, spent the week end at $lie iting her punt T`i�s. �ose2m�.: �' ." ����(Q �� �q � �,d��, '1"
(Tbo D6taR Q0 7Pm=)
mother, Mrs. George Dowson.-.-Duch
sympathy is felt for 'Mr. and 11�i[rs.
William Carnie in the loss of their
only daughter, Eulole, who was tak-
en by death on Friday, May 24th, at
What is there that some communities h%vo that others lack which makes
the age of 11 years. She had been
lune difference between compliments and criticisms -"that something" that
sick only two weeks, but in spite of
all Haat loving care could do for her,
nmvites you or repels and oppresses you -that difference which so dins-
itinguishes from the ordinary? It is largely a matter of that which, for
she passed away on `Friday morning.
want of a better name, bas been termed 'by the advertising profession as
The funeral service was held on Sun -
day a%sd was conducted by her pastor,
Lack of "atmosphere" in a town is that which is responsible for motorists
Rev, J. Penrose, of Varna.
going through your town without seeing it, or remembering it. 'Home often
Fortieth -Wedding Anniversary.—
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Talbot, Blue
have you heard the remark, referring to business houses, places of amuse-
W'a'ter highway, celebrated their 40th
=ent and even homes -"It doesn't appeal to me, there's no atmosphere"?
wedding anniversary on Wednesday,
]How your town looks is important, for while people weigh values, they
May "22nd, They received hearty
constantly compare towns. There are thousands who would go out of their
felicitations for many more years of
way to patronize your town if the surroundings were such that created
wedded life and prosperity from a
"Atmosphere" attracts, induces, tempts, allures, fascinates and impresses
host of friends. In the evening a sur-
nt sells your town; while the absence of it in any community creates a
Prise gathering of the family e their
home presented them with a beainsons
}pall and silence that shouts to the world, including its own inhabitants, "This
reading lamp. Of their Sona
place lacks what you. are looking for."
four daughters, only one was not
In every section of this great land of ours, cities, towns and villages have,
Mrs. Vanden, who is living in
to a greater or less degree, thought of talked about, and in man cases,
g g ' y
Alberta. Mr. and 'Mrs. Talbot
started a clean-up campaoign. To what extent it has been carried out de-
preparing to leave their fine farm on
]panda upon the wide-awakefulness of the people,
the .HAghway to their son, Leonard,
There is something about the first few days• of emery spring that gives us
and to retire in Bayfield.
mortals, an urge to shed ourselves -of drab surroundings -to sort of "brighten
the corner where we are," so to speak. Full of pep, enthusiasm and with
'fine ideas of doing big things, we materially add to the joy of the paint
store man, the seed merchant and the seller of garden and yard tools, and
it is fine for everybody. But our hands are soft, our backs are weak, and
our will not boo strong, and altogether too soon the glamor and incentive of
Notes.--�Mr. John Murray was call -
the first days becomes the fever of the weeks end the job is left half done.
ed to London Oast Monday to accom-
Verily, in a few short weeks many now tidy and much boasted of gardens
pany the remains of the late Michael
will be but weed patches, unattended and forlorn. Likewise; many a Clean-
Kelly to Dublin, as he was a pioneer
up Week, widely heralded, urged and exploited by a loyal press, will pass
of Hibbert township, and was taken
with the May flowers unless you and your neighbors and all of their weigh-
to the Home in London a year ago, to
lbors' neighbors recognize the real value and keep at it until it is done -land
be cared for in his old age, -Mr. and
Mrs. G. K. Holland, from Dublin, and
Do not have a 'Clean -pp Week -make it the year 'round, for your cus-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holland and
tomers, from whence they may come, are becoming more critical -they de-
family, of Windsor, called on friends
-wand "atmospherd," and there can be none without cleanliness all of the
in our burg this week, -Mr. and Mrs.
time. " '
Con Eckart, Mr. J. M. Eckart, :Hiss
Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or in
Angela Eckart, from Seaforth, and
Mrs. Harry Desbura and little daugh-
This Town Doctor Article is published by The Expositor in co-operation
ter, Nellie, from Lacrosse, Wis., were
with the Seaforth Lions Club.
visitors in our burg last Sunday. -Mr'.
F. Eckart, accompanied by Mrs. W.
Maiiley, Mr. C. Eckart and Mrs. H.
I��a� 1L ENG TO D:ScuSS
show their interest in this cause by
Desbura motored to Detroit last
assisting in any way they wish.
Thursday to visit relatives in the city.
Our Board is endeavoring to have
a hospital that will be a credit to our
T� in,�i� �i 7i�
A meeting of the Weed Inspectors
town and will also be a worthy mem-
of all municipalities of the County of
orial to our late friend and Ibenefac-
tor, William Scott; and, in order to
Died in Chicago. --Died May 26th,
Hluron and others interested in weed
control, -will be held at the Agricul-
do this, we are endeavoring to have
in Warrenville, III., (a suburb of
tural Office, Clinton, on Tuesday, June
it.remodelled and equipped at as Iow
Chicago), William Chalk Dorrance,
fourth son of the late Samuel
4th, at 1.30 p.m., sharp. The objects
a cost as possible, and in a way that
will be beneficial. for nurses, doctors
Nancy Hays Dorrance, aged sixty-two
of the meeting are:
(1) To acquaint the inspectors and
and patients, and we are hoping that
years. He leaves a wife, three sons
all interested with the weeds and°weed
when it is n
opened it will meet with
and three daughters, and is a brother
of Mrs. P. Dodds, Mrs. G. B. Scott,
seeds and 'their control. •,
(2) To study the weed act and- tow
the approval of all who are interested
in it. - _
Mrs. H. Martin and Ben Dorrance, all
interpret it in the best interests of
We 'would like to intimate that our
of Chicago, 111. ,
the farmer' and the - municipality..... ,
gA&vaiL �4_ ,ms's•-, R. 'S, flays, will be
- �
(3) This meeting will also permit
please_ to communicate with any per-
tthe inspectors in the county to become
son desiring to assist in any way.
%etter acquainted with each other and
Notes. - Mr. and Mrs. Norman
they will have a better chance of
Wheeler, of Detroit, visited at the
Mowing how to carry out the work
home of the former's parents, Mr. and
wisth some of uniformity.
If we are to meet with any degree
Mrs. T. H. Wheeler last Sunday. -
of success in the campaign against
is�H CN 0 C
Nurse Riley, of Constance, who has
been nursing Miss McCully for the
weed, it is essential that we have the
past month, returned to her home
-whole hearted co-operation of all con-
The South Huron Liberal Association
last week. Miss McCully's many
ceraned. If you can arrange to be
at•.this meeting we will be
is holding a picnic at Grand Bend on
friends will be glad to hear that she
pleased to have you with us. -G. A.
Wednesday, June 19tb. The chief
speaker will be Hon. Ernest Lapointe,
is now able to leave her room. -Rev.
W. A. Bremner is attending Confer-
McCague, Agricultural Representa-
Minister of Justice, the silver tongued
ence in London this week. On that
orator of Quebec. Associated with
account there will be just one service
him will be Hon. J. C. Elliott, Minis-
on Sunday next in the morning.
ter of, Public Works; Hon. W. D.
Euler, Minister of National Revenue,
together with the local member, Thos.
McMillan, M.P., and all the other On -
tario ministers and many of Ontario's
outstan"ding\M. P.'s. All are cordially
Notes. - Mr, and Mrs, Dawson
The attention of our Board has
invited to attend and hear national
Smith, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith.
been called to the fact that there are
interests discussed by these able ex -
-Miss Margaret Johnston spent the
quite a number of our citizens who
ponents of Liberalism. Come and
week end with her parents at Varna.
would like to take some part in the
bring your lunch baskets and enjoy a
-.Mr. Bill Clarke, of Varna, spent
furnishing and equipping of the Scott
half holiday at Grand Bend on June
Sgnday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Memorial' Hospital, but who do not
Clarke. -,Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone, of
lknow just to whom they should apply
Norwich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
for information.
Mrs, S. Shannon. -Mr. Jack Mont -
At our last meeting a resolution
gomery, of Wingham, spent a few
,Was passed, naming our whole board
clays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
as a Committee, with Mrs. R. -S.
Death of Michael Kelly. -The death
John A. Montgomery. -Miss Norine
]flays, as convener, to deal with mat-
occurred this week of Mr. Michael
Armstrong, of London, spent a few
ters of this kind.
Kelly, a much respected and likeable
days with her sister, Mrs. Ferg. Bul-
As a Board we can assure you, as
man, in 'London. He lived in Hibbert
lard. -The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S.
citizens, that we appreciate very much
for nearly all his ninety-two years.
will hold their next meeting at the
indeed the spirit which prompted any
He was never married, and leaven to
home of Mrs. Scott Bolton on June
of you to make inquiries of this kind,
mourn his loss, two brothers, Hugh,
and we can assure you further, that
of California, and Sam, of Saskatche-
any gift toward the furnishing and
wan. The funeral service was held in
equipping of this hospital will be very
St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and in -
in St.
Notes. --.Tack Ernest spent the week
We know that you all realize that
terment was made Columban
cemetery. The pall bearers were
end with his sister, Mrs. M. Feeney,
this hospital is being established for
Messrs, Frank McConnell, John Mur-
of Detroit. -Miss Jenima McTavish
the benefit of our citizens and the sur-
ray, James Maloney, James Feeney,
spent the week end with Miss Eleanor
rounding country, and was made pos-
Frank Gallagher and Micbael Coyne.
McLean, of Wingham.-Misses Mary
sible by the generous bequest of the
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Stapleton
and Celeste Carr visited at their bome
late William Scott.
have moved into their -new home on
for the holiday. -Mrs. J. T. Bell and
Verna, of Blyth, spent a few days
The Board of Directors; who were
appointed to carry out the provisions
Nelson, Street. -Mrs. Minnie Michell,
Mi, Vera and Charlie, of Toronto,
with Mrs. .Jack Earnest. -Mr, and
of the will, are, as you know, gener-
called friends in the village during
Mrs. Walter Brawley, of Detroit,
spent a flew days with Mr, and Mrs.
ously givingtheir time without any
the veEk.-Misses Mary McGrath and
W. Brawley.--.I. A. McBurney, a
remuneration whatever to complete
the task that has been assigned to
Vera Fren=.y, of Toronto, spent the
week end at their homes in the vil-
Wein ham •boy, who has been teaching
them; this has meant a great deal of
lag,. -Mr. Louis Krauskopf, of De-
in Fort William, has been appointed
work and worry, but the Members of
troll, spent Sunday with his parents,
Principal of Kingston Central Col-'
Col -
legiate.--Mr. George Falconer and
the Board are glad -.to render this ser-
vice to so worthy a cause.
Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf.-Mr.
Mr. Harold Mitchell,'',of Toronto, vis -
In seeking information regarding
Louis Crawford, Misses Mary Madge
and Elva, of Toronto, spent the week
steel over the week end at the home
the layout and equipping of this hos-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn.
of Mr. George Falconer. -Miss Wilma
pital, a large number of hospitals
-'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holland and
Gear, of Toronto, seem a eouple of
days with Mrs. W. L. Craig this week,
have been visited and one of the out-
children, of Windsor, are visiting the
standing features in practically all
these institutions is the large number
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K.
Holland,--aMiss Anna Molyneaux, of
of tablets, indicating donations that,
Kitchener, spent Sunday with her par-
West End Notes. -The farmers
., have been made by churches, lodges,
ents.--•NIr. .Joe Dill, of Detroit, is
here are busy preparing to plant corn
townships and individuals, many of
thein in memory of some who have
spending a vacation with his parents.
and roots. -Mr. Harold Leitch, of For-
•` passed on. These tablets bear YP.COrd
est, spent the week end at his home
of the inward thoughts of th9se who
here. -Mr, Neil spentMaththe, of days at
Normal School, spent the holidays at
made the donation and will continue
to be tangible evidence that they have
his home. --+Mrs. Roy Fear spent the
not lived for themselves alone, but in
Notes. -Mr, and Mrs: Charles R,atb-
well, who have been in the
week end visiting relatives at Drug -
spaosini through life they Piave
States for several months, have re-
Notes -Mr, and Mrs. James Stew,
thought of others.
turned to Stanley and are spendatg a
art, of Windsor, spent the holiday
-Any visit=or or ,patient conning into
while with friends here before going
with Mr. and 'MY� J, D, Stewa.rt�.-
a hospital eanvot belt ,be impressed
West for the benefit of Mir. Rath-
Mrs. John Markham, of London, opent
with this mprk of generoslty on the
weals health-)�v. J. Penrose and
he week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.
part of the ofti-grans of the muraici-•
11r;jr. George Coleman go to Ldhdo
` • . Stewart. -Miss Margar®t Elsie, of
patitly, vi45revyel� hospitata soinip
thlffi we®k to atteYiil bls® annum Cone
,don, visited her parents ave5c t
fipred and fvalshed are located. Av?d
hMrdlay h*
Terence there.—Mr. Newell Greige3r�; of
ZUriOh, wall talre 1 tier. iladnrrose°s hark
week end.-4/diss 1l�sargar,t and 4$�0
it Will noeosasry to May how
Mary Ha Donald, of Tuekersmith, vire
nnvreh the l ow.4 eviould gpptoolnta
-next Sunday at,� G doher<i, Bl1 a and
Varrea.<-. ir. And MTS, Oscar �'9•>si�ht
visiting in Btuc�aald w th PJ[a°, cam
jT vire d3a vaot, gals e67 Pr r�ntlT116-
Mrs, Thompson.- Xiss gtth Bell, asf
pa1lity'V'ftralvp toy mar imd llot�4i,
a;rrd fano y; 6f X® ilhrrort , tion$
horgdon, who has lsnr4n v�a$fiJttig )bgliy
I ,�
.. ,. �,, ,.". : ..... :.., ".., ��:,` .J
iF,,,.:. •, .. r � f r a .. wvl �.
home of Mr. and j ra. �`J" ,7�'a >iaer.-- sand axe paxe ts, fir; mud 1 1 ''�Cja PF" f- , J" I u`� v
I 3 , " 1� a t - I " - '! t, 1, a r CQuite a number from these harts toariz Fulton, YRav® retot<rgleGl to. u�td4t 8. ro- :Wim. tm ,��4j,14,
��'' '
ll 1:1 i I
in the celebration at IHCenoall son tine Peter B. Gardiner and �na:mau �4aT"PIT 't qs�d�.:�"'7:;
�t , baa, ._ ��+L_ �� ", 4; ?�
"4ai ,.,�, a 11 L ,r +l
24th. -Mrs. Robert Hopkins, of Chi- atop motored to fit. Geos . arFn �Apa ;gad ;s p 2 R —,gpl - x f .' tlal r '
cago, who spent a few weeks at the iness this week.-Tir. anal aero.:: �T@�tf "<1. �! r7 i r ;r ;'ar' '.,
home of her parents,' Mie, and Mrs. J. Sellers and son, Clayton, land' B s.. 1�e�t�a1 , �, � °;
As no I t Cochrane, has returned to Chifto Sellers mother, Mrs. 3E oerle,• rg�. lilts# • 0, u tW `n , x, 01 7, , 44 h
P. , again,- Mrs, K. Cochrane and daugh- ed from kleideyberg on �aanday --1Jr. lid I'll+ , t,.,i • yl s ?
Q ,a ters, Misses Annie and Agnes, . of Robert Ashton, of '.Corrie,.v.Wted.Wft'A Xrs, . W lh^-i ru1. '' "A, „ '- r 1 -it ,Shij
Clinton, are spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. W. B. Radford, T v� hi d . " " �*� � ,+, ;.
s friends,-QVIYs$ Jessie Johnston, of recently -Mrs. 7Choxxdas, cls�vr sly, �a villi #y r t' i? , ":1- rz ` A ..
Clifford, called on friends over tine little son, Elliott, are visiting friends married t n . "` r11 ..... , v tF r�1 1
d o )� a ��� � ��� �: + ni
p , week jend: The service on Sunday, in Fort Erie, motoring that far with ,ago, fey ,za i d- � —� ; N, + 1� ,'f;
. June 2nd, will be conducted by Rev, Dr. David M. Rackwell, of lgolla,nd, since. Mr Tbd,or ' � ,
„nd SidIng W. G. Sperling, B.A., B.D,, of West N.Y., who retuitxi d to his home there' ood lnealtlA'fo T "'A, ,+ '"`
. g r 3 .,
China, returned missionary. on Monday, after spending the week $o be about t 1i :'o �antal', �f ala' ",y;
end with his mother, M'rs. William before a died. Shoe was". s r ,'� �j
//,,�� ¶." #
Hackwell--Miss Helen Stelae, of Christian ce �rrom�z§a a7raal wv blare} ?" , tau
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Elder motor- Brodhagen, spent Sunday at her hoarse respected. She leaves to Yg$o$. Ojtjf,<"
H. �i ed to Niagara Falls last week. They here Mr, and 'Mrs. ]Phillip Anent, loss; her larnsb end, two sister t tl ,) <tin
U, F ONS were accompanied by Mrs. Donald of Brussels; called on friends in the West, and one brother,. Mr. F'Ted � � n�lsIe '
McKellar where they spent a few village on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs, Ivy ley, of Toronto. The fio�rers 6yat �s`+sib
days visiting the latter's daughter, Henderson and family, of Seaforth, beautiful. Rev. DKr. J0 sod sp as )� +
Mrs. Weitzman, who lately moved to spent Sunday with . Mrs. Honderson s sexy egectively of this decease4lI �I ��9�•
parents over the week end accompan- Niagara Falls to reside. - Mr. and Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love.- pallbearers were Messrs. $owatx '''�'I`
ied by her brother, • motored to Galen Mrs. John Scott, of Toronto, motored Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hackwell and Ephriam and Humphrey Snell, Goo ' 14 �?�y{'
up and spent the week end visiting son, Elliott, spent the 24th with ,isldrs. Elliott, Howard Armstrong and t. , Il'��
Allan to spend Sunday. -Mr. W. M. r
Doig, of Port Huron, visited his fan- frierWs in this vicinity. They were Haokwell's sister, Mrs. Joseph la/ioor®, liam Britton: ]tudietrmen$ vvas a war
ily over the lac3iday.-Mr. and Mrs. I accom,RaX4ed by Mrs. Tufford and of Dublin. -Mr. and Mrs- 1,804ard in Coa-astance Cemetery. - t rQ
Percy Passmore, Formerly of Usborne 1Vlisai Cu 'e, who spent a few days ,at Bolton and son, David, and Mrs. Bol- %, Jt 01",
and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan and theirk,,hone in the village. - Mrs. ton's father, 'Mr. Duggan, visited vAth V 1G,,.
Kenneth, of Farquhar, visited Mr. and Johnston, of Wallaceburg, a fgrmer Mr Bolton's grandmotheY, Mrs. Warn. �Q� ` ��° ]�® Q jl Ill.�,,1'r•
resident of Cromart is at pr®sent Ilac�cwell recent] Alex. Clan of
[+//Ira. W. H. V�'seemm, over Sunday. -Mr. visiting with friends in the village.- 1Vlonkton,� spent the week end at ]nib Notes -Rev. Il�r, Johnston is 1.
and Mrs. J. D. G,emmell and Mr. Robt. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, e Mitchell, home here. London this week.-Xrs. ` Man�nin I ,7 .
Gemmell, of Thamesville, visited with spent last week 'with Toronto friends.
f$ockavood friends recent] (I also Mrs. MtCulIoch visited at the ",
y. -Mr. an -Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountain visited -o,,,
home of Mr. John McCulloch on Sun- ���-
ytrs. P. Bale, of door, and Mr. A. da last. -Mr. and Mrs. Quince and Goderich friends last Thuisda k'1¢ik,
�iselsti�ee, of Walkcrville, spent the y ]$�k==o and Mrs. Harold Adams were in Clingy ,'' ,L
24th with Mrs. J. Taylor. -Mr. Thos. family spent Sunday visiting with ton on Thursday4 Mr. D. Giovier "-
friends in Exeter. Breezes. -Mrs. A. C. Brandon, Betty
Rodgert has taken the contract of spent last Sunday at,the home of Mr, ..k`
and Charlie, spent Sunday at. Wing- , f
-unning the stone crusher for the sea- and Mrs. Radford, Clinton -�Mr. incl (;..
ham �Dr, E. P. Lewis and Mrs. `,
ion. -Miss Anna Love entertained a �1TA1IT(bN Mrs. J. Armstrong were ids Goderich O
Lewis, of Toronto and Miss Jean`.
:ew of her friends to a party on Sat- Fdotes.-Dr. David .M. Hackwell, of on Monday.- Tlse Ball family held s
Woods, of Galt, motored here Thurs- Vii.
arday in honor. of her schoolmate, Holland, N.Y., is at present visiting reunion at the home of their sister,
day and spent the 2.4th and week end
Ytiss Helen Doig, who is moving to i his mother, Mrs. William Hackwell.- Mrs. James Raithby on the 24th of • ,
with Mrs. N. W. Woods. -Mr. and ,1111
�eorgetovvrn. -Mr- A. Simpson, Toron- George Ferguson, of Toronto, called May, Moir. and Mrs. Raithby andx
Mrs. E. H. Johns and sons Pete and
:o, spent the week end at his home.- � on friends in the village recently.- Lloyd and Glenn have the real art of `,,� ",
Laurie, were at Wiarton last week.-
YIr. J. McLaughlan and family spent George Underwood, of South Water- making everyone feel at home, and W',
Miss Annie Elliott, of Toronto, visited
Sunday in Stratford. -lir, and Mrs. I down, spent a few days renewing ac- a very enjoyable time was spent. --4 4;.
her aunt, Mrs. J. Fraser last week,- Mr. and Mrs. F. Tamblyn motored to st'.'R;
_ - —^ Miss Nora Ferguson returned from Toronto last week and spent several N
London on Friday, where she spent }; t;
"% w j the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert days. -Mrs. Mains received word last ,,r=;
? v° week of the sudden death of her bio-
knight, of Toronto, spent the holi- they -in-law, 'Mr, John Brigham Ster-
11 day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Geminhardt. xa
-Miss Elva Dewar, of Toronto, was ling, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, He F�vt,.
' k
fi`11%j /���1�]�(t���/%f��(Q C was born here seventy-six years a m „ j�j� \% C�i ((�1, \'% C�J �/ Zl LJp7� home for the holiday. She was ac- g 1:i
L/ and resided here for many years be- a ''�
companied by Mr. Storey. -Miss Alma Y?