HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-05-24, Page 3• **17-4011n.9 lerV g4F. ' dowan, when non GP ha c t® l7aL ., meed or Ongc i e. T ,n< new 0 taunt no preenittioun off famous physician r ndl'yoaa ossa use 4>t math assurance aka' It will help yoan to quickly netrid off yews piles. n7lIc entdruggiste. Ile Cuzco you cawa:4paDua 4G 9® dQ gDDQ lIgQQDOQtL. 000au4. ¢cvo lT morns 4:4 °p a®kUna+SLIN17 r, G7 aw not antaofic4, Dual aotooreo 4aoo ordo., P4' ao t® Ywanat-n-24voo Laonfiann, contemn, ®gat,p 7741111GoGonnadl your =oano:7• d'ATRON SAINT O]F CISIM IIISTRY Dressing for a dinner party, she slips on her dainty undergarments ,made of cornstalks, Her sheer and silken stockings are of wood pulp, and saner shoes are fashioned in the latest vogue from artificial skins. Her pret- ty frock- was once part of a forest tree, and the gayly colored buttons with which it is trimmed Were at some mot far distant date the milk of eon- e,nted cows. That afternoon the hair - .dresser had touched her curls with a synthetic sheen, and on her face she dabs a bit of the product of a dye- stuff company. The rings on her fin- gers gleam with synthetic stones; her ibracelets found their rich color in a chemist's crucible. In a car painted with cotton she rides to her friends' home, and in a mining room whose walls are made of sugar cane the dinner begins with a pefruit ripened by ethylene gas and ends with ice cream kept cold since early morning by the dry ice of carbonic acid gas. No wonder a British chemist has ,dubbed the modern girl the "patron saint of chemistry." When W. S. Gil- bert sang that "things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquer- ades as cream" I he didn't know the 'half of it, for milk to -day passes it- self off for ivory or amber at the 'maker's whim. And every year adds to the number of inconceivable pro- ducts made from incomprehensible be- ginnings. Luckily enough for those of us who still retain good appetites, no chemist has yet produced meat and wheat -fruits and vegetables that are both synthetic and palatable. They're work- ing at it, but we may as well announce -sight here and now that we are a- gainst them now and for all time to -come. f rlrrib Wit e 'I oblie AIM Aching Back ONTARIO LADY USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS oNfsvoro thwr lalaaa "Tree clams. .: ly iz the Matte re notion G ! wnItea it. airIfe0 (Inanity and AS agng C1.0 SacrJlal av pro- ' (hewn Sir AI�� tom,, op.,�, fepao' of ���c.w =dial= at McGnll 4J4Vrprpii y, laol atreaaI, since 11108 Teerh'in binge Edward Wald ld £aa.40 ,, osivsd n, tlae great W. moa:n bias p r ' Babied! boobs its the ' offieinl tern' of the Canadian Forces nut the European Wur, Vol. 1, XddiMal Services,' which caused quits a storm at its appeapaance. Sir Andrew is a strong aid fearless writer and in the wanner of his wait- ing has in "Three Persons" produced an unique book. "Three Persons" is published by new Louis ,Ca thler Co., Montreal. Dirs. rs. C. Mason Gladly Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills. London, Ont., May 21st.—(Special) —If we could show you the actual. proofs, results attained in thousands. .of cases suffering from Kidney Trou- ble, Rheumatism, Backache, etc., it -would convince you that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are an excellent kidney rem- .edy. One more tribute showing the .efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills comes from Mrs. C. Mason, 723 Queens Ave., 'London, Ont. She writes:—"A few years ago I had trouble with my Kid- neys. A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, which I did and -they surelyi relieved me. I would gladly recommend them ,to anyone. I tad terrible trouble with my back ach- ing. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Tills relieved me." Other sufferers of backache tell of pains relieved and health restored -through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They act directly on the Kid- neys. They strengthen the kidneys and put them in shape to strain the impurities out of the blood. ect ays c a le at Money, Love anal Honour. All three are involved in this thril- ling' mystery story. Philip Kennedy, a young journalist in London, has his cousin's death and his legacy an- nounced to him by an unknown Ger- man, ,who wishes to obtain a diary that had been in Kennedy's cousin's possession. When Philip goes to claim his inheritance, "The Laurels," he finds it in a state of utmost chaos ..—everything ripped and smashed. Jane Sheppard, the other legatee, and ward of the deceased Wilkins, ob- tains money as her share, but is also interested in the fate of the diary, as there is damaging evidence against a socially prominent person who is one of Jane's oldest friends. Hallam, an intelligence man and former associate of Wilkins, is called to Kennedy's assistance and things develop rapidly. The German is shot, the whereabouts of the diary found and the knowledge that there is a sum of one hundred and fifty thous- and pounds waiting as fair spoil for the finder. Suspicions of everyone are aroused. For a time one is completely baffled and it is only near the end that we are allowed even a glimmer of what is to happen and the denouement is as exciting as it is unexpected. For- tunately Kennedy gets some of the money, enough to propose to Jane on, although she assures him "twopence halfpenny would have been enough for that." "The Bletston 1Vfystery," by Robert Milward Kennedy, is published by Doubleday, Doran and Gundy, Toron- to. ew Si Jree In a delightful variety of taw shades. Outstandingly Stylish and smart in their styling. Pleated fronts, ouneedl skirts, in long and short sleeves. All sizes. Speenall Price, 07g 0 us ALL PUR le- PE GOLD DOLLAR—Long wear foot, wczefllent 17414p at• ... ,. WELD EST --Point or straight heels . $ 1 — at ORIENT SILK AND SILK CHU'tON at KAYSER SILK—The standard of quality at JUVENILE Two Famous Knights. The stories of Lohengrin, the Knight of the Holy Grail, who comes to uphold the innocence of the wrong- ly accused Elsa and to restore her brother to her—their happiness and the sudden destruction of it by Elsa's lack of faith, and the breaking of her promise, and of Galahad, the Spotless Knight of the White Shield, who alone is successful in his search for the Holy Grail, are beautifully told by 'Worley Chester in The Golden River Series, published by Thomas Nelson end Sons, for 75c. under the title of "The Knights of The Holy Grail." THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY MOTHER The child in the home is a never - failing source of joy, but, at the spine time a never -failing responsi- bility to the fond mother. It not in- frequently happens that minor ail- ments of the child distress and puz- zle her. She does not know just what to do, yet feels them not ser- ious enough to warrant calling in the doctor. At just such times as these it is found that Baby's Own Tablets are the mothers greatest help and friend. Most childhood ailments arise in the digestive tract—the bowels be- come clogged and the stomach sour. Baby's Own Tablets are a never - +'ailing relief for this condition. They are a mild but thorough laxative and through their action on the stomach and bowels they banish con- stipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever; allay the pain accompanying the cutting of teeth and promote health -giving sleep. Concerning them Mrs. W. Jenning, Mackay, Ont., writes:—,'9I have used Baby's Own Tablets and think so highly of them that I would not be without them. Please send me your little booklet on the care of children." A Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ]BOOK LOVERS' CORNER (By Marjorie M. Powell) Three Persons. This book, by Sir Andrew Mac- lphail, which has recently been pub- lished in Canada, was published first in England, and according to press reports and sales was very well re- ceived. Justice rather than mercy seems to be the final verdict concern- ing it. The three persons—Sir Henry -Wilson, Colonel House and Colonel Lawrence --are subjected to close an- alysis and critical study. Sir, Henry Wilson fares worse. He entered the war as Major-General and <emerged as Field Marshal, Knight of the Bath, etc. It is from his own aliaries, which were published by a -friend, that Sir Andrew exposes and condemns him. It is brilliantly and mercilessly done; but what is gained? (General Wilson was assassinated in 1922, and all the invectives poured mut upon him now seem rather futile. The Colonels—aBeim and Lawrence —are not quite so pummelled. His admiration for the literary style of Lawrence's "Revolt in the Desert," is unbounded, in fact he says: "Col. ]Lawrence writes precisely as Shake- speare might have written had he chosen the more difficult mbde." He, A celebrated surgeon says the seeds of cancer may lurk in a wart. The safe plan is to have the finance min- ister remove it with his wart ax.— High River times. Many a red lip has drivien away the blues.—Glasgow Herald. It's the love of easy money that's the root of all evil.—Glasgow Herald. A woman went on a professional hunger strike and twenty Scotsmen proposed to her.—Sarnia Canadian - Observer. The average husband hasn't as much sense as he thinks he has, but he has more than his wife suspects. —Kingston Whig -Standard. The Boy Scout who manipulates the handle of the mangle on wash- day considers he has done enough "good turns" to last a month.—Kit- chener Record. In the battle against booze in Mexi- 6..o, we suppose it is correct to say that the government forces constitute the revolutionary army. — Hamilton Spectator. Every day, life, as we see it re- flected in the newspapers, becomes if:are and more like a (novel 'Written by Edgar Wallace.— r. ;:rmibart Lynd, Spec. ash Geo& The Newest of the New ENGLISH BROADCLOTH — All new colors, fine mercerized. 2i C1�J c SPECIAL Gi PRINTED 1MMIITY—Striking new patterns, for child's dresses nm � at (Cn nJ PRINTED BATISTE—Fine organ- dy weight; pretty patterns; goCo3� new shades o W© 11 2s Dare Si M WOODS LAVENDER I:. OS 3.AN� IID A delightful range of women's intimate undergarments for fine wear. Full assortment of wanted delicate shades. All sizes. Vest, $1.00, $1.50 Night Gowiiis, $2,75 Bloomers, $ ..5O, $2.50 Pyjamas, $3,00, $4.00 p llF �illill� The Eyes ©f Yon>ir Home FRILLED CURTAINS—Good Mar- quisette with colored voile frills and tie back; 2% yards long. Special v ad s Dans SEMI PANNEL CURTAINS- - Swiss Tambour patterns, new and beautiful designs. Splendid washers. Special, sila3 5 and V ra�J 0 Dress ids Specially Attractive FANCY CHIFFON06,®9 a 6 5 NETTS `� v $ FANCY CREPES AC $11.50 at SILK BROADCLOTHS 6© at �i VIYE•LLA FLANNEL$ at $ a�� F CREPESILK gull 9 $80!13j 5 NOVY IP i I s Iesses Alms= STYLES—ECONOMIIC PRICES Queen of the new styles, delightful patterns; wear. wash and shapely. V2a95 to M.50 .50 SPECIAL TUB DRESSES—Surprising styles and wonder fabrics. Special Price V 445 and vase • ���.. sy Www Coved Economically y IP'ra LINOLEUM, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, C'ONGOLEUM .RUGS, MATS, STAIR CARPET, STAIR OILCLOTHS. Special patterns for any rooms nae the house. Cad& 4aifI MEM SIPIE(CIIAIL a 75 Lovely new styles for girls; perfect washing Fuji Silk, in Pink, Green, Red, Blue, Peach dr White. A real value, in all sizes from 8 to 14 years. Don't miss these. (Price075 Odd &iit NEW STYLES, $na95 Excellent values for car or knockabout suits. Regular values $20 to $25.00. $‘ S.95 For quick clearance Light or Dark Greys, also Blues, Browns and Sands, single or double breasted, wide or medium legs. You will be surprised what wonderful val- ues these odd suits are. Sizes 36 to 42. PRICE M335 Pirool (ell MO r IE WEAR FOR g.013,5 Blue, Black or Blue Stripe and fancy cottonade Overalls or Work Pants. Cut in generous sizes; strong pockets, buttons on to stay. Sizes 32 to 46. P In IME $11,95 SliMar Ul ezwear ATTRACTIVE PRICES Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers....5ec Penman's No. 71 Merino.. $1.00 Hatchway Naincheck $1.25 Gold Tack Naincheck $1.00 Balbriggan Combinations $1.00 Balbriggan 'Combinations $1.25 Boys' Underwear 50c to $1.00 SI ®ars Extra Special Value Made in all the new wanted shades. Extra full sizes; very fine quality. Manufactured by best Canadian mak- ers. Price cBc VESTS TO MATCH ABOVE (Price 79c 25 en'a H=E.gh- GICE,i2 Su.°10 C LIEA i' ENG AT vo 9095 These are broken lines and a few factory wor- steds and tweeds in new styles. Regular $25.00 and $30.00 Suits; while they last Here is an excellent opportunity to get a dressy well made stylish suit at a wonderful reduction. PRICE Vc35 ees°e Hg's Best Canadian, English and Italian Makes, $2,33eJ1(l450 Brock, King, Borsalino, St. Lawr- ence Brands. There are few equals and none better. Greys in a variety of shades; Browns, Sands; Fedora or snap front. °] j PRICE, $20B9 J 1® $7,50 0 e Hew os 'cioUo to "W' 11 450 Lovely new Silks, fairly sparkling with newness, in all the bright color combinations so popular this Spring. These Ties are bought specially for Victoria Day selling. They will sure- ly delight � you. (�(�� (� ((� PIlt4JCIE, 5'®t� to e'1' � .59 At Money ney .Salvhri'- Pane 1ka 9 a Suits de /1f, TOP NOTCH RAND, $2720 You get better cloths and better linings in Top Notch Suits than any suit made at the price any- where. Select your own cloth. We measure you and GUARANTEE THE FIT. Grey Serges. Blues Serges, Blue Stripes, Fancy Blue, Sand or Brown Worsteds and hard finished Tweeds that wear, keep their press and finish. P 1,, In IME $27a0O—One (Trice Only Bop' Jal IQ1fl� REASONABLY PRICED School Stockings, .black cotton ....25c Dress Shirts, extra good, $1.25--$1.05 Blouses, Fancy Broadcloth zinc Caps, Tweed, all colors $1.00 Cotton Sweaters tike Whoopee Hats $1.50 I EDys9 iiew Su Long �l1 %]orc� Short k'auits $ a5'��J to C3.12,106. Blues, Blues, Blue Stripes, Sands, Greys, Browns, Tans—with Bloomers, golf pants or plus fours, or long pants, with or without Vest. PRINCE BRAN is positively the best isstoys' clothing Manufactured. PRICE, gt50 tte $ n Zai