The Huron Expositor, 1929-05-17, Page 5s4 Ata -Ir ik190' u Q 0i l eap4 •c9" da IBa V'sac fi -00°3(5° V3qgeoPl PRESTON, OLLV 5 ©ke LS o Dacm2¢aal Sot antro LO DES o KORO Notes. -There was an exceptionally large congregation at the United Church last Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr. Johnston delivered a very able and impressive sermon. The mother's 'choir rendered some very fine selec- tions, which were much appreciated. 'The service which was held in the Knox Church Sabbath afternoon was ' well attended. -Mr. Harry Riley left Saturday for New Jersey to see his brother, Mr. Joe Riley, who is critic- ally ill in the hospital there. -Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Stratford, were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson on .Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. M. Rost were in Clinton on Saturday. -Mrs. Zuinn, of Toronto, is spending some time at the home of her brother, Mr. Will Caldwell. -Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Miss Bessie, of near London, spent Sunday with friends here. -Mrs. Scott of Zurich, spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- Vittie, on the 13th. -Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, of Clinton, recently visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris on the 13th concession. -The Ladies' Aid suet at the home of Mrs. John Har- vey last Tuesday afternoon and a very profitable and enjoyable time 'Zeas spent. Lunch was served at the 'close. -The W. J. will have their sum- aner speaker on May 23rd. BARNETT BRO. THREE RING CIRCUS AND TRAINED ANIMAL SHOWS The entire circus equipment, trans- portation department, tents, parapher- slalia, costumes and wardrobe, are all slew this year. Every detail and it- em not measuring up to the highest standard has been discarded to make xoom for only the best obtainable. Scores and scores of foreign features and novelties have been imported from all parte of the globe. Making this season's performance the greatest in the history of the Barnett Brothers Shows, during the successful 'car'eer of catering to the public, the Barnett Brothers Circus leas won its way to the front 'by its strictly honorable methods, together w ith the facts that it has truthfully $dvertised itself. Quality, honesty and cleanliness is the platform on which the Barnett Brothers three ring Circus and trained animal shows was founded. The Barnett Brothers Three Ring Circus and trained animal show will 'exhibit at Seaforth on Friday, May .31st, two performances daily, rain or shine, under our waterproof tents at 2 and 8; doors open one hour earlier; street parade at noon on the day of oxhi'bition. Free street parade at moon through the principal streets. Free exhibition on the show ground immediately after the parade. -Adv. BIRTHS �towland.-In Seaforth Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Rowland, a son. E)obie.-pAt Medford, One, on Friday, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dobie; a son (Donald Allan). Anderson. -'At the Mount Hamilton Hospital, on Monday, May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Anderson, 427 Maple Avenue, Hamilton, a daughter (Ann Elizabeth). ▪ leston.-In Detroit, on May 1st, to Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Weston, a daughter (Mary Mar- garet). Graham. -In Goderiah, on May 1st, to Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, a daughter. Wren. -On April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wren. of Tuckersmith, a daughter. DEATHS Ebowcliffe.-In Usborne, on Thursday, May 9th, Ruth Wilson. only daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Elgin W. Rowoliffe, London Road, in her 5th year. Ilioran.-In Kitchener, on May 10th. Margaret E. Moran. aChristie.,-In London, on May 6th, David Chris- tie, of Hibbert, aged 68 years, 6 months and 8 days. Hawthorne. -In Hullett Township, on May 4th, 1b1ary Anne ,. VanEgmond, widow of William P. Hawthorne, aged 80 years. Frayne.--.In Exeter, on May 6th, Peter Frayne aged 76 years. IIFEFOIR1A%TI7 NOTRC ES W'ORKSHTIIE PIGS AND SHORTHORN cattle for Sale. Boars ready for service and younger sows bred and ready to breed. 'Two roan bulls 11 and 16 months, from heavy milking darn, priced for quick sale. Inspec- tion invited. J. F. HAMILTON, Cromarty P. O. Phone 12 r 5, Dublin. 3205x2 IGS AND TRUCK FOR SALE. - TWO sows with litters of 10 each. and 4 sows edue in a month. Also half -ton Ford truck «with box and stock rack complete, in Al condition, reasonably priced. Apply to P. J. WOODS. Phone 45 r 19: Lot 35, Concession 4, Logan, 2 miles north of Dublin. 8204x8 I XCELLENT FARM FOR SALE. - 100 acres in good state of cultivation, 86 acres in grass. First clew buildings. Ideally !located in village containing school, church, High school; general store, blacksmith shop, 'etc. Ten miles from County Town. A bar- gain for quick atilt. Good terms. Apply to 'B'ox No. 157, Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont, 82084 1M:111 GRAIN FOR SALE. -FOR satin A &` quantity of good seed oats, also some No. 21 O.A.C. barley, six rowed. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS, No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 4 on 187, Seatortb, 819744 wen sALE.--'FIMOTarir AND AF.STti2.' mixture, 27 per dont. faience, 10 eentri pound. Pure timothy Seed, 04.00 pier hoehel. 'Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed, 35,00 pot bushel; white blossom awed clover, 44.10 pear bushel. All Governndent ;vaded. Aplilf! to RUSSET DOTYd4Rn?, Lot 19, Coneeseloft 117, Grey. Phone 87-10, Brussels. 910744 AUCTION '.I. I',d�+ AUCTION fBAL.U. - ON AIiiIU,1tU T raV horses arriving Tuba for Daly 2444..99 11 , we will have another 5019 o eW4Sim ra 1,444= on Saturday. Maw 18tIr. a: OR aacv g CcalQ Barns at 2 p.m. ']rowans.. -also .Ment r" osqlat on approved joust atot a.„ lvo peg CFgt, straight off for os01 IX W. G",i eG2`d, llaam- pricior. 02064 TWIECUTOR'8 SALE OF lIIOUSE, ]!LIST k11YWD EFFECTS.-Est.s3 Bata Gonne 12,11 has instructed the uudearoa ltJnd its sell by pubild auction at 16(e1^^4 , on nday, 220Yay 2.310‘2.310‘commencing at 2 o'clock °Suoek sharp, the following: Dining moors table, q"baigs. sideboard, TJorrb chair, rocking chairs, parlor rag, couch, ear - pets. New Raymond sewing =nobble, !tither, table and elmtles,, molt stove, !isobars, sofa, lam, bedroom suite, swings. mattress, quan- tity of canned fruit, coverall dozen De.nieni, lawn mower, stop ladder, grind drone, wheel- barrow, feed hog.. garden teals. carpenter's Mole, sugar kettle, 15 lords of 'hardwood. about one ton furnace coal, dishes, pot, pans and other articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place the commodious 7 -roomed prick house will be offered for sale. This is a most desirable property. new fur- nace, hard and soft water, one-half sere of good garden land, with a number of fruit trees, also a good stable erected on the pro- perty. Terms. -On household Effects: Cash. Property. -10 per cent. of purchase money paid down on day of saleand balance in 30 day)). Immediate paseession can be given. Everything to be sold in order to wind up the estate. DAVID ANDERSON, Executor G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3206-1 1BI1EILIP WANTED Wanted, persons to grow Mushrooms for us all Spring and Summer. Commence at once. Earn upwards of 126 weekly, using waste space in out -houses, sheds, barns, root -houses or cellars. Light, pleasant work for either sea. Illustrated booklet and particulars sent anywhere for otanap. Dominion Mushroom Co°y., Toronto TOWN OF SEAIF®IRTIB1. of ' COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the first meeting of the Court of Revision for hearing complaints against the Assessment Roll of the Town Seaforth for 1929, will be held in the Coun- cil Chamber, Seaforth, on Monday, June 3rd, 1929, at 8 o'clock p.m. ,Seaforth, May 16, 1929. JOHN' A. WILSON, Clerk, Town of Seaferth. 3205-1 LEARN 6.00 TO )10.00 A DAY Learn and Rampart time Motor Machan- leG, Battery, Welding, Vuflmnizing.11louoe Wiring, Bricklaying,,,�Plasteringg, Barber- ing, Beauty Culture Work. Good pool dome open. Write or call, free Instructive book. DOMINION SCHOOLS 163 [LING TESTS TORONTO Free ernlpioynsormf Serveco-Coase to Coast NOTIICIE OF PASSIING OF BY-LAW ,, NOTICE is hereby given that Bylaw No. 129, to amend By-law No. 13, of the Town - ;hip of Hibbert, was duly passed at the regu- ar meeting of the Township Council at 3ta'fa, on Monday, May 13, 1929, prohibiting l; any or all classes of live stock, including I gorses, cattle, sheep or hogs of any age, from -unning at large on the roads of the Town- ;hip, and instructions are given to Patrol - nen to impound all such live stock found. MRS. KATHLEEN FEENEY, pens 1 ,9s-4 r The annual Se Denial appeal of the Salvation repay starts the first of Way, We thank you for what yo11 have given in past years, trust you will do your be again this year. A collector will be calling on you during' the month. Captain David AIllenn Lieutenant Charles !'lett Officers in Charge, The Salvatio Army, Sept rorth, Ont. 11p t P � e ar vzacba' geeg lea WGll1 gKIr oz: k tm anal hoaDaa hollr4 T$1114044i7y IOP] Q digs ge �7 P4'4411;044, ,,re gave Y;io 'r7Plaal TasiSt- almnke to laPP,Iite y141l eatjacilWean, Write for pSII ti2l'allOW47, s1IOZW1. C.118I ae}0y CO., 293. G laalst,>ulno Ave, "I'orrontlo, 1lU,UPTUR filiMoitalumr ]Rupture Varicoce)1d, iVartcose Veins, 'Abdominals Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write. J. G. SIVZ1TUttish Appli- ance Specialist, 15 IIDo, ni© St.,. Strat- for+d,Oant. 3202 rt ONE DAY Iff7, ONLY r Fnday THE ON If 3 -RING NO Co rll it SO 1 A SHOW OF SUPREMELY -STUPENDOUS ,FSURFRIS fresaq Ace A ffeadearo ace ireaav (Fact= A 7712gairaI' PRESENTED ABSOLUTELY AND ALWAYS ON HONOR CESS PEggMe uj R;f:-'"9u p )B,• '.;• uNew, NoveL C.,;:�rd�y and .Lt."iOom PUGfKama 'She .C,Cdwr.m.d7.udct1Ce7ldte.rayn, �v.dt.{,' y o MIn6abcw.,aTe PlRer i7-03ner MiN3.C{ 'ys*: e _ .• . no :p aporoote� ric q.�•o<ae� -0 e�3 a ENTIRELY NEW EIS YEAR SIM IIGGER AND [ ,ETER 'vDM SSION all'm,tineirk.'dPc^l+gF.,'v2.7M'?+gearw7Sa1,; +; . v7"S rreM:J Meel:1&t:. eleee7A 1W/411'17 210 A GOOD Brush and a. of Scase1s New lei a 3 -to -4 hour darn -O -Lac lEncmele That's the one anffailling recipe for Converting old, faded furniture into' furniture of brilliant beauty. Sts rffe2s 3 -to -4 hour Varn-O-Lac Enamel, rows out to a rich. smooth, [porcelain -hard finish without streaks, laps or brush marks. No offensive odor, No special thinner required.' See the tints t your Scarffe's dealerts. Fog' Sale By Cie SCOTT°T9 Seei©IPth POPULAR S AI'LaLIINS lEnre,,,,,cut No. Iln37 Approved rVogra' 11 The Imported Belgian 13t1'allteta 64SULTAN" -2450-- 1560 Will stand for the improvement at stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave W. Hawlcin'e Dray Barn Seaforth, and proceed 8% miles south, then east 2 anile) to Roy Brown's, for noon; thence east 1% miles, then north 8% miles, then east to William Cleary's, for night. Tuesday -meat to first crossroad, then north 23/4 miles west 11/4 miles to Beechwood; north to Tim Lynch's, for noon; then north and west to Thomas Price's, for night Wednesday. - East 13/4 miles, north 21 miles, west to Ike McGavin's, for noon:. thence west and north to Walton, east and south to Russell Bar- row's for night. 'Thursday. -East to Gravel Road, south 11/1/4, miles, west and south to John Campbell's, for noon; thence to Ivy Hender- son's, by way of Winthrop, for night. Fri. day. --West to W. 3. McBrien's, for noon; thence south to Orville Phillip's, for night. Saturday.• --,West to first crossroad, then south 11/4 miles and east to Andrew Kirk's, for noon; thence by way of Egmondvife to his own barn, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. This route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. Terins.-To insure a foal, $14.00, payable February 1st, 1930. CHARLES GODBOLT, Proprietor. "DOMIINIIC REYNOLDS, Manager. 3204-12 Enrolment No. 2096 Approved Form 1 The Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion FLASH -ON No. (25022) (20576) Imported This celebrated stallion will stand for mares as follows: Monday. -,Will leave his own stable, Lot 23, Concession 5, Logan, and proceed to Andrew Krauskopf's, Lot 7, Concession 3, McKillop, for noon; thence to Peter Hignell's, Lot 14, Concession 5, McKillop, for night Tuesday - To his own stable for noon, where he will remain for the afternoon. Wednesday -To Joseph O'Rourke's, Lot 4, Concession 6, Ma- Killop, for noon; thence to Rock Bros., Brod- hagen, for night. Thursday -To George Ben- newies', Lot 8, Concession 12, McKillop, for noon; thence to George Sienlon's, Lot 24. Concession 11, Logan, for night. Friday -To James Roy's, Lot 12, Concession 8, Logan, for noon: then will proceed to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mc nosy morning. 'This route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. Term,,. -To insure a foal, $15; clue Febru- ary 1st, 1930. JACOB HIIGNELL Proprietor & Manager. 3205 - Enrolment No. 2200 Approved Form 1 The Pure Bred Imported Percheron Stallion RAVEN 12804 Will stand for mares this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his own stable, Staffs, and go west 3% miles, 11/4 miles south to John Simmon's, for noon; east by way of Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tuesday -North to the 7th Concession, west 21/4 miles and north 21/4 miles to John Dalton's, for noon; then west and south to William Riley's, Tuck- ersmtth, for night. Wednesday - East to Sproat's side road, then north 3% miles and west 11/4 miles to William Drover's. for noon; then north to Fred Scarlett's, Leadbury, for night. Thursday -.East 3% miles and south to Thomas Moylan, Jr.'s, for noon; then east 1'4 miles and north 114 miles to Manley and east 114 miles and south to Ed. Rosey's, for night. Friday East to Brodhagen and south to Norman Hoke's, Concession 5, Logan, for noon; then east and south to the 4th Con- cession of Hibbert, to Gray Bros., for night. Saturday.- South-west to his own stable for noon. where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. Terme.-$14.00 to insure, payable February 1st, 1930. LIVINGSTONE & TEMPLEMAN, Proprietors. John Livingston, Manager. 3205 - COURT OF REVISION The Municipal Council of McKillop will see: as a Court of Revision on the Aessess- merit Roll of 1929 on Saturday. May 11th, at 10 o'clock a.m., at Winthrop Hall. JOHN McNAY, 3205-1 Clerk. YES, THE ID I" . SAID you MUST operate, tonsils are dis- eased. We said No, and Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis was applied. Ton- sils healed, operation cancelled. Try it, it's guaranteed. J. E. Keating; al- so A. W. E. Hemphill, Hensall; Ham- bige & Son, Dobbinton. 3204-2 Wei Weanllen Seeding is late. Make your harvest early by using Fertilizer. We have it -Armour's and Canadian; also Niagara Lime. Get Lime for your garden at R. J. Sproat's Grocery. Phone 125-2, Seaforth W. KaSpirot TILE MANUFACTURER 3205-2 FARMS FOR SAIL 11, ARM FOR SALE. --FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must he sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8201 t 'WARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES. LOT NO. IL 8. Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house, barn 55x60 on ytnne foundation; another building 26x56; windmill. drilled well; 80 acres plowed, balance has been coder pasture for severe! years. Thirteen acres hardwood bulb. Pm - =realm first of March. Apply to ALEXL. BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 3, Walton. 8186-tf 11"1ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 3, CONCESSION 6. Stanley. 100 arras. ell cleared. On the farm are a 1141 storey frame home, cement foundation. cistern and cement floors in base- ment; barn 84e70 with lean of 12 feet, on a stone foendation; barn 36x52 and drive abed Farm drained with tile. and wire fences; 4 arrest fall wheal. 40 arrest ploughed; balance seeded down. Situated one-half mile from Church, 1 mile from school, 4 mullet from Kipper: 6 miles from Hensull. Rural mail awl telephone. Farm in good state of cultiva- tion. For further partidulars spply on premises. R. W. CAIRLYL13. Proprietor, R. B 1, Zurich P. 0. 518744 NOTIICIE TO C EDIIT1 O12 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in thath be elf that a llrsona e hav- ing claims against the estate of Agnes Hurdle, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Widow, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1929, are required to for- ward their claims verified by affidavit to the undersigned Solicitors, on or before the 21st day of May, 1929. after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED this 2nd day of May, 1929. BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for Executors. 8208-3 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0' O 0 0 0 1' 0 0 0 0 0' 0 000000 <><>0.0o0.0.00 0 S. T. IHfo11 ues . Son 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 0 Finest Motor and Horse- 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 Holmes, residence, Goderich 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes° 0 residence, North Main Street. 0 Flowers furnished on short '0' notice. All kinds of up- 0 holstering neatly done. 0 Phones: 119 or 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O I have purchased the Coal Business of Mrs. W. L. Keys in Seaforth, and will hereafter use her Store House. A full line of all Grades of Coal and Coke carried. Also National Fertilizer, of Inger- soll, on hand. Amcfrew AsthibmIl1 PHONE 44 W - SEAFORTH 3205-tf 711 -re Demo lis.` hi {i A free demonstration of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE will be given in SEAFORTH AND VICINITY at any time. A Machine will be demonstrated in any home for one week, free of charge. A full line of electric or treadle machines carried. Applications for demonstrations to be made to W. GLEN COOK, Clinton, Ont. Phone 171. P. O. Box 201. 3204x4 C- W©©ll LTi ef11 IBIi,ghest Prices Paid Tor Wool. H. M. JACKSON Phone 262 or 3 J - Seaforth. 3204-2 Haze fifSh THE RESIDENCb' OF THE LATE MRS. AGNES MURDIE ON GODERICH STREET No better location in the town. Immediate possession. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance Agency, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds, Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH, ONT. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 A BAIRGAIIN POR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; food orchard. Tabes, $15. Splendid .hence to start chicken farm, liocs, ate. A;evfy to R. S. 1811715, igenfortIl, Oat. Demi l; eading Stat Under superv$ion of Pouf pertinent, O.A.C,, Guelph. Every culled, handed and blood tasted Bacillary White Diarrhoea, by Gov meat inspectors. We are completely booked for chicks, and others are being %up filled for May. Make sure of gads your chicks when you want thele ordering early. Nevusbrooders chick feed at bargain- priced. J. Pit. Scott, Seaffertlll, Ont. SUNNY CREST FARM Phone 251-32. ' 8196 -tie 0 10 w, S. CLIEAIRY 0 0 Licensed Embalmer amid 0 0 Funeral IIDnreetor. 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 O 1 Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W. T.IrOX&CO. 0 Funeral Director and 0 0• Licensed Embalmer. 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 equipment. 0 O Charges moderate. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0' notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0 © Wo J. Wallke? Seen 0 0 0 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral 0 0 Director and Embalmer. 0- 0 0 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 0 Cars or flowers furnished 0 O as requested. 0 Day or Night, phone 67. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. EL Iietl, Registered Drngleso Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric tin Commercial Hotel, Seaff®tr(tb Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustments given far diseac of all kinds. 3054 -rd WATSON & REII' D SEAFORTID[, ONT. dIRNERAL INSURANCE AGIEl`1r I representing only the best Can- adian, British a n d American Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including - FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUS 'iIOBIILE, TORNADO AND PLAral GLASS RISES -Also-- 81EAL ESTATE and LOAN AGIEN Prompt attention. paid to plecinc risks and adjusting of claims. Business established 50 years, guaranteeing good service. agents for Singer Sewing PJIi ac i cis Company. OFFICE PHONE, 33 W RESIDENCE PHONE, 33.11 THE Mi cK ILLOIP Phi NlrIIJ FIRE INSURANCE COM READ OFFIICE---SIDAFORTH, OFFICERS: lames Evans, Beechwood - Presid James Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Prep. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec: Treat. AGENTS: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Glinted g W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mam- my, ay, Egmondwille; J. W. Yeo, Get - rich; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Son. Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rhin, . R. No. 2, Sna.foreala, )offs !:{ennewies, Brodhageng Srst'r7set Evans, l:lee5f$g' od; Jemmy Comma% Godelrleb; Alen, l"Iroadfoot No. 5, ^ ,. lent. Robert Perris, !II arise&; Octets i!oCcattosp, No. 5, Seaforth; iTt' ' , Olken, Erneeilall't ; Jam= the lis tt,