HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-05-10, Page 5ream a 0 r IID® 10. ®114 144131 QBQCaD11C4 QaO�°�l.n °�PtmPt4D l DUMXAlQllofficers F4100ted.-St. yatACIVO A61- ❑❑ t,},,,, {.��5 (dor the �.a Society tar Society �iA�fifWR� 4D1Wr��rs & resent !�q �o2l w a: President, _ •, 1. `kw•\ •n •d,i'' ,!{. :;pili "S �rJ��[��.��Jr(,�[TI'}y11/Iry; ��7�q�y'T�I,TI,t;�q;, LLLLGUZ yeerr Vice-kP�sid®ets, •.` ) iJd+JbV V�J V.��.1.4 J.ZPmzopf a �a� �Ilri4, ��r, aryNPffi, 1�, •E Y�T!�Imloc�,,�e-fc.` s�.r���',�.?,. �,.aa.�l.,._`aEf;3• - a • '. if .'\ °i- ` 3 ) Mrs. Rothwell, who he$ot�s. $ricEslin, &gra. James'Jordan; Secr�- •y:�� ,.; 4''l ,f ' I, Yui,\ been 71sitnng friends in the v1Il17,ge l tuPnedo .!as. yrs. John 6rlrer° TreasuPeP, t ry1oi , , \ i' ifor t&qe past few wee stir, Pe Ina airs. W. Byr1 % Rev. ]wither e 11llfis es n a week. Th $ �e>z bents l st ODrowslli, .I[m.Itao, congratulated time @f- ond M'arlom Frey, of Egmondville, . ficers of the past year for their good dent 'Sunday at the home of their worts and trusted the Society would vnnlcle and aunt, Mr. and lib 3. , 9mGs continue faithfully in looWng after Xood°1e.-The W arlou Oliver Circle that part of church work. The Society evill bold their monthly meeting next will be at home to new and 014 7nem- 7riday evening at 8 p.m. Miss B1ead- bers on Friday night in the parish ter, of Toronto, will give an address. hall,. An orchestra will be present. An invitation is extended to the w®- Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. (Lyall Jordan amen of the congregation to be pres- and two children, of Toronto, visited ®nt.-Mother's (Day Will be observed with Mr. James Jordan over the week next Sunday. There will be a end. -Mr. L. J. Looby has secured the another's choir and a sermon to the contract of building the new cement a'hildren and parents. canning factory. The, President of the Company is Mr. E. B. Tyers; Vice- �JITI\\T�C1HI11�®IP' President, Mr. Patrick Woods, Jr.; Notes. -"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little Secretary -Treasurer, 'Mr. Thomas -spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke; Directors, Messrs. Michael Geddes, of Belgrave.-Mr. Jim Mc- J. McCarthy, John Bruxer, William Clure, Miss Ethel McClure and Mr. Stapleton. All are men of good busi- and Mrs. Mel. Clarke spent Sunday ness ability. Mr. William Smith, of ' •with friends in Varna. -Miss Minnie Dunnville, who has had eighteen years Wheatley spent the week end with her experience, will have full charge of ,parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheat- the factory. Mr. Smith has moved ley -Miss Isabel Eaton spent Sun- his family to town. -Mr. Alex. Dar - day with 'Miss Margaret Johnson.- ling and others made a splendid new Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson, of Sea- road by extending Union Street east- -forth, spent Sunday evening with Mr. ward. Gravel is being hauled by ' sand Mrs. Sol. Shannon. -':Miss Almira farmers and others interested in Shannon spent a few days with Mr, helping the new project. -Miss Marie -zLnd Mrs. Hiram Shannon, of London, Benninger, of Mildmay, was home last week. -Mr. Ferg. Smalldon, of last week end. -Mr. Ab. Rock, painter Walton, called on friends in the vil- and paperhanger, is moving into our lage on Sunday. -Mrs. Habkirk spent burg this month. -Mr. James Shea a few days last week with Mrs. S. has erected a new rest house, where Shannon and Mrs. R. CamVbc1L the hogs will be sheltered in inclement 'Miss Margaret Eaton spent Sunday Feather. -Mrs. M. Carbert has 're- -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. turned from Detroit, where she spent 'Eaton. the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John Thiesen.. -Mrs. Alex. Darling ST. (C®ILIUI`V BAN attended the funeral of Mrs. Martin, Catholic Women's League. - On at Mitchell, on Monday. Mrs. Martin Monday evening, April 15th, the C. was a native of Hibbert Township, W. L. had the honor and distinction and was a victim of nervousness.- -of receiving and presenting to a St. Well drilling on the canning factory ,Columban audience, their Diocesan nu is occupying the attention of a President, Mrs. Kerwin, of Ingersoll. number . men --Early on re busy Mrs. P. V. McGrath occupied the chair. Mr. Alex. Darling and men were busy The programme, an impromptu one, "^tending e gTa Street, east, and the -opened with the singing of "0 Can- road will will gravelled this week. The ada," followed by a song of greeting factory will be ready by July lst for to the Diocesan President, by :Miss the canning of tomatoes and corn. Agnes Delaney; a reading entitled "A "Tribute to the Women of the C. W. o 'L." by Miss T. Lynch; a solo by Miss BIRTHS G. Moylan; instrumental by Mrs. V. Lane; solo by Miss Mary Lan-: vocal }rs he rIn Brooklyn, New York. on Mav 5th duet by '.Misses M. and A. Delaney. to Ali'. and Mrs. John C. Alaher (nee Mabcl Mrs. John Downey. in a few well chos- Bullard),rris a eon. M nFo\rlane.-ln McKillop, on April 29th, to Diocesan o introduced the n Dave McFarlane a son. ,an words, intro An•. and Mrs. President, Ml's. Kerwin, who gave a Cook. -In Belgrave, on April23rd, to Mr. very clear and concise description of and :vers. George Cook, a daughter. �owr.n.---In Win�,ham, o n April 30th to Mr. C p the different works of the League and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, a daughter. since its formation. Her intimate rre;t.--An Hallett Township, on April 24th, 'knowledge of the League's Work and to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest, a daughter. 'her own keen desire for its advance- �- rnent made Mrs. Kerwin's practical .address a very interesting one. Rev. DEATHS Father Dantzer also addressed the meeting. He voiced his approval of Erwin. -In Biiyfield, on April 27th, John A. Erwin, brother of A. E. Erwin. the work of the C.W.L., and urged Shipley. -At Calgary, on April 28th, Dr. W. each woman -to do her share. MTs. J. Shipley, son of the late William Shipley, William Dorsey spoke the apprecia- of Clinton- Archibald.-An l nton. Archibald. --In M.cKillop on April 26th Mar- -tion of the audience, in proposing a garet Ireland, wife of Thomas Archibald, vote of thanks to Mrs. Kerwin, after in her 65th year. -which Mrs. Downey presented her -with a fancy candy jar. The meet-__- vng closed by singir, "God Save Our Xilpg•"-Mary McGrath, Correspond- ]Establish yourself in a LIFE TIME ing Secretary. BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Make up' to $3000 a year. No experience r11IllC1L1ERSMETH needed to sell our guaranteed house - West End Notes. -Owing to the wet hold remedies, teas, coffee and food products. We give you unusual assist- -weather, seeding has been slow, but ance to assure you of success. Write most of the seeding will be finished for particulars, JOHN R. CRESSY this week. -Mr. and '_Mrs. :Matheson CO., 296 Gladstone Ave., Toronto• spent the end of last week visiting relatives in Toronto. -The young peo- ple of Turner's Church put on 'their play, "Deacon Dubbs" at Brucefield II4T ee De1)Il➢®nstah(1®1)Il on Friday evening of last week, and ell at Clinton on Monday evening, and had a good crowd at both places. A free demonstration of the SINGER Notes. -The last meeting of the SEWING MACHINE will be given in Jolly Ten met at the home of Mrs. SEAFORTH AND VICINITY at any Dove Papple on Tbi rsday, April 25th. time- 7he afternoon spent in various A Machine will be demonstrated in "kinds of na)il,wo1k. A delicious arty home for one week, free of lunch was served by the hostess. All charge. -report a splendid time. A picnic will A full line of electric or treadle 'be held at McLean's Bridge on the machines carried. 24th of May -Miss Jean Smith spent Applications for demonstrations to a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. be made to Iroadfoot.-Miss Alice Wright was W. GLEN COOK, ,confined to her bed a few days last Clinton, Ont. week. Her many friends are glad to Phone 171. P. 0. Boit 201. Near she is improving. -Mrs. Troyer 8204x4 and Miss Clark were Sunday visitors ,with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gemmell. •y�y p:7� �v --Pfilr. George Bell has rented his farm I�1�lII�oR°J�"'T FOURiLil�aS ffor the season to Messrs. May, Hous- ton and Simpson.---iMisses Barbara FOR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF GOVERN - Simpson and Alice Archibald, of rnent tested Hungarian millet need, three ly Stratford Norm ➢ t the week end cent a pound. Ap P to JOHN SCOTT, R. � , spent R. No. 'L, Seaforth: Phene 88-286. 8204-1 at their homes.--�fC, iss Etta Bell, of _ London, accompanied by her friend, PIGS AND TRUCK FOR SALE. - TWO Diss Isabelle Graham, spent the week news with litterm of 10 each, and 4 sows end at the home of the former's par- sue in a month- Also half-toncoo etc, truck with boa and stock rank complete, in At ,ants, Mr, and Mrs's. And. Bell. condition, reasonably priced. Apply to P. J. School Report. -The following Ila• woonPho e 4 r 19; Lot D6, Concession The school report off School Sectionan,8204x8 No, 6, Tuckersmith, for April, baged on monthly work and examinations: SWEET CLOVER FOR SALIE.-FOR SAYE Sr. IV -Evelyn Nott 79%, Isabel Ash- o. aaumatsity of T.eldow Blossom Sweat Clover oxd. (Price to aisit ipurchwer. Apply to Tons 70, Jr. IV -Fletcher Whitmore RrOLA14D MMINy- Y. Seaforth, or phone 22 TS, Raymond Townsend 62, Warren on 181. 8201-8 Whitmore 58. Sr. 111 -Pearl Hugilfl 'EXCELLENT FAR712 FOR SAYE. - 109 80, Sarah Whitmore 79, Harold Hug- IE T, acres in good sante of cultivation, . 86 UI (absent). Jr. III (A) - Verna acres in areas. First close buildings. Ideally 'ffugill 67, Hazel Ashton 61, Leola located in village containing school, church, ®tt 59, Myrtle Ashton 'S9. Sr, I- High school, general store, blacksmith shop. etc. Ten miles from County Town. A bar - lona Hugill 73, Wesley Hugil➢ 66. Sr. .In for quick sale. Good terms. Apply to 'Primer -Mary Hugill 63, ]Kenneth Bax No. 167, Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. Terry'berry 60. Jr. Primer=Carman 'Whitmore. Number on roll, 20; av- SEED MAIN FOR SALE. FOR SALE A gage attendance, 17: -•Edna M. Jam- Quantity of good seed oats, also some Teacher. chNo. 21 O.A.C. barley,' aix rowed. Apply to lteaon, Teach School ort. -Tile following is WILLIAM CHARTERS, No. 8, Seaforth, or P phone 4 on 187. Seaforth. 8197-tf The report for S. S. No. 9, T1lcker- smitln, for April: Sr. 1V -Honours FOR SALB.-TIMOTHY ANI) AI BIKE X62.5, Pass 21@: Alex. Irvine 274.5, mixture. 27 per cent. Macke, 10 cents pound. Pare timothy seed, 44.00 per bushel. 1�[i argaret lrivine 256, Helen Upshall Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed, $5.00 per -M.5, Helen Broadfoot 218, Margaret bushel; white blossom sweet clover, 84.60 Qlray 215, Dorothy F.lgie 193, Marjory r'er bushel. All Government graded. Apply 'to RUSSEL DOHERTY, Lot 18, Concession May, 165, Margaret Broadfoot 164. Jr. 17, Grey. Phone 87-19, Brussela. 8197 -ti YV-Honours 225, Pass 180: Mac ]FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. -LOT 11. Chesney 197, Roy Hodgert (absent). 1P .Concession 5, McKillop. On the premises 'Sr. ILP-Plonour9 2061/x, Pass 165:- In a bank barn 44x68 on atone foundatior Irene Mackay 106, Russell 1flodgePt with cement stabling, frame driving abed, 186, Billy Dalrymple 141, Lorne Mny coVrient hog per, And hen house, a five room. 1P71. Jr. 111 -Anna Jlrilft 220, epfifClt A frame house and kitchen with good base o m'ent; all in wood repair. Farm is all Genie'- Q.omllitt 188'6, .lean Irvine 184. Sr. II a.nd has n good aupply of water and wall bo Honours 112.5. Pass 90: Robert rented for grass if not said. Possession gives L/dCL9clllan 139, Helen 1�Olg 1@9, Glen imanM telt'. For particnlar's apply to MRS MARY f3IVLIN, Goderich Street, blast, Sea Ir6uston 98. Jr. II --Robert Gemmell gowla. OWL 9201x,. 1C` OYUI A.hS\ R S,J,L .L'S11J.dlldil®US enrolment No. 1187 Approvet IFWM 1 The Imported aellffk n stamon ,,SULTAN" -213643-•- 1090 Will stand for the improvement of stock ,his season as follows: Monday. ---,'Will leave W. Hawkin's Dry ]Barn, ienforth, and proceed 8% miles south, then %st 2 miles to Roy Brawn's, for noon; thence "ast I% miles, then north 3% miles, then past to William Cleary's, for night. Tuesday. -East to first crossroad, then north 21/8 miles, vest 11/,p miles to Beechwood; north to Tim .iynch's, for noon; then, north and west to Chomas Price's, for night- Wednesday.- 5ast 11/4 miles, north 2% miles, west to Ike deGavin's, for noon; thence west and north o Walton, east and south to Russell Bar- ow's for night. Thursday. -Bast to Gravel toad, south 11/4 miles, west and south to John lampbell's, for noon; thence to Ivy Hender- on's, by way of Winthrop, for night, Fri - lay. -Nest to W. J. MCBrien's, for noon; hence south to Orville Phillip's, for night. >sturday.---West to first crossroad, then south 1/4 miles and east to Andrew Kirks, for loon; thence by way of Egmondville to his awn barn, where he will remain until the ollowing Monday morning. This route will be continued throughout the eason, health and weather permitting. Terms. -To insure a foal, $14.00, payable 'ebrua,y lot, 1930. - CHARLES GODBOLT, 1Proprietar. DOMINIC REYNOLDS, Manager. 3204-12 PIES, THE (IDR. SAIIIC➢ IOU 'MUST operate, tonsils are dis- aased. We said No, and Mrs. Sybilla >pahr's Tonsilitis was applied. Ton- lils healed, operation cancelled. Try t, it's guaranteed. J. E. Keating; al - ;o A. W. E. Hemphill, Hensall; Ham- )ige & Son, Dobbinton. 3204-2 LONG DISTANCE SHORT DISTANCE For Engagement a ement Phone S. R. MCMATH, Holmesville 601 r 34, Clinton Central OLIVER POCOCK, Operator 610 r 42, Clinton Central. Vao� Wanted. (Highest Prices Paid for Wool. H. M. JACKSON Phone 262 or 33 - Seaforth. 3204-2 N®THU9 The Brucefield Chopping Mill will run on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays only after May 13th, until further notice. CORNISH & DALRYMPLE, ]Brucefield. 3203-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HoRmes Sola O O Funeral Director and O O Licensed ]Embalmer. O O O O Finest Motor and Horse- O O drawn equipment. Beattie O O Block, Main Street, opposite O O The Expositor Office. S. T. O O Holmes, residence, Goderich O Street West; Cbas. Holmen' ® residence, North Main Street. O O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. All kinds of up- O ® holstering neatly done. O O ]Phones: 119 or 308 ® 0 0 0 0 0 0®®® O' 10 ITS\104d&S IFOR BdiVleLtd FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con - Wring 192 aeras and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8201-tf FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Township of Gray,Conn- ty. of Huron: 2 awrey brick house, barn 56x80 on stone foundation; another building 20x50: windmill, drilled well: 80 acres plowed, balance has been under pasture for oevernl Mars. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pad- oession 41rat of March. Apply to ALEX. BI709ANAN, R. R. No. 8, Walton. 8186-tf ARMS FOR SALE. -A FLEW CHOIC2 farms in the Townships of 7301Dormo, ruckeminith and Hibbert. Goad bulldln, and cell located an to markets. THOWAS CAM- ERON, Exeter. Onrt. 8069-14 TIARM FOR SALE. -LOT 8, CONCESSION 6, Stanley, 100 acres, all cleared. On the farm are it 1% storey frame house, cement foundation, cistern and cement floors in baso- menta barn 84x70 with lean of 12 feet, on in atone foundation: barn 863r62 and drive olhed. Farm drained with tile, and wire fences; 4 acres fall whenrt, 40 Acres sloughed: balanea needed down. Situated one,hhlf mile from Church, 1 mile from school, 4 milia frwn Kippen ; 6 miles from Reisall, Rural mail and telephone. Farm in good atats, of cultiva. tion. For further pArtiehlars array or premises. B. w'. CARLILE, Proprietor. R. R. 1, Zurich P. O. 8187-t 1 4,. ; .. n � :(� I ,..:ref 9, f '1y t t ai � J}t ( 3 I',1' �- t r - 1 I, • 00Y110 .4..r I , I-: fi PURE PAIN' ... .. . ... {� _ ,' I } -; �,; - it .� I t• a -- . ,. - ., 1 I -jvh '1 '.�' d. ,. �ri�,: ,: r..y rfFa a, �: rrr .• 9 spedel prodad" For essay PUepos@- for 'r - 900i U- V VCty c liARi E -O V E NF.0 _70Q9 VQUISWOLOU.N_ �woo&-&Ac PA= for �V" -1 �' ���®• loreirkrior bCYl [ha�APJ®a4 16�e h%u�1i3Gi- �®G Od/pc/®B��d ° c SCS® pre or inGerioP (fly®%$ abIP+p ain!% a! �dPi®U�6Q6U% 71, fell, illy let G Do SEAFORMEE EARN 6.00 70 =68,k DAY Lemr•n end lx,rm 4 4J1= 11doswraech Ica, Battery, Wo , 'V>mIldn>mflub"J Boase Wiring, Briclrflm���, L'lao bca- ang, l6eunty Canfl¢gnr®1/7os1z.Tp¢ffmmo opnen. Write oz calk, free O�a9:rane�lve 2=1 IIDOWUIRON SCiHGORA iG311114 171334 441Q®CIM IFr•om e�doyrywoaar6�erm�c�4;odwQ tea 21rao¢ Young Man --.--Learn a Tra& Qualify for $30 to $90 weekly. Sure, �u1ck, Easy -Practical Training in kuto-Mechanics, Electricity, Drafting, ?tc. Day or evening. Free advance Some Study. Employment Service. ''ree railroad fare. Special offer. fWrite C'OMMERCIA'L ENGINEER- N'G, Suite One Hundred, 57 Queen JV., Toronto. 3203-2' N®ZCIICIE TO CR E1IDUTORS NOTICE is herebygiven pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons havi- ng claims against the estate of Agnt'; 3lurdie, ate of the Town of Seaforth, in the County )f Hu�•on, Widow, who died on or alwut the Ilth day of April, 1929, are required to for- taims verified b affidavit to the n•ard their c y lndersigned Solicitors, on or before the 21st ]ay of May, 1929, after which date the +',xecuto rs will proceed to distribute the estate )aand being regard only to g re Punsible )nly for the claims of which they shall then \ave had notice. DATED this 2nd day of May, 1929. BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for Executors. - 3203-3 House kT sin THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MRS. AGN'ES MURDIE ON GODERICH STREET No better location in the town. Immediate possession. AD IID. SlUTIHIIERILAi\\TII➢ General Insurance Ageency, IReaIl ]Estate, Conveyancing, ]Bounds, Investments, ]Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTHI, ONT. ontaflo Reek StE DiM Under supervision of Poultry De- partment, O.A.C., Guelph. Every bird culled, banded and blood tested for Bacillary White Diarrhoea by Govern- ment inspectors. We are completely booked for April chicks, and orders are being rapidly filled for May. Make sure of getting your chicks when you want them by ordering early. New, brooders afnd chick feed at bargain prices. J. M. Scott, Senfforth, OML SUNNY CREST FARN Phone 251-32. 8196-tf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ® �1° J. (CIGIEAR Y O Licensed Embalmer and. O O Funeral Director. O O Up-to-date Norse and Motor O O Equipment. O Night and Day Service. O O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0® 0 0 '.O'® O ® W. IT. BOX bei C. O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer. O O H. C. BOR O O Best Motor and Horse-drawn O O equipment. O O Charges moderate. O O Flgwers furnished on short O O notice. O O Night Calls Day Calls O O Phone 175 Phone 43 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0® O O 77. 1i. 7J0kcr & Son C ® C O W. J. Walker, Fnneral C O Director and lEmhalmeP° C O C O Motor or Norse Equipmemt, C O Cars or flowers furnished O as requested. C ® Day or Night, phone 67. < 0 0 0 ®O ® O THE JJ®IFiiIN RA\\TKIIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. i5Onds, Real nsca-ce Money to ]Goan 6 SIEAIF®R7CH, ONTARIO (Phone 91 r TENDERS FOR COAL SEALED tenders addressed to the Purchasing Abent, Department artment of Public Works p Ottawa, will be received at his office until 12 D'CIOck noon (daylightsaving) Wednesday, May 29, 1929, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province Df Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and con- ditions attached can be obtained from G. W. Dawson, Purchasing Agent. Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, Dis- trict Resident Architect, 59-61 Victoria Street,' Torontp, Ont. Tenders wil'] net be considered undess made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depar-tr mental specifications and conditions. The suc.ess right to demand from the •r c ful tenderer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserved. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 1, 1929. - 3203-2 IID. Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic (Electric Bathe Commercial Hotel, Seaffortk Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseaceo of all hinds. 3054-tf WATSON & Ll$IEIIIID f SIEAFORTH, ONT. alEN1ERAL INSURANCE AGENTS representing only the best Can- adian, British and America>m Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including- IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- gOBILE, TORNADO AND 1PLATIE GLASS RISKS -Also- C&AL ESTATE and LOAN AGENTS Prompt attention' paid to placing risks and adjusting of claims. Business establighed' 50 years, guaranteeing good service. 6Qents Ter Sinnger Sewing PJ,IWMI11e Company. OFFICE PHONE, 33 W RESIDENCE PH'ON'E, 33 J 'TCIHIIE McKELL®IF I'�[il�at[➢Al FRIRIE ENSlURANCIE (Co97o MEAD OFFICIO--SIEAFORTE, GNU- OFFICERS: ST -OFFIICERS: James Evans, Beeebwood - 1Presidame .]fames Connolly, Goderich, Vice-PreO. D. F. )McGregor, Seaforth, See.-Trteso. AGENTS: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clint0m ; W. E. HLinebley, Seaforth- John Mun- i ay, Egmondvi'lle; J. W.Yeo, Go4lls- rich; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhal>;en; Jan Batt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seulffoetth; fobn Bennewies, Brodbagen- Jtammc3 &vans, Beechwood; Jaynes bonnollly, Goderfeb; Aler. Broadfoot, No. 9, Sao - forth; Robert Ferris, Harloek; Geora'Q KcCa1•tney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murlea9 C&ibeon, (Brucefield ; Jamez ShoMiw, tT'Jml>jrEffi- A IBARGA 1\\T FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mmlle from Seafortb; modern house VAtIT Furnace, bath and toilet; O mlall Ibama° good orchard. TRxe4, $15. Sple>mau'"&� ^bane to start chicken farm, Z=13, atc. Apply to 68- R. =G, sea cli ( a, ont TEE ONTAIBIG RAII1LWAIC AND KUI`JICIIIPAL BOARD (IP. IF. A-2211) EN THE MATTER ER off the ApipNeatnolzn of the Mmmnen= pnERRY of Tuuckersmlunth for approVER of an an n»a➢ charge of $15.00 to Sunhscrrnlb rs to Me Tucker - i PVIi uunid pd TePephone System, the sand charge to include OR battery rrenevrak APPOINTMENT FOR lH[IEARENG The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board here- by appoints Wednesday, the Fifteenth Day of Ifty, A.D. 1929, at the hoar of a quarter past one o'dadc in the afternoon (Railway Time), in the Town HaaD In the Town of Clinton, for hearing the above appli- cation. All persons having an intertest in this mot ter and desiring to he heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid. Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth Day of April, A,D. 1929. �SIEAIL) ftd.) R. (Ce SPEALL,, L 0 FAlkmv rnp a} r Y�T!�Imloc�,,�e-fc.` s�.r���',�.?,. �,.aa.�l.,._`aEf;3• - a • '. if .'\ °i- ` 3 of TEE ONTAIBIG RAII1LWAIC AND KUI`JICIIIPAL BOARD (IP. IF. A-2211) EN THE MATTER ER off the ApipNeatnolzn of the Mmmnen= pnERRY of Tuuckersmlunth for approVER of an an n»a➢ charge of $15.00 to Sunhscrrnlb rs to Me Tucker - i PVIi uunid pd TePephone System, the sand charge to include OR battery rrenevrak APPOINTMENT FOR lH[IEARENG The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board here- by appoints Wednesday, the Fifteenth Day of Ifty, A.D. 1929, at the hoar of a quarter past one o'dadc in the afternoon (Railway Time), in the Town HaaD In the Town of Clinton, for hearing the above appli- cation. All persons having an intertest in this mot ter and desiring to he heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid. Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth Day of April, A,D. 1929. �SIEAIL) ftd.) R. (Ce SPEALL,, L 0 FAlkmv Y�T!�Imloc�,,�e-fc.` s�.r���',�.?,. �,.aa.�l.,._`aEf;3• - a • '. if .'\ °i- ` 3 of 4''l ,f ' I, Yui,\ i I \ I � , , \ \U, \ THROUGHOUT Canada the Bank c of Montreal is daily loaning fiords to rre- sponsililc i�arYYmers to assist them in irlheirr business. This ]dank is at all times prepared to advance loans on terms consis- tent with sound banking, MONTRIE:,:'A L' IEsit�Ilnshedi n moo_,, _R �\ ,,,.,�y,, .[(Ilof 1SotO 1C`>s�``�15-W` loll =gas ©14 �997c,®a1 zzc Heniml➢ Branch: L P_ COLES, 4iJ(i onager oRhftm mmmho M IL BLIP, I=ew Brucefield ( Sub -Agency) : ,Open Tuesday and Saturday TEE ONTAIBIG RAII1LWAIC AND KUI`JICIIIPAL BOARD (IP. IF. A-2211) EN THE MATTER ER off the ApipNeatnolzn of the Mmmnen= pnERRY of Tuuckersmlunth for approVER of an an n»a➢ charge of $15.00 to Sunhscrrnlb rs to Me Tucker - i PVIi uunid pd TePephone System, the sand charge to include OR battery rrenevrak APPOINTMENT FOR lH[IEARENG The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board here- by appoints Wednesday, the Fifteenth Day of Ifty, A.D. 1929, at the hoar of a quarter past one o'dadc in the afternoon (Railway Time), in the Town HaaD In the Town of Clinton, for hearing the above appli- cation. All persons having an intertest in this mot ter and desiring to he heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid. Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth Day of April, A,D. 1929. �SIEAIL) ftd.) R. (Ce SPEALL,, L