The Huron Expositor, 1929-04-19, Page 54. 40 c Tram ilAacwBo mr VI, 1n ovcr'4ovdmD'em,^�eol^J i v�.a io4r. Misabetle 1Piteena Ii41CHr1 $,a PPd away444 22 e 444 Tdveam Oath' ljca T;eiant4.. xcm ..tu Though it rio tee. o$ dao -v /eva It lifts ear 4,404443 f ear abnrsua¢uu7m To +1043 for thp,t 6acJ RLQ.• No nacdtar hOtr 149:PY tha lfDIDr� No matter 'how grey 614Q lice/6 Doean't ',Heaven ue7Ma nos To kaltori that can ioVu'd onq th —Sadly mimed my her family an gmadl. children. a, -11,41144; 0404444 0,,e2,1,F cad 4041.. u rwa44b ti p r a4"e, epavl b ©rtef� castle endeaana aside ltil Q VET/Wee o6,�1tn the /MOOn clam throat. 4 pli =VS, remade, cute, bruieeo and tie not only eelievee the patina au a core - awe, but also heals' quickly and pre. erf:.ate inflammation. 4iwayo beep i bsorbine, Jr., ;n, your medicine cabinet. It is Natureee "Filet Aid"--npn=greasyr and otainlese, $1.28 zit your druggists. Booklet me. 10 lm b;P' ihl 4teTleTle yiral' �,a cse•r� For sravolten, t, ts. t ZM f "s old$ OIR®1 A]R Cranberry Corners.—The Y. P. S. mf Cromarty Presbyterian Church gave a splendid play entitled "Cran- berry Corners," on Friday night April 12th. The town hall of Hib- bert, Staffa, where the play was, giv- nn, was filled to the utmost capac- ity. The play was clean and humor- ous with a fine plot that delighted the audience. Those who took part in the play are to be congratulated mn their successful endeavors. The audience was most appreciative and expressed the wish that the play be repeated so that some of their friends might have the pleasure of hearing t. Suitable musical selections were re dered by the orchestra, accompan- ied by Mrs. Duncan McKellar. The evening was a great success and en- joyed by all. TTCTCII�.IEIE�,SP�Ii IIZPIDI Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Green and Stanley, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatrick and Mrs. John Bengough, of Kippen, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.'Jonah Green.—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir, of Exeter, visited Mrs. Isabelle Moir, who is seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart.—Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moir, of Exeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stew- art. — Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Bell motored to London on Sunday to vis- it their daughter, Miss Etta, who holds a lucrative position there.— 'The Jolly Ten of the Mill Road met at the home of Mrs. G. R. McCartney on Friday 'of last week. They spent the afternoon in working a mat. They were entertained by musical selections on violin and piano, also solos and duets. The hostess served a splendid dinner. There are prospects of a pic- nic during the summer months. Died In Hamilton.—As we go to press, we learn of the death of Miss Jessie Martin, which sad event occur- red at the hospital in Hamilton. on Wednesday. evening. Miss Martin Shad been in' poor health for some time, and although her death .was not entirely.'dnexpected, it' came as 'mi great .shock to both her family and large circle of friends. Funeral ar- rangements have been made for Fri- day, when interment will be made. Catholic Women's League Report a 'Very Successful ' Year.—During the year 1928 ten monthly meetings of the Catholic Women's League were held in the High School, which were well at- tended. The April meeting was made interesting by a short address from Rev. Fr. O'Drawski and other reading during the year by the President, Mrs. Jos. Carpenter, and Miss Helen De- Ianey. Our President also read in- teresting articles from the League 'Magazine. The Recording Secretary, Hiss Helen Lelaney, read a report -which is as follows: Money for the contrilbution of the choir of Church History. Prizes were given to the Entrance Pupils receiving the highest marks and a,donation was sent to the ]diocesan Treasurer for the National Scholarship. In this work we take a special interest as we expect some of our girls from Continuation School to compete in the Essay Contest. The Sisters of Service were given a liberal .onation and Western Missions were also remembered. .Interesting Catho- 31ac literature was forwarded to For- eign missions. The poor of the Par- iah were' remembered at Christmas and later when an appeal was received by the President. Money for treats -was sent to the Sisters of St. Joseph for the orphans and the aged also a donation of eggs at Easter. Messages of condolence were sent to bereaved families. The"sick were remembered by flowers and other treats. The i magazine'`N"distributed and read by -members. Two delegates were sent to the Diocesan Convention at Wal- laceburg and interesting reports were given at the November meeting. The Treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Tyer's, also gave hier report, stating funds for the year were raised by membership fees; en- velopes were sent to every family re- questing pennies, and ten social even- ings were held in all. amounting to l'807.00, the disbursments being $748. rtt ih'as ha aai8safouo, mr4; elily 1Hi14Mom by Szs�,aD o> ther, rrlt oltit IIDy Wrd 1D 4arD`.nr 4m �}oami4 81.00za Its 17440 011t5�`se efe 8261x1 SJhc1LA4,- 1[n loving memory a mast wife and mother, 1i,lury Anna Bogen). beloved wife of William IIs McLarean.` Who irssseml away two loan) apo. Aprilei1th. Immo10?Jd. No one kno our darling mother How we miss yon, hero. bbelow.liow. your P,entIe, loving kirniamo - Ceimed =stray our grief and woe. Flow our home was sadly broken. When He took you home en high;, But we we: gladly meet you, Blether, In your dear home bye and bye. —Sadly missed by husband and faMile. Per tha constrnue:Hon of the ltZcCi Ule and the Iiheaen liar Mains in the Tosuna$1p, of Tuclnarsmpith. Teuaiore will be cccepMd for the open worts azul tiled portions neparately, also Stu* the tile and drawing of same. Plana and opecihcations may be Been at the place of the Clerk cst' c n r titans. '1Fendem to be in the hands of the Clerk by Saturday. Alertl 20th. IID. E/e0 1210013, Clerk 8200-2 In loving memory of John Harold Nicleen- A little flower of love, That blossomed but to die, To bloom with God on high. We loved this tender little one, And would have whiled him etay: 'But let thy Father's will be done He Alines in endless day. Sweet little darling, light of the home. Looking for someone beckoning come; Brieht as the sunbeam, pure as the dew, Anxiously looking mother for mile WEFOUNID THIS a� remedy, Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Ton- ilitis, a good success for Tonsil Troubles, Cough, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Catarrh, Head Colds and Sore Throats. Good benefits or cash re- turned. J. E. Keating; also A. W. E. 15Temphill, Hensall; Hambige & Son, Dobbinton. 3200-2 T1C T CT cRse %2101tkm, Aar r leg v1 A7ati> PATP 00 NOTIOI2 is 'hereby ✓ -i%41 .Hinder the etatuea in that behalf that all Porno= having 'pay claims against Turmas a Ham, late el the Town of Seaforth, Staten ten County, retired fanner, who died on the imlth day of Laura, 1029, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Bneet ter, ku particulars in writing and verified by eieelevit, of thei of claims and the nature the securities, if any, held by them, on or before the let day of May. 1929, after which date the said kbc eoutor will proceed to distribute the aeoetn of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which be then ehadl have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 10th day of April, 1929. OatadO R y 4Jn4er supervWon of mount De- partmeut, ;A.O., GuelIeh. Zrarr7 culled, ban d rani blooa eestea far Baciliaryi White Diarrhoea by Govern- ment 1:1speeto71'il. ' We are completely booked for April chicks, and orders' are being rapxdiy filled for May. Make .sura of getting your chicks when you want them ordering early. Nevar brooders zit chick feed at bargain prices. J. PJd. Scot$, Sema 6. Cant. SUNNY CIRtIGST FARM Phone 251-32. 3126.4f Solicitor for Executor. 8200-8 OPPORTUNITY Drafting, Auto Mechanice, Battery or Bleu- tricity, offers you 1$30 to $90 weekly. Inez- perienced men quickly trainece Employment secured. Practical or Home Study. Write. Free Inforsnation. COMMERCIAL ENGeNEERING SCHOOLS Salto 100 - 67 Queen Street, Toronto. 8200-2 Persons having claims against the Estelle of VA_LENTINE WILD, late of the TownshiP of Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeo- naan, deceased, are hereby notified to send their claims with due proof thereof to the executrix, Agnes Wild, at Hayfield Post Of- fice, or her solicitor on or before the twen- tieth day of April, 1929, and that after the said date the executrix will distribute the estate of the paid deceased having regard only to claims of which she ahall then have DATED at Clirdon, March 27, 1929. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. 8199-8 IRTHS BA.E.Y CHICKS atched in the uron Mammoth the cleanest and healthiest batchine machine going—eleans the air from leaching traye before it mines win the eggs by patented process. Jiierren Rocks and White Leghorne—Witei early. No dePeelt req zaci fore shipment. Custo hatching. U4 for one hundr.el: $115 for five imadirell Phone: 27 r 4,, Eleircumn• di. lg. WillEIRTILW,, Esofiek Out. W. J. CLEARY 0 Licensed Embalmer End <> Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 Equipment. 0 Night and Day Service. 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 Motor or EIorse ZelUiPineulie as requested. Day or Night, phone Mickle.—In Seaforth Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, of Hensel), a daughter (sal born). Applications for the position of Caretakee for First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, will be received up to II/low:lay, April 29th. APPLY, stating salary, to the Secretary, from whom the duties of the position may be obtained. K. M. McLEAN, Secretary. 3201-2 NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of James Martin, late of the Township of McHfleoe, in ethe County of Huron, Farmer, who died on December 8rd, 1928, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undereigned solicitor for the Administrator on or before the 3rd day of May, 1929. A.ND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the Said date the Adminietrator will pro- ceed to distribute the estate, having regard enly to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Seaforth, this 17th day of April, 1929. JOHN J. HTJGGARD. Solicitor for Administrator, 3201,3 Seaforth, Ont. '' A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, ETC., on Lot 11. Coneession McKillop, on Thu re day. April 25th, at 2 mm.• Horse 0 years old, horse 10 years old, aged. horse, all choice 'workers 2 cows due in June, farrow cow, 2 heifers 3 years, 2 steers rising two years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 2 yearling derd cream separator, almost new. Terms— All sums of 610 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit on approved joine notes. Discount of 4 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. FRANK DENLPSEY, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 3201-1 TOWN CIF SEAFORTIEB PROCLAMATION At the request of the merchants, hereby proclaim that Wednesday af- ternoons be Civic half holidays dur- ing May, June, July, August and September, excepting Wednesdays preceded or fellowed bee a public day. W. H. GOLDING, Mayor. Seaforth, April 18, 1929. 3201-2 see enden Sealed tenders will be received by the un - del -signed up until Saturday, April 20th, for the purchase of Lot 10, Concesaion 10, Hal- lett, comprising 100 earns, on which is situate a good brick dwelling and bank barn. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. For partieulars apply to MRS. RICHARD SANDERSON, 3102x1 Blyth. cattle to pasture. Phone 45-8, Dublin, or apply to THOMAS McKAY, Walton. 8200-2 seed barley, 01.00 per bushel. Apele to ANDREW B. BELL, R. R. 2, Killeen. Phone Hensall. 319741 QWEET CLOVER FOR SALE. --FOR SALE °---" a quantity of Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed. Price bo suit purchaser. Apply to ROLAND KENNEDY, Seaforth, or phone 22 or. 131. 3201-3 ber of Yorkshire sows, due in March. April and later. BIERT GIBBINGS, Phone 617-16, Clinton. 3198E4 pou SALIE.—A QUANTITY OF SEED BAR- ' ler. Apply to R. JR. IVIODELAND, Eg- poa SALE.—SMALL FIELD PEAS. eeRIZE winners at Heneall Seed Show, 52.00 Der bushel; White Sweet Clover, lat prize, e3.60 Der bushel; recently sold a quantity to 0. A. C., at Guelph. Phone 5-78, Hensel!. JAMES BROADFOOT. Hensel'. 819942 gEED GRAIN FOR SALE.—FOR SALE A •-"' quantity off good seed oats, also Boyne "No. 21 e).A.C. barley. wig rowed. apple to WILLIAM CHARTIMS, No. 8, Seaforth, or Phone 4 on 137, Seaforth. 81974e FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF COBBLER grownefreen certified seed, Of Peel grown No. 1 alfalfa seed Potato 1927: a quant and No. 1 full line a ,3 ,grase coeds. Also Pal line of Jenkin't tilt atartee and other foods : brooder sl8Oves ;for sale. W. E. saw. rap- t:min. 8201-2 ToAum TO MONT.—LOT 9, CONCESSION 5, Tuckeremith. to rent on shares or for a fixed amount for the coshing earring. about 60 nerea workable land: it's not plow- ed. line fie% on Haat mummer. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Seaforth. 819744 " mixture, 27 per cent. alsike, 10 cents pound. Pure timothy seed, 94.00 per bushel. Yellow Blossone• Sweet Clover seed, 55.00 per bushel: white blossom sweet clover, e4.50 r,rt bushel. All Government graded. eerer 17, Grey. Phone 37-19, Peuerreee 9197-tf Barred Plymouth Rodica. Every bird un- der trate nest end only high producere used for breeding, aired by pedigreed cockerels. We 0121 rantee 85 per cent. fertility. Our lest teat 71rovell 95 per cent. fertile. Eggs ere rdi and candled. 55.00 per hundred. (ILFVF,R S1EGRIST, Centre Street, Seaforth. Phone 304. 819A-4 lenAllea FOR SALE OR RENT.—LOT 11. n bet* been 44x138 on stone feendation earent hoe. pen end hen hotese, live room- ed frame 'hover ,ena kitchen wigs good base- ment; all in good rermir. Farne ell seeded .hes at good Remaly of water and will be ;It mediritetv, For nartfdtilors antIy to MRS, tet*. 0111t. 9201n4 241ARIVI FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. NIust be said to close the estate. If not aohl will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3201-tf ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Tolenship of Grey, Coun- t7 of Huron: 2 storey brick house. barn 55x60 on stone foundation; another building 26x56; windmill. drilled well; 80 acres plowed. balance has been under pasture for severs! years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Foe- 9eSSiOn first of March. Apply to Augx• BIJOHANAN, R. IL No. 3, Walton. 3186-tf IWARIMS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE "'• fawns in the Towarehipa of Ushorrae, euckeremith end Hibbert Good buildingonnd eell located ea to market.. THOMAS CAM- ERON. Exeter, Ont. et00S-t2 TInARBI FOR SALE.—LOT 3, CONCESSION 6. Stanley, 100 acme, all cleared. On the farm are a leee storey frame house, cement fertmdation, cistern and cement fioors in base- ment; barn 84x70 with lean of 12 feet. on a stone foundation; barn 35x52 and drive oiled. Farm drained with tile, and wire fences ; 4 acres fall wheat, 40 acres ploughed; balance seeded down. Situated one-half mile from Churoh, 1 mile from school, 4 freers Kippen; 6 milers from Hensel!. Rural mail and telephone. Farm in good state of cultiva- tion. For further partidulars apply on premises. B. W. CAIRLILE, Proerietor„ R. R. 47IARMS FOR SALE.—LOT 12, CONCESSION! 10„ Stanley Township, consisting of 100 acre:. There Is on the premiseo a good two +torey brick cottage, a good barn with straw 9hed attached and °tabling underneath, an implement house, an orchard. about five acres of bush on a back corner of the farm, through which runs a never failing sering creek and two never fabling wells, one near the house, the other near the stable. The farm la in a good state of cultivation. Also Lot 10„ Concession 4, Stanley Township, con- sisting of 100 acres, on which there is a very good barn and about 15 acres of buah a never failing stream runs across the hack end of the farm. Good for either grain or field. Executor for the Estate of the late William Conine. 817042 SUitr ND TO, C ATS Step forth gaily in our new Spring clothing—the finest new Spring Suits and Top Coats ever offered at lower prices than you would ever expect to pay for clothes of such quality. A complete display—we have the very latest in clothing styles. We invite every man to come and see our attractive spring outfits. Worsteds, Tweeds, unfinished Tweeds, Greys, Tans, Blues, rowns, pin stripes—all the newest materials and colors. Top Coats that have no rivals in quality—tany sport models that challenge comparison. 205 to $3 OG Funeral Director and 0 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 ‹S'' Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 Charges moderate. 0 -0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 48 0 TIN I: AGENCY lInsurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Es te ,Money to Loan Phone 91 Ne/F CRa A big variety of the newest tweed mixtures is shown in these Men's Caps. They are well made with leather band and nicely lined. All the favorable greys, browns and fawn tones. No Cap in the store over ftinore 11 is "The Master Hat of Canada" The new Spring styles featuring the slightly higher crown and nar- rower brim, with a choice of rolled, bound, or raw edges. Colors include opera, pearl, medium grey, f 177E1 shades, etc. 'It KeKHILLOP MUTUAL FERE ENSURANCE COT.. MEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTEII, may. lames Evans, Preechwood - President James Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mier - fey, Egrnondrille; J. W. Yeo, dock - Watt, Birth. John Eiennewieo, Brodbagena. Scam IfeOartney, No. 8, Seaforth; WZIIIIMAr The chance of a lifetime to stock up with on highest quality shirts, ties, underwear, socks, etc. Fascinating colors and patterns for Spring; newest styles; our usual modest prices, and a tremendous variety of stricking merchandise from which to choose. Come in to- day—you can be sure everything you get here is the very best. Twill top French Coat; flannel back with very attractive plaid check; epaulets and rifle guard. Ex- tremely well made and very good looking. All sizes. TL'p-Top iothes $24,5 A surprising number of shrewd, successful business men, who ca,n afford to pay any price, wear Tip Top Clothes. They know the worth of their money and they know just what great clothes value they can et at the Tip Top store. Tip Top Clothes are all tailored to individual measure—all one price. Hundreds of smart, new,. imported woollens are offered for your selec- tion. See them now. Save money and get better clothes—ma,de to,your measure. 66