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The Huron Expositor, 1929-03-15, Page 8
. ... _. _ ... _ . . I 4_ I I 11. A . I I, 4 , .. ,. f .�,,.: I 1. I, „. .% . r. . . .: . , ` " '''' I I I I , ! p l , tt li, I �1 1�1� b �, a r ";, ,� 1 11. �� �� 1.1 , , � 1.1i I ;:.„ ? y .�,��,',�, 1 � ,a ,,., ” � , l , 1. .. i .7 ,u..u.:,.W�:.:...:..' - .,L. - , i ,I .., 1 ,. : ,. a N 1::. ,.. ... ,. 1 , : : r_:'IF:! ^r,:a.:.' :... •,, 1 .. . ....--............_....-.-_.,...-„r,.: �.. . :. �. ... - : s...s,-,•,u::..�.+-- �' ::L. "r^ ,• 1.^I Z ....,,;LCs='i ,4 1 11-1-1 ,: .: -. • : I �'s.�. :. .. RP ti *?,•pew r A r a i Q q :. ulaaa.Nis � �` o '� `� �a`1)ip � � a���ta , � � dlY. iu �� n r ' o �” W h i ,.>tlev rnelat talseai roaza Ilaae,"s. Pink sweet sae were sfl ,~~- 4 , f ae st " r n the lDsrla rased Illiai iClae f .v 'a were u is c * Taussig,: ai �:',, , anazaa a h �Q a ., f;:f . ,. .. I ., . re costed bhate ai rsl ssak ri tr26 - , a+It -,,l t�?Ir {,,p�('{\ /�'�,j@jt q �,,Y�,, r ,: 1fAe. n ' Vs @r$'..:. ll y jI1 Y�, 9 ' 11 de & �C� ,\ ...r..,.. ,Q' .: t I•' 1. 1.. ri%WY •gWi':•4fYA 1Y!WYPf� 'S .,� � , . ".. I .. ,v! I ,.,.,, , . A ZISe, i�i[s>sr et.. Rivers. ll�rs, Lane ;gin astae<m!e -�rvas of x13yv Iblaae ca? oaa' , , �,:.. re a wait' f - r'ma r rend rise 'Se 1 t r lesson. a SecrU- crepe li ux t > ned Dost o, as 4sgr a id tap lilta'ahe Ire: x ll ase �i1 .ivy 1w1)y�iyil7P "`� �p: k , it ,�,. ,. '. ° , W', , a wc�s�,.� wruuty F".•�.. r .�rq�r .. k )l u ,malt >la &atiwais u cis k sJnd tory s r®port vasa given by riUilr. Alex, tricotifie and list in harmonisin 04,x9. , !W ; 1.11 I t , zt �k :a 11 �lr"?Y K,; tGi1 7PQl US sea Tit aauur LT( �� lieGuavin. �.w lninutes intormis- i�fter a laonoyanpon trip coos.# i a�p?11Ajp?�V�� r6..� :, , 1rV , ,QMPyre .TZVorasbly. sioA was allowed, After this part of Now is *0 time to choose your Wnll points Mr. and Mrs, Baker will �yo« o},l,i�i � f : lF�r Ammateuur SunatmsIlnots dulrinagr theIl meats U ` ?t S HERRINGS proUramrne, a piano solo by Miss Paper, ''Our Full Paper is 312 SEMI- sada at F�'bow." R , . F . a SQC the months nths off March and April. Winnifred Savauge followed.. A vocal TRIMM , whizeh makes it easy to 'HQT4� � ; VIVO P �;-J t'�tl �sl +N �, e dOc, for Ne entra cost or trouble to yen. solo, "Face to Face," was sung !by hang 'and causes little muss around Diedt IIn i Ictorlar--alae �Iictorla, ` '�®j�q ti Q i�r Beets +��°! ` Get p the house, �u1te a nuanber of ss$- C., Colonist, ofebruar wi your entry blanks and Miss Irmo Wankel, accam anted by y 29th, mays :.' 4�11f,$11T Y SxItIUP t, instructions at "Keatin s", Mr. James Scott, Mrs.. F. D. Hutchi- terns are -SUN 'ORTRY, which do reference to the death of a ue haw ip • FUJI ode _�( �' a : IImm irwel �a�n�. "�" r filar 35c, for • • • • • • • • - • • • Kodak agent for Seaforth and son gave a splendid missionary read- not fade and last considerably I ager Mrs. George Brown, of this '!Fovrr# ,;`i'i,' i- il` 1°1` 3 is a a$ual pureose syrup' for district. ing, and IM'iss Iluth Thompson, accom- than ordinary papers. ' • "There, passed away at his home dt + �trn 11D2slsnul or table. We are offering ponied by Miss Anne Govenlock, sang Saanichtfln recently, Mr. Peter T' �.p;1a- 1For s�IIQD]�,AjjAIllTtl, ��i �i�C ��. �t l`k w ',: at 25 per cent. BELOW REGU- iID]E�TIELOPINfA and PRINTING "In a Monastery Garden." These son, in his 5�St11 year. He was .'i4o1~ra � ;,� ' � ,� . dt4. ,! ?GAR TMOLESA E COIST• numbers were splendid and were well 4 at Grand Bend, Huron County,: float.', - � Throughout �e �°ffi- ° t r, V `i r +,,' i For prize winning pictures, � 9 q received. Mr. E. R. Crawford pre -Tho pse s the seventh among a family o mine•. q o c'AVATI DATES --toneless and bring your flims here. °t'tlY sided over the business art of the 1 children.Illlen h3 was et apild Sgt >st®rilized in Iaackages 26c, for Il5c t'he hi hest unlit chemicals p y� ���Tff�° g quality evening. After singing "Jesus Saves" BOQDKS'lCORS - - 93AIFORTIEI the family moved to Bruce Cou'd�y o c •. o . i �, ' ? used. All pictures finished on F��� > ,, ,• ,1 LU,P>!iG'li1�TUJM WARE, --As we in- "Velox" paper b latest a the meeting was closed with the and made their home near Wikrtou, ; ' ,-__ n I r tend to AZiscoutinue this line we of- p p Y, P- Mnzpah Benediction, Subscriptions taken for all magazines In 1897, Peter, with several brothers, �' m1.,, • gen'uiLe B1r:TTY BlE&IGI3[7C its- Proved Kodak methods. and pzpers at pu'blisher's prices. came to British Colamibia to join their y tL y`aY'{:&'�.' Aluminum, Saucepans, I�et- Pictures finished three times a QI'Jante�.—A rood girl Yor General house brother David, and were employed art' q , Dishpans, Pails, Roasters, Po- week, at work; no washing. Apply to Mrs. Harry lila hotel �rld Various OCCiip�tlOn6 Q 9! 41 n ' Stewart, 'Centre Street, 8186-1N. � ag Apparel, tato Pots, etc. Regular 85c, I:Co16 ° fl 'Tavish Store in a position to give about town. hater, David, with ;debar, scree whit® the last BI ��� � �I� �� l�n�w water Rent. --loo erre t. A farm, with p � bought and o erated the Triune'mihe, Y ' ' . ' ' • ' ' • lJll good water and shade to rent, Apply to Jas the p11}2liC a Sel'Viee in millinery, operated E. Reynolds, Seaforth, Oat. 8195x2 ladies' apparel, dress accessories, in the Lardeau which proved asue- P 0. _Ififferr, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, PHONE 28 SEAFOR TIii Man wanted -Must be good with horses : house furnishings and general dry cessful enterprise under their man- ! Me., taken in exehaunge ffor ! steady work, good waw. write Jos- Grieve, Dods that is the ser of that which agement. In 1902, after havin>�'sojd �a Gr(=Wies. Gross Ile, Michigan. 8195-2 g p - their interests at Ferguson in the p�q�'��T�7y�a T •�•�'��y�ry � , ,I 4 ' -;, Yo Last Chance,—I have three Aladdin lamps Obtains tri larger places than Sea (CQD1� 1L E W I&S UG A.iill. F.H V I p� �j �o o left to bell at $7.00 ; giving up agency. E, forth, With stores like this in town , Lardeau, they came to Victoria, being u v i .y. t ° ° V1lSlS.�Ilc�J®JSll VanZgmond. Phone 2s-l.ts, Seaforth, the citizens are both directly and in- joined there by both parents and sis- i I " . ' sl9s-1 directly benefitted. This is one kind' ter, Mrs. J. W. Crawford. Later that i�EVEA[aENG THE NIF,Vv Jr FASHION 1 �, ' 1P'ffi®NIP: PIH[OlfB PIEI®®D 166 THE HURON RON '+• X ®SET®R Dictionary for sale. - New International same year the g I �, Webster Ddctribnary, 19'26 edition, for sale- Ap- of progressiveness that should make Y y bought land at aaan- `, ,!'�'.. ply to Dawson Reid at ,the Customs office. it both pleasant and profitable to buy ichton, and have been farming here �� DIENCUES EN WOPMEN"S AND POltt.'V. A�1t S9 I r I I. — Seaforth. 8092 -If in your home town, ever since, with the exception of two ty;, t I DISTRICT PGIAIl fCB.S Has Anyone told you of Yltilac Y The four - summers, 1909 and 2910> which Peter ��� �® ����� t 1- Ihear enamel that is so rarity applied to boors, Baker -Wankel. - A Regina paper spent prospecting and camping about „� furniture or any interior surface. Grave,' makes the following reference to the Clinton and Lillooet; .then the sum- :v, Well Paper Stye. Seaforth. 3186-1 g DRi: ��� i� marriage of Miss Eva Wankel, mens of 1911 and 1@12' he was engag- t- Q Custom to th es on 1['arxeIl Pori-- House and 1.®t For SalewaGood brick house ed at the Pioneer Mine on Cadwallad-1Cs��il��nA��eay rf��e�v�cll�r��ivnv 3• ` _• As an aid to the public service, Post- wifih electric lights, good water; tom of good daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel, 11 1L111.C� 1L 9 master Sills has been a pointed pus- cuter buildings; dour to five acres of very of H,arpurhey: "At the home of er Creek, where Peter, In partnership TTM : p best land, suitable for a chicken farm: some with his brother Andrew, and the late rr ' {„ J. ` j toms collector at Seaforth on postal ama+tl fruit trees. Mrs. Thomas J. Adams, Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Jefferson, 2206 �vE�q NEW �v®AvlLv�v'` Q parcels, as from March 1, 1929. This R. R, No, 2, Seaforth, Ont- Phone 170-14. Athol .Street, Regina, the tatter's sis- Adolphus Wtilliams, of Vancouver, means that parcels from foreign coup- on No. 8 Highway, near Seaforth 3196-u ter, Miss Eve Muriel Wiankel, Sea- bought and' successfully developed the T� ���1 �tJ 'DR�2SSES tries on which customs charges are House her E•ale, Six roomed frame house on forth; was married to Wm. J. Baker, property. Early in 1914, Peter was } .. .,_ :Ia Jarvis street, with hard anal soft water, elec- Elbow, Sask., by a ceremony perform- stricken with a severe attack of heart THE ���°�1% � ������° � r r . due,,and which are forwarded through tric lights and furnace, also a good barn with ed at 10 o'clock Fridayg trouble following influenza, and was �I913 NEW S A'�l.IRES U the post office, may be cleared as lights and water. One acre of land under morning by , NECKWEAR T 1� •�p� ` ; / formerly at the Seaforth post office. cultivation. Apply to Mrs, D. H. Stewart, Rev. A. D. MacKenzie. The bride was for over a year unable to take any ��o ���� 1�lCatUv1L1� VV 1GA1Dy ( / A special room has been reserved on Seaforth, O -L 3189-tf given away by her brother-in-law, active part in the work at the mine, which was afterwards sold. 1VCtem- 1, i, /� the ground floor for the business. House For Sale.—Six-roomed frame house Capt. Jefferson, taking her place under ������� ��®��v�v �v®���t�r� ������� ��v i ^¢ :y. ` / i _ _ on Jarvis Street, with hard and soft water, an arch of white, Trimmed with pink Y g s ;i k''� L - electric (Lights and furnace, also a good barn Iters of the oche surviving are ninety- 9 9 9 0 01 , Mission Band, -The months meet- sweet peas and roses. fine bride was widow, his mother, now in her ninety-• 4- Y with lights and water; one acre of land un- ' 1.,, i. fourth year recovering from a re- �;;, They Airy ing of the Goforth 'Mission Band was held in First Presbyterian Church on der cultivation. Wrilte to Box 157, Seaforth, gowned In apricot georget with lace ont alas-tf trimmings, and carried a shower boo- lf:pse after influenza; his sister, Mrs. c ,_ SIPiEING IS BIEILIIEVIla G March 11th. The meeting was open- „ The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary, First Pres- byterian Church, quet of ophelia roses and lillies-of- the -valley. She wore a white old J. W Crawford; three brothers, Mal- colm, John and Arthur, at Saanichton, HATS Because we know you like to ed by singing Tell Me the Story of Jesus." 'Mrs. Stewart led in prayer, Are having a birthday party for you ; 'Tis something novel, 'tis sowaWng ne•.v, y' g necklace with diamond settings, the and a fourth, Andrew, in Seattle. !I'- �Sahow, we weigh your meat on and then read the Scripture reading. Tuesday, the nineteenth is the date, gift of the groom. Brothers of the Another sister, Agnes, the late Mrs. Dresses. ocales, you can see. And we want Donald MacTavish told the Bible So bring your lady, sharp at eight, Sandwiches, cakes .and °otter, too, Lride and room signed the re ester. g g Samuel Bell and brother James Ferg- uson died several ears ago. number of years, while Chesney i a dao s daughter Mr, William Pickard, pTou to see that the ,meat we sell story; Mary Flett read the Mission- All that a party means to you, After the ceremony the wedding din- Y g • . Von to eat is sanitarily handled, ary story. The Band then sang, Admission one cent for each day in .your birthday ner was served, the table being decor- - -� Local Brieffs.-Mr. Thomas E. Hays r A.visit to our scrupulous market "Sin Them Over Again to Me." Ca g g p`G month. 3196-1 - ated with white streamers festooned suffered a severe stroke on Sunday responding Secretary of the Home would interest you. Our fair tains were then chosen for a contest W. �q S. of ]Egmondvil➢e Church -morning Manufactured by last and is in a very critical ;, prices will aid you in economiz- of Litfle and Big Coppers; Captains, The regular monthly meeting of the sister Stratford, who has been in poor condition, 'Mrs. J. B. Thompson is s . ing. Gordon McKellar, Big Coppers; Mary Women's MissionarySocietyof E NOW P LA�YRIG visiting with London friends, - Mr. 1 I." s m Flett, Little ones._ mondville Church was held at the lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. W F. McMillan. fiussei Hays, of Detrcit, spent a few this home of her sister, 31Ts. J. MacTavish �"e®0 qme�®� Home and Sehoo➢ Association -The home of Mrs, W. F. McMillan on ���� Thomson clans week with friends here.- . YOUR BUTCHER •11 h ld Friday, March 8th. Mrs. W, F. Mc- Mr. C. H. Broadfoot, who spent sev- • They Airy Millan presided. The meeting twa:; �ilrrst Beauuttn�uul GOATS Showing The New ununsusR Of HATS non Q�uuai(nit�; Vie' and the prices I[nll " Seaswes are s® low that ®1rngiLnnauty. Newest y®u sale a �lr4 Itrtn Dresses. any ®ale that Smartness , X1.65 to $20 pleases you. $20 to $40 r , ` Home and School Association w 0 L1AIIN STREET SRAFORTIE its re alar monthly meetin in the g g Millan presided. The meeting twa:; With His Fonder Horse, "Silver King P b .: , . .•' �, opened b h p y hymn 328 and the Lords prayer! in unison. !Mrs. McMillan read the Scripture lesson from the I4 turned to Moose Jaw on Satur6a Mrs. G. D. Ferguson and little daugh- ter spent the week end with friends r , ` Home and School Association w 0 L1AIIN STREET SRAFORTIE its re alar monthly meetin in the g g Millan presided. The meeting twa:; With His Fonder Horse, "Silver King era! weeks here with his mother re- A, - .: , . .•' PHONE 58 kindergarten room of the Public School on Monday, March 25th, at 4 opened b h p y hymn 328 and the Lords prayer! in unison. !Mrs. McMillan read the Scripture lesson from the With !nag wonder horse., "Silver King" g' In an 11Il$t®deal romance off t➢ae life of turned to Moose Jaw on Satur6a Mrs. G. D. Ferguson and little daugh- ter spent the week end with friends Forty years on the frontier, belovel lda(nuTkV�SIR I 11,,< 1. p' m. Rev. I. B. Kline will be the speaker. Miss S. I. McLean will have third chapter of Malachi. Devotional the famous Indian Scout. in Toronto. -Mr, Arthur Burrors re- fol hardware business here for a Mrs, .. � an interesting paper, "Your Children's ®®� ®� <' ®� ® Reading." There will be a solo by .n ® g"�� leaflets on "Budger Making" b Mrs g g Y H. Chesney; 'Mrs. Brown read a leaf- let on "Preparation for Faster" mis- 66 99 i � 1, turned to Toronto on Saturday. -Mr. y. -Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Chesney, of Calgary, . were calling on old friends here on number of years, while Chesney i a dao s daughter Mr, William Pickard, _ _ _ _ - it " i tip 4P 11 r !3u 1! k_r4ll IL Rf/eti�_O.o �° U. I�I�IltE�i Miss Irene Wankel. A cup of tea �' will be served. We hope for a good , sionary study, "Oriental Work in Saturday last. Both are former well known residents Hymn 270 was sung and the topic 'O Funeral (Director and ® attendance. Come and bring a Canada" was introduced by Mrs. Mc- , Millan, The following reek Forty years on the frontier, belovel of Seaforth, Nie. y Navin carried on a success - Chesney g ,r1 5� '7 (Licensed Embalmer. <? friend or new member. Please keep P in mind the paper and magazine col- P p g� part: Miss Charters Miss Mactavish. Mrs. ' "That alike by red and white man, Tepees and tomahawks -Indians on fol hardware business here for a Mrs, i where funeral will be held Wednes- ]Finest Motor and Horse- 0 lection this spring. The truck will McaDonald, Prayer, those cont- ing to our land be no more strangers . the warpath sweep in majestic mass- number of years, while Chesney i a dao s daughter Mr, William Pickard, 11 tip 4P drawn equipment. Beattie p Bloc %, Main Street, opposite C> call at your door if ou notify the y y President. Call 308 and we will be was taken by 'Mrs. Moor nald. Mrs. es through the 'stirring scenes of this Paramou>eI picture. now of Calgary, but for many years ry , 's -The March meeting of the Neil ,.::., '1'" °11°➢Ie Expositor Office. S. T. 0 very pleased to get them. - Cor- -McMillan ave a reading o g g f Mrs. Kim '.NOP,( one of Seaforthbest known merch- 'Misses Trail Rangers - The Kim Trail Cd March, was held on Wednesday, I�mlmes, residence, Godericli responding Secretary of the Home from Korea. The next meeting will PLAYING' ants. -The Kennedy are spend- ing a few weeks with their in Manufactured by met on Monday night in the school Street West; Chas. Holmes' iwidence, North Main Street. O and School Association. ® < - be a special one on Easter Monday. The meeting closd with Hymn 116 and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sister Stratford, who has been in poor f: I, a of our largest Canadian !Factories Flowers furnished on short ® DaeaIl IImm Vancouver, -The following prayer by Mrs. J. Brown. A dainty BILLIE DOME health for some time. -Mrs, Sandick, of Grand Valley, is aguest-at the °j �, notice. All kinds of up- ntolstering neatly done. ® death notice from the Vancouver Daily ® Province of March 5th, will be read lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. W F. McMillan. with Clive Brook home of her sister, 31Ts. J. MacTavish . ? !Phones: 11729 or 308 ® with regret by many friends of the �'--' in "THE -Mrs. G. G. Smaliacombe, of Guelph, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arnold iD 10 family here: "Black -Passed' away Hgmond-n➢le,--The regular meeting YELLOW LILY" Westcort, and assisting to care for � I.., 'D 0 ® ® ® © ® <> 0 ® ® ® suddenly at the residence, 123 -39th Ave. E., William James Henry Black, in his 23rd motorman on the B. of the Egmond'ville Y. P. S. C. E. was held on Monday evening and Kenneth Jackson was in charge. The meetingN F (0 their mother, MRs. R. E. Howard, Who has been very i11.=Miss Belle BaI- year, opened with Hymn 361 and fol- lantyne has returned from Waterloo, C. E. R., a native son. He leaves to ° ° {�j� 9 mourn his again besides his sorrow- passing, IIII'(� was lowed by prayer by Mr. McDonald. where she was visiting friends. -Miss Elcoat has 41 o7�fIIl4J1ll ing parents, one sister, Marietta, at he Scripture lesson was read b Bill T p Y returned from Wallace 1 1 j 4 • fl ° home; one uncle, J. S. Black, Cran- McDonald. A ver y pleasing solo. town, where she was the guest of " ` k_r4ll IL Rf/eti�_O.o brook; three grandparents, Mr. and was then rendered by ithlr. McDonald. Mrs. James Black, 458 17th W., and Hymn 270 was sung and the topic S®]LIID BY Mrs. Henry Cash, 123-Mth E. B,e- for the evening taken by Kenneth ° o �j spgata mains are resting �t Armstrong and Hotson's '304 Dunlevy Ave., Jackson. After a short intermission the minutes of the previous meeting llVito parlors, where funeral will be held Wednes- were read and adopted. The meeting ,- Or Representative Agent day, March 6th, at 2 p.m., "Conducted closed with Hymn 263, and the Mizpah tf - Smith's 16 per cent. by Rev. O. M. Sanford. Interment benediction. r.,. Su rhos hale :$'21.00 Superphosphate Ocean View Burial Park," -The March meeting of the Neil ,.::., '1'" ,'" Shaw Auxiliary, of Egmondville Unit - 4b -Q2-6 .................. . .... $31.09 Trail Rangers - The Kim Trail Cd March, was held on Wednesday, Ik!. EMPIRE IF1ERTIMZ ERS Rangers of First Presbyterian Church March 13th. The meeting was open - Manufactured by met on Monday night in the school ed with Hymn 94 and a number of Canadiah ]Fertilizers, Chatham, room. Evan Rennie, Chief Ranger, girls gave sentence prayers. The f: I, a of our largest Canadian !Factories presided. After the opening' cere- rninutes were read' and adopted as 11 0`1: mony, the Mentor offered prayer. The ccrrcet. The 'Scripture lesson was j,. 2-12-2 ...................... $35.00 Tally read the roll call and twenty read by Bertha Beatty, The topic 2-12-6 .... . ............ • .. , . $38.00 responded by my favorite hymn. Af- taken from "Forward With China" 0-12-15 .,....,,•.,...•,..••• $38.00 ter a sh rt talk "H " th was very ably taken b Jeannette her sister, -Miss Mabel Hildebrand has returned from Kitchener, where she has been visiting her sister and other friend's, --,Miss Jean Scott has returned to her home in Harpurhey after spending a week with friends in Toronto.--Ildr. George Bethune is in , M1,118. wolvertm Flour �, �o Ltd. 99 t� 11 NOME ok7s We, have g-ecelfed E CRU' of Nam- Ilto a Data° These al°e V,c� � IMIlC8 (Data testion about foirty pound@ , Pf, —TRY— R SR1 'v%RK i\\TG foie 3ireze K2'YS' (D 26p Ifs I�IRO 511 Port McNicoll this week. -Mr. Joe __ t), Eckart is 'busy repairing roofs that --- - . were damaged in the big storm of last week. He intends returning ' shortly to resume his duties with the ° Ir Icing Construction Company, - Mr. 0 ' � Dawson !Reid, who has been Collector K r:. ••-_ of 'Customs in Seaforth for some time N II 1.1,. 11 owing to the closing of the Seaforth office, has been transferred to Guelph and left on Friday last to assume his I ' 0 on smog, e y new dtuies.-(Mrs'. R. Porterfield isp • - Cache took the church and Sunday Finnigan. Sadie Howatt then favor- visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chamber- ' APURIZOUEVS FERTILIZER EI8 lain, in Toronto -fir. 9P. C. S i school attendance- The minutes of ed the audience with a solo. During proat - ° ' n Second to none on this Continent. Mrs. Brodie's Class were read by the• business part of • the meeting {�, � has purchased the residence of Mrs. ,r: 4-16-8-- 56.00 to 2 tons of 2-8-4 Douglas M. Stewart and Miss Scott's final arrangements were made for the by kafagh�� &Md COR°®Rt John Robb on the corner of James ' ,,,6'' , 4-16-4---$50.044 to 2 tons of 2-8-2 by Douglas H. Scott, and from Miss St, Patrick's concert to be held on and Aelen Streets. Mrs. Robb and ® _ : , , Try this high grade and save dollarsi Ballant ne's b Stewart Plant a Monde March 18th. Don't forget it. BURN daughter intend making their home " .111'. Five tons of Niagara Lime, one ton previous meeting by the Tall Af- Y, - -C g at the Coast. -Mrs. C. �,, anger had ,r ` ®f 16 per cent -$66.00. We will put ter a review ofglast week's work a A Progressive Store: It would sur {} 9 �p the misfortune to fall int her home '' ' 1 tliais against any mixed Fertilizer, dol- r• ��ll� �� ���11� on Tuesday and fracture a rib. -Rev. �j l<�,t: social period was held and the meet- prise many citizens of Seaforth to 12r for dollar, for a three-year period. ing was voted adjourned by Jack Dor- know how often commercial travel- R. C. 'MoDiarmid, df Goderich, occu- Tike this on 10 acres you are seeding. ALBERTA COAL nN S71°QDCQ pied the pulpit in First Presbyterian ranee and Douglas H. Stewart. The lees and visitors to this town' speak ��5 Coke Not and Starve' olin, Church on Sunday last and delivered' - - ,�pa ILIIPJ,iIE AND lF1ERTIIILI(�lEIIB meeting closed with the Camp repeat- in a highly complimentary way about , - Y .f I' :iMEPJAYS ON gbAE'D ing the Lord's Prayer, the splendid' stores we have and about D. L. & �= SCRANTON COAIL two very fine sermons. Rev, I. B. - €. '. Ii 5 the up-to-date stocks that are ke tis ®118 rJiza� Kline occupied Mr, McDiarmid's put - X v p p Y pit in Godexich Mr. and Mis, Nor- 1 5elivery $1 Alii per ton extra anywhere (Hockey. -The Pats and the Bunnies the different merchants. This is i �X"'✓liGPsin iia miles of Seaforth. 7Cer�ns, lased their fifth and last ante of largely due to the J. ��Il���� man Habkirk, of (Grosse Ile, -were l p g g y progressive spirit here last week visiting Mr. Habkirk s . Cash. the season and after a hard' fight the that exists among our business mien, Pats came out ahead 3 to i. The who strive at all times to keep abreast SlOI1?`II')IiI mother and sister. -Dr. Eberhart, o£ , t Phone. fi6J and 36W. Hesford, was here this week attend- ��jff51�®�� Bunnies were without their regular of the times. At present rise Mac- W-then¢e t® see tire n111ea wasted! i� . ° Jl3Y" goal tender, which may have account- Tavish store is completing certain al- ing the funeral of his mother, the �` °if"IILIE I[ANIIJFACTNIg]E1($ ed in a measure for their defeat al- terations that bespeak progress and -Labe Mrs. Charles Eberllart. -The 57g, i¢ ffiigh¢ be saved! say HiBiroghway is practically bare but other 114% easily. ' A though Helen Rankin who was put in improvement, Several self -nooks have Y Ib �Jlalsftcerc ( aDffie 13� r 2 seafort➢n „ „ roads in the district are in very bad _;!+ the gap at the last minute, played been made on either side of the main TY �De llove to sees well -cared fair sates 4 i rr a t �� condition owing to the. continued mild # tw,.;. p ! good game. Hap Habkirk got the store for the purpose of displaying o y { f7rSt goal on a lone dash u the left small attractive articles. These nooks weather, which is taking the frost out, }� g p ' of them. �e enjoy anakiflg the small repadr in a t wing, and Pat Dorrance took the are lighted by electricity, In order . h SpecRaps iFor (ohne 7i%el - oral¢ tread a bruised sidewalIl knowing other two on end to end rushes. to make the ladies' ready-to-wear de- ., 17��7YrT��a,�a1'l� ' 'N'. c� o Habel Hildebrand, the Bumnies' dash- partment more spacious, more aurae- Q�®Il1IDitl4neaci�in 'To-da`y .lO.tllllallaeJiu.A1L 71.71a1V r Rall well that such repairs add thou- ° e � l . ing left wing, got their only counter. rive amd at the same time one of the BRUNiSIWi4DI SA��INES Notes,--JMrs. W. Carlile has return- �I sands of miles to the life of tires. � ". 4 e Ike l 1 Al � Jk The girls are rather shy on combing- most outstanding ones in this part 4 tins 256 ed home again after taking treat- •,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,,• 0 a: } tion apparently believing in the oil of the country, the curtain and drip menta for her tonsils at Reansall and Chats whir we rewmmend a. weeld7 FRESH DATE 1�3tio"eu�ilid2er I saying, `°®eery man for himself mod sty sections ileus been transferred to 29(� is feeling much improved in heglth, outside examination of'&6-end a c%i i 5`oi 1 nom^ „ 8 pounds . , f',r. Goll t7M bt on band March 15th. old Nick take the hindmrlost, but they other quarters more suitable for their GRANULAMW SUIGAR —Quite a number of the relatives and is,- periodic overbailling inside shad out �ir , i"zi � dingy =d ,�oo4 t�thee ernes andaise foT the didtheir Joest all south display, sent4relg to�tllef of display �rEWpCunds ......... ...... � e '� late Mrs. Oonfriends a t on Saturdadr the y of the several tidies a year. 2sga. g Y 9 p y fn Hen- a �YChaneRsurdwdl o¢� q ani the time. Next winter rove hope to de- a'nd selling of, ladies end Tni1 Sez pound ...... 27(� soil.. The Young People's I,eagtae tla'e meatst�."g,plOno In �s enables us W find all injuries a4 t I velop a real good team; tive Navas rise coats, dresses gnd other apparel. The U7N'COL'OR,7r ID A A1T °f3 A holding a social evening on TiG(ond�y 9rvo UhltraatldneY area ¢laeic lbegi�irl ¢ar anaPs� the " s¢atc"nn r r material fill g increasingladies' .�'SPIfiIALe'�•°1�4n� ........k1�March 4 Y �me8 an DPorr mai uaaadoc d vo a. < �•Yoanang 1pIffe of 1�To>t0osidie iUeai4�a➢ more aecomanodatrons for f171"ile o�(t; textainffrle�lt. atlualeFioCwlll bing°s ern- �anpCo�r®o. can tnalle . � garmentq ready to don, necessitatedound contests will form the even e Aertrand 1 ,- d � �� '� "O' Owl ani ,�P� ht Your first impression oYle ' ata on entering pound bv' the losfa side,--•-Th'a 9acra>asWt �aDue m3u� U�e�Ts�lr ` a��° t +� ;i} �! Y Camrrfeia�� �1 attanetings for t g g y g' ' g Pper vmilY rbc held ori f��aDVUt ..1. &'I, ' . OATMEAiFu ' " „ i i5> � 'eayples 'Soclet3Y of Moa'tnsi&S United this store is one of Plenty, Tilts s&lova of the fiord s' rS¢1 !: . 0OWN AN PRE DEPOT iss 5 pounds ................ w . . 1. :•iR l :Ght"'ll, eoih'fl'a1'I1e to ,be vevyy I-alitt0re 4t. Ing of mereha'Ase 1s bountiful. �`i'a'erre :ialndalr, 1l��trcll 24t1y of ''2,S pY;' Tru ''' ''' r ;' o: ing > nd laepElug and gveayr `5ctaes' gU7 is a reasoner"bl ciaaaanfi3ty of r r�. ATial 1 5161 �di�7T47S il'repp'aratorgr serv3ee will 'be &i d 1 11 1.1 li t Slala 2Gile 65dn eald� e the &- thing carrried. Th 19 no shim ing Qedi ty z it nli i�19a %tc-04 'Friday evenhi , 2urc'h 2, d, �a ale t' ry yyy,y� ,.'It, r ,<.,r y. " J1' 'i#L r 'y*,li lPll °d t0' 17 ifTYte V@ �1 9p�ay, i1o�5° iY3' t" d'Sra�t7;'QI9a➢ , ®9Cll�CiC.-- iffi� rel n Srl(liYr➢1 1 1 l i': e9�..eA � v tiit:.....w. . � : r, s \ x l p . g' (C �1u QDfr" 3 for a ,......,.Ir..,,.Y..........................r..,,..............w...........J J. F. 11Da �;t-il,l , ,, r: a �• "� w. I _" tl�"lryp�tt Ira, [ice( p4�o�h 'Hirst 7i�.{�w!gvem 'y�I,tY�r0 7n1`�ih ldugllYhtolltrM tale $dmv the 6ov$r�igr e (of ryyJ.� �}p (g yy1 y� y/Y{f�(y�)(¢ �W vY �t �{'I�Ig/� �a�{frYcizyfr� dyl�sgl� �{�in�yx/y�r0y7�rla igiwy� ; �1� j� t1Y Uy �yy�� �l� � �{ '' /AI i't�.. C. n ��, , f (llJ •ti4Y'YYl`4. tlC'�4' ♦ .IL 1f1iY 14 Y1t U'�Y-' .'afGY air tlbrt;aA1CCS ItY Ili It l�i Y/Y1 r,Yd 41t1F� +,.LLY."W' 1lYel4i�'r 1.,y -'+.""y V✓iQ4O1LV-n ga w4 livy^11!i�W'•J'y;�'j. I d/�V•n• �4'Ud VV° ' � "` V'.S.,Y.,,Y.,.Y.,,UNY✓M-"O..N.r..,,,w,rws.i..•,.•.,...,,...,•w,r„RJLLLL°L Wu1t , , I I y 'y c y. it off sea i '. ` h sa eta r tai is " " a . t tla , 1 >�oi�lluon 1 f> ,A tz 91 — I loft in e3' 020 d p dad' I 1. F.! Y V ,.'tY. 5 ', "i5, ..::: . ,.„ , ,. ... . ✓ ��$WG"-rD.4h'�, ,r ,!, r,. 11, �z.11� , t . zY t"woa k G"✓ G a Z %r$�1� 3 y faro plea l rGd 31ry Li@ ?m�C.1 Ieli d i r � iw F f Y+ , ;i� ,. ... ,..: - ,a` r { . •. ,.. n. .: J -,. •.,: ,... `: :. , . •....,.: w ,,..:.. ,.:: : ...n ::. ;- l yin .. 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