HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-03-15, Page 33 RF idin arp •b Por 1474#0;a5 iJ PAS 9 Li and FUTURE E DROUD of its past record, aleft to present opportunities and mint/fad of the standards it • has constantly upheld, the Bank of Montreal is now entering upon the one hundred and twelfth year of its service. To -day in resources and organization the Bank is better equipped than at any other period .in its history to render prompt and efficient service to the people and business inter- ests of Canada. NK OF RE. �+ XN�stab]liiispheel p 1817 ry AS/SE LL S EXCESS OF §l8 / ®, ®®©, Hensen Branch: L. R. COB JaS, Manager Clint= 3ranaku E. 1L SHAW, Plana B ueefield (Sub -Agency): Opens Tuesday and Saturday He Wi.s Surprised af; the Good. Result SAYS MANITOBA MAN AFTER 'TAKING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Alhert Green Suffered with Backache and Urinary Troubles. Minnedosa, Man., Mar. 14.—(Spec- $al) "i was greatly troubled with Backache and Urinary troubles," writes Mr. A. Green, a well-known resident of this place. "I was told to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and to my surprise after taking the first box i was relieved of the pains in my back. From now onward i will always keep to Dodd's Kidney Pills." That Mr. Green's trouble came from This kidneys is evidenced by the relief the got from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are purely and simply a kidney reme- dy. Maly men and women suffer periodically with backache, and, as middle age approaches, the pain in- creases in • severity. Rest may give temporary relief, but Dodd's Kidney Pills do much more than this. They strengthen the weak kidneys and re- move the cause of the pain. Dodd's Kidney Pills have restored sound health to thousands of troubled men and women. Give them a trial at once. BOOK LOVERS' CORNE (By Jane Holtby) Accident. By Arnold Bennett, published by MaeClelland and Stewart, Toronto, was Hast month's choice as the "book of the month" by the Eaton Book Club. To those readers to whom the name Arnold Bennett conjures up pictures of the Five Towns, tales packed with incident, characters and descriptions, 'Accident" will seem—not a skeleton because it is well padded, but a mere hieident elongated into novel length. 18ennett's powers of description and ebaracterization are still to the fore, ibut a journey from London to a southern resort forms thebtheme. Alan Frith -Walter, a wealthy busi- mess man, leaves to join his wife on a< holiday; a volume of Wordsworth's ]Prelude in his pocket he seeks inspir- ation and understanding irrom (the poet. Os the train he is 'brought into contact with Mr. and Mrs. Lucass- Lucass, a former business rival, and ghhe assumes a protective air towards these old people. Character, feelings, reactions, are all analyzed to a min- t:ate degree. There is very little ac- tion—all reaction. Alan's, daughter-in-law, Pearl, ap- Boa showing corwp Orn, a6rygCairee With sr no 2, Carr eotloo:.e.loogoa� ]ostia(, metal amot, for urns Hoon, pMeda Garsgbe:, FVarehoutree. h:aaq and quick to Dar on ffievrroofa or riprlat over old ones, Sib 1Ro1l ila i�mmado to Council Standard° quality. Sendreidn, and rafter twee- nrennente for free oatimnate., Goadetel loaboute= ®1 VIElit^t]tTJO daft OM Sirteence pears on the same train en route to her mother, having decided to leave her husband, Jack, because he is de- termined to stand as a Labor candi- date. This impetuous, husband, 'by an airplane journey, overtakes her and an accident in which Alan is slightly injured brings them all closely to- gether. Joining Elaine, the wife, the dif- ficulties are aired and then cleared up by Jack's relinquishing his political aims. Then of course, Pearl veers and says he must not give up politics, silly as they are, for her, and that she will stand by him no matter what happens. It has all been a tempest in a teapot but a theme for the author to show up human reactions and char- acteristics, "full of wit, human foibles, depth of observation and unexpected happenings." "Thus and 'Thus" is the title of the latest book by Henri Barleusse, whose "Under Fire" was given such high praise. The author states specifically that all the twenty- five stories are based on veritable facts. They are "brief, cruel nara- tives of a world crazed, stupefied and maddened by war and hate; these stories are the most effective peace propaganda, while they- are the most terrible reading the war has produc- ed. This is not a pleasant book— it is not even aninspiring book; but it is a book that will bring home to the intelligent reader the full horror of "man's inhumanity to man." This book is published by J. M. 'gent and Sons, Ltd., Toronto. "Farrar Life" "The greatest problem facing the people of Canada to -day is the ques- aion of immligration and lcoQoniza- tion. Unfortunately much of our in- formation on this subject is in official reports or in books which frighten the average reader by their very ap- pearance, and it has fallen to the lot of C. W. Peterson to put the story in such a form that it may be read by the average reader. Born in Denmark, he was educat- ed in England, and came to Canada in 1887, where he settled on a home- stead in Manitoba. He is thus one of the real pioneers of the west. He was the first deputy -minister under the old territorial government, and has seen all phases of life as farmer, rancher and colonizer in the west from the humble Manitoba home- stead of '87 to his present farming op- eration covering 25,000 acres in Al- berta. As editor and publisher of The Farm and Ranch Review of \Calgary for more than a quarter of a century, Mr. Peterson maintained the closest connection with the soil and has come to be regarded as the west's outstand- ing authority on agricultural and colonization matters. Under the guise of a novel Mr. Peterson has brought his vast know- ledge of his subject : nd his' love of Western Canada into a form that will charm the reader and at the same time place squarely 'before him the facts concerning this, Canada's most vital problem." "Fruits of the Earth." by Charles W. Peterson is published by the Ru - Me -Lou Books, Ottawa. "With Alla/nay in Palsstfue" Lieut. -Col. B'fiereton has written an absorbing tale for young people of this campaign in the Holy Land. Donald Carruthers, the hero, a young Scottish lieu¢anant, Irl chosen to make a reconnoitre behind the enemy's lines. Re is chosen bec.use of his knowledge of Arabic and his cool daring. S e has need of both be- fore his adventures close. This book is published by 'aside and Son, Ltd., 118 Bay Street, To- ronto. at would be te estin_ to ?sad along with the above mentioned book, one published several years ago, but still of intense interest, "The Ro- mance of the Last Crusade," by Ma- jor Vivian Gilbert, telling the story of Allenby's advance on Jerusalem. American women spend $2,000,000,- 000 a year on cosmetics, which seems a great sum when you observe the men they catch. — Kingston Whig - Standard. Dora says one of her dearest girl friends crocheted a beautiful doiley in the last week, using the details of the new Einstein theory as directions.— Detroit New. HAY The Council.—The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Town- ship of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, March 4th, 1929, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. The following resolutions were passed: That John Rogers, O.L.S., of 'Mitchell, be ap- pointed Township Engineer under the Ditches and Wateteanrses Act and that a by-law be prepared confirming appointment, and that resolution pass- ed at the meeting of the council on February 4th relating to appointment of Township Engineer be and is here- by rescinded. That By-law No. 2, of 1929, fixing the salaries of township officials be read three times and fin- ally passed. That By-law No. 3, of 1929, confirming appointment of the various Road Commissioners for the year 1929, be read three times and finally passed. That By-law No. 4, 1929, relating to the Ptsebe and Aux Sables rivers improvement be read two times and provisionally adopted and that by-laws be printed and serv- ed on interested parties, and that a Court of Revision to consider appeals be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, March 30, 1929, at two o'clock in the afternoon. That ac- counts covering expenditures on town- ship roads, telephone and general ac- counts be passed: Township Roads— G. E. Thomson, pay list, $4.73; S. Bopp, pay list, $4.20; S. Martin, pay list, $9.10; R. Geiger, pay list, $5.00; E.Gabel, pay list, $7.00; S. Hoffman, pay list, $4.00• E. P. Daters, pay list, $5.20; S. McArthur, pay list, $8.00. Telephone Accounts—Northern Elec- tric Co., material, $19.84; Bell Tele- phone Co., tolls, Dec. 21st to Jan. 20th, $95; Zurich Central, switching, $64 ; M. G. Deitz, salary, car' and material, $110; C. L. Smith, printing account, $6.60; G. J. Thiel, teaming coal, $3; L. Schilbe a Son, coal, $43.20. Genes eral Accounts—C. L. Smith, printing account, $146.25; W. 11. Edighoffer, assessor's salary, $120; F. E. Dueh- arme, School Attendance Officer, $5 ; Heneall Spring Show, grant, $25.00. The Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, March 30th, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. --:A. F. Hess, Clerk. T Lap End. T1AID(z Seem a. r3 a Heall lInella it) 11 o Fin it ]Fifty years ago, a q iiet-going soul, James Gallagher, came to Peterborough County. His was a marvelous skill in compounding herbal medicine. One of his many prescriptions—for folk subject to Bronchitis or similar ills and nasty coughs and colds --was his Indian Lung Remedy, full of the health- g�ving power drawn from Mother Nature, herself. Wonderfully healing to Mauled tissues. A builder off good red blood. Make the acquaintance off this triad, ralialr°.e remedy. Heap went tjais Winter. Together with the other em � e Galleemer II rbal Houcehcld latzaradimD metea .a Fromm J. 3. EMA ll II GD Ci11Lft I °150+11 E eveTy Ede to Me Waye y 1 i31 O fro Chess rmde r soon, a.m empe °L in measuring, and an angthonity rt= oo:Ilens sad Styles, the specie representative ive f )T 3 'S A. Taft ©red b..of fmson . al, Canada's (olest Cot Il Ilene will e in ©r atre End peso aIlly measure you and assist you. inn every W ,.y film selection off materia.z End etyReso He w ]ll have with. Ilnnffm wonflde rfu l range © al111 the newe t (Md Country c©t Ilm the Retest weaves and coo:ofrings. He -.1Il$o car i f . up modelle ft© lli©w the softy -es and emper t tai:orin g ohrast GaT mermte. I"ers 5/) A (/ 1 uarantee We peroofmaifJ guarao.tee carefry i nti ffor perfect ect fit and ouperfl®r(' inside w© weTkrniagaailafip, priced ltt fr2gnnfar prices and extra pante, absolutQIly fffZcq with the unqualified fanarmfmttee off a6 Sa tnefadnom ©r y©r Korey 3 ck" STEWAR l:1 OROS. Get yomr Zazt err StlIltt widt ttil . REQ ExftrrE v2TounssST0c, it Wi 11 MET the lli © you- ouslft Tale Ile flfm opp@rretutht r you cannot aff: omd to vanes° Remember axes d t ezi y double dices fes y nd reh. 19th a o ecines 1 th xtr Pants r