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The Huron Expositor, 1929-03-15, Page 2
e- s© VF.J435 SI:EMMY AFTERNOON gag Eszfital Hamilton, Goderrich, ,,1T4us, stand among us la Thy risen power, Let this thme. of worship Be a hallowed hour. Breathe the .1:lay Spirit_ Tato every heart, Ont.) id the fears and sorrows From each soul depart. Thus with quickened footstesips We pursue our way, Watching for the dawning Of eternal day. Amen. Wm. Pennefa.ther. S. S. LESSON FOR MARCH 11-1th Lesson Topice-The Christian Sah- tooth. 114e,anes Posos)co-razadua : 0-114 Matt. 112134; Z91/k4 20:101 Rev. 1:110. Galen Teea-atet, 2,34. 210;8-1.t. ISabhath, the seventh doy, was re- earded no the Isreelites ask holy, end a day of reit. In Genesis 2:2 we read: "And God blessed the sev- enth day, and sanctified it; because that in it He had rested from edl His work which God created and made." We do net read of its Observance by the 'people until the time of Moses He introduced it iu connection with the gathering of the manna (Exodus 16:5, 22-30). The people by observ- ing this injunction having experienc- ed its blessing, received; then the commandment from Sinai, "Remem- ber thte Sabbath day, to keep it holy." The significance of the Sabbath is learned from verses 10-11. God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh day; He there- fore blessed and sanctified this day of cempleting His work. In like man- ner, the people which He had sancti- fied! unto Himself, and which acknow- ledged the Creator and Lord of the world as their God was to sanctify, r every six days of labor, the sev- , day as a day of rest; and this to be a sign of the covenant be- t' een God and His people. (From the Encyclopaedia of Religious Know- ledge) Matt. 12:1-8. In these verses Christ reproved the blindness of the Pharisees concern- ing the breaking of the 'Sabbath. He gave there Scripture instances, from the Old Testament sheering that in cases of necessity the laws did not bind a man. So the, need) of his dis- ciples on that occasion justified them in doing on the Sabbath what would have been otherwise unlawful. To crown all, ,Christ said that Hie was Lord of the Sabbath -and had there- fore a right to say how it should be observed. John 20:1L This is the first assembly that was convened for worship on the Lord's day, and in that assembly Jesus was present. Since that time the day has been observed in the church as the Christian Sabbath, particularly to commemorates the resurrection of Christ. (Barnes' Commentary). Rev. 1:10. In this verse we have the distinc- tion between the seventh day which was the Jewish Sabbath and the first day of the week -the Lord's day, so designated because it was Christ's re- sturrection day and henceforth to be regarded as thes Christian Sabbath. t}liternal and External Pab'ns ars promptay reneved by oe.2 7NomAs, Eslincrkz© THAT 07 HASREEN SOLED FOR NEARLY FIFTY YA.0 MD as TO -DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER IDEVOIRE A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR OTE BlUDJEROUS CURATOVE QUALOTOES. 01111111111115151 MIIIIMIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111161111111111115111111iN lasthnates gladly am:lashed for any, ylob, in any Grade of Sezzaan-Kent Oak, Maple ofc irch '""litilmaviii111111111111111111111111010wililmoll 71 - "NO:7E1ERN" Rubber Foof„wer The "Northere range of Overshoes for Men, Women 4 Children offers a wider selection than ever. jersey or Cashmer- eeee in rario' heiglo.. with buckle, strap aer Whizzer fastener& nantsch yozng Winter ©Gomm° with a 'Northern" seamed 40 atil Styl-Sesi Won:tent nIVI9d=csr`' 12fiade c-Ath 1, 3,4 or a Buclrlea "cAlbasta' 1LXICI1I FO SrfaB TRADE MARE AcarrelapRoto =age of 'Northern' likublgarra and Sty&-Snatrn Zr3 an bend to &mese eyoeer szeed Rc, E Spa-ot & E' Ealy Setthra Wallted miles to getu bag of lour and if you couldn't get Purity Plour today at all good grocers it would be still worth wallritv miles for because ie as *`best for all vour baking." A Baking Ferpers stays: "Purity in a strong, rich polar with great empand- log qualities . . your cake recipe calls for ordinary pastry flour use 1 tablespoon less per cup et Purity, and if rairk is called for use half mills and half crater (luke- crams), so milk alone tends to frantae the cake dry." For poetry that melts in your mouth, use 2 tablespoons loss ear cup of Purity Moor and 1 level tablespoon utore of shortening. Nil it dry. Fast entre riela pastry se© half butter one half lard. crtz-.2 orselt c/ • Parity Flow tsdnv. et.:7fx neriey Node Bee& d fir Bes. 1Vdt7te Cnuda va'astar zos Co. Lizit4 • Torontu Thc 4r0 and vowels affliczed with co nick and Tormanexat reldea ro AT 112 El.SIVIWI V, ban:s- lew reeabb .teatnieUt which has eroven aueceyeeeueseree% of the most stubborn cases &or tlyeRra. Gets at the Internal coups --restorestue o,stem to normal-build,s you up. Get a bon tpday at any good &eat:sista.. Saticeactem gelid or nacalay hack. PILE REMEDY 8 tame 6000403,? Witt1106111t name A. W. Ildenr4111, KEATING'S IEDRI.JG STORE F-CADAUTV MR eeeed dede..! 'deseneseee suparior oweevtakicla oilier dogs do not possess and winch makes Racially sunstbit for de:40tire worh, The fact is not pointed out that this dog is simply the sheep clog of car, , tam parts ,44. Eturope, just as the col- • „lie is the sheep- dog of Seotlesad. Nor was it the first dog used for regular police work. That honer, if we rnisr take not, belongs to the Airedale. 4 the time the Airedale was put to this use by Major Richardson there way leave been a reason which specially fitted it for the task. It was a rel- atively new breed, produced by a cross of two or three others and had not been long enough in existence te have its natural working qualities de- based in the interest of show require- raents. It had been valued for its in- telligence and hardihood for many years before it was bred for shom purposes and being cross bred might be expected to have that extra vigor which an outcross so•frequently brings to any stock that is thus produced. "Moreover, the Airedale was an active, strong dog with plenty of courage, and just the type that might well cause dismay to a skulking criminal. But to infer from this that the Aire- dale is any better fitted to be a guard to -day than several other breeds is to be guilty of a fallacy that a know- ledge of dog breeding would correct. It seems not a bad time to impress upon the general public the fact that dogs should not be classified accord- ing to breed any more than human beings should. There are nervous, hypersensitive Germans just as there are lethargic plodding Frenchmen, humorless Irishmen, and generous Scots. In fact we are inclined to be- lieve that most of the accumulated wisdom concerning racial differences is to be classed with the accumulated wisdom concerning the blood before ,Harvey discovered that it circulated through veins and arteries. At the same time one is safe in believing that dogs will do what they are speci- ficallY bred to do, for we believe that the great dog breeders are no whit inferior in imagination and intelli- gence to any other class of creative artist. The underlying fact is, ho - ever, that that nowadays, the great mapor- ity of dogs are bred for certain show requirements which may have no re- lation whatever to the original pur- pose for which the dog was develop- ed. Is the collie more intelligent than the bulldog? If so, it is because the collie for hundreds of years was the sole companion of shepherds on their lonely hills, and in time came to un- derstand every gesture of their mas- ters. If 'bulldogs, generation after generation,, had been developed in this environment they would have been more intelligent than the collies, had the latter in the meantime been wasting their time baiting bulls and killing badgers. If the dogs of Al- aska are hardier than the Mexican hairless dog, it is because their very existence depends upon it, and if they perform feats on the trail that make newspaper readers gape, it is because their masters will reward them if they do and punish them if they do not. Or it may well be that they ex- ert themselves in order to keep from freezing to death. "As to aging, 1 am a pretty well- known cricketer, and play regularly during the serameir season. And 1 shall be -easy pleased, if your re- viewer Will comae over here, to take him on at golf, or at lawn tennis, or to run a bridged yard's with him, or to play him at billiards. a e will then have a practical proof that I am neither aging nor overworked." So far as is known, the Sun re- viewer has not accepted the challenge. He probalbly feels in his bones that it will be wise to defer the meeting for as long as ,poseible, for Mr. Fletcher may be even more annoyed than he sounds. It will not have escapeld his notice that the letter of rebuke was, written! on Christmas Day!, Otherwise Mr. Fletcher might also have suggested a few rounds with the boxing gloves! A DANGEROUS MONTH FOR THE BA Mothers Always Dread the Blust- ery March Days. !—_en No month of the year is so dang- erous to the welfare of little ones as is March -the month of quickly changing weather. One day is fine, the next cold and blustery. One day dry, the next wet and disagreeable'. In spite of all precautions the little ones will take colds and these colds often lead to more serious troubles. Mothers, when the first symptoms eti pear -sneezing, redness of the eyes, running nose -Baby's Own Tablets should be given at once. They will rapidly break up the cold and pre- vent the more serious complications. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the home always feel safe -just like having a • doctor in the house. The Tablets are a gentle but thorough laxative that sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus driving out constipation and in- digestion and relieving the body of the many childhood ailments which are the direct result of a clogged condition of the bowels or a sour stomach. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,rvtro-m„ taken. He was born with a gold spoon put° to it to find means of painlea7 in his moutla. . . e lived on the fat of the land and never did a day's work in his life. He had the best education to bring him up and money spent on him galore." To this the son retorted in the press, "I was re- moved from the care of my father when 31 was fie years old by a court of law. Since that date ray father knows nothing of me and very seldom sees me. So far as I know he has contributed nothing to my education except in the form of alimony to my mother." ISir Oswald's gift of repartee is not the least important of his qualifi- cation p in parliamentary debate. He speaks in a low voice with a pro- nounced Oxford accent, and gives the general appearance of being mild and placatory. When he was first elect- ed to parliament it was as a Con- servative, but he was not there long before he alarmed his associates by the marked radical tinge to his politi- cal views. But the Conservative party is rather catholic and, like the Angli- can church, contains adherents of a great variety of opinion. It may be that Mosley, had he chosen, could have remained a, Conservative just as Dean Inge remains an Anglican, but it s his own desire to join the La - WORLD MISSIONS The Decision. The circumstances which led to his decision are no less romantic than the period which preceded and follow- ed them. One, day he said good-bye to Dr. Morton and departed for an- other section of the islands by the sea, but before he could leave Dr. Morton reminded him again of the claims of Jesus Christ and of his deep need of a Saviour. He was not going away for a long time; it was only a visit with an Indian friend who had gone to Trinidad with him that was in view; and so he said good-bye to Dr. Morton and promised to see him again on return home. He took a small boat in which be- sides himself there were five English soldiers and some cargo. The jour- ney was not long and the sea was usually calm, but that .particular day as if Providence wanted to force him into a decision, their little craft came to grief and the six passengers for several hours kept drifting with the waves on a plaule Getting exhaust- ed four of the soldiers decided to throw the Indian off the plank so that it might be lighter to that extent, but the fifth soldier interceded for him and suggested that they should all cry to Jesus for help. The soldiers prayed in their own way but the Hine du young man made a contract with Jesus in these words: "Cd. Jesus °heist, Ds. Morto-n has been telling me that Thom art the Saviour of inen. If Thou art the Saviour then save me just this time and I will receive bap- tism to -.morrow!" Just as he finish- ed praying they sighted at a distance the help signal from a boat and in about fifteen minutes they were pick- ed up tired and exhausted but restor- ed to life once again. The Hindu lad came straight to Dr. Morten, told him the story of his de- cisio-n and asked far barptism. Dr. Morton of course, in spite of the strange circumstances that led to the young man's final decision, was only too glad to receive him into the mem- bership of the Trinidad church. The young men's name was Netram, but as Dr. John Morton had been a father to him be was baptised as John and was thereafter called John Netrante (To he continued) ANCTHIElt DOG ROMANCE DESTROYED BY FACTS Balto, the heroic husky dog that rnushed to Nome with the serum, has been exposed as a nature faker by a veteran Alaska dog driver. He says that Balto was only an ordinary mutt worth perhaps ten dollars, and not to be compared with `hundreds of dogs in the north. In the notable venture of getting the serum into Nome, he performed in the chorus as a mere supernumerary. He was chosen for the role of hero by the enew3paper correspondents who saw an opportun- ity of thrilling their readers thou- sands of miles away, who, because of the trend of movie romance, were ready to believe anything so long as it was sufficiently wistful and incred- ible about the north. ,Balto was elect- ed because he had a kind of romantic name, in preference to Foxy, evho was the real leader of the expedition. It has been long a matter of observation that people will become more senti- mental about dogs than they will, a- bout anything else. This is perhaps because dogs flatter human beings in a way that no other animals will stoop to. Psychologists have assert- ed that men dislike cats because cats disdain men. Newspapers are not without respon- sibility for spreading the fable of the faithful dog at every opportunity. A dog is a lighter sleeper than a human being, and if there is a fire in the house it is likely that the dog will be the first to see the flames, smell the smoke or even feel the heat. In alarm for itself the dog barks and creates an uproar that arouses the family. The next day we may read in the press headlines that the heroic dog at considerable trouble and incon- venience to itself, has saved the fam- ily lives of father, mother and sev- eral tots (i.e. children). A noise in the night arouses the dog and it barks until the owner wakes up, puts his head out of the window and sees a prowler sneaking away. The prowler may be the man next door, but the dog gets credit for terrifying a form- idible band of armed thugs. No men- tion is made of the innumerable cas- es in which the dog barks at nothing and keeps the family awake. We sub- mit that if a cat acted in this im- becile manner it would the drowned by the man of the house. The so-called German or Belgian police dog is swathed in fable and romance. There is a general supposi- tion that this animal hag some eviction. "Well, erell, Joe," be said at length, "so Canada's a great place, eh? Well, that's splendid. And I hear you visit- ed Toronto 'before coming home. That must be the largest 'town you've ever seen." Joe's round eyes bulged. "Eh zur," he breathed deep dowel in his chest. "Eh, but er's 'mense gurt tome Mus' be . . . well . . ." He paused and scratched his head. " 'Tain't no use fur to go `xagger- atin' like some travellers do hut -Pe say er mus' be mos' three times the zize o' Bow . . ." And it is just to confirm this Vito - remarkable statement that Lord 11:0E0137 -- son of Penn desires to see for 'ne- self the capital of Ontar!o. wa 'borites and it was as a Laborite that he fought and won his most irnport- ant campaign. We suspect that his radical views could not have been suspected at the time when Lord Cur- zon consented to the young man's marriage with his daughter, and the marriage must certainly have pre- ceded the day when young Mosley, rising in his seat, criticised Curzon for writing pompous notes to France. Lord Curzon was no doubt an indul- gent father but we cannot quite see him in the act of handing over his daughter to a young man who had wounded his vanity in the public man- ner that Mosley did. This marriage, by the way, was a notable society event and was graced by the presence of not only King George and Queen Mary but by the king and queen of the Belgians who flew over to London. It surely re- quired strength of character for a young man in Mosley's position to go over to the Labor party and abandon all his aristocratic friends and con- nections. That the abandoment was real was revealed once by Lady Cyn- thia, who said that about the only one of her old friends to whom she could go in those days with Lady As- tor. In the last year or so the Mos- leys have improved their social posi- tion to some extent. After all they belong to the aristocracy. They are charming people and their friends have come to the conclusion that their socialism is merely an eccentricity since they continue to live in a fash- ionable house, maintain a good table and are not seen going about in rags. The anomoly of the daughter of a marquis, who was also a millionaire, and the son of a baronet becoming socialists was pointed out by Con- servative speakers and newspapers. Mcsley was asked rather pointedly why he did not divide his land with h Stop Distrese terr Ea ing If you suffer from sour acid stom- ach, gas, heartburn, bloating, dyspep- sia or indigestion after meals, you can prevent it instantly in future by taking a little Bisurated Magnesia im- mediately after eating. This simple old-time preparation is really wonder- ful for safely and quickly correcting over -acidity and relieving gas, bloat- ing, belching, dizziness, nausea and the after -eating pains of indigestion. It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to take and its action not only neu- tralizes acid stomach but tends to soothe, heal and protect the inflamed stomach lining, thus promoting a healthy, normal digestion. Sold by druggists everywhere in either tablet or powder form and used daily by thousands. ALTHOUGH MOST PROLIFIC IN OUTPUT WRIT1ER WORKS ONLY FOUR MONTHS IN YEAR One of the most prolific writers of detective stories in England to -day is J. S. Fletches, who has been turning out thrillersyears that for so many yeathat he must soon have exhausted all pos- sible plots. :e is an exceedingly fast worker and one might be pardoned for imagining that he works all the time, but such is not the case. Mr. FletLer himself revealed a little of his method in a recent caustic letter to the Maw York Sun. A review of his novel, "The Wrist Mark," had aroused his ire, not so much because of what it said about the book as because of what it Mat- ed about the author. So, though liko most waiters who have "arrived," Mr. Fletcher seldom troubles himself a- bout what reviewers have 00SaY total him, this time he gat down at his tyrpeorriter and/ Aimed otat the following: "'Your VellTialVer of 'The' Wrist Zack,' vzith somewhat clue.stionable take, speaks of me 20 doVeirwculred and aging.' °AC regarcb ammo*, it may be bite -feeding to bite 'to learn that It narnie Ow mos triz% i'oor Sittlaths tiva year, =el spend Vote ketkl' (Melt raor4Srj ,erint 5-10 vaaLSSIV etricble1:2 660V 1r216tcnti. YOUNG Does 'nazi- Hone Wheage Roar? Thick, swollen glands cause thick voind or choke -down and make ,1 horse wheeze or roar. Ahaorbine-the farriona antiseptic liniment-- bring quick relief, and does not blister or re- toove hair, 51.50 -tit yew. dee:meta Or general merchant's. Booklet an the horse tent free. '74 W. F.' Valium Ine.6 Zoe= Mee Montreal ARONET RS AN ARDENT SOCIALIST Sir Oswald Mosley will he an in- teresting figure in the next British election campaign and in the event of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald being called upon to form a government it is not improbable that he will be called into the eabinet. He might make an ex- tremely useful cabinet member since he could 'be said to represent the most advanced of British socialist theory, wealth and aristocratic tradition, the higher education and the men who fought in the war. Sir Oswald as is pretty well known, is a baronet, and as is equally well known 'has frequent- ly sneered at titles. He is known to have made inquiries as to whether it would be possible for him to divest himself of the title that has come to him but was assured that there was no precedent for it. He fought in the war and has medals which attest his prowess under fire. He has become one of the best speakers in the Labor party. Finally he is the husband of the charming and exceedingly wealthy Lady Cynthia, daughter of the late Lord Curzon. She is a thormigh-go- ing a socialist as her husband and has taken active part in his campaigning. When the will of the former baronet was filed for probate it was not 911r- prightg to learn that his son and heir was not remembered in anyoubstan- tial wae. In fact his name was not mentioned in the document, a fact which, if our reading of 'English nov- els is accurate, might sPord grounds for attacking the disposition of the estate. However, it turned out that there was not much estate to distrib- ute, some $20,000 in all, Which vras left to a, housekeeper who had attend- ed Sir Oswald for years. • The ayamitY between father and son was of long standing and was of course Intensi- fied iehen the son beams a sollaUSt. Potblie attention rtes dravrt 00 the family discord when the harenet sa ed Ms son to thatovnitaapmea, fUltfoX otter thinCS, or Wer utrulat3tanil ttoIIt217 cot. DOCTORS elm buny during March. Ill- ness is xampant. Long Wintee months lowee vitality, blood becomes watery and the body grows susceptible col* nMad Tlech2191. t'Ell",ch. owevee, C be =aside a vigorous, happy month. Dr. mi- lk:ore Pink Pills are a genuine aid to health and !stamina. Microscopic tests chow a remarkable luractsease in the blood count after treatmerae. This world- mummer:a remedy, discovered by a Canadian doctor, itely enriches the blood 'anal ensures more oxygen for the tissues. EncErease your Testae - lance to disease -be back your otrenL I., if run down. Buy a bon of Dr. Villiala12139 Pink IPiils to- , day. At all druggist) and dealers ha medicine or by mail, pow at5Ocento, from The Dr. Williaims Medicine Co., rocks:11e, Ontario. 04 those poorer than himself , an w y his wife did not sell her jewels. To this he replied that he owned no lands and neither did his family. He doubt- ed if the Mosleys had half a dozen acres among them. Lady Cynthia said that she had few jewels and that estimates of her wealth were ex- aggerated. In any event she was giving a considerable part of her in- come to further the interests of the cause which they were championing. These anomoeies caused more concern to the Conservatives than to the So- cialists who have welcomed the Mos- leys with open arms. They believe in their sincerity and have had proof of their generosity. Indeed, they are rather inclined to boast that they have made such wealthy and distinguished converts. TORONTO WAS A VERY PLACE 11G Lord Dawson, of Penn, for many years now physician -in -ordinary to His Majesty King George, was recent- ly heard to announce that he yearned to visit Toronto. On being asked if he had any particular reason for his desire, a twinkle lit up his usually sombre eye as -he explained. It seems that some time ago Lord Dawson was visiting a rural friend in Devonshire, England, the nearest village to whose abode being known by the name of Bow. Now events move rapidly in this age, and it is possible, though scarce- ly probable, that Bove is now a thriv- ing metropolis. Be that as it may, when Lord Dawson na: de its acquaint- ance it consisted of some twelve to fourteen whitewashed cottages dotted along a straggling piece of very bad road a intervals of anything from ten to fifty yards. During the physician's stay in the village his host, Who dabbled in the art somewhat dulbiousrly known ao "gentleman farming," received a visit from an ex -hand of his who had some years previously emigrated to Canada and had now returned on a visit to his home, chock-full of excitement and afrsli He was a sturdy youth with an hon. - est blue eye which ballad Ms Most earnest endeavors atter a worldly setattnar. lEts was a talk ally but znatacoall .enrpit'o %too& itIi vita doegred e ilearimity !Pot dB that and tit MIWAkits egollorm vtio bawl, 1 ecouoiletei.o reeect OM 013 C0.111=1060.° raity- ef (.‘441111s,' oi Your hens win 'vs Ton mac= eggs, better eggs' and pmailtinev them at a profit ifyou feed 'C!) U3E1.3:s-)J2 TO164:)04PME) TEq7T,c- ROk011E This egvnakiing Ned contefeees just the things that a hen needs - fresh oatmeal, other grain prod. nets, minerals, cod liver nuatzg and molasses in dry form. Stars using it now -we have it for you. Gee.II1ilemo 10 Gran a all-mecn,,,-1 101