HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-03-08, Page 88 .1� ­��It�:�,���"' t12 � I I v4wesJ:t 6Jt1RUZON =70C � 14. ltifdt20T1Ch. ulGY3.l@It'dW' & AUllC�lCp diel. 1&wzs W 4AMANt434 Tru aua,�„wF Nal as �r ,uwa L- �+ yEx 01te I )19orevllD rtDrte m ow�ua. 7, a ", � pring iq a < anis rfs. la JftsluniaaD­ ,I .. �brida fr3 4.rn+. �liva' d 111plle t. l�lr,-alilnli .l i�radr ra appA - - a the cues �asdila lliat$1Gilr in "t�` , navy libm tit Crepe, vditla ,sand trifaa- � 4i9� Mae avis ,��J Il�]111��81i� ' *.: Z2 . 1 "r as t,1 IIIaA,?I IA"�l'11?y migns�s, slni3rt slaoxt heat, navy Paluea$hs�laaes. �.as. @�. �CDav�ranz�D Jr.,' p 12Il A 1Ai43A?'All3 dna m b� axadzIl Ili show, .11 Il r JI a , 11. , r r')19; ,' i - x,11 74 . ......... , ,Di;'1� i' 1FlD>f� �' S' OF �' W, n J ➢ al ''rounds .... . } iu� ',ii< r'1 , SALMON � � re, r.+ �u i F,' �+lple' vanfr t 1+1` ' a 41i=,-iLYI? 'SA>ION �� p a =, 1l.,ML *4id eons . vX bratn ale AsLow Inlet," "Red �3fi�1 y �° � .1 and -Del Mopltre." Mar- y ` 1.. lit fdtr Sock -Eyes is very 'high and 'i i. $� some (brands unprocurable, , rzh„ tik�lY.�S--20 Ion's ones 25c Ibi�'°�' _ ....... ,' ,`ti li'flia> a il�aart lbotiles .... . �`� It RAVAN DATEdS - Stonless, 1` a r cleaned and sterilized. �6 i' 'i i.'1. packages for oK, 4 OME1StE-`,tune, 1929........30c Ta. SET-iSeptember, 1927...350 2b - ix �µ � EFORTE. CHEESE 60c res. 'er'r's ` , ,— G MOLASSES• --in bulk f'c� �4 ",;'. ,pounds ....... U AXING SYRUP -in bulk q k 3 pound ............ ........ f! 11IZ;E--� sounds ..25cI ! M&KEWS COCOANUT �g� f sound ............ �w : (DRAN'GE4S-Seedless Navels Ne 2 dozen ............. �1 Fa D. �imtcha'golm c IPIgONR P1E,OR PHOOID 166 1 I Q i�. zd i. I ,-,-,�-, 1?� I' � � 1� ., "I 11", :. - I #S N , I 11 . . .. I I '', 11�, - . :1 I i - .0 - .// -, � I/j r .i� t .I ­­ ., � i - SEEING IS BELIEVING !Because we know you like to know, we weigh your meat on ,' scales you can see. And we want you to see that the :meat we sell you to eat is sanitarily handled. Avisit to -our scrupulous market 1.would interest you. Our fair prices will aid you in economiz- Ili ing. r h Geoo camenalm YOUR BUTCHER r, LaAIN STREET : SEAFORTH PHONE 55 .1 ,...:r . .` -_ O u �4 ,, Hvestor, W, 10 ORni'e :, . 1t" 91 ' Municipal Bankers Corporation D! - Montreal Debenture Corporation 1:, Canadian ,Terminal System 6 Per Cent. 1. (Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds C. $50® and $fl000 Interest coupons payable half-year `.,, ly without charge at either the Can 'i, y audian Bank of Commerce or Dominioi , 41$as4k. Price: 100 ands accrued interest. f There has ppver_ been one dolla r Esst since Confederation on bonds se , dried as are these Dollar foi- Della wads. �771y� ; ".. l A. D. a� uJ °J1111115°a1LL,lLnli�l� ll.7� m':` General Insurance Agency, Real ': ]Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds, ''" Investments, Et - A... ': %`; : PHONE 142 SIEAFOIIRTH, ON7 .. PURE E MAP LIE SIRUP fiy: Leave your order for Pure Maple Syrup f ..%. this season with James S. Brown. Railw: street, Seaforth, from Huron County's large r - 6ytv`p maker. GEORGE FAUST, Gorrie. 11195x2 1. --------..---- --- �u:: TISi]IS IS YOUR LUCK 0 If you treat Sore Throats, Bronchif r ' Croup, Cough, Bronchial Asthm Read Colds, Catarth and Tonsil it VAth Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's To nslliti I. Good results or money back. J. Xe^ating; also A. W. E. Hemlphill, He, mva' tall; Hambige & Son, Dobbinton. kir 3195 _.. l 33A]BY cCEE CKS and (EGG I,. r:':: . , { ',F llf you wart Chicks that will mature to f. ��. IIME Six VOnnd hens and lay from 200 to F , c s a year, got some of our Tam Barr °' C higle Comb Leghorn Chicks. The hens a r ¢`",:'.:, »std to cockerels from pedigreed and tr P i meted hems aaf 804 and 816 eggs - ,49;4 1� G. C. TMfo Leghorn Chicks, 25 for 64.1 N•9 r 60, 002. F37.60 ; 100 far 614.00. iii alp -C. named Plymouth Rock Chicks, +ar 3or 56.00 ; 60 for 09.25; 100 for 613.00. i yrs , After May 15th, 1 :cent lfvs chick less; of ' x*' . 16th, 1 cent per chick less; after JI ( �, 1 Cent per chick less. , 11a,+,'z&ing EF4ars, 15 Ceuta pe'r netting a c-kp ; y6.00 per hundred - P L,e&e of our Chicks and you will ba CS§? 0Cd CW'bDMOr- Order early - J(DffiIq A- 3ECKAII T I n 71, llDrUl 111. inoPi n 23 28. Dull 11 art m. ._ :. 1 h , r� �„n ,,fi�r,q, try ', I.tZ%,ora r' 20 manvf ear• that :an 6sm `$ t� ted e6i �qry btua9ng e%'1� pgDit1gt ilp'� 1 , 8ailte of Ole TormiTast ltli<s m� ^ei7aslf9lo 'Y°oirogiol$1) ® "oat .' 7r 4 it i t e . . t r `.ur{14, + , - itY', Q'i$yi %" a 7$lt '621, lf.' t4 it d¢fa d9lr.'916 > a dl ire x , a to ov G ?, . t4tLl i4h t7 ii t a �Jra c a lti i U} 01 u la v is e i ' s�,•p1 V D",a1 ,S"i44�� �-1 Tl L,� t�,,..,, . �. r 4t� ?,tiD� Gid uYGa ;tl , ,1. I �M,'-N-T."p,a � st=, ads d .11 ` �' 'ppm_ f ' y"i�,y%'�:! ,,yy��,,yyrr�,f'riDN _, a. �r~ tailored coat and, b<aladsosnu� fens fur. `- The bride, Who is very popular and Labe its name, is pure ODy test - An excepticaally Pule High Grade Oil, Vitz nnann Tested sand gaaaranteed. Two Sizes --50c sand $1.00 SIPIECIIAL THIS WEEK DAFFODILS -Good Quality 60 cents Ares dozen. Old Fashioned (English Molasses mints. le �95 hamacy highly esteemed among her Striertds'D received a very large number of beuua- Naiw ip tlldz time to choose your 'W11 tiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Pullman Pa r. � Q7'J1ell1l Paper is all 'SEBU Iecft for a honeymoon trip to points TR&1' a MD; which nwUes. it easy to East, and on thepr return they wall hang 1vM4 =uses little' muss around reside on, the groemlm's farm on the '9th the house. Quarte a number cD$ p..at- concession of Tuckeramith. Hosts of terns aim. ,SUN'tJlr'ORTRY, which do congratulations are extended to Mr. not fade and last considerably longler and Mrs. Pulknan by their numerous than ordinary papers. relatives and friends in their married' n �- s r e > � �1 . •hits :;,;; s in, !Blyth! ;sat Ser parents, @Gtr. and Mrs', James l elly..-,., Mies Isabel Lowery of'uodericb, sloent the. week end at tine home of bar pa;?ents„ Mr, and leers. ge'erge Lowery. T��jS�y---;;;P 7-�--- t ..ltiilJba:%+hJCie11� J9 R �„ r. Six cups and. aawcers. 6 ][D. platz3. 6 T. nclaxtais, .:3 ace breakfast, dimnor oiand 5. Nates. I rteaacct. m Auld Salo pnioo $9.60• ]Beattie liras. Notes. -Miss Irene (Snider has re - lige. pie, be a piece; (antra co ee, e a cup• x,194-2 at R. R. 1, Bluevale, Ont. 'Suffered with Munn turned to London after srper¢adhng a I -- Fnremen's Euehre.-The, members few day,, at her home 'here. - Mrs. few - Miss Helper, of Toronto, edly esteemed resident of this district Thompson's Took Dr. McLeod's stomachic and kept no- spent �,lltm.� A.,eldy V a'rai.a, w'as a wYr�, 41waanted.—A girl for general housework. Ap- ply at The Expositor Office. 9196x,1 IBOOKr�a'IIORIE pend •guest at the hom of 'her par - - - Sl'ai�IFORTIE ents, ICY'. and Mrs. Edi. Boy'es.—Miss Farm To !sent. -loo acre grass farm, with rison." For sale at AberharVis Drug store. learn Anna Aikenhe"ad; visited: at the home goes water and shade to rent. Apply to Jas. Subscriptioals taken for all mmagazi*ws, of Mr. Hugh Cameron: Clinton, last a E. Reyaolda, Seaforth, Ont. 2196x2 Jarvis street, with hard and soft water, elec- and and Loel rs at publisher'® prices. week ,arid.=Miss M1ary 'Stewart, Cried- I Man Wanted —Mast be good with horses steady work- good wages. write Jars. Grieve, tric lights and furnace, also a good barn with W. iton, was a week end guest with I one hands, Thomas Johnston; conic- Gross Lie, Michigan. 8196-2 this week. -Mr. Cruickshanks the time. Two weeks ago he was 'Moose Jaw, spent a couple of days friends here.—The nian'y friends of For Sale.--iWashiia machine and wringer confined to bed and since that time week with Mr. C. H. Broadfoot. sank until death relieved uon e.eve- Bert Boyes will be glad to see him out I for sale, in first class condition. Apply to with her son in Goderich, liar return- $ ain after his recent Muessu- ,Miss - g Jatcob wurm, Esmnondville. Phone 124 r 160" 3193-tf ed to her home here. - Miss Mary Hilda Robins was a w'ee'k end guest Dictionary for Sale. - New International Walker left on Wednesday for Tim- at her home here. -Messrs. A. Add7- and Regina.—Miss Mary Hays, Webster Dictionary, 1926 edition. for sale. Ap- ply to Dawson Reid at the Customs Office. milns of son and J. Fmtemlan are attending Toronto spent the week end at Winiter School in Stratford' tihig week. Seaforth. 8092-tf the home otr her parents, Col. and Mrs. —Mrs. J. Addison i� Visiting friends Pie Social.—Given by Philathea Class of R. S.. Ha Miss Kona .Fills left on — in Philadelphia. — Mrs. Sarron, of North Side Church, on evening of March 13th. Monday t0 train for a nurse in Ist. Good program=e; admission 10 cents. First Extra Joseph's Hospital, London. --`Mrs. J. Wheaton, 1S Visiting at Mlle !!area Of to piece of pie and cup of coffee, 5 cents. ff 6 H Bests nt a few days this week Mrs. DO las. evening with Mae Wallace 1n charge. Tyree e c gr The meeting opened with Hymn 156 their progressiveness deserves. Sperm• •lnd• was followed by prayer by Mr. tial lighting is to be installed, and McDonald: Hymn 163 was then sung I the facilities for trying on dresses, and the Scripture lesson was read by etc., are. perfect. It is doubtful if Sadie Howitt. The topic of the eve- any store in Ontario, outside of the A ning was very ably taken by Alic- large cities, can boast a show room ov Thompson. After a few minutes of a display of ladies' ready-to-wear or intermission the minutes of the last millinery equal to this one. Mis, •meeting were read and adopted. The .$park has returned from her rneent melting was closed' by Hymn 120 and visit to the style centres and will, in J the Mizpah benediction, addition to supervising the Millinery -_ � ..,�- Department, also be attached to the Home and School Association. -The Ready -to -Wear IN,partment, Name and, School Association will hold----.:a— its © - its regular monthly meeting in the Young People of North Side united kindergarten room of the Public Church. -A eery enthusiastic audience School on Monday, March 25th, at 4 witneR'sed the pictures of "The Hurreh- p.m. Rev. I. B. Kaine will he the back of Notre Dame" at the regular speaker. 'Miss S. I. McLean will have meeting of the Northside United an interesting paper, "Your Children's Church Young People's Society an Leading." There will be a solo by Monday evening. Mr. A. Westcott, Miss Irene Wankel. A cup of tea convener of the Christian FOlowship will be served. We -hope for a good Department, was in charge of the attendance. Come and bring a meeting. A programme, consisting of friend or n:erw member. Please keels a vocal duet by the Misses Hellen in mind the paper and magazine col- Lane and Bessle Cluff; piano solo, lection this spring. The truck will Miss Annie Hannah; cornet., solo by - call at your door if you notify the Lieut: Johnson, of the Gode't`ich Sal - 1 President. 'Call 308 and we will be vation Army, was of a very high or- . very pleased to get them. - Cor- der and was greatly appreciated. The responding Secretary of the Home business of the evening followed the an,& School Association. lantern slides and the minutes of the a last meeting were read by the Secre- r Kim Trail Rangers. -The weekly tary, Mr. Ali x. McGavin, and a very - meeting of the Kim Trail Rangers of gratifying treasurer's report was read r First Presbyterian Church, was held by Miss Ruth Thompson. The Execu- on Monday evening in the church tive are considering taking charge of school room, Chief Ranger Evan Ren- the regular services on some Sunday nie, presiding. After the opening evening. Next Tuesday evening Miss ceremony, the Mentor offered' prayer Margaret Rivers will give the mis" and the camp song was sung. Roll sionary topic, also a splendid pro - call was taken by Tally, Ross Ren- gram -me is being prepared. nie, 21 members responding by my favorite quotation. 'Church and Sun- The Mikado. -The selections from - day school attendance was taken ,by the Mikado given by the Young Peo- Cache, Jimmie Scott. The Sunday Ale's League of Northside United minutes of Mrs. Brodie% 'Class were Church in Card -no's Opera Hall on read ,by Douglas M. Stewart; of Mise Friday evening last, was one of the wBalllantyne's class by Stewart Plant, befit entertainments of the season. The st and of previous meeting by Tally. A hall was filled) and all were delighted short devotional period on "True with the eve'nin'.g's' programme. The Freedom" was discussed by the camp. first part of the programme included A -,bort piece on CHristian growth charming selections from the Mikado was read by Jack Dorrance and an- under the direction of Miss Molly other on Christian Love was read by Helper, of the Collegiate staff, the Ross Rennie; prayer by 'Craig Buck, principal .parts being taken by Miss a, and after a short social period, Ian Doreen' Hudson, Miss Florence Beat- a MacTavish and Otis MacGregor vot- tie, Mrs. F. J. Bechley and Mrs. J. A. is ed the Camp adjourned, the meeting` Westcott. The chorus' was composed s, closing by camp repeating the Lord's of. Misses Margaret Ashton, Elinor E. Prayer. Burrows, Billy Chesney, Bessie Cluff, a- Margaret Crich, Margaret Cudmore, Rebekah Lodge. - Ed-elweiss Re- Jeannette Finnigan, Anne 'Govenlock, -2 bekah Lodge held a special, meeting Sadie Howatt, Helen Lane and Jean - on Monday night, March 4th, in honor Webster. The play, "The Will O' of the president, Mrs. May Thomas, the Wisp," which followed, was also �+ who was accompanied by her husband, well carried out under the direction of Lindsay, Ont., also Mis's Gibson, a of Mrs. E. H. Close. The cast in- ve vicntor from Port -Huron, Michigan. eluded Miss Jean Smith, F. S. Sav- oo Mrs. Thomas was delighted with the auge, Miss Hicks, Was Ruth Thomp- an way the lodge business was transact- son, Carl Pinkney, Mr. Boughner, e ed" She said it was put on in a very Charles Howey, A. Westcott and Jack capable manner and the degree most Frost. Good music was provided by lo; impressively exemplified. The MG., Clos+e's orche,tra. The proceeds 24 Mrs. McKellar, qualifying for certifi- amounted to $200. tate of perfection in her work. Sev- ter eral inspiring address"- were deliv- Local Briefs. -Dr. William. Aber - 9y eyed throughout the evening, which hart, of Mitchell, was operated on for 13 were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Haggard appendicitis at the Seaforth Memorial then presented' the president with a Hospital on Saturday. His many a l'ov'ely gift and address in nemem- friends will be glad to learn that he branee of the Lodge. After the clos- is making a good recovery -Mrs. R. FI. S coat and Mrs. W. R. Plant were V. in.g of the Lodge, delightful refresh- in Kitchener last week. -Miss Grace A Talents were served and an enjoyable Stephens spent the week end with evening sq mt by all. Mr. and Mrs. friends in St. Catharines.--1Mrs. J. C. Thomas were the guests at the home Greig is visiting with friends in To- g of Mr. and Mrs. McKellar. Tonto: 'Mrs. Stanley Grey and Miss Laura McMillan, of Stratford,, spent Ill- Puullmmaun-IPowe'nl A quiet wedding the week end with their parents, Mr. a took place 0n Friday last at the Pres'- and M.rs. W. F. McMillan. - Mrs. It- lbgt;erian Manr,e wh> m C'harlstte Elmer ]Beattie, of St. Marys, was. th er. pove'll Only datagllterir o1' M'r. and Mtrs. week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos go,Je9iirl L PowelH, 0f Mcl{illop, Eecafne Beattix.-Mr. Robert Jamieson, o av ai3 itis 'bride of Mr. Cecil John Pullrritart, Hallett, underrvoemic all operation for onIl Nora of PJ,C'. surd 1~�us. William append'icitis in tete hospital, on gat - 15, y a ay last. -V?. and; Mrrs, ffartriso 0 R OaCeKaIr�( d J Rugged, Virile Romance aif the Un- R tamed Canadian Wilds R featuring `I JOAN CR<1iVFORD o 9n Supported by o HOUSE PETERS T JAMES MURRAY NOW PLAYING t S !Monday, Tuesday and !Wednesday Moore Fun for Seaforth COLLEEN MOORIE in "HER WILD OAT" The Commedienne with the rolling eye's in a rollicking comedy -drama of a little waitress who hitches her wagon to a star and, tabs a wild ride into Society. The hot time she has in the frigid four hundred is worth a million in laughs'. ID]RU ONCE 9S ToT &&Taief©® ami Comfit (BURN sdalle?z Wi Emco Coke ALBERTA COAL IN STOCK Coke, Xot and Stove size D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL ADI sizes John J. occRaiter� — Phone: 86J ani! 8C$W.--- �� 011U E S701E We now have our Store 3pen l'o't ibursfiness with a Fresh Stock Of groceries, Feeds, S'eed's and other fines. We would be plerased to have you call, and you will, find our prices right. s IEGI!GO1�r11DVILLIE BABY CHRUX�3 _- Hatche'd in this - Hurola Mg mlcnotbm the cleanest and healthiest uatebiri e machin'du goi4t5u-clears the airs from hatching tr><ayin Tad�o+re it miszeu tvi the eggs b asmtorl prod. IBalrrr Roelm and. r4mg Leghorn's•• Q9� n earlyt. 'No ass pDslit reslil1mL PA 97sed , M ci*O4­9 1.0 d>'ay>� .h W4 ight is survived by his aged, widow nd a family of six sons and, three au'ghters: Charles, of McKillop ; ohn, at home, -' James H., of 'Mitchell; obert, of Hullett; Alexander, Mill oad; William A., Seaforth; Miss' can Wright, at home; Mrs. John Riley, Brussels, and Mrs. W. T. Hill, f Stanley. A private funeral was eld from his late home in Brucefieid n Tuesday, when the services were onducted •bv Rev. W. A. Bremner. nterment was made in Maitlandbank emetery, Seaforth, the services at he grave being conducted by Rev. W. D. McDonald, of F.gmondville. His six ons acted as pallbearers. Six cups and saucers, 6 D. plates, 6 T. plates, 6 B. and B. plates. 1 cream and uirar. 33 -piece breakfast, dinner or tea set. Sale price $4.50. Beattie Bros. Dodds -Webster. - A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Webster,, 6th concession, on 'Wednesday gvening, March 6th, when their second daugh- ter, Cora Pearl, was united' in mar- riage to MT. William T. Dodds, eld- est son of Mr. Thomas Dodds, also of McKillop. The ceremony was per- formed at seven o'clock in the even• ing by Rev. W. P. Lane, of Northside United Church, Seaforth, the wed. ding march being played' 'by Mrs Lane. The pretty bride was gownee in white crepe' with bandeau on het hair and carried a bouquet of Butter, fly roses, with maiden hair fern. •Sh1 was attended by her sister, Miss Mai Webster, who wore' a gown of yellov and carried yellow roses. Mr. Adan Dodds, of Blyth, brother of the groom acted as groomsman. The honeymooi trip ,was to Chicago and on their re turn Mr. and Mrs. Dodds will resid'i on the Dodds' homestead, where th, 'best wishes of a host of friends wil follow them. 'Sebool Report. -The following i the school report for School sectio! No. 1, McKillop, for months of Janu airy and February: Sr. IV -Cather ine Lane, 75%; William Nigh" 7�4r Jr. IV -Mabel Nigh, 72%. Sr. III - Frances Fortune, 80%; Adelaide Mut ray, 78%; Doreen Nigh, 65%; Pete Murray, 56%. Jr. II --Ambrose Nigl 91%; Jack Fortune, 79%. Sr. I--Maz garet Murray, 76c1a. Jr. I-Florenc 'Murray, 89%; Aileen Murray, 89% Robert Deve'revx, 83%. Primer -Pete Nigh, 95%; Frank Devereux, 92% Lawrence Murray, 85%; Joseph Ryai (9,bsent): Tereus, Carpenter, Teache. Death of Mrs. Kinney. -Another e the han-ored pioneers of Huron Cour ty ,pa.s'sed to heir reward on Mond3 of fast week at her home in McKi lop, in the person of Mrs. Nancy Kii ney, in here' 8Crth year, after a lingo ing illness of several months. Sl was born in Dundas County, nes Kemgrville, her maiden name bear Nancy Wallace, daughter of the la Henry Wallace. She was, marri( April 9th, 1869, to the late Johnstc Kinney, who predeceased her twent four years ,ago. Afterr her marries; they resided' in Hailville, Mr. Kinni be ng employed at his trade of ca peniter work for about eleven yea, Coming from there to McKillop th, settled on, a farm near L eadbim where Mrs. Kinney bas since residF The late Mrs. Kinner was of a kip and loving daspositi'on and a Prre4b terian in religion, and smear passing mulch regretted by a large circle friends. She leaves to mourn almw Lass three sons, Henry, of Gilbi Plains, Man.; Josrsph, of Salslmvn,ar R.C.; Thomas, at hos^ e, =d o �, >: daughter, 'Mrs. W. R. 1�Yeabntt rL ia� tow& The funeral took pla Pullman, of w'iLDir®71. 'IC11(9 ecrre'mony and little dmvleb_W'r rorerro vreslt end ggilaYan e- �►u7rsdLagw afle2rrl'oan, glee. Myr. r�aip 1NDu sz ~� rrfo bled Rev lt: Z. K:aine. dorsa saw egat. ons bMdhiago € 4 of L.lufi' 9 Church, Watl'tova, eo ueti svttae=sts tat tPn�a laofraa o1 rJC1u. B[ari�i- fol' arras 1h1'�&i fate m Pmtda . ari a�pl�iata 5eriialm. StllziD'a rs c To~rid4r looked eIlrat'In�n? eta a i7 soil's pa'entd, -tQ, atld Mrs'. J. A. 02 ehltrl-ehi in Arad et e) VA6 oaathl aTt..,-�,xim 1�e]PYae> t3osn, 01 win _ `950. was baa& ifa Che 12VI- Y plot lrm' ZZ i mmil ore oat Math. 11sJr a, and( '10~u5r1+3Tr1 ora tlae eaf'0 rhowa: lr✓ Atw t Selo etDrfletav . p�' ,a V0' ' W1 was lr� c „ w :.rnao AvalIllIld,ds>iln�� l� tll#9 tl' a C li i! ttr5 4( �"U, 1- to �e V t5a �+��t 62 Se �,fin �.�(�i�ti3ul4a Seo S'fLa>ri, n w,��..¢ ,..au, ��±±..+��b�4YY� .. a swat �j S G2 r� Yv1 'd(0 628 ��}�er ��1 "' �y�':ydt oad1� -- (1)/b� &I 11 LWi.'�II(ID'. "�V�JYYL,V.. ijYS. M 4Y YfY: NYV.O 4YP,C%'W l>�:JL WItY J�47'Y4%11....r ,, 4 . , d a� o it , ,,, v'l o � Q6 r " � a Il. I n l os' C ... �d y .1. "a I; a , jf ,4. 'Hat's That WM Dclaftht You. 0 Boom Dsp yo New S AMg ' "Ves 1\\TQWo eov- tJ &-Q a 'aA1 s t. i lew U _See the, and s nla py I rn�ique Ri ew k �dmming „I I Bz im— ouches. ,.I Featu>ur'es— (C®Rlj?.IECT STYLES EN I New Spring ''Malliner Now Res'ey for Your Enspection and Al pprovallo i .4 4 c,.Y Our work room is iron readiness W� Q"" meet your Spring. rrecluil'el er- - the way of Retrims and M ak o.t ' e r . and Now Comes Ae ,,,� I 0 New SPRING COA o.. It' Of course you want to see the new– est Styles In Coat fashions' for Spring.o Pr 11.11, Advance —you will waiit to inspect them— , Shovskg you will want to try some on-=yom Of will want to see how well you look nmrn Diew them—you will want to know the feel! Spring of thele, the comfort they impatta Coats The New (Coats delight us, and we „ for believe they will delight your. � Roth Come to see them—we welcome r Matron' your presence. an Miss. The New Coats are all that might pa justly be desired either for smart- ` Bess of style or lowness of price. 09 mc(auo 'V A-V � R % , -- -- - -- I,- .. -.1-1 I 1111-11 �;­.. ­..", .-----7--.-. 11 oa0 p o9hhoNmao 9 - , 't The Mill Business in Seaforth, of the late Gorr- 1 dory Thomson, will be carried on as usual. The same careful attention given to all! r V, �l ' Customers. . ... M, a ,v :_:.�.�,�, „�..,,; n _ �,..:,�.>• L 1 . 4 mosc of 1 .t ' O a� a a. 4 a a $ , , s - u 1"I ds�. 5. " A gz r yrs 11 � � r a "r ear', IT' I < e � ' 1 —1 �j r ! 1 N ` �� "" ;7. �% ­, til f . .. i �j o y­1� I. I- 1- ®MINION Tire Depot own - e, The ers are masters of the science E i.r ,g Royal Master of tire care. �' "e They are trained right in the in Dominion 'Fire ]Factory. re They kno'yd how a tire is made — Y�e» ly r- - . every inch of it. They are kept in Is'' touch with the newest methods r-0 Vand devices in tire repairing. d. id Not ono Aoyat ,Noslor The best workmanship is always the y- ffnalhoaaandwiltover ralost economical. Have a Dominion . is, pnnofura. Nod Ono in of 8dvo dfionoand tvdf8 Tire Dtpot expert give your tires it Wtiv end nnndar dura ear gcwz)dyoa thorough' inspection—now. rt M, 70"s �sr 'sri6rsc�r�, art away fTOM a 1s- {'� 07a I'nj i - z.. iF' v 1 �, ,E �� • Too . ,SyyII.l}}�yy11AIFOY.Y I��Ryy11R`� IM....�......A.o-�...............-......................,.�...,....._.......3. 7. (110)9{p��7, � I. :R i� ..•�'.VlW�l11V.......Wii4,4,i.......-....,.—..—.,,.,.N..n.,.-. .�VeirLath BIa GtUho Lei . i; �� tae: rr�� I , ''a Z .� 0 0; i t % pie, be a piece; (antra co ee, e a cup• x,194-2 at R. R. 1, Bluevale, Ont. 'Suffered with Munn 'Death Of Charles Wright -Death her ' home in Toronto.—Dr. J. A. g spent the week end in St. Cath- removed' a widely known and deserv- Fnremen's Euehre.-The, members my stomach for 10 years. Pain after eating. arines. - Miss Helper, of Toronto, edly esteemed resident of this district f the Seaforth Fire Brigade enter- Took Dr. McLeod's stomachic and kept no- spent the 'week end with her sister on Saturday evening last, when Mr. wined the ex -members at a euchre in provuig. Gained 41 pounds In eve months, and now feel perfectly wall. Lancelot Mor- here.-1Ma;y friends will regret to Charles Wright passed mmvaay at the heir Club Rooms on Tuesday even- rison." For sale at AberharVis Drug store. learn that Mrs. Nott fell at her `home ripe age of 84 years. Mr. Wright ng of this week, when a thoroughly House For sale. --Six roomed frame house on in Egnlondville on Monday evening had 'been in poor health from heart =ood time was enjoyed. The prize Jarvis street, with hard and soft water, elec- and fractured her h'ip.--�Mr. and Mrs• trouble for a year or more, 'but was winners were: Games, A. W. Dick; tric lights and furnace, also a good barn with W. Anent were visiting with London , g able to be about the greater part of one hands, Thomas Johnston; conic- lights and water. One acre of land under friends cultivation. Apply do Mrs. D. H. Stewart, of this week. -Mr. Cruickshanks the time. Two weeks ago he was 'Moose Jaw, spent a couple of days ,ation, Reg. Kerslake. Seaforth, Out. 8189-tf frame house this confined to bed and since that time week with Mr. C. H. Broadfoot. sank until death relieved uon e.eve- Huron Old Boys.-7i11e Huron' Old Boase For sale_ -mix -roomed on Jarvis street, with hard and soft water. -4Miss barn gradually Margaret McLeod is visiting him of hissank Toronto friends: •Mr. and Mrs.suffering Saturday . Boys Association, of Toronto, will electric lights and furnace, also a good with with lights and water; one acre of land un- Thomas Sharp and family moved this ning. Mr. Wright was born in Ster- h•old a progressive euchre and box so- der cultivation. wrilte to Box 157, Seaforth, week to Stratford, where they intend ling, Scotland, in 1845, and 60 years tial in Hygeia Hall, Elm Street, on ant 3186-tf to reside. Their residence here will ago was 'united' in marriage in that Fr'i'day evening, March 22nds to which be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Dol- country to Jane Ferguson. Two years all Huronites are invited- All ladies mage -MTs. A. McMurray, who spent after their marriage the young couple will leer adonitted free, but each lady (Extensive Store Improvements.- a month with Toronto friends, has came to America, first settling in the will be expected to bring a box of Stewart Bros. have' combined their returned to her home here. - Mists State of Michigan, where they resid- refres'hments, which will 'be auctioned Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and 'Millinery Anna Sutherland, of Toronto, spent ed for a year and then moved to the cff to the highest bidder. The lucky Departments in one beautiful, large the week end with her parents, Mr. Township of McKillop, where they re- purchases, will of course, be the show room, heavily carpeted through- and Jane Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. -� Mgrs. sided for some years. Twenty-three Jamieson and Miss Mary Mc- ago he moved to Tuckersmith, lady's partner for the evening. Valu- able prizes will be awarded in euchre out with a harmonious taupe and black Wilton carpet. It is the inten- years and ten years later retired from the and bridge and for best decorated box tion of this firm to specialize in these - farm and moved to Brucefield, where Of refreshments, �----- departments. New additional show cases ample accommodation he resided until his death. A man of NOW P LASYIII�G quiet manners, but possessing a keen IEgmondville Y. P. S. C. E. -The provide for the convenient display of the wit, he made hosts of friends and regular meeting of the Egm'ondvilie greatly increased stock this progres- The Great Musical Play that Ran for was held in esteem by all who knew Y. P. S. C. E. was held on Monday sive firm find it necessary to carry to Two Years on (Broadway. him. In religion he was a Presby - t th o 4--t owth in business terian, and in politics, a Liberal. Mr. evening with Mae Wallace 1n charge. Tyree e c gr The meeting opened with Hymn 156 their progressiveness deserves. Sperm• •lnd• was followed by prayer by Mr. tial lighting is to be installed, and McDonald: Hymn 163 was then sung I the facilities for trying on dresses, and the Scripture lesson was read by etc., are. perfect. It is doubtful if Sadie Howitt. The topic of the eve- any store in Ontario, outside of the A ning was very ably taken by Alic- large cities, can boast a show room ov Thompson. After a few minutes of a display of ladies' ready-to-wear or intermission the minutes of the last millinery equal to this one. Mis, •meeting were read and adopted. The .$park has returned from her rneent melting was closed' by Hymn 120 and visit to the style centres and will, in J the Mizpah benediction, addition to supervising the Millinery -_ � ..,�- Department, also be attached to the Home and School Association. -The Ready -to -Wear IN,partment, Name and, School Association will hold----.:a— its © - its regular monthly meeting in the Young People of North Side united kindergarten room of the Public Church. -A eery enthusiastic audience School on Monday, March 25th, at 4 witneR'sed the pictures of "The Hurreh- p.m. Rev. I. B. Kaine will he the back of Notre Dame" at the regular speaker. 'Miss S. I. McLean will have meeting of the Northside United an interesting paper, "Your Children's Church Young People's Society an Leading." There will be a solo by Monday evening. Mr. A. Westcott, Miss Irene Wankel. A cup of tea convener of the Christian FOlowship will be served. We -hope for a good Department, was in charge of the attendance. Come and bring a meeting. A programme, consisting of friend or n:erw member. Please keels a vocal duet by the Misses Hellen in mind the paper and magazine col- Lane and Bessle Cluff; piano solo, lection this spring. The truck will Miss Annie Hannah; cornet., solo by - call at your door if you notify the Lieut: Johnson, of the Gode't`ich Sal - 1 President. 'Call 308 and we will be vation Army, was of a very high or- . very pleased to get them. - Cor- der and was greatly appreciated. The responding Secretary of the Home business of the evening followed the an,& School Association. lantern slides and the minutes of the a last meeting were read by the Secre- r Kim Trail Rangers. -The weekly tary, Mr. Ali x. McGavin, and a very - meeting of the Kim Trail Rangers of gratifying treasurer's report was read r First Presbyterian Church, was held by Miss Ruth Thompson. The Execu- on Monday evening in the church tive are considering taking charge of school room, Chief Ranger Evan Ren- the regular services on some Sunday nie, presiding. After the opening evening. Next Tuesday evening Miss ceremony, the Mentor offered' prayer Margaret Rivers will give the mis" and the camp song was sung. Roll sionary topic, also a splendid pro - call was taken by Tally, Ross Ren- gram -me is being prepared. nie, 21 members responding by my favorite quotation. 'Church and Sun- The Mikado. -The selections from - day school attendance was taken ,by the Mikado given by the Young Peo- Cache, Jimmie Scott. The Sunday Ale's League of Northside United minutes of Mrs. Brodie% 'Class were Church in Card -no's Opera Hall on read ,by Douglas M. Stewart; of Mise Friday evening last, was one of the wBalllantyne's class by Stewart Plant, befit entertainments of the season. The st and of previous meeting by Tally. A hall was filled) and all were delighted short devotional period on "True with the eve'nin'.g's' programme. The Freedom" was discussed by the camp. first part of the programme included A -,bort piece on CHristian growth charming selections from the Mikado was read by Jack Dorrance and an- under the direction of Miss Molly other on Christian Love was read by Helper, of the Collegiate staff, the Ross Rennie; prayer by 'Craig Buck, principal .parts being taken by Miss a, and after a short social period, Ian Doreen' Hudson, Miss Florence Beat- a MacTavish and Otis MacGregor vot- tie, Mrs. F. J. Bechley and Mrs. J. A. is ed the Camp adjourned, the meeting` Westcott. The chorus' was composed s, closing by camp repeating the Lord's of. Misses Margaret Ashton, Elinor E. Prayer. Burrows, Billy Chesney, Bessie Cluff, a- Margaret Crich, Margaret Cudmore, Rebekah Lodge. - Ed-elweiss Re- Jeannette Finnigan, Anne 'Govenlock, -2 bekah Lodge held a special, meeting Sadie Howatt, Helen Lane and Jean - on Monday night, March 4th, in honor Webster. The play, "The Will O' of the president, Mrs. May Thomas, the Wisp," which followed, was also �+ who was accompanied by her husband, well carried out under the direction of Lindsay, Ont., also Mis's Gibson, a of Mrs. E. H. Close. The cast in- ve vicntor from Port -Huron, Michigan. eluded Miss Jean Smith, F. S. Sav- oo Mrs. Thomas was delighted with the auge, Miss Hicks, Was Ruth Thomp- an way the lodge business was transact- son, Carl Pinkney, Mr. Boughner, e ed" She said it was put on in a very Charles Howey, A. Westcott and Jack capable manner and the degree most Frost. Good music was provided by lo; impressively exemplified. The MG., Clos+e's orche,tra. The proceeds 24 Mrs. McKellar, qualifying for certifi- amounted to $200. tate of perfection in her work. Sev- ter eral inspiring address"- were deliv- Local Briefs. -Dr. William. Aber - 9y eyed throughout the evening, which hart, of Mitchell, was operated on for 13 were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Haggard appendicitis at the Seaforth Memorial then presented' the president with a Hospital on Saturday. His many a l'ov'ely gift and address in nemem- friends will be glad to learn that he branee of the Lodge. After the clos- is making a good recovery -Mrs. R. FI. S coat and Mrs. W. R. Plant were V. in.g of the Lodge, delightful refresh- in Kitchener last week. -Miss Grace A Talents were served and an enjoyable Stephens spent the week end with evening sq mt by all. Mr. and Mrs. friends in St. Catharines.--1Mrs. J. C. Thomas were the guests at the home Greig is visiting with friends in To- g of Mr. and Mrs. McKellar. Tonto: 'Mrs. Stanley Grey and Miss Laura McMillan, of Stratford,, spent Ill- Puullmmaun-IPowe'nl A quiet wedding the week end with their parents, Mr. a took place 0n Friday last at the Pres'- and M.rs. W. F. McMillan. - Mrs. It- lbgt;erian Manr,e wh> m C'harlstte Elmer ]Beattie, of St. Marys, was. th er. pove'll Only datagllterir o1' M'r. and Mtrs. week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos go,Je9iirl L PowelH, 0f Mcl{illop, Eecafne Beattix.-Mr. Robert Jamieson, o av ai3 itis 'bride of Mr. Cecil John Pullrritart, Hallett, underrvoemic all operation for onIl Nora of PJ,C'. surd 1~�us. William append'icitis in tete hospital, on gat - 15, y a ay last. -V?. and; Mrrs, ffartriso 0 R OaCeKaIr�( d J Rugged, Virile Romance aif the Un- R tamed Canadian Wilds R featuring `I JOAN CR<1iVFORD o 9n Supported by o HOUSE PETERS T JAMES MURRAY NOW PLAYING t S !Monday, Tuesday and !Wednesday Moore Fun for Seaforth COLLEEN MOORIE in "HER WILD OAT" The Commedienne with the rolling eye's in a rollicking comedy -drama of a little waitress who hitches her wagon to a star and, tabs a wild ride into Society. The hot time she has in the frigid four hundred is worth a million in laughs'. ID]RU ONCE 9S ToT &&Taief©® ami Comfit (BURN sdalle?z Wi Emco Coke ALBERTA COAL IN STOCK Coke, Xot and Stove size D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL ADI sizes John J. occRaiter� — Phone: 86J ani! 8C$W.--- �� 011U E S701E We now have our Store 3pen l'o't ibursfiness with a Fresh Stock Of groceries, Feeds, S'eed's and other fines. We would be plerased to have you call, and you will, find our prices right. s IEGI!GO1�r11DVILLIE BABY CHRUX�3 _- Hatche'd in this - Hurola Mg mlcnotbm the cleanest and healthiest uatebiri e machin'du goi4t5u-clears the airs from hatching tr><ayin Tad�o+re it miszeu tvi the eggs b asmtorl prod. IBalrrr Roelm and. r4mg Leghorn's•• Q9� n earlyt. 'No ass pDslit reslil1mL PA 97sed , M ci*O4­9 1.0 d>'ay>� .h W4 ight is survived by his aged, widow nd a family of six sons and, three au'ghters: Charles, of McKillop ; ohn, at home, -' James H., of 'Mitchell; obert, of Hullett; Alexander, Mill oad; William A., Seaforth; Miss' can Wright, at home; Mrs. John Riley, Brussels, and Mrs. W. T. Hill, f Stanley. A private funeral was eld from his late home in Brucefieid n Tuesday, when the services were onducted •bv Rev. W. A. Bremner. nterment was made in Maitlandbank emetery, Seaforth, the services at he grave being conducted by Rev. W. D. McDonald, of F.gmondville. His six ons acted as pallbearers. Six cups and saucers, 6 D. plates, 6 T. plates, 6 B. and B. plates. 1 cream and uirar. 33 -piece breakfast, dinner or tea set. Sale price $4.50. Beattie Bros. Dodds -Webster. - A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Webster,, 6th concession, on 'Wednesday gvening, March 6th, when their second daugh- ter, Cora Pearl, was united' in mar- riage to MT. William T. Dodds, eld- est son of Mr. Thomas Dodds, also of McKillop. The ceremony was per- formed at seven o'clock in the even• ing by Rev. W. P. Lane, of Northside United Church, Seaforth, the wed. ding march being played' 'by Mrs Lane. The pretty bride was gownee in white crepe' with bandeau on het hair and carried a bouquet of Butter, fly roses, with maiden hair fern. •Sh1 was attended by her sister, Miss Mai Webster, who wore' a gown of yellov and carried yellow roses. Mr. Adan Dodds, of Blyth, brother of the groom acted as groomsman. The honeymooi trip ,was to Chicago and on their re turn Mr. and Mrs. Dodds will resid'i on the Dodds' homestead, where th, 'best wishes of a host of friends wil follow them. 'Sebool Report. -The following i the school report for School sectio! No. 1, McKillop, for months of Janu airy and February: Sr. IV -Cather ine Lane, 75%; William Nigh" 7�4r Jr. IV -Mabel Nigh, 72%. Sr. III - Frances Fortune, 80%; Adelaide Mut ray, 78%; Doreen Nigh, 65%; Pete Murray, 56%. Jr. II --Ambrose Nigl 91%; Jack Fortune, 79%. Sr. I--Maz garet Murray, 76c1a. Jr. I-Florenc 'Murray, 89%; Aileen Murray, 89% Robert Deve'revx, 83%. Primer -Pete Nigh, 95%; Frank Devereux, 92% Lawrence Murray, 85%; Joseph Ryai (9,bsent): Tereus, Carpenter, Teache. Death of Mrs. Kinney. -Another e the han-ored pioneers of Huron Cour ty ,pa.s'sed to heir reward on Mond3 of fast week at her home in McKi lop, in the person of Mrs. Nancy Kii ney, in here' 8Crth year, after a lingo ing illness of several months. Sl was born in Dundas County, nes Kemgrville, her maiden name bear Nancy Wallace, daughter of the la Henry Wallace. She was, marri( April 9th, 1869, to the late Johnstc Kinney, who predeceased her twent four years ,ago. Afterr her marries; they resided' in Hailville, Mr. Kinni be ng employed at his trade of ca peniter work for about eleven yea, Coming from there to McKillop th, settled on, a farm near L eadbim where Mrs. Kinney bas since residF The late Mrs. Kinner was of a kip and loving daspositi'on and a Prre4b terian in religion, and smear passing mulch regretted by a large circle friends. She leaves to mourn almw Lass three sons, Henry, of Gilbi Plains, Man.; Josrsph, of Salslmvn,ar R.C.; Thomas, at hos^ e, =d o �, >: daughter, 'Mrs. W. R. 1�Yeabntt rL ia� tow& The funeral took pla Pullman, of w'iLDir®71. 'IC11(9 ecrre'mony and little dmvleb_W'r rorerro vreslt end ggilaYan e- �►u7rsdLagw afle2rrl'oan, glee. Myr. r�aip 1NDu sz ~� rrfo bled Rev lt: Z. K:aine. dorsa saw egat. ons bMdhiago € 4 of L.lufi' 9 Church, Watl'tova, eo ueti svttae=sts tat tPn�a laofraa o1 rJC1u. B[ari�i- fol' arras 1h1'�&i fate m Pmtda . ari a�pl�iata 5eriialm. StllziD'a rs c To~rid4r looked eIlrat'In�n? eta a i7 soil's pa'entd, -tQ, atld Mrs'. J. A. 02 ehltrl-ehi in Arad et e) VA6 oaathl aTt..,-�,xim 1�e]PYae> t3osn, 01 win _ `950. was baa& ifa Che 12VI- Y plot lrm' ZZ i mmil ore oat Math. 11sJr a, and( '10~u5r1+3Tr1 ora tlae eaf'0 rhowa: lr✓ Atw t Selo etDrfletav . p�' ,a V0' ' W1 was lr� c „ w :.rnao AvalIllIld,ds>iln�� l� tll#9 tl' a C li i! ttr5 4( �"U, 1- to �e V t5a �+��t 62 Se �,fin �.�(�i�ti3ul4a Seo S'fLa>ri, n w,��..¢ ,..au, ��±±..+��b�4YY� .. a swat �j S G2 r� Yv1 'd(0 628 ��}�er ��1 "' �y�':ydt oad1� -- (1)/b� &I 11 LWi.'�II(ID'. "�V�JYYL,V.. ijYS. M 4Y YfY: NYV.O 4YP,C%'W l>�:JL WItY J�47'Y4%11....r ,, 4 . , d a� o it , ,,, v'l o � Q6 r " � a Il. I n l os' C ... �d y .1. "a I; a , jf ,4. 'Hat's That WM Dclaftht You. 0 Boom Dsp yo New S AMg ' "Ves 1\\TQWo eov- tJ &-Q a 'aA1 s t. i lew U _See the, and s nla py I rn�ique Ri ew k �dmming „I I Bz im— ouches. ,.I Featu>ur'es— (C®Rlj?.IECT STYLES EN I New Spring ''Malliner Now Res'ey for Your Enspection and Al pprovallo i .4 4 c,.Y Our work room is iron readiness W� Q"" meet your Spring. rrecluil'el er- - the way of Retrims and M ak o.t ' e r . and Now Comes Ae ,,,� I 0 New SPRING COA o.. It' Of course you want to see the new– est Styles In Coat fashions' for Spring.o Pr 11.11, Advance —you will waiit to inspect them— , Shovskg you will want to try some on-=yom Of will want to see how well you look nmrn Diew them—you will want to know the feel! Spring of thele, the comfort they impatta Coats The New (Coats delight us, and we „ for believe they will delight your. � Roth Come to see them—we welcome r Matron' your presence. an Miss. The New Coats are all that might pa justly be desired either for smart- ` Bess of style or lowness of price. 09 mc(auo 'V A-V � R % , -- -- - -- I,- .. -.1-1 I 1111-11 �;­.. ­..", .-----7--.-. 11 oa0 p o9hhoNmao 9 - , 't The Mill Business in Seaforth, of the late Gorr- 1 dory Thomson, will be carried on as usual. The same careful attention given to all! r V, �l ' Customers. . ... M, a ,v :_:.�.�,�, „�..,,; n _ �,..:,�.>• L 1 . 4 mosc of 1 .t ' O a� a a. 4 a a $ , , s - u 1"I ds�. 5. " A gz r yrs 11 � � r a "r ear', IT' I < e � ' 1 —1 �j r ! 1 N ` �� "" ;7. �% ­, til f . .. i �j o y­1� I. I- 1- ®MINION Tire Depot own - e, The ers are masters of the science E i.r ,g Royal Master of tire care. �' "e They are trained right in the in Dominion 'Fire ]Factory. re They kno'yd how a tire is made — Y�e» ly r- - . every inch of it. They are kept in Is'' touch with the newest methods r-0 Vand devices in tire repairing. d. id Not ono Aoyat ,Noslor The best workmanship is always the y- ffnalhoaaandwiltover ralost economical. Have a Dominion . is, pnnofura. Nod Ono in of 8dvo dfionoand tvdf8 Tire Dtpot expert give your tires it Wtiv end nnndar dura ear gcwz)dyoa thorough' inspection—now. rt M, 70"s �sr 'sri6rsc�r�, art away fTOM a 1s- {'� 07a I'nj i - z.. iF' v 1 �, ,E �� • Too . ,SyyII.l}}�yy11AIFOY.Y I��Ryy11R`� IM....�......A.o-�...............-......................,.�...,....._.......3. 7. (110)9{p��7, � I. :R i� ..•�'.VlW�l11V.......Wii4,4,i.......-....,.—..—.,,.,.N..n.,.-. .�VeirLath BIa GtUho Lei . i; �� tae: rr�� I , ''a Z .� 0 0; i t %