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The Huron Expositor, 1929-03-08, Page 6
. d , ,, .„ , , , ,, „. 6 :; 7, �y,t� ..__. .. �,p - than Cob 'u5A•�,7. 'Qt87/e�+'k�i':✓tk 1G�g�ortp dhc dais "7 ' ,. +' ° y on o :n�clsaalix. their xraEt'lacd x m,Et as sEb, Tf�azt they declarewri °„ "� lflr�sl�aist not �ra�a posataon mal bJs commercial world a*ta 3 i ' I that at a as xEla�'1�1e and foolPPoof as ,. ,- ,. v ,�I. .,..- -, .-.. ,.. ,..,. . ,: ,. .I 11:: r .,. ,. ,. r C I . ] Y the vna3�sl often it aExnEd' a los- in g battle. Fire, blood, and financial Q : , ' . �. a;w_ �- .�; ,� ! �° �t . r r e ;i a01 P i depPassioal eaeb time bes'e't him in turn and ev�a aril ��nx^n overcome. � � w11 ': ' _, ,. , ... ,. ;„ F!,.:..,1 ,w ,�� , , 11 M: ' N r ';T., 4° i:,. d . i � 'i, t to tht�y. of Ckae latdfligiats paaEdej not affect as operates P independently of the wheels, accord- .„ ,_ acity. On the morning of April 27, :- . =' -` __--� _ •r...�.-_. __-. -. 1 ''. _.,,, „� Vic: n;nn+�rrcmct` •rr�rtxmr.P C..fit'fdF �. ,m,n ron,ms mm. '.iF$arn�'.ra; mlm,, 4... idi.arz aaiml-. n, n x-,rs: r.-, c:,ar_� n s -- rant I $19.&? �i[9n1XV,C_MJ,Vh r.': rct�'RL oL 1 niv ladhel;a_ S2`ls'd'ilAIc*T' :. t 183, Laporte was awakened by a fur- ious knocking at his door and the wrild „ oi�dntaaY Ai ts, ' , ,,97itth the present construction of " `5`:>mfAl", i'r -s .+lr+r+,, w+..:.+ v. ..,. r,.,... } ;,:1. b R� � % ..-.q-�;,,�a:,g,T,,.,pw� „�,� ,e. S 6 X14,- g -p.� -c. fie. s.&Rtl fiJl'."�' '�i'� Wll'7:4x �.''iG '!t +' ' $' 61G x4PQAg8': � 4F - *, I , ! . r {� 7, �y,t� ..__. .. �,p - than Cob 'u5A•�,7. 'Qt87/e�+'k�i':✓tk 1G�g�ortp dhc dais "7 ' ,. +' ° y on o :n�clsaalix. their xraEt'lacd x m,Et as sEb, Tf�azt they declarewri °„ "� lflr�sl�aist not �ra�a posataon mal bJs commercial world a*ta 3 i ' p➢g��i 41e;;a&� M;�ll that at a as xEla�'1�1e and foolPPoof as ilq, ills. ?�4': to fight Evart' inch of'' . ii?STt tea S Vis& to �adb i ,:', > . , �'aZ4 Ux bin . b evolved, other invcla'a nismca of rile automobile. By installing their Equ'ilament at the o "-. 2OLey • T 'o Q lr IQ the vna3�sl often it aExnEd' a los- in g battle. Fire, blood, and financial Q : , ' . �. a;w_ �- °t' Y`. ! �� „'�aAPP .Pi'Ia4 A' B. qu'lu- ;'; an Diego, The device is the . auto factory to device will not, ever) be visible from the, outside they say. � �{ 10� �Cl`.�l V�(��1���1G�3� Uu��i1C��C� f depPassioal eaeb time bes'e't him in turn and ev�a aril ��nx^n overcome. � � w11 ': ' I.," s ' �`� 4 gf t�ia'C Eir aworts tok l�x"Tae night ' E'a'feP.$ 'nU. deannstCti'oxa t �I d� Wheel a�hant�xay and, roads. twists LiD the device it o 0 9D Q a U c it .1111 �Il©Cbl ThErE - A aili� incademt from h'is car- etc• typical his indomitable pedtrn ,�� , , 11 M: ' N r ';T., 4° i:,. d . i � 'i, t to tht�y. of Ckae latdfligiats paaEdej not affect as operates P independently of the wheels, accord- - Ec ey o � 14-; Cat =d taus t=erm acity. On the morning of April 27, ,. .it , " � � =' -` __--� _ •r...�.-_. __-. -. 1 ,r ,, + the car waroaind �ti1' ppis dr 7®f turns and {41 all 'nC,gt wane'r,M is t�fxe Case with ,ing to the inventors. .e011-� 1.0 �+ ` a 183, Laporte was awakened by a fur- ious knocking at his door and the wrild „ oi�dntaaY Ai ts, ' , ,,97itth the present construction of (FAV®I181[TIE 1�IECI]P]ES A° �, .. cry of "]E'irE1" Glancing from the wind'otvv as he dressed he sarvv the 's'� r r9'' t,• `-ar�i" yc '} .- : bead, the ]igloos do not turn with flames Eating up 'his hard -built blrsi- btfli follow the axis of the tlie wheels, « said. Thug they �iegehabIlE Gou➢ash. z tl � `' ° ries&, ravaging rate firm's ml lxty g ` y' �?t' Cl 6 Li� " ° ll'' ° PA, ' ' t car," the inventors n warehouse and its rich store of odrf s '' fail to' illuminate t'he path of the IDrie large onion, 1 cup potato, 1 cup r stuffs, w`, `' machine during the dangerous opera- k, tion of making a turn. "Many have on carrot, Y� cu turnip, 1 cup celery. P P P Y. Method: Cut raw vegetables in �' ..o ro,:.. The morning $20,000 worth of un- filled orders' stood on 'the (books of ;, I im''t ��, '`� ��" v' ` Y+ accidents occurred t ' turns, due largely to the fact that small dacE and cook in salted water a until tend Er Villiers done drain re- "'; Laporte ltlfprtin, Limited. By noon Lapo'rber had arranged credit at his t� `' GQ J" oIL ?, 1., , motorist is unable to get the use of serving the water in which the vase- bank, secured a small storeroom '" ' ' ,I� his lights until he has straightened tabQes were cooked. Make two cups MRS. TIESSIIIER purchased ;sppplies from rival firms w �" � i ; cut after the turn. The light shoots m'e'dium white sauce, using half milk and was s'hi11 I was very weak because of Kidney piping out the orders with- °7 far to the left or right, depending on and half ,vegetable water. Pour over out a da s dela it`,, n, k: g T rouble and suffered with terrible 7'' Y• c, ,.' which way the turn is being made, the vegetables. 'Serve with toast, If Headaches," says Mrs. Romulus Sir Ilormisdas' career is as, ro- 1, '�q,,,:, and the driver is left gazing into I have left over pease or (beans I add Tessier, St. .lean de Matha, P. Q4. mantic as that of an -y of the big cap- I've`_' blackness until his headlights finally them 'too. A little Chili sauce, too, „ tains of commerce who have oriel ' swing around with the car." may be acUdEd. I was treated for along time and g �r vvas just about discouraged when I wealth and fame soulth of the' inter- . ' + The device also tends to minimize learned '� `Fruit -a -fives' Improve national boundary. ]Born at the lit- p'"t`-"' ly0, elo ,' ., the danger of bl'indang other drivers Mock Cin®p Snney- nrent came with the firstt few dos'els, tle village of Lachine in 1850, he mew.. a during a turn, the inventors say. t went to work in the Montreal Rollin r`.g•%, Demonstrations made in the tarry Hale cup uncooked rice, 1 pini can- and in six months the kidney oublu. g r i ,,; reed tomatoes, 1 Spanish onion (not weakness and headaches were gone. Mille, while still in 'his teens, 'but be- ,; hours have convinced the "Fruit -a- fives" regulates the bowels, ing a delicate lad, soon shifted to I that they have achieved too large), one-ha'lf pound Hamburg kidneys and skin -purifies the blood- clerking in a grocery stoke for 18 g,),,`, steak, 2 ounces suet ground' with the and 'brings sound, vigourous health. hours a day at $12 a month as a .3?a% steak, 1 teaspoon salt, speck white Try this wonderful medicine made of 'lighter occupation. II kI P'elPPer,i speck caytenne, on+e-quarter fruit juices combined with the finest ;, j "Now that I've asset the three- jib { ]]circ Ilzvi° iI° 4iinl is tib tnmu n3 ". }l.'. h": ," ??, •1: .. ,I . ,.e ; "I , MW ea 'u►aa ,�r. teaspoon paprika. Method: Cook the rice in boiling salted water until nearly done. Strain the tomatoes through a colander. h medicinal ingredients. 25c. and 50c. a box -alt dealers everywhere. P score and ten mark I feel entitled to come down to work at ten in the morning," remarked Si'r Ilormisdas to his interviewer. "But in those day A Ay"Ww - � ® a¢a ¢ im¢e,r Y_ is = in 4Iln¢ gov✓ese- oiced ffii¢1d__co�nco Qxesaaiuflff d beyond any aeras vAth which IIA =my 1bo a?d. L'3},, $�®� �� ganlimaAaaIDialllllr lmv,= pzi=e c ammpsg�1. `ICo trod¢ i n n4 ns to tr�z yam&= qp '¢Pd vin IpjnBQ� �v-arA�apr�, evl�lr II�Qgrsmn®an¢fln uq ¢d¢¢�yQn¢r�2 �un�¢a�1¢�( (r��g90 Chop the onion very fine. Mix all in- gradients together and bake for one about putting down fifty because it's I ,started work behind the counter at five in the , oxeneesA valine in ch¢ Il®west-p i�1 f elldL • hour. Serve 'hot.+ raining,a hundred because it's the morning and closed the g 1`Tm ®-'¢be¢ a:2arc in n>m xIlmsa � pll ®aa4�n €� nm�n¢rr- winter season, fifty :because you've got an aunt called' Jane, -and. another shop at eQteyven at night. "That was in the summer, of 2 - °mA ¢sotme my -mo ©ekeirCraw at __M7 1m¢r¢ Manz itm Coupe, $920; R,a+t¢1,w (r,*6 �Mble seat) s P� 2- Scotch Eggs. g fifty because blue is our favorite Y Y course- In the winter we took thins g Pc= O feTS PA mtA a TnE-ems nf.a m nzked T- � 08 7 C IC ---- � 9 I1J�Qt�fi �C�i,GllYJ]Dly ��®y ���SCiIln�9 °I+®��y De Lure �l..oNSp.b (lard -cook two eggs, cool, remove color?" -London ®pinion. easier. The shop didn't open until 6 ccg4, VTr002=1 shine A® T,,'e4T' eS?TQZ¢ PM7d nuzk (mdd rrj=ble seat), $670; 4 -Door Sedan, Amo shells and roll in flour. Melt two tablespoonfuls butter, add 2 table- and we knocked off work at ten. In 1870 young Laporte struck out frig.'-wL=R Iboa�= .snd nw a:�asmic ee v /dQdprocvs ji ®.b. 19'✓6vads®v, ®satar6co, ouasCcPdaag sialv�llr' f h'if ' - Ec ey o � 14-; Cat =d taus t=erm ,4"+C ... 7 q d "There can be no permanent deceit spoonfuls flour, ansalt and pepper or imse , armed wit a capital of F'11^.rca2•, Fx-u p- --Y g ' to taste; max well and stir over heat $80 borrowcld' from his brother. He in married life," says Dr. ]Bernard f, ` until 'bubbling, then add one,half cup rented a tiny shop, secured his meagre , • t Y; °�°��°a ��1 �����e®� MUTUAL Hollander. And yet I have known stock of r, , r a sI "' ,' a l r� 11 meat stock and stir until the mixture married men go through their whole groceries on credit and �+ ": t n wyk ff, �. s leaves side's of .pan; add one-half cup- bought scale's' and other needed equip- s° i n .tit % 'r: aK IFMF, 1\4SURANC C0 y, lives under the impression they were �' is I M «C" 8, t? ful minced cooked meat (ham, if pas meat for the sum of $25, to ,bet paid' 1. ;'� cul' head of the house. x , „ ci u 1; &obi's). Mix well and spread on plate in monthly instalments. j' , „,+: ,,< u ? MEAD ®1FIFIICF-S1EAlFORTE, ®NT. to cool. Davidie in two. "That was a serious venture and % Coat eggs with the mixture„ dip , had no idea to what it would lead," fl� C H R Y S 1L E a m ® T' a a s lin Il8 ® IID u CC °ll' 1` OFFICERS: in crumbs, egg and crumbs, and fry Aman was boarding at 'a farcil4 and reminisces .Sir Hormisd'as to -day. "For James Evans, Beechwood -President in deep fat. Drain on hot paper. Cut asked the landlady to give him an many yeas•s it meant far harder work I,, each e in two with a hot knife. egg for his breakfast eve morning than when I was clerking. In order James Connolly, Goderich, Mice Pres. gg' g g ti D. F. McGre or Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. Serve hot or cold. On looking over the bill on leaving, to help out thet grocery business, I g he saw among the items: "Wear and dealt in a simall way in fuel on the l� AGENTS , Y for ver 1 Y Cocoanut Snowball Cake. tear of hen, fifty cents." s'id'e. Fuel meant wood) in those days Wm. Ament, OAlex. Leitch R. R� No. 1, Clintony , itifAe coal came to Montreal." Sta� ®rte anal one hall taQ>lespoons of�T. lE. Ilinchley, Sea 'orth• John Mur- ,butter, 1 cu su ar, Within a few months the youngi`k ;` p g yolks of three storek e had 'psi1. gay, Egmondville; W, Yeo, Godte- eggs, one-quarter teaspoon salt, one The, modeurn ,private •garage i , aee o off his debts.e', `M Erich R..G. Jarm th, Brod'ha'gen; ,las, Then camte his first setback. The teastpoon vanilla, one-half cup cocoa- very up-to-date affair, says a writer. owners of his store required the build- att, Blyth• nut milk or cocoanut milk and water, Some even have residences attached q o ° 3 ing for other purposes and he was �} {� �(}� {��jj ( �j ;:. II7I CTGRS: 1% cups flour, 2 teasrpoons baking to them. forced to move and start business all ��uIl�'�' � ��1ty�Q �0�� �"���Il®� �� Show �®®IIffio powder. ,.:: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; over again in a new district. A per- � Method: Cream the {butter, add the John Begnnewies, Brodhagen; James iod of severe industrial depression hit - ]Dvans, Beechwood; James Connolly, sugar gradually, then the beater A Sunday school teacher, after tell- hirci hard, 'but wthile struggling to - I yolks of eggs. Beat thoroughly. Pierce g, he male r. �nodemich' Alex. 1Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea ing the class the Parable of the Tal- keep his own affairs going, .: ' the eyes of the cocoanut and hold i,' ]forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George ents, gave each tboy tern cents, ex- time to help in the; extensive relief ON' a cup tto drain off tihe milk, until out his fife has seen to 3t that his celery, stuffed Olives, halved or slat �13 ���c"� � McCartney, No. 3, 'Seraforth; Murray a,ne-half c is obtained'. If there awning that they were to use their work being parried on. appetite for that work hast •been well ed; eboprped' almonds or 'hard -cooked i IL'%1 ti u �i'bsan, Brucefield Joints& Sholdice, cupful capital during the week and report A nsw faQtory district was opening PPa 9 9 �i ' is not one-half cupful in cocoanut supplied. eggs, sliced or quarte. J7.r_ Walton- on the following 'Sunday how much up and Laporte decided on yet an- - -- - add water to make up the amount. ���lf'9�Keeps Ti they had' made. other move bein told that onl one r� Strain throw h a cheese cloth and add ' g Y TURNING T]f][.TE TABLES Tunuato JelIly IIII. g ' "Now then," he said to the fimt grocery business was already etstab- `: alternately with flour (which has first ,bay, when they gathered a week later, lisped there. But when he opened his tablespoonful gelatin, a/a cup- -- , AND 7JIINGIDIAM beesi sifted with baking powder and P He lied 7aeehn out of,work for a long One talo] g �i� .` how much has your talent gained? s'h'op he fotmd not one, but a dozen time, but eventually he secured a furl cold water, Il tabbe-SPOorrftil onion 'y n�'.f on& lr P ; salt) to first mixture. Add vanilla, The bo produced a N` th. and turn into greased, layer calve tins. Y P duced' twenty cent's and grocers already on the job. Seeing position as bus conductor. , juice, 2 cupfuls tomatoes, 1 &.talk of the be'acher was delighted, little. ch'a'nce for success amid such ho.. On the morning of his first days celery, a few grains of cayenne, a �� s, i A.m. P.m- Bake in a moderate oven for from 15 "Splendid!" he exclaimed, there competition, h'e moved yet again, duty the bugs had gone a few m'i'les few grains of salt, Il tablespoontful Qenitralia 10.36 5.51 to 20 minutes. oy g when an inspector boarded it. The mold vinegar. Make same as Tom- turned to the second b It is interesting to note that Sir &pec y��affa ��e 1��e2¢rro �d¢cTpD ,;, Exeter ... , ........ 10.49 6.04 For the cocoanut filling, break the "And how much have u brought." Hormisdas, who got his start as pro- latter was surprised to fund the vehicle ato Jelly I. E •, Hensall ........... 11.03 6.18 !cocoanut into pieces, remove iitrne'r r, „ you g ,< „ P WWA!a ?gay beeecv. k 10.08 6.23 brown skin and "Nothing, syr, Prietor of a tyrpical corner grocery, empty,but the conductor explained JKippe'n - , ..... • , • grate on a coarse The teacher's ex ression changed. P that t had not stopped once since Toiniato Aspic Salad. Mother Nature's own good herb nieb 17rrueefield 11.17 6.32 rater. Dissolve one cupful sugar in rr now ballievEs that the small retail shop g s, g up E P g PP There, you ,see,' he told t the class. is d'ooined-an the cities at least. leaven the depot. in ]resift ruin ower, these aro wlfiaL '' 0linton . , ......... 11.53 6.52 one-half scup water and cook until it «George has used his talent and LaPorte entered the wholesale bust- "Has nobodytried' to stop your Soak one talblesp'oontful gela-.in in mak® Gallagher gIs Tonic and System Londtesboro 12.13 7.12 will] form a soft ball when dropped brow ht ore talent more, while Jimm gain info artnerahi v°> P one-quarter cupful cold water for five B�dersogood . Itrea�lyworkswonder® ]Blyth „ , , ......... 1222 7.12 into cold water. When cooked, g y nesds in 1881 g p P 'bus . the inspector asked. -minutes; dissolve in 1 cupful hot stock for people who are constipated, rundown, pour has lost the talent he had." ,with a wholesale fruit dealer. As `•No sir'° ]Selgrave 12.34 7.33 over the stiffly beaten whites of three „ or bouillon, add three quartrer cupfwls nervous folk who have skin diseases *,� He turned sternly to Jimmy, success, was coming to them they "Nobody put u their hand' to ou. 1Tingham .. 12.50 7.55 eggs and beat until mixture will hold r, P ' Y strained, tomatoes. Season highly Even a�readed Eczema yields to ib_ And what has become of our tal- were driven from their warehouse "Oh yes," returned the other, '' • As s'h2,pe. To one-half cupful of the ,Ent?" Y premises b floods along the river- "there's been a lot of folk wavin' to with salt, pepper, paprika and cayen- Try a bottle. is will keep you clear off ],, Soantfm grated cocoanut, ad'd enough of the „ front. Again the g ne, and when it begins to stiffen add' cold weather ills. Sold as other Gal-' frosting mixture to make a I tossed up with George, sir, and g Y started with un- me at venous corners but I ignored ane -half cupful cabbage or celery, .; : Ila star ]]eros] aAawahml Remedies are, a.m. p.m. g paste, he won." dismayed amtbition. The fire of 1893 'Em. They wouldn't speak when I g lb 3E :1,;: gingham , .. _ ..... 6.55 3.05 which spread between layers of the came only a few mortihs after their peas, asparagus' tips or any preferred Y Y was out o work.' 't'?° l elgrave _ 7.15 3.25 cake. Spread the remaining frosting 'business touched the nuilli'on-dollar v'egetablels'. Tucci into wet moulds and Blyth 727 3.38 on top " and sides of cake, then . J. IE I�EAATING, SIEAIF®IBTIHI ' mark. when firm unmouldl and, garnish with 7Londesboro 7.35 3.47 sprinkle ,generously with the grated MERCHANT PRINCE OF olives and lettuce. • cocoanut ilii it high to resemble Sir Hormisdlae services to the na- Safe ��{� �� Clinton ......... 7.56 4.10 -T g g MONTREAL BOASTS ®1F ]BASS tion, the province, the city and the �°��'' Tomato Salad With Pineapple. it begins to soften add to it one and4 l3rucefield ......... 8.15 4,30 a snowball. o o people at ]arse have beejrn so extensive �o � � 11�D r��� Il�� one -ha'l'f cupfuls shrimps, cleaned, ail I�ipperi , , , ........ $.22 4.38 N®T RICH ES that their talbulation would fill a j5 As a change from the usual tomato cut in half, one-half cupful finely die- ''" Hensall ........... 8.32 4.48 column. He has headed such bodies jelly salad make a tomato jelly and th During three score Acid Indigestion, stomach sourness ed celery, one-quarter cup of dicadl ',: , lgixeter , , .......... 8.47 5.05 AUTOMOBILES GPU[®IBILIES IbILL g years' of nnws- as the Montreal Citizens' Association g mould it in small individual moulds.ual activity 8.59 6.17 B®IJ1L]EITARID 'll`REIEC risErn from anounprP unprormlsdas pitious osorte sa Mons the �roetal F.co on m 1 and Statists al gas, ailments now -a days that etc., are such common many PineapPiUnmould pelacedlly oon ai4eitinice leafces of non (ed moulds green padeset inr. othe refrigerur into, ator to harden. Serve unanoulded on a grocery clerk at $12 a month to the Society and the St. Jean Baptiste So- People _take them as a matter of individual ,salad plates. Pour over a of lettuce, with m'ayonn'aise or boiM '11-'11 Smooth leaved trees, says experts, presidency of one of the largest citify. He is a life governor of two course or seek relief with the first rich mayonnaise dressing thinned dressing, and garnished with who➢ C. N. R. TIME TABLE are the only ones that can live on wholesale provision firms in Canada large hospitals. He bas served on thing that's' handy. They frequently with whipped cream. Garnish with shrimps and gherkins. city boulevards in this day of auto- -tea business wlhose annual turnover the Harbor Commission. In 1904 he use nothing but ordinary bicarbonate balls of cream cheelse. �, Ems¢' mobiles&. Only those whose foliage is run's far into the millions. Through was elected mayor of Montreal. , never ) a.m. p.m. g thisoftenstopsrt'hezpain, ittmayube Tomato Cabbage Salad. •washed by rain and dusted, out by national services of outstanding im- Reviewing lies record' as a buyer loin serious harm to the stomach T® I'®LISL9I SIIL�l1EI8 ,Q Goder•ich 6.20 2.20 the breeze they be'l'ieve, will thrive. iB'ioltnbesville, 6.36 2.37 portance he has won knighthood and and seller on the wholesale scale it g Make a tomato ell as, directed. akit11 '.linbon 6.44 2.50 They have found' that rite rough a seat on the Privy Council. 'He heads is not surprisitiig that, when he sought lining lesions even to dangerous stow- When jelly comxnencee tb sat, epic in A wick way of l EOdafogirth ......... 6.159 3,08 leaves o!f the chestnuts and, similar a great (banking hbuse, He has di- experimiced -men for the War Pur- ach ulcers. A safe, rel'ioble twat q y polishing srilvgx W -, trees have their breathinmerit for acid stomach trou'bl'es is the one cupful shredded cabbage, one-half called the electrolytic method. FM r;., Calumban ...... 7.06 3.15 breathingpores burn- rected Canada s War Putehasing chasing Board which wags to handle . : i�bhzi ....... 7.11 3.22 ed by sulgrhuric acid. Board. the has officiated as mayor millions of 'dollars of the country's daily use, after meals, of a little Bis- cupsful chaPPed celery and on'e-ha'l£ an aluminum kettle partly full of ,, - Sulphurous' dust, says Prof. Demor- of Montreal. money, Sir Robert Bordian shouldi pick urated Magnesia -either tablets or green pepper, finely chopped. Turn Water and bring it to a boil, then astir 5 laina, a the P powder. Thal in.stanbl neutralizes ex- into cold, weft ihidividu'al moms. a tea teaspoonful of soda' and a teals oon- � West. agricultural institv'e of Thesp are' only a few of the achieve- Hormis'das Laporte. Laporte was one P Y p cess acid iii the stomach, prevents its fiul of salt for each quant of waters. 'Ni a.m. p.m. pini. Paris, is tprodticed by the exhaust rents' agd' hoYiors which S'ir giomisdas o'f the original apponnftees, i�1', Toinoato Uelily .Surpriaa MW1, Dublin ...... 11.17 5.38 9.37 from automobile!. This, he .rays, be- has scored up to his credit. But at Sir Edward Ketmp was appointed ov- formation and so stops stomach_, trou- The tarnished s'ilve'r should ;be plus- til'': St. Calurcatban. 11.22 5.44 ccmes sulphpric acid in humid air and seventy-eight thris merchant prince's erstvas minister of militia the French- ble at its source. It tends also to jelly as directed and Y s, Make tomato ed in the kefiitle and: entirely covered ",;' Seaforth ..... 11.33 5.53 9,50 works into the pores of the leave's. proudest boast is that he holds thc: Canadian merchant succeeded to the soothe, heal and protect the stomach pour into individual maaaldls. W1n'en by the water. In a ntiinute, of boilhig � Olinton ...... 11.50 6.08-6.53 ]-0.04 Smooth leaves would be washed' clean ,bass fishing championship of Coteau chairm:anshi:p of the board and was lining. Meals then digest easily, na- quite firm, remove from moulds cut the silver will lna clean It needs only GD .,` ]Htolmesvilie 12.01 7.03 10.13 'by occasional rains, or +,fief dust would du Lake. appointed a privy councillor. turally and without pain, sourness or a slice from the top of each, ds;;nvve to be removed from the kettle, wash- �xodlE�ach ., 12.20 7.20 10.30 'be blown off by the wind. Sir Hormi,sdas maintains stoutly Sir Hoi misdtas chuckles when he i, gas attacks. Your own druggist centre and fill with finely shredded i ed with soap and warm water and 'tQi. that there, is no fish like the black asked about his knighthood, for lie knows about Bisurated Magnesia anal lettuce mixed with cream cheese soft- dried 'arid it has a clean, satiny finish. Girt':, bass. He defies the gamiest salmon, was the last Canadian to receive a sells a lot of it. 'As'k Him about it to- ened with croam. Place on a thick The kettle willl be alightly tarnish- N1UTS AND WINE trout or tuna that aver waved a fin itl'et from the? British aarown before day slice of lettuce. ed by this proc'es's', but if termptied and XV I ;✓ C. P. R. TIPJ>TIE TABLE to provide the short cffered by a trio• the parliamentarians, at Ottawa 'hint- � Washed 'at once, and -boiledn with ai { Father: "I have invited that young pound inhabitant of the as ids at ,e to Kin Geor e that further lion-°�®mato Jelly YTitIln Shrimps. little, vinegar, it wd1Q be bright still , East. man who dancedi with you last night Coteau. - P "s were not desired. Hormisdas La- TOMATO'S IIlS7E NOT LIMITED lean and, g GODTc t ready for este again. ,$ a -m• to dinnrer." G®®IID TB[4[8®IIT )A[ ANY SEASON Mak® tomato jelly mixture. When s And concerning that fishing chain- porte was nagned a K.B. in the birth 1. - j't_; , • Godwich .............. 5.60 Daughter: "I arm pleased, daddy." piondalnilp, thenen is 'a nasty rumor cur- day honors of 1918. It was! beyond Wbect fresh 'tomatoes are no longer t f, j1r1�T1�'et .. . ........... . ..... 5.55 Father: I told him to coma along rent amontg rival Wal tons -a rumor quesfi'on an honor well earci d and it seasonable - and are consequently 9+ 6.04 in this office togs!' �" w o' k 1`Jdsti'a w is reason for congratulation that St highly priced, one mist' continue to ; I' ; �ry;k t" � 1, , .. u, ,{ + g • prori which Sir e chs pi smiles be- serve appetizing 'tomato salla, by r Aularrn 6.11 Daughter: "But, daddy, he's a nti l - wharf the champion snatches r t �yrr 6.25 :swimcnin instructor!" ! Y was bestowed tri time. , ys• ]Blyts • ..................... g - Passing a dray or two from business to exec- Banking haa� becri 'a favorites siaYe- making use of the canned variety. f; t y;�{ W! 1 ' . . . . . . ............. 6.40 Show. vise this skill among the rapiiis he 'line with the whole'sa'le dealer for Tomato jelly is vasily made, and it • i �if[„c ug'ht 6.52 boardts at a convent near the river; 'many years now. 'He ,became a di- is not only ,very good in itself, but i, �.,,-ter/ ' , ` Toroto ......... 10.25 „ g the rector of La Banque Provinci'ale due it affords an almost endless' oppor- fig• �'` �fi; fit' r ,'i` ?t enjoys great he ani o s popularity amore a , r West. "A policenrian led the tbride� away nuns of this institution and lets!& :fort- Canada in 1900 and predsident of the tunhty for variety.11 �� � ,•, "� ,, `7lte3rtl to 74(y What was Polite matterrR his astoudhng caches are the fruit ]rouse seven years ]tater. + 1 +� from the altar today. urate fishermen declare o enl it '1a .. a cry It of IIEad9nl ' TQDitNatQD Jelly. {. `• �'t9M^ .� 'Nrf + l r. ro,::..,. r,,om ht .... 11.4& lie had luau married her. Die g a huge wholesale firm a R 7Muskete Vienna. - - mammoth chain shore' g steim and a Strain two cupfuls. of tomato liquid y. titpP q J "-. It PM70 t® So tw 31k ..... , ....{.. 12.01 banking house means hard and con- inPoo a saucepan and add one-quarterr ��� "",frill . . .. . ................ 12..12 --- cv ul milt] vine ar a small onion }k i gtantt ^work, anal Sir Hormisdas is on pf g , , All rAlr .................... 12.23 IFORG E7 11'�'i[iE 66 B LUES "' � 2 �4 �` ?�,_ ,, the job every day. Even when lie chop�pedl; one and a half tablespoon- , All waft-kmowna authodideo rea9ize aline eruct, offelndo� 1.12.34 It is pure chivalry that makeRt a e 1 P �' ������ snsatebes a few hours for. fishing at fulls stu'gar, a Quit of 'thy 1'eaf, one oast prograrAive ffErcmeffo everywhere are garofntimmg Iby ret ................. 12.11 car driver give a woman the right ^� Coteau .h'e is in touch "with his office. tablespoonful chopped) parsley' and ewhr ea ere advice. Good medlo mean Good Ca•® o. Sow Steeps BnjL: cP ` . dY �P1s ................. 12.45 of way," stays a writer. We thought Ytnatneertns, Auto B n is Mechanise, Ei etri. t When be 'suffercidl an ill same on'e half teaslpoonful s'al't, with' pe+ppefr i cd �Qmv-0 mead Timaodl V Saud, grown from selected otocks. ` , ' '• It w'a'&' p'ilYE COYY1Rli'On JeRl.'pi. Eat $�nitlori, fait- L , ,@ i' months ago Sia directed tlis firm, from and paprika to taste'. Bring to ]soil- " Llon'l-aline 1$Tirmn el of o_uaIlii2 y try er Welding his bed. Each t piing lue takes few irg Profit and stir for a moment, then i •`¢a®a" ffiro�4 r✓lmrmr6DNa ttffier crr��taaar Expecte House + /tV 1� t�Vtrtn ririeklag9nt� weeks' vacation at Atlantric fifty and hour overe aria and a half talblE&p'oom- ,° a®,a°° Srdnd ie+d,�> 'FOTH CLOysn 11 �+rdit nd Yltastsrtng also °° ®c" ffirnasd AEaIII 18 CLOVER ,Winner (totalling up bridge seore� :arbering and fasces°a1s. 1 : on every day of hos sojourn, bherro fnx'11 Eula gelatin sloftenedr in on'evquarFsr R`Tli'at's a hundred and fo below dressing. r t' ^, > stAb0mente,, and i�orts are wired cupful cold' water. Whten gelatit►' is °°u�am �randd! 'ra�� �����iaai �EvtiQII eustyae� ,, •.�rlsl__Mio� a4r�ea, one mile ; ° the line far tricks, forty above for lEavrm 6 ir® �1fl0 Per IDs r from' Montreal to his hotel. 1Nivem. l molds ALL �TAIIDL4M G0VSRt�Tl�> 1\TT' STAN DA11 D M,, 2 ,t 64 rp hour's ,Mth S� dissolved strain into individus 't * , r ,�,.� c j ow weeks required to learn. .' ''', wthile "1 olid!ayldg"" he keeps 'tis fin- and s'et in a, very cold:' pltalce to edu' �$� �s�c u><"4� � aa• 11t" ilgo?,;° ill 'Miff . four aces, a ltundigeYl, for graYid s1aSn, �xbertdnstructars, �ra�ttai Eacoc ffm Carman a � . �'. , i`.' iia 1fiegalrlal a hundred because you revoked; fifty I ®Y Ric Demaria. _tart ] get an the pular d Iris evinmereial ge'al. Turn out tin l'etbtuce leaves and t, for ftil9illiti' corm aeb fifty for egeli f b Saar pay, and m empire. serer® with ,mgr' salad dm img. This ,sem, �t�I t`rMJ �r ; (o e I :u + jti' 1�/, i` marts'"; �dfi ;&= b6C:Fi, g ° , bright fn re. vurite ore ll for � ' „ S 7 E E L�'� p Le J S EE L° ✓J .11 tt-aa lc above contmet, that's .=)thst �peefat m'or oad free ooittt I'e taps that any Sian 3C' orrrtr►is- jellry lo Gli'ghtly stiffer thin• Toiri�to m b �140_l L ., , is kvt t C' 9 v'✓ ' (�5 dG ie t co I 11�� p jai,, hlilidt�,r and 4?tflty, aild fto-fifr�y for .... am'ialra i�cndlcs el ora a�a� appears sol y acid itiYQ 6f zest 3611j' Ir. C , x t f momoo las Yiltm Sweat FnYIm.11ofon to-c�lh,yr. Bites is ofd �Yi'17lxaidest for u In tlq r jelly, .onset may, if a33rrs " T. �? t�u ,1`l CNp t , �'c yn�uwu rat -� �__ v- `_ vraoulda t dd d c' i ' ao-r� d'i "a ,� lhoiciculat lcirtal` asci �OrCpc grid ifFirovag n ab11-11. o�rl�"e QI Vic' sin ifY pu h- ,: Y ,. ,,, t . ,; , .. �,� .. , r ., 1 ,:1f t .; .. ,,. 11, -,,, , , r - „7,. .,,. r ..: c> „ _ �q MIMI 11 Ii I- al f iRQ, 7 A i . , == ..f..{ t. d ,,, 1 .. , . ., 1� ... , ,�,: A .. ..