HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-03-08, Page 5.__,_��_­�_,­,`_�� 7"', -1 - I � ,. I . I � � . I I ­____ ­_ - ­ ______._ � - r -.------------------,-�---,--"- -­­--­- - � - ___1___-- -111--.11- 1. I'll.- I I - � I 1 I— 1 ­',,­- ­,.­ 1 ­­,WW� X-t.g­ '. . , 11 11,� , . 1, I , ­ , . , . 11 � 1.1­11� I.- I'll, . I I I " �i .� '�. �,.; '' t: , � "', I 11�11 C ", :11 . I _,_� :,", . .� , , . 11 I . I I. � I ". I I .� .1 . 0 qf"I'�"i-I)l ,. T ��. , . I , . � , I � , � I . . � �... �. � ; � I . � _ I . I . I , , ,, .1 11.", "11. .,­. ? ,� , , � I :,;,,�: . - , : . . ;. , , ,'. , ,� I 1. 117EW ­­-�,;�­ .� ,. ,�, . I . , I ; . I , . ,, 1 �,,%", j,,�� ,, -,� ,�, , ;: .. , , I , , . f �. I - I., . : , . . �,_'__ "I., I ''. �', , , , 0i �;�t �, �. � ", �11, - ­­ I � "'A.''I: �., ,,,.,�., �` �,�:�l����!I�,",",:,�".:!"""I.,�* ,�.��, , I t.' . � , - ,:. . , � '.. , ." 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No I M V,Ag V 0,cl , �,- hf�Rpll V jw , I .hin 00gep, 7, 40 - I'll, - � = ,,, ­ � � , 4� �,U�4,�,4 1 I'l-W, — ;�, ;_ ,j, 'V' ­,,'E W'I,yj,g�,%�l�� 1 - 't�ll - 11 ' - _", *�Plll �. ,;""�V,�.'"'1,4��'J,f�, �.,L�"` 4" , - ""p, m, D24, �lr� _ , �� , . ,�_, h Qqvp I J-_ �".' i 0, R� %4m%* "TIO aofte, Alvin ,4,1110u. Jr. ZV_ 9 V,FW ftp , , , '.� I , L , V�T,' ­­ r, , . . � I � .. I QX , - %7-,,,g 11 "... .;: ,� ,_ ,,,;'*, 44-= , I to, Xr. Qlra Lam. Z1=004 14=4A Q dQui7bEw . " . __ I � E -, p, �g-�-, gy" ­` . , 0 q, , , , - - "M , � 140 " . . , ,SIR ema (") ,wW-J Pkent.. ay. IV_ Fz wpvvL U, 'L, Z, 1� T - , , , �N I - I . �� Erraft-an V-��07 ,Xq.7=btP T944 '.7, ;- t,*.� � 4, VV, � , ? , �`P_ � ., 3, (qtmbu=�, I �, � I , �, ,, � & g�p,u , - 7T Z lam 11 . 4. 0 9`4, "tort *�V. �; ,� 4, - 1*4 -V4. " T; 1. I ... III -11- .4 " .Wr -� , D. , Rov lam 11A�a ,��W­wl­ ­ , , , 11 - . _. - 'r _f­p,�'. #­ ,V _r , , W? .... Wv. - Z .;L _' - , 11"', ,',It, a 'jF-; 4,4 , ." , " ' 1, L , . 1=� 1 l;0 lam =? � �ftrid Mliott Paris (041AZT, vem V.; - 4 17 , r .. 'r, ", -.­P­,J,J�":�T�,, ­­­ , ,�p ,�j " 6 . 'ti. J.,: , � � ,�, %40 '��f 'I . ;111�� 43=11IA4 . , � * I I;Z, WL V 41 .�6�1y.4,,,7� ",, -, - I ." �'J­04 --n ".", �:e-�T"�,­!'­,"'��,F­ �, � ­.­ ' 11 , �4 , _fff­ ,%"�t�,�­�, 47. 40"� Iwo I , 1, =-,4,= ,4� ". 11 I r ... ­'. ; 1� - .� 1� , 0�,M',11�jt,:,t,�J . , .- I I . - , 5 , ,,, '� � � ;,�. a " , '?54rMk,,,-, , ,4 11 vv__�' A ki A� , , 11,Nt 11-14.41,99, ba, Q L 344 7Z ep �%, il, "k, zton� Gomtrillde 4j. , , q I �4 �� _, . , , liw"r g _94S -30=1 X10041r, = W .,I . , Zl� I ste;�n F207d Sohm -0, F it. - .1 0% Z "I", I , , ,.Tft ��, " W� I .% I I.. yniihe7, Emott chuter, ommor,�, ww'ut-2, ,�,JRPAIZ = . Q, �;R L4 ,�.�,g_jw,. %*,I I-, I , �A�l - 4� *� ',k`­_­-k­i�W­4r0J -1 I . . � ,.,� � (, 4­.T� VX,, #� ,+�, L'. W, V:�# "L L ,'��,,., Z ,S; "(, ';:F _­ 4jX*4!.=., L �� ,�'�, "� ,,� t, , � 9 M4 fm � , � �� !i�jl- -, ,;. , " , L EF 11 . 'o � D4 . I ,4 ,� ,;:,Ad4, = &�ftr�_Lv. Bz;�Wj Z-11 81od-O MC04. a b ;;At In Wqwk =3, A.V % .. 21, , -,MV7�4,.: "s P ­Xr-o o ,,, , � P - . , , LL L , � y ,., V, , ,I , I �� , �� �� , L, -_ ,-P'L' I 'tLig 11 14 1 1 , � 0 ,�, �, �11 I - � , W _ ." V M - , i -11,11, L � ' 'WUdPQl ���� � -==—_ 0= Q moomp, 014� :a �Pyp, �,.� -. .�,l � r '�V �, �(�1�7,"".',I�' tLl :F -r' , �,r -"IM"V�'o.��,L'gf,l��W".Li����p��:;'I�;:.�'� 1:1*'f�­"Ad *�*%� 4 1 er. ?, = ,7Cb=QW I — . , ", " � _ .� ,Z � � __ 1 3OZ1.11 , OJL"$,6)6��4 - OW09 ut;� 0104 0=0 1 ��- jvp, V Vo 46N , Al", ,�' "', �4,,'�'U'�;�APR7 I L I , a, : "; .,Wgr qW I r, 13 J;Cipa t -AAA-41=P, . , Mephetoon. Sr. HI­Lffllg�n Elliott, 2W. Oh=tz V&gak �z b1p I - U.4 - Z 14 h.:* 49 1 W, ­ ­ ", � - , hatzr, Ezzel HumhIng, Bill Aus�- a VW, Y4 ftempw =L*W qXvc;1 uq�A Z 'OL 0 5xQ I" I , 0`11 M_ .0 _. ��' ",lo'-, �'W'A�o L� , '�L I .,1 94�i 10 , d I 11, � ­;�� ,'� 14W _ tIZ Wtttsr JobnStM Er a .7 Xqrnt*. PZQA (3a W � , VK�R. , � v-,, ,, 1��, I 11, 'i�_��4 14jkXj�_ 4 , 1 �WO , I ,�",J � Mb, It C:aw r1oly, ve= 03 b 6 an " 39PA-21 00;4, pw:AMS " W",4 , wwq � 0 4 ,��, "I'll I .. 4v,� ,V-,,' .; ;��,,:;_ , A�-�;" -Im,�,A ., _� W4 t *011 11 A Mr, 44_0-_Lo.,�,,.��. , I yc=. SALE RAG1811-IRR . 01 bxqu, V 7 : . 171' ; , -71 ql - . �Z, clasS VIM- , ,;= =4 covw;� .. k a. *Rli I 0=14 qu ,k*A 11- , , . he '9 . 2tira yea=. WW) .11 , , �, '14 i,�:* I ,�- , ,;, , �,,� I . 'Tt Zy -, , vg.w, - - w, � t, a munw, =110t of Via 1140 adhamton Om Friday, ML-Irlib � I bred r"M Q= QW. Aarq ' " : '_'� __ 11 I He'��Azh, Harvey Chuter, Jack Pie, Jun - ' �6 ' on 2244, on " A5, OonAC3- Gi gle or 4 ; 14-47 lrpv � "�Y= ,,' 40� I EAnchek, "Mmw JohZaton. 11 class mn-Y. -_14 9d yc,-=. 3 mont3io and 13 ofou 14, 749MMov. 8 wil- cliot of Walton, Uml; 49:4%�30 mam V.�u4ng "'? --41f,T4t. M�oir 9 c 4 � , 0 . � _'1' � , , .�p � , 11 �­, L�. 7- .,,��,, , ,,.�: Torap , , a, . " 1 ." , !11 11 A- ­,", , ,.."A" 1, _ 1 , Z:L-.Imw .CnJobs , , ) _'��j� ' eligible for re,7btoa . It, of 74W a _ .�,tlp , , " �, -1 � 11".0 I T"'. , , ,� . st dwa. . audOwl cale 02 ]Ftaan st=4 and 1=V]=oM1Q. Z yeam; Se4tcb ,Z4't g4 � '0, �. .1 f , �70 nvelo on XvraL,4ba�_ apptova Olga VD 100 wap tamaow 0 ft . ?, , �;'. , �'.I� ailoWL Per Z-antm g = =, � . a tle paper. , Ifft S. 'F,?% ��4- � 40 �'.Vr' �" . "ll!"_;­1"�,f �. ;,L%',��4 _,;"L�,',L'�'. ",�",'�'i'L��'L'�L�.."��"..''�l'�''��"'�,"""'�"���''' L" , ��- ­',­�', �­ - �, � - """ :. 1.1'. i , "L ' , ,, ,­ 1'i� - ",I -1, ' - -.4mar1je Elun-ldng. Primer_lso�"de . Tberso r -M At Walubt ww ba PROW. - 4149 11 C, AV, , glo ,, ,�, -,­.�, �41��",�:��­.��,,11�;: ­;�___ - STMORE MOS., Proprietors; Gw. H. Di I- Ye r" cult 0= Wr.H broken. P Zim far wjmg, , P 1, � �, . �, I � 1� 4'ip, ­ � - - � L11�1=1111�1'1 "i"', :��41;,�'. _ , , 'L i ,� , I 1, ,R . :, � ` , L"i ,- . . ' � L ed for caqh. Ce . . U 4 Ct W., � ,� " i, 4!._,� .. ,- 4" ".,�L7�j�, � �'. L­�.'­J��;., ,,_,';,., , , _1 - " 711"'7F" 'J"Ij�"J�", Chuter, Jean Md, Jenniv lffunkinU, lieu. Ancton=. D155-4 -Well bred iled Durh&= a= 6 ya= og EVA, E. =420!=. P.m. barr"- POO of iat�- h = ''r - 1. . . '�,J�,,j��;,�"'�q'11, *"",,,Li�, 4' " , . ­ . "AfRcQ . I . , �, -, �... ,.r 12_i��,,�� 11,�01'W I - "A �� L, ' . : "I . "' ,�, ,��', ' , .�", ,�(;, I'= W. '' L " I I I I I . 'a - 1. . _ 1 L . I �, " "j. "L , , :'� '' �,, ';, �, ,I�L­ , "L' 11 _41' , I . I I I � I I NO "' , - ,. �" 14 XW f -bene. January 11A; ,�� bred 4205-1 X Inch, so f04- jr;�y Zack , ft g " , U 19014AW , , priew.r; a. EL rMiott. 4,u*-0=er, g 2 In " , 0, 'i L "� , � __ __ I Other - Torula, ,.'a 9" L'� . , , tgr ., � . ��`� '��T"������',)�,�-�-��"'�'4��"."�"-��:;�l'�,'�'t",�-�''L' , L = �'�j, ,.­'­�'�­,,,7j",jjb�,' "`�f"�!��`��f`�" , , , Ford Johnston, (Gordon Homer, Bpj� Tzq=, Y. -In jo,�, =6mory of G= door 111=1 _ , %.W=_ , , _', - , , CV%7 807�-.aru cad, 1=19 at cgo. Part , 'A " 'A 4 ''. , - ace StezP. Perfeat ftelllmg - David I mother, Rgargaret Ann Scandrat, RN9*vCfi VA20 cow 8 Yeazz,old. calf at 2�ot; oy.ttvd cow I I �m emb, over that W r1M. W 1, ' 4 'L ` ...... in , �`,U.`,���11"l -1"�Ll'��11.1i���,�,;,i��,',t,'�',','..�:��*"��.�. a4h==14t; 8 W''paL �'L ' ' ":`;"l'L')-� �,,, ,I��v�4l�";���.-.I�l,�,,,!'�,,�'l�.','�'d�,,'�:j , ,',-,t���,'-.-"","��',,�,:,�i.�� , it , A 4�.,IXU,X,�,, ��K�Act I .54 -�j��;.,� L -, J"y .� ' ` r '�', ,��,,`�,;,�,��4!1 J;,�',��"""�(��", �;.�, , 4 41300=T, 4n 6 VCV , , , W , Hofte; Perfect Attendence---lAly1m, O' Matthew H- who pmoci away OnQ AUUMN S.&U, Years 'PA freshen(41 =14alo of Febroam.; PUSUC AUCTION be Wivon 03;� 'fam - I- 7 "Al �� ;i;��'�':,L:` : yzzr am tc,-day. = 5, 1926, C2 --a da yeam. SALE OF j7'aap'a bwak 0 %n Or bbinu ap=_W44 94.1, tv 47 , I "a ­ ,,.-. i, ,�"'L�:J - ,, � - ,qW'� ",L;�*p "� I - " , i��i�,�,�". DEVId, MUrtel, Doris, Vera, X40Y4 blach cow 6 Years 444, lzr4boned pehr=97 . STOON-Fred W. Ahrc= bZ0 recolva at r r"a bQ CaMa for eq L c � -01, , �', ,� AUCTION BAEZ OF HORSES, CATTLM lot; 8 cowis due ,to 2rezh94 I= September, fat inat.ruction4i _ ",)h , � , _V '.�..��P,�'�'��' -'.,`.','4,,1 L" .4 -, , , z""71 . ..... 1, �'L,�"­,f­4 - - . � "� ,, 1'�11 1.11 F� L" , ,��.'�,��. - Gertrude, Lillian, Eft, Eazel, B110, I'She wra ana P_ dcar anod =vmw, 13OSS AM BHOE, P, at " 29. 0onac.- heifer. 2 ateen 2 ye= old,.,3 gram the 01HIMIaned mop4elok amounts. - 11 V advertiar-A to .11, "I , , " �' ,; �: A 110 �, ;P . I I � �,,..t,'.�,'��.O%",,` "I �1. ­­ , ,,,­ ,�,��,�:,�,�'�,4��'�,)�,,�.:'�". � I I � ,1�11.��,�, , to sell by Public 4=040M at Init 17, C,Ono=lQn P r boa , ;' a I , .16 ` , I -6 ", ,, �., 0 4�$,.1'019, ;,� El.,, , , ,,r�j,,,,�',,�',�,:,..,,',,,,��',',,�'�,, �, -; There never was a oloud Pies -Two broad 4. H&bart Township, 2% mile5 routh 1 4 , ... � 0,�, . I W $W9 oordaf[4915 � ., , I'M .v,,;�,,�&Z� of S 1 ."I �� �.' ,� Bornim . - �W -ft l� r , %�rL�'? 11 7ean, Ford, Gordon, well bred York saw due Dublin, - Thumday, warch Idth, 1929, t4c AUCUou .r. V7PIch I , ,4� ,r. r Bessie, . , weat of Londeaboro, on Friday, March Sth. tit ; sows with Utters stor , ; G. AL wiitt6 , R I" ��,%�i!% Walter, Willie, Harvey, Jack, Charlie, So v�itient ao hind. ao �rme; A011 16, HU110tt 7101VIArialift), 8% mileo north. 2 Years, 5 young calpea. heifers Zi011kg EopXleto Bo blo Rar" W, Lft a 1 O'cloozz, sharp, consisting of the following - : to Profit April Lt, Lxla-71 1-1. � - l, 44,W� Out she ,,6,,, the sunlight 0wough. I &14;_,�N,W�l "" �, 10 store Noga about 100 following: Hmes--OnQ Pereheron Mly �bhZ5 CLE �1_ , � �r.�,"j;.,L�,. _L - Horze3-Brown horse rising 5 yeaxs, bay home: pounds each. FOUL I .ARING AUqwX,tV,L,q �jaj.,E Or,% FA= t1lon, bF Th4;�M_qR, ,jw*�v, n- ��,' , Nuin�ber on roll, 25; eveirage attend ,yZ 4== Leghorn hens, one Year old, I Per __ 11 W 4 , , , Oberon aeldim rising one ,,�4 . aince, 28.85. -Ruby Taylor, Te�,mcher. Sometimes when wu thillk Of =ther. rising 7 yea-. Cattle-`Rcd cow I years -, i 8 dozen young Rock hens. 2 geese and man- year old. Cattle -I cow 5 years old brad _I,OOK ', ", �.=W= 1, ��tl' - She seems to be Bo near freah, with calf at iloot; red cow 6 yeare old. Ahrens AND W4?LMMXTS.--Fred )W. Hotel, in 44e`%,� 4 " , " L � ,,;,L,1,1 I li,. �.,�L­1,111-1 ,71.., ­ That we can hear hew clear voice saying: due to freshen May 2nd; red caw 6 years ol,m, , eam 14 91'a3h _ . Auctioneer, has receive 91% , �,_' �:,�_11114, 1% ,��", , L 'd Instruetlon%; Of ZVAVV, QA.%%W �f , , . , . W , I der odd sauder� 2 duc4a amd drake- Gooti about two months, I heifer a ZOO W� , Collie doe, good heeler and -mAch dou� Imple. with calf by her Bide; 8 h 7 0 from the undersigned pyll3mletor to �p 1 IR70 O'claZIF, .1� .. �� , Iff'., - ", - .�,,�, �., , ­� fres � : !�., 711": , ... . . . "' Lj".:�Z..,4 �P" . , In 04 'Ton't grieve, chg4ran; I am her-- X It. with calf at foot; red cow I years old, , men , e'f' 8 Y'a"' old- 1-uhlie auction at Lot 19 3elJ by "19 lauds, name 7 - , ' V 1?.,.q : ift � ". I ',� resh, with calf at foot; roan cow 8 years to-BMassew-Hrris binder 7-fiaot cut, M=-.- fresh and bred again; I J BY d year.q old, Township I ma,u - Colicosion 9, Loggz = .1. � I '.� era . Dili �QL P , , " F,�:, ,,:�.. Death cannot divide us from mothce. Old, due to freshen In September; blue cow r, 'ley -Harris mower 6-fout out One share in fresh and, brr�d again; 20 , e WcOt ,of Bornholm, on 1r% albera FiPlawtoon ( _A4 I I I . $0 ' - heifers In caw due day, Uerch 121h6 1929, *0 Qa..in,s: as, ea, the =g%th (M) C ' 7""ol".1, ��,,_ I cow ! Massear-Harris manirre spreader, 40% 10, 11 " � Years old, fresh, with calf at foot; black , Pdaeuey-H between tiane of sale and May 1,5th; z helfeLc I �` ", � S� I -LL, .': �!Iil.111 .11, P, $a` � .1 o?' , 4 .1 N 4r- _Draught Mare 7 raou of MOX2109, in 11 --- .1 �;�,, , , \T sever the cords of love; Y X,,,,,=- 1 1� L . .., .." 71AH11T(3I\ ears old, dralight gelding - .9 � .11 11"'. , , , �, She Just Testing sweetly in Jesus, 7 Years old, due to freshen in April - rcan I rbi rPTIng tooth cultivator, 13235eY-Harris seed rising 2 years old, I bull rising 2 years c1d, tailuing by admeasuremlsat 94r, 0 1 ,,,,.,�, ;, �, �1;:�, I 11 cow 5 years old, due to freshen in iK;;��mbe,-'drill 13 hoe with spring t,geth, John De,re 4 sumi4er calves. Hcge_15 choic yorkah,re 10 Yearu old, ge—I Purpose gelding. aged ... .11. 11 I , �", ... i,t,��,�J��. : �,_ I driving gelding lo years 11. , P� , �:,� ... .... �,'��, " 3 �,� , . 1. the beautiful home above. Holstein cow 8 Years old, due to freshen Xli�'hay loader nearly new. Mo0oranick land ro,_ sows with Utter; by their sides from . ; aelles of land, bbr the 64=6 , 1�­ 1.1, `�,.," �Jj,j�,`,��',"!'!,L q .", 'Sim cnP5 and Baucers, 6 D. plates, 6 T. - old. quiet and re There are prectgd oil 't , , I Cl. - I I .11 � 1. " �, �,�.'§',� � I I . 11 V ­.q' -0 ,��i��, 1, � ,;­�, emUff ho=, ,-Zl- i�`,.�,@%, 'L , 20th; Hereford cow 5 Years old due to freshen ler 3 8 I'D 6 liable; draught gelding rising 2 yea= old, hP - � plat- 6 B- and B. Plates. I cream and Perhaps drum, Cockshutt rldliaz Plow, single ---I- old. I Yorkshire sow due April 15th, &'t by King Norman; drlaug - fartable brick dw � I ",�� ,,,.,,�': .� �rMl ' -_L1;, 's if we could know October Ist; Brindle cow, fresh with calf at 1 furrow; Oliver walking plow, 2 furrow; single I Berkshire sow due April 20th, 3 Yorkshire lit filly rising 2 with kitchen attaoh(�4, 4 *=0- . ,� . , uffer, 38-filiece breakfast. dinner or tea set. The reason Why Elbe Weirt, foot; fat cow, 2 fat heifem rising a years. -, ��j�',­ ,.f "I", Sale Price U.50. Beattie Bras. ' Wed smile and wipe away the team farrow cow, 6 steert� rising 2 years -in. ,rare. durINDW Plow, set of &=Wlad harro,we, disc 60wB Just bred. 30 Yonne Pigs Just weaned, yes'"' ON, got 'by ScAl-11,05 sample- Cattle— with stabling unde=ea& end q, X 'W"', ��,�,`.,,`, "f �`,. Of love, and wait content heifers rising 2 yepans old, 12 stears rising I harrow, Adams wagon nearly new, vr,lgou 1 Pure bred Yorkshire bcar "."'rham cow 5 Years old, fresh with calf by second barn Bill= and . " . ­.','�, , "N�11 rising 2 510aw her Bide; Durham vo �. I * - Notes. -Miss Agnes Nesbitt, of --Sadly missed by her loving husband and year old, I heffers �rlsing I year old Durham box. gravel bon. flat hay raell. Bet of old- Poultry -I turkey, I gobbler. Also Ford Cow. 4 'Years old, fresh =tb=go T 4 . WA . .. _ -.""l- �!', " ­., � . ,�cl7e�o 1=4 I , ", �,� JO� ',�,, 1;.L1,` �� , , 1', ��b, bull rising 3 Years old. Floge-York sow due sleighs, bunks and bolsters touriu­_ - in g=d repair, I9z5 with calf by her side; Polled Anew heife, Them 14 01 4�� "', L, ,�,.­ model. Sale to .I -.- 1 L , ,,,,�, - - , mear Listowel, ret�rned to her home craraffly- with flat rack. clamineace at I o'clock, sharp. 8 years Old with ealf by her aide; Durham and the Propert7 IS V70H I as ft ;��'?. - ,,, _;,%,,!,;�' " �,��L, � ;., 1� r,", � , to farrow March 89th, York sow due to fer� steel tire top bug", rubber tire open bizggy, Terms-Seve"' cow 5 years old due March 25th, Durham L " 01, mo kets, churches, etc, � 1. I IA _!;, on Saturday after attending the fun- I.n. loving brance of William S. Hay low trime Of sale; Bow half fat, 7 ehoste 2 cutters, Overland touring car in good run- aths' credit will be given 'in fumiGhing' cOw 8 Years Old due June I I I ��­ � ,I. 16,1�,', � �� � .. ..... , Oral of her grandmother on Thurs- and little daTu'g'h't`e about 70 pounds each. Sheep -76 choice Or- nine order, Ford touring car in racer st le, approved joint Ist, Durham cow , . . �, , %,i',,v�t, " -11 �. r, Jean, Who died in Sta Y, 6ecu notw with Property OT111011 1 4 Ye- old due June 6th, TZRIlas OF.SALE: :. �. � , , , 1,111`�� &," I.. ,, 1, ,1,4- , - `�o,�, �, 4, ,....X1,; " - -- ford arld Leicester ewes 2 and 8 yeam old. Pea Puller arid buncher. rout pulDer, fanuh , rity, or a Hereford cow 7 , , , � " ford, Sunday, March lith, isin. k& unn discount of 6 Per cent. per Ten (10) Per ,;;;,o :,�o day last. -Quilting bees are the 0 years odd due August 8th; 8 Durh cent. of the Dur�- " , =0�� I . ;1,1 . - or- These are a choice lot of sheek, bred to jamb mill, set of sdsde5 2,000 Me. capacity, DeLaval um fZ for cash on credit amennin. No and I heifer rising am steers to be Paid% in cash at the timp 41�":*414* L .... , �1� the first of April. Terms -12 mouth., crediT, cream separator No. 22, in good . reserve as the proprietor is short of feed end 2 Y�ears old -_ I � 11 ­11:;,��,�'. ;�, running 6 . 6 Durham the Wauce, without int,?jlast. -& dop,,'4'4,,� . I .", I ..der of the day -John McLeod has One year has Passed and every day, will be given on furnishing approved joint overstocked. teers and I lieffer rising I Year old. Hoes- within (80) thirty day., lau B), I . 44a �,,­ ,7,-t. been appointed Postmaster to suc- Fond memories are enshrined, k order, Louden hay car, 160 feet a NO Outside stock allowed. Yorkshire sow d urlav,ogr JW I I"! , , ceed the late William Neal. He Will In lovLnir hearts of lonely ones ro , b 7 Auctioneer's decision ne time Of sale, Yorkshire be reiluired � , �1� ;I'm ban able paper, or a discount Of 5 per cent- fork and saings, cress cut saw, stoue na_ final in catie of sow due i, allowed for cash. Everything advertised will of 1, seL to sign an a,qreemcuv..�a, 0� W110 tbou bast left behind. brese mounted team 11 disputes. JOSEPH w. JORDAN, , March 20th. 3 yorkabire sows due the sale 1� TO& ,. .:1 4 ,!,; , - be pos-itivebr sold without reserve. WILM,MR Plow harness, harness, set . rc- April _ . -1 1111­,� ,f set of Pri 15th, 4 shmts � I 11-�' 40�� � � - � I take the work over the first of April. His life was faitid I in kindly deeds, of light double dri weighing about 90 Ibs., Further term and elandstigns of vla'a vau I '� �., A -i Jr., is sport- :A helping hand for others needs -"-u"'- barness, 2 .. :�� � 'Mr. William. Sholdic HCIWATT, Proprietor; Ge IFL Elliott, vium 10 sh-to vreighing.about 80 tbs., Pure bred will be made known at � I � �, I-- ,, ,9. ets of single harness, number Of — the ttrie d.f,r40 �=a . I .' (CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM collars, horse blankets, cooler� copper feed meantime qaW=:V=- =. '-`��'.,­ 1. all route. He died as he lived -everyone's in' PoulbrY­About 60 Barred Rock pu,llets. jim" deTsigned. , . ing a new caravan On his m His faithful life come to a sad end end. builer new Yorkshire hour 2 Years Old with Pedigree - may he had I in I the �; ,�t .I, ­�! "I'll, - � , � � �� � . STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at Lot 24 . robe, 2 dozen grain bags, quan- O TOCK AND plementa-Wassey_Harrie binder, &4cot I �, , .:., .�";�'. 1, -Mr. Richard Drager and his bride, cut Dated at Senforth, Omteri., this Gib (3109 co j, 1. I ; (of Preston, arrived in - t1ty March 1929 . . . . . 11: '_,., C,oncession 1, Tuckersmath Township, on High c� No. 21 Beed barley, 6-rawed; Quantity IMPLEMENTS on Lot 22, C,,,..ei.n 4, with 6heave carrier McCormick in ... wer 6 -foot � - ,Vli - Walton last Little Jean, so meek and fair way, 8 miles west of Seaforth, on Tu -d -v � of Banner seed oate, 10 tonts of mixed hay, Hay TOW71ship, 2 miles west of Hensell, on Cut. MaSSey_HsrriB rha . . ! ;,�� , . , --:01" "I" I Has left this world so full of care, March 19th, at 1 o'coock, sharp, consisting of 6 to ;o Tu�-.day, March l9th, 1929, commencing at I side d v r.a�kc Massey Vendor's Solicitor. I � .111 r J'a Tuesday and are the. guests v loader, Massey_Ha,i,l IFL S. HATS, , . 7�'. � , , T, of his Gone with her dad she loved so well, the following: Homes-Matolled , ns, timothy. 25 c rds, of hardwood 12- eU ery -HarriB manure 3196_4 1 11. �1'1;11 I mother, 'Mrs. Lottie Drager. -Mr. J. Home to a brighter land to dwell, team of long, 1,000 feet of rock elm 2 -inch Plank. O'Ltock sharp: Horses-Mat.hed team of spreader, ldwuey_i�arris 13 -hoe seed drill, Me. Thomas Brown, Auctiouzzr. I I I , .. . , , , �,ii, - "I � geldings weighing 3100 pounds, 7 and 9 years 1,000 feet of 1 -inch basswood, about 800 f" -t mares rising 9 and 11 years old, about 2700 C—i--k hay rake, land roner, Deering endti- I . I �", �11 I , j, ,, Dennison Ila -s got Settled, on his new -Sadly missed by Mother, Sisters nii-I old; 1 heavy draft mare, black, 7 Years Old, of birds' eye maple for flooring, 12 tongues P01113,11s; 5 Year Old gelding about 1450 pounds, vator, disc harrow, set harrows 8.0ection. . . . ­�,;,4a "Ill . 4 I '. . "I — Y ;:: ii, , Brothers. 1 1650 pounds; 1 black gelding, 12 Years; one of Be growth hickory. lumber for . I aged driving mare. Live Stock -Four year harrow cart, scuffler, track wagon, three-quar- 11 �� :farm On the 12th concession of Me- ,cond . - I Xillop. rising three years. s4red by Glengyre, gravel box, neckyokes, ,whiffletree.. shovels, Gld cow. fresh; 7 Year old cow, fr�eah; 9 year, ter Mcc,wmiek we" MORT(gl�AGIT, SALE �,.. "". bmken; I gelding rising 2 years, well 11 nearly uerw, top buggy, . I .� � U19PORITAhTT NUFMCES I zlen; I filly rising I year, fwks chains, etc. Household Effects -Four- old cow, fresh; 3 steers rising two; 3 heifer's steel tires; cutter carriage, Dunnville 'J% H 11 �. Drager -Snider. -A quiet wedding I I black driver, "r n, due in April and May, 3 heifers rising one, 2 P. gas engine, ' . . .;"""�, ,� I � I i�";, ,,,, - ru good third hor-c, rising seven. These burne Perfection coaa M stove with ove Maxwell oat crusher, Bell ciii: .��,_ � �� ,�.,.�'. was solemnized on Saturday, Fcbru- SALE.-THRI:E FURD 13R --D HERE- i homes we all in good condition, Cattile-1 'Daisy dhurn, large eize; dining room suite auel"i'zur calve3' 1 Bow with litter, about 56 t'ng box, 12411111 In ; Maxwell r ,�,,J�,'i. ford . hens, 2 gees�_ Outh cot Pulper, . I I ,�`� i FOR black Holstein cow 6 years, to freshen soon, composed of table, chairs and sideboard, V;c- I gender, 1 good Collie dog. Oliver riding plow I L 1.11 . of tiloroughbred White Rock cockerels. Apply 11-scy'-Ha-H5 walking OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS W. I L 11 _��.§f, 1, , " arY 23rd, at the United Church, Pres- bulls, fit for serviM also a number i real choice cow and heavy milker; 1 white t�la, new, with records; Brussels me 9,XI2" Implements, Etc. -10-20 Titan tractor, John plow, Fleury No. Zi walking Plow, he rack THE TOWNSHIP . i. .. .! ton, when Alum 'May, only daughter to ELLIOTT BROS., R. R. Holstein 8 Years, milking, supposed to be in and other articles too numerous to mention. Deere '-furrow Plow, Port Huron threshing with sli,jing rack, fanning mill with b OF GREY ': . 1, Bayfield. Phone calf; I Durham grade cow 7 years old. milk- Everything advertised to be sold without r machine 20-30, cutting box with blower, 10 set scales 2.000 pounds Capacity agger, �.��'m`. -,of Mr- A. Snider and the late Virs No. 609 r 41, Clinton. 8193x2 - e- P,4-- - � I ... --i . Snider, was united in marriage to I Ing good. oupposed to be in calf � I red cow -------- , 4 Yearn old, to freshen in April; I black Polled FOR SALE. -A QUA APPLES F Angus serve as the Proprietor is giy,ing up farming. At the same time and place Lot 6, Concession inch Jolie�ttL grinder, jack, 20 feet jack, 30" circular saw, fanning mill, belt for- 12M M. . e cream separator 660 capacity. wheelbarrow, new: 2,5-"-lon gasoline tarill4 fire extinguisher, I UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the pacmzj, �,� i of sale contained ..., � � in a certain Indenture e2 1.% Ritchie C. Dra g-eT, eldest son of Mrs. zood cooking apples of different var' i I cow 4 Years old with calf at foot: I t ; Holstein cow 6 years old, to freshen March 1, Hul-lett Township, will be offered for sale- ,,.. lies, Deering binder 6 -foot, Mass Hai�ris - 5-fcot; 25 gmin bags, 7 bushels timothy seed, 15 bags I Mortgage, which wdl) be produced at the th= , _�, and the late Charles H. Drager, Wal- I $1.00 per baiz while they last, Av , 25th ; 2 heifers 2 Years old, 9 cwt., half fat; This farm consists of 88 ac more or less, res mower Folton Pea harvelteeY r ttae.h- Frest Potatoes, Gr'eOn MAmntain; sugar kettle, pea of sadei,there will be offered for sale, by vub- . �, .11", lic by ton. The ceremony was conducted by PRANK COLEMAN, R. R, No. 1, Seaforth. I I Hereford heifer 7 cwt., half fat; also a . Situated half way between Seaforth and ment & Wood disc 20 inch Froot & , Wood seed drill 11 hoe. harv�ter, Pig crate. stock rack. set sleighs, on, Thomas � I an Brown. auctioneer. W . , . .- Dick's Hotel, in the Town Seaforth, the Rev. A. 0. Foreman. The bride. Phone 239 r 22. 8196-2 - number of stockers. Sheep --6 well bred ).�­ ______ cester ewes 2 and 3 G inton on the Highway. On the Premises isl erected large farm dwelling Success ni4nure spreaAer, 4 sectioni diamond harrows, two wood rack' with log bunks, gravel box, wagon box with shelving and Of I= the County of Huron. on Tuesday, the I � - 9tb .. . was charmingly attired in a sleeveles S 11 years old. Pigs -Two' ]EVAPORATOR FOR SALE. -ONE GRIM � brood sows,' extra good ones,; 11 store hog8 a ho good barn 60'x60'. s u"e- with teel roof, stone foun44a.- walking Plows, cream separator, Ford coupe spring seat, churn, 40 9 oa,k eq, s saings . allon barr at with block and . March, 1929, at two (2) - cloek in the afkEr- . ,_! . ; noon. farna Lot numb O _�rf - govirn, of white Satin and lace -witli evaporator complerte 1100 Pounds� Implementa-McCormi,ek binder with buckets, tanks 7 -foot cut. used three seasons; Massey d tion. c ement flooring, water ,in stable, accom- 192,3 model, in good shape: quantity of end pes ts and other posts. Massey -Harris scuffler chain, ex�tension lad,de,, 20 -foot; emery stone, 2 logging chains, 24 ft Nine (9). in *a .1 - 11 Seventeenth (17th) Cone"ess of the Tmm� . .1 1, . "on' shoes and hose to match, and. carried spiles, allo .a quantity of hard and soft -Harris an i mower 6 -foot cut, new; spring tooth modation for stabling -35 head of horses and cnd Puller combined, Noxon cultivator, land 5 in.; rublier belting. Post hole "hip of Grey, In said Cou I ty of Huron, con� I ,_� I taining a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss w�d. cut any length, Apply to WILLIAM c�,t,ti- GREEN, Kippc,n, or 8 vator, Massey -Harris seed drill 14 hoe. Massey- cattle, driving house, hen house, garage. Ile farm is well drained, clean, in roller, 2 wagons, set of low wheels, bob auger. 3 pine Pdank 18"x2' 12 feet; '(x)T-sca1nt_ �uantitv of lumber and a by admea6urementrone hundred (100) acres ,of land ,be the same more less. Winnifred Drager, sister of the phone on M Hen- Harri's hay loader (new), Quebec riding pt,)w. gan- and a gooJ Wtate of cultivation- All cleared with the sleighs. l6ght wagon, top huggy, open buggy, quantity lin--. Ford touring car, 1919 model ; I rope or ,. There are erected ,on the said landa a comm- ,. groom, was bridesmaid, wearing a new, only plowed 6 acres; single furrow walking plow - Ander,ion; 4 -sec ion harrows tBain exception of 2 acres of maple b�h and buggy pole, , road cart, 2 eutters, gravel box, material for 2 gravel boxes, 2 16-f t racks. O'D and r,tret,chcr. Hurne, --Set reekedaing her. 'set � I fortable dwelling house and a good bar7l nua - I .1 outhouses, and the land is frock of yellow taffeta ,witba bouquet I F ARM FOR SALE. -SOUTH HJ LF LOT complete; wi& disc with truck wagon No. 20, in the 4th C,oncession, London with box complete, box. lie orchard; artesian well with 'new Nvindmill, 40 f fad] Plowing .le, 0 - m done, remaind� seede.] root pulper, grind,t,,, ,,n,,y stone, copper ness, set Plow harness sinirble herness, odd 1-011all, horse blanke�;, Buffido robe- Feed- in a good tD.Uba-z � 0, ," condition and is situated close to the thabr- "I I of pink carnations. The groom was g�vel y rack, rt� Road Survey, of the Towaship of Tucker- stock rack, Massey -Harris sleighs , d new, use to hay and pasture, also 100 screl, I_,ot s5 kettle. stone boit, road drag and snow plow, 'I bage and so�ks, -large and heaters, About 100 bushels of —,gels and turnips, ing Village of Walton tand the C. P. a ot-- ' - ,� ti�n th,r,a,t� assisted by Mr. Edward Gillow, of "n ith, in the County of Huron. containing ! cne season, with 2 -inch rock ,elm wood raric 50 acres of choice land, On said lands is an I and bunks separate; I steel roller hay Conc�sion 1, Tuckersmith Towriship, on the highway. _ small coal iron. be&tead and spring, 2 hanging lamps, 4 quantity of hay, fo".. hovels, spades, hoes, cross cut saws, pails, lamps. whiffietrees, neck- . TERMS OF SALE. . I . I Preston. After the ceremony the wed- ding rake, excellent 1% story brick house and basementl wide; fanning mill, root Pulper, set l5rass with stone foundation 2 miles east of Clinton. This farm is all under grass, well water. and about 7 bedroom lamps, coal ,oil beater, brass inounted double harness rie, 2 sets of heavy harnals, yokes and w hest of other artial too numer- to Ten (10) Per cent of the purchase monq7 �� � , cash an the day of sale and the balameza, - party returnEd to the bride's liome, where a dainty buffet luneh,-on contafining 7 rooms, ( mounted team harness, set nickel mounted Iso frame barn 36x56 in good condition with I team harness used one season, 500 bushels of acres of good hardwood bush. Terms on Farms. -Ten 2 sets single harriess, double livht barness, ous mention. Sale at 12 o'clock, sharp- Terms of Saleeo-m(merneZesds all sums of without interest, to be paid witbin thlrty . "I (30) days thereafter, when the was served. Later the halypy courple sntorie foundation and stabling lij��h,tning rod-, good oats. Improved Banner ntity ,yf ded, also a frame driving sbed 20x30, The choice rock elm Plank, neckyokcs,Qwua` hiffletre"o per cent. of purchase money paid down ,on day of sale: 30 per cent l6t pair horse blankets, rohe� barrels, logging chains, forks, shovels, doubletrees, neckyokes, $15.00 and under, h. over� that amount lo n7)Dnths' 11 be Purchaser r,?M . be entitled to 3Kr�seaabv. I I Reft for Toronto and' Detroit for a , land is well �tered, fenced and drained, 14 forks, chains and numerous other art ! 'e `s, * of April balance can remain on mortgage Z ,everal chairs, quantity dishes, 80 feet drive credit wicas giver an furnishing approved joi t ot es ii u with property as . The purch2ser on the day Of sale will Z=� - I I required to sign an agTeement for the short honeymoon. For tra-%�elling the � w.re,l are Plowed, there are 5 acres of choice: including somo household effects. Ter m3 -_ maple and elm bush, the balance bei,ig pas - All sums of $10.00 and under, reasonable rate of interest. Terms on Farm Stock and Imillements.-All sums of slo and belt and numerous other axtioles. Everything goes without reserve as the farm is security, or a d iscount of 6 Per oweneruper ni. eom� 1 i>letion of the Varefliusc). I I bride donned a gowm of blue satin cash; over at th ture and bay land- The property is very amount 8 months' credit will be given 11 undet­. cash; over that =mount 8 months' sold. Terms of Sale. -Car, $10 and under, cash; ann off for cash on credit amounts. Ace- tionu=u's decision Anal in case of disputes. Further tLrins and Particulars of sale wM' �. be made known on the day of sale and way ,. crepe with hat and fur trimmed coat situated as to schools and churches and furnishing bankable Paper. Four per e.eot" n T-naerkets, For further credit will be given on furnishing approvel over that amount 8 months' credit will be all N 0 reserve ' the Proprietor is - be had in the meantime frariL the zindersignia, . to match. Mr. and Mrs. Drager will particulars apply to atmight for cash- Evei-y,thing must be sold W ELIZA-BETH FORSYTTI, Kippen P.O., Ont. I have rented my farm. G. W. NOTT, P, joint bankable paper, cT 4 per cent. straight allowed for cash on given on furnishing approved joint notes. Folor giving im f arming andalhas sold his farm. No ,stside Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 28th Febria- I reside in Preston. R.R. No. 2, Administratrix of the Estate of Prietor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer . John I credit amounts. WM_ J. ROSS, Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Auc- per cant. off for c it mo cash on red a unts. EDWARD DATERS, Proprietor; R. F. Stade, stock allowed- CLARENCE H. wOGK, pro_ Th ary, 19,29. I . R. S. BAYS, — Huleston, deceased - 3195-3 8195.2 tioneer. 3194-2 Clerk; Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. 3195-2 1 Prietor: C-01,17. Clerk; Fred W. Ahrens. AucatrinoZeer. Vendor's Solicitor, Seadorth, out. I (A.1151271T - . All -wool -they ccene in tha:?mvorei V-nsch style -with two pocketa and 3195-1 -8194-3 Thomas Brown. Auctionew. Q � V. � �, li� L , — I : . D� i� . A FACE-TO-FACF4 WITH TROUBLE Seaforth Merchant Throws up his hands R. J. GIBB Men's and Women's Store ORDERED SOLD MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH AT ONCE! I 0, � , - , ", $25,000,9C Rock 0 Wua You 'ORka a �K, ,��Wr \_� CQ1 T 5uch m Bg-emth-Tmk�ng, Stcr�l'mg 0 0 � ppp�rtumt'/ to ozve MZ7 Me'veir come, ZgER-ng 00) g1relSp it MOW7 Ind bUy Joir mon�hg Eheald]. Thig PTR'C(5 amRohing event memna many 0 doHua Eddled to thq" asvmgs of the thffifty who grup the oppoirtumlty- Down go the pzice& TF,ve,TT dal -V bTo Rflg2 girealte'T oalvniago� Don't maso thio ma,ght7 MeTclkn- dizq,ng �eota,VML Come 00 stiretch VOUT doRRETO—big ,%a Ynnlket& . Seaforth, Ont., Feb. 15, 1929 To Whom It May Concern -- I pledge you the greatest -bargains you have ever seen or hear of. Come! Look! Corn,pam-! You'll b�_, dumb- founded at the savings! I've been sent here to sell this Stock and I'm going to do it in a hurry. You'll see I have slashed prices without mercy. FRED BROWN, Merchandise -Attorney. I MEN,9 SURTS-$9.95 — MEN'S BRACES I MEN'S HEAVY RIB SHIRTS AND . —, - - . MEN'S PANTS -0.95 � MEN'S OVERALLS BOYS' WOOL JERSEYS 9 Only Men's Suits made of Tweed material. These Suits were not made Men's Fine Dress Braces, made of pure silk elastic and) a wonderful bar- DRAWMRS-$1.29 Made from a heavy ali-woo� Wor- 39 only Men's Odd Pants in Serge Worsted The well made Bib B Overall in all Made of all -wool Worsted yarns. It to -seall at anythinig near this price. These are odd Suits and val- Q8,9 gain. Regular 75c. SALE PRICE . 4C sted yarn and, are made for long hard wear. This is and styles, a pant to match any odd coat. Values to $5. �Saffl sizes. Extra large with double seams; black and plain blue. g � 9 has the new polo collar an& is �uet the thing for school. Regu_ �� NA Ues to $16.50 SALE PRICE ',') ,I ................ — your opportunity. Only a limited number of garments to sell at this price. SALE KIN SALE PRICE .......... ... . SALE PR:CE .............. aB ular $1.75. SALE PRICE .. — — — — Hmljos SUITS -$13.95 1 MEN'S CAPS PROCCE ............... MEN'S BRACES BOYS, OVERALLS / BOYS' FANCY TWEED SUITS, $53g 14 only Men's and Young Men's I Just the Idnd of Claps men like- trae correct style with eight-pieoe, toF and Extra heavy men -'a work braces, ex- A well niada Overall , in black and 15 only ROV-S, Bloomer Suits in — Suits at give-away prices. These suits I unhz*ahabile peak. Values to �� MENIS FLEECE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS tra good elastic and mmds for extra long hard wear. blue stripe. Extra heavy S� a2@ fancy Tweeds and plain SergW MSE�a with the very best timings are ' in WorstsiN and Tweeds and are $2.00. SALE PRICE ...... 1139 -we kSp weight; all sizes ..... ..... and have the Well made. Values to $25. SALE PRICE ............ �, � 8035 1, Men's "Tiger Bran&' Fleece Und�vr_ wear are me& for LE , - guaranteed govnor fas'Mer liot, tome on the bloomers. V I 11 - KIA __ — MEN'S TE38 lo dozen, Meim's Bow Meo in menr comfort and lon.g -wear. The best fleeca unftrwear on I the market. A-11 sizem. Reg. $1.00. SALE PRICE 79C ALL WOOL BOYS' 0U7TS,---$&S5 Motherls. Don't miss these-& fine * ues to $12. SALE PRHCE.. -_ — R0WIS WORSTED SOCKS I 18 Men's and Young Men's Blue Li Serge Suits, -guaranteed fast &ye; per- fact fitting � colors and patte,rns with elastic band. This ifD ......... - 10 dozen men's heavy -worsted som in black and heather mixtures. A real lot of corking good hard wearing Boys' Suits -get him one of these at ENGLISH SOX and extra well made. You cat"t afford, to miss this opportunity. your saving. , C 0 5)? SALE 'PRIOE ................ � C Rock for comfort and long weez. isc e. Values to $9.60 ", , 5225 Popular patterns in fancy English — Values to $25.00. � I 9111E STANP ]IRLD'S "BLUR LAIBIRL" SHff RTS AND. DRATJMS_�p_,S9 IC SALE PRICE .............. all -wool Socks. Knitted from fine Cashmere wool. This is the best SALE PRICE — boss I ............ Is kmown made. Values to $1.25. SIC — MEN'S WOOL GLOV3S . from coast to e0ast as the liest heavy all -wool underwear MENIS S MRTS BOYS' CAPS --89c SALE PRICE .............. . . 22 Men's and Young Hvil's Suits of the better make in Serge and Wca­ I -knit Gloves in grey and 'heather macb. The aZ--wooR yarns are heavy in weight and strongly finiahed A manufacture-ee clearing sale of !Smart Cape for boys are stylish — I ateds. The newest etripes are Includ- in this I MAxturea. R$9111W We. 552 throughout. Regular $8.00. 021,20 Shirts. 'Every shirt is Splendid qual- ity selling at a price far Mow. their brown mixtures or grey mixtures; 8- pie,00 Crown and R desp peak. Looks SUPER SPECEAL-LADEES, COATS ei range. valass to $95.00 -SALE FMCE I ..... I . SALE -PRICE .............. . � — I true value. Values to $3.03. 7 � AE � Smart, fits comfortable. Val- 0 8, C $9.95 .. ues to $1.25. SALE PRICE .... Ten only regular $25 and $27.50 ( i — � 1 STANIFIELDIS "M3D LAIM191" i BELTMORM EIATS-48.95 � I W inter Costs to go at th 11 , bargain, �81195 — Pv='S SWEATER COATS , ! SMRTS AND DRAVrMS I j I I Every Biltmore Hat In stock will be - , , WORK SUERTS � DKEN'S PANTS price of ........... 1,� All -wool -they ccene in tha:?mvorei V-nsch style -with two pocketa and Every man knows "Stanfield'o Red � LahaT Underwear, ma& for comfort sold at this price. Some have snap brim, *while others, I In a large range of colors and made . Th,ese Pants�, will stand up under Be (here early for thece. huMa trimmed cuffs. Reg. , $8.00. SALt $2,39 I and long we" If the belt all -wool are more staple styles. Values to $6.0o. �EapE I to give extra wear. T _ �ese abirtg are I Tnade e3dra large amd roomy. 0 the hardest usage. Well stitehed � throughout. You wil -1 find them ex- 18 Only Satin, Faced Crepe and Georgette, all colors, o and loveliest P RICE ...... . __ , � yarns. Sold eilstvwherei at $2.60. SALE, PRICE ...... . � all � I .. , Valups to $1.65. SALLE PRICE ft .­_.... I � ceptional good value. All � , , . %ffl SALE PRICE �tYles everyone of which are enclus- ire. Values to $16.63 . . I I sizes. ...... I SALE PR3(M OM LOU � rv23RRX SHIRTS AND DRAWERS � � ......:..... I i - MEN'S SCARFS P071man'n meMnm weight M,,ino � I WORK SOCIKS-49C i 1� I'll TOGGERY SHOP �111 20 only Printed Velvet and Gveorv- ette Oom,bination, and heavier quarj.&7 SUrto slid Drawers. a wonderful mv in&. All sizes. Reg i 11 Standeld"s heavy all-vxd � work soeks of excellent -wearjng � . � Made from fine Fugi Silk, plain Crepes are includtad in this rang ,a of Dresses. Valuels to � qX61MY iffles; I front . twisTbed 40C , � i The sk)g-s F0,TM(Baiy OWA ned By white and fancy patterns, Very now. I Regular $1.95. $27.50. SALE PRICE ............ SAN � yarns. ,SALE PRICE ......... �� � A "' — � SALE PRICE ............. . - STAMMMILD"S COM7NAMNS %G fim meaum VV aht all'awool. yarm am htittsa I'a tat i I , . I Ro J0 (ilB_ D � - i , LADIES' MILK AND WOO$ EffOSM, 15 dozen 1,.idIeg MERINO C0M=1AT2(D1,1TSl, 01.JJD Penimall's . . �i I BOYS' ErRAVY MIM 1ROSIM I a rib atiteh. Made in 0,11 V1911,3 and a rssl caving'. metvum, vraight Nolino ! Onmibinationn mads *om Union yarns � . 1 Outstanding value Is here oVerei 11 Silk U,Ad Waol Hoze in menj neW gbadeo. S,6=0 Regulav 68 Go , SALE �fi&* L $2050 I and well tAlond. ICE MITI � -2 MI'M in sarvieerible all -wool Worsted Hem, , All mizeia. ,ReffWar 654(-_ , have n�w rJUIpper heels. Vmry p,%IT - .............. 1 1 . am" M T 1. 9 BE, ma FIVIE 1 SALE ?1=19 40@ guargutesa. 03, $2.00. , yot . I.- . I / � I 0 I I ................ I SAL2.MMI _�, I .....t. *.. -, , , I �� " , -'1-;. ".111" , ., ." �; "I" �� %," , .1, , , �� ..... . , .:�,.�:,;i, i I I � ,.; o I I L 11­11:_,�,�;" ,. ," I __ - I . I � I 11 . ; I . I : � . z �. i 11 I . ,, I I � ,�­, � "'. �.,. " : ­ 4, . I I i 1. : , 1 �, - . ,, 1.1, �:�,:�, ,, .: : � 1: �,_'_ �-,', � �;Z , . 'i � �,_ - ". I _.� .­ I , I ;.,1- �,4­,.t�,�, I 1�-�i��11'�,� ; . _. " " 1. 11�11 I 11: �� ,,�;, ;,�,!, ''_i;,;��,_,;�. , ,,,, 1, � , 1. , - `:''�":,� . 1, , .,,� ; .... .... �, '' ,�,l�,''�,�;";;,�,�,11.�,,��.?"Jr",.,.�I ­ .1'1�;.­!, , , , . I I ;,i- " ,,�,� ... . .. 1,1;.'.�14�1:., " , �'. 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