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The Huron Expositor, 1929-02-22, Page 4
., . , >: • .. 'I Y r.. , .....,, i:,:. , ..:,.. , .41 r .,r. .. ..I ::1 ,. .. ti ,.,...�. ,, .... .: .. : : , R.. .. �, .. 1 ,. ,. .. .. . :d :'::, , .I. ,:..n. :::: : P ,l 9, 1 u r r.., .. y%� i L ; W.a:•,. _ �,� r ., .. : :., r. ,. :: tlMR 'n .., . 417t� ',� '..J o1. I l • G:,. '. :> 1, I_ r r'w.wr.cM•F4. . :: .-'. .: .,:... -,:: ,•:: I �...•:" •4a-,?.. .>imPWu^.�,as, •er^'T. .� Y•. :. y" 11. I r v^ x - r n, tea,, d aa. �d�s4ie r9aR - oa® tla :e I ,.. ,: ' . : v ' t ed elu�air�tutalu of �ia� .: • , , ;' c, : ;xtd , tk ntaeka n exp \lanai t&ta a as �. lln>e � �i 7 b wen re-. atfld a4 wt' , taav! � .. ?,i ,.. r^ 5 4A$" tlhe R�ce€�. t iyear. ll�i 14 k1 �� T: very zc. t. lunch was served mfg appa�>Iltedea'A°a^easaaaan, Bald paer 14�a mhtu lis��atra�nth ' .. 4.' : b w , r� r Sl `„„ , '.7 � , ..:,. " .ex alae pxag a 'e. A11 s end a ver Miss x*eta 1 cNaaa''ltiti8z, l[,ibraylast, great as i , 'ail ailette as r t" a 7 1 3 a ' aa'y u cR li htfwrl t a, �-1 r. alkdpMrs. 906 . Mr. J c ay have a slol® ciaai ncapaxt on special lam, .fin, vzhiala vrwas Al*r : 19 ° 1.X111 ,,,, s _ Scott axrac� 1Gfr., a nd yrs. $�uncen Mc- the avoa+k of the board through the dealt wfiGh Al,e spvs�ticer. 7Plaa > tali . _ ,e11a� attended tb'e fulsn.'rai oda Friday year. There are some -75 w'ho talcs jept �atte�,; .S largmly taken from � $ r, , ", verbs, wlloire "lhe 1dHal ,WOBIlIEIn is ata 7 tx last at Avanton. of their friend, Mr. books fro'xm the Library and 6,00:0 the last oia ter In the Book of Pro- - d , . D C I�IiG EERIE a , le', r &fi Grieve, of that plaee.-A very an ; kraaks were issued 1st year. The , 11 1. I . , tN3, ,i able 'house party was meld at the Board puselletsed $200 worth of" hooks beautifully � d, grslphaeally described 21 M " . }�. #; y �r :. is growing Ysioveme it home of Mr. Oswald ]Volker on Wed- last year, having a surplus of $175. in language +e aid thought that cannotAI"_ 1. °":� e aunt which has ° io . At the close of his report, Mr, McKay be excelled, w➢lich stands as a wotnid-Y �dt I fi +, ,adtAlat tkv. a -try, nesday night last, being the occas n 'agno .� ' g of a recap$ion fqr his son, Otta and was tendered a .vote of thanks for lies lesson and eaQeaalple for all ages for \abject idhe securing of legisla- $tat will provide for the restore- pride, w'lio were recently married. ! splendid sHrvittea during the year on what counts .r worth and suability of Q ,f+..11 lvl� �. + e f the many old and very enjoyable even ng was spent- motion of Messrs. Jones asud Sian- character. l9 special features of the 0-1m s rpt¢$ ulo-ke P o The stork left a baby girl at the home mons. Mr. McKay, Mr, �blliek and service Wats il�e fine singing of a :�' eel deasleteries one' sees dotted of Mr. Whll Calquhoun's in the village Mr, Jones were appointed a commit choir of aazale forty women, the sanAH . d"�`* illotaT� $he land• recent) tee to purchase the new- books during as at the mit'olaig service, and who 1.Tlam reasons ons these cemeteries are Y• the year. The Board in appreciation rendrered a psarnber of fines well known The Bel�l °1 a2ePhoPa Company ns Owne d arit gqt. tlua disgraceful oondhtion we find for the splendid' services given by the standard hywas, together with a line ������ Librarian, Miss McNaughton, gave 'tuartettH entitlled,},"Jwst As ][ Am 15 300 sbc- reholder s and 95.par \Cent f i ,, t%tn to -day are, ma?ay and varied. J TRS her alt increase in salary. The meet- Without One Plea 11 which was sang � s • 1 , . r-. Sloane belonged to churches, the con- in then adjourned on motion of Clark by Mrs. C. �/. Munroe, itt aMrs. W. O• ®f them alive in (C�2�1�da. _ Over 50 per i � ysi s : Notes. -Campbell Eyre, Glen Mc- g Goodwin, lis: T. J. Sherritt and Miss , VD,DA gregations of which have long been lean, Bert Riley, Calvin Horton and and Follick. scattered, ®there are situated in ;Alex. McGregor motored to Detroit 'D"a•yman-Smith.-A very quiet wed- :Tesrs�ie Buchanan. The choir was ably 1 t , : s once a populous country le spent the week end with friends. ding was solemnized at Wesley trained by +1W.`r W. O. Goodwin with (GQ%Il71$ ® $�ill(mIIiTIl SIIC( ®ll1�(�3T11° . 4 . C 7s 1 what was P p Church Manse, Clinton, rot February Miss Eleanor Fisher as accompanist r �' xesltre, n6w only a name and scarcely They report that the highways were 5th, when Rev. A. J. Holmes, united n the pipe gx+gan, and the only elft- �. he average shareholder has 27 shares ;�. n good condition for travel. - A i��Y. tha�At to tote present generation. in marriage 'Mrs. Catharine Jane ion that would have added still mo e } itieetina' of the ratepayers of School but no matter what the cause, their Section No. 10 Tuckersmith will be Smith, mother of Mrs. Robert Green, ,o their fine services would have been r of th, mother to James Dayman, of a few special'numbers such as solos and gets' $2j6 a year ®n ]'cons money. The P. �. . all tion is a reproach to every liv- held at the school on Friday at 4 P.M ,md duets. added to the numbers that ' ; ing Ktizen, in the locality in which _...__.. _ _ Kippen. The bride was 'becomingly ,.hey rendered. Another services , largest has 11,510 shares, �r�nir is less gowned in a dress of mauve beaded _ ,they are situated. 'Many of these georgette, over silk with orange blos- will be. held on the coming Sunday cemeteries contain the last resting WA L+T01M sons caught on the shoulder, and she evening. -Little Miss Marion Dougall $�H� ®��®��� �� ®� ®�� ��� COffII$ ®¢ $�� E, selections from "The Mikado" and the play also carried orange blossoms. Her who arrived home from Victoria Hos- e place of pioneers, who in their day "Will O' The Wisn," at Cardnos Opera Hall, tiayelling dress was navy blue flat pistol on Thursday evening last, lieu- $®$S1�1° 'ation fought as good a fight and did as Seaforth, March 1st Don't miss it. Admisrecently - grneat awork for their country as did Aon 5o cents. crepe with smart blue satin hat with foig mastoid gone under an taken very ill ll on ,, s.., : Notes. -The Young People's Society navy blue coat with fur trimming. , ,,, r" ®Velton held Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday at the 'home of hex grand- The'company ���' ��®�� ��®� � few any soldier in there• war. Their descend- Mrs. Dougall gradually get- j�, �y'!,t' of Duff's United Church, .. ` `" ` a very successful Valentine social in Daymlan left for Maple Grove Farm, mother, , ants are now dead or scattered to the I air, four winds and, it is not fitting that the school room of the church. The the very fine ports of the groom, two ting worse until Sunday, when it was $��1Ct;j�D�C11®gllc�S $® ®�icirFl°®®y®®®n lWlUl$ Il$ �ll�l$ and a half miles northeast of Kip- decided to take her to the hospital '' their graves should be desecrated. psogram'me consisted of music, sing- again, and an X-ray taken to locates llll(���IP s�m➢>L$ Il$S® �l)r11G� IC1le�YeE:It' ��� ing, dialogues and games. A splendd pen, where they will in future reside. g i Peace has its heroes as well as war, the trouble,.and an operation was per- �{�, t - h lunch was served by the young ladies. Hosts of cangra'tulations are extend- fn'®lflC)1 11$� SCD®IlII�� of $11ll(L� best se13fifIlC�C� at t`',' and neither should be forgotten. The proceeds amounted to about $12. ed to Mr. and Mrs. Daymran by their formed for a further trouble of mas- Il� -Daniel Regele, of the 14th cones- numerous relatives and friends in very toid oweak,dMarion ay i sg�doing and ajust as lowest cost. • t4..,:: - sior. of McKillop, has sold his farm their married life.. The Y P well as can be expected. Much sym- a to Messrs. Dra Drager of the 12th con- Young 'People's League.-The A Q� ECI,.-I N I NG INDUSTRY g athy is a Teased for her parents ia. cession' of McKillop. -Isaac Bolton, of L. of the United Church )tell) a social and, other natives, and hope's are ex- d She monthly rates paid by teFePlterzs lasers u'ra ®va&aupd® .;:, and Quebec today are the lowest MUD im Qlao yi`;'.• There was a time in city, town and Elie 14th concession of McKillop, has evening on Monday, it befog in ills pressed for. her complete recovery.- : ,':_: beer, quite sick. He had an attack of form of a Valentine social. Miss Miss Doreen Farquhar, of Brucefleld, Lporldfoo cornegsurac88eaesarac¢re 'v 1§ „:.; country, when the ice harvest in win- acute indigestion on Thursday. -Mrs. Greta )gramme, a arranged the gel a has accepted a. position as, clerk in \lire ter constituted a very considerable in- George Dickson and Clete have been programme, while Miss Ethel Mur- P e Hens -all Bakery, in place of Mists Mary •r,, dustry in Canada. An industry that visiting at the home• of Mr. and Mrs. dock prersided. The basement was McKai who left this week to take a employed a very great number of men Robert Reid over the week end, very artistically arranged by a num- g> "Ci through many weeks of the winter. ben of Miss Lammbe s pupil's, making P osition in the telephone office, Exe- a ,most unique, appearance. Follow- ter. -Mr. ]Manley Jinks, of Detroit, -' �' it 1. ' In fact to -many men it held an im- ing the devotional Part of the meet- spent the weak end with his wife and o7�7tiE BELL TElI.]EPH ONE � C®����it ®� Q:A�T�t�1 1 ,, i STANLEY EY youngson at the home of his par- • �• ^ � yortance, equal to the grain harvest ing, Miss Ella Pepper rendered a eats, , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks.- r r'Li, very pleasing violin selection entitled, oay�r in ,summer. Selections from "The Mikado" and the play The Misses Douglas, of near Blake, s For many weeks it gave employ- "w� O• The Wisp," at Carduos opera Hall, "Oh Where and O Where is My High- have been spending the past week or h�`rr Seaforth, March 1st. Don't miss it. Admis- land Laddie Gone," accompanist, Miss �. v.11 i, ffienit when employment was often Sian 60 cenRs. Lammie. The to is far the evening two with 'their grandmother, Mrs. - h badly needed and this employment Notes. -A good entertainment was was a story about a Valentine, very Thomas Dick, at the west end of our �` r was not canned to any one district, given in the Anglican Church, Varna, nicely taken by Miss Elva Shaddock. village, and are remaining with her C?�" ry, an Tuesday evening of last week. The Miss Kathryn Drysdale delighted the, until their aunt, Mrs. Bertha Bell, re - x �!,' In fact it was very general.. Leaving was put on b the Lake- turns from attending the millinery programme p y gathering with a pleasing Valentine the cities and the large ice companies side Entertainers' of Bayfield. - The ,solo, nicely attired in Valentine openings at Torontd, which will be t In these cities out of the question, it Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dress. (Following this a number of very shortly, -We regret, to report k '�,: r'. vr7... r:. ., :. rvv u, r..,,. ..p.. .:. ,,.. x . : ,, ,n 1.. "V „- ,. It "::3... :. „'. .�. wd...'.. .i! ,". of held a -lar a place in every town and administered at the Goshen Church games were indulged in which were that Miss Janet White has been con- " � q , s,i g last Sunday morning. -Mr. Gordon in charge of Mr. F. Cantelon and fined to her room for the -past week 1 olnaller centre. Hundreds of men or so through illness and still is.- McClinche „ of Auburn is visiting Mr. Claude Blowes, after which lunch g weaie employed in the cutting; pun- Y Mr. Colin S. Hudson, as Assessor, s +: with friends in Stanley this week.- was served. makin his rounds --Dr. .Moir has dredis of teams and teamsters in the We see by last week's Expositor that -The annual Worlds Day of g t lately had installed) in the hospital his i' I hauling, and more hundreds of men Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGanrin, of Prayer was observed in the United a " �:' were in the storing of the Tuckeismith, have passed the 65Th Church on Friday afternoon with a new electrical; diat'henvy equipment � _ 1. 4 ,. gwerand several pbNonts are taking ad- t n,, ices_ anniversary of their wedding. They large attendance of W. M. S. mem- a - , ' `rily are well known in Stanley, having re- vanta a of thieete ray treatments which ' g bens of Carmel Presbyterian Church. g r The ice harvest was a busy time late) have become popular. Miss . b Q M711 I sided here for a number of years, and Mrs. McDonnell and Mrs. Arnold, as Y P P and -no matter how long the sees©11 their many friends here extend con- Presidents df the Societies, both oc- Gretta es See with her companions, The En fi n Stocjj� of - lasted, it never seemed to be long gratulation and hope that they may cupied the chairs.. The meeting op- the Misses Sells and Slay, known as The Stock liLl i red to see many more anti- coed with Hymn 227, followed with the Sunbeavn'"rio, recently gave aE 4 ; -enough. There was always same one :- d�eksari�es. the, ,Scripture lesson by 'Mrs. R. Cam•., largely attef. u and, very successful - disappointed, some one who did not literary and musical concert in High 9 i- � . v he world erose; general confession, followed Y fif a ""TORE."'i get as much as he belie ed _.. .. _ . with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. gate. -Miss il,q Morrison has re- turned fro t> where .hes anti' G,�_Z) ` I .1 i use, and before theri>rnser was hall ffi�� Arnold gave an account of the his-:� p " saver there was' always a majority, tory of the Day of Prayer, the presi- a couples or so Mi#t eke with relatives {';:. Coon Dwelling ]Property For Sate. -The un- dent of Carmel Prersbyterian Church and friends. r'., business men re - �? // �s �- who although they were satisfied With dersig-ned has had placed ,stn :his hands for �t�'t,' Must L111� Solid ega rdless �� ��OT7lS sale a very desirable truck dwelling nroperty" Society, reading "On the International Fort trade ash. veey good as both their crop when they shored it, al- with some lots attached and fine garden and Missionary Council which met at autoing and sleighing lend' to inereas- [�,` I I ,*Ways determined to put away much, fruit trees ,and good stable or garage. Can Jerusalem." A pleasing trio entitled, ed 'business. -Our grain buyers are give possession to suit purchaser. Apply to „My Task," was very much enjoyed also very busy meet, taking in all ;, mora the next year. G. J. Sutherland at the Hensall Post Office. GOING OUT OF BUSIN]ESS-THE (PARTNERSHIP THAT HAS BElEN CARRIIEID ON FOR To be sure there is an ice harvest .3193-Z and was composed of Mrs. Drysdale, kinds. of gratin, , while considerable IHE LAS,1C THREE YEAR5 UNDER THE FIIR10< NAME OF ®'lg$II1EN WILSON HAS BEEN11 I World Day of 'Prayer. -The World Mrs. Hess and Mrs. 'Sinclair; a prayer wood anrd logs 'are 'being brought in DISSOLVED AS NEI,1CHEIC'ONE CARES TO CONTINUIE IN BUSINESS. WE HAVE D1E- yet. In soma sections, pet haps, there Da of Prayer was observed in St. for sale and meet with ready de'm'and CEDED TO CLEAN OUT OUR .STOCK REGARDLESS OF COST-IZVERYITHJNG MUST GO Day Y by Mrs. J. Dallas for the King, Em - always will be, 'but it is getting Paul's Anglican Church on Friday, Aire, our country, aur comimunity, our and good pricesJRev. Mr. 'McIlroy, ]BEFORE MARCH ]sill -CLEAN SWEEP RIGHT TO THE WALLS -DON'T ISS THIS OP- `i smaller year by year, and in a very February 15th, with a good attend- churches, our homes; prayer by Mrs. of Hensall, as Moderator for Coven Y PORTUNITY TO BUY GO ODS AT YOUR OWN PRIICE } flew "years as far as towns are con- ance.' The suggested program was J. Elder, Missions Abroad; prayers, Presbyterian Church,um er Exeter, is re- n s'', followed, with the rector Rev. T. W. Mrs. McDonald Mrs. Workman, Mrs. ceiving a large number of applicants SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO NUMERATE A QUARTER OF OUR ST®CIS-C®1/ilE IIi'a cerned, the ice harvest will be a Jones, , the chair. The prayers W. Lalrurnie for�Missions at hrome; for for the present vacancy. -The many AND, SEE -NO SIAM ABOUT THIS -VILE MEAN WHAT WE SAY' i5." thing of the past. were given by a number of the ladies. 14,issiornaries, Deacornesses, Social Ser- relatives and friends will regret to Acid the cause of it all is the new Mrs. T. Simpson and Mrs. Robinson, vice, hospital and institutional work- learn that Mrs, Robert Bouthron was a if ra~ taken ill on Sunday afternoon last, ::Y GOODS refrigerating scheme known as Frig- aceomipanied by Miss Louise Drum- ens, prayer of thanksgiving and con- RUBBERRUBIBER GOODS mond, sang a duet, which was very serration, Mrs. CoA. McDonnell. The with an attack of Pneumonia, .and is Id Air. A systema almost as new as t onfined to lice room with a trained " , Flannelette Shirting worth per 35c for 22c t much appreciated by those present. meeting closed with Hymn 451, fol- Mens Rubber Boots ...worth $4.75 for x,3.80 g : ' the radio, and which will one day be Rev. Jones ave an interesting ad- nurse in attendance. At date of writ Flannelette, grey stripe g g lowed by prayer. Men's Rubber Boots........worth $4.00 for $3.50 worth per yd. 25a for Il8c; as common. The use of ice in hotels, dress on "Prayer." Briefs. -Mrs. J. Brown,\who has ing her condition is, very favorable.- Boys' Rubber Boots........woxth $3.00 for $2.00 Flannelette, ,grey stripe In restaurants and in dairies, has al- Welfare Club. -The Youths' Wel- been visiting with her daughter and Mr. John E. Pepper spent the week per yd. 35c for 23c fare Club of Carmel Presbyterian son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Dougall, left erid with his brother and' sdst.er-inn - 'Men's 'Heavy \'rum Rubbers, 12 inch leather worth 'ways been a practical necessity. Its Church met on Monday eveningwith jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pepper, of r} tops', whites sola .... • • • • •worth $6:50 for $x.20 Flannelette, pink stripe, ; °'` use in homes might ;be, called snore of for her home at Edy's Mills on Sat- worth per yd. 35c for 20c l a large attendance. Following Hymn urday, accompanied by her daughter, Sarnia. -Mr. J. Wilson, of Stratford, Men's Heavy 'Gum Rubbers, 12 inch tops, Flannelette, white ...worth per yd. 35c for 24c a luxury, but constituted a saving all 3,81, the Lord's Prayer was repeated Mrs. Dougall, and little daughter, is spending a few days with her par- red sole Flannelette, white ...worth per yd. 25c for 14c `" .1 the -the same. Few householders, per- in unison; Scripture lesson, Miss Irene Mona, who will remain for a short eats, Mr. and Mrs. George, Brown.- I. Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers low low white •nghams . , ....... worth per yd. 35c for 20c Q "rs; $taps, possessed an ice house, but all Hoggarth; minutes and roll call an- visit.-W'e believe that Mrs. Vernon Our contractors in their different ,, sola .........................$3.35 for $2.70 Sateen n worth per yd. 30c for Il9c p a swered by the Fifth Catechism. A Hadden, who has peen at Clinton hos- line's are looking forward to a busy Men's Hreavy Gum, red Rubbers, grey Blue and Black Denim,worth per yd. 60c for 3bc s some time or other during the sum- very interesting and instructive ad- pita) fora number of weeks 'scups'- spring in the building and improving ', sole . .................. ..... $3.25 for $2.55 8 Black and, Blue Stripe x1 . . steer bought the iceman's wares. And, dress on the Fifth Catechism was giv- sting from a serious illnests, is return- of dwelling properties. -lye are pleas Boys' Heavy Gum Rulbbers..worth $2.50 for $1.90 Shirting ...... 'worth per yd. 40c for 26c of course, there was only one time in en by Mr. Ray Pfaff and much en- ing to her home on Sunda The con- ed to report at data of writing that Blue Stripe Shirting, worth r d. 25c for 5c Sunday . -The #; Youths' Heavy Gum Rubbers, worth 2:2b for $Il.70 g, per y m :c+'.' \lies year in which the iceman could ,jroyed. Hymn 399 was then sung, af- ditiolt of 'Mrs. Carmichael, who suffer- Mr. Owen Geiger is making a rapid , Fancy Ticking ....worth per yd. 55c for 3fac l c;.:;' ed a stroke recenrtly,'is a little more improvement from that very Serious r Mens 4 -buckle Overshoes. $3.50 for equally Heavy feather ticking, worth per yd. 65c for 40c I., secure these wares, and that was win- ter which 'a numlber of gam+e�s and White Cotton .......worth per yd. 35c for 20c ^la;. contests were played. The meeting favorable and hopes are expressed for illness of pneunvonia owing to the Men's two and three -buckles Overshoes at equally ter' closed with the Benediction. her complete recovery -Mrs. Dr. Reid splendid treatment that he received. low prices. Bleached Sheeting :..worth per yd. 60e for 37e 11 j' The seasons are all alike to a p Men's Rubbers, fine wear..worth $1.50 for $1.10 Cheese Cloth worth per yd 8a -for 5c �d Q Council Meeting. -The Council held of Port Rowan, who has been spend. Dr. William Geiger, of Waterloo, who i Frigid Air machine. Its owner can a special meeting on. Friday evening ing the pa4t week with her parents, arrived here at a very critical time of Boys' Rubbers, fine wear- , . ,worts $1.20 for 85c Factory Cotton worth per yd 20c for Il3c r.; snakes ice for himself any day in the last to consider the plans and speci- Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer, returned his illness and' spent a short time Youths Rubbers, fine wear. $1.00 for 70c Piques' • • • • • • • • • • • • • wofth per yd. 525c0c far 20c fications of the south-west drain. The with his father. Mr. Geiger is really Misses'' Rubbers fine wear...worth 90c fox 65a Toweling, all kind's .... worth 18e to .00 for 1& ''a x, week and all the year round. He home this week. -Miss Elva Bolton, Raw Silk wo�th per yd, $1.00 for 5 I plans were finally adopted, and of Kitchener, and Doris, of London; well enough to be up at this the first Women's Rubbers, fine wear, worth $1.00 for 75c Cretones and Scrim, qua'tlt r �. `,:' dttesnt need an ice house, nror an ice court of revision will be held an the also their three younger sisters of Part of the week, but by tie advice Nil Childs Rubbers, fine wear ..60c lining 2fic to 3bc yd. for 20c I. AN a of his physician is resting in bed so i, t'��: .man. There are small machines and by-law on Monday evening, Ma&'h Seaforth, spent the week end with Six pieces of Serge at Half Price° ��� 1 " sorer. elaborate ones; and all more or 11th, at 8 o'clock. The town auditors their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon that his recovery may ultimately be M'EN'S ARID LAIDI]ES' WEAR I 311 itis better and more certain. Mr. f• leas expen ve -nit the expense is al- were present and read their report Bolton, it being the ,last week end Geiger is one of our pioneer residents' CROCKERY. on the towel finances for 1928. The that their uncle, W. J. Ford, of Wash- g P Mien's Fleeced Lined Underwear, worth 2 Cups and ,Saucers, Clover L ...25c Tt / most entirely in, the installation. who has always taken a great inter- $1.00 for 5Oc ° w � report was accepted, and 200 copies ington, would spend with therm for Ys 3 Cups only, Clover Leaf ...2Sc ' '�ei •Once a housekeeper has paid for his est in our village and, its welfare, and .. • , . were ordered' to be punted, and are srome time, Mr. Bolton, then' father, machine \lies cost of its o enation• is has splint largely of his mons in en- Boys' Fleece Lined underwear. 2 Plates, Dinner, Clover Leaf 25c P to be distributed to the ratepayers of ta,'kin,g t'he opportunity of his laugh- g Y y worth 65c to 75c for .. • • •35C 2 Plates, Breakfast, Clover Leaf..per doz. $1.25 �N "' ` r very' little, much lass in fact than the the village, and a motion was passed ters all being home 'together, had a terprise�s, and owns 'etre large flax r n, g , P g Mens Wool Underwear....worth $2.00 for $1.00 2 Plates, Clover Le'af� Tea..... • ..par doe, $1.00 .+cost of ice, while it has all the ad- that the auditors be paid. The meet- surprise for therm by having Mr. mill® that have' given much employ- , Crocks, one, two,and three gallon. runt in a la a number of past ears Mens Natural Wool Underwear, ..A .1'.. - ing then adjourned. Weaver, of Henstall, install a fine new � Y worth $2.50 for • , , • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $160 Iii vintages of an ice refrigerator, and a.nd ares still in operation. Mr. Gei- GROCE1R1i1ES 4 ,a;`., Mission Circle. -The Mollard Mis- radio the past week. -The A. Y. P. A. Pe NO, pt m7any more besides. Sion Circle met on Friday eeening of St. Pawl's Anglican Church held a ger has also taken a pardonable pride Ladles' Underwavar........ , .worth $1.00 for 75c ..,., in hui➢din the fisnest dhvelli in our 2b lb. Boxes of Seedless Raisins.' $2.6® � ' @i§li to Frigid Air the iceman never with a fair attendances. The pregi- very enjoyable evening i'n the bases- g g Lathes' Undeirwear........wosth $1.50 for, $Il.fliA rn S .. m Mil ¢Reals joints one. There is no ice to de'n't presided-, Mins Mildred Wallace ment of their church on Monday with village with all th'e latest improve- l Ladies' itinderwHar.... worth 80c for 50c Bulk p b 8b. Pailso Syrup .30 _ rents and equipments, and has a➢- Syru at per i I ,l. ,� , acting as rSecretarcy. The Scripture a large attendance of members pies �1 P , Ladies' Underwear worth $1.20 for 85c , P pound �p /�a «' veldt:land carry in, no mess, no \lint. lesson an the chaptsf of Rnth, was ant. The first pat+\ of the evening ways found time to take a great in- Men's Wool So'c� ..........worth' 75t for 50e HARDWA(R)E fi' J any ices teres\ in mvi�icilral and county bust- 1�//[sn°s Wool Socks ..........worth 50c for 35c �t 1[t c)ni evert les installed •in read) by 'Mies Consitt, Mism G, Lulaer, was devaf2d to communriy snvlgiYig, r t ria i eratar thy$ is too cod to sacri- g g' ' Men'ts Overaliz...........worth $2.85 for $1.85 7 only roll barb wises 2 pPo 6 .. ....... .®® `;� g Miss M. Seruton. A delightful die- after which Rev. T. W. Jones' gave a teas, serum as Reese for alta ;i.X;,,�, �iG . ;;°.!v o2 are the advantages \fits\ longue, "Bridget O'Flyn," was .given by vary interesting talk on \lies Prayer term of years, to *ell as serving a,s Men's' Mork pants ......... worth$2.00 for $1.56 Nails cif al kindle, per pound a ........ � � Q a';:a� Mass M. McKay, F. McDonald and Doak, whhch proved very instructive Warden. We venturer to say he is Mens Work IPaunts.......,..worth $3.00 for $2.00 Raw Linseed Oil ...perr gal. MOO +. r°t pfd ling it fozrsnelr ices users. Al- on® of our most regul'aP atiHmtdasttst oil Linseed H. )Elvdson. 'Miss )Elena Monroe ren- and pro4itable --Tile services in all Ro s Overalls .......... B i Oil per gale ]1 Il® ; �' �, 4i asdeayovvns the restaurants, y ' worth $4.25 for 75c W® have a quantity of inside meretao laaclasa ,,, ' dered a very pleasing instrumental. our churdhes rovers wall attended an church service iastd' Masi s Bibles Class, Men's ,Smocks ....• ... • ...worth $2.85 for $1.85 worth $1.25 for ....... . last, with good s m�tn� aid so while we have not m1walts nevi eye " ..... "' . > .. °�Oc ° 1-11' , §F1!'� ties lrosafejaer 6ilCaopfl and Than topic, °`The Blaaslt Treasure," was Sunday , , Cam, plaaza� busiraesr hb1Y1e way alvfly taken ,by Mise' Con'satt, At snuie by the spoils anal' eon aag� to 'eye in publin d rtnunicipai vva�t- M®ai'o 'Hmat� .. worth $4 &0' £®r $�50 Forks, Shovels Oil' ani Slow ]�®$t1e ttIlIl at " , N , Manr,'o llf/'okk Shiers- -: . • . . - :51.35 for ,floc cost price and below. �', E1 , a6.daYm'! �ou"easu of aefri site- then chase of the ln'g Mrs. C. �4< tions. A large ntassilbe� from lam ten's, yet Mr. Gadgr iia a rHeidasYp$ in �V,VL ,.s 43y . Lr ny ways $ rt 49&im vFifllog�:.end ; , 7"i r 7�dt + aat�' . O e navarr. Die 1k1fDannell \voce pyr ser i' with n life country atiresld2d the services in Car- , i0, . ; : ... • :1 aliagliub hip by tine �Mo➢laird Miasion mel Presbyterian Churth, particular- c0mn'tunity haven itmasoat to appveavIte �^ ' .: ,�,�v""'i'i• ;`^ ,l? QPir1s with a hHaYatifta➢lgr wcaal ad- ly at title smoicning >�esvicH, and �ta1-. avid, feat tltankf ,, p➢fit font Puts CtDlrmrsceing i�Yo+6� -aA11 ssccotas>�ts Closed, No T1Vo have a hundred isatd one :�srrPne4ea at nasal' i& uk6n from a 0•-': s`' F >; ,' � s baa caanmaaauptdott die s', read by '(\+bias Mildred Scrutorn, lett sermom were delivered by the r�owexy, as h� '$� ra good- citiz , more credifa--evea� , c9zh. 1�55;g0 and IIDrrese- low cost we, haven't Vine nor 2pace Oda enuImevats. ." `' . r as '�oeb io not moue than .the prreomtmtiann b g' wader bf Mi�e pastor, 'Rev. James McElroy, while o,$ nel&bor and friesadr- `he large €iv�ovs ed I'oultrry $aka w ^ td come in and l cosbery, s➢:. 1." c � ,' ' ° Q , l ulcep. Mra. ]if eVonnell, arose to .St. Paul's Anglican Church, theirs •wale plow that is d7ol� Breach fiine s',eevvice " Hardware, Crockery, Has�lHsa QzIDo�---�a$�lfl iE b rotrill .,stn � All outateaa'din ocoduntb moot lbo P2145 on err this space asset weblt. Cost is not conda�srred � �LLLLLidD ID i,� the ocesolote, expr2vol her appr6ciz- a good average atteWdenee and a. very along ilia liner, of• dear jai- rzoadl�, r7 •„ p; » ; a, e aa>r<t . ESirLs1� :int es�bin service, hofin as to sem- has alrlo beean dtariutg $UO servicm nolo\\_ �mefou°s T sal im g�tkn a2"e th hda 'flitt�sy v✓i11 ] $laic cals. ing sites Via, sraagtrrdl o of put; o ,�ssu Yarn as a'Se�do'h r'r., , r „ coot faa�les, t` � 1 :.0 ; ,, `'' c u ;t. r l kat 7 i$ tat s 4tpi c:fa}ir yen /�Vlnaoagg �e =on sand =.Si� the s�mrr, ov. �ufp. \lino 1f�mdon ROD anal pW4 Zd t?--Mugh . '>�',;'. � ., :f,"� l.ki.''a' Q L Ll(l� 'kJi'i"�11 5. 9 r:. 'r " t .• rre'aebi» in hio umaally .eat- hcva' th,2, flrgt 0,t&6''els aivs $ta w � i. . ��:' 1`1' , 'art.i 1t$aahla'a""a Jaavtsai, P g .1'�[�. T. 'o t eau S�ntlg� ; ,t , s.; ;..:.., :. zup Apt ee'ets 62 fks Vim' df $lee eat roue) faithftl map In a iaor. r. .. ��r,' is .iUZ lmrol lit $'ho :XI'Mteal Church tb av w�ssr a moW gcioal .a�ss�� $ri-a � Ta���'�. 4ir6t+�1#it n O (la ,r g A."'IOvelair, la - u ,., def bYli U�@�li -4 ,, :' ' a r ,, $ta avtcH sac tl+d ritaTt►iYt ? Gea°vics raid , , , ,+ �E° al a & � ,s �h� qy 1'' .. 4'r 7L 4rjy y+ 14 1 : „4 pv £ r they ZO 1R 6 T. > Jortl� ; h 01BR,1"t" w7 ,, r ''rl � a 'Alwt auk TW . "+ allb wii�► t��' �z ..good dicecotarra� i�rrarmta p . ' � V ILSON . �, 1Y � � Farm � � 1 +� ,,,,alc$3 r�sc to i, : , r, s �a �arire .has' 'i re•.. A. S3n1c11 irr i )ring irreaaa lc ' w ;'� as 1' . �*: ti��i«...... ,14 ��+ii/� ww . q� ry /y py p �y ya p t yy .: ,Y, :w Y ] OY YY] YJI' �r �MX� 4 YY4➢1 of BEd �aat�, rWV� aa��'YF atlr iHJ 1Y✓Ga aTdn �laa Ar FA S t � #� , _. ,r , . :r. 7a„ : ' ? �yd�y, s i' dL"C �1a& t5lcil, l Siq 1�L^��" �q vg� r i , ';,. ..� .. �4 , py .+ d Cl t"iC Y3 1 eft@:&a int1. �°r .. Jtl Y➢rf8 .. e r r 6 r11 ""�, ,..,.�, _.Wtl. ...,., : . r , . ,.., i. a, x. „�,�r, ..I. w : t t�ij 6y ,,2y :'t�Ta'd,� � 'u' Sam _ �' . , ,.,, k n. i:. z , k dvY", .,. . ,y'. ,�t� 1i; 9.i 'l'+i'•DI Yi'ti ]L'Ml�'u V1GI.-''V±JLw" .I. LL „ it:7 . .ru.. , n #:. Ni , ,,:. i ld, J. YMA , �y �.w d,�t , . � -''r r ,,u.4 ,',r. 9il, "�ai ,, �•t'Y+... ... L.1...^+rr.v.•+xr. X,!�pp'"ii: ..r .',:.. :. ...� '.r. .,. , ,.r r tMr n: ��y� ,,.., R. .ij,4N 1.�}.h� ._.._ ..,,�•.-...7:7-, t 0 ,.. ,:> �r .� r sa.,. s , : _ W s GraF 1 . . � , dl"ixu L d fiEgu NpV nw it �$Cr tdir3 CZ1t1D �' m r vC + } C'iP1�"at�J t�" , . G,, e � w .r, r 7 a� - . b , 11 ,., " ,! " , - , I - �' a" I, f " _ n , r �1 , , -.-._. : ,