The Huron Expositor, 1929-02-08, Page 8' 1 , i, • � I�.! I I ,:L; , 1 ' I :•., t (iq-,.. 1 .. ; meat, presided at the first meeting of He Beattie, of Seaforth, and of Mrs. Wm. Valentines I q�7,;� ,� I� ( ',� ,, , Van t Stf'1'�Y �<R,F1,� (. '''- .I„' s -� D 'Iland 1 { , was taken. At the first,meeting held of weeks ago, M. Ross was � a ?on in the reading of the Scripture iessorr, on which Mr. Carl Pinkney Douglas, died yesterday at the r+esi- Mrs. J. D. Me- i' I,.w•-... i I '..0 • r T.,,�,yy •�„',, I 'Q.° .7^Fi'`5i. 'h,Ub f`ai �i dYAAFCa� `%fd i iaaac�A&tfl'FJlIVP. W d S� `�i � Q { ry � J ' Or y�,, 1^�` yrA+..'VU' 4� ,�,5 "'wM AWi'S.N' .Gu'1k , A at the -upme of Kara brother, , ''�'��"+b{ y�. : - '� r,n-."'?M!M''1?' G' , D f ”. + rl'', �i a recent visitor with his parents, Peter Aird'e rasidwacee ole �Sy rat thaw -. ...... W� W�!i� flt1 �,.i, ,(gip,.,,,,7 ��..1,, 9g 77�@ b,t� J, l li%7L'aVia�la,-•-Xi �M the Beattb io true Christian manner on the subject +MYa. Douglas came to this lis- )Prizes ]Perfume Powders � $ ]�° ,,,.; , y ,,, ,.- I !I .rl,'• -: b ° ,�lsl `H trice one Mr. �I R(Joeu Rev. Johan Kennedy oftirt ° ln' ' hR flar►eral a&$an raa0$itS Rr4'+ g' Funeral b 'ed out b D "Mr's .. (✓ Cl WN VN k VinWltln W1�12 �4a f le$ld� ^ av& Spro t io vi ttaug uu th fraealda in * QW(N �:: .,:.r; . ®followed. J` > Licensed BminTroxnIlmm¢r• ". � Necklaces. A° ® xV, � 11��11. • "? Cvjk"? t , eltsg a arae Y London this We% -L -°-s V5rae St�xw- �3#m � r1 iJ tu, i x , >h> TT SEASON o Honae:' IJ�00 ti,, ., 4o l.j ator,'no ',1, ': ', 1 01� IT4Z o art, ,of Kitchener, spent' tlsm week end tGdl� i ��✓ ' To Taracln IIn Gr®at 1llrutaiam,-�livelve Se® our display of Valentines in' at her home here.-M11>�s' Jean Scott j� 41H sale. ' �u � � our north window. These come °� l x i�5t , '' ;,,um lli�al�llll as>taal Prices Lamy in Comm- is spending a fear weeks with friend's i�+"' lmt iaomi vritli mmi®at. o t®ethers in Toronto public schools- g i .y{ , .,r�'��� s only one nears emeses them-a>e ream- in dii?soelat styles and sizes. All in Toronto. -P4rs. W'. C. Sproat is ' Valentines come complete with visiting at her hoarse in Toronto.'•- ili �;1 e, a fl pEAS or TOMA� ODS -c ic® ed by Chlief' Inspector I�. D. Moshier envel s for mailing, priced g o q i 11 Y a An excellent Tonic builder in in the exchange list for next Summer, Mass Saalae McDonald of Tor'on'to, is ' , . Comb from erudixtg a ferw weeks at her home a e D, C4 li o �d general run-down conditions. in a report made to the school man- # ,. ' ens for .. . ............ 3 CENTS ]EACH Ulf' c her=e.-� rink of Seaforth curlers, � �� � � � . Cm kE 2 „ :, • �p%%EN FANCY BISCUITS Especially useful 1n the treat- agemeait !Seven of them are to g'o to � e" U 5C meat of Bronchitis, persistent composed of Messrs. 'C. Holmes, Dr. � '" ��"� "� {� (j {icy t' spacial, 2 pounds Great Britain, three to other British Valentine Booklets and Cards Bechl'ey, R.. J. Winter and R. J. Sproat �he ��a.Son ,9 IlIIe-w\ C,;,&ti STY l (5a� f, r;. t ffi FROZEN SALMON TROUT tend tionsnor atendencytt ward dominions, and two to other Canadian from 5 cents each up. whole fish, "� �J'� weak lungs. provinces. Twelve will come in ex- was in An-Mondayon MonglaY Playing in ° ,",N change to Toronto schools Amongst the bonspeil there. Mr. Andrew Beat %QA �n ERR th(+y�� �+�E ted ��,��� .... •..•.... g /J 11 w ,t 1pannd 9 tie, of London,, wase a guest this week i; :r '`'+ �nSH FRd9ZEN SALMON TROUT gg.0® for 16 -oz. bottle. the number who will go to Great Bri-jj� at the home of his brother, Mr. John "� ��'Il((��jj t Red, whole fish `��� tain are Miiss Florence D. Laidlaw, I� �f 1�j S� � �( sold only at John Fisher School, and Miss Mar- ZL �Szsls1-s ll d Beattie. Mr. Beattie came up to at- ", FROZEN HFeRRINGS 11(nl6 y garet H. Porter, Hodgson, School. B®®I�STQD][&JE - - SIIadA]F®IIBTIDI tend the funeral of his salter, the ��ll�l���l Cho ����f dozen 1 u"V(��j�� 11 ���� Miss Laidlaw is a daughrter.- of Mrs. fate Mrs. Douglas, at 13rucefield, on i J. C. Laidlaw, of Seaforth, and Miss Subscriptions taken for all magazines Wednesday. -Miss Jessie Martin, of ���� A� It 1l �Ssl�Jo .11 . (CAVY EVERY DAY CHINA CUPS Tuckenismrith who has Ibeeai quite ill � � i . AND SAUCERS -Regular ( � �� The Recall Drug Store Porten is slab known to many here, and papers at grublisll®r's prices. D � 5 � e� for some �tirafte, has gone to Hamilton R: 2 r dozen, for, per doz. as she was the. guest of Miss Laidlaw with the 'hope that the change will a I 11 1'DAI•ET PAPER-`-Verything" �1�a United Cigar More Agent. during the summer holidays.' Brand, 7 for prove beneficial. --Mr. Gordon Carne 1. G SSIG CLEANSER-lOc or 3 for PHONE 28 SEAF®R� the flovner+s, several gifts among which clan and bride, of Eloise,, Michigan, � � }������ (� �A �� R'M pa ". Apartment eleoma to hent.—All modern con- 4y.AS a radio from members of her are ending a feav clays with his ' j �} U 11 ll mac. Pronounced by one customer, veniences. Apply to W. E. Kerslake. 3191-1 family. From this she is able to re � Mrs. R. Garnochan and atheq � For Sale_ A quantity of short mixed dry mother, I, 11 "®Best I ever used." ,t�,,,d Phone :x134, Seaforth. 3191-1 1eive great pleasure. For this happy friends. -Little Miss Margaret Wurm, Y 11 L TRACTS -Joe, or 3 for ......2 —_. —. occasion, a daughter, Mrs. Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wurm ; pounds for . , Lost. -A small black pans 'book. Finder of Alhambra, California, was, present)��� �(���j� p ' 1. Enne Rose, 3 Bounds for... 2fnc please leave at 'rhe Expositor Office. John also Mist Margaret Reid and Mr. and entertained a number of her friends e, � e " '►1'I�IIE IEI<TIJII$®1� ]E�II'®�1I`)1'®IE$ M_odelarrd- Phone 19E r 4. on Saturday last in honor of her sixth , �' 0=,, ER, EGGS, DRIED APPLES, For sale. -A Vega cream separator, 300 ns. Mrs. C. E. Rall, of Detroit. Mrs. Reid , .91 � , +. )�JEA7CI[IIlEIBS, Etc., taken in ex- car,icity. only ,!.led four months, John rdc- 'has four daughters and three sons birthday. -Mrs, John Nott, of Ei " f�nffimmg� far Groceries. PCrllan iiuxburo, 31 S7-tf living, eight 'grandchildren and one mondnnille, who has been seriously ill DISTRICT MATTERS The wall raper sale will 4-ontJnue ail thin great grandchild. Of special interest for some time, has sufficiently recov A o o ¶ 'a Hutch, v:eek with many new remnants added. crave,' was the broadcasting from station .erect to be able to be out again.- 4 Spe ca' &� P T li c e s ®n C�.11� . p;,, oo Il�®� — ----' wall Paper S'bure. Seafu.^h. 3191-1 ' ik" T. WJR, Detroit, of "Love's Old, Sweet Mrs. Hugh Chesney, of Egmendville, Ralph Gordon, cartoonist, impersonator alit Song," played in Ml's. Reid's honor had the misfortune to £all on the icy PHONY, 1P]EIIOl18 ]Pi�OOD Il66 Attended Fair Convention.--,Presl- enterbainer, will be at north Side united road near -her home on Wednesday � direoses. IFRN,'kL �j'(�Q�uced j dint Livingston and Directors John Church on wudr,enday. February 20th, at s by Mr. Otis, violin soloist of the De- McIntosh, J. Wesley Beattie and Robt. P. clone and CNJy a g uud evening's enter- troit Symphony orchestra, during last and fracture her arm at the wrist _,�, Y urinment. Admissir.n: Adults 356, Coileviate their evening programme. The W,omen's Iruterdenom'ination Archibald, Jr., of Seaforth Agricul- students 25c, Children 15c. 3191-1 World Day of Prayer will be observed 9 ������ (��' (��� �� ������ ,:ural Society, were in Stratford on Are You Troubled with your stomach? For Local Brief S. -Mrs. W. Sclater lest in North Side United Church on Tues lt" - , n Wednesday attending the D1StriCt indit eyUiun or ulcer, Dr. 1rlcLeod's SWmdchi day, February 15th, at three O'ClOCk. 3 - - Convention of Fall Fairs. Mr. Archi- is guaranteed or your money back. At Aber- last Week for Galt, where she intend"s n to Toronto as dole- hart's Drug Store. 3187-h to spend the winter with her'daugh- -Mr, and Mrs. Lyons, nee Pearl �D��j�'°��(�(�, � %�-� bald will go o 3lssxn ter, Mrs. L. G. Kruse. -Mr. Thomas Cainocharl, are guests at .the home of a gate to the Provincial Convention 01i Tho Barbara Kirkman Auxitiary of r'i-' Mrs. Lyon's ,grand' rents Mr, and K I•t, Preebyteria.n Church are holding a valentine McllZillan Icft this week for Ottawa, pa , 1.11I Thursday and Friday. so ial on Friday evening. February 15th, at to attend the opening of the Session Mrs. Thomas Coleman in Tuckersmith S t I • �° ,. 8 p.m. This is Your invitation to be there. on Thursday. -The Sacrament of the -.Mr. and Mrs. Harry, M- Chesney, of •�, . lEgmondville.-The regular meeting D o - q Everyone welcome. iSilver cullecLiun 3191-1 Lord+'s ,Supper will be dispensed at Winnipeg, spent a few days last week (� f( f� �j I � ` of the Eg Ville. lie Y. Y. S. C. E. was Lost—Between the railway track and Bruce- the morning service in First Presby- with friendswh herboat tpt. Lorne Me- K a �LS 2SJS�5 �� ' ' �r I' + , " held on Monday evening. -The meet- field on Saturday, January 19th, a horse } Ij ing opened with "Oh God, Our Help blanket made out of a floor rug. Finder eerier Church on Sunday next.' On Cartney, whose boat the "'Mapleton'" in Ages Past," which was followed by picric leave at the Chopping Mill or at Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Kaine will is wintering in Goderich, attended the - x II prayer by Mr. McDonald. The Scrip- Brueefield shores. Frank Coleman, 3191x1 have for his subject, "The Sin of Idle- wedding anniversary of Mr. and. Mrs. Rill A -Rose Dulrotex and Cottage, at the tore lesson was read by J. Habkirk. oonse ForTlt- sale.—six roomed frame house oa cress." -Mr. W. D. Stewart, of St. W. M. Sproat, on Monday. -Mrs. g y' The new book on Christ of the Round Jarvis Street warty vara and soft water, elec- Paul, Minnesota, speilt a few days James Hughes was in St. Colntmban • IIleW lower ]�DriCeSe �1,®Vad� PilYlge ®f �atter➢]>0 Table, was introduced by Mr. McDon- tyle is Sts and furnace, also a good barn with this week with his mother, Mrs. Alex- on Monday attending the funeral of and colors for dresses, aprons, children's wear gt "ti JIII aid, after which the topic taken from lights and wares. One acre of land under ander Stewart, and' brother, Mr. J. A. her nephew, the late Fergus Flannery etc, Absolutely fast COImrS Of COU1rSe. this book was silvers by Mae Wallace. cul'tivati,,m. Apply m qtr.i• D. H. Stew,art• Stewart. He left on Wednesday for Seaforth, orut. - 3189 -ti California, where he will spend the A very pleasing duet was then ren- souse For Sale.—Six-roomed frame house p on Jarvis street, wits, hard and soft water, winter. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Richards, �vRr�RlvTGv7m When you check up the bill yogi get dared by Misses H. Lane and B. Gluff. L ��fj Q)taith our meats, you'll find our prices After a few minutes of intermission, electtr caigbtslights nd fu nace acre of i�dburnat the h me sof Mr. were andsMrshlD. FellHii'gh Honours in Muslic. y Miss ft K?' a�IInpare favorably with those charged the meeting was closed by Tell Me withder cultivation• write w Box 157, Seaforth, -Miss Turner, of Clinton, has taken Dorothy Grassack was awarded high for meats far inferior in grade. You the Old, 'Old Story" and the Mizpah ort 3186-tf a position as bookkeeper in G. A. Sills marks of distinction in her graduation TowejliDg Table LineDs ]Lu rich ell find after a little experience that benediction. n®� 7COw�lS, , , 11 ' ¢ spite o£ their very high class, our Store Entered. -The hardlware' store &Son's hardware' store. -Mr. Newton exercises last week by Dr. Smith, ex - the most economical. ]Hockey. -A lively game of hockey of Messrs. r A. he h & Son was MacTavis'h, Civil Service Commis- aminer for the London College of C1®t118, ate• Many Specials lfl] tbDHS de�partvxitemt fiats are really Music, England. She was formerly a °ode absence of waste alone means a took place in the rink Saturday after- broken into early Satrday morning, _ pupil of Miss Laramie, of Hensall, but a t, . mbstantial saving. How about a noon, between two teams of girls, the an entrance being ,effe ted through a since residing in Exeter the past three l d i trsmder, juicy roast for the 'Sunday Pats and the Bunnies. After aserer- door in the rear, which was bioken TH]E ORIIGINAL COMEDY years has studied under the tustion JQ Mo,�Qu ���� � 'dinner uous struggle, the Pats came outopen. Two shot guns, sevemal rifles COMBIINATIION of Mrs. Harrisron Gam'bril1. Drorothy � 111JJJ X11 I/ - (L.`0 � ahead by 5 to 2. While none of the and a large quantity of ammunition attained her seventeenth birthday �� e-, 3(�®o ��111111�11 (o11i1 Players are quite ready for the Big were taken as well as a pair of skates 1�3%oJtRR's e�c� ����� only in Deceratber and the 95 per cent A]�®]i$�� League, they did' not do so game for and a small amount of change. By mark standard qualifies her for the '. F the first game. A return game will the footprints left in the snow it is a .«e •:,, ... �' ° YOUR BUTCHER be played 'Saturday aftern'oan- The Gard Medal award, which award may believed only one person committed Hatt (0)n be contented' should another reorient _ _ _ t (�AIfN STREET Bunnies are out for revenge, so thereRaymond - PHONE 58 then burglary and judging by the goods have been awarded the same percent - :s sure to be a hot time. The line-up: taken, he was a boy or a young man. -in- . age standing in any Other centre in Pats -Goal, V. Hudson; defence, B. Canada. tertain it is well drone. Lunch -will 'be Messerschmidt, of Stratford, spent 11"Stevenson, H. Rankin centre, B. Dor- bions Carnival. -The Seafarth Lions o o served and good music provided.-- Sunday at her home here. -Lasa IE,,., ranee; wings, N. •Habkirk, I. Crowel. Club are making bug preparation for pp{} r� r� ppn There was a Targe 'attendance at the Thursday morning a aeroplane went Bunnies -Goal, M. Hildebrand ; de- T ll t it � ell}! COME WALTON Town Hall Friday evening least when 'across. -Mr. R. Rapien has taken, -;A®�� ��� a mammoth old time carnival, to be . w._• - fence, E. Grieve, B. Edgar; wings, A. held in the Palace Rink,Seaforth, on „ Nates. -Rev. W. J. Maines occupied' an at home was given for the benefit possession of his mother's farm. r" SIEAIF ®]iBTID[, ONT. Edmund's, O. Nicholl. Thursday, February 21sT. Valuable with of Bayfield .public library. The first ,School Report. -The following is the pulpit in Queen Street United part of the evening was 'spent play- 'the report of School Section No. 6, Home and School Association. -The prizes will be given for comic and MARY BRIAN Church, Blyth, on 'Sunday evening, ing progressive euchre, ladies' prize McKillop, for the month of January. 11 "I,. ,,;12UMAIL ]Q�IS>LT][BANCE AGIENTS Home and School Association have cliaracter costumes for both ladies owing to the illness of Rev. Dr. Barn- being won by Mrs. Malcolm Toms; Those marked with an asterisk have _ int ca¢mmtnmmg only the best Lamm invited Mr. Lit tleproud, Inspector of and gentlemen, also character cos- Heading in with ,another comedy aby John Swallow, who 'has spent gr P several weeks at the old Swallow gent's prize by Fred Heard After been absent for one or more examina- '; ¢a�%igmm, I3rfltnalkn and American the Penny Bank, Toronto, to speak at tomes for 'bath boys and girls under success, 'all the eat possibilities lunch a couple of hours was spent tions: Sr. IV - Mary Duffy 77%, r;; Commpamm es, their next meeting, Monday evening, 15 years; special prizes for 12 lap which set millions laughing in "Be- home, left for Detroit , o attends dancing, Miss Vera M. Gardiner, who at dancing, excellent music being given Harvie Hiller 76, Marion Little 57, p� ) tis riff nmcurammce effected February 25th, in , Mon in the pub races, boys under 18 years and girls 'hand the Front, We're in the Navy +end's b the Bayfield orchestra. The net *Louis Duffy. Jr. IV -Esther Duffy - a trlhe 1®v✓eat rates, inclmmg- lit library room. Mr. Littleproud is under 18 years; and a prize for the Now" and their others, have been fol- the Collegiate Institute at Seaforth, by were nearly twenty-seven 75, Muriel Finnegan 72, Evelyn Spar - most graceful pair of plain skaters filled in this new type mel�ramatic spent the week end at her home in dollars, which will be used for pur- lings 67, Brenton' Godkiu 62,_, Ivan ILIIF]L, ACCIIDENT, AUTO- an outstanding man on this work. His During tihe evening a burlesque comedy. W'altan. Mrs. Colin Fingland was Sr. III -Gordon Elliott ' ,TORNADO AND IPILA7PIf; address will be "The teaching of hockey game will be played between Looking for fun? Here's a laugh called to Blyth on Saturday owing to chasing new books. Everyone so well NLacNabb 43, ,.. thrift as a factor in citizenship train- enjoyed the evening that they would 74, Orval Beurmann 74, Reggie Pryce CLASS RUSKS the Stratford and Seaforth Lion's in every look! the illness of her mother, Mrs'. J. John- like the Library Board to have an- 60, Norin'e Little 56,- Iola Beurmamm� --_; ing." lute expect all our members to Clubs. Negotiations are under way Ston. -Mrs. W. Nesbitt, of Atwood, -A>s� come out and bring their friends. It for •a special exhibition of s and ®�% IP�eAY�u other. fib. ,H, III -Alma Finnegan 75, dio is a privilege to hear an address on spent a few days with her mother, Trustees Meet. -The The new board of eiyn 'H'oegy 62, Vera Duffy 62, Maudie ..I j L ]I, 11IS°!CA°IL7E aunall IL®ART AQalEN°1iS this subject and should, not fail to fancy skating by nationally known Mrs. Johnston Kenney, of the 12th Police Village Trustees, M. Ross, L. SpaTling 55. Sr. II -Helen Elliott 829 i! , artists. Keep the date opera and concession of MlcKillop.-Mrs. Russell Thomson and W. J. McLeod, met on Glen Pryce 58. Jr. II -Rita Duffy 86, Prompt attention paid to placing interest every mobher. Come', every. watch for the advertisement in next E N (0� S ul and family spent the week mks' and adjusting of claims. body. There will be solos by Mx. Ed. week's issue of this paper. It's go- Ferguson'mid. with relatives in Auburn. -Quite 'Monday evening. Orders were made Gerald O'Hara 79, *Leslie Pryce. 11' I insinesa established 6® Years, Bright and Fred, Willis.-�Corriespond- to pay a number of accounts. A grant Primer -Mary Pryoe, Everett Beur- in'g to be a big night. Remember the a large jab of gravelling has been of $20 was made to the public library. mann, Marie Hoegy, Hazel Sperling, guaranteeing goad aervaa�. ing Secretary of the Home and School date, Thursday, February 21st. _ completed on the 'boundary line west ,g &®r eei ger Sewing dser y`/[s aclin$mme ing Secreta The cook stove in the •basem,erlt hev- Gordon Beulmann, *Beatrice Pryce.- r11-1 I C®mmi��9• cf the village. -Mrs. Charles Sellers ing become unfit for using, a good Anona Dale, Teacher. - Young People of North Side Ilnited Death of Mrs. Douglas. -The Loner n 7[7 9� �� � o and son Clayton spent the week end second hand Crown Huron was pur- W e W st tt convener don Free Press on Monday made the flfnillllllll illi with relatives in Heidelberg. -E. Hof- Chased from Mr. Hall. Mr. Ross rug- I-+,-- ' F, d OFFICE PHONE, 33 A`'' - RESIDENCE PHONE, 33 J C➢lurclfn.-Mr. e. co following referezvOe to the death o; the Christian Fellowship Depart- MTS A. Douglas, a sister of Mr. John of fm'an, of NI11ton, vlseted with re a on the 17th line of Grey township Bested! having aloin windows put on to help make the hall more comfort - I ��� I 11 meat, presided at the first meeting of He Beattie, of Seaforth, and of Mrs. Wm. Valentines ova the week crud: Mrs. Jahn Mor- able in cold' weather, but no action Heath of W. P. Hawthorne. -%n the '''- .I„' s that department held this year. was ably supported by Miss Ila John- Scott, of Brucefield: "Mrs. Margaret Beattie Douglas, widow of Allan D 'Iland rison, of Toronto, arrived in Walton on Monday and will visit her parents p was taken. At the first,meeting held of weeks ago, M. Ross was R death of Mr. William Peter I 1. %Ili,2r, ®®� ®®®� ®®®® ?on in the reading of the Scripture iessorr, on which Mr. Carl Pinkney Douglas, died yesterday at the r+esi- Mrs. J. D. Me- Ladner $Il.00 Bags Pads Pencils Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoy, and other tela- tives.-John McCarther, of Blyth, was a couple appointed chairman of Trustees 1JPi1-0rn6> and which occurred at his home errs the third concerssion on Thursday, Jan- ?:;' '0 based his remarks. He spoke in a d'e'nte of her niece, ' Q1ary, R. R. No. 8, London,in, her 85th ]Bridge Cards a recent visitor with his parents, Peter mer Blair was appointed- constabYe caretaker of the hall. wary 31st, this township aslci this lis- t has lost of its most highly I. =' ® }'° ] ��(9 A 0@�M true Christian manner on the subject +MYa. Douglas came to this lis- )Prizes ]Perfume Powders and MTs. LMoCartlter, in 1hTalton.-Mrs, trice one Mr. ° �' ' IFnaanerasl Dnrec¢®r and of "Conversion.” A short discussion year. E. Harburn and tr+ict from Brucefield sax years' ago ]Beads Buckles Bas I'naus Arthur Hoy and daughter, of Auburn, respected and pioneer resadsntst Hawthorne contracted a cold two ' 'i .,:.r; . ®followed. J` > Licensed BminTroxnIlmm¢r• ". Tine •Mis+ses M. Rands garve, a splendid' inst umen- and had been in poor health for some She is by three step- Necklaces. spent a few days with relatives in the village. -Miss Annie Mc assert v_is- ��7 �p•�7rTrTT•�7� 1VitQ�lDlllllelleQY1C , week® before his death, which, develop- 6, 4 .l?; Finest Motor and Horse- ®tel time. survived doer. The hymns sung were en- sons, Robert and Edward Douglas, A in- of ilei with friends in Seaforth on Tues- W.M.S.-As Friday, February lbtli, ly into pneum'on'ia, and h® sank rapid- j ly. The deceased eves $ son of th® ' '' +a dr$wn equipment. Beattie ® >:. s:.t: Street, opposite ®termission tered into very heartily. short was given to allow the Hyde Park, and Robert N. Douglas, five brothers, Angus of Jackie Co®gamm ]Fommmmraiun 1Pnmm Regular 50c; Now 29x day. -Mrs. Fred. Routledge and eon, Leslie, reture0ed hamnlS after spending is being observed as the World Day Prayer, they® will be a meeting of fate Robeat Hawthorne and was lior'ID1 )Block, ,))/Gain fi' ,. o. Expositor Office. S. T. ®Leaguers T. ® Blake, Ont.- and visitors to become bet- D . Mars A. Govenlock, Beattie, of Wilton Grove; James Beat- Silver lf;immg F®ummtafinn l>Demm a short visit with Mrs. Routledge Grafton. of s the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid in Duff's in the Parish of Qtirthen, Kirkcud- ; Ura htshire, Sca=tlandi an Juns� 4, 18430 �' 1fIIoflmns, residence, Code. s� ` ® �¢et West; Chas. Holmen' ® ter acquainted. convener of the Missionary Depart- tie, of Watford Aaudmevv Beattie, this Robert Beattie, Of VanrCOu•• of !E$e lar 40c, Now 19¢. sister, Mrs. Cosens, of Church at 2 p.m. All ladies of the are invited! to attend. and when a child Dame tm Canada witSn �, , COars,aadenCe, North l�iaimm �tm183L. ® furnished on short memit, had a m•09•t in'tgrt3'3,ting program city; planned' for the next ver, and John Beattie, of Seaforth, William Scott, o �i f �a ���j]( �A °o �°a congregation Notes -Mr. and Mrs. Angus More Kerry Makers at his parents who settled on the buaki farm, Lot Il,' on the third concession, f, F�°lowera "li k.I,: and two sisters, Mfrs. 1317lJ°�C�o entertained the and called their home "Kenbank �l notice. All hinds of ccp° rnvl;i .: [% fat®1'erlmg neatly don®. ® IDn�I IImm BasEsatclnevvano -- Mira Jeanie of Brucefield, and Mrs. A. McCann� Moose Jaw, Sask. The funeral Will Breezes. -Mat. D. L. uVoods, of De- their 'hem® last ]E'm idles evening. Tbe was spent in card playing Farm!' On, this farm over 80 years ^. - ®Gerrond -i , 4F oraeo• 7119 or 308 eased away on January 12th, of p h -1 11 to ow afternoon at 2.3® troit, spent the week end with his par- P tvening d da 'n Eve�lone went Tnomn® of Mr. ]Elarovthorn�a life were spent, '1'i€ sw.:L', Il929 at til® homie of ➢ler nephew, e e -noir .2 ; o'clock from the residence of her «i.,. ®®®®Ca ®®® 0 James Gerrond', St. Louisa', Saskatche niece R. R. No. 8, London. The re - x' wast, where she has lived since the , • ' "•' _ demise of her brother whom she came mains will be forwarded to lBrerceJbold 4' + ; . , where a private s,ervic& will be held 4 +� West to care for a nusnlr em of years on WedMeesday at 12.3dD p.m. at flee 7 r ago. Kin's 'Ge'rrond was born in Kirk- °` " p•9 cud+brig'htshire, Scotland. coming to rmsddence of ilei slater, Mrs' William i Canada over seventyLtive years ago Scott- Interment will be made in 9D V. with other members, other family, she Bayfield C"emetrery'. 9'" ' ?V,l j being the only one surviving. She lived in, Seaforth and Toronto for Ninety-one Years �l®nnuag. -The 11 e;, Sault Daily Star of Sault 'Ste Marie, sr1, ' many years before Coming West. IV E. j7��j��_ 'Other sisters 'who predeceased' 'her Ontario, makes the following refer- 1i111�1i��j and vibe lived' near 'Seafortli, were enc® to a formeR well known resident ti; Mss. Duff, Miss Mary Gerrond and of Seaforth, Mss. Reid Before her re_ r'oval to the Sault some 3t1 Years kgd 0 It , �'pus� Debemt'�t117' Mr's. William, Sproat, Sr.5M>es Ger- ago, having resided in this town for !R& rond will be remembered by many old many years her home being on James' ^ ` Ermfis ,% friends in Seaforth and vicinity, who . "TRe home of Mrs. Annie -, A it ate tasuizeal n will regret to bears of. her death. ��yi"eras said trustees. Reid, 114 fine Street, was the scene " Th f l of a very happy occasion or Saturday encs, Mr. and M - John D. WOOda. an nCn g. record that is given 'but to few 'tm XT,s. Woods' frknds will be pleased feeling that they had spent a vex • attain. haws i man o$ o�atsr110v,r l� to know she is recovering from her Pleasant evening. Mx. and Mems, More t si ue strongVMS and robust and ding serious ill+nessa.-Mrs'. 'Allen 1Pye and make an excellent host and hostess. physique, d passed the Fonar swims+ two children, iiemmyvanied by her bro- -A very emjoyable evening was spent ears oshadhis health and all brie they, Samuel Wddiecoanibe, left Satur- at the home of 1i r. and Mrs. F. B. Years, lar a remarkable degree. Al -him 4' day for Windsor, where hes husband Medd lash Friday niglit by they M=id- fa s •ass outdoor re masa, le ^suss a Trete is employed. -Mina Edina Scotchmer, night Revellers. After thea servedutive Y of Stanley Township, is visiting Miss committee 'of flee club had served sportsman, a Enna shot and ilei bmt 1Via�garet Campbell.—Miss, Maud and lunch, an extra good 'program'me rw erman,. In hi"s youth be built a boat and sailed the Maitland rivet tam Mica Josephine Stirling left haat Fri -ugh Put an by the prof duete committee and Goderich ,and at the age of 80+ years day to visit their sister, Mrs. ,]Flush which consisted of duets 'by Robert he made his last tri to New Ontario McLaren. at fort Elgin. -Ar. William and Edith McMillan; 'songs by Lorne during the hunting season, where he G. Rae, principal of ]Bayfield school, Webb, duets by D®teen and Viola g g spent the week end, at his home in Clack; a reading, "Tice Cotiter's Sat- shot his deer. In snanlner he was Wroxelter --Mas% F1ot Edwards: left urdiay Night" by Imo.•. Thomas' Mel l- quiet, but his word was a bond, and Saturday to visit in Kitchener and Jan, M.P. This poem in the view of his neighborly, kindly ways and Tail Waterloo. -Mr. William C. Johnston many, is Robert Burns' masterpiece, true hospitality made said retained! returned Saturday from. 'Sault Ste. and Mr. .me -Milian certainly showed for . him the Iriend chip of mem of all he was I K, arse, where he was visiting his us the grandeur and, ideal of the Scot- uriatetlGin marriage to 17th, Mary Ann �' r Died In Kamloops, lB. G - e o - afternoon, January 12th, w en a n daughter, Mrzs. IM -11--b who isg novo tisk poem, who lives immortal iri Mind ° r, �:' "lrecst ons are accepted by lowing ,from the Kamloop, B- C•, ber of her friends' called to extend to , a .v x Sentinel of January 18th, will be read hes their congratulations on her 919t r®raverin'g from cry aeriaus iIl- of the 'Scotohmen lire world over. Af- Vmnfgmondy daughter of bh'e late RA_ .:j with regret by many old friends Taea+e birthday. It is not vela to many to near--+Claybon Wasbo left for ]Che- teat the prognafsime, a hearty Veen of Oa�b with a amilysof�two solm gr ';r o a ULC>,�u (° given trroit Wednesday where he h9a obtain- thatlks was given t0 the host and ' l r as Mrs. Gray" was a well known and reach beyond the ninety year mark ed employment. --- Samuel �.gleson, h'oss,'tess, A res'olu'tion 'by Mr. �ilillimim ainef tbtlo ughrberrs, 'Mrs. Humphrey , ,+r }; ra highly respected a silent of the cxe'c- and still retain all their fawullsiee 66 °. 99 wino Yfaca int the gv�st eve ar mise 'Mtar�on t'h'at a colbection be taken ► � ®ii,of 'Seafo h�; Mrs' J- John, Ella - a IL VS. as ft t & or,¢I Concession of McKillb ,near Sea- a remarkable degree as does lidrts. ��] ��' �' ��� weeks with melativetl aaadl i'sdend�, lef'c aid ®f ase �Nelsli m3nmw, vis 'r its . •" W forth, for y years, ;%e S'en4l Reid. She tools grerit enjorment from tflor a in, �fdil'ton, liD,, lit ed to lib iably. Victoria, B. C. and Mr. thorYln, Of , stt, s: "Thvie patted aITay at �® meetitl'g atkd einveMng vr�i"�h mamma - ReMoved ��ii1 ®nk.--�I ierePaert l t ". ro �vit1 ..., p lrtla ,Dine Note •.. 1Ji . ,�cott B(awthorme, on the homeste , I 11 :' c, qr a r, c a a a a e �ldeut lim5t daugli 1'rtl. Jam. friends du>{11tg� flim atternoon and eves be ali xsiial'eatt Kante'ele erltiYe abrlrlti .day ll�oetrrt, o IItdsirnelt b�,i.uae� The furia4 was held' from Hiss 1 ^ •: . 0 . r . ning. MrlG.' . Rogeats, 'her leas- �a Af � " Aawd "ig 7ffia b Straw, a su 1�, cosh iri el l;'aMe& pit, '�Se^sstt a 1tcPi . n b�mel� tiagY.t9n PJ[rr. enol' i�s. e" . a��• the on Saturday afternoon, wb . '� .,. � `' ing singing rat a guilb0r, mf o ve,l fed a mrtxi� Ili--+k4Ct. sand fid. ai , �, m the fn s were conducted b9 Pew. - � , I le �t n>ra� +wrap, sada ? Ra s ertlel� , � Q� $! 3 � t� fat ty l soars 3, ad e ', a,07 tri �G -- - - s m° i' "' , has fta year sirth'wr.am a 4 bray as�mi. RolOdc >}�1¢J >rlq vooPx, mpavurc g. R. lfastle, of First PreePoyPatiiCsal a Bera7tort , , err oym�nt area that q im ar'�uaat'^,.. Ghoirreh, afo, of Which alaaniamla S'. n. eearrwA d vd � imp �b to $ onaam a hrlgh wi a iri , W�ttn� 'bo 29 on a,�.v r� dtalii %. °1L h c ifs edi lbv d rt a �gd'ri y t / a grin r3. l�� rCfl�d�yp1�? tl '%klld? $�&GY�t4�4Yt w- latlet5}'i. Q,$lifc�' �i� q�u , {t 4 `6ffib467.� tead BrlfYL�5Y iS ffilt© ft }' i'," '... yrs ! :Y' .;,: ,�, ,gip �'y �gt 20 ✓ �. ... � . •�'i,�• rY��J �', W art J.� 1. :Y �e , %�J. illi' vl'SIA Ul��y' 1Ve111'l�a �1LK`�L9i���y ;GJR . �w1Ly WY'� li 7llle hili . ., , , �, ,,.,: � .. , q c �, , 9, C r t �q a mtvdai ad sa l% r�a �a .. > � ti itla b ,aYa �eme2o , 9� f�aslE,� 17 Cx wU gtFJ7tliiitrlY, W .' . v :'... r , . l :d ai fan ail • : � 1� , mob . W, a , . >6[o�r ➢m 'illi i ' t�, , �s et + em , ., a o a §. p ,t a onii e G p9t11� �ss� a aY c ' . . , � olnl� f eta Pa ug . artd� , . a b, tl el% k let h d .rim,'. o ..,; , b P 1::la T+�s ]%Yz ' ' . , 0,` i 'M aid y ! m r � , � t A _ n ..� 1 y r . tr 11' , u:. S cul .ixt� i'w1 .{, y(,�..� ,�j,�IW� 1' y�.y y;,,�y �5 y.� ,ry' p,, gy ,,j},,•�^( r�,5�t, y( {L: ,. 1,i m . LI -' .•�.,. ,. it ,'�.,3.... :y. .. ., r. :.., IY' 14lDw WL11LY_ 0 tY. 'kY1t� GV WIO tui Jt 7 (. ,.. 'lY'� w�. W43. ':W'?a ,'Y.V 'Y., ,..�,. .,.... W,6 - t s•�' y: Y➢t�1W J �- :,.,' '• ; ;I. :,; � �, o�.Y,�,,. �qt���, ��r ��r ., �t� �?. Cy"� , y�,py�.�};�� �j,�{j��i ���� ��. : , ,, � ,. �,.�i y,/• � ��,�y r : c�r� ill �.� a' ti. ° n. -::I,'. �F.. ,., .,P.. M1,V 4iY'�Y .. 5� G+P : . v - .:111 7 q,VZI'1Y:,�1•W7': r?'L'dJ yW� . �,, . :`t'.' A 114, wWk•� 7. ,�,,i, t - 1 1 W,* !o „d 4 . q� �^� y .. Xr; i. y;;, 4"sle-a, �, w a. 1, �', ,. a.' .:, t k x " . els"" , , � , , ti ?l WOU0 +_ �, 7 , : E hw , J xu ?5 fi�tt._ „ , a . �1 oak .: �3 .� .., 1. ,:. , ,�qqy1 yy. � ' .. Y r � YY !♦ r�y,ul 1� .._ ., --^-+.^.-^^..'^f.^. :: 1. -.,: ;. ! :: . .,.. , .. % T fi,, :, w .d: u . ,. { a.. . , ,"',, � �.✓� ,+ .. to . 1� ,,.. ,. .: ,,. ,_ Y, 1., ti> ,. a 7d 0