HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-02-01, Page 3Anr 3 icontiunn eentiye Mr report waa o yloat'tottng made application substantial increase in salary.— CM alary.— o t the table. C. A. Robertson, iM.P.P., was present and was asked to address the 0ouaacil. nbbard-Wright: That the peti- tions of the parties interested in the Wroxeter school boundary be sent to the Education Committee to bring in a report or recommendation.—Car- ried. Adams -Beattie: That a grant of $200 be made to the Agricultural Re- presentative for junior extension work leo be held in trust by him for that purpose.—Sent to Executive Commit- tee. Craigie-.Turner: That a grant of 025 be made for the upkeep of flower beds about the Court 'souse. -•Sent to lEzecutive Committee. Wright-McKibbon: That, Windham Seed Pair receive a grant of $25.— !Sent to Executive Committee. Hall -McKibben: That bylaw N. 16,. 1928, be amended by inserting ilk the Children's 'Shelter Committee af- ter the word council, the words "of !which the Warden shall be one."— Carried. Wright -Collins: That each school fair receive a grant of $2i5.—Execu- tive Committee. Hill -Collins: That owing to increas- ed motor traffic causing greater de- struction to all roads, the Provincial Government be requested through the il<)epaa Lament o$ Highways, to raise the gas tax on all gas used by motor cars and trucks to 5 cents per gal- lon, rnd that the grants on all roads be increased to 50 per cent. when good roads legislation is complied with, and that the province assume BO per cent. of cost of Provincial (Highways. That a copy of this res- olution be sent to the Good Roads As- sociation.—Carried. s- s ociation.—Carried. Turner -Henderson: That whereas the rates charged by the Hydro Power •Coammission of Ontario for electric power and energy through- out the county of Huron is so ex- cessive, compared with other coun- ties nearer the source of supply, and whereas the fact precludes the passi- bility of the farmers of the county being able to avail themselves of this power in any large measure by reason of the great distance from Niagara Falls and the consequent high cost of transmission, and whereas the towns and villages of the county cannot of- fer inducements to manufacturing in- dustries for location 'have for the same reason, and the whole county is, therefore, suffering industrially and is generally handicapped in providing work for our people, causing our young men and our young women to seek employment elsewhere, and whereas the Commission has stead- fastly set its face against a flat rate for the whole province, now, there- fore, be it resolved that the County Council of Huron, assemlbled at this session, strongly petition and urge the Commission to proceed with the development of power on the Mait- land River as was promised and guar- anteed by the late Sir Adam Beck, as head of the Hydro Power Commis- sion, and thus place the County of Huron in a fair and equitable way to taold its own from an agricultural, commercial and industrial standpoint with all other sections of Ontario.— Carried. Craigie-Beattie: That in view of the fact that it is the intention of the town of Goderich, as soon as the weather will permit in the spring, to construct concrete walks through the Court House Square and a curbing around the outside of the same and on the inside of the roadway, be it resolved that th,a county construct around the Court House, and its own property, a sidewalk or pavement to Bink up with the town's work, and al- so that it construct a concrete drive- way from the south and north to con- nect with the county property—Sent to County Property Committee. Henderson -Stalker: That some improvement be made to the narrow bridge on the county road south of Belgrave, so that the children attend- ing school will not he fore -d to cross 'the bridge, as it is very dangerous.— Sent to flood Roads Commission. Mole -McKenzie: That the road be- tween Ashfield and West Wawanosh from the 9th to the 4th concessions be rebuilt the coming year.—Sent to Good Roads Commission. Craigie-Sweitzer: That the work of cutting down and protecting the bend or turn in the road on Saltford 'Mill be recommended. -Sent to Good Roads Commission. Adams -Beattie:.;,, That a grant be snide to assist the upkeep of street lights in the ham.i,et of Londesboro on account of the great benefit of such light to traffic on the county road.—Sent to Good Roads COMMIS - A. P. Keys -Middleton: That the tVrs di $ ' 44 ! td a c�Bad D5,11 b At e9* f 14'40.4%;m$ tong ,On tlae hill lecaiiaag to the e tion thee: south, Tia paid for by.. the eee nty.-.+Sent to. Good Ro Cominissiem 1 t K1bh'est.e' endprso : That the woigc cyf 't FF +raving the county road from �1',rningham to Bluevale be com- pleted as far as Bluevale and that the' work be done as early in the year . as • possible. — Sent to Good Roe, Commission. Co1llns-Keys: That Road No. 18 which was taken off the county road System leading from. the boundary be- tween Morris and Gray, east 5l miles to Ethel, joining Road No. 19 and so boundary between Morris and Gray east on the 11th and 12th concessions of Grey, 3% miles that was formerly on the county Road .Systeme, be put back again ou aaidsyetem.—Sent to Good 'Roads Commission. Turner4 Kenzie: ; That whereas the 7Bluevale Highway through the County of Huron and other counties, such as Lambton, Bruce, Grey and Simooe, is now a county gravel road, and whereas it is rapidly becoming an internationally travelled highway between the United States and North- ern Ontario along Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, and the upkeep as a county gravel road is therefore ex- ceedingly high and out of all propor- tion to other county roads, be it re- solved that we petition the Highways Department of the Ontario Govern- ment, to take it over as a Provincial Highway and have it paved as soon as the finances of the Department will permit, and in the meantime, that we ask it to have provincial road signs placed along the highway and that the other counties through which the road passes, be asked to make similar representations to the Department, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the other counties and also the Blue Water Highway Associ- ation at the City of Barrie.-1Sent to Good Roads Commission. On motion of :Messrs. Beattie and Hill the council adjourned to meet on Thursday. Ackle in St AMC '11 stion Medical authorities state that near- Ilar nine -tenths of 'the cases of a/Fauna/A trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, ass, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an leomess of hydrochloric acid the rstornach. The delicate stam,ach lining Ss irritated, digestion is delayed and load sours, causing the disagreeable raymptorns which every stomach suf- rterer knows so well. Artificial digestents are not needed in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying arside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist teaspoonful of powder or four tablets in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess:- acid, and there Es no sourness,, gas or pain. Bisurat- ed Whignimis, On powder Orr tablet /cm—nem liquid or milk) is harm- Tleim to the stomach ineapensive to rIaLtv end is the Most efficient form of sinagnesia foe ttottach purposes. Et toe indigtotlom S. • $oo zl3 amiss 4' a ,srs. WWI) And Ci in !pj(p, reconuomodatiou VMS not caneva ? The report• as aMealded was thea eure. d tn, Dr. idilne and di/fessre. 3aeker and Neeb spoke at aonie length it rotsatd to what they termed excessive ea - change rates charged by the limaaIss. Neeb-Milne: That the Warden, Clerk and Treasurer 'be ,a. committee to interview the bankers ann report back to the counpil. 34Cessrs. Tale/warth& and Adams mov: ed that !1 r. Milne and Messrs. Neeb and Baeker be the conwmitte®a nd this was adopted. 1 Hill-Ballantyne: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the 'Minister of Highways of Ontario, the petition of the Cor- poration of the County of Herron, showing that during the year 1928, there was expended the awn of $183,646.94 upon the county highway system and requesting the statutory grants on that amount as provided by the Highways Act.—Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet on Friday. nc m h ]Friday. Under the head of inquiries, Mr. Rader brought up the matter of drag- ging the roads under the Highways Improvement Act. The Warden suggested that the at- tention of the Engineer and the Good Roads Commission should be called to Mr. Rader's suggestion. Mr. Wilson, representing the Globe Indemnity Co., spoke to the council, re the matter of county road insur- ance against accidents. Higgins -'Rader: That the council take no action on insurance at this session.—Carried. Mr. Robert MeEwan, representing The Office Specialty Co., addressed the council, re the installing of im- provements at the Registry Office. It was decided on motion 'to leave the matter over until the June ses- sion. The Financed Committee reported with Mr. Henderson in the chair. The report was adopted. Neeb-Hubbard: That the matter of transfer of licenses be only allowed in the County of Huron licensees. - Carried. Hill -Milne: That the county treas- urer be instructed to transfer from the general account to the county highways account the $32,000 govern- ment grant deducted last year.—Oar- ried. An amendment by Messrs. Higgins and Mole that the matter be left over till June was not concurred in. Craigie-Henderson: That Thomas Gundry, Jr., be appointed County High Constable at a salary of $200. —Carried. Hill -Beattie: That the Warden and Clerk get in communication with the County Council of Bruce, re a meet - ng with Huron in June.—Carried. The following committee was nam- ed to carry out all arrangements: The Warden, Clerk, Treasurer and Messrs. Craigie, 111111, Trewartha, Turner, Beattie, 'Mliddleton and Adams. Henderson -Stalker: That the Corn Borer Inspector be paid by the hour nstead of by the day as at present, he salary to be 75c per hour.—Car- Thursday. The communications from Messrs. Young, Patterson and Govenlock, ask- ing an increase of salary, was sent to the Executive Committee. County Engineer Patterson pres- ented his report. The report was re- ceived and ordered printed in the The report of Inspector Beacom was read and adopted and ordered print- ed in the minutes. Beattie -Wright: That the chair- man of each of the different pay com- mittees he asked to bring in a report at December meeting of council, tell- ing the number of meetings held and the cost of same, also that the mile- age for members attending committee meetings be based on the number of miles travelled by auto rather than by train, as during the summer ev- erybody travels by auto.—Carried. Beattie-Adarna: That we memor- alize the Provincial Government to increase the subsidy on county roads from 50 to 60 per cent., and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Good Roads Association.—Carried. Wright-Trewartha: The council of each township of Huron be asked to have their assessors get the number of pure bred and grade bulls.—Car- Ballantyne-Sweitzer: That t h e bridge across, the Salable River on County Road No. 8, in the townehip of Usborne, he rebuilt.—Sent to Good Roads Commission. Snell -Higgins: Owing to the ap- proaches to the bridge at Exeter be- ing very narrow and dangerous to the public, we recommend that these be vvidened, also the surface of the road repaired.—Sent to Good Reads Com- mission. H. A. Keys -Collins: That the coun- ty maintenance of the street lights in the village of Ethel, as it is a dangerous corner on the county road. —Sent to Good Roads Commission. Higgins-Neeb: That the revised by-law, re hawkers and peddlers re- ferred to the council at the December mreting, be again introduced for con- sideration and action by this council. prepared by this council at the pres- ent session. giving effect to a neolu- tion passed hy the council of Stephen and dated January 14, 1029, giving the towns.hip of Stephen the powers given to cities and towns for the pur- pose of sale of land for arrears of taxes.—Referred to Legislative Corn- • Mr. Edwards brought up the mat- ter of an increase Pn salary and help for Mrs. Elliott at the .Shelter. Mr. Henderson brought up the matter of the payment of the County Solicitor regarding attendance at the House of Refuge. It was pointed OUt, that the retaining fee did not include work of this kind. Me. Higgins discussed the financial position of the county. The matter was further discussed by MeSsrs. Beattie,°Baeker, Wright, Hill, Tre- wartha and the Warden. The Executive Committee reported and the report *as taken up in com- mittee, with Mr. Higgins in the chair. The report was adopted. The Education Committee reported and the report was adopted. The arbitrators appointed to act under the recommendation made in the report were Chairman, Dr. Field, D. C. Ross, Brussels, and N. W. Trerwartha, The County Property 'handed in its report. A recommendation that the cou-ncil go over to the Registry Of- fice and look over the situation. On -motion of Dr. MIlne and, R. Ken- nedy thia was done. On reasaembling the matter of the improvement was further die:cussed. The estim,ated cost Higgins, -Rader: That no action be taken at this ?nesting of co -until and that it be left over to the June meet - The Legislative Assembly reported with 'Mr. Trewartha in the chair diecussion, took place regarding the matter of the appeintmeet of an officer to enforee the Idauor Control thin Wad 'adopted and a 'e -cel .t sere deal Wash Go 'so We at 6 editediwte shipat oft e alga They �h c ti 'freshness al p t g0 You fill o. yo prig Come in h k the sa ck Il - - how th New agog? o E 'Prin.& The pre ti - est nd neatest pat- teffIRS YOU ever s w. Colors NES nteed absolutely Inst. patterns that Ere neat, and entirely different. 32inches 21. big v shades in t lity of egpi thy: toi sf_ The CO—OTS are all 32 inches wid.e. Ric 25c EC L We win stil, continue clearing prices on if_ en's nd and Women's, Coats and Mega's and Women's Fur Co Stock -taking has blought to our notice' many odd am:R bre these are alll displayed at unusue price reductkns. There is a special. -Remnant Salle that eh= d be of gTea ktereat to epging Dye' 3venco to REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Finance. • The Finance Committee reported as Re the deficit in the Provincial Highways account, we recommeno hat no debentures be issued, hut this ccount is to be left with the Gov- rnment and paid out of general rev- nues as much as possible each year. We also re.commend that the rate or county road purposes he two mills n the dollar and strongly urge the 'ommission to keep within the esti- We -recemmend that We pay the minty officials a straight salary and liseontinue the sessional allowance, hough not to he effective this year s the salaries have been fixed.— Robert Higgins, Chairman. Every hat in OUT Mill finery Depar will be cleared "-..st ggc There never was a better cha.nce o buy a.n up-to-date ha at such. unusual reclluc-ans. oi Children's Shelter. The Children's Shelter reported as follows: We have visited the Children's Shel- ter and have found it in first class condition, excepting the kitchen. There are at present nine children in the Shelter, ranging in age from seven months to 13 years, seven boys and 2 girls. They all seem to be in good health with seven going to school at the prment time. We find/ the Matron, Mrs. Elliott, is keeping the home in first class condi- tion, also keeping the children nice and clean, but we are sorry to say at this time that Mrs. Elliott has handed in her resignation. , We recommend that the walls of the kitchen he painted and the floor covered with •sorrie kind of floor COVer- Committee elArd, S 0 9 fort FORGET THE BLUES " 1 IL TEARN Engineering. Auto Meohanim Electri- cal Ignition, Batt, ery or welding Experts, Rouse Wiring, Briniclaying Barbering and Ladies' air.. Eravai $6 edD :,110 Per Day pew weeks required to learn. Expert Inetriletore, Practical NOV7 for biator gay Mt bright future. W2ito Or earl fat ing.—R. Turner, Chairman. Legislative Committee. The Legislative Committee report- ed as follows: In the matter of the resolution from the city of Oshawa, we COMM' in that resolution. In the matter of the resolution from the County of Simcoe, we concur in that resolution. In the matter of the: ,resoletion from the County of Bruce, we also concur in that resolution. We received Magistrate Reid:'s re- port and would reeommend that in the case of children of tender years that every reasonable method of cor- rection be tried before sending these children to an Industrial School for a term of years. In the matter of the resolution from the City of Belleville, we con- cur in that resolution. In the matter of the report of the Special Comrmittee, we would recom- mend the adoption of a quarterly audit and payment of the Childretea Shelter accounts. Re the matter of the application of the Township of Stephan, we recom- mend this be granted and a by-law passed in accordance with the request. -all. J. Henderson, Chain:am Education Committee. The Education Com-mitt:a, reported as follows: reeomirriend that the ft:Mutable trusbees be elected: R. Rays, tilea- J. J. Robertson, Goderich. We recommend that arbitrators be appointed for Union School Section No. 14, Turnberry and Howick, on advice from County Solicitor. We recommend that the /Couneil as a whole appoint these arbitrators. We recommend no action re circular from Ontario School Trustees,' and Ratepayers' Association, re appoimt- ment of trustees outside the school district, as we are of the opinion that trustees in the school district concern- ed are sufficient—Dr. W. 3. Milne, Chairman. Plans and specifications and blue prints from two companies with an estimated cost of $8,000, we would recommend the whole council look in- to this matter and that every member of the council:go over and view the matter before /passing an opinion.—J. W. Craigie, Chairman. County Property. The County Property Committee re- ported as follows: That we visited the jail and found everything in good condition with ten prisoners at present. We recommend that the two hall flooes in front of the cells on the ground floor be re -floored. We examined the Court House and we recommend that the necessary re- pairs be made; the main hall be re - floored, both entrances, and windows We visited the Registry Office and interviewed the Registrar and found the Governrment Inspettoa's report there, arbich we Would read. We find in the report a demand fee ail Weede en structures and fixtures to be re- moved, steel fillet cabinets and bones installed, ,tnail a new steel ear '261. convoying boobs from o ca vatilti Execative Committee. Re tenders for bread for the leg, we recommend the tender of E. Chem - land be accepted. (Continued on page e) The Executive Committee reported as follows: Re motion of Messrs. Beattie and Kennedy, we recommend grant be Re motion of Messrs. Wright and Beattie, we recommend grant be made. Re motion of Ballantyne and Sweit- zer, we recommend grant of $100. Re motion of Messrs. Henderson and Stalker, we recommend grant be Re motion of Messre. Mole and An- derson, we recommend grant be made. Re motion of Messrs. MeKibbort and Trewartha, we recommend a grant of $750. Re motion of Messrs. Higgins and Ra.cler, we recommend the grant. Re request of ,Salvation Army, we recommend a greed 'of $160.. Re motion of gesers. Magni& end Mole, we recomtmend a grant of $15tii. recovathend tender for tout" printing be given to rat aodetich the National 1n tnkt, ger 'Ike NO BALEDICINE LIKE BA : Y'S OWN TABLNIM For Either the Nevvhorm eahe 'Bile Growing Chfild. ' There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own 'Tablets for Ettle ones— whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing ehild the Tablets/ al- ways do good. They are aneolutelly frte from opiates or other harmaie drugs arid the mother can alwv3 f el safe in using them. euncerning the Tablets, Mee. jolun Armour, R. R. 1, South illonaginm Ont., says:—"We have three finer, healthy Children, to whom When n, medicine is needed, Ve h!ave given ordy Baby's Own Tablets. The ICtriTai. lets are the best medidint you eZel keep in any home where they rstct young children. Baby's Own Tablets are a, rn thoroug,h laxative Which re stomach and howels'; potion and Indigtztle