The Huron Expositor, 1929-01-25, Page 5d r d J .�� ` , . �, .. . .. � � ,.e k;, � r�r ��,i��l, ' � ''�'`' � �� , , i�'. � .�' ' � �f �;'v r 'j � f. � i-`' I � 4 ��:4�'��� 5 �` r�4' � 7 • . Ty '' '� �� �' ��" � 1 ) �. �. v � i ., C�.��' '� � � �� �„ � . ��� �:� .� �:�� . ,� � , � _�� � � . , r� �h�.. . � . : - ���� . � ��� � , •,, � . . - /� ;��. ����.. . , � � � � ,. �1 .�.e�tb � � m, �P�c�,'S; �'�ea�p��r7�'kAc� Jk�9'`�,'� '��r�ll@d 4:$ �' i f ' ����a�� �a �I'c�a�$'�� ]D s�^ c� &aQl� �k� ee�i � �� . �a�� a� ka �3L 3 � a� am sa � �' � a J s� � � "� , �. � � Ii�o da� � �e A �i. a �P- aa � v�� '�1� fo ua y �* � Tl���� o�f'aeexa vv�er.e� �Iwctesl: F1{1.�., {� 'fi�. �'. �a&�arJl�; �;�., �r�r� ���r�; � . .Fd. �. �rwi� • cri' ]F. �T. lU�' - 4,"1�w� S b� c �a � v ��ym�ont; �'reasurer, . C. �. �ilgrim A T�iG�xa`hya11, ]L. ]K. ]Fspps; Ilst lf�ac4., J�,. `a �`Jd�upray� 2nd' $fect., Y�oanis �larlc; e 7[&$ Cond., Yal. Y�a,yter; 2n�d �oa., i'i. ! -�, Il'etty• gYe�rald, �'. Stinson�; Seak- {.' aatel, g'. �JJVatson, Auditora, �C. Yliehfi � r�mm¢i �. �"ualbraith. . ��'��� k�Totes.--+IC�ev. J. ff'�era�ros!e, mf �I�.a�a., �°' �ts �a.id up wit�a tkne 4�u �nd �v�,.s ta�:�ble� � �m tak� 'his work �ast SLfl%L�E.�.-�idY If��av�e, ��4xt R�eyg, is ��.t���t�ian� iciue s�e� � ai��a of th� Q�ouax�ty �o�ncal at �od�- � eraa�� tAsis 'Ru�ea&.-77Chhe m�ual m��Ging �� �$ Qaas'��n 'QTmlib�l Swnday Sc�oofl was ;� tine�Y� ➢ims� ro��eik. �he� schooY is in �. � ,, +��qn&�'e�xous comcPitio� �nd � liv� i�- ;# ���s� is �iaefin� takem in the S�:n�iay �fl orR� und�r th�e ca �b � Yea - StiE�AO 'VO � d f � �s��aig oi 4Vd�r. .�o3�n Armstrong, �ar'ho -*aPas un�anixnousfly chos�em aa Stape�rin- �d�emt for the comimg ye�r. � 1L lU �li� IrnJ1La�'d�111L 1f71 �� ' � Nof,es.-1Virs. S. lEyre has �turn- ,. � 'harna �a£beT a pleasant vis�it with ;r 5hsr snns in Sarnia.�Mrs. A�b�a �'or- ryt4n is laid up �wit'h tt�e f�u a,t pres- :r�s��. T$e�r m�any friendls hogre� to se�e � ar�wnd sooyv again. --, 1�/d�uch sym- � gpa,tpiy is �xtencled to iMrr, and Mrs. Y. IBrown, af the 4th can�sion, in the Iloas of ttueer libtla daughber, M�rg- $. �et, whose d�eath occurr�al on !Sun- , slay, Janua�ry 20th; aft� a, shor�i ill- m�es� of pneum•osaia. �4�e fune�rafl �evas ; �� [h��Il� on �ue�sd�ay to tla� �.gmondville m�a'�ary, sieJrvioa '�eing conduct�d by ,�� � . IR,e4. �T. �. Nd�cdDonaYd. I �Jf? � V1/ tll1La11�AV Notes: �Niiss �Luby �'oung has gone 40 �`�v�ed, �nt., where she will com- Hnence her diuties be�aching sc'hooY this �vve�k.-Bioward Williamson, second r�on af �homas and P/Lrs. W�lliafhson, a� very critically ill at present.--;Mrs. ]Ch-ager, wrho has been confined to her fber� suffering with pleurisy, is im- �,roain.g nicely.-Mr. and 1V�rs. Y�awr- �ne� �orsyth, of '�oronto, are at pres- �nt visiting Richard and Mrs. Ho�.- 7Follawing the h�oavy �ain of last w�ek �he snow has gone down so as the �cars can run �between �alton and �eaforth, which is a great convenience �o xnany-�'he annual meeting of y➢uff's gTnited Churc'h, 5�aiton, will be �.el� �'uesday afternoon, January 29, ai 2.34 in the school room of the �hurch.-The church attendance has srot �been v�ery large owing to the stormy Sundays and great amount of siclrness �Clarence Bennett is having �t,e upstairs of his store remod�lled. `�hoYnas Johnston and Alex�.n�ex• Den- �is are doing the carpenter work. �— �1L1.���di�11L 11 �l Notes.---IMr. �rnest Graiiam, who Ihas been a resident of �rox�arty for �he p�st five years, moved to St. �aul Ilast we�e�k.-JN[r. D�avid Sruce, vdhp re- �ides a mile south of our village, sold �is farm rec�en�tly and will hold a sale on ThuTsday, the 24th. - NLr. Andrew� I�'amilton, of Detroit, spent 2i few days last week visiting friends. -1Viiss Gladys Hamilton, of Toronto, ns at present spending a f�cwv da,ys with Iher parer�ts, Mr. and Mrs. Will FLam- niton.-Owing to the se��ere weather �he attendance at church last Sab- t',�ath was somewhat small.�--January 7llth be�ing abserved as Day of Pray�er � fl�y the W.M,S. Auxiliar,y, the Crom- �rrty Auxiliary met in the basement of t`he church. �wing to th� inclem- �ncy of the weather, thei•e �vas a small atbEmclance. The president, 1dRss. �liver, presi�ded. Although th,cre was a small attendance, the meeting was ' a very helpful one, those present gi�v� nmg a very helnful r�sponse to the roll �all topic, "Prayer." �u.�a�v�r�� ��� � s�d�� ��r� : �� IPI�.�IFII7C � g3[ow �much we miss in ]ife �because ' �a� neglect opgortuauties v�nhich come • muar evay. 'g€avv often wre laok �t ta¢autiful estatea �n� h�nrnamaa-flik� ' �✓a5➢a t`h¢y were ougs. 'FhT� s� f�s- ' m,in$.i� �by t1� sprea,a�iae� �rees �,m� : �t�me gvg�ammiia�afl ¢�v�er�r�aa. �/'o l�o� �iCta �vonderin�� �y�s st a pool Yria►g- ' �1 �%2h A�hreabs �mna� at �4e� R�illaieles � �vtuY�ze� with glory in Autum�a maacd ��el �nvioua an� �rhy noi. Bf�:he�¢+� �an be found any�tihin� more Ireawti- . � gub C9�an, a��anadian woodland iaa Autumn. �hhousan�s of pe�ople could� �o-daa�r own ar�as �lad wibh such beau- tty if they �ad n�ob neglected t7�eir ap- grortuniby. m/iuch of the �be�auty over vvhich we enthuse, it iw true, is nat� narafl, .but rnuch of it 'has also b�eesi• �lanted and we owe� an appreciation �o th� onea, who in their wiadom mn�any yeara ago, •set the example. 7E$lu�nvi.reds of readers wilU peruse �Chis article, many 'hav�e are�as v��hich <ean 'be devoted� to the plantin�g of �rees an�d s�hruibs. �. little study �twilfl QeveaY to t'hes�e that not �mly m�.m� acenes of �reat beauty be�b�o�aght 9n- $o Ibein�, but so�methin�g of great util- aty be e-ffected. Tt is true some of aaa griant trees and shrub� ➢iecsuse of �heir frie�ndl,y association. �U�a lik� � watch th�em grow an�i change, �or �his is life. Others de�ire to obta'�aa ss�ore�ev�tary reward fo rtheir p�irus. '�a�ataver our object it may 'he achiov- ¢ti if vve plant properly. �mon�g the manq beautiful tra�es �ave bhe� w�lnuts ad�apted to southern �ni�xtio. �lhe bIlack walnut, a ^.lye�a.u- $$ful t're�, prodv�ces extreme�ly valu- ra.bi� ��a'tmroer and ediibl�e nuta. 'fihe �but- ��nnt ia �lso a nvt-�xodwcing tre�. 1BotYa ��� "�ardy northroma�ed bo Orill�ea ran� dDt�awa an� p2�r'��.ps a little fup- �Sa��. 7Ct�e �n�lie�h vv�a.���nt re��iue�d fox c:r�rfl� ar�� ssrtar�s� 3�s nr�srdy 4,o'�'oro�sf,�. �t� qwicl� �a,ris�� �'�,g►�.n�sra v+raY- s�an�c, �aud�' 4� � �Om$ra�'��, yi�tgm sonth +mf �${C�b4b�.. °11�dC! '�%��dG3�9 tPc9� ffi"�ldg W�St$49' ��a g��,u�� �� a� ,���� t�� ��� ���� ��a� �'m� �iciGn �s� �mgm �sc�msII�aiir�. ��D'� �it��0.4114L�i9$� � a�id� 'i�.`i�� FLtcOYL'm1i4DII�'�'"�'1 4�a ¢�� "A���a�trccs� ��'imb�a a�� Il���r�s �"����r�� ( T �rya ' � ,,l � ::. i !.. i` ,, ; ;,. ,� ,. � , � '�,. y,: � ;- `i r � � t � , i ��. �. � �: I �-:':. i i tl I � I \ , \. I^ I ,".1 �.,�..�.._ �' � � �r.�.-t ,.'-+r.. � .� . � �.1. � _ M w � � �,�,�rr �, �`�,� . '�� �:� _"�:. � � �� � _ �� � - - � ;""_` .,, ��»-, - ,.,.� ��mn^PG�'""1�-s^n-yti"�"; "�. , vrr�»i� q.•.— 1 Jm Tnr,.^�v r.�-r+ yr ",�+-¢�!,i ,,;: I r�i ; ,q p . : ���� � d:, � � a {C �Tn,..,. a� �: � a -, { , � ; PP �i �l � �t��A�'. ��id.4? 4 �' ..� �' x a r ;' ti i �� � c� �'u?�'��^!, '� ���' (��• ��,�,� .u�t;Y,� �"; < ;. . ,,J�.�a��s���:� � '�fl� � � � �; �r�a�p �Ed ��� �� �o, �,Z �am�. �o��,+ : tau��k +rrk ,a: � �� � ��, ��aw� r�w� - c�� �a�lnr.��u�. �� . �. . �` �1� �c . a �Q � �,- 1y�� �� � . �,- , m ,p _� �����; � � az/ � � � �M�� � a��' � ,� � :.�: � a : �, , 9� . � , �,T�.;ma+��,T t���i'�m� . r-'�r''t.�z�e�r,,. � sa� .� �'�� � m '�� � � . � , �- . ��'� �. r," , , � . , ��w . k r� .,��4Ab1�' ' �iI k; V�^' . �n,.� �. .... � . �k? �+`.�'"hl�CF��- ��S7F@r��N� '� �7� �r�i+0'�a. � � �. �9S�.9L4dGl �� . � r� { h �Y,:.,� . . .: .T „ �.:� a S' , ` $ I � : , �e � �+.-.�"` �l ,. , , .,,� �u �1ti�, �r+xim�, �tw?� i � �k8w�9a$ . 'k°�iB� '�U'�t� ` � $:m . �R � �c�cv Ra p, ` n� � FiS�� � §� w ��l s� � �ra�. �sr�� � � � a�$ , ��� , ,T ,, . ;� . � . .. � � ��ik�. 7'.,�J.. .� C µ� r � ., :�?"'S ai . i A t � .4bDi�i �`S � , ry . lo ' � Ll �," Fa � �Z�+L J �. T i P� tla , � ?�' .➢n�u . x a �aaTz � 9�ea � � a� �fl .. .� � a v a� ��� � �a4 rror� a ro� cv � 9�+Ra R �Sae� das3 ^� CclD ka z�..� v.� -,.;�.�.•. � abb� * a�i �. �"ara� tx ba�n � � � �da � ��a _ . � � � � elxxa �he ast � lfl Dzs os�k. ao coza�amec� �p9��a ��:,R� aa�c� �'ma � �aP�y ,� � �ka�sa�e ���am� r� ��a�� rs3� ea a� ��so.� ��r r�nn�• �l�i(����'°� anc� �rath l�aanb�� w�i��s� �Ax ��a�,x�efl�s, soa�� g�s� a��ra� �m�a 4mi� c�t �»�a me�. a�ce a 8 F'�03L �^R � $1 an�ll 3us� ,�-^-� �:, .�a�II�,v'kt e �xir 8 � �w � P ^ � zq �uo 12 �..a„ ; �eaa 4z�. �ha� w . �na �a �, a� ploid��l �81�. ��'�'9@,T ��i'RSd�yLu3 &&l.� GA�'�Bi1@ okher ihan�t� �were� Sirna 'w� fl�m6 1IEsh�i� c�es N'��a �aY. man '�e{�,yt,��.t?�', .Aa�E.la7�rY SC`b�. �A;I � us�ed $o iFni$�,te o�Fse� '9vqo�s igD; f[nda"&t,i-' wrnxb3, �3 cen9xa �a�srr y�.nmraa9, aud aat➢�e�r u�,,eflco �Q�. �• ��� �'r8l�drr.•?�: 1�.Fi.. 7t,�. �a�xti� ture rxdanuf�C:iuTe. ga, downurara �Go 3�• qewta• ahey�+n �+n� 1�aaab aohnn�tnn •to n2a. Laa,rPse�, l� ]Faa�Ce. �'mC� �a1 �4t� ev+�rgpeem a�ac�a �,s b�ue Scote�a 61�'�0is i�n °'�] w�a� °°,,m� soo hea��er 29�a,e thas �2oar �ciara&�idrs. duy Tapk weeli, pine, vdhit� sgaru�ee, �n�aat� �airu�9 Nox- ^rt�e xeeei�% �a-d�av �ese �s.00� �ea�l�, so� , a�,i� a e vv��y �in�e, Aa+bv� vabas� a�ru�1 ��d �, .� o��ee ama i.aso ��he� asia �n�r�. eedar, $il �bea�atiful an� useftal. �his� s t2uotatiRns,: a�ea�. �f �t�ezs. �e.�o to IID�°�� . �' �u10.7B: b,aba&er sdeeis. c�hadce���8.6Q eq �fl�:• Y�oun�.—Sm 6emPozR�, axs '�hureda,Y. $�aaiaaamlr Wp1YC�d W�'10YL gal,�nted fYbE$1881(Il & c�W. gmis �to good. 69A0 ito u9.26�.d.o. Qamasto�. n7th. 4nnie FTJidlsflan, �fid�nw oP � lw� An- �lET�LY'°S �82Ulty' �Cf2Cll11�,8' �� �h�BnL- $7.60 tu l�9_00 ; butche� heim, choiae, ��.Pp �av� �oung, da Iaor 4'£�t$ yet�r. to 319.Uo : do. £a!r iw �oad. G9.4Q to S9.7b: do. e selv�s �an�d vmhich were tlxey yraar� �x- �om�on, ��.�o r,�.so: but�b0� cowa. �soa�, co te�vsiv�ly �usesl would� f.r�.n�sfoa�a sn�.ny choi�, 47.2s tu �s.so: ao. �mmon� to ffieaa�amm la�dscapes i�u �a��d�a. Sox�n� of the �a.o� to ��.00 ; ao. �annern and �ubteas, ,�.�� �ry��7� 7�q p����1 n� �v �T�2YU0ILt1flA�,' �P� V�,�U��' �.'OP �Ltli(�- �'to� uS.00 ; �bu'tcher bul'Is. gCAd Qo chofice� ti7.7b �l.iX"illJ.!:+� �JJ: ;.�J. �$.di�d���t.y to �J8,60 ; do, com2non kn snediuym, �g,Op Prp ixug 1wml�er �nd oth�s� for aaac�t eoxn- 'M;ea �osa snmvaren aa�d llr�r. ana �uti. �. $Z.00: do., ko]oUnas. 58.�� tro '�8.76: ba�bY bc�Y. Snmw�den wisla R�n +�6�nlc their �aa� Ssdemds Yx70�1$1¢�S &8 fencre gkU8�8. $30.60 to �18.00: PeeBeza, ahoice, �J9.Om 4xn for �their ldmdn�3 r�ail sssc��aithy durlv� 4ti�&r Q7�1�T0 W�, lri COY1jUYLC'�lOYL 'Wltit iG�i� �9.76: do. faix bm goud, Q�.A� 4,m 38.76: stoc$- x�� E,ad ,$�re�ve�¢e�h: p,�sn Yor k'ha 3wslv era, c'�oiee, 88.25 �to �$.7b : do. 4aIr 4,� gao�. faremention�ed su��j�cts, �� plas�i toer- flo,-�� tnibut� �nd re�vse �vmo so �e:y �mdlv $7.6m � �8.66 ; �ealvea, i:ha[ce,. �18.00 to �1Z : loaned 2hc�r cam. P1@Qji 'tPC�S 812Cp1 $S �/�L0 'ffiOYflIItB1YL $S�ly dv. �me$du�t. $9.00 ta '�v16.00: dm., €iT�saexs. an�i sDiru'l�s� sue'h as h`he �tame barry, �s�.so to �s.00 : sari�e�. s�ioo tw sizo ; s�ti- 84�,n� �1a�rry, ra6jD�Dex7ries an,� others, ere� Si7s.00 .ko �100: lambs. SDriraa. �er cwh.. .,ia.so tm �ia.00 : ao. oui�, �� �.. �s.00 °�.°�° 1���0°�� `����°�� our glam�tation �ivauld soon �beco�� a to �i1.7s ; bu�k tamt�, �ryio.so nm QtY.00 ; at�� bisu� an�d wilal frYa�✓er s��.nct¢nary f�r chaice, gs.6o tm ,�.sa ; ao.. meai,.m. �s.zs to $6.00: do., culls, ''8.0@ ko 44.00: s, selecte. thes�e wouldi soom �ind �, g�rof.ecte�: �. � � m�ae� want�i fnr s. s. No. s, ���- w.o.�e. lo. 50 �to 0 . � .46 • ao. �wl 4.o.b. 6P,I0CtH � am"th 4or a.rea an0� flourlsia thereln. bt v�ouYd gs,6o tio �ys.as ; ao., fea � ana' wu�terea, Slozm '� io °��' 'DQ a�inch green �oav eveaa be poastibY� thx+ough �Pne ju�dicious �co sio.q� ; ao, rt�i�k a�tt�, �.�.b., gs.00 to hard �oa, at ae�,t so H� ce�,a ffiaH�e. 5�9.25. Tendeis to be.in �by A'jebruary 4th. AyplY 2m planting of trees anai undershrubs to �_ p�_ ,��q.����� create a won�d�rfnY game� preserv�e �a. �. '�. senp�u�¢&�, �mt� wherein pheasants, partridge and if p� r�j[���gg,IIAP✓�[ g18�-2 wate� �xisted, ducks might �be pro- __ i tec.te�d. ]�ozens oi pe�opie wiil SYiOt't- Nate: Yteme unaez rh� �,ea� w�v be �h�- ly receive pheasan,ts eggs froxn a Q;ov- � so cenb ner aingle ��e, ana 2s cen•� 4or ����� ernmenk department. �hese eggs wiY] �h ad�itiv,s$1 verem. be placed under �brood he�ns and as In lovin� memary or uo,,•.i�, llqcDQluchael, who �parti�e�s to knit for us b mac�in¢ or soon as 'h�atcherl �th�e pheasants �will �i'� °n January z5r,�. is��7. Y by hand. For pah•ticulars enclose stray, to 'be shot by o�hers than the au6m a bhbug'ht of y�on, a�,r cnra�, stam owrner. 'l�he writer has had� t➢�is �x- J�t a memory, sona and true: �g�� g���� �J�IEB.Pd 1(�1�III'J�JCJCIIRTQA perience, huruters killing at least tvvo J°�c a t"k�' �f affection That our heartc3 sitiill lche f�or you. T�����° ��.9 hraods �which he �ad fe�i. Q�n� or�e sissXi _-saasy m�;gea bv Fa�t:9r. y�Iln¢s�¢s Av�a,, ����anQ� 6, �u¢ic. accasion a nnan came wit�hin a'hun- ����_Il dred yard�s of his r•esiden�ce $o kill m - hen bimd •out of s��a5ox� and wheni �'g p�p�7 �'v/��77� P0Iri0Y18't1'&tL'fl W1t4A� �pOlrit2'di HL Q�OId't1��- �1t./�11ll��� A7�8511�nirvn ���.P�ii� s�otg�� $t tn� �►f� of ��e - �D� ��jCT IL��� �C� �DI�1�1�J� owner of tha prog�eaty an�d with �,re �UC�'ItDN SALE os, Fas,.va s�sooa�.-�r. Tham� Brarvvn hav received insi6runpiu� oath told her to slnut her moubta or � 6�1 �, put�t.;� $u�,c;�n �n Lot 9, Gonces4ion Draftsmen h��e �ig a�ay, ak.�aay �ituo�s. take the eonseqnen�c�s. 'r, rvtc�„uoH Towngn,H, on weau�daY, Febru- �8re bime, IDraotical $o�e and d�p tr�in3za�, ary 6th, �he following; Nine cvws 3ue ,p� Endoreed by ]Engineaix�. 3Leliable employmem� gf trees an�d shru�bs are lItt�II1�0Ylt- ere�vice. Write for Special �Ker. Cummaraiml ly planied, heasants �wili find "�'�°e i'n n¢ar°h �n�a Apru io, �.wo year old YO- Engineening Latroraturses, 6uit� �ne ]�undsadt, P e.teeiv and heifeis, 10 ca,tvea abou�t 500 IDounds tection and will �multi 1 oYi 57 Queen St, W�t, Toqonto. 8169-2 ' jT jT y'pllP OVPYI ia wei.ghh, �hw•p yood w�rk h�ryes, 'l general property. No man 'has any right to purqose ho��, is Di$s io �-�etcs o1a, a sa�s invaCUe such without pe�rmission mf "' F'�, 1`��° a'itt� H�g� �t iooc, a aonbte cultlter, 1 si�ngte cutter, 1 twro-seuted buggy, ���� ��� ��� t71L' O'WIL2Y. �1� 1�E2, th•at grh�easants 8 onrds oP hardryvood Z feet long• � Terms.— wi11 multiply and spre�ad unless they �%i$tue ��onct�' �r�a��t r.i�nn on furniahing aH- �uying c➢�eap me�dicinies. Q'ret N[as. proveci joi�t note�, $,jx yer ceR�k per unn�tim ed can fin�d shelter is erroneous. B`her� off ror �n o� �reauc nm��wtutx. No r�erve Sybrilla 'S�pahr3s 7Consilatis for �e�ad are too m•any men aut to get them, az, ,�� �o�.;�eor ,is ehsrt of £eed. TH011�iAS 'C�OIcIS, ��tara'h, �ooping �owgh, , both male an dfem�ale 'birds. Yn say- �'- RYAN, PruHtietor; Phom•a.y $r�, au�- �ou h, �rou rg in�g this Y mean the outlaws. �he tioneer. 3189-5 g P� 76ronehitis, Enla ed. and IDiseasetl �'onsils and a11 7Chmoat real sportsman will fit•s� obtaixt per- B'roubles. �lbsolutely guaranteed. �. mis�sion to shoot on your property - • E. Keating; also A. W. E. Hemphill, and will kill only his quota of male TrI�ensall; ]Elambige 8z Son, D�abibintom. b�rag. �n� outiaW �ii ao anytfiing ,������I� 7P� (C�]E��7r�11�,� and it is his actions which will soon- 318�-2 e�r or later result in restrictions be- NOTICE 18 FLEREBY c;IVEN .that all credi- � ing plac�e�d ugon shooting w`hich will zom ana r,ene� na�in� cl$im, a�inst ,the 7� he a hardship upon those tivho strive es�tate af ��ct,er Nt�a�, tate of the 'I'own- ���Jl�� t0 abey the 13W5. eh�P �P 7irckecsmith, in the County af Hurim, It 15 WOrt}1 Wiilie� IOt5 of lumber, �'ho died on �the fourtee�uch dtiy of Januaiy, •N01'ICE ns �hereby given Rhat the Arvnua] 1J29, are recluired to for�vard their claims Meeting of the members of The Usborne and IOtS Of frUltS an�d 71llb5, bC2llty, a bird duly proveri �to Wi1lim.m Ch�anter3 or Thomxs Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Compeny, will and flower sanetuar,y, a game preserve �+1. crt��•e, ,gt Seafornh, �:xecuto�s, an or be- �,e heid in the Town Aall, Fa¢�qvhar, on Mon- and perhaps a fur farm ? A tree-clad rore tn� e�e�enr,t, aay of r��bru8rv, iszs. aay� February a,tn, is2s, at 1 p.m., fer the AND NOTICE IS FURTiiER GIVEN t6at pU�ose of receivi� the reporb of ihe hillside OP valley, a little home S71Ug'- �p�i• .the smid date the Exr.actor� will pro- purectors and Auditors for the past year, and K'11T1�' among t21P. tl'225' t}t]S Iltt12 ceed to clis�tribude the m�taite, having regard (or the election of two Direetors, for a dhree earthi amadise is within t`he reach °n'�Y u' tne ciat� of which tn�v then ehall Y p :iave ruHtice. other bus�inessdi �he�intere.a� of�therCem- of many of our good citizens. i'oung UA� at Exeter et,� twen�ty.third day of man, to-d�a it is our o ortunit to �� pany' Y Y PP Y � Y. 1929. The Directors, whose •term of office expires, plant trees, t0-m�OY'TOW wlll t?e t�le �II''����N & 3'1C1�?�i3UIIt1i, but who are eli�ible for re-election are Sames SOIICLL6ff9 �OP �'.�%CCOIQ.DP9� harrest time. '3'o-morrow you will be 3189-3 �geaRQ amd ffiensalfl. McKenzie and ssa,on now. an old "but happy mart if so you do? • Dat� �t ErJete�r: ���ualry���ts2s. � 3189-2 $eLretany. „ �.��r�s��� r������ ���,���,°s ��g�����r�va�� �y �y y p�pt7� �.IIufTa]o, J�a,nuary 22nd.—Receiytts of �hogs. �� ��3' ���� �� ��Y7P �dYIIIl �PiC�. ��- "���"" �" ���"`� IP�,700ffi 'huldover, 700; market 25 to 40 cents Tendexs fvr 10 cords of hard v✓ood, msple lower; active �n,t declline: bulk 160 to 240 100 acrtn. �beinR Lut 17. Conce�sion '�, and beec'h. 16 inches long, for S. S. No. 9. )oun��, $9.50 ho �9.60; 250 to 300 pounds, Tucicersmi•th �POWTL9�11F1, L.I�i.S. SLtU3Lf(] oa 69.25 to $9.50 ; 140 pou'nds and down, Cy8.60 the farm .yy �a uood fra�ne hoaae wlth stone �cketsm.ith. Tendets to be in the hnnds oY :o $9.25 ; packing sowe, $7.76 to $8.25. toundation and cement floor. A sPlendid wind the Seoretary by Ja.nuary 21ait, 1929. Receipb of cattle, 1,800; eteexs, yenTlin$a break of spruce Rrees is on the north, east ;ml heifers sluw, unevenly 26 to 60 cents Hnd we.sit sides. The barn is 90' x 40' hav- �' �' ��������' s@����D �.ower; cawe and bud']s, mcrstly stetuly; q�oo3 �nQ hwo threshing ftewtv and �is on etane ���P��°• �n¢. ;�teerF and yearlin,Qa, $12.60 to $13; a�hort founc}at�un wuth cement stqb�i.iQ belbw. There 3187x2 Fec�is, $] 125 ho $12.60 ; Qood caws, $9.60 ; eut- �s �a large �cement tkvnk at �he Uurn, capaci'ty :e�tr, $6 to $6.75 ; medium bu�lle, $9 to $9.ZK. Zi0 barrela, rd.ls�o two welly cl�ne �to �bhe build- - � Raceip�td oC ca.lv�, 1,500: vealeis aetive; ��Rs. �Phere is also a�ar:ure 16' x 14' on ateady; Roocl tn choice, �18.50 to $19. cement foundmtiivn. 'Phe farrn is ane mile Receipts oY sheep. ]0,000; lamba, 40 �0 60 from va}u�ol, 2�.�, m�4v� frnm church, 6 mile� � O {� O :entg lower: slow at deo7ine; bullc qcwd �nd tramn the 'I'c�wn of Seafnrth, 2�/ mile�a fmm ����� �� ��� :hoice handyweighLs, $16.60 to $16.75: few Kipipen and 6 miles from Hensall. The land � {i lecky, $16.RK to 517; bid<Lin�, $16.26 to $16.96 �v in �ood coml;dtirt.>n, abonC 8; ncrc,s being ior 95 pou�nd wei�hts; medivm, $14.50 to clenred, the tval:�nce in buah. 'PLere are sis 61n.50: fnt e,w�w. �S.fiO ko �9.50. xnre� of fall wheat. If �I��irrd the owner � u•il�l i�.nciude stack and imolemenAs, aleo hay, N�ational 7'erti�lizer, Of IngeT- Montreml, January 22nd.--Cattle receiDte. �:ra�n �;nd ront. IL you have n wieh to farm. Spll will be on hand iVIarch 15th. � o _ ��„ ir,�•� .c�•,� .1 1 FoPlow t� the miid wenther of last k, te �this. Pos�easi�on xn-ank:ed to suit week end uncken were nnt in immediate �eed n�.�rcha_ver. No rexsunablE� .�lti'or refusecl. 'Phe Shtppel� In c1uSt 8I1C1 wa�erprooL �f Ueef ami were very'slow buycrs. On the fs�rm mus�t Lr suld ae Che UroprieWr is pl7yni- �3g'S. . �ther hnnd, with only a emall number of cally u�nfit �tu H•ork. Appiv �to W. d. Mc- �attle offered, ee.11ers were lookintt for higher CUI,i.IF., R. R. 3, Kippvn, Unt_ Phone 138-13. sricea, and were not sell.ing. The few eales Sua[orUh. 3189-2 �nnde wou1d indicate prices abotut i�n line with ��as � �.v t week's fi�x¢re. �Steers were of poor qual- �- --- — —_..._- — _..._ CVS bty and �the best ryvould nat bc+i�n2 over $0.7F � �r 510. �Goocl cmvs were quoted arnund $7.50 �P�����v /,� �Tv1iv ���r�Tr�7�v�w jvut 1nC� StoVe Coal attt� Goke with choice younR cows up io $8. FIeifers n� �V 11 11 1Cepy ,�ta arovna ss �$ on hand. Alb�erta Coal ex ec� tcrp &10. Sulls, canner� P �nd commnn cowe were not movinQ. The �q ARMS FOA SA]C.E.—A FEW Ci€OICE ed the e•nd of .�anuary. su�pP1Y of calves was ahout 50 per cent. vea!s Yarme in the Townships e4 Us�ac�aie, with �.lixht offerina. the cxlf market hPld hacketvmith and ID[ibberL Q'aamd baildin�emtnd ��,�T����n �ra��n��� ;�eady- Grasa rntvex were �of poor quality ae11 located ae P,o �arke�i, 'fl'�[�,➢IIt�g CA.➢Q_ IUSll U lrLW LL 3nd sales were made from $6.75 to $7- One E]EtQN, Erzetes, 0�4, apgg� 02 ot ah calo� ooith 12 vearl�m�+ 9nrounht � 1P]E3I�1t11F� 4�i R�7 - S1EA�1[87C]91 36.67. Veale were im aood demand and wer�e ��USE AND LOT F�R SA%,E. —'d`V{T�- �old for 418 �to �R16 wi�th the bulk af ��sat� etorey brick cottage and outbuild�in�s, �ood ,�]��7_�f araund 414. �uatrabions: Q',aud veal, IIY4 ta well �emd cistern, all in �orsd cond4bion; aleo Y15: mediuvus, Gl$ 4o iS14; eam¢non, $1& Eo chree-qu.artQr acres off land in th¢ Villaee u4 518: t3�es� L°�.7b S� 617. Cna�mart9� Perffn CauntY. tLDDID tio LRICf$li]EtflD The �I^..�ea3v cnanr" ¢� � o8aoniCer. A 4ew ����`�T�. m� the Bremisea. Groaffiarty. �n4 :haficc: ae�am�ms c'ore emia no Q1aE. �IDme 3aQ o? aaa6x4 -- S7 a➢�er� and 8�6n averatDinCz aerouod ntin�ty- • iix Reauads, auostlD buc&s, c�ee eold fior SS10.bD �q �M F�R SALE.-100 AC1R.7�S9, %�'1' N�. >er head mat Krai9e�. Y.amhs aold for Sj10_EO 8. Conomaion 16, Townahip o4 Gt+ey, �oun- ������ ��� � Q � :o �311.26 no4 &raded. l9heeg were stron6;er tP of glumn: 2 Rtorey brick hovae, hm�rce � � $6 �tm II6.50. Quokn,fions—Ewee, `S6 to C�8.60; 65m80 on e2one foundvlion; another bv.ildin� �o cllo Ui�i^�rv^��ll � Inmhe. aood, �511.60 to �i12 ; comanan, Q10.60 26x66 ; windmill, drilled wel] ; 80 acr� �lowe�, � �m �ll. be�lanae hae been under pa,sture for several � �����6�� ���➢ffiIIrtO�iP IIffi� � iH�--�Receiqta, 2.17R. Ldoaa were eteady to yeare. Thirteeri acren hardwood bve�h. Poa- i s�h�de flrrnef. Hc�e e.nid for ,�'i10.75 to C+11 aesc�ian �irnk of March. ApDly •to AI.IDR. � II''IlIl11d@PffiIl IID➢Il'i`��.�P, � wikh Ohe bu1k of enlaa at �,10.85. The bulk BUGF€ANAN, R. R. No. S, VSalton. 9186-tf � j(J,����g� .�][,ppSO and PG[��$OP � 5f the eovm were Aold Por �A. — � � �GWO 60-ACRE FAILMS T�'OK 4ALE, �NF. � �1�p'ment. Unian Stock YAt'(�A, TOYPTIiA, .TRn11Aly 22nd. �hAin¢ the wa:.ait hwlfi' oP Lot fi, Concaseicm o NI�17� 2LYlCfl �Sy S22'VE� � —The c�ttle offerina nt khr a�Denin{[ oY tho 1, 'h�.ckcmm.ihh, 71/� milca eaah of BesYort7�, Q �?p10Y1C fl9-22, Dub&fffi. O market this mornintt ws�a eround A.000 head on the Hi&hw�n.y. All tirtt>d fertile lamd, new�ly � � �r enme 400 hea�ier hhan a wehk aKo nnd drai�n�d n�� fenced. nn�l 111 needed, muth Rood Inter wrriwa.le Ay truck were heavier than x0 mom frame hovnc; uoocl barn, neavd9 ������ O O���' � usual. Trnde wan slow in open�ing, with whinizlcYi, 36xf>0. Three s��od weilLa, mi�e ap�le buyerv biddinR fl ��rt�' �� hatP ]ower orc'hnrd. R�eaulHiduLly niRa�ntMl for povdRry th�nn ls�at week'e close For butTher rateeis �nd pinnt. A.lyo'60 nerra of n�atnre. aoukh fiA14 — ----- �--- �� - —� heifera, while intermt ron �heavy e�teera ov�a9 of I.ot 19, Conce.cs�ion ?., fiibb�rt; �two miles entirely 9acicina.. Salea up tn 2 p.m. ncrounb frmm �uMim. All wrll �lraine�l m�nd 9enced, ���q ���� ������� ed fnr �nlY 1,100 fi�ad, nll kinris, and rnvt wBth nrcrr fn•ilin� apr'rnR cre�k. Iioth T,hesP ���� ^„r mv�h m�rP than hnlf thr so➢Dly had Ueen y�ropc�rt.i�w wi.tl be aol�l nt n bnr�nin. Ap�pdy (� � cDic�posed of wt the clave. Of the killar cl�nae- io P. DILL, Dtlbl,in. 31R9x4 ea. heifrrv wrre thr }�ert aell�ttr. n few �,�k- ----- 1[�as��°�,��� �f all �b�rn�l�. en inQ �a ,trvD nf 70�1� rk+nkA per novn�l mhile 1TPA,RM FOR SALE.--LOT 3, CONCES4TON ��� Sg9 ���¶ m����,^ nthern, includi�nc[ nlnin etvff, down.wnrd �tn S�L 6, 4tan�ley, ]00 arrcw, all cleared. �n the �1 A 1L u/� rrntv. 4Veiuhty AY.('a'I'P 1.000 to 1.050 povn�le fnmm �re fl 7 i/a ,ytnrry frnme hova�e, cemen" }}R���� {�� 1! ��� ?<Yl�i from A� tn 70 �Fntv and liuht to ham�iv- fonmdatinn, oiatPrn n.n�t cF+�rncnt flnorv in bnnP- 1VJL �L llJ wAiqht, eteeiw from S� tn A.Rfi cPnta iwr potmrl mrnt: ba.rn R4x70 with 1�Am of 12 feet, on n �,VTG'��1L��1TD�If7'SC7f ������� wuthrn�t. incltid�in� commnn kind, �vhdch went ,�ne fnvnd�ntion : bern R�x52 nnd drive n:hed. eJlLa .1L JCd JL 1[y9 indu� th� h�ld�vnr. Outoi.le nf the rxl�l coi�P1� Farin �l,rained with tile, and wire fence9: 4 ����� �� �4 cho9ee butoher sit�wixs, co�w, failPrl tn bet- c��.» palt mh•exk, 40 ncrE+a Flovahecl ; Ualance t�r B eenAs per i+�tin�l, an+l thr findlc nAllin� ,y�P���] dow.n. S'rM1�n�tPcl �ne-hnlf milA frnm fi'crm 6 to 7R/i cen.ta ; Autnhnr come ao a ctaes ,)��z-�h, 1 mEle fram school. A milew fnom ��--- . -- - �—"-�-` -- wFre ofi' arrnvnd 7fi �.antn DPT ewt. i�n prioe. KipDen ; 8 mdl� from H[enaall. Rural mn�l . Ca�nnern were a-teadq ailt 4 ce�nta_ Rvlie a�lone and teleph<unr. Farm in a�ood vtate o4 enitivn- aotd .wtaadg at ari extremo ranae �f 6�/2 to tian. �For further partichitara npply �n Rt/a cPnrte per povnd, wid:h only t'he or➢A prrmiaec. A. VJ. CART.TLE, Proprietor, dt. W.. o.inttle eiR �he tio1y. �mbq baPvcw w9th aame 7, 7.vr9rh F'. O. 8187-tY KO hanxl over the eialag. Ahowe/➢ a cent �er -- ----- rnnnd deCllna, the ratt�e, ++ecorrAinR to qna]- [nARMB FOR SAI.E,—LQD'd' 12, CONCE98i0I1 ttv hP��ns[ 10 tn 1?�Ja c�Nts pei po�nd, ?.�-dnp. R, Btanley TownahiD. conRfaBintt o4 100 Gbnraa, cormidetirif.[ �4hr henv9 ru�n o4 CA'AE�P, ncros. There ia on Che rremises � gon�➢ teroo wPro nnt �p1e�n,tiYu� xtfd Unyern were ]ath 4,� A�rey bricic <mttac�e, a R�od bwrn wibh ntrnev tnke hold o4'aach a�oettet� c�s offorerl, fn oiew qheg AttAched and, aUabtin� vnderneahh, an of the esu�ier feell�n� wibh reRnrd Yu fflt (mplemonR: hovae, en orchatcfl, aToout flve 1CP29 c�ahF.lP. 'f'h� odd 1on '�04 real &ood fe�eders, 04 6vah �n a bacic cornar o4 4he fay�n, weliarhintt amvnd tl00 �u�t'1t3, aota ate�y. 3ww- .ahrou�h cohfch TIIflA m 9tever R�ilin2 a�tang ever, �t A�/s ccinRa per �oand. M�ilker/and �t�� mnd two nPveY 4aidix� tcelle, one nenr aprin,srer trade wnc+ m��HQrgrtmly active aC �P houae, bhe other nea� 4he atn�fe. °9'4�e atendv PPiC�. iNsw'C sq>ttraXOYb selltn[z nD '� Qnrc� 9a isa n�'�sod sY�ate a�P cultio�4ion. t�9s+r �120 each a�od b�c.4 fees�n mot�rs mo ntl�4� � Ymi 10, Coneaaaion 4, ffi'taaleq 'i°�waaH{�, cova- SI00 �cs7i UPI B'pm�: BIA�GY1}$ mf 100 ncraa. ev� c'uhfusCa �4�ares 9� �s d1alP anvri7� wnva no4 zv�� hr,avfe� 4han ➢oeC ves�v � 6�en �ti�o� aP¢ovR Il6 sLerr-a o4 6vsaSn s wep4t thou�rh �a tnrg�e sA�t�2 �£ 4�e offi�Pn� m nmver 4caf53s�� o2rr,ui�1 wnn� oottaas 4Saa 6c�mSa emvm� v�f4 k'h�e roavY� �he nwrerre0� 04 �tuaY�a ta4�^� eno1 04 �eAo 4s�rsvu. Qs°aarl 4bY tlY4,�aeE �ta5m m� armtal.Y sm�nia ?mr marEc�t is:y}:r�e ��c"hw}�� 0�� p�oo��rn�. A,�gaYv h5m PJLV7�S�97 Q�}Yfi��QDAY, ffiY�aaa• ' 1���i rbhi� messnan. Th� aa94 ��nnsltc� t�tin ta� �1aYa. L+�uacnSrdr $nrc �t�4 �f�ss� a�3 S�e Dai�d �'uive �n*92➢� gtrtc¢a �4irm flo mtx7fwt� n�a� q5Q.aii4y �Sj'�19i'av� �9ita�. II��d�2 r,r , 7 't r l i ' � ,,. , , ,„ �1.. . �i� ..i . ,_.�•..� ,. , !';•�... .'���Y . ...:•., t . � „;; ,. , �, .,, �r... ._______ _ _ _ _ . „ , . ,. �i, � .. c, ... . . .. . . . � ;.F 6�i ` ' , , . � ' � . � � ' '�'�.1 �' ,1-i '�'�.� � .... .� .. . .� .. i � ;i���,' ;.�. . . � ' �.,I': ,i, . i � R � i , i i I I t t�; �i� ,t ( , �, i � � 1 ,a I , ,'I I a t �p'I�-. , . . i , �.� .; ` ,; � , � i, � � , � .� �,��� � ai - - � x. rre!�n7�7r�n . uI c 'i � •i 1 f , ;'' �. , , , ,. ., . , . , . , ,. , ,� � �. _ _ �w �..�'.: __..a. _ _ . . � . .., . ;.�...,. � . ... . _. .. .: , �f � y� r /"M1 ' � ` � •�� � r . _ • . �u,�.r �..�� .� ;:i , . �� �,. �. �� � , , r . ; � � r.� i�-�-'i r��, .�, . , :, ,�..� . . .: . . ," r y... l- � �' �. _; � � `!� / � ,� '% � ' � �� � , x �' � � � � �. � �'� �i� � �� '� ° -' n , �. - , ,, �. �' � . � „ ;, ` , , ,:, ,, . , ��� ,. ,� _ - � , --- ""` � ,� , :�, i � � > � �'� 'i �- . :; , ,• �� �•�' a. �„� � , � ,.�, ,�, �. � ����, �, .� ,t ^� � ,.i� � ��*�� " `,� � ti�'` " r �. � � � � �. ��� . � � � �"'� � " � , � y� � „� , , ; � ;r' `, '� �,, ; ,A _ ,, r �'., . ! .l;:�',� � 1 . . , � . , ; , , °� � �/� '. �� ��, �4 ` � k ��t 1 f. �,as n. s,¢i�n�rlR;` 4°;�-� i�f rFlx, r«�� r y a' `a, �''F?:� .''�"` ,��•` 'n� 7 � ' �� � � J� ^i� � li, � w �{ � ; � x y:; f �. '.s; � �-, t", : _� '.� ;` ,� y � � ,� w .��t r 4 �`" ) ' - �, 'r •..u. '�i , � ;. : , + . n,�/y� }u1: �'! ` „I Y.i �I ,� }' {:" }.. � � Y� �� ��' �� �, r, r„r.� • .w I � , c „� S a r < �r; c' ,� r.. , 1/"� � .,, , ;. ,. x.. y, , , ,, .. , �; � � ... � � r � �y ,, ��a �. �v:,r. �r.:., r; _ i (, { �� 5 (. �! . . '` 1 ��� C . � �j � � ` � ° ��� / � � ' � '.i:i� i r . � �� '.� I�,r � •,� ; � , < , ��;y�, � � iJ: 7.',. .�.ti� � �� ro < <,� � ._.,. � . .. }.. � „„-,�"""'� �,�,.,.,�.."�' � � � :�m -„^.. o . ,. 4�� -'_ �� '�`�: �. hv-� � A �; �" ,�' - r ' 4 k' � / �. , ` . �:� ( / ,S ' � s� �.1� � i. ,. ^�, �, g.r} k'y Y «� � � +1:" t. ^pi?r . T �� _' � � ' " � '"%�� � G' -q', � � Fi j���, 3u o, � �'�' M� j� „ Gr v ��0 \`,�\..3`�V v �' AR}.�' .:d�'�'r' ,.�✓�a��a"" ��` ,y'~ p. �.Q t h � �� � ���7 � � y�. . �'�,�+�Cd,, UcJ_�i:t,��n..._�'G� . s�." �, � � ` +s��� - ' � ��v R�F' K,. . . .. w i � a:, .��. .�t.. .t.. �ry'���. �J� Y � .'- /��t�b .. r, �f„ �{{" Y? rU.;,, �,�' ,� . � ',y'7 ."y� l i w��.,,��, e; w � ,,is,.�: `�`'�;'.. q d� � k.'i B: " i, sQ `` ' `� .�f �` � � * � ,�,;,: ��� �� �r��� {r� ,` � ,� T �, kS� e a .,.: .: , , ... .. .,�_ ., k . �.. �, ��. , „ � ,� •, .�. ,,,�x, � .. � � x. , n d , . : � �,��, :, r i�t o ��y � ��c�I���c� ���� � ����9 1�,,����LY9 ���9 ��c��o9 ���o � � �� �� ��; �fow ��� ➢�vg�g ea� au� ��� �� �povU�u� ff�u�uva�n�. '��'s aag� �� �oen �� "�no�v y�aasr �x; �DOUHQY� ��A4mPYI� aaaaClYlII��I�% �.99 �ou�c� ���1 g�� � wo��fl¢rrgaafl sl�o� ��enrtse da� �h� o��u�- i�'` m�ing, adjusting� repai�Il��, dfesagn a�c� eons���ac�aon �$ �a�w�� ffaYrr&i�ag gn���aaav- �� "� ��� eay. l�iles off $hriilnng, �m�er�sting anovn� �aHrra, sys�ch�oniz�� �st� ➢ectiax��s, �' Cfl���l ��'', Y expYair� �o �o�u ev��-y ��sH�� �voq�➢cnng �au-�;, teflH y�� ha�w ��ii�gaaos� zg��` troubYe anc� eo�-ree� it; Il�ovv io e➢irrair�ate �➢�➢ays, avoi�Y �ostfly �nastakes �nd �$� �u�oduce bigge� anoi bette� c�o�s a� Hess cos�. �nte�-estivag s�no�a�s, �ak�r� nsa �r�aeu� ���",; own locality, wi&fl teYl tfl�e�� o�v� s�o�y. �ome a�sefl see 1�ov+� yoea� rteagh��� ffa,r�a �� with Y Y o , Ye� ���uP�g ff��� b� ff��u¢n��s �;su, g�ower. S�onso�re� lb 1Rurne9 a� &�u�� eost :�"':u ��," �ff 4�n�s ��mmu�aan�nu4g�, �hese sc�ools wi1H gi�ove a memoralbl� �v��a�. Na�ioraa�➢ ��n �`' scope. �levent� successff�fl➢ year. �Ie are nmd�edl goa-�una�� naa s�canrri�� ��ns k ,�; �r��. ]Bxing the boys ara� hire� �►e➢�, �oo. �oune eaxiy; s$,�y fla$�a �rt ��; gS;y. 'Q'ffo�-e� s�ss��uus: Iyii��unuuug, �ff4.�rruo���n �.ua� ���unuun�o �� �� i` Q�IlT�IIl��Il�I171 C�I�Il�I��C����c��.�� ��r� �IlII ���;; � �� ,�'- (� �'J'�� p5'/p �j,1. ��l111��11V- J� ���0 �Q ���� I' �J1�1�Lf-(SUl� : �I �v, , K� � 1l 9 � JJ. d� � � ,"� m �i,�..,,,�l;u`�.� 'ia ,r.i..,.� � ��.,r ` d.�Gi .yTk -..i�; r ,�f° .�.�i ,a'� �x".�f� . S{'°'��:Y.,�7�'„l� � �.i...� �,� q�,., . F r�� Y�,�a N. ��, �L7�.n�;Fn ! n;�s�.:^:1� .�+ �. � �� ' �� � � 54 �i l . t 1 I r t S {/ ({ , 1 � y,. �4 4g� r �� ���� ��� �.� � 0����������� i� /� ����D � � � � �' �Jo �o I63�� t� (��o � � �o �o `V�'i �' c2p �, � �' � � 9 � � � � II�'' llIlIIRQTf�Il �D]IR��P ffiIlll� � � � 1Ln���ns�a3l ]E�nV��Il��ff. � � � ]E3[. �. ��� � � Qy. .V. �'�T�Illk�p, IF�mm�Q�Il IIDn- � O �PS'� I�OtOP T.YS� �IOPBQ,'-�]CSQiJI� � ffQ��QDII' ffiffi� �,°'ffi�EI�II��A. � 1[� �][t 61�I1�71E57CI�fi ]�1�T�' III�T 'II'�T� IFBIE8.S7C � IF'AII$lY[i PVl[�1E8'1C�A�IES Q' @clwigan�nt. � � � �� $2,���.�� �a�Iln � �3a�ar�es mo�ePaf�a. � �°/z ���, ��un�. � �]owers furnis�lned o� s��ait � � P�oior or ]�o�rs� lE�gui�xm���C. � � 1Q0 acres in each farm; good build- � �o�ce. 4�% �ars or flowe� itas�nisfiea{1 � ings; improved land; ample ins�urance. o�ight �a1Ts ➢3�,y ��,yfls O� as P�ques��. e�^y � ]Pfione Il75 JP�o�� �..� C> O %�ay or Nighi, IEDh�n� �Z. � '�e �o � tU 11 lIIl�ilLl��e�1� � � � � � O O� O O O O m O O O 4 O O O� O O O O O�� d �ean��all d�anP�uy�e, ��nv�y�un�netg,� 1R��1 IF�tat�, ]Et�. 1 Q°]FII�I�IIE fl52 - S1El�lF'�Il8'II'1H[, �1�7C. ��c�Il� �Il�C� C� 9 ��Q�Il�IlI��� 1��� �.��11�� �IlIIImC� � ���Ip ��1� 1���t��� �il t� �61L, ���II�S�Q�a�— We make �le 311E" to 1F". L4 w�t farm is s mon�ey loseT. �unm�, 1��A�AIl�.A SlU1P]EII?IF1IR17�- 99 g�' cemt. pure 1_irne. I��o lir��, �m P CIOVQT� Yd0 L'IOP�'Y'y nOOi �Y'$19'll C"&'O'�DBp also (no clov�r, ple�.ty �ff s�va Y.his41�D. ���, ���v°IIu.���— i�igh grmde, reasonstr➢r� p�eiees� C Smith's �S�cco. �/V� �iv� you �-fl��, same p�e�ic� as o�hlerrg give yrna 0-32-b. EilU�JPIR.E--Milar�n�£t�ctura�d iby' Canad- ian Co., Chatham, �nt. �Aarri}� pro�f and dust proof b�ag>; alco cambonatc of potash recagmiTpd as th�e h�st �o �^�^ �o � � �v� �v� � ����. U�������� U������r��a r° ��eep �u� �P�� 7Efl�—�1�at's �fil�at �Yoaa �l��un�c� ��. 19���a� �fi1�,�IDrn llJunc3l�u��ve�u°, I��r�� �T�o1 ���1 ��,s➢n�me�°� 1 ]HI�s�, �m�e�,t��° ���,�s, l�aa�➢��ve�°s, �%J�,�-rnn IC,a���l Q�����g �� �ililn���, 1�Jn����°��,P��u�s9 RfI�,��n�cs�r ��a���, I�n� ��,� S ��unl��o I��°��,����1 �Tll���a°s �n�l� ���mmm ���ll�,u°�n ���,rcffi ml Qa�,gn� �n�l� �p �n�l��un� �°�urr i��,n�ls. a�, ��� �un� u�mmm��s� s���l� �,4 ���,������� ��n���. �� p �o � �: ��� ��� .�� � ��� �� �g �aa� wa�� ffesu°� pmia� fa�onm Ia/fa�c�eflIl, BD�ab� �aa� S�.$�sh�, �i�]'mm8 ��g sn� Pn� s��a& oa ema�n ro� �o�rc��s�s ma $2QD.�� �x �rc, x �-rad� �f potash for plant food. _ --- -- -- � 4�Ga. �TIE �II�]E �QDQJ ��II�.�Tll�ll�-- �'ro�d�s on hand at �11 tim�a. ][De- livery by truck (we hace thTe� readg n � i�0 SIPn'V� y'ou). R�a,�>nable. � �' /,�\ .�'[�� , -. 5��5, 'II']Elf£Mi S'�'Q�D S�Jff'� �I��J D o o � uo �o ��0� �A ��,�� �`�1�����m� �iv�e ������ ��,�� ��� ���� ������� �P�n� ��a� ������������- ]��Il��1� �����11IlIlIl� ���Il�i A➢cce Q�eacev�➢ /��*eng. 4�c�r 1Vi���nr�n �.nuvc� u ri ]F>aavg�iu-� �ana➢ Suebit.➢�'c 1F'er�i➢nz�u-. 5�:������u �^�c�;v� bs�-� �t v�c�fl�l� &�� we➢l f�� ya��a �c� '�v 1�TI� ��T �c� �unu° _- _ . _ ._ — Qu��� ���,.����+ � $�P�� �.ir��'������u�� �����'r�a�ii. _ _ _u � jj���I\\\\ '�'he n�vv �iTAV�IE� JC.IE�RT .(�°u7CIHI ll9 �9IC➢Yfl�IlffD� �U� I���`��Ti \��)'�I' p��gce�: �c�u� �aast�,rac�, o�a° �tS�.�DQD I[a��$a�po Ils �.�� �flo��r � i �J � � � � . b � 9 �as9�u�a� ut �47.�� �,�� �a�r �4g.�� 1[a�a��m���l �m��' +���— �r�i%�.����� ���� �,�,� ��o� �� ���.��. �Je are in bhe m�rk� fjaP a➢Il j��,�i��II° ]j���j(� �J� 'g�fl�� ��'L➢5 �1���IlQD1[ll �T�1C�'! 9��IlIl &�,bllQ� k�inds of Crrain, avt�d vwe mr� i�te o �t, ➢gH C�1CD 1��� "�1 �'a�i �' ��,��� �� �',� ���°�[�" ]�a�9° '��- pc�frtiov� f,o p�ay the hi�&e�� pgi�. � F�Te can �uiso rna&e arr�n�emne�t2� � �&Llla.�'i� i�l@� �I�IIIl�I��Il�4 �$� ��BS� �°fl����� �,IP� ���$D�Il� ��1t�'D�i'�a�T� trvck your �e�in for yom. ����„� ���. W'� ��.ve ins�taileol reetio �Il�t�x� - �v�d �ae iux � 9�e�g �a�i�'i�m '� h�a�mr�l� g�o�Il �tr�ir�. ' o � � �� �� � � UBefop�a �m4�i��, ��.Y$ 64, iH%�s���l. " � � ��� �� ���e tl ��" �'�n ua�m��n� � n ���e���+~� �, �°�} � , w.. ����, . ���n`�� -iil�r�c ,. ,,,:c;:, ,. . ��.x, �„ . . ..... , .. . .., ,..., 4,' . �311�� �; u — , --�-�--,:-- .,,._-.-,- ............. � , � �, � ', i `.', ' ` � , • < < ,�