HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-01-25, Page 4x, - i
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-: ,', hkla their me„da with a $ham l
'` `�+ toot woulal bs� a aremaaaty is i>i$e , ext�3� for tlneixaumary auaeat- P esxd�nt pmes9ding. Toa ldteg a�att+amaat > �� t eas&rana11 .
(, � ing'. 'The openlxag devotional exsercis- {
,; 5 Paid councillor would grout be a yewlr cortduated 1�3F lrs. 14�lnsdal®, waF opened �ritlt $yximxi 6d9, fauowed dept, to thews.
Death of firs Willf�vart Doerr.—The -'Q°lae
Air"". rI'll ( *� " in ofiaee before lie woulal le run to ap i with M s. Huy as pianist• Doreen b the Lord s 4'raYor in unison. Scrip- Wolverton
tore. lesson aatd roll call were answer- death occurred in Auburn on Sa$u
i a .
s'rd ' ' v c iday, January iatFn. preciat'e the amount aaf work lois pre- Cc►aper takim the ]Bibi® lessors and day last of Mrs• William Doerr; .
s: ', ,+' _', _ decessors in offiee bad really done for! Edith Dick lie' prayer. Mrs. Mon- ; u by the third question of the Cate-
,� -- c},ism. Miss McLaren favored those mother of Mrs. kI. Little, of this oil
""" 7 n -thing, and that might stimulate teSth led in prayer for the bays and la e, follovuing a few weeks' illness, 110CP;,��,
girls of Africa. The following of- p,•e sent with an address on the third 1;, � ; � ��® � l,itn togreater efforts. facers were elected for 1929: Presi- uestr ,n of the catechism, "What doat thea of 7t; y®ars. The remains DC� Ltd,;,
t� , ,u dent, Mrs. I?insdale; Secretor Ruth "were taken' to the home of Airs Lit-
_ _.w e.,,, ,,., . y, he Scriptures principally tea^h? tie on Monday evening, t'he funeral
„ ,+�, p, +; , January session of the new Watson; Treasurer, Edith Dick; Sup- ne meeting closed with the benedic-
1.�ei,t`*' Qlotancil, which opened in �]L�[�vu tY ��.11c�e ply Secretary, Janet Doig; Library tion. At the conclusion of the meet- is lac - u AliBl ))DASIIQ`�TQu®�
kin a on T relay afternron. it ' GRAIN
4{ Secre� xy, Winnie Stewart; egress ;jig a social hour was spent, consist- Rev. Turkii�im, of the Lutheran
oat Tuesday of this week, a 1.2� Ldp bu�lnel
c,, r r_ ,' .' ve of Howick Notes.—Messrs Howard Hunter Secretary, Helen Upshall. Sides were ,:t: of contests, games ,and a geo- Church, Zurich, aunducbed the funeral ,1 Wheat Stanaiard
' 50 tsar busbeh
, ' :,' ° "he�agas l[Aglxs, Ree r'nd Harry 4lurch, of Guelph, wera chosen by the newly appointee. cap- t,raphy match, followed by lunch service, after which tl,e remains were Oats, Standard or over
l,yl ':r' +jlj¢iglap, was elected Warden for the hu,ie over the week end_ —Bir: ser taken to Zurich Cemetery for ➢rater- Barley, Standard ®r over
' t lt; ;'' k es d. Bell of tains, Arthur Field and Doreex, Coop- Mission Band. --The Mission 'Band merit. The pall bearers were M.-ssrs. Buckwheat, Standard or over . 1 _ r c
70 per bue'ha
80 per
I .lei �,11I + t+t' 1tl na year, ituth Skinner and er, and plans were made for the work of the United Church held their regu- 5 ]P
rwa3# ext $lte choice of the man no es- London, were home over the week
of the year. The new study book, "In lar meeting on Sunday afternoon last. Ah in Wurm, Sam Merner, wed Hess, Maxed lBarley and Oats e
William Beaver, Herb Bloch and A.
end.—Mr. Sant Brock is m a Londou g Attar the opening hymn, Mrs. C. A. Foster. Mrs. Doerr wag a resident of
u :,R,� r c pipoat can be taken. For some the African Bush," was be un by the WE ARE S��II`��` - e e o
„R ctS.f ;J ' •. r. In lis has been one of the. ?t°spital, being treated for ear trou- juniors at this meeting. Mcllonell led in prayer; Mildred Fol- ars, ,before she Silverking, ]Best Manitoba Patent . • • , • • • . • • • • • • • • • .V 6, � t�
1 , gears M g la.. Mr. Jonathan Cooper xs expect- Y P I; The Youn People of St. a chorus Zunch for many ye o g,rd5 per
Young Lck favored with a reading; moved to Auburn, where she resided Keystone, lEBest Pastry Flour b�,°8® Lip a
" •,. " atnLst open at the Board He ha= d home this week from Exeter liosv Andrew's United Church, Kipper, by Kathleen Drysdale, Mary Hemphill . , . .
:�3 s:, setrved on all the important commit pital, where he has been undergotnb held their Sunday night meetin, on .ind Ruth voles. he study was tale- until her death. Her husband prede- Whole Wheat (Stone Ground) • 3g,®® per ton
t ceased her a number of years ago. She .l Bran—iia bags . 33.00 per town ,ll.
�, ' yt¢sas, including the Road Commission, `*-'eatrnent,--,141r. Jesse Delbridge iron• January 20th, Harry McClymont pre- en .by Miss E. Morrison, after which
3AL 1.1 versant with the West, is visiting his brothers, -sling, (I�^cora 406 was "surn g 1e'aves to mourn her twee four laugh- Slhorie�nmm bags g80® per toxo
" " sand is thoroughly con and Donna Smith as pianist. g and the meetin ters: ,Mrs. Seim, of New Hamburg; Middlings --in bags >
V(essrs. Hy. and Fred Delbridge. t,ladys McLean took the last chapter closed in prayer_ The following of- m Sherman, Chapped - conga— in bags 00 Per
Mill run Se 30.
L- township and county husiness. airs. Cummings and Mrs. 00 par ton
® in "Drums in the Darkness." Grace ricers_will be at the head of the Mis- o, Detroit, and !1ViG1•s. H Little, of x Chop -4n ba
- The Ward!enship, however, is an Cooper took the devotional part, and ;r,n Band tb.is year: Presx3ent, . PRONE 5l. e
�} Her -salt. The sympathy of the com-
F ,a Donor which The Expositor believes �t �� �]�� f Florence Thomson had charge of the i; ladys Pasesr.ure Vice -President,
' nlunity is ext':n$ed to the bereaved
� 4 t ll longs as much, all things being discussion period. Mrs, (Rev,) Con- Howard HemaFhill; Roll Call Secre- in their sad affliction. The deceased
Notes.—Miss Mary Vittie has re- res gave a very interesting account Lary, Edna Munroe; Secretary, Mavis had lived a grxiet retiring life, and
r,rt+., . equal, to the municipality as it does to turned home after spending a few ci the life of Dr. Grenfell, of Labra- Spencer; Treasurer, Alice Higgins ;
?'V 5:'' the man. Holding this 'view, and - weeks in Gorrie.—Mrs. George Wylie iter, who is now visiting Canada, and pianist, Pearl Flder; assistant pianist, ciiewas very highly respected by a large
'4'i" t to be a fair one, and one in has returned home after s endin a circle of friend: and relatives for her Mt s. Milton Love is in London visit- host of relatives and friends in Hen-
x p g leave a lecture by radio'on Saturday he.a Munroe collectors, Norman Sin-
} many few months in Toronto.—Mr. and Mlrs. many excell'e'nt qualities, Ing with her relatives and also taking •sail and vicinity, and after agi absianaa
,. -,..` which we are supported by evening last. Miss Jean Ivison and cla:t and Ruth Coles. Died In Winnipeg.—The following treatments in the interests of her of so many years is delighted to m�
' Miller, of the West, spent a few days 141r. J. B. 'McLean sang a very pleas- J W Berry Named as Commis report will be of interest to the many bealth. +Skating is the order of the
many of his early associates 0r,
others, we think the 'honor this year with Mr_ and Mrs. Edwin Palmer— duet. The meetin was closed by all
,., g ' siorer. — Tha following interesting day, large crowds patronizing the Ford is a his
of Mrs. R. D. ]3e411
€ should have come to Mr. J. W• Beat airs. Robert Black left Thursday fur Lriends and relatives of the late John
,, repeating the Mizpah benediction. item, referring to Mr. J. W. Berry, T. Wren, whose death occurred on the local rink. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickl® and Mas. T. J. Berry and their �is-
: tie, who has represented Seaforth in Toronto, where she will spend the Notes: The birthday party of the sor of Mrs. T. J. Berry. of Hensall, Jab of this month at his home in have returned from spending a wary ter, Mis Ellen Ford, all of this vil-
" ^'": the County Council for the past five winter with her son— Mr. Geo. Arm- .� p L. which was held on t etwet xlday'1`eared ing the Border Cities Star, Winnipeg, Man: "The funeral of John pleasant week end with relatives and lege.—The roads in this section, as as
°`" Y evening, Januar 18th des its h
"' "; 1Qars, and who, like Mr, Ixiglis, has strong spent a few days with his sis- y P Windsor: J. W. Berry, assi-•tant Z Wren, chief clerk in the customs frieatds in IZidgetown.—Mr. William result of Tuesday night's storm, axe
; 1ter, Mrs. G. D. Dave.—Mr. Hugh Me- v`eather there were some fifty pres- manager of the Guaranty Trust Com- and excise office, of the D.epartxnent J• Ford, of Loomis, �CiPash., maid of quite drifted in many places, while
!; car. breen one of the outstanding members Kinnon is now successfully recovered ent, and everyone enjoyed themselves ar.y, 40 West London Street, and
roc t ., of that body. Yet, while the Honor from a minor operation in the l' c•° National Defence, was held this whose coming here op: a visit we in many other parts' for quite loner
and joined in the fun. The evening a.:istant manager of the Mutual Fin- afternoon, and was largely attended. matte previous mention, is having a distances, them is little or no snow
`,,, :vs of the Warde'nships ha never been Listowel hospital.—Miss Mary Porter- was spent in games and contests. ante Corporation of the same address,
'-; 1_unch was served by the girls at the Service was conducted by Rev. R. B. wonderful friar cresting among his for sledghing.—
.. "I- conferred upon a Seaforth represent,,- field, daughter of Mr. George Porter- is the Windsor City Council's new Cochrane, D.D., minister of Augustine
}L, field, of Saskatchewan, is visiting her close of the evening.—Mr. Cla.erice appointee on the housing commission. Chi.rch, at two o'clock, in Thompson's
r0,.I . Live for the second time in five yeas t Mrs Geddes and 'her uncle Mr_ Al Lean of Western University, Lon- *,ir Berry was named to the Com- L, funeral home the Dotnin-
i$ goes to the Township of H®wick. Alex. Porterfield.—Miss Nellie Me- don, spent the week end with his par- ' Yroa way , _
mission Monday night upon a motion inn Civil Service being largely repre-
lOnney is visiting her 'brother, Mr- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B. McLean.— of Commissioners E. Blake Wilite'r sented. A 'beautiful floral tribute was
o Archde (McKinney. Nfi: 'Marion Scarlett spent Sunday
and Charles E. Henri. He is to as- sent by the Civil Service Association
PAY FOR with her friend, Miss Grace Cooper, sume the seat left vacant by the resig- of which Mr. Wren was a member.
of the London Road. --Remember the nation late Oast year of ex-Ald. Sam He was also a former member of the
TOWN ������ ��®(�� ����®� Young People's meeting to -night, Fri- Keyser, a candidate in the recent Masonic 'Order. The surviving :nem- �¶
day, at 8.15, with Mss Olga Bell's mayoralty contest." begs of the family are the widow, Me B(Bll11 °.�°C��C�j��ilcine Compmy
Notes.—Miss Anona Dale spent the p Hockey Match.—.A fast hockey
,At the first meeting of the Kin- week end' with Mr. and Mrs. Nelso:i side in charge. A special programme who i ill in St. Petersburg, Florida,
sardine town council bald this year, is being prepared. Everyone welcome. g;.me was played on our Hensall rink and unable to travel; a daughter,
Ga�renlock.—Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ben- —St. Andrew's United Church with- ;n Monday evening, Exeter vs. Hen-
,.. ��� �C�IPIlC��T�11 ���a�ffi�
that body unanimously voted each nett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs• drew the service on Sunday. January sa,11 Juniors, Cohen some splendi:I in- Kathleen, who is with her mother in
the South; Mrs. L. A. Stoct, a daugh- -
rnember a salary of $40, while the George EatonJMiss Margaret Eaton 13th, on account of so much sickness dcvidual and c.mbination plays va�Te ter, of this city, and two sons, Gor-
is visiting friends in Walton. — Mr g made, which proved very interesting relationship between the Bell Telephone
mayor is to receive $100. There may Nelson Goveniock is attending the in and around the village. bath. was don and Roy, both of Winnipeg. The p
Ibe other town councils that have done service as usual last Sabbath. but to the large number of spectators. ,,other and daughter will return to 11 Company of Canada and the American Tel® -
Telephone Convention in Toronto this- quite a number are still confined to - he Hensall team had the inside mar- %,�}nni a in the spring. The pall -
same, but judging by the comment week—Mr. Jack Montgomery has rr- their honye,s. ,Rev. Mr. Conner gave P g P phone and Telegraph Company consists of: --
gin of the play during the first and uesrers were Prof. William Tier, dean
il n+awspapers are making on the Kir.- turned to Wingham after spending a fine sermon on the mutual love of third periods, the final score being L stock—the American company owns thirty -ono
oardine action, there can not be very the past week with his parents, Mr. Christ and His people, reading the of the Faculty of the University of P Y
and Mrs. John A. his parents,
Mr. 9 to 1 in favor of Hensall. Follow- Manitoba; Edward Doran, of the Cus- , per rent of Bell Telephone Company sharez.
many. At any rate, it is something Walter Eaton and Mr. Geo. Wheatley 15th chapter of St. John': Gospel, _Lig is the line-up: Hensall—Goal, seas staff; John T. Huggard and P. 2• contract --the Bell Telephone Company ovms a
new for this part of the Province. emphasizing the words of the fifth ;:cott Welsh; left defence, J. Pass- Vankleek_ Burial was in Elmwood
attended the dance at the Winter verse; "H'e that abideth in Me and I rtrre; right defence, Harold Munn; contract by �aliich the American company su
"(' There are some, in fact there are Gardens in Stratford Saturday even- the same brin;eth forth much Bill C'.'metery. Many .beautiful floral tri- lY p
tj.'. in him, l.ft wing, Pfaff; right wing, 1 rites covered the casket. Mr. Wren plies research products and other services M
i!�: many, who call the action of the Kin- ing.—Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Clarke and fruit, for without Me ye can do noth- Joynt; centre, Milton Boyle; subs" c ied at the family residence, 351 a sliding scale of payment.
F• . eardin'e council a salary grab, and children, and
and Betty, spent Sun-, ing." The speaker referred to the Chapman, Royce Wels:a. Exeter— Wardlaw Avenue, on Monday, at the
day with friends in Varna Messrs. fact that so many Christians only Goal, Quinn;left defence, Tuckey ; The stock relationship has existed since the Canadiatut
i' worse• Gn the other hand there are Mel. Clarke, Tim Eaton, Geo. Latoi:, age of 62 years. He was born in P
V.- visit Jesus, while it 's only those who :'ight defence, Boyle; left wing, Iiensall and taught school in Ontario, company began in 1880• One-third of the $400,vI> 1
many w'ho, believing the laborer is Irvin Trewartha and Bill Trewartha abide in Him that are able to bring
., C raech; right wing, Pfaff; entre, his most outstanding appointment needed to form the company was not available un{�1
V'.'' worthy of his 'hire, think the action took in the Toronto -London hockey forth the fruits of the spirit. Mrs, caunders; subs., Snell and Lang.
game in Stratford Monday night. raving been the principalship of the the American com= ° ry agreed to provide it
' a fair and sensible one. Tradition, 1. J. B. McLean, Mrs. J. Henderson, Mr. lleferee, H. Tolland, Exeter. Keewatin, Ont. school. He arrived in
P': ® J_ B..'McLean and Mr. A. Bell sang a Women's Auxiliary.—The Women's Winnipeg 28 years ago, and for a The contract was made in 1923 to put dealings b® -
however, seems to be against the lat- _—
ter school of thought_ For years the very pleasing quartette, "The Old Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican time taught in the Winnipeg Busi- tween the two companies on a definite business
`K01PEN Cathedral Door," which was very ap- Church, held their first meeting in Hess College', instructing some youths basis. It may be terminuted at the end of 1932
belies has been so general that the ym the New Year, Thursday, January v:1 o to -day are leading citizens of
lienor h man receives 'by being the +O'bituary. _Mrs. Agnes McKenzie, propriate.--Mr. Rob�errt 1)3 ond, of if the Canadian company so desires.
ap-aged 86 years, passed away at the the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith, is 17th. There were present the Rector, Winr_ipeg. He entered the Customs
painted a town father, is sufficient pay home of her daughter, Mrs. R. D. spending a few days in Toronto ow- Rev. G. W. Jones, and twelve ladies. Service twenty years ago, and very
in itself, that people, if they give the Guthrie, Fort Madison, Iowa. She was ing to the serious illness of his sis- After the opening hymn, prayers and ally filled the position, where ire was effes�i� ®,f SL®c>rk f/ed�IILlI®DIIyl%IIflf�
matter any thought at a11, have cone the daughter of the late Gilbert and ter, 'Miss Sarah Daymond, who went Scripture reading, the Secretary read 1,ighly esteemed by members of the
i.Margaret Anderson, of Kipper, Ont., to spend a visit with relatives around a letter from Mrs. Middleton, wife of Customs and Excise staff." HE telephone system in Ontario and Quebec today
to believe that is so. Canon Mdddleton, Blood Reserve, Briefs.—IMrs. Alice Wren, accom- �is owned by 15,300 shareholders. Of these, 95 per
I1' In early days when a man was and was married to Daniel McKenzie Christmas, but was taken sick a Alta.
on February 2nd, 1869, at Bxvicefield, short time after, and has been con- complimenting the ladies on the splen- panied by her son, Bert, left on Tues- cent live in Canada and own 62 per cent of the'
a „', elected to a town council, he did con- by the late Rev. John Ross. -She was firned to her bed ever since. Her many did bale shipped to the Reserve last day morning for Detroit, where they tots; .;-'a�•
I'llsidler the honor sufficient emolument, the last remaining one of that family, friends from around here hope to year. She also gave a short account intend spending a few weeks with
`, 1.- petition for of- and leaves two daughters and one son, herar of a decided change for the: bet- of the splendid work done by the In- relatives and friends. -Mrs. Bertram The largest individual holding is 1510 shares which
Lecause the keen com g North, (nee Miss Flora Higgins) who
Gilbert, to mourn her loss. Arthur ter in a short time. Mr. Daymond dians. A very interestin letter was is one quarter of one per cent of the total. The
'' :`' face made it so. And the age' was a and William Anderson and Mrs. John was acconvpanied by his sister, Mgrs. also read from Mr: Kent, our Prayer has been recuperating from shock and average individual holding is 27 shares, which yield
' different one; men had more time to Workman, of Kippen, and James Dick Duncan McCowan, of McKillop.—Mr, Partner, in Lesser Slave Lake, Alta. injuries from the motor accident she an income of $216 a year.
3 it''' >; Miss Louise Drummond, accom swirl
k,. Vic,;.. , think about and to give to municipal of Seaforth, are nephews and niece and 'Mrs. Edgar Butt, of our villa e, P had the' misfortune to be in, together
affairs of deceased. She was buried at visited at the home of ',Ir. and Mrs. by E. Drummond, sang very with her husband, who spent the week The Bell Telephone Company is thus a great enter -
l. r Browning, Missouri, b'e'side her daugh- William Butt. e- Seaforth, during the pleasingly a solo, entitled "The end here, left for her new home in prise which has become thoroughly democratized and
Undoubtedly it is an honor to -day. Hast week.—The m.3ny fiends of Mr• Church in the Wdld Wood." The Rec- Woodstock on Monday of this week.—
,_: ;: ter, Margaret Fleming. to this the American relationship has contributed
But times have changed, and these —Mrs. Agnes MacKenzie was born William Anderson and Mr. John Ber.- tar then gave a most interesting talk Reeve Higgins was in Goderich this
P.. .1. are not the early days. In these pip- in Lannark, Ontario, Canada, April Bough, of our vi➢lage, 'vho have both on the study book, after which the week attending County Council—Mr. two definite advantages:
" ing times of peace, most men have 18, 1842. Her parents, Gilbert An- ha•en quite sick. will he glad to ]earn ladies sprit the afternoon in sewing. and Mrs. James Smith and family, of
i; ` n The meeting closed with the benedic- Windsor, are spending a few days at First, it has been a source of new money for devel-
i`' `> about all they can accomplish when derson and Margaret Maitland, came that they are slowly rec,)vering.�Mr.
c" ', from Scotland in 1830. Miss Agnes .Toho Turner. of Clinton. was a call^r tion by the President. At the close of the home of Mr. and Mrs. William opment. The American company, as a shareholder
. ;J; ` they complete the task of keeping Anderson was united in marriage in our village during' the past week. the meeting dainty refreshments were Cor.sitt..—!Mr. and Mrs. Sullens and has never failed to respond, in good times or bad,
their own home fires burning. The with Donald MacKenzie in 1869, and --Mr. Clifford IVa+son, of our oil- served. Mrs. Miller, of Detroit, are spending when money was needed to extend the system to
cost of raising a family. of education camF to Missouri and located near lace, made a business t"In to London Death of bFrs_ Robert McArthur.— a few days this week, visiting Mr. meet public demand:; upon it.
;'; :.`: P We regret this week to have to re- and Mrs. George Hudson.—Mr. and
' ,' and emery other thing that goes int.r- Enterprize, Linn County. The hus- during the week.—The Young People
"` ` the home is not what it was e� n a
')and died at Fairbault, Minnesota, -f St. A.ndrew's United church held port the do-th of one of our much Mrs- ,fames Smith and family. of Secondly, it h been a safeguard against exploita-
'y' r and she returned to Browning, where `hair Young people's - ;,eting on Fri- esteemed and respected residents, in Wind,or, are visiting their relatives tion. Attrr:r;,t; on the part of promoters to secure
1.Ii. few short years ago. Municipal a. -
W t she reared her family. The young d^Y night and in spite of the bad the person of the late Mrs. Robert here. --The weather thus far has been control of the telephone system have failed beaus®
�- ',:,•, fairs that used to be the hobby the people give much credit to the good -+•ght. a nice, crowd was presa.mt.— McArthur of this village, whose maid- rather unfavorable for our open nkat- ,
1R r, and M*s. Jams Rrnwn. of the en name was Margaret Louttit, who ing rink. --There are still quite a the American holding of the company's shares has
t' occupied mans spare time have come advice of Mr. B. D. Bolling in help- been in the hands of men who are interested in the
1,, ': ath concession of 'Iuckersmith. have died on Thursday morning of last number of cases of flu in this section.
to occupy a very secondary place. He ing her to rear her family, all of
�i`'' hasn't the s are time that he used +o whom she gave excellent Normal tb'e sympathy of their many friends week in 'her 70th year. The deceas- —Tr Mbllard Mission Circle of the telephone business for the progress of the industry
" p school training, thus fittimg them to cn this vicinity, in the lass of their ed had been in failing health for some United Church, will hold their meet- and not for its financial exploitation.
�� ` have any way, and then just con- ing on friday evening, .January the
teach. The son, Gilbert, received little girl• who passe•i away during years and had been in several hos
-.'� g Y scholastic training fitting him for re- the fore part of the week. stats and also at health resorts in 25th. A cod attendance is request-
', _• eider the many more diverting ways g P g
he has of occupying it -•bowling, golf sponsible positions in life. But greater the interests of her health, and which ed, as the election of officers of this �,tlect of the c®E7tir'acg
;;; : humanly speaking prolonged her life coming year will take place. At the
and the auto in the summer; movies than all rich hemtage of precept and for some years, and during a number con -elusion lunch will be served. --+Mrs. �lI Bell Telephone Company,, ° secured three
Q example of righteous living that EHI ]� SA L]L
.�` and raddos' in the winter. brought them to years of maturity of past months had been considerably Duncan McMartin was in Clinton on chief advantages by the contract of 1923:-
1''.g, All mewl should and most men have possessed' of fine personalities and Serious Accident.—Mr. George Fer- improved in genezal health. But for Tuesday of this week, spending the
',''.. a rids in their town and its welfare, high ideals, The children are Gilbert guron met with quite a serious acct- all this, illness had sapped the day there with her grand daughter, First, it obtains all products of the Bell laboratories,
P g Mrs. Vern Redden, at the Gli>iton Hsos-4. which are the largest industrial research laboratories
11 :'`, snot year by year it is txscoming more McKenzie, Moulton, Ia.; Mrs. Lois went at Mr. Mickle's mili on Friday stars+g'th of a one time very strong
fit' 'difficult to morn to sort for axe t',irthrie, Ft, Kr,diso'n., Ia.; Mrs. Jen- afternoon last, when in some manner and vigorous cor'•stitut8on, aril in the pital.—The little daughter of Mr. and in the world, with a staff of five thousand. No single
nig Cady, EI Paso, Tex., aria4 Mrs. Kia horses moved, causing h➢iii to ➢ate early hones of Thursday morning she Rare• W. R. Dougall, who has been company could hope to support such an organization,
r _ Office. �a�ther' it is a rea➢ lacik of Moggde ,Fleming, deceased, of Linneus. his balance and in falling from the suffered a strDliz, follo,m by another recuperating from a recent operation It is possible only b co-operation
timre to give $o the duties of an Of for antrum trouble, was taken to the P Y Y Aeration of many associated
f.'➢°lie grandchildren, all grown, will stesgh, he fell on his head on the see, sem® hours later, from which she mev- companies
.^;; ,` ficial, or s fear of lack of sipprecia- have a rich memory of their grand- rendering him unconscious for some er 'gaiix�d consciousness,
and in the hospital on ,Sunday and an operation
1a'.. y performed, upon her 'for mastoid.—
j tion, of his efforts, or even abuse of mother and are: Edwin Wilcox Cady time. Mr. Ferguson was taken to the afternoon of that day passed awe One example of research work is the "loading coil"
and James Richard Cady, of El Paso, home of Mr. Thomas Hudson, where The deceased was married in the year Mrs Seim, of New Hamburg, and Mrs.
{them, we do not know, but that is Texas, Donald M. Guthrie, U.S.N., medical attention was given, and lat- 1881 to Robert 'McArthur, of Hensall, Cummings and Mrs. Sherman, of De- which has eliminated the need for heavy •wires in -
G= the way the matter stands. troit, w'ex•e in Hensall this week at-
t- creasing in size with distance. This has saved mil-
",- , and Agnes Ellen Guthrie, Ft. Medi- er that evening he was removed to who survives her, together with two
l'II•'' If the example of Kincardine was � g , tending the funeral of their mother, lions of dollars. Similar discoveries Have saved other
psi • p son, Ia. is yet in school. Mrs. Mac- his home, and at date of writing is sons and four daughters, the names
gc ,. , . millions for the telephone user and given him a
,i�',, followed by all towns, would it tend Ken2ie spent a number •of years with getting along as well as can be ex- of the sons being Sydney, who is the late 'Mrs. Doerr, 04 Auburn.. aSer-
gt her daughter Mrs. James B. Fleming petted. farming a littler west of our village; vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church better telephone. The research clause of the contract;
I—. to improve the personnel of tower g Rae, in, the home and who has been and St. Paul's Anglican Church on
IIII ".I", Qotxncils? Would the man who now in L➢nneus, and -afterwards with 'her Y.P.L: The i'oung Pe'ople's League g alone more than balances the contrast fe®
r, : othert daughter. ,Hler deatM1t occurred o: the United Church met on Monday engaged as an auto mechanic for a •Sunday last were very well attended.
:,' says he can not afford to rum for of- December 31, 1928, at the home of her e; ening with a good attendance, with number of years. The daughters are Very impressive and instructive lis- Secondly, the Canadian epmpanq has rights 4o the
„ : . courses were delivered by Rev_ Mr
?'s ; > $'ice, or the man who says hey -has not daughter, Mrs. Guthrie, in Ft. Madi- Niss Ethel Murdock in charge. Fol- Mrs. Manson and Mra. Lamont bot use of all inventions, The American company now
i "' time—usually most men find time to son, Ia. She was at the First Pres- lowing the devotional exercises, Mr. of near Blake; Mrs. Stewart McEwen, McIlroy and Rev. T. W. Jones. 1{h owns more than 5,000 patents essential in eve
> little east of H•e*rgall, and Mrs: J. choir also rendered excellent music P every
rove of the way in which tow, byterian Church, of which she was a and IMrs. H. Phile rendered a �rsxy - phase of tele p gives
dgsaPP Y member, on Sunday, December 23rd. p:easnng due a Y a we'll- D. Reid. � Uol don. The ►funeral, at bct'h churches.—The many friends P phone operation. The contract
,Ili cf atresia are being run and even abuse The following Sunday her pastor lead -tri csa instrumental by Mis. C�vp_tN u1iich was a p'r'ivate one, was held and relatives of Mrs. Vern Redden, the Canadian company use of throe patents and places
a' �. the officials— vooulrl these men con- services at Iter bedside. A dear friend I.ammie. M' �° ° „islet Hlabkirk from the home here on Saturday mf- who has been seziously ill at her the American company under obligation to take out
`' siide!r office if they were paid for it? sang the Prophetic `°One Sweeties L ,: .,,urge of the tp, is for the eve- irernoon last and was conducted by home here for the past number of Canadian patents on any new inventions the Cana-
: � s Y. weeks with pluro-pneamonia, con- dian company wishes.
No town, of conger, cora afford to Solemn. Thought," and a om'e wing, which was very much enjoyed. elPresbyterian
s db e 11 IIr Chi cher and Car -
:sic,, rr, Over There." The pastov conducteZ The meeting concluded with a hymn, r trotted from the flu, was taken to
pay a salary that would be full coin- the funeral •services. The remains followed with she 'Mizaph Benedic- which church thid deceased was avol- the Clinton Hospital on Saturday eve- Thirdly, the contract gives the Canadian company a
1 •pensation fan, the servicers rendered- were taken to Browning and placed in riot,. ued member, and her husband an El- wing and an operation perform'ec up- steady supply of reports and statistics regarding
` �xsr 'IL7ae ]honor must remain part of +he the Jen'loina Cemetery beside the grave Vestry yketing.—St. Paul's Church der, and in the address maxis the on her in the interests of her health.
i' `r, but it might he worth white to of Mrs. James B. I'leming. A abort vc°atry meeting was held on Tuesday reverend gentleman spoke most feel- At date of writing her conditiol is new operating methods under trial by the associated
1.1..Paaltg the experiment. By reducing funeral service was conducted by the evening and the fallowing offices were ingly of the fine life and character of very satiisfactorrch The s+endays In companies of the American system.
' resident pastor of the Smxthern Meth- electexl for the coming year: Rev. T. the deceased and how moth she would the United Church on Sunday last
'dli,the ,number of councillor's and offer- odist Church of Browning, Mo. The W. Jones, Rector; A. L. Case, Man- be missed in the community in which were very well attended, the pastor Dangerous experiments are thus avoided, When the
�'',,.; i`tgg' ra salarlr that would at least pay remains were accom:parried to Brown- ister's Wardem; S. L. Peppler, Poo- she had resided for so many years.
taking as his morning subject, "With Canadian company makes a change in method it is
A' the titnaa constxr,ed in meetings, ing 'by Mrs. F,. W. Cady, Mr. and Ale's Warden- Selected Vestry, G .C. Those attending' from a distance as Ishmael, Her Young Son," and drew to a well tested method and the services of specialists
relatives were one brother, Thomas many fine examples from their live
both �Ougixl Ingn might he o'btainell Mrs. R. D. Guthrie,, Mr. G. A. Mac- p+ertty, J. B. Stimpson, W. Fee, Geor to and 'how little she thought when she from the American company are available, by con-
�6 ex airily the a itizeats 'would take Kenzie and Mr. James B. Fleming. Armstrong, L. Clark, H. Aldridge, D. McDonald of St. Cratherines, and two tract t
Mrs. Gut7irie was pleased to say that Shirray, T. Simpson; L. Clark, Lay nephews, Frank and Thomas Boyd+ was fleeing away through the wilder- o assist, in making it. p,7 :a; .-le of this isr
.a ixi$lrt iai flue wantk their coon- her mother died under a blanlret that Deelegate; G. C. Petty, Sub.; G. C. both of Niagara Falls. The pallbear- races with her young son, that hs was the change from manual to dial system.
11:�r'rQI61ty"E7 s daaixag, simnply ?heayatasas she Helped to clip tlxe wool from the Petty, are�fvretBery hoard'• Mrs. Errrold ers wera Robert D. hell, Edward IAati yet under the Providence of God, to
ts6' 1p them far daifyag it. sheep, carded the wool, spun' it into Diirmmiornd, organist; Mist+ Margaret ars, William G. laoll, E+rastus Ren�ni+e, become a great ruler and. warrior Both in the stock holding and in
xta and rovave it snide the Elrlasrulcet, all Drumitaaad, as�➢•stant osrganist; I2erv. John Bell and Donald Burris. Th'e� and haw in like mangier, parents an Lite contract provisions Canadian `�
p rDii�S etc al pai<l� teaC era sometimes little dream of telephone users are protected and ` `,
ehmiraeteristic of the 'tr�aita of frrargal- T. W. ?ones, choir lander; A. L. Cass, floral tributes t very beautif
4 ""' Wo ' v* a0 good ' if they sty crud indaiatt+x3f a&ae instilled iotas vasbrgr clere•Pc; G. M. C7ase, S,wre:ta'ryy, the deceased b�lxr� a great lover of t future of those entrusted to theirs assisted by the relationship smith ,. ,
r�} 0%, 6 0 �tp. 2100to, dg ightea'g- and goat. Too muell in The diff era-- n't �por is from. tht 0hurch flowers in herr li4e times and ?orad very ca�ax and tuition. The choir rerideraad � � +', t'k �}
1.li>eaig ar rnnl5t fide olrarEcean aid PJdr&t, Ag. otitic lrs w� read, showft that the beautiful varuet£zU..Th~o fain' there some very Mie anthetn+s,--MT, Fred the American company. 11
1� �Al .
""t 11 0, 11, i t 1y� �y 'lir i" } a ie oat d taltPaea, friend rand chureh is in a flotariobing lsax0ition in irtterasEd in the aal1 i[J»Yio4u Gem ]B Cry, who recently returned from �� ca;
1 e Ass 746053 ie as ora News, Lira all tl diol tt ati ni i�Consa: tit axed very rrdisiaa�&a sl Lathy fa felt Toronto, fe ltasre vir3f$irarg at the hoimi�
P� ft �, uv l y Y' xS r i . Ji e113' a i;lat��0 Touthlo wel. for tem h�rreave l la dy cosi sad of '1►is oi9tasa gild hsrtu$her-%-lra ,far.
.vim^� �.x:; f.11 h Q •`' f aaPm tat C'ri ti s01 p( rr.4h -,j daug,hurm ThtD n,br on:"a s� ani � and 61 Ta. VA1liaxn+ C6VfJf%, %%d ici �e�l• r
, la tit atalal f0ida i& tv➢Yd" ml a4dial` axe . 1
Vi m.,. u U,, ` � �ti avtllc � Jilr r fats , td• � f;<l tMatra$ roans c'ltbTeh m6t o1a Wobday otaiatg and the 4-2vir rc i'9� d f Sa>�sr;ara h16 voley much Improved in 'ba 1tTa.-�- � � --,_
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