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The Huron Expositor, 1929-01-18, Page 8
r t^ „ , M1 k . p?++1,T4 ,,, ; ' ±aVA1ll 4' ..p. .. $y ,, . „? pry, , Wb•. '4,0 a6' "'Sn" '1:'ti d` i'I r 151;-* - 'A k . - • , died Rr2,v. Ja>araea. Foot% Clens of l ^ o ' a its & U d b tery anal 7 1m vjst of Coven, Qburcuh et ,r, was dealt with. The Ball was Wgued ccompaTa . 6 laa^gely and, was fo tra Coldo with 'he urgent reasons nslatiosa. to the stipend attached call was 2 2 ith house and' the usual 1-._l IP , VV w ^,h } ,'r .r p A reliable caribinatfgxe for rias month'® kaolidays. Ivdessus. Henry _j5l k,,i ,, , treatment of,, these prevailing Strong ane$ J. G. Stanbury, TaPres- i,* ,k:r' ,> , P%ills. erring Coven congs egatiom, spoke in the hi hest terms of the splendid" ser- f 7r 4 .t1d1 w .:' g le,*, ft t k` vice rendered by Mr. Foote in his `n o,bi11 „ r" f Ke"Its pastorate of ten years, and while re- rr, 111 ,, rd:, ., , ' s it li sz, t for re ttanuha>jier of s a nuo K gH -T, s zsm® vers4axksa>d! inn soave ]Laxative Cold Tablets gTe ing his removal, would not op - i; i""s n ilaes l mm, alm4 haven't the pose th® cal. The call was placed an hlut and M,r. Foote's hands and being accept +.; mnwy lIlnmmm mlasv ,Menthol Cough Balsam ed, the translation was granted, the 11,}c '^ pastoral tie to be severed after Sun- di.rx e .ci&IrfE'hT 1F''ANCX BISCUITS® ' Sold only at alr, ,„} ` pounds day, January 20th. Mr. Foote leaves 1 l IEN-•Scbil, j ( with the best wishes of hi*, fellow ` L ,5C Eaft S ph@MWp Presbyters and -the great regrets of t •1, -al 5t _ pounds ......... • 1 ` N V HONEY J al3. his congregation. s ' u ' 116 Pau -ads .............. The ReualIl Drug Stora , + *- A IO I iSTQ3VE POLISH ` Lj United Cigar Store Agent. air” e or liquid .............. Died In England: Word was re= I'l(ESI -June, 1928 I Ifl[®N1E 2S SEAFORTH ceived here this week of the death of " tr y0ymd '6 Mrs. G. H. Dewberry, which sad event , ..... J .... .. ......... r r i • QUt1Es-•-ISeptemlber, 1927 ? occurred at her home in Farrnboio, igotand Kent, England, on December 18th. l Mu;,°. Cal -TEE, -Good values at 5®c, 60c, _ _ FSve years ago Mr. and 'Mrs. Dew- y` ,..®c pond, ---- -- --- berry spent a year here with their le HERRINIGS ® UT®a daughter, Mrs. James T. Scott, on 11SeP dozen .. • their farm at Roxboro, and she has 1, lE'IIB SH F'RO'ZEN SALMON — __ many friends in this vicinity, who TROUT-Whold fish, ..r+. nd.. —"— will sincerely regret to learn of her CORN, PEAS or or DIISTRICT MATTIERS demise. 1.r TOMATOES .....IiI ,' PORK AND BEANS ___ -..- - -- --- - — - ", •r. A - 2 for Nurses Graduated. Friends will be Stove For sale. -A good vat beau r ply at The Expositor Office. 3188-1 good , IBUJ'ITER, (EGGS, DIBIED APPLES, pleased to know that Miss aviary ,;. IFIEATHIERS, Etc., taken in ex- Smith has been successful in passing rditior sale.Atlp Baby cutter n3188-1 ¢passage for Groceries. the Provincial examination in London •lid has attained the degree of R. N. Lost.—On January Jth, a German polies k I `115S Rivers, of Egnlondville, who dog, ails elx w the name of "Dinty." Phone V . T. D. 11ll ®l lU-;7. Heamull. Ales. Monteith, Kipper, Ont. ll wrote the examination at Owen Sound 31z3:3_1 was also successful in attaining R. N. t, . PHONE PHOR PHOOD 166 Miss Gingerich, of Zurich, who gradu- For Salc.-A good top cutter for sale, $35 ated in the summer, also received her .•ash. iieO1-ge Lawn. Phone •290-15. 3188x1 4 negistration. For Sale --A Vega cream separator, 300 Tts. rat•ecity. only •..,ed four months. John Mc- " Millan Roxboro. 3197-tf „ ^ , With The Curlers.—A successful House For Sale.—Six-roomed frame house hot lunch bonspiel was held at the on Jarvis Street, with hard and soft water, Palace Rink, Tuesday, commencing at electric l.ight and furnace, also a Boos barn Salesman in Huron County during 4 p.m., with ten rinks competing, and with lights and water; one acre of land un- k bu .and Winter months to sell fruit there were many closely contested Jar cultivation. Write ,to sox 157, se3186 tf 4 tames, flowering shrubs, etc. Good one 32y. Exclusive territory. Whole or game-. Mr. Ross Sproa - rink, com- posed of George Charters, J. J. H'ug- itersJerseys For Sale --Three Registered Jersey (art time arrangement hailer, and 1 Registered Jersey bull, from 4 Bard, Charles Holmes and R. J. to a months old. Also part Jersey cow. A 600 -ACRE NURSERY Sproat, skip, carried off the bacon. You could get an option on a Jersey heifer W". Mr. Tom Johnson's rink composed of calf w come in two weeks. Ohatrles Barnett, We own and operate a modern, well- Box 303° Seaforth. Phone 276, ' 3187x2 gipped Nursery and supply our W Elcoat, and Gordon Dick took sec- I'llemsitomers with the best in quality °nd prize, which was ileo bacon. The R. R. 1, Bluevale, Ont. "Suffered with , regular schedule games will COM- my stomach for 10 years. Pain after eating. 'mad variety. Sell 'hardy, Canadian- Took Dr. McLeod's Stomachic 9nd kept tan- gTow"an Nursesp• Stock and you will be mence Monday, January 21st. proving. Gained 41 pounds in five month::, 4 t asz•e5afnl. ®nP agency is ,Mluarble. and now feel perfectly wtdl. Lancelot Mor- lE'sfilelbliS hed 35 years. ruon." For sale at Aberhart's Drug Store. a i 3188x4 ' i iC lle t11 c76v T v®.q Seaforth yiiis From Stratford.- >, The Seaforth Junior O.H.A. team Special Optical Notice.—Have your eyes examined by our well known and painstaking y`t Toronto` 9 Q IIp ipTP11®. chalked up its 5eeond win by defeat- , ialis Mr. Hughson, with 29 years ex - 3181x4 ing Stratford 8 to 5 last Thursday penience, 10 years corning W Seaforth. Y , 1 night, at Charley Holmes' ice palace. are assured of mire best optical work to be d lie score was 4 t0 3 In favor of the °btained and at reaso¢able prices. Our Primes ur - -` visitors at the end of the first period, and atounting are the best make of the best p makers, and our prices are from $4.00 up. .11 and it looked like a serious proposi- Tuesday and Wednesday, January 29th and "I tion for the home crew, but Seaforth nth; close Wednejday at 4 p.m. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 3185-2 , , r came back strong in the second and 1. , .. . . , third pea•iods to win by 8 to 5. The o "a1. • teams provided plenty of action, and {, ' __ s a good sized crowd enjoyed the game Sister Augustine Dead -Sister Mary a ; d" - •H '1 immensely. The game next week Augustine, who had been for thirty - Ir .4i .. -' Ir with New Hamburg should draw a two years bursar of 'St. Joseph's hos- ., '. (` capacity 'house:• pital, London, died Tuesday night in -, if Pa y the hospital after an illness of several F J weeks. Sister Augustine, who wa< r ll 6I101 Rebekah Officers Installed.—Mrs. formerly Miss Boyle, was born seventy 11-11 I j I . ( I I W. Crich, D.D.P., and staff installed nine years -ago in what was then the the following officers of Edelwviss village of Wawanosh, now St. Augus. :. .Y tine, near Clinton. r t ;, i Rebekah Lodge No. 117, on Monday r \; - evening of this week: Junior P. N. C - I. iI G., Miss Belle Campbell; N.G., Mrs. M. McKellar; V.G., Miss G. Piethick; Death of Mrs. William Smith.- , Rec. Secretary, Miss E. McKay; F.S., Death removed an old and greatly *R- JFOIl 7i'}(?[lE CHRISTMAS DINNER Miss Jean Smith; Treasurer, Mrs. J. esteemed resident of this vicinity or. ,vhl,:, Sclafte`T; Ward'e'n, Mrs. Plant; Con- Monday, January 14'h, when. M'rs fi W<h,at shall it be? A turkey, duck, ductors, M5ss Ila. Johnston; I.G., Mrs. William Smith passed away at hel ,t",,.., ,... ken, a roast of some kind --a nice A. Westeott; O. -G., Miss Rossie El- home in Haarpurhey, in her 83rd year `fi ; Teak. Whatever you choose at this der• R.S.N.G,, Mrs. NeGawfln; I`S. For several years ,Mrs. Smith has .:; M tcher Shop, it will please you and N.G., MTs. R. Crawford; R.SN.G., .been in poor health, but was able tc 1'' gour gusts. Our meats are conlsid- Miss L. Freeman; L:S.V.G., Mrs. be about until a week and a half be. cgated the 'best in the market. They Scott; Chaplain, 'Mrs. Crich; pianist, fore her death, when she cuff@red E I.`,_ antisfy the most particular. Miss Cardno. Following the installa- serious heart attack and rapidly sant Why not order your Christmas tion, 'Miss Belle Campbell was pres- until death relieved her on Monday zwl early that we may pick you out ented with a P.N.G. jewel. After in- Born in Somersetshire, England, Mrs 11choicest? stallatioIl, a dainty lunch was served Smith resided there until 45 years age e want to flake this opportunity by the social committee. A large when with her husband and thanes number were present, and an enjoy- children she came to Canada. The ,I, wisps our many Friends and able evening was spent. family first settled in Walton,, when, > [i°ratsoma, the Happiest small Merriest they resided for two years before l^,.PIlB¢m of aB' moving to the farm on the 12th con a. , ® ll I ® Home and School Association. -Thi cession of McKillop. Eleven year: ;' o C regular monthly meeting of the Home ago Mr. and Mrs. Smith retired fron i'sJAIIRT STREET SIEAFORTH and School Association will be held the farm and pwrchased a home i1 "Y' Monday, January 28th, at four p.m., fIarpurhey, where they have since re .. PHONE 58 in the kindergarten room of the Pub- sided. She was a member of North kr'i's:., lie School: Rev. W. PL Lane will side United Church, and possessed. ' 'A . give an address on "World Peace and true Christian character with a kind I League of Nations." Miss Flor- hospitable disposition that made he ®®®®®®O ®®O ® encs Beattie will sing and Arthur many friends, who will long cherig] W ' O Golding will play a violin solo. A her memory. Hers was the firs I,; C95 • ^ ' ® cup of tea will be,served. All mem- break in the family circle and, she i fir- c ' 0o 76 ffi® 3l a 01 M hers are requested to be there, .if pus survived by her 'husband and a fam s' Funeral Director and O sible. Please remember the paper ily of one son and five daughters '.". cz> Licensed lEmmhalmner. O and magazine collection this spring. Mr. Percy Smith, of McKillop; Mrs `'" tJ O The Sewing Circle will meet this William McIntosh, of Kerona, Sask. tJ ]Finest Motor and Horse- O Thursday evening at "Hills•ide," the Mrs. Arch. Kerr, of McKillop; MrE v as .. IJ drawn equipment. ]Beattie O 'home of the President, Mrs. Charles Albert Brown, of Davin, Sask.; MrE ;" ' Itlloclb, Main Street, opposite O Holmes. Any of the members are Charles Dickson, Biggar, Sask., an i l" tJ The Expositor Office. S. T. O welcome. Just come and bring your Mrs. William McKay, of Sebumache l PJ ffiolmes, residence, God O sewing or mending and spend an en- New Ontario. The funeral was het. 4i l'> Street West; Chas. Holmes' O joyable, evening. -Corresponding Sec- from her late home on Thursday of ,,yt, C> residence, North Main Street. O retary of the Home and School As- ternoon, when the services were con '- 1C> Flowers furnished on short O eociation. ducted by her pastor, Rev. W. F I- notice. All kinds of up- O Lane. Interment was made in Mail ;.; . holstering neatly done. O c landbank Cemetery, the pall bearer I I hones: 119 or 308 % being Messrs. Arch. Kerr, Pere M O lEgrmondville Young People's Socie- Smith, William Rmtti-c, C. H. Hiol f C> O ®O ©O O O O O ty.-The following► officers have been elected for 1.929: Honorary Presi- ttEigodnJoseph Grummett and Josh. Der x 4t} dent, Rev. W. D. McDonald; Presi- ';111y' ' : - dent, Miss Billie Chesney; 1st Vice- t1;fw - - - President Ghrisltian Fellowship De- t r partment, Mae Wallace Committee, Death of Mrs. George A. K. MclLem 4i. , Ethel Jackson, May F1'udson, Jack -Many will regret to learn of th a Aablrirk; 2nd Vice -President, Mission - ' passing of Mrs, George A. K. McLeo Y' ' 0 a n& r ary De artment, Klenneth Jackson "v 4„+ p ' in Egmondville on Monday, Januar " ' 9` C9 ,nm &!n Committee, B.. Bearoty, ffi. Thompson, 14th. Mrs. XeLaad'sI maiden mars i ' R. Wallace; 3rd Vice -President, Cit- was Esther Chimney, second daughta U, izenahip DepaPtmeRat, Gerais 1)Ulalis'car; of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc aei tlatr i_a Committee, Gieorge Biak®, Vera gYuaIl- iLellaan cif the fourth toner ",' ; 1 soft, Iona Wallaee; 4th Vice-lPPeuiden,t,Chesney, Bion of Tumlceradmitkn. he was bur t -- Social and ]Literary Dagsr ment, le v- Seg suraber 2 ZtEI, 7L852. In Delay, fl8 ileus lQatt; Committee, Jean Saunas"ua, -she ,was married to GaoTv A. 3 P a Jean-ta Finnigan, Rosso IP91riek, > II,eoo , of 1EsseteT, who ISPedet sal ii a Mr= Brols"'Oot, kith Wta%si T, Goa'- mine years ap o,: the was a womalfii c don D6C oanfgle; Corre,loona311aimg 0 - high inlftgPity aiiid" sterling cigar to ti tm , s a,gn nyc r{ary g ga aatt• , ii sis a .,] sand vvfil ,be g eatly arAmed by thol .,$, i! yI§ . I rpt obary,' ,. 1VNS5iLLjja l'ot 1C4 u7.4a(*-,y 1lCF`.7i 1L lJL i ' a _ , 'S011>m A000 ti - °.r ev, V0110 Imew her. Me vrw a. I fe4ft 1. R. -If 1, , pitmict, vi Gt 1. w o` _mn of dna prel ,,,ittar s a. dianrii -: H ;h , + sko ic ' i%i( ,vivea by two side=, mr don, > 1 1 't , J . 11s Cpie iil°tsra, of baso aIll ' l ',r : ,1. Wtv,s, 9 %7aa oil1a, mi too trot ,'d+ i= ndC f.T Same of as.Z2o..arL Samuel aaIl Cgasdy, ark ®unto, al ,d '.° i I f, « yATt to ttg dl nt ; D ,. OZ T1'P1'nld'Pg"• The flni *ftl vvi s bre }r `? r , i 15 `Cdl , ' vas'fig 1i1$ Y ” r -.1ES49l3 r Vtm " a "u° t ra acyl Two &! J ::, i 1. , v " , Ma'='are&l 4462,,.asA W,edhtrle v4 Yf , °. ulderm= X. nd ,'dam T , ' ,,., . A a , 6 Iii 242,0,, Qe O"J t. me.t a&-Mtaon tvAhc tEa l sae s y ,, y f i+'i M .. ',v ill 1 ;rn aaye y ,,C gip,.,, , 9 - .., ,. ';:.• .:lY S,: i'.u.Y e Y+a A.iiaa'''v""l7 l'" A,' "y , u Cl' daruxa 1 u4 ri. iT. i.i 7 ; rr P'•. I _ - - Y-- :11 ,' w '"' "^' 1 "f'C"-n C( rX'i4• tT? k.SFCF ,!C _ P " " W 1. . 1! 1, .1, aper I ".. ck -, ." 1, I I'll Z 1-1. I I b ,.V"': , . I I L . I . Gl ar I & '11 1, 1 I ___- ., . I . , d We b avc'Q limited number QT, s Boxes . of Mote Paper, all high I grade stopll, lmpalilm white au d t some 'with lined eanvelopnds. Rego- a Ilar 75C ZMd Q5c value, While they 1 last If 1 ,50C Paz. Box l i ' P ho n, 9S " 3O011TST®ll$1^w+ - S1L.41FORUMI 1 3ubscriptiona taken for all magazines and papers- at publisher's prices. assisted by Rev. W. D. McDonald. Interment was made in Exeter eem- Aery, the services at the grave being conducted by Rev. James Foote. Death of Mrs. Alexander Gray= After three years of suffering borne with Christian fortitude and patience, drath came as a happy release to Mrs. Alexander Gray, at her home in 1":glnondville, on Saturday evening last. Nearly three years ago Mrs. Gray suffered a stroke, which had since confined her to bed, and a year ago she suffered a second stroke, which left ,her speechless, and a help- less invalid. 'Mrs. Gray was the sec- ond daughter of the late James Moodie, and was• burn in Stanley town- ship 76 years ago. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander Gray and went to live on the farm on the Mill Road, where they resided for fourteen years, retiring to Eg- mondville some years ago. In her youth she joined the Presbyterian Church, Brucefield, where she was a consta_-A attendant and earnest work- er in all (branches of the Christian service, and after coming to Egmond- ------- "SILK ---"SIILK STOCKINGS COVER A MULTITUDE OF SHINS" KV, , F , M d I gC BeRbc-ioilmy IN THE UP -70 -DATE COMEDY OF TRAVELLING SALESMANSHIP ,' 11 k; . I 0 'i For a sulbject comprehensive, That was once somewhat offensive, But no longer shocks a modest sense of taste, Here's a title tbat% intensive- ' Puts the girls on the defensive", And gets the eye of man where'er WE placed; . For "Silk Legs" are not so shocking I And there's nothing in a stocking t That the world is not aware of, in E l way; . They may set the sirens mocking, t While the traffic lanes are blocking, But the cotton and the lisle have bac i their day. t LtII TCIF00, , PI 1 I - junl®rf &Mko 7 1H0LF ZT L How Hauhyg L_d F vs. seafod, F r . ,_ PALACE M Ali K. SERF RTi n, . ir INE esday,, JU, 23 rf ,r8.18 1 ,=- s _ g New ll nrnnimrn a fin 51daGil flim vim tl'a 1. Group, haat the 56Z ,vo dart ft sign, 3. 1. Gfl•>;a➢or i2rl Tke Stt'=tw llpfznl $c L_ A117`2=0i 'yon >straV- id l,K ADULTS We 2- c5aw. salmmso, p v to 1goY iial l=r4, 0' 41,,et " . " ,1 * ,,:. . ave minis d to W her - so tslad.*ffi Uri- ag her long illness. "Sloe iso • alio " i a ,Y' ' , urvived by one ibrothe'r, Mr. Ja g ` , t I Jrx, goodie, of Brucefield. The f nekal vss held from her late home on 7l'ds-0 F ,, s, yI, , i .ay afternoon, when, the services ,, : ,, q vera conducted by Rev, I, B. Kaine,' '1 f First Presbyterian Church, Sea- .. or'th, assisted by Rev. W. D. Mc- "'... ... 3onald, of Egmondville, .and Rev. W. . P. - L Bremner, off Bruce0eld, while the . rervice of praise 'was" appropriately . vIndered by Messrs. I : V. McGregor„ P . F. Beattie and Earl V•aviift pond. In - ferment was made in`-,'Nai"tlandbanik ,,,; emetery, the pati bearers being x Messrs. W. Landeaborough, John Mc- ti i&sn, James Oarnochany W. Broad'- 1 ' Sal . ?i '.." oqt, W. F. .M9 Ndulln hid" A. G. 3mi1•lie, of Toronto. , 6t is not death to die, p :' - To leave this weary road', "Li- 1 F A IE X lUJ C E E D E D ® R .,, i! `. And midst the 'brotherhood on high To be at home with God. n y / f p p p (t 1I Il 7 U !r''' 1 p I t6 J1 u l y i, It. is not death to close ° ( p i The eye long dim"m"ed by tears, ' F E CT AT ®Il ! S And wake in glorious. repose, To spend eternal years.f ji "Yn I Jesus, Thou Prince of Life, . f` Thy chosen cannot die; \ 1 rd Like Thee They conquer in the strife, To reign with Thee on high. Daa,t Flu'R to SeD 1 I . ., ' - -- ( N. M. Cantin Heard From. - The 0 6d: 1 p O Toronto Star on Tuesday containedo ti )I the following reference to a two mil- , the ePem& 1 OW811r. 'I lion dollar suit entered by Mr. N. M. - i, Cantin. Mr. Cantin will be rarer- o (y r. t bered as the builder of the city of St. ; Il QJ F-RHDAY, -Joseph on Lake Huron, and had many jl j 7G Zt other projects on Qrf bind in this county , C4 . some years ago. The Saar says: - "Claiming that Robert O. Sweezy, thef :j defendant in a $2,000,000 damage ac- 05) Im S,ETURD,ky tion brought .against him by Narcisse ,d, Cantin, was engaged to make a re-, 11 port to Sir W. 1VL Aitken, now Lord Beaverbrook, on the development of „ f+p;'.: '' T H o 11 water ower between Lake St. O P , Francis and Lake St. Louis in Que- r i bee, and that he, in breach of his ' ae duty, conspired with E. R. Wood and f I llI d Kenneth McLaren, of Toronto, Frank }} P. Jones and J. A. Robert, of Ottawa, . J. A. Carson, Senator Webster, ;,, Archiile Mergevin and W. H. Robert 1 0o no of Montreal, and Cleveland A. Dunn, : ', , Bay Mve Q of New York, and others unknown to : e , secure control of certain rlgl;ltts andA privileges necessary for the develop- : I %, went, Cantin• has filed his statement i , of claim at Osgoode Hall through his :, counsel, Frank Regan. In 1955 the Transportation and Power Corp. Ltd.,m ' qMlid)AD having acquired a charter witlttla view T L V 8; H 1-1 .1 to improving navigation and .the ac-. quisrition and development of ,;water I S'E ]F®R ffi ®NTARI® power rights as incidental thereto, made certain plants and acquired cer- ,: ,:" ,,;,A4..,,, ,.,,. tain water power rights and. firivfli- ' ` 4 eges. Plaintiff had a• •majorityl'?•bf the 1. . isswed shares of the corporatitib and. made extensive plans and arrange- were here last week attending the Comer memts for financing -the sc'he'me. He funeral of the late W. C. Mackay. -1 parents, Mr, ant, ' ' - -` : 1 . secured Sweezy's set blues as engineer, Messrs. J. F. Daly, W. A. Crich, G. C. eron.-Mrs. James Kerr is visiting ab and defendant, as W6,* h,' was given Bell and- W. A. Wright were in To- the home of her son, in Toronto, information, documdiits, maps and ronto this week attending the Motor The schools reopened on Monday last. ri correspondence containing material Show.= Mrs. C. Grainger, who has There is almost a full -attendance at f,' facts relating to the 'project." been in the Clinton Hospital for some the public school, :but the flu is ca=ns - weeks, suffering from an attack of ing many absentees at the Collegiate. ----.C— pneumonia, is sufficiently recovered -Miss Ethel Jackson, who has ,been to '-be able to return to her home here. a guest at the home of her aunt pn , Town Council. -The first business _Mrs. John McCallum, who was vis- Ugmondville, is in Toronto this week. meeting of the new year was held on iting with friends here, has returned -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chesney, of 0 Monday evening with the following to her home in Blaine, Michigan.- Toronto, and formerly of Seaforth, members present- Mayor Golding, Mrs. Gerald McIntosh, of Detroit, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Reeve J. W. Beattie, Geo. P. Cardio, spent the week end with her mother, C. Sproat and other friend's in this ;r,. R. G. Parke, W. A. Crich, W. J. Mrs. J. J. Huggard. , Miss Isabel (Continued on page 4) Bickell and the new councillor, Rrobt. Smith. The minutes of last .meeting , 11 were read and confirmed. The, com- mittee appointed to strike the stand- ing committees for 1929 reported as follows: Streets, Beattie, Crich and Box; Fire and Wates', Parke,• Smith and Beattie; Property, Bickell, Box and Smith; Charity, Golding, Cardno, and Bickell; Finance, Cardno, Parke and Crich; Court of Revision, Mayor, Reeve, W. J. Bickell, R. G. Parke and Geo. P. Cardno. It was moved" by R. G. Parke, seconded by J. W. Beattie, that the report of the striking com- mittee for the standing committees for 1929 be accepted. It was. moved by J. W. Beattie, .seconded by Robert Smith, that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as read. It was moved by Geo. P. Cardno, second- ed by R. G. Parke, that the following be. paid: 'William J. Shortreed, $583; C. Neill, $3,50, on aceogiut of Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Go. collateral. It was moved by R. G. Parke, second- ed by W. A. Crich, that By-law No. 1 313 be read 'three times and finally passed. It was moved "by R. G. Parke, seconded by W. A. Crich, that tihis council put through the necessary a, A,, I Il ; I 11 ' i1 .,t papers for compensation with the •` Compensation Board of Toronto, and_ pay the required fee covering the1. members of the local fire brigade.' Itv was moved and seconded that the fol- " • - ., < • lowing accott}}nts be paid: W, G. Fee, , $70; Jno. A.1Wilson, $75; John Knight '; 7AF 9 $65 D. C. Baird, $24.72; Canadian , I r.,` National Railways, $6.48- Canadian t ' I E ` 1` National Express, 60c, Bel Telephone !" S ) 1, Co., $2.45; Geo. D. Ferguson, $15.72; o i"' Wilson Hawkins, $2.36; W. E. Kers'- -- Wher?, QuaRIlty Counts We t li - lalge, $13.80; James V. Ryan, $88.50; a,, Sol. Williams, $2.70; Taylor -Forbes, , ORANGE4,WARMALADE JSfo1C LARGE PRUNES Ali I % $39; James V. Ryan, $25. Mr. Wil- 40c jar for .......... 11c 2 pounds [4,eJ liam Elcoat was appointed fence view '' ' i CORN SYRUP 3 0 BLEACHED RAISINS er in place of Mr. William Wilson, and 6 ,pounds ..... .. clot pound ...... , I . Mr. M. A. Reid appointed town audi- PURE HONEY 1SnowfiaP e Anlmgnfa foir In place of Mr. E. C. Chamberlain. . , 2l 21C . . Smith, nic6on of Messrs. ` Belattie and Y® pola>mds . , ....... 3 packages ^' 1It th, the couneil then adjourned to ' EPSON SALTS AND PURE SULPHUR 1 .' i meet at the call of t`w,Mayor. 6 pounds ... .. .250 b., . r : We have as flag selection of Prints assorted. •colors,• ictal tit to choose, from; also a flaw Gingham, left, quality mrusn 31.6 p ' ;' 11 Local Brleffs.•"-rMr. A G. Smillie To Clear, aper yard l9 Smillia, and Dr. Gray of,& Toronto, FLAM ETTS, I vyard whale, heavy quality. <........ 24@ , ` ,trrem hare this, week , n g 'e vP ! ... '.......,....... . .. .............. I.......e , ;2undtfral avf the flats Diel. Aiwa ft N'S l AV TnOiL CV•MPA02 _ , , regalgr $1.25 for ..................,.,.................. sk 1. , ''ay.-.,R&a. W'. ISuall of na9E ba, , ,._ m +oroao his last eEz f ita lg. r raatr- ATL$e ¢ G `nv=A F" ,1 , S2 ltra'd'es W"I"" j [ , tee t' , ° a IfC o Off° 'S yk3¢aG J•! r , , fi b'.............. `......... l9 n CJ It -BSc, l`p.a9t ans. -LIQ Alae a 1)1tilg, cru .i3S tb,L50 &!t a"YL°"3A3 4&01. t tiammlam oil h$>6"i. ' Tig ycnttrr. 5i Baan t®4 ssuaeD ®l ta n 14Pm4. DI %. l mn 4 . . ua ann na9 9deotii Tom a> p ramw t 1tt,Q9p". , 1'l9d'8: Ciwmab brao, V ¢ts+ab. qf m Ssfoh Ail 1'c first tw7 . iIllcl imVia= it= the Q>rClxna iT rtdfsy !ttn 1 ostn abapoffiaDfri ' * ..'il,,ao wl `Vkq n .. 1,dlavp atftftm TBi I o • 9d i€ aca®mcg atIlffi : , . .S' ,nr e . I t 'r I .dv t. s h, i 1 dJ' — - I>,.-.3.?,+