HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-01-18, Page 36 4 _. I �`` I . *, b . k : � ", ,1.-11 - - . �.1.- °- - - — - �s_- '� • .. ww+•.v.n _ .,,,,.,"., _..... _ _ ,,,_ _ . �.:.�. ..— —._ ., ,. .; ,r '1Rp•. +i^'+;;.K ,ryrt''T "P+'+ 1 i S 1 a-...., . w. rx. C :':.. d .K .. Y'G :,v lr�:. , ... ... r.,a .:a ..F^ 'I? 7:'.Y'• l I, ' A 1:'. T" " !, t� 1 to 's - �,, `} o Of those Xsr �1!waa f R, , + p 3 *, 11 ' - - t & L9t4. ISA fG4D 7�i .:, a lCa - �s s. Etta lila 1�ca sill .+ c, r Isd�R$+�� ,. j�, + t 1� B?A$ 4I'kA � �. ka, �` lr°ll�>rr.� -ll� y' a � y .:., ; 1.mesatsl'elta4Ea w „ lais 1911pyp wiilsq?t%. do nxi tor day, ass xA0ba, „ is rills , , ti d xno'tio 421 e f;' . a.,:: .Y $m alar 2 �� k r wa , t ,T 1� �J,,qn� yyq��/ y - w,"p'+i'm° th,.'owyM� 'eU/3321%�t YY k.^Sv�' w'1W�Aa'a' 'Mi74)RRW,Y [' �; , a f I�g,�(,'Ayr yi. eD "fi°a>S9 S$ ' a17G d T�E e was tx a4�lsles's wilacxie�e, tln#s paarty s4 a Givro ma the love o country unnld',�^ Colds r a a -knd b r o n— pernnetrated to the F'lin 1+Ig n Ibises °� �l n�' �"ci<s g F? la. Gly �q4i a xuook in due trays, soo to 'lia a hrivin cit nd thexs,p pll tchi $ i s, there is o o h i n g Give a bi oak flu a flersst Made, ni? yf ,' Pt r"d P'LYY 7:x',4'A✓vy,,a£'i ,� by way of 4htan!ielETjr Linke, l'ficasasy t: i,+ 'ssf�,`4.r Y ri'' 'S"M' h's'• �:, ,` b e $ $ e r than a cOU$Se ®f V h % to Hudson .`.a . tw t{ i��rE �+'' : . s 4 lac +.+. Give the 'buzz of the b4 as, River and lElexb Laky tlsa da aiA t Nf f 9 Give me; a robin' that merrily sings, � � uo �p%Nib �tt���l�ttAr �t� n t . 111�T d IE lE$ �• IGP�Q71L�]IQDI�i a A wood where woodp(eckertzs peck Ba Iballway, and so Tcracl tq �/mn'ni- p ][ts strep thenin and $On1C peg. �fll this without a Iiit4ll, and + tr w' �a w Nl`'�' � i t 1, g g Give me these pretty, poetical things with no trace of diilicuLty or even dis- 1 n u a n c e n o n all $lie And yrou'll give Elie a 'prion in the f tri Y_s,= rix, �yi+ y • comfort. An epic journey and worthy ,: ;i. �'� �' +� ��, s i� VR � �r� � .�� ��'j �kil�S to wi���,r G �' � 't:3nr"f �! bodily ,fu n c t i o ns make neckl of the historian's pent, if time could �, � �" � �'f �; ��� � r �, 1�n ler s ]Enol i oil h�lroe d>4�ezu turned back fano or 11 d r�, „�;' ���,4 ,'' � ; g Emulsion a mo Give .me a "ge `high up on, a hilil, y i. i A,e. three years'. _ j i �•'t Ftii 'a�`kFbtl.sr"� .M.'t Give, a Crow 'aYLd a hlola, i 1 w _ +. V$ Cry x yr ?I.�yk rhos(' t'•'�'';ti' useful medicine for the ren 7l`lte government and people of the f� mention of these dangerous Give me a twilight, secluded axed still, ppovincse are alive to flue trend of x " ix Th,� ,°,?A ,gym F ���" ' '. a $ lR/intei llls. )(f a COu h or cold Far from the markets of man, events and a • xo of highways +? fir`;:v. ` _ ' �. '� a ° f �. g Give me an acre o tillable land, limited only by au financial resrourc- a t5. 5 has a 1 r e a d commenced 1, y s Give me the clovers swelet breath, es is 'being pushed florward vigorous- ' 1 4 ;,i tart $akin g A n g i e r' s Give me the chance to rusticate, and g M IEmulsion a$ once. Yona'll aaexbainly bore me to death! ]y and it is hoped that in a very shoatt 1.�i time when we invite our Ontario ,, �W;11 ]Being an emulsion ofspecially puri- 1 r' friends to motor to Manitoba theyGl °� "Afl4 Shed petroleum ANGIIER'S exerts a will be able to start and return with , f.., pp I£ you can mitart om a mwtor tour no mis vin a® to roads. §r `g I s >x 1` ; ,soothing, laxative action that y keeps the bowels in the normal with the certainty of knowing where And when they do come' they will 7 (IC t^� �; �1 you'ate going— find that they are roti historical ground s '. '' Iliea�thy condition so essential in , , •t : OM1: ' If you dont hwvie to stop eve five and where Prince Rupert s adveu- N ��� I :1 r,„ the prevention of colds, coughs y P a ' .IF � 11,%^ i, : minutes to 'look at your gas and oil— turers painfully struggled• through an @I. e:r ^, "„ and other winter ailments. If you make every turn and detour unknown wilderness, they will be able q .:r: 1� ntmo, L ANGIE1R'S has been recorn mepn- correctly, according to the guide to drive in comfort over a highway a` ,,I'llZ;`� �al�I,, ®d and prescribed by aline Medi- book— built by the descendants o£ those ad ".4. ,a �alIl ]I'poffessl®mm off Gt. 18rdaahtn and If you •are drivinfg along at just venturers to !Manata'ba's 'seaport. b " <0anad!a for over 3S years. the right speed for comfort and safe- � ' ;' p ;k A British Doctor carnes: "% frequently t - �r �i j1 coanmsnce the w i n t e r by t a k i n y ! ! ' ~ca r An�ior s emulsion, as 1 find It an ear® If you're certain that there iso t a C®MMIEIBCIIAIL 181E1E1F CATTLIE w dent tonio and prevalntative of Bron- squeak ora ratAtle in the old bus+— PRODUCTION � �� I meaatis." QSiQn®d)--It¢.ID. Look round, old top; the wife's g ti+ { Lon' heralded commercial cattle t� '4: 146 EQ eitherz asleep or she's fallen out some shortage has 'been so persistently de- �r where. . ` ferred a's to deprive prognosticators F its'111 1. of credence, yet tabs chapter of trade , ' `' .r. 5 I'll, r' ' history inscri'bed'. in 1928 demonstrates .f fa " , Thi young wife: "How do you like that the Tong period of beef plentitude v y �" e" �4 ' a ri: ,1{ EMULSION thfe joint, dear?" on this North American' continent has +f'' % . . 65a and $1.20•—ae all rdmggosd s Her hu's!ba'nd: "Fine; but where's passed. The adage that production � 4 f � . i the gravy?" f follows price rehabilitation of a some- It,, "I wondered how soon you'd mass what depleted industry is topical, but it, you absent-minded Troy. You it will necessarily con'sum'e time to 4„ .w �, ...5� didn't bring a drop with the meat.” beicomle effective. Curtailment of T� ldiONIE�I IIN 1LAI�/[lBS slaughter by approximately ane mil- •r c+ -- lion head in 1928 compared with the 1' The marketing of lambs is a stead par- t g y- previous year furnishes' at least 1 � "r ting factor in the Canadian sheep busi- {} o��o tial explanation of the highest sept of ,I ul ` 4� = 'ness,'and the higher i�he average qual- � �tl� f tti prices since inflation consequent on ak .� t �q have no}} t -yet advantage . ity of the lambs .produced, the stead- the Europearn war, in fact during the you 1 `­.� � '.�i�� fier production should be for wool pur- brief• boom of last August and early ?poses. The sheepman w o is making �61� � �� Se�ptemfber, some grades of cattle re- a p r'1 11'1rye, a specialty of producing ambs of the alined more money than during the , x' ", right quality and weight is in a posi- Dron t suffer from dangerous gas war period, or immediately tbereaf- TOTIf` . 1. �-, ...i.._I f tee t k d ® these � eL6�3 tem � Li 1�d 1 �� A �l ,$' 0 9 I. V tion to take the ups and downs of the pressing around your heart, from ter and the crops o s rs uc e wool market without following the sourness, bloating or pain of acid in- away by feeders at that period never.11 "in -and -outer" tactics in his produc- digestion. Stop worrying. Your cost as much money since Noah stock- %ficna—don't tion which are an unfortunate feature stomach simply needs an alkaline. For ed his historic, if not mythical Ark. . . ,m£ some sections of the live stock in- .safe, speedy, certain relief take a lit- Imbecility i . a pronounced human � � flow" dustry, tle Bisurated Magnesia—powder or chanccteristic, otherwise the wild set <:y tablets. It quickly breaks up the gas, of markets than developed during neutralizes the acid, stops the pain August and September would have 41 1 'THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS and keeps the stomach sweet and been impossible. Subsequent events USE NO OTHER MEDICINE strong and digestion perfect. It is resemble the headache that invariably doing this every day for thousands— foliows a debauch. Recently the fat Las� o %%]Baby's Own Tablets Are tine' Ideal r must do the same for you or menet' cattle market has been passing o �// �i� /�j)/%� ��j/ �� D � I n '']Remedy for Babies and Young refunded by reliable druggists the t.hnough a series of convnilsions, seek- Thi ff�D (�! (((//% (ll ���jjf//j ((((((ffJ/// (�j (/ jy Children. world over. ing a more stable price level, actual ,.. . I ly stability has been an, iridescent dream. A Canadian mothers are tooted for the Tho germ of inflation is latent and a Bargain �/f]6�'� /� 1.,care they give their little ones—the WIFEY AT THE WHEEL may be stimulated to activity at any , (�( (lam (/( go - 1health of the baby is most jealously moment, probability 'being that to- , guarded and ,the mother is always on Doctor (to patient who claims to be ward the •spring rise of grass when . plebe lookout for a remedy which is ef- a nervous wreck)—"What are your pasturemen's thoughts run to replace-` , 4'icient'and at the same time absolute'- symptoms?" ment. Even now symptoms of an , • • . ly s'a'fe. T'h'ousands of mothers have Patient: "I jump when I hear a ,,arly buzzing campaign may be de' found such a remedy in Baby's Own telephone, the door bell sends me in- tested in thre' Southwest. 1. film(K Tablets and many of them use nothing to hysterics. Any stranger coming Liquidation' of commercial cattle � n to j � � R �� ((�� ri��il�j� vn booelse for the ailments of their litble to the house frightens me out of my i'an its course in 1927. Substantial Chi �)�� C\„� j1 �J� l�lh one's. Among them is Mrs. Howard life, and I'm afraid to pick up a news- increases in values was responsible King, of Truro, N. -S., who says:—"I paper. Do you know what's wrong for drastic gathering in 1928. Feed- „ o can strongly recommend Baby's Own with me?" ers flushed with financial success, the t,(, j k �y��,.11Tablets to mothers of young children Doctor: "Yes, my wife drives a outcome of two seasons of phenoraieit- - �Cc�IrCa �t00 C�Iko 711 aIMg, Fe�'Ibm(ODIT'y 1�2)>t, o��1my y' as I know of niothing,,to equal them car, too!" al if not unprecedented profits, threw - for little ones." caution to the winds and a wave of Baby's Own Tablets are sold by speculation was responsible for a s o 0 0 medicine dealers or by mail at 25 somewhat spectacular climax. Now RR f� cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Most Q ���� �0 that trade atmosphere is somewhat Il��, (es � Il� klrth\(C��):r d! 6 � o� Q^ 1w4�SiS Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. clarified th- situation and the prospect __ Break cell E&87 may b^ intcleatu fly sugv ha', the ' `� •Y outstanding feature being that the o 0 hre­cler peen les the shtongPst. siert-I YOU WA II r cj NUTS ANT) iUliVl; Seven Out of Ten Are Victims of �Gic prsitionfin th' hi -ton, of the in- ��Im ��IRP buy � �7`��"I b i o --D, �� 1. Bladder or Prostrate Weakness. �liistry, the feeder the weakest. Last This particular Scct stcpp d into a ,rebs flow lir. Southworth's "Ura - telegraph •oflicc in r:r.w l n k and fall r than cattle were clwhileeFined up o 0 ,•,_ tabs" Bring Quick, Amazing Relief. rinse�• than ever }i�*Pore and while th^T. picked up one of the blunr:x. He �j{ f� j looked at the clerk behind the coun-, lt,st big steer may not hsva gone to �o�-U — 1 �j 2lLt Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, the fe_d lot, cottle above the yearling ter. much," he a.skecl, ,,is a tele- Bladder Weakness and Prostrate stage never have been as scarce, Gland trouble bring on so many dis- 0 0 0 gram to Chicago?" ve'arling., were gaffhered closer than " "A wire to Chica�ro." responded the tressing and often serious ailments— ;s en+e.rally sena' ci and 'both heifer '' kntn � cost you five that every sufferer from Lameness, and steer cal-ves went into feeders '- FIJI1okso �� oo� `�'ftTrO�, "'s�� clerk, prom#tly, "w ll co, , y pains in Back and down through cents a word for 'ten words. There hands in numbers that render rapid will be no charge fo'r the sig•nature." groins, Scaruty but frequent and recuperation of breeding herds and ° . "Thede will be no charge for the horning Urination, Getting -up -Nights, stock st+ ars fmpo sib'le. Not only I.�� y Now i lL1 V Vv o Nervous Irritability or Weakness and have several crops of beifer calves 1. o©�� 1\// ��� signature?" he repeated after a dt Lack of Vital Force—should test ithe and yearlings been, sacrificed on the ;, Pause. proven value of Dr. Southworth's altar of urgent beer( demand, but :I "That's right," said the clerk. URATABS 'at once! I The "Scot rubbed his forehead with Amazing testimony of Physicians young cows have trooped to tete Poke pencil. shamblie,s in an interminable pi^o'cps- " "Weld," he finally shaded, "suppose and users give convincing proof of sion, a large percentage of the fe R. . M the remarkable power of URATAB'S males on which the trade must de - you just, send in signature. —a special. prescription successfully 11 The Clerk grinned. used for more than 40 years in the pend for,. succeeding calf craps being -`All right," he said, "I'll do that average, which' will necessitate ifs- Bros,, oprivate pradtice 'of Dr. H. C. South- < seaforth for you. What's' your name?" poral to the butcher during the perk lr �Another use on the art of the worth. After only a few days use, twoor three years. t ,a condition ��/ � P a startling improvement is often not Soot. warrants assertion that 'a -good cow, t. "Well," he finally murmured, ='g iced—,as 'a multitude of ylarming capable of raising a calf ini the hands a�tay not look it, but I'm a red' Indian. symptoms begin to disappe'Cr. of a competenft, man is desirable pier- Through special arrangements and sopa] property. Cattle shortage, ac .And .my name is I -Wont -Be -Homme- to benefit those who cannot personally may b x" k� " ,�' Till -Friday!" - call on. the Doctor, URATAIBS can foal or impending, y e theoretical, ._ �'� ., , .: _ even visionary, but those who are un- - now be 'obtained from ally good, focal der replacemient. necessity realize _ druggist on a positive guarantee. ,of what has happened recently. Teacher (stressing difference Tae- money back on first box purchased Present conditions lack precedent. , tw'een, the rose and the mfodest vuo- if not fully satisfied. So tf you need Heretofore feed has +berm the domin- Ilm�t): "Now a well dressred, lovely a medicine of this kind, try 1J'RA- ant factor in dePoeriiiining cattle vol- take the market for such cattle out The test of the calhtla supply will That production 'based on Erse gaiass, for storage, or winter roughing 1 4 Ilfady goes aliong rthe street, but is TABS to -day. lies. A short corn' crop insured low of kill -era hands, they invariably pay come next spring or previously When cheap labor, low overhead cost and poses and e✓ilfl not figure far $lie ]proud and greets nobody—that is the prices Tor stock cantle enabling feed- a stiff penalty in the finality of the the pasture replenishmelit problem the fascination to capital of a ro- cantle supply of the early p t ry, nose -behind' her goes a small area- ars to calve Wirth addie+d coat of put- operation. High prices have gather- recurs and summer feeders will siker mantic sphere render recurrence im- 19+29 but transPem�an� was heavy � v tture with bowed head—•—" ]ROADS PROGRESS IN THE ting on gains. But under near condi- ed much of the inferior bovine popu- the market for another stet of cattle. possible. It was responsible for dis- ough to ,eliminate possibility of x8"� Pupil: "That is her husband." PRAIRIES tions feeders are wrestling with a lation of the country, affording an tip- Pessimism in feeding circles will van- lodging the 'beef -bred cow that, prior shortage in the acute genre, di vkk&a 4 I problem involving excessive initial portunirty for making a new start on ish the moment the fat cattle mar- to the Civil War was responsible for the first half of the new year, lam° ,a, Aunt: "What is thisi wireless lisle- News from Saskatoon on Decem- cattle cost, •plus expensive gains. The a basis of quality. ket makes .another upward ,barn. the an calf crop; its habitat be, moving cattle from one sa4s'cfon � ,; graphy that people melte so much ter 7th last told of a Mr. Smith and existing'situation wo}ild have been What may be expected' with rasa- Collapse of the 'albnarmally high ing kite blue grass area of the Misr another is not a creative process] rot?" a Mr. Johnson motoring from Saska radically different had expectancy of onable rertaiiuty is: market of last summer and (early fall sippi Malley. In obedience to the law than the Westin storehouse is roti 1,'�' Hans: "Well, auntie, think of one icon to The Pas, Manitoba, complet 50 per cent. corn this winter been re- Renewal of smock cattle buying to should be a warning against inflation. of recurrence or periodicity khat sow tering fewer cattle than fm ii i ,I@, .Y�Y��-•� ing the last 170 miles in ten hours. alized. As it is, an advancing corn replenish pastures before the rise of That boom put considerable easy is, even now playing a return en years is a recognized fact, In recEsta fr- -- This is sounebhing of an achieve- market has prematurely stimulated grass. money into te 'pockets of western gagemenk. Under new conditions it inig with fixture supply co ni alit r r,,, i meat to -day, but in 'tine Eight of our cattle marketing, creating. dertainty Rea'sonabl'e stabilization of fat cat- breeders who possessed sufficient as- is possible to grow a good calf, not must be taken of recent licgui idly¢ r qi' - experience 1% -Manitoba during the of another period of short fat cattle tie value's the moment that portion gmity not to overstay a goad m'arldek a nondescript, in this area for less of cows, persistent g ago of 0211019=- t , _ �. ?, last year or two, such a trip sten supply similar to that which develop- of the stock of feeding cattle laid in but the resultant crash- was visas- money than on the Great Plains or yearlings, increasing ago of n F I'll, though prolonged to Churchill, will ed last midsummer when killers, dis- last fall has gone into beef channels trnus. The present position o£ the in the Inter -Mountain, region and the cows that have evaded liquidation, t� �}' �" `� cause very little comment fire- years tributors and consumers had a foi%- and the residue works into strong feeder is. sufficiently disadvantageous home grown animal will have a dis- expansion, of iahe slieep imdu .,� . from maty. taste of 'actual beef shortage. That hands. to deprecate reckless investm'e'nt, es- tinct advantage over Wesberxn pro- which has eviipteil Poh4i cow and t� k":g! i It is difficult enough for us, living it will lye a recurring condition is A profitable market for well finish- pecially in heavy cattle. A calf, or duction in many respaots, not the ]coat shear from millions of guerss Of e v A , in itis province, to realize tits ire- beyond dispute. ed yearlings all through 1929 which even a yearling, will grow out of high of which will be early maturity as it seer grass, by iie�soxn Df'two piaoli" / mendous progress of transportation in Beed is a popular feted. with Amerri- willhave, the logical e'ffedb of valoriz- initial C0�4•t, but the 'big steer is a can be taught t10 oak at the Ci�0910 crops, wool 41Jid1 lamb, tunrnu�ll�' � tiaj�a. the last few yaaYs. cora consumers but there is always a ing th® new cal£ crop. desperate gamble, its only attraction before it as wean]: This opportun-' the fact that lai�lifkr .gr,ovVi'ng fik"xt s ,,C5_ ,1 Indeed, vine hove seem the incredible limit to the purchasing 'capacity of Imperative salvage' of heifers to re- bein+g the fascination' of 'an uncertain• ity will be distinctly advantageous to phernomenafl9y pi 't�bl'e iii' �a "f� -" � become commroanlplaee so ofPo2mv lately the multitude'. A minority will buy place discarded average mows' will re- draw, which puts it in t'h'e same class the Shorthorn cow with its mincing years pest, �5°o5talptifC; �b�l� sir,., than it would be a bold man who it regardless of eost and in such em• duce the supply of calves available as a popular Americom, game that can capacity, under physical ootidsti4la� ei�r®ir �t(a ,div ffiy n5'' �'Gy x li I1 r� ; ', A would limit an prophecy that lvag erg+ericvns a develfolxsal recently re- for feledin'g purposes. be played, with less physical effort and conducivre to m'aximumi resuli�, itai�ing >a�c� fm�11�+. �h�1 ��� '=40 r , _ ture concerning prop Zetive, cot mw- po ilPaili r i f w l ii • �' . ;v .A p itc ten eine has been in tri- isms will result fiv sfurlther ap quicker conclusion. p i � - fi ?{ • , , to do with il�am toba's� development in course is lied' to a lower grade pro- Remuanarative commcersal breediii>g has the additional advantages of a Nothing reliable o$i +stmti.�ti+s2s1 na- nisi x inn stpraft ' ^ the next decade, duct. Th ,d y operant gt "' v ' ► 15th last a art of infemi- dente ireoetiutly, fltilills sdiowing marls- reciationi of values o 11WOTO of The itvsnnt major desvlslop�rcaesnPo in 1�sf coal cttli suplrly, evtir� '+`arm t arl� �l�rmpaI An.~1 ter , On Junin of Pohl le 'sl�tiiitcaoar� xif trade, ed pneem ffor wari ed -up sus breitig sage end eaari rmt jest the crib]® .production ret pro s�stubh srtooltsr n�titl feedeit �1 ,"'`1t it`dt a>�d►?a1tlia f>ailriaa rt ;_,� b g ! p • :§oto fors-si ht to dssge b . '�2=. ire wity 1�a appr+��tlinm2ui 1 ��1� �� ar �' �i 0� iib '.ta �� W�a11 ainadian '1�aninfa rt 2e A.�to'eefation s'e113ng frota $19 dfown, agn'o•rillg QF_11 staple yof usletulne0s. B � , '11 1. O t, ,. t lis�i>trt b rnrc tea t ros t%n r. as a' 1 rs , , " A a ax vd iiha't div*t9 Ailztaeing wlnies ompa craws ptrn'd'itita ire li ! , ,u �. , �, !hw� a1ss1 eliamiroer 'of xt9inlfs r iagg Ines o xi bsis�er �.. ! p t1i1Yl ` t tb � � , ti �� f thmxti of'ish sPos the lot to Pon#ly 5ira€I teffitiu my �' 1 ik...� . r.i°w s; , F .°:,� �. f > va mow, Ill ,, :; � u� „ , :, ; t71, It did by p axw syAb' ttdli is �a � , , r � it , -. > . w s , , . a s.. .Will(' 4T AD ha �� ��Mv obonoi;n€t � p� � . � ;�tf� �,9� �.� .� l was s�lit> i alixuabla� ,..,.. . I , ., , vinntis ,. _ ,.. n v ::', mom. ':.1'. Tiilftll&4ll- flrxY iYlYil'a�'R! 'ii'i'Yn" "{'', S ., 1�, ,b.a ' ,+U..,uki"'ik %�' J*,:',tii�.,a 111 .1,r � � �s : fit, ave- ve•, �r� 4 , _. ;, . ff _ 1 .. .. .. ... ,_,..R .. „ � :",,. 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