HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-01-11, Page 8f
�, rVr ; i � ,�g.,��D S,P�V./.C��S
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.1'fl1 V1. let '.' .f^ ....,.• •. ...
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4 , CITRONS and
llpaHl i ' �fpor
'�! ? -*N� 'MOLA�SS.ES •
"Il� a+ -.,; , ^ l iii ,peps Ad ...... ...
awes r N;tsn #llt111; P - Highest
k' " e \aceuralble, I
' +,.
1l �6
centsy for .. .... . .... ..
Fin til'' , to 35c
;, n,� 11 I' - v .art 'basket.
r st APES -Present value 25c
a �". - %sound for .................
1 2 pounds ..................
`ii;;g41 t P,A.-Black, Green or Mixed, with
1 • . china cup and saucer
�/ �r
Fpound ............ ........rfl�cJ�
' , >,, !'BROKEN SODAS
Pounds ..... ..........
10 Pounds ..}...........
a , :;,.
'ma RICE KRISPIF.S, 2 for .........25c
notice. All kinds of up- ,
��. IPUFTED WHEAT 2 for .......25c
`. KELLOGG PEP, 2 for .........25c
-KELLOGG'S KRU1,'IBLES, 2 for 25c
PUFFED RICE, 2 for ...........35c
CRAPE NUTS, 2 for ...........35c
If. I1�. Hut�c�hIlo(bln
Salesman in Huron County during
Fall and Winter months to sell fru11
{;tuxes, flowering shrubs, etc. Goo(
may. Exclusive territory. Whole oe
part time arrangement.
We own. and operate a modern, well
Equipped Nursery and supply ou
asudomers with the best in qualit;
mad variety. Sell hardy, Canadian
grown. Nursery Stock and you will Ib
,successful. Our agency is evaluable.
Established 35 years.
II? 3.L--RA�Ii NURSERY 0®,
Toronto 2, Ontario.
_. . - 3181x
JT _ i.: .
T& t shall it 1�e? A turkey, duc
..aWeken, a roast of some kind, --a nia
steak. Whatever you choose at th
1Bmteher Shop, it will please you as
pour guests. Our meats are cmvsi+
ared the bast in the market. Tho
satisfy the most particular'.
Why not order your Chris�tm:
1F`ow•l early that we may pick you of
e choicest?
, ",, vrant to take this opportunii
'"ti�riish our nanny Friends at
Patrons, the Happiest and Merrie
(Cibcistmmas of all.
Ges, C ameir o n
x 4 May, sakes
a I�
� ..
1' ,gV�12
rr.k���,�i�'{iT�ldlfrfff 1>2e" `"s'�1
ii9a in has e.Qidecelon ox rropia}er were
a largo• number of medals vron at
,' ,. - ,res«.« : �. •,x � � ,: SCA .r, �
to . j[aiae .yy��y� : ., y� .py�gp9 "$'t..
,'" Ir
�l �u jQj jj f�, r-
O. . 11111 ,M 0 A F'sm •• I
Canuln �lmdQ1'(..5.:1 F?]i�kk4�._
Funeral Director and
, -Y'll
r�meets le
Licensed Buthalmelr.
l yA
? R
Finest Motor and Horse-
RivaZ ` �1of d44�: a rAald®rs,
drawn equipment. Beattie ,
Blocl% Main Street, opposite '
�p ��., g C
x311 iullbg,° Vase 'l�hq$i2&b$ .W oiips,
to W R . li ,Ole, Elillues
The Expositor Office. S. T. '
` t�
Holmes, residence, Goderich
•Stryeet West; Chas. Holmes .
North Main Street. '
�'r �.
Flowers furnished on short I
notice. All kinds of up- ,
bolstering neatly done.
Phones: 119 or 308
x 4 May, sakes
a I�
� ..
1' ,gV�12
rr.k���,�i�'{iT�ldlfrfff 1>2e" `"s'�1
ii9a in has e.Qidecelon ox rropia}er were
a largo• number of medals vron at
,,, , , ..
z . Real :`tl� :. '1'c^N X@sx' g ''
,' ,. - ,res«.« : �. •,x � � ,: SCA .r, �
to . j[aiae .yy��y� : ., y� .py�gp9 "$'t..
ffila� �Wv e � al e
,'" Ir
t.hroug7hout Wl,sGern Oaltario.
N ,eW Bel*. *;"A u s waxer near stoR h...
Canuln �lmdQ1'(..5.:1 F?]i�kk4�._
, -Y'll
r�meets le
local Lions I
%i<e took great pride in the 1 l ni
Club and their work on. behalf of the
kiddies of the town and though uni-
IIFa d�°6'r5 F 11 p:0 ZQ0 Journals , 704 ] ls�tita171. lE&e ta14-�. Rwvea . B
]iD.ay llll&aa t '. IGaus&a l( aflolsja Snell-Oouaacal-- a srsr ,< J. Christie
B. X .fUncis" U. IEiaerlang and; E. C.
t rn� 3004S
l yA
? R
Comlpany, novo ctf London, was oar -
little epoosition.
RivaZ ` �1of d44�: a rAald®rs,
able to .speak, gave unanistaleable • evi-
d f h' a -i ion of -the work
Pied with
�p ��., g C
x311 iullbg,° Vase 'l�hq$i2&b$ .W oiips,
to W R . li ,Ole, Elillues
ionto, and Miss Minnie and Dr. Chas.
Mackay, of ,Seaforth. The funeral
��t '
encs o is pp
or the Club. He is sumived, by his
widow, Edith Mlacoun Nevin Mackay,
o w C
Ink nl'itlflucilage ,as
ln� • ' 1P43ACIIO d
coultia; Public utilities, John hinds
(accl.).. " The Iby-law to .grant $10,0'00.All
. _{
Nhom he married in 1922, and three
to than Jia; sidle ,� Lumlaer
sisters and once brother, Mrs. Lack
Comlpany, novo ctf London, was oar -
little epoosition.
Kennedy and Miss Elizabeth, Q£ To-
Pied with
Ski ANS 51P �AILa� ���. 1ID1I5�'IL� �®�GIEWT
ionto, and Miss Minnie and Dr. Chas.
Mackay, of ,Seaforth. The funeral
lBOQDI�ST(ID try . ••_ - IEAiFOu�7r�
(private) will be held on Friday af-
Subscriptions tiUen for ali magazines
-Nantes:,-.M,essrs. W. Hbegy and P.
i . .
ternoon, January 11th, to the Mait-
and papere:pt publisher's prices.
Eckert, who attended Mr. Simmons'
Tema is Your Opportunity to Sade Real PVi oneY.
landbank Cemetery, Seaforth. Friends
_ _-
dispersion sale of •Swiss 'herd
from 4 to 9 p.m., Thursday. -Com.
of cattle . 149t ,week near Waterloo',
Leader, Mrs, Fred' Delbridge; assist-.
and report the sale amounted to over
$8,000: Mr. Simmons disposed of his
16 -inch Pure Linnen
81 -inch Silvershuttle
36 -inch ]Bleached
For sale. -A Vega cream separator, 300 rbs.
ant, Mrs. Wes. Johns.
farm, Lot 15,, Corieessio p 8 McKillop,
Mission Circle Of�LcerS:—iC�lcers Of � r p
Sheeting, heaviest
Cotton, heavy quality'
enrvcity. only •:-ed four months. John Me-
Willan, Roxboro. ,11+i7.sf
the Mission ..+(9irebe are as follbws:-
a year ago and went in on stock raises-
ing on a large lranch in Waterloo
• SPECIAL � 4e
Eleanor M. Snider. Organist and choir lead-
er of Egmondville United Church, teacher of
Honorary President, Mrs.
Johns; P'xesidient, Lena Pym; vice-
County. --Miss Marie Murray left last
' YARD ....... 8
YARD • • • • • • • • U
YARD ........
Pianoforte, Vocal and Theory. Studio at Mrs.
president, .Ri&t14' .Skinner;
week for WiflldsOr, -where she has se-
• •
J. Stewarts, Egmondville. Phone 16-160• Sea-
forth 3187_1
ing Secretary,,l+lorence Herdman;a2nd
cured a. position. -Last Saturday's
rain licked up all the snow, but since
�® �'� �® ][�]�+'][� �',]+�N']�, ®gi']i� [�][d][a, . 1i®��`S
i.. a
Burgess Portrait Studio, Mitchell, makes a
specialty -of wedding and family group photos.
d k will tease on
COrrt-&POndin Secretary, Mas. Len
O'Rielly; See ®teary, Mrs. Ewart Pym;
D •st
then we have had severe weather, ,but
the high winds left the snow in piles
, , , , , , , ,
,l 20 TO 33 ,1-3 PER CENT. OFF ALL .... DRESSES & '� -
ur prices an or \ P y • Treasurer, Lavona ooper, rganl ,
_ _ _1. _ 3187-1 11elen Mulch assistant, Olive. Prance; and the roads are in poor shape for t® TO 50 PER CENT. �g+'�`+ A1L......... SKIM ' „'
Are You Troubled with your e•tomach 7 For cars �-=Theo opening of our school was 1' 20 TO 50 PER CENT. OFF ALL . • ... • • WAISTS �'
Papers Wanted. -If any subscribers 6ndige Uican or ulcer. Dr. McLeod's Stomachi Mute Box :.Secretary, Marjorie; Del- P g
i, guaranteed ,or your money back. At Aber- bridge; AssDgate Helpers' Secretary, called off until next Monday as a ,• 20 PER CENT. OFF' AL]L. � CURTAINS having Issues of The Expositor of hart's Drug Store. 3197-4 great many scholars were still on theI 11
December 28, 1928, would they be Miss Elva Horn- Press Press Secretary, ALL ............
Jerseys For Sale—Three Registered Jersey Marjorie �Hlunher• Christian: 'Steward- seek list. a v 2® ][�][�',]�, �;][+;N`,]�, OFF AJL.eJLJ. , , , , , , , , , • , ��E��tN�'.0 '
good enough to leave the same at this heifers and 1 Regis,tered Jersey bull, from 4 ' • a
office, as we are in urgent need of to 11 months old. Also part Jersey cow. ship and Finance Secretary, Miss JII U LJLeAS�l R EIEN . 50 PER CENT. OFF' ALL , .... .... • MILLINERY L]LINIERY I
half a dozen or more copies. You could get an option on a Jersey heifer Herdman; ,Secretary Strangers' De- 2® PER ,ENT. OFF ALL ........ UNDERWEAR EAE
- calf to come in two weeks. Charles Barnett, partment, Mils Bessie Bell; !Mission= Notes.-Owin. to so much sickness
Box 303, Seaforth. Phone '176. 3197x2 ary Monthly, � Secretar Miss Lnla 8 20 PER CENT. 0.1+'�° AlLIIa .... e ...... HOSIERY a'
Hocks The Seaforth Junior 0. H. the service was withdrawn on Sun-. g
Hockey.—The House For sato.—Sia-roamed frame house Hunter; auditors, Kenneth Johns and day last. The Young People's League c� �y�v qv r�ry 1�t �• GLOVES
A. team got the only goal after ten on Jarvis Street, with hard and soft water, 20 JC ER CEN JL . ®JL � _AJIJJLe . . . . � .. . ... . L71 Ld® ll 11JS
minutes overtime, an a hot game at electric .lights and furnace, also a good barn Iaeimar -Skinner. which was to be held.on Monday eve 2® �y�,� U�Nr�,. ®g+'�` A�a1L, • .. , SILKS
Clinton on Tuesday. Ever bo on with lights and water; one acre of land un- nir}g. was alsoa postponed until the r,
Every y der cultivation- Write to Box 157, Seaforth, Tv��qTAI �RVTGa Q e • y
the line up was there with the golds, oat 3186-tf (L lel 1�7CE following Monday evening, January 2® PER Q��,�jT. OFF Aj[�j[ , . , , 4,`LDRESS GOODS
and if they improve as much in their v- Notes. -Miss Mildred Britton re- 14th. -Mr. Walker Carlile, Wesley _'s 20 PER CENT. OFF ALL , .. � . 9 ... S�A��LIF�S
next two zoos which are played in Richardson and William Taylor, who 't
g ( turned to Toronto on Tuesday of. this 20� PES, C ENT. O ]F� ALIL..... , , SMALL WARES
Seaforth), they will be hard to beat. Death of Miss Murchie. -The death spent the holidays at their homes
occurred at the home of Miss McDer- week after spending two weeks with have returned to Windsor again, -
All they need is your support, so get her parents Mr. sand Mrs. William `2® IP]E]E� C]Ed'N7C. ®FF �e�e �Le][N®�e�i U 5 91Yfld �$�T�uS
out to the games. mid, Goderich Street, west, on Sat- Britton.-The1lurch services were mss Agnes Love, of London, spent a �,�,�e �,��• ��,�o
c urday, January 5th, of Miss Catherine withdrawn on "Sunday last owing to few holidays at her home, returning s v s
Huron Old Boys' Annual Service= Murchie, one of the oldest residents to London on -Saturday to resume her i
the flu.--&Rr..Jeseph Riley, Sr., has
of this distriet.MissMurchi,e was the position. -Master John Farquar re ,
The members of the Huron Old Boys daughter of the late Alexander Mur- been ',ill with the flu attd
Association of Toronto will attend g seriously turned to has- home in Hensabl after 5�_1lIlu��i1 �al��� I®�IIIl113LS 3�_IlIIll��iu ]}moi �3171IlII����tt�
bronchial �pneumonis.=Mr. and Mrs. A
divine service at the Carman United chis and Jean Hamilton, and was born spending a few holiday,, a his grand- �,
at Ayr, Scotland, coming to Canada T. Walters entertained' about sixty aremt's.-Mr. John'Kue er and M �• �'004� Ha'91,Vj7 �tlldlIltC ®1(° Striped
Chvrch, corner Pauline Avenue and f their friends. on Wednesday even- P. g �v
Blrnor Street West, on Sunday even- with her .parents seventy-five years q"' Alf. Philip left for Toronto recently, '�Sr�(Dlii(1�T• eJ�D��iii�� �IAaD,iltjT
ing of this •week, :and a very enjoyable
ing, January 13th, at 7 o'clock, when ago. The family first settled in Ham- -=-•We are pleased to report that Mr. ;
time was, spent. -+Miss Jennie Mann 1SSiC ]PIC7tCC C�iS�d.. Sale Price, OC Yd.
. the annual sermon will be preached iiton, where they resided" for a short James Jarrett is getting along nicely ,, s
is laid up with an attack of appen-,
r by Rev. George Balfour, D.D., an Us- time before coming to the Huron after his recent accident with his °s .
dicitis. Miss Mann is having rather
Tract, where they made their horiie at hand.=lVZr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane • re- ,:
. borne old boy. All Huronites in the Walton, afterwards moving to Win- a serious time ,:of it,,, -as .previous to turned home again after spending a 3`� inch Prints—Light or Dark pattetils,
a city and vicinity are cordially invited this she was ill for six weeks with
thio where Mr. Murchie was the few weeks with their daughter and °S
to be present and take part in the P, rheumatic- fe`a�er: -Mr. Wjljiam Dale clearing at ......................... � IC Yd -
first postmaster, hoff,ding that ofilce son in Chicago. Mr, Keith Love, who �
service. goes to Toroirba. on Saturday. , I.
.�- until his. death about fifty years spent a couple, . weeks' holidays 'at
later. For a few years after Mr. ��- T his home here has. x�turned to To- 3' �2 lYiCt¢ �irlllg;1121T11Sc'aI1jT �D�ttCTC1�Sy SC(',I�l" 19 4 Yd.
o Death of Mrs: t T. F. Coleman- ionto Llnivexs g
Mia old Seaforth• friends will sin- Miirchis's death, Mrs: 'Murchie and I+"aIE�IE yty 8 a3n( �Mr.. Iilu h ? e;.
i cently regret to learn of the death of daughter' carried on the store and l Angus Murray D1es.-=Angus -Mur- Love has 'purchase Wada radio. 1
ostofRce until Mrs. iVlurchie's death. _?
Mrs. Thomas Coleman, which occur- P ray deed on Wednesday,,nn°ght at his �F'�� ® (r,'®t$OIIIl `�'� IlIlI� ki iF`Il gilll��R�t
when the home was broken up and �.
red suddenly at her home in . Wlinni- hpme : on Main .street. The deceased' �!�� � A 60' ' W61 ht . ,'Lfiht `or Dark
Miss Murchie made her home with was.rin hes 76th ear and' lied=re�kired Notes.-�Qu number `in the vi- n' , gr
peg, on 'Thursday, January 3rd. 'Mrs.', ; �
lien aunt; Mrs. Angus McDermid; and a was bgra in, ,Stan cinity are ill, with 'the flit. Tha .schooY Por ,,ffi, �" 1)i§e& - Sti'I S. is
Coleman was a' da hter'aal the late Last spring - (, , Y : i
her cousins, Malcolm and. Tena.' Shy ley Township,, here he arm1e41 fora will re -o en ,Monday. Owi to so ,;
William Robertson; of 'Oakville, and. P. S65C$iS'���; Sel$�,b Y
for man ears Mr: and Bifxs. Cole- vias a devoted. mreilnber of the Presby•, bpi ,orf rs. After,. eeAl 4 the much, sickness it• wa's, closed -for. a ;
y y terian Church at �VinCliYo sail' later R c r._ . • ...- .: .. _ 1.
man were gnromin at residents of Sea- P �Fio'mesteadi .,' hi'c,. : is located on the week, .: There- was,, a small attendance
forth. where they aesided until about ir. Seaforth and was -at all••'times a' Goshelt une -yens oved to UWA4ub)p at divin�.services .on Sunday -last ow- '' •, t
18 years ago, when. they moved to diligent student of the Bil�lea and , -new k-he;rl8 e-.Waater - _ wast, ing,to- the epidemic. --+Mr. IDa�del Mie- �1�1II6�lse � i �Tl e`�0-ItnC 11 ' 1I k°'`�
Winaaipeg. The remains were brought true frienfd. After a shelf �''311ne and: front.. hey&s�% �`tsekersr0A t Kell , bf.'Detroit,::Visited at his home �Kt1P� �Sg°gC 9 1i` Fllt°StS a AIBP
to 'Oakville for• mbar tient atm Monday. she passed•• peacefully. away, the'rc- of Hensall. ,9 a"lved his o •the Novi•eYars holida aMis ����
1.mains bein laid to rest irr t e'family ` h Y. p �CSi �CSV�i'�IASiIt�P Glass °d°�W�Itll>!]i>l�'
g. ,4 widow, glee Ann ',Stever and iia MisC;talloeh :speat a part of the11
plot at M�iitbaaidbank Cvmhdi cj';"the a, famil of�111 t, hq_#a ,season ,with ,her aunt iii ,. White, orP direr ' x
Home and S¢lgtOoIl �4ssa�enailiolm:--The y f taco.=,sonl}r A-�;g' & dO a�%� 1flC
funeral t4rvices on, Tuesday, being of :Usborne, icir L:, ,; ucker� -+-'Mrs. (Rev.) Mcl�ay,_ who
Home and 'School Association will hold �flblC �Ol'S�OI°S -
its regular montdhly sheeting. Monday, conducted by Rev. %. B. Kai; of First smitail, arsd tw dajllghte F1Sthe;fi,Pe tele Ghrismas ,holidays w6h. • ,
January 28th, ab foam o'clock, in t11e Presbyteri2a Church. , Mrs.; klobext J,.�,,
.IbSi •-Rf E7� i •, )iex..parents';. Mr.,and Mrs...3Jas ;SCbtt, SP401 fly ® �' ��ff�" SR�� Civ ��� ����
kindergarten room; of the pulblic an GeOtkude,
. `9fih11$ k, 1 = retul=ried .to :her,,hoane 1r1 {9ET,a14sertoln
Local ]Briefs -The mang f;;enols of Ke�l*sn `o#� Lond'fxaa. Besidea;tihicee_sia- on -Thursday,-�We are sorry to hear � � ^
school (if pernvlssibly. 'Further no- `' that Mr. Hugh Currie, who resides a
tics will be given. Miss Florence Mr. James Robb will be glad to beam tars s}tnrvive, Mks George Saunders,��?oW �Iltt�� ®Fi' pg®� IiB94g�1®Pell Ir11cL'
that he is recovering from'a serious of Te'' -t- Mr Williarsi.•Palmer of little east of..our village, is .very ill k
Beattie will' sing and Arthur Golding s• you co of afford t� ass Without inspecting, ing,
will play a violin solo. WL- would attack of pleurisy. ---•Miss Margaret H ton{ and Mrs. (Rev.) Roderick with pneumonia' � � � � ,.
like to remand our friends and mem- Kennedy and Miss Annie Kennedy Murray, of Evanstown, near Chicago, Death of ,M,r Donald MbKellar.-- 'this unusua o$ ey-Sa;Vlilll� event. -
hers of the paper and magazine col- have returned from Stratford, where U:S.A. The funeral, which was large- Another of Cromaatty's oldest resi-
lection again this spring. Will you they spent the holidays with friends. dents has passed away in the person I;" f'
please save them for us?. -Cor- -Mr. Ken Ament, who spent the _ of Mr. Donald McKellar in his 80th
Christmas holidays with his parents, ' • year. His death took place at the SH e responding Secretary of the Home and School Association lirl[r. and Mrs. W. Anent, returned to 1929
home of his daughtery- Mrs: Thomas 11
Jq- �
` Calgary on -Monday. - Mr. Fergus Scott, on Thursday, December 27th. e ®��®
Wright left this week for Goderich, The deceased had been a life-long SEAF®RTE1 e o
I- Duncan Cup Hockey. - The first where he has taken a position as EM =7 Mo resident of Cromarty and vicinity, ,
y round of the juvenile hockey league .barber.-lMrs. Ellen Aurray, Goderich and was a member of Cromarty Pres- ' .
-vas played off on the Palace Rink on Street, Wrest, is suffering from an at-- <. byterian church. In politics he was
Z Saturday morning. Owing, to the tack of pneumonia.-Mv. Wm. Kul- " " a staunch Liberal: He is survived by -"'
1t prevalence of flu some of the teams drew, of Hamilton, is visiting at the ��'� �' . IIaP�'IIl�' ��llal�'S his aged wife, one son and four dau-..,•' :
were not at full strength, ,but there homes of his sisters, Mrs. J. R. Scott each one.,,Of flay call do in ghters : Mr. Lindsay McKellar, of
were two good battles from gong to and Mrs. Robert Scarlett. -Mr. -F. G.
the year that is just opening. Cromarty; MTs. George Wallace, of ,
y gong. The hockey was fast and Neelin who left two weeks ago for E-CIAL d g Carlingford; Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, _
cloa-• and gives promise of a good Florida, where he intended spendingWe solicit at''least a share Of s + 1
1t season. lVba le Leafs won tilde first of Cromarty; Mrs. Horton McDnu- , ,
P the winter with Mrs. Neelin, was tak- your trade. YOU Would Make gall, of the south boundary of Hib-
game 1-0 from the Canadiens. Gin- en ill at the home`of ,has son' in To- bent. �Orre daughter, Jean, died some
ger Cardno notched the only goal of ron'to, and has since been confined to Bo mistake. •
the game in a scramble in front of bed there.. +Mr. McAlpine, of the Mas- years ago. He has one surviving lis -
the Canadian net. Cardno, Case and P ter, Mrs. Waren 'McGill, of Mitchell. '.f `
the Cana drew minor penalties. Sam seiy-,Hlarris agericy, !has leased gtihe. vi Mr. McKellar was one of the few sur-
ffi € P residence of Mr. Charles Holmes, on • BEA7 . ®So ..
Rennie and his Millionaires downed Dvilid relatives , the celebrated 20 Per Cent, f �North 'Main Street, and is now oc- David Livingstone, whose body lies' in ��"" j
the weakened Maroons to the tune of cupying it.--4Hlarry, -the little son of Westminster Abbey, London England, ii
5-2, with the team captain netting all Mrs. H. R. 'Scott; is seriously ill with' amongst the greatest of the land.
the five goals. Evan Rennie and pr:eumonia Miss Ria Hills, who -
D'Orleon Sills scored for the losers. spent the Christmas holidays with her ��®g ®oo o �.
> Frank Sills drew the only penalty of parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hills, r1�CKILLofF Dloal-m-® , s an(&Wat'lles
> a fast game for tripping the big bro- in Egmondville has returned to A Good Team. -Mr. Frank Cole-
> ther. Managers and players are re- Oshawa. - Mrs. D. McCowan and rlian delivered an extra fine matched • i ••f
> minded that the games for the re- dailghter, who spent New Year's with HOCKEY' team of black Percheroils to Mr. F. Buy Now and 5ZV(B i 0fl
> mainder of the schedule will be play- Toronto friends have retufned home. ;carlett, of Leadbury, one day last "
ed at 9.30 and 10.30 instead o£ 10 , week. Fred •always keeps a good �'(��
> -Mr. J. M. McMillan, manager of . 11�/ ES70DT JEWELLER
> and 11 o'clock. The games for Janu- the Provincial Bank is confined to his team and prefers the Percherw ng c l
> ary 12th are Canadiens vs. Maroons 'home with an attack of pneumonia..-®�C�iPIl��Il �� School Report. -The followi rg is
> and Millionaires vs. Maple Leafs. The churches, vdhich were closed on the school report of S. S. Union No. `. Phones 64 W Residence 64 J.
> Anyone who has leisure time on Sat-. Sunday last owing to the flue epi- ����®��� 1, McKillop, for months of hTovernber `
> urday morning will be well rewarded demic will be open for services • on THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th and December: Sr. IV -Catherine1. „ x . .
> by coming down to watch the kids go. Sunday next, and the Public and Sep- Lane, 76%; Willi•am Nigh, 701. Jr.
> There is still some standing room left arate Schools and Collegiate Insti- 8.19 .p.m. 1V -Mabel Nigh, -759/5. Sr. III- -
> for next Saturday at the usual price tute will re -open on Monday. -b- Mr. FrancesyFortune, 87%;• Adelaide Mur- -^ - - ^-'
Dorene Nigh, 77%; Peter
> oi< nothing each. The standing:- W. Brine, of Toronto, spent. several PALACE RINK, S1�AFORTH ray' 80, ' g ' B, .'
> Won Lost Points days here this week with his sisters. Murray, 6'65e. 'Jr. II-•�Auibrose l*iig+h; •
Ma e tseafs 1 0 2 y Goderich defected Seaforth in 8,5%- Jack Fortune 80ol0. Sr. I- a4 \ R y 9
> -Mrs. I. B. Maine, Mrs. T. S. Smith, the rpening gains •in'°Goderich, '' ' '/ t. N I
> Millionaires ....... 1 0 2 DZrs. J. C. Greigand Mrs. H. J. Gib- Margaret Murray (absent). Jr. I. -
BUT it's a diffge]tsit learn they'll 1ldbexi Devereux. Jr. Filmer Peter a,
> Maroons 0 1 0 seri were in Clinton on Tuesdayat- y Florence Murray, Aileen Murray,
Canadiens ......... 0 1 0 meet in this axile. 5�ou'!1 got o 0
tetnding the HurorQ Presbyterial of more than your"'ixbneys wbrt'h. Nigh, Jos h Ryan, Frank Devereux, i�3j�j {{ �j�
� the W. - M. S. of the Presbyterian Lawrence Joseph
'T resa Carpenter, �v uus�e .Qualfty Comnts We rim k•
Death of W. C. P/1! ackay,Mr. Wil- Church. Mr. A. A. McLennan is mov- ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 25c Teacher. y,_
Liam Mackay, ,barrister, formerly of ing into the residence he ree,elrltly ORANGE 'MARMALADE,h7(g LARGE PRUNES. ��� <
Toronto, died at the residence of his' purchased and remodelled on . lU h Chas. Holmes, I E. Willis, Eighth Line Notes.�Mv. Lawrence for J
g Mer - s endidg left •st Wednesday CORN,S'YReP ... .. � BLEAOHED RA%SINS • �
brother, Dr. Charles Mackay, here Street.••-�Mr. Welber Keys, of V•a�J'rna, President. - Bedar'd3tary. - ............ ...............
Wednesday morning. About four has purchased the McLean farm on after -spending a couple of weep at
his 'honve here. Mir. and Mrs. Charles 5 pounds pound
years ago he suffered a slight stroke the 1VIil1 Road, at present leased by Eggert, Miss D 11a Egge t and Mr... PURE HONEY $� 25 11nowSab, AsImoll, G�jo
of eparalysts in his office in the Im- Mr. Nicholson: Miss B. Grieve has x k Sunday at 10 p'olm'ds .......... Cp ° 3 PWIMgea.. .......... e�
Jelin Richmomme, seen
penal ,Bank Building, Toronto, and returned 'from Windsgx, where sets tete harms of Wis. uncle, Mr. °
was recovering when a more severe spent the holidays with her brof.kar, , '. n EIPSClUC SALTS AND PURE SULPHUR
one occurred; ,which deprived him of e ,, Oha�fes Lohr, east of Monk4on; and g pounds ..........:...... . 20
.�~? v,rere acedfhpatud harms Yo -y Eresr aunt,
speech and the use of This right arm YJ a§ have a lane selection of Prints assorted "colons and patters to
�•I• I •I•rY� Mrs. 9)gitriah,:of Ajtbn, *ho slent•a aeliobsa i'xarn;'also •a few Gin
and leg. However, he wasAble, with TE1L UPrM LF, g A 'q y,
the slid of a nurse, .to talcs a gihort Al h
�„ h (` ;p vaeek �haLlre. = lTilir'. and :'deers. Aldk. hams left' walit vparranted.. T- 0
Stoop) fs bf Fallarton, tipent a day To, cloax, Ilex yard .
trrrallc overt' morning, until a wool; o W. 1 S. OfilceRs: �°he oiEllcers bf ,i 1H`LANXIBL 'lg'TE, 1 yard wide, h¢�avy quality. 2� I
when,, 5t t>araa al�eexl :he s ging the W. M. S, of the ch'UMIa .aro " 9 - r • �(as ' leek• a 'Taome of, lillx. and . der yam ..................... .
treaker and hb 7ra,plft fa&A tarn Tait, fbI1010�: President, Mgrs.. Chao. �'olmi; M 7�dxs. � ' v gaiYe� w4�uita� �• �iasr<lberr on +"i�i'S � a a
' Ami WOOL QD-S4D n[�
e0i tbbk lee. s born In the 9 'rcicltires. Mrs. Rs�,' ►lfid'; M11X .:tsar% ala.tll suil'etitsb with the .... �U�
(y�$att �i9t. for , .
4 sb erre b Sri Secr ro 1Jls'ss..,, La� �, �, v a i °res - . Les51e its ssii,, of Detroit, : ATraite L ; CI D �Q1r E9]L i�T� inches vmide.
bi hlj, tri Il1[cll)zle , h d : ? . '. ,, ..• , . g i"yY
e aaTl �[al'.v� �r ...� Slt,~rfsex• Jcorrdi Ss�t r n I �� gels:.'lolidaj:;`>rttbx•, at Ynls lnbsiti�
p+ v ... � ,' .. 'Tr 1.• , 9# & yard, or 4 yards fasf ... > Y9...,.... $ a
l'ifiP APJ,I� S` ter h eTJ aztV$rrs•• O°, gait state .. 9
!. `R
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. IWOA 1'�'ael 4 r6&4 rob t - I 'a. TV". kraft. t° 'ifltr6-o" .'also
A11 , -� ," y
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