HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-01-11, Page 7- I I I � - . � 1,��,;� ,� I '':. . 1 , , . I I I I 1. . I I I ­ - 11 : ­- 1-1 ­­­ 1- ­-­ ­­­ I - ­­­ ­­ ---- I . � I ­1­111­11­111�W- --1-1--W! ,�- 4— ". 1: -111111 I., , � .1 , ,. . ., . I I . . . . I I I 1. . . . I . � ", �. �,K­ :.�","' " I I I.` , , ': �� ; , ,� , . I . r " ; . I I I . I , ­ � , . �'':, , " ­ . , .;" ., �:f , :� '' � " I : I . � I . .1 I I ... . . I , "" � - I ,� . I I . . I . I .1 . . I;, . I . . I I � , I - � ��!,'l I ,., ; ::. " . . . .. .. � . I . - '. � ... f I -�,, ,,:;., . � I . 0:�'.'.�'.�!,��,.",r""�,li,!�, ,", � .:,�. . :i , . I I .: " . - . . , '�. 14:i, i: �� ��i�, �.�.:.!:,.,r;,�,,�:��!�,�'.,���;,;.",!�,,,�,� , � , I. I � � I I . I i , �,;,... .1 . I 11.11 . ; . . .1 11 ". . ;:, .. . . I I �!- - e� , " , , "� "!,:� �i , ,., I I 11. � - , 1 � :, I . I I ''I . � � I ..; I I I � . I . ,� ; -1 ,�.,?��;�;',,i;l�.,�,�,,,,,,".,�:,�,�!', ,"j, ­,,,��',','.�,,!`��,�, !,�, , . I . . � , , " � , I , , . 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I " I . , . 1, . ,,, . . , I 'IM" :: j i *""%'�.. . .. 1 4 �, 1 MP""Nolf, ,41 � 'N' V�,q 1. ., '1,� ,,, , " URI . � 11" I . ,* A , . . . I 1A -..7.-,4;w --el., =. 2,1,1 % a ON -'y , � , ., I I ,; 0 , � . , .-!IQ , ", A_ - AMP.P11'.11 W 0, - �, I—. I..., I TQ �i�.11"� I �..: 11 I , 1 ! M. o I 2! I ,!: "t 44anit � 1 , �, 1 1 1 .- 11 4W ,, F904,0phava F *4 '! , I � I . , '. A, fbatRUP0 X , , I , . ., I I ,An �"l ;� Ammeew � " , . � "" 'A :'�', "', doen 04imi Tbria Roo 6 t'� Wtb I 0 1! '�� � tla&hl: i! till '. 1 't, a p �: Q& 44 F 41; commenia � � .. � - L . ,* d 4- boo woudcw I I I ., . ., � I I - lllv 11 ,�� On 11, ,%.m. tp a ....... .: a 4 South-. Stra?= 11 11 0 . . . . . �� � . I 0 - " J.""'....—...... -, - ,, � , , . ,. I LEGAL . i . I ehoae,;�q. 91 . I 'JOHN J. HUGGARD : Barrister Solicitor, . Notary �ublic, Etc� Iseattle, Block - - Seaforth, O,Mt. I --,. I � R. S. HATS 11 I Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer Qmd Notary Public. Solicitor for the Uqniinlon Bank. Ofiles in rear of the ,Dominion Bank� Seaforth. Money to , aovm. , — — 0 " BEST & BEST Urristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- ,�Ors and Notaries Public, Etc. OfAce ta the Edge Building, opposite The 3.upositor Office. I . — VETERINARY I XOHN GRIEVE, Vs. Honor graduateof Ontario Veterin- za7 College. All diseases -of domestic onimAls, treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- eAnary Dentistry a specialty. Office and residence on Goderich Street, one door east Qf Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern '41" * nciples, . rges Gha: reasonab e I ' 11* nighi IT) '1�� 'ptly a t � Is pron � t e d T, . pmee on 0 11ga in Stl e " t .... ll�t PPOsfte - -Town 001. 0, .,� 0 Ph 116 . � �ix MEDICAL I DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Member of College of Physic- imns. and Surgeons of Ontario. Office ' In Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seeforth. Phone 90. 1 - DR. R. P. 1. DOUGAIL H�nor. graduate of Faculty of lge,4!cine and Master of Science, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. Eaember of Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.. Office, 2 doors east of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, a d Ontario. - 3004-tf 0 - DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY e Bayfield. I . Graduate Dublin University, Ire- a land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and n Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs� Parsons. IV Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; f. . Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 h . - DIL F. J. BURROWS f. Office and residence Goderich Street, g east of the Methodist Church, Sea, t forth. Thone 46. Coroner for the . ni county of Huron. 9 . DR. C. MACKAY . C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin Ji fty University, -and gold Medallist of. 7Wnity Medical ,College; member of b the 6)llege. of Physicians and Sur-' ffeons of Ontario. . s DR. H. HUGH ROSS I Graduate Of University of Toronto ,w Faculty Of Medicine, membbr of Col- a Rege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Pass graduate courses in IN h, Chicago Clinical School of Chica k, Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Lonjo; ,M on, England-, University Hospital, Lon- in don,' England. Office—Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. di Night calls answered from residence, n Victoria Street, Seaforth. .1 . I if -1 '"I DR. WILLIAM ABERHART ic Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, gi University .of Toronto. 'Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of � Y Ontario. Licentiate of Medi,cil Coun- ell of Canada. Late interne Toronto n( h Western Hospital. Office, ,Queenfs hi Hotel Building, North Main Street. Phone 89. Night calls, phone 111. er . in . DR. J. A.'MUNN . Successor to Dr. R. IL Ross at ' GTaduate,of Northwestern Univers- aty, ,Chicago, Ill. Licentiate Royal w College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. pi O%e,6 over Sills, Hardware, Main St., th Seaforth. Phone 161. B DR. F. J. BECHELY of Graduate Royal College of Dental ,,I Surgeons, Toronto. Office ever W. R. Smaith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea - Wi forth, Phones: Office, 185 W; resi- m wl deneb, 185 J. 3056-tf in AUCTIONEERS . THOMASBROWN n Licensed auctioneer for the counties er of Huron and Perth. Correspondence ca arrangements for sale dates can be C. made by calling The Expositor Office a Seaforth. Charges moderate, an oatisfaction. guaranteed. PHONE 302 pr 1111 OSCAR KEOPP to Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, .Chi. c cago. Special course taken in Pure ye Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates In cri keeping with prevailing market. Set- Pe dolaction assured. Write or wire, re 0*ear Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone I 18-93. ?86"2 A YO R. T. LUKEW bu Y-4censed'auct-loneer for the County ov & Huron. Sales attended to In all of ,gai�ts of th6 county. Seven years' ex- 13i pationce in MaDitoba and Saakatche- at ,mah. Terms reisonable. Phone No. 279'r-11, Exeter, Centralia P.O., R.R. TY NNo.l. Orders left at The Huron En- in god -tor Office, Seaforth, promptly a- pr tslmis& . wl ­. ­ � " t r . I . 1, . . I . P bu . 0 0 0i, a I V4. W. AMMS . 0 0 Uwh� Auetiozeer for Porbh - 0 oil 0 gad nuron c6untiw. . 0 a .. . SAW, solielw- 0 'hi q11? 0 ft 0 1pliontlaq. 0 . , lt'A n q I . 0 a a .1 I 0 ,; "". St. 1� 11"eu � 0 'Of FaMb 0 dr In � W�R 24�7,;N,Go, C� I I'll �� 1�0 0, 02M. 1 , c., 0 , 4; Im 0 ': . �, I . "A'A �9 � 0 6 '.. �� 0 Exe, All h � .4 , was " '"', , 6 vl� ", , 1pam, � I ,. 1 . ,�t . , '�­" � T71.2.9 " I ,,� . �. I �� . ,t� I �:,�,:�,�': . 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I It , 4 � ,,�;�� "."', It's all ..right, Thoy"mZ''Pol, , At 0,40,1440 , # - 9W4. , posid'out . 40 , " � �, T%. ­ , , . 10* 0"�, 1�� f� L49UPU � � . of knOVIri. but— - 'Well, I'M #I's I , -fr,%7 Aaa ,#r#.,: � - I ... - .T,�:iziq,TO --.-711 ""4711 1 "­ , , , , PVTV) 10 W, . ; - - _ L " iv4swt '6117 OA, t"t ag�e,oyu,t 1, �nov, I .,?gkT�w - K!`.-,,J� 140,proI ,undf, now, the �104 thing - , 4pWint04, W,Aar,o 11, , . .. =40' 'r. - ��p ,, . I 709 ROMA4, "e�� W,*W. W* , �. r...., - I !K,!sbpd . an, , - �� " "I . , R -.5;0, , '111 ,,� Wer. I . - , :" 'I, `� - . " , 10 �,�&*,% PO4t . . , 4 , "',-1, ,�:,'qWA4 anV­4:�; aunno come to Dallas. wa.toldr � overthe Wnp 0 Anow'd A� RIOSUI-634 11 I :,, ,;r.1 - I can do' is to taw 1VOW" off." �; M WAS'4 011mv-d'' f 0�4@Ar 4, -o �..,il"-"�,,�,��,�;",;",.�IFI , , Publishers .. :F linger, , , . , . I ,,, . � He aqreed �ro. I , - - * V thi -nice you bom, a -a' What Aeu =,a- ... , I 41 AV , ,: � , � 1. 1" fr fW� �Zk I I V ­ ","', i i; � " , p =#%Y,, -but m4tlowA What "t, = .�! " " arrjv4a. at 't, T, 0-0f, �" . her ag , - Py WAI . . 'Th 11 �" tej6p�foae how a_ V".�R"A*o 'I""'' The Musson Book Company, y,td. "'nat '?con')MY, ' "That'bavzmba Miss Gkw4'W-:9* . berl, 4A? X yo!1 doup for her In, Allie, so I says ­ :; ' -A 10 ;1 � ' . We( 9;4' a I --omld iron 'Psord, to... :-- , ,e Pf ffl.f "'Wd'", ;��- , When bs� ,� ..... . " ­* - lrmg huUtIng r0M8*W%9 iDnly a bgji�I�Re; nioney 0,401:­�',Allle's, gone hog to mysell I'll square things -by &Ivin, bis likoe ... .i. *.. , ;-. , . ,,7rm=­i , - 4 I '­ ,�W;,� I ��.X , , K� , ,F Toronto 4 .1 qbz,w-q i " � `­��, - . , . , naL'tOM, . . me�nbei GU13 lw*qvx waupsr"0�14 io I dislikes. , '40Z R ­ , � . 'wild,tk The:'.'Oorap t ended, in A a. chance to- make some JnQAey,­ I UA*Adg�!)o ; f �m%l I I 1��110111­ . . � I , a hlT and disklw�s worg,gtrong, fog,hip,1VA0 U . . 14'rYt . - -h 5 p;, 1".. "R. -Re -, , ..��', i . �:�!"�;.:"­ e�l , . 11 ['ff. ,6 r,� , SanJs,a,,%VL,.,WdM'1 � - 01'�;I�, -by e * - ed 'IPA 00'�'X'q 4 -0 , ' , , .. 11 I - . have everythingi-, an'd -blgi,�e I ,b4% . P = . ,. $,. stifled MOAU7 90,04; perhaps vome -Gray stirred slightly in. his eWr V positjva ,C acft,ar� ,&s, Is -the eq , they should. be, Tegg.t�,dleo�of egp n%j�. I ado h=,` "' - se .004'1�YM -'�, .11 I AIj - � � , ": 1: �,,,�, rr � . , � � , �4 rt . - .111, ... ,"�rLl I - �M 1. � I 1. 1.1-4 �; V', - . , da 1 t0without further and ivgaTded, thespeoiker moro jtee-n with -mot suf4w,fW men 14�x,'�', 1 I --� 1, - ,��y � � , . Why, both he. and. I— *Oyld.ljke� r*qtbw Ua �Brlskow - uinhu' ' ined one shoe ',and IY- ' - I . . -Who Pri4e, 'Amd.,V] " 1-� ,�, .Z `."� . � ac I . � � ,;" I 11;..'R ' - "i-, ; , , I I �0. * ;, �.. � ,;& @* .--4,q ,;� 1. , , �rr � S . (Continued from last week) Ing -better than to hays,-Mlegheny look rem, theftlselv*% vmxon: their cold c4ation . ., - , , , '. oved it. 11TV4 aned ", 1, I like yoii, if that w4rs p:Q,cj&le.­ I ­ w.,111 She � le "WheA ,oil come in at, Ranger, no- and b4siue4i actimen-,and Xr. R�s, !04al ts Qt 'b0WAi3aW1', M I i 1A Gray determi . -back in her chatrI wriggled ]ter. stock- body thought it would get out our well djd-.s46 pride himself K, - ", 9 i . ined that the girl Miss GooVeyed, the _he reall Y h ,rewbw ve* 4� : .�, -.1 . . . . . I z- - . speaker curi- ing--d toies, and feebly fanned lierselt. way, but -Ma Iliad a dream -a lot of , I I .� �� . .;'k'.LA . I .� �Vfl­ should not be disappointed if -he could ously. WMho 1 ,,, A le ISO . I �, s I 1. J-19, ­'y'lr "'IR" ­�:'., v., , ; ­ ­,��,�;�`p&.. . I . . .. 11 . are you?". she inquired. 49B# wait �11T'you see her, I -,can't dreame--about oil on, our farm, so I played a .4 . .. .1. � I I help it, so he went directly to the "What are these -nesters to you?" . . =flalrrageur paAanl Taidametior, . . � I �. '.. ­ ,,;,, :::rrr � scarooly reeblixfto ; SALY Own flesh ,an' got an Outfit to come there an, drill. duct of ­ . . � %s.:�',::jl�-*-�,�;�,� head saleswoman of the first store, " � 11 1. . i . , , 4 . , � ..., -1 ... � �, a , � 1, aff . �04W 11"..."-'. "I I , -A- ­ � , " . , 'AP1.41"', Iam nobody. The(y we're kind to blood. I airs than he would. have M�Ns KUCE 1-70- � , 1. .��,­ and asked her to ass never Qoen such a ebanc% Folks thought we! was crazy, and we acknowledged. : ., I couhselor Where ,ume the role of rgie -and I'm interestedr in their fU7 tn.-4 human -perspli." didn't expect they'd find much, our- * Such , people '­014ke I . . -i 1­:�`,�, , : ,`��. 1".. �;�:-,�.,i;, , cireumstanc,e com- ture." mistakes, but they also According to, th I -­�P%� ,,, I �. make friends; . e, 04.$C f4o �%­�.g � . . ,. 0,051"', , 1A., � " ", 11V ' ,,.% 'Gray, prote4gl�d ­, 6 listen as the Selves -a 'few bar'l a day would Or ... asiozi,ily they read character, available from� the Dominf,4.on �, r$up "­ -� - " pelled him to relinquish it� explaining It, , I 1. - 1 11 I' �­ '' r ('Are -you a fortune hunter, Mr .good 'wom" baji�i�d: on, but he was looked big­�-Abut I allus'had ambitious wrong but they inspire loyalty, and of Statistics,, the 1928 od; ` " , , ,. " , . . . Pr 0410,41 :n ;,.,�e! .. � �,;, I , that in addition to bats, gowns, shoes Gray?" I , nkijig about thie, .girl who had dis- to be good an, rich, so I got options big ins'titutions, are founded. upon copper in Canada ,reach '­ 11 � . . " `;,;� - -nd Allie, need- '"I am." Gray's face instantly" appeared .1 11 r � U . and the like, both M6 ,a . 6i ,o,� was su prised at t.he on quite a bit of acreage. � '. , ,.,.�, . � led a Variety of confidential apparel lighted. "I am the most conscie' , It didn't friendsbi� ,and loyalty as -well as uP7 Pounds- E'verY Advance 01 -a 4" 'iff", ".; - been e ,. rlojj��;�"`fffffffl`,�'. ; nce . 11-06 of his,obagrin. He; -had seen take no money at the time, 'cau ' cent a ,;;�`:�'o, , with which he had, Only the vaguest less fortune hunter you e se on stability and fair dealing. pound, such as that 47nftmn���"Ppi;��;���".�",.,,.i.I I ve'r met, but Miss Good, but a short time, and she I -and was what people had. most of. ii;;�`:�,,.,, . �Wft'1,6,*,.;:,::;',', .., � acquaintance. Although the worinan -I, am hunting 'My o*n fortune, not Roswell had liked -Gray upon their ed recently, means $470,660, "' 1�. agreed hail made no effort whatevet to ex- Along with the? rest, there,s. a hun- first meeting, a . . " 11 � . rid that �. �, t . I to his request, he found be- Allie Briskow's.11 cite his inte"st; nevertheleas, - liking had al revenue, 11>0 the prbdjueers -. �Qf--�M­, .��,11 I , , 'a eI sma M Owing to that f "-wo, -­:��.�.'�'. ... , " , , , , , 11 �act, he had adian copper. The production 6J�.0 ,--;',�* . -� - 'at hie trust In her had "You needn't ,I ugh. ­Sh 9 very- re , i ed a tantalizingly vivid- picture hill stuff that W 1", , fore long th she dred an' sixty right next to Ours-- deepened. , - .e.,-�1-1.1 been misPladed. Not only did. she vnusual and--�- But I dare say 'W'O"dft feed a goat- neglected to secure a report ur.)n him in -1928 was 336,391,021 pounds,:,fp - . ..i You in 'hi's rnind.' It via extraordinary. It's -vvuth a lot of money now, .. pp. i .. ,1.91-i* "d". lrlli� , , .. . . I . ,� threaten to take advantagel of her wouldn't tell me, anyhow." . I I but assui�ing himself that there -;was al- the basis,of an approximate 'Met I..... "N - go engrossed was he in his thoughts the option's 'most run out.tv ease, i,,,�V',: . , - 41 � 1, ,� nd, th4 �Nn� ­­P,�,;. customersn ignorance, but ways time for such formalities. He, of a sixth of a cent ,4,%j;" , also, to "If I have excited- your curiosity,- that he did not notice Allegheny "'When does it expire?" , a Pon '�*t ' . . ' . '�4,%'��-%,, Gray's anger, she displayed a poorly I am ,delighted,11' Gray declared. Briskow ujl,til sbe was elordial to -day when Gray strode adian mines will take an additiobAT., `-,�` -5 stood close beside '�Saturday." . 1,'�­J, veiled contempt for and amusement "Please let me retvirn at hinch time him. T� *en,� 9C into his office- bringing Gus Brlsk,ow income of $504,286 if the price rs.� ­, 14- I at his charges. . % Indeed, he experienced a That'& to-morrow.11 . � , .,; ...... �. �: and gratify it., I p with 'him. mains stable at the present figure for "" �,�', rolmise to talk shock, �6r -it was difficult to r4ee6g- Gus Briskow nodded. "It's cheap ­,�""",:,`�`,�:, - - k1i I 1. ­�I�vl , � Allegheny was'not long In feeling upon that subject which every inan nize. in�, this hindsome, modish young at a thousand dollars an acre, an'it � Ile banker listened with - interest a year. . .. . ,­.,�5� 1-7 � 4 I . I . � � � � ;.: `� )d . , �.'- ".;"P. ,, , this. Shei had ,entered the establish- enn discuss to best ad-VantageL­hfm-. womaib�the awkward, ill -dressed coiin- costs two hundred." 0 What he was told, then he studied --------<�-- :,,2 ' - . .. ment Eequiver with hope and anticipa-' self -and I pledge myself not to ask try gurl he had. seen at noon. Alli,e "Of course You'll take it.,, the map that Briskow spread upon I . . .�. �"� tion. This was -her great, advelature. on,:� single queStion, about you, Miss was ,positively stuhning. She was "Nope." his desk showing the location of his I ' I :!Y ' -'� She was like a timid, child, enraptur- Good. Not one --P He bowed cere- completely transfor.-n6d from the stoles "Why not?', own and otber near -by wells. � ­.""""! - I . ''I .. ,� , ed at 9 "That looks like a sure thing," -e Bea for " �":i­� igbt of Its first tinseled Christ- moniously over her hand. "Although of her well-sbod- IL,et to the tip of "Fer one thing, ROB- Herfbo ,%R . i, �: ��'*' ,t-�;il I , ,­, I - as You can imagine, I'm dying to ask her French coiffure, and what -was land just as good an' mebbe better, thing in oil can be. I "". as tree, to have that ecstacy spoil � I got a lot of other well said, finally. 1,A,s sure as ,any- I 1. i" ed, to 909. the girl's tenderest sensi- a thousand." , . more astonishing;;� she had lost much an' I been takfin' it up out of the roy­ mind.?" What is on your . � I . . , ��'.x, bilities wounded by a haughty clerk, I alties that come in. Agkff K06 I.. , �� of her self-consciousness and. carried We got enough X Oyo ­.-�,`4;i! enraged the man who played Santa . "I'd lil�e to get the opinion of the I �,� �': �� I � . ", -�'­ � ... ­ 4 , herself with a native grace that be- sure money in sight to do us, but I bank's oil expert," Gray told him - ­f�. .1-." Claus. Abruptly he resumed charge � CHAPTER VIII came her well.' -promised Ma to play safe, an' -we ­ RICOWD.ag, saa and woz?ade7g! . .�,­,,!��, )f the Brisk,ow purchases, and . it This was a matter easily disposed 1 a1v . . Y� R, "Why, Allie!" Gray exclaimed. can't take ,everything. You kin 'have . � ��;' ��, ,� .�.�,���", , of; fheexPeTt was summoned and he � gave him a pang to note how Alleg- ' "hour was long in ar- 11Y,ou're�wonderful! . Let me a L, Mister Gray for nothin". Tendered a prompt opinion. He knew ­,I� . The luncheon that optior � heahkg . I I . ; , .,- .and gazed at her You kin s I � �: "' ieny ran to him with hew hurt, as it riving'and when it did come around you." He stood Off" ell the lease nside of a t - ,, � 1:L1 ­ . he, property; he considered it a cheap Herbs, and herbs only, are used in Gal- I. , ­� � I more. Calvin Gray regretted that he had while she revo,h�ed before him. Week -an' make fifty thousand dollars lease at a thousand dollars an acre. lagher's Mdney Remedy which is one� � "' ..*' 1: But matters did not progress as -lected to play -a ,game of make -be- "'Sakes a -live! Who'd ever g,pose or you kin hold it an, make ruebbe a, It was proven stuff and within thirty of the old, proved, Herb � I . t" , vell as he -had expected. Allie's, dis- lieve with "Miss Good," for she� rig- you'd look like that!II 'the mother ex- million. All a] Household I ..'I, �­ . - and claimed. two thousand dollars. I don't make a that the noted herbalidt, - , �1111'1'�' ppointment ht the death of her idly. held him to his promise, it"' cost you is thirty- days it would probably treble in val- Remedies ' Team she hid under -an assumption however adroitly -he undertook'to 4s- "Miss Good told me I'd I cent out of it." u,e-. When he had gone, the banker James Gallagher, com,�ounded.bimself , . . � , m 4, . ook nice, smiled. I - f indiffelrence; she merely pawed ov- certain who, or what she was, she but I d-idn't believe her. Do I?" - "Thirty-two thousand dollarsl Not . more than 50 years ago. And these,good- �.'' .:,�--'i . r the pretty things shown her and foiled him. It gave her a misebiev- "You'ro'wonderful Allie." Gray much, is it?" "Well, Gray," said he, "I knew you!d herbs, Nature's gift, have great healing .. : : "'! kretend,ed to ignore. the ridicule she ous pleasure to dviadv his c 7 "It ain't nothin, to a m land something good. You're a hus- power. . I ��', arefiffly eaid it with convictidii. - an like you." like Even acute lddr4ey ailmentEr I 1'.11 . �.; I nd her mother excited. But her face laid conversarti tler. You'll make a fortune out of Rheumatism, are relieved by Gal- . �!' . I :,", onal traps, and what "Honest? a You *ain't laugh!nP at Gray -nodded and smiled queerly as that land." lagher's. Bad backaches, dizzy spells, . ras stony, .her eyes were hopeless, little he learned�came from Ma Bris- me?" Tlle� amazon's voice quavered. he thanked the ne%ter, then from his �:, . I Gray handed him Gus Briskow's and bladder miseries soon stop. . 1 iserablt. -- kow. Briefly, it ,amountbd to thib: "Can't you'see? ,Look at yourseif. - ­ " , pockets he removed, several crumpled 0 . . � For once in hi& life Calvin Gray Miss 'Good was what -the elder wo� I"m proud of you." I wads of currency and a handful of Ption, and the assignment thereof, Try this trustworthy herbal remedy- . . .: " ; , � , .. I . as at a loss, and knowledge of that man called 11home,folks" .but she had "I- � She said-" Allegheny twist- silver. These he the ink upon which -was scarcely dry. Itisremarkable­andsafe. Soldby 34 . . ,�� . counted -before say- "There's the joker. It expiq-s to- B'm " . �11 11. ct caused him to chew savagely at ,been schooled In -the East. More- ed her hands, she cast an appealing 1r1g: "What capital I have is entire- J. E. XEA=G, SEAlFo - -, Z� is cigar. To his bewildered com- over, she was 1-a the -oil business. glance at hVr. -orro- night and -it will go to the , : mother, but the latt�r ly liquid -it's all in cash. -� � , 1� - anions he remained enthusiastic, ef- ?��is last bit ,of intelligence naturally, was st - The' " Nelsons. They've double-crossed Mr. - I . � I aring at her In open amaze- eighty-seven dollars and fOrty-tbree -<--�- !, ": . �, eIrrescent; but ,behind their back� he intrigued the man, and he undertook Briskow." . , �., - ment slowly nodding'heT head and cents. It is every dollar in tbe world ".� .i - i . lowered at the well-groomed cus-' to `gak� -further illumination, but clucking. . � . that I possess." q , , omers, and cursed the snickering only to havie. the girl pretend that he'. "Tse! Tse! Tse!" It was an ap- "Huh?" Gus Briskowls, bright eye -s (Continued next week) , ".." odels who paiaded their warez. En.: know all about it. He accepted ,4iis ' Ing - cluck, and- it had a peculiar searched the smiling countenance be- V -<�- SCFEN=ICALLY . , ",�.::� ro . I aged thus, he became aware of a checkmate with the best - possible P,Vev�t upon the ji.r.l. Alleghe-ay", fore him, "Yo,u're�jokln'. I -thought The spectacle of trainloads of ''.11 . �rangelr who loorked on. at the pitiful grace, but revenged.hiniself by as- tears started, she turned suddenly and you said you was rich." The farmer's best friend, is the �.. 11, ttle'comedy. Without amusement. She suming thei airs and privileges of -a hid her face in her bo-adg. - - "I am rich. I don't owe a nickel Family Herald and Weekly Star Christmas trees leaving Canada to - :, ;I'S ' 1 ,as ,a pretty thin . -Gray stared at friend more inti�nate even than Miss Gray crossed quickly to her side and won't, until my hotel hill is ' Montreal. It costs only a dollar a' bring joy to the --hearts of:Un1teg, I I -_ ". .., � , I . o , I 9 due, States children does not alarm the . , er openly and his scowl vanished. Good ,had'implied, a pretense that saying: "There! We've overdone ii day after to -morrow. I'm in full pos- year, and the family circle gets a su- �: 71hen she moved away, he made a -confuse iigazin-e free. forestry experts of the Dominion gov- .. I ., d and even, annoyed her. For the first day, and you're tired." session of all my faculties. I'm per- Perb m one 4. �' idden -decision, excused, himself, and some reason this counterfeit pl,efased "I ain't tired." His sympathy fectly healthy*and cheerful. I know . ernment. Every year some writes, ... -<:- to the -newspapers about the menece .1 , llowed be . . him; it was extremely agreeable ev- brought audible sobs; the girl's sboul- men Who would Day a million dollars to Canadian forests and such a letter % , ,-1. He was gratified at the manner in en to _pretend a close, acquaintance ders -began to beave. for my hqalth alone, and another mil- SOME KIND WORDS FOR , . appeared in the press recently :from. ich she accepted his ,breathless with this girl. � "Well, I am," the mother complain- lion to enjoy my frame of mind. D. Williams, of Toronto. Air. WE- 1*1 pology Tor speaking to -her, at the The luncheon weht off gaily enough, ed. "I'm wore .to the,bone. 411liel That's two milli -on-" BUSINESS liams quite Properly pointed out that , , so with which shq listened while then Gray was iiiin, , J.b.a th You dry up an-stop.that univelit, so ---doggone Mel" There was ,pished wi . "Well made himself and his companions instructions to -return at closing time. we kin go home and I kin let my feet a pause, then th p ak r brightened. I graduated from college When the practice of cutting Christmas . I own to -her and explained the plight "You took a mean, 'a malicious ad- swell, an, screa.m." I "Mebbe you'll � e s e e muckraking was, in its greatest glory. trees involves a commercial andecon- Which he -found 'himself. take Buddy, after all? OD14C Problem that requires serjou& . � I vantage of an offier intended only to "You're n,bt too tired, I hope, to You kiii set your own wages." The magazines and newspapers and . "You can save the reason. of a spare your feelings. And you haven't have dinner. with Allie -and me in Gray shook his head. "There are reform,ers had filled our youthful consideration. . : . I stracted man and ,add to the happi- any," he told, Miss Good when they the big dining room at the Ajax?" two good reasons -why I couldn't ac- minds with so much, distressing in. Inquirl" At the forestry -branch of' �1. . - , . . ess of two poor, bewildered women-, had a.chance for -a word alone. Gray said gayly. "You'll -be all right cept, even if I wished. I've told you formation that we hardly knew whe- the depa;rtnaent of the interior, Ot- . . 1� , ther the world was a safe place fo,r tawa, elicited the information that, I you will," he concluded, earnestly. "Ibave no feelings?" after an hour's 'rest, and- ' I want to one; I'm too fond of you Briskows 11 t'isn't a funny situation; it's trag- "None. Or you'd see that I'm per- show her off, if her nose isn't too to,,risk ruining- Buddy." us to step out into or not. while no actual figures 'based on facts ; ­­ , .11 ishing of curiosity." , red." What's the other one ? " We looked askance on all the fel- can be given as to the number Of. . � � , . "What do you wish me to do?" the -She shook her head, and her blue "I 'ain't seen that girl cry in ten "A purely persdnal reason. I have lows in college -whose fathers had trees cut Annually in Canada for de- .1, . ... A inquired. � eyes laughed at him provokingly. years," Ma declared, in -mingled won- a definite something to do here in made money. To be sure,,th,e fathers corative purposes, it has J>een esti- I . . "It's a lot to ask, I know, but won!t "Curiosity is fatal only to cats. It derment and Irritation. "Why, she Texa&' Before I can accomplish it, I seemed decent enough old codger's mated by various competent authori- )u help them buy the things they is good. for poople," didn't cry when, Number One bi shall have to mak.q a lot of Money, fraternity ties that the number does not exceed . Owed . ed and saive them from furtheir "I shall find out all about you." in.1I � but that I shall do easily. I make house. But we felt that something 3,0010,000 young trees. The forestry- imiliation at the hands of these "How?" Allie spoke between her ,ob,. money -rapidly when I start. " was dark and bad in their past some- experts agree with Mr. Williams gfhbrow clerks and lowbrow custom- "By cross-examining the Briskows, "There wasn't 141othin, to cry for, then. "YOU gotta git goin' afore long." where- that the cutting of tre-es should be � I . a'? 1-41 want to punch somebody perhaps." . But -Miss Good said [-I'd look jest Briskow allowed his eyes to rove a- . We would -not have been , seen walk- done %,cie-ntifically and -not ruthlessly '. I the -nose." "But they're waiting to have y6u as purty as Other folks when I got !nt the spacious Governor's suite. ing on the street -with John D. Rccke- and wastefully, If the owner of 'a . . . I "I was sure you did. That is what tell them what you know. I've seen fixed up. An, he says -I do." Specially with only eighty-seven feller for anything- wood lot is adiv,antage-ously located , tr"ted my attention." to that." Gray decided t� t all women are forty-" I Iromember visiting Wasibington with respect to market,.% and if he is . "You are a person of taste, if you "If they ask any questions, I'll in- vai-n. Nevertheles it surprised him "That is nearly eigbty-seven dollars and looking at the United States se,n- properly guid-ed in thinning opera- �, I I pardon a pewfectly obvious com- vent . a story. I'll act confused, self- to discover the tr. + so early in Al- more than I had when I arrived. Three ate. I felt as if I were inside the tions, he can really make the process. . ,. iment from a total stranger, and conscious. I'll make them think you leghen-y Briskow. . weeks ago I was an utter stranger gates of Sing sing. I a very useful, desirable and profit - y -need such a woman's guidance. arej a Touch dearer friend than I have It was on the sfu,oud day there- here; to -day I know everybody worth All city governmemts were corrupt; able one, it is stated. . ; I ut they -need., even more, a little bit pretended, so. far; dearer, even, than after that Gus Briskow appeared at knowing in a business way and some �11 laws were pa--�-ed from evil mot- ----1C-- . ferninine tact and sympathy. Looki I can hope you ever will be." the hotel. He came unexpecte of them are my friends." ives; all business was yoked together . dly, . I.. showed Gus Briskow's bank check. "That wouldn't be fair." arid he still wore hiq rough -ranch "If you could learn Buddy to make in a vast unseen network, fashioned SOME FATHER! .. 0, , n -" the nation. hel ,whole st " ore is theirs, if they "There are occasions when- every- clothes. After an bour or in re spe t friends like that Three children vw�re discussing the, , sh it. Think what that ought to thing is fair. Pe(rbaps. these store with his wife and daughter, be went But Gray raised his hand. "I de- A business man was. a being with- incomes of their fathers. One said.: . - ean to two. poor starved creatures people know something-" I down to Gray's room and thanked rive a certain amusement from my out cOnscience or intelligence, like S "My father writ" a song in an evien- I .1 "I o, have -never owned enough cloth- "Nothing whatever." him for the assistanc, ' he had renqqr- own peculiar characteristics and cap- Rlot-m-achine. You gave him a nickel ing'and sell.s it for $25." 1. � �, g to wad a shotgun.11 "Then, for Heavenls- sake, release ed the two women. abilities, but I sbould detest them in an(] he gave you a nsickel's worth of The next countered: "My father . "The girl is stunning. All she' me from my pledge,l" Gray irpoke Foll another." goods. . , Owed a few rn,,ments of desul- writes a story in an eve,r6ng and takes . , �: �eds is the right sort of thi-ngs---P desperately. "When. I return, pv­rmit tory conversation, then, be put an "Well, you sure. need money, and If -be took YOUr nickel and with- it downtown the n -ext rn�orrping And 11 _ - . 11 Impulsively Gray seized the spelak- me to ask those thousand questions, abrupt question: ",�lr. Gray, you're I kin he'p You out." held the goods, then he was a success- sells it for $.90.,, ,� 's hand. "I knew UP' he cried. "I and what others occur to me. Won't a rich man, ain't yon?" * . "Thank you, but I sha'n't borrow. ful husine,s,,; man. . "That's nothing," declared, the I n choose gowns for her, -but how you ? " n "I -ani so considvi,,�.P) If the time were not so short, I could Running a magazine was very easy third. "My father gets up in a pulpit n I tell her the sort of -well, cor- The girl pondered this request "Um -m! Durno's I'm glad or probably turn this lease you so kind- in those days. on Sun -day and talks for 61f an hour � s she ought to -%�ear? How can, I briefly, then smiled. "Very well. If porry.11 I ly offered me. But something else A.11 on,r� had to do -was to take and it takes, twelve men to carry the I . , ect for ,her things a bachelor is you are still curious., wh-eq you see "Indeedl What ditTerence can it will happen along," down a map and place his finger on money up ,to him.,, esumed to know nothing about? me, I'll tell you whd I am.,' make to you?" Briskow sighed. "I could of t;old it any 8Pot-saY Owosso, Michigan. I . m Then call in a writer and .say, "Get ----.I::- ,� ven't you an hour or two in which "A bargain! I'll be back early." "A lot. It'- like this: my -boy yself--othougbt I had it sold to a - play Fairy Godmother?" More seriously, Gray declared: "I Buddy has took a flirrible shine to bunch from Wichita, but fhey tricked on the train and go out and ,see what . "I have all day," +Ile young woman must tell you right now how perfect- you, an' he cam't f,i�k about nothin' me. I offered it the day you was at is rotten in Owo".o." A CHRISTMAS RHYME nfessed. "I merk - came in to ly spIend+d I think/ you are. ny-1, our house for eighty thousand and Muckraking did some good; hut we Give a little, live a little, try a lit- . I You else. I was xort of 11opf Nelson more 'n half agreed to-" have, came to realize now that it ov- th, mirth. ging a little, bring a little .1 arn, ovet the pretty thing.%." have completely renewed my belief in "Yes?" Who?" eTplayed if -s hand. happine,.ss to earth. Pray a little, i . I "O messenger from Hleaven!" he human. kindness, and I'm sure -your "Buddy's ignerunt. He can read an' " play a little, be a little glad; rest a 1. - ed, more hopefully. "Would it ap- name mustbe Miss Oood." write an' figger some, but he's got Biiskow looked up at the tone. of In fact, I believe it could be shown littIF'. jpst. a littlQ if the heart is sadl. I 11 � this inquiry. "One of the felh-rs that the greatest force for righteo,uq- . �r r presumptuous if I asked you,in But a disappointment Awaited Cal- about the .same company mannETS as C * Spend a little, .-,end a little to an�- I PA ; a,e9 to -da I IV, turn for this favp�r, to slelett the vin Gray when, late that afternoon, a steer, an'-be's. sk-red of crowd,;. from Wichita Fall%. I s'pose be know- rK'ss in thc Unit � t, t Y I s � ­,) I ettiest gown in fbis.shop for he returned to the store. ed the option was about ran out; any- nothing more or less than the once othqr's door; givi- a little, live a lit- I ;��.', Iry pl, Miss Good When he se�s stramr,-rs be's I*a'nl t tle, love a little more. �:�o�11, ne " ' "' how, he's been holdin' -nied business. ­ 1, rge lem or else throw , ... , uT very Own?" s ;JMd me off from maliR had go i. At first he, refused to be- cha up hil � The offer was refused pleasantly, lieve Ma Briskow's statement, but it an' his tail an' Tun plOmb over a day to day till it's too late now fer Business is, the greatest ally and " �,!, � " V ", t firmly. "I'd be paid ten times was true: she had disa as cliff. He'd ought to g640 schoo m,e to-�, promoter of honesty. And -more and -=-� .,.4 , i ,�' ppeared 1,� but --- "---- .,,,�",'� er by the fun of spending oodles quietly and as unobtrusively as she he says be's too big, "What is his name?" Gray broke more I have come to fe,el that hon- * I ,i;.g� a1iR he'd have to 41, money even if it were not my own. -had appeared, and, wRat wits more set With 0, lot of lif,tbw tWldrer. Him in, ,, sharply. esty is, -after all, the corner -stone of z.:� '; , t -would they consent to have a annoying, she had left no word what- an' AlliePs- alike, that -way-it Name'�.q Nelson. Bell Nelson', all the virtue',O.. . ­ ., ranger -VI . � ever for him. This *&6 practical ,em up ,On theirbind feet r'ars son. Bell'ci hardboil,ed but-" Nothing bm in4presipd me raore. . '. 11 , I . , "It you will permit a tiny deceit, joking, for a cetrtainty, atid. Gray told ed at" � �` to;be laugh- "Henry Nelson?" than this: Get to the top of a big I , :i, 1 he "That's him." business enterprise, and nine times I I- n sure they will. I -shall burden himself that he at%orred practical "Get A tutor for t M'.',t � ...., en lie and jokes. It was 9, TOR to Iiis pride to "A what?" -When ' Gray rose from his chair and strode out o,f ten you will find an idealist. I �! Gray had ex- "I LL...,,�� elbend that you are a friend to havehis attentions thus ignored, but plained tiz-0 meaning ofue 'Word, Mr. swiftly to the window. He stood You will find a man Who has long , .. 11 11 o86 judgment I ,have appealed. what irked hint Most was the fact Brisko,906 face olvared. , "That's what tbere staring down into the street foT since reased to be interested ln mere - '), I i 11 � MY , � ,,if I t - R�', � or conscience Is scandalously over- that he was stopped, by reason of J I g t beTore saying, curtly, "Go ranney-making, who icp staying in B � I � � """' h s il gered on, but I didWi kno,tv what � momen . �4. rdened, but,,Ahat girl is suffer. deceit, from Making ,any direct in- you callsd- o'sTh � I n Ito ,I buisinm%s because of what he Wants his "'i I .."��l glIp That's fty I'M 6"X-ry XV business, to do for his employe,es, 'his ,,�`�,;: quirleff that might lead to a. furthw youAre, go well�lbf?- Y' 06 71d of paid u know them Neloontv?" . I I . '� I . � � com-rnunit3� and his country. - I I "Iti "I thought thar must have struck acquaintance voith 64 girl. I "'I know -Henry." f.",i) . you aiiytWng1�--I`d of �Qotible,d what- I do not say that busimeas is p,t,r- �; � " �,T f., , . I've seen others Hice thein." Mrs. Bri,41COW, 110WOVet WRS In no eve? Y0-UM4'v1"n'-'P;', The spomaker �- Without fur%ar ado, Cray hurried condition, eithar to.note his dismay or raista "I'le's, hard-l-�oiled In his old man� flect. Par from it. � . - 4;:�,-"L,; � � � "�, ".:"�!i� a lho,e,tful !aze' he pauscd as They got a lot ol moroy.belilrd lem But I do say that the time is Mot I - I %���., , a '' . . a new acquaifdta,4*0 back to the to volunteer inforniaiim. upon any If to mdke fibre th L� �.�o he , ess depoxt-m4tt, them, in bb essiezt except one ou . -too much mbrey to att 111te be done When the 700ng Man VQ%ID goes into * I 0 � ��,, ,,,,f,,��,.,� I ow 11 bjedt"., to, wito eorm., Hu- beyond toMptation. "T'VAouar'" was ,, ��:f,�,.,`,,�,'.(,�f,� anner, Introd'aped liar,to. the ]Ms. Man hearto woie,of 1�mg, ght r"b' with vie. lunre hate to 9" him git bu81110Am y0ods to fag that lie is =An- fi .� I ....... ... .. - I - "" 'I . . 06tem'n t'd be biti. and you'd like % travel so% . , ". i".'­� 9. Sbe flasliMr him. a loalt of her, &I- An tirit being, %&A h . I I tftt'­rVUns Wse for vaTA-to totbin" ing a galfigh. choice,-,& choteea tbat eutg I .',!L'�'�!V,'.��.�,�.� '� QZ -ale to Nrmln � 219 W010 , , - I' , �`I'�,I'!,�`!:�f '' a=elis- � I L ,�i�l "Pl� tk's �b , � %0 vo he do*& N call it him Oe from 01-vieft b i& ­f,',�,�.,,�,, V Mgde, jdjl,ffi� Ukv.. - , . I I 1184nno-vt as 'be JTIMI 11tv keet, ana UTIA IM6018 11thd To)& ,L VOW. , 7 I& , .14. 1M.."k �, I ", . . . ­�, . 1 .­41�,,.,:�,I�;, , , , . I I . �, ��,�,P�f ". � , . . '# ":":7 ""," , 70, I I., ": " , 40 . . 'r-1,4' . , 7 : ,; , f . "I' , .. 1. ..., AV- ptm— , . 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