HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-01-11, Page 6I , I 7 , -- , , . . - 11 : , , . , I I � � " � . , 11 ,� � "I i� , I . . : I I � , 11 I �, : , I , I I I i,ii, � ., , I , , - , , . � 1 , , , , : i, . , , �� � , ,�_ I 11 �. , , 1� I � . I., I i'l .1 I 9 I , , , : I I � � � .� , I I 1, I I I., . '� ! I � 1 ,1, ; I I � , , , , I 11 , I � : I I 1, , �� 1� , � I 11 I 1 li I , � � , _ , , I I I � I 1, I 11 I I., , , �­� , , , �, I I I I , , i, 1 I ,,, .� 'I "., " , l �� i ,� � 1 1 1 1 " . 11 I I I I �, , , � ri I I I I , t: ;'1.,i;'-, ; �. I , , !", , �, :l�� I . I :. , ,� t I , 11 I , �: � . �, I : �,� I : I , I i I I . •, , I , � ; . , � � , , , , , I 4 , , , I I , � , I , � � . , , � , 1. . I �1, ; . I , I . I I I 1, I I I I . I I . I , , � , I i,, � '. " ; , , ! I ., , . : ,;, , -1 - , , , I , , I I I I : , I , . , , , I I I I I "I 11 � ­�� , .. 1 I �,.6 , �, I I I I . , , . , , , I I 1 - , I . � Ir I I I . , . 11 I � , i . I � -_ - ,C .. " . , .�. � . *, i,,�, :_ "X 0 7 I , . , I I , I . ", ,� �, ' . '; L;, , - ' I " , I ' I , 1 � ' ' I I - - ., , , � �� . I I � ' ""!' ": � . I , lw.�11. 11 I , R. I - i , A y 11401 .. .. . ; I � 61 . ; --I. .__ � �, ____ , I I I , , . ,A �� ., I - L , , ,� � _'4jl" - -.----. I - - ,�; I I I I I'! I I I I I .: . . � _ I I ­. ___L_1_L.___ ____-__�, � I � I , , ,LLL�LL q ., ____ - - I - -7-T � _ -� -, -c-! -� li r .-,.-" ,� �� �A,711"11 �;;,T"-T�T,`�­,' - - _ , , -, ­ 'ff ­� 1,� I - . I'll � - .!. :, - - �111111� ... i I 1.111., ­_ - ­­­ 1 �� i - - w,,- i 77. I I -., , i . 11 I r� : ` r" . 1. , , � *��--F;-- � I I . . I I , i I ---- -- -F - ­ IRV- ., , lll�,,$-.�� !71-'- _4r1k , ti .,- - I - , ", ; r �F I -IT, �.!�,�--,.­i 7�- I., , , ��M. � , 77""i ' " �` 1�7,��' " I , ' 9;�_, 'L - ' I � . . . , I � % . : . . I � 1, I . I ­�' � , . , m,m�,�!?Jl , � � , ". N�7",..,v! ,.;7,JkV,-. �7 �f ,;,'��.: ..- .1 � 11 ­ -, I I 11 I 1, 'k�.' I I � I I L � , , 7 � 'L I ,. I it lh� �, . I � , - , � I 1.: I I - - I I ­ I . ; ,, .� , � �, I I , I I I I - I , I I I � I . i.. I i I .1 � i , , '' . , " 1� 1� '' . W �A 04Z*q4,iP I _11111 rl - . I � . I I I .1. t : § to ,Q QQAW a f - - 11 I �,, ; may";,, � I 11,48111 4,10 ,;I , , � , � _114 Y 0X14 111 , 1. .. : , �_§ 0 �'. !10 ,.", . 1� -,#, .,a W, , . i 40 . 04'' '' � 11, ., � I , Z_-- 1. (a 40",X ��� ... ,�11'4 ­ - _­­O�Tlq ,. tzr - % f- � '' 4.1 9 I ".., . ..., . fW V M ".4 1, qy�'O': 4 qp_a, *.' " I .. I .1 WA�� "ON T T ". 8 ­ . ­ip Im arft. '. . � �"z � ,# T bt I '_ , ,,,,,,� '��.. .., iI 11 I I I a, 1- I I 4 1 , . . 66 ,I r � ­�­,I,l'l I I %*.9 , I ." . "PIPP I 21 .11 1. 111P I I , - A,##RA- � �l IAVM 'A - ­P� I , " �,­­­i""I.rff- ­ I , ,c " 1. - I I . , . 1. . ­ 61A0.P =41 � 1h 1 . . ' til -LP "0`A$1P1D17-.S1 I . I . � . ": t ., I __ I I .. . I I � . I .. '. I I I — - I em,,;;-� � � __ " , I I , . 1. , "" '4;.,,i,.% RANCIE AGWITO " -, .P Oil - �Q it reft .- '. i F X , , ;rEq-!R$QAN` - �;,� ­�". , l,rl,;, , ,1004 Amgj ,"Tau I I,, ,' F , 9? , . 1. 'A." I . , . ". �L, ) 4 •., - . ,` sbrabls"to�'lh 0 *6' .- 11 I '� I . 11 ..: I . , , , .1 I Pit -1 only the bzst C&M- w Old tol . - " , . 0 ". , Ii., �_, _� gg,. �s Aftess=T, - or., To , I 4" . domestic rate. Rik I .1 1� "I I 2 Fe*gpz a ��4 1 i ,�!.� - Ru US& I : I . I , I '. .. -, .* W, , ; IM , on a of Qauada to sbp�ea shade tree';or,AVaci=M evergPAWAL 4 " - . -#,," 1,�,, " " I t . � a , _`1 I I '. ".',"-:,���"'' , a n d 4meracQ111i . , IV TIM -11010V W-11 , - . F , : 11 . , ., �',.�i,-'�jq!,�.�',Il �.W_A' , iiga�kam-. , edmission, . ....� i',�� . the lawn, , Climloon of - -;, '. I -11. , _', . . . . W, , 21 ­ - . _P Into . . I I , I � I..'' .il 11- "IN, ". "I'll.. 1�1 . U pantes. . IZXM_� the, ,Qstvl V- ,z, jettpr'postage to .hia � I I .1 . , ! ye , '. -, '� insurance effected imion: was r& 1144 Tvi,Wa • I ngture or annual,% for� teZAVo;Qry11P1A7­ , . I . I . i , . ." .. ,,,, .�,:, tries in, that - -a i. 1� ,!__� � , ", . . of the U I , .,�,10� ,I r ,�•� t .. . , _ .0 co .4 . ,�, . � - '' , , on I "'? I - , ". I . . . . , . , , ",.,p X V �. ;� , "I , 11 ducal to 5 cents per btlf assets®. 1. �poaes. I Any or all *,of these May 40 , , _i Queot rates, incladIBS- ,.,I f,,�,,�, 455,tr - � , i,`9;� 0- , - n t " �Nal. � , I 1- .",I., , )b " - � X.pso , required and it Is w4� to make the ; I . ­­ , . I ""' 4.�:,4- 2 I 1898, Imperial penny �11_11­_.._ . 11 . I S . :� 25., -'' - jjF3 ACCIDENT. AUTO- sib I December I . . selection and to ordor the,atock at . - . . " i'fi,Ir. l."; !�'? I - the . : 611,1'_ �i 00,4% TORNAD , postage went into- eaect, while, M your earliest convenience. . M_ .. . , time the domestic caste was re- I . . ..t. 11-111,11, _ ". .. ... . �, - "';. I . , "Y'. ii ,�P��,, �,'i�i;, �,M GLASS RISKS I � �Z. duced from 3 to 2 cents. These rates ' Fruit Tri or Bashea. - . �, 4411 '.."R ,Il�T �� �, , g��I,!�W:,� ,,�_, - -Also- � 11 I ,. I . , ,� 6 were maintained untill 1916 'When a I I I . U. , I . . . ­12P�4 ...... . .. " *#,�,�_­ JISTATE and LOAN AGENT . � " , - .­­­ tax was on all let- � or omall fmit I . - cent war i What of the orchard 1 ,4",...,--_ . I 1. . .- ,, ," g. 7tai�lipt attention paid to placing ters, which continued until, July let, d ? No garden is 'cc letewith- ,...� !��;IJ%:�..I mp- T 1�` 11 " � i11'11� , ,, I �:: adjusting of claims. . - � t ........ 4,;, 1, " , 1926 when 2 Cent Postage was re' . . .I �nt,tfruit� of -some 4ind and As the . '. " '. .. sineaB established 50 years, stored for domestic letters,' and, as 1� f b,ealth,giving - QF&@@§a gs;i(555 t&@ &a& d eav 'I'l IRXI�;`t', �1: �, U _V�� , ,. I frusta " ale � . AS well'as be I . � 1�t � i � Ju 1, . � . accost®, to Britain, ; :Oi in that a i 111!01.144�11?1 1, , .� you --now, the letter rate ag , good investment in t t th Y :. . , ti . , , t�l Which had been raised to 4 cents, went 1! , t or "' I 1 Z�Qmtm for Singer Sewing machine f " .� , the value of the farm 1. . ' . _ ._ .rpu , . " - , , IN 1, I guaranteeing good service - 6 Si ;., Company. .W back to 2 cents on Christmas Day Just - her property, a few trees or bushes I . food Chopper. Let it soak'in the Wc- . , , o 11111" I'll �l . other planted. P6r1l9P8 You will exactingly- . .. lZ �. I ?1vil'i4� - U . passed. . "The Percentage of third clam ter for 15 minutes, then simmer fflant- . ," I � OFFICE PHONE, 33 W I I 1� ----C— 7- plant for comm-q�rclal reasons. There , RESIDENCE PHONE, 33 J ! I Iduds cream is, happily, gradually diminish IY for three-quarters Of An 'hour, �0" . 9 . is field :for -this. Among the :forward to the day Strain and remove all fat; add salt 1`i`ll , - . "'. ... — - -1 I ��Q. GODURC to plant arq Apples, pears,. Plump, ing, and 'vee look si ere Will be to taste. 1. � ­.. I----- - V-� BOOK LOVERS' CORNER - currants, an only g ij;h class ----- 1Z, I cherries, black and red � I I To reach ,� I.. . U .. i r It. I I weamwl? MUTUAL � i I (By Jane Hooftby) It seem almost a mirack-the way gooseberries, raspberries, lackber uppli to butter #ctorml- � the cmehen Milk I � :`.' Z I tIFruit-a-tiv6a'1 benefits women ader- , pberries, b1lackb ' er- that position � must have , . I 1. e32 I I . gatthechangeoflife. 'Irwasobli d ries and strawberries, all 'coulmT, managers erg, and I - - TME RNSURANCE C09y. � Love Lines of the Great. m fruits but unless they .are seen in assistance of the dairy farm . Out up a chicken into small PieC80 d 1 &_ 11 M to go to, bad because -of the ierAle the farnleirs in akin the ones thoroughly. Put and weakness,,, writes print may be fcrrgotten until too late. they must support breaking b It" i � , I "The Private Life of Catherine the dizziness, pain in tlie turn. The farmers are not dairying jnt,c� a saucepan, with two or three 1 — T. I ., In the ,southern locAlities M�UD (DIFFICIF,-SRAFORTH, ON ". V �. - me Oilesinle Goodin of Paqupt,�jue, , , I .. : .1 I'll 11, ..... Great," by Princesse Lucien Murat, M ring this trying time Niagara and Kent peninsulas Perhaps for juy otherpurpose than to make R peppercorn - a, a little salt, the whits is published by the Louis Carrier Co. N.B. "Du 1 �; , peach�s and profit. The majority are always part of a head: of celery land, one small OFFICERS: 'Fruit-a-tiye6' proved a perfect to the more, tender' grapes hese ready I If" of Montreal. This is a most beauti- e to improve their methods and onion., Cover with cold water and -, �P�, Beechwood - President - 77 --- ---------- ­- __ me, and now I am in a act health. a few -Apricots may be required. T facilities offer- b,j,6, it slowly to a boil, then let it acailes Evans, Beec fully printed and bound book. its E 'satisfactorily in one or to take advantage of 1 '4..'. , Every woman .-should follow MY GX­ will also grow - ­ lulamiles Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres- DO YOU KNOW" format is as regal as its subject., ample and' take ,Fruit-a,tives,' and two other southern localities. jug -so as to deliver cream bf AU kl simmer gently for four hours or I I Seaf orth, Sec. -Tress. li '_1 quality. WD . more. Strain into a bowl and leav(b ... D. F. Needless to say the private they would surely get the, wonderful We must forget to -prepare a wide view McGregor, fe of must take a I. � r - . That the restoration of penny post- "The Lioness of Petersburg is not relief that I did." Try it. Your dealer list of vegetable seeds, for soon it of the varied conditions associated until cold, when it will be a stiff, firm 4"", AGE2-7rS: . age between Canada and the Mother a pleasing subject, judged by our has this wonderful fruit medicine- will be time to -sow the bulk of these with the production-, handling a-nd de- jelly. Carefully -remove the fat from l "I'll I � .. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clint(- , � Land an the Sister Dominions gives . factories. when wanted, Take equal '., .� Seaforth- John Mur- standard of morals, but "Princesse 25c. and 90c. a box. indoors. In fact, in, less than two livery of cream at the top w 4 1 . 1. ­_ Fll._ 1U. E. Hinckley, � a', " 'IT -he provisions of the Dairy Pro- quantities of the jelly and milk, put im opportunity ,� t. �.,t l , W. Yeo, God®- y Murat one of France's most dis- � months, the earliest cabbages C9,1111- , 11 I It 1ray, Egmondville; J. I which will show how little such an tingui;he;d women of -letters, has .. I . flowers, peppers, egg Plants ;�� car- duce. Act safeguard the Production saucepan, boil up gently and, strain. N -TVs- f and , .lAch; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen; , agency O' Empire was able to effect treated this difficult subject with a ---------�-�----� tain other kinds must 'be sown. With and handling of milk or Cream,' Serve hot or cold with toast fingers. I , I i, , great-grandfathers' . '90V6 Blyth. , our ..t -grandfathers' time? The frank yet delicate pen." I d when compliedr . I these, all the seeds should be orders "'.. DIRECTORS: I 1�= possible postal charge from Catherine, the simple German girl of course, is always delightful, M t ki, . for at seedling time there will be manifest. The delivery from farm to ­ n 0 York, Upper Canada, one who becomes., by ursupation, Em- evokes hegrty chuckles from all up- little or no time to waste.' . factory Calls for attention and assist - I William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; ed v 41 cents and e Russians, is as extra- pr.eciative audience. Piglet, Tigger, ' everyone interested in the 0ohn Bennewies, Brodbagen; James I "InIlpe, would ago was than one press of all the - do not become the N nien thinking of seeds. and plants ante from eve . Organiz- INDEPENDENT CITIZEN L.". ovens, Beechwood; James Connolly, that w_u carry no more ordinary in her private life as in her Rauga. and Roo ,r has we must necessarily also think of the transport of milk or cream I ml Goderich; Alex. Broadfo sheet O' and in the reading of intimate friends the Teddy Be -a of supplies to factories on the Doctor (questioning negro applicant . ;, .11 l ot, No. 3, Sea- I bee 0 paper weighing less than an political role, a . manures essential to the successful atio eq npid�e . n o c a Geo are U' . g.11l s atio for h uffellr)-" rge, 1 .11 - Robert Ferris Harlock; George ounce. If within the folds of this her private life facts of her public always been; but needless to say, In culture of our crops. It is better to zone -system deserves cO Yo an' - 2orth . . Aations Xl� Lk-Cartney, No. 3, Ferris, Murray sheet were found another piece of life should not be forgotten.- She any Milne book the humor.19 delight- procure 'stable manure during winter by dairy factory asso- - Each married?" X,. James Sholdice, paper no larger than a Postage stamp, really needs whatever exttnuating cir- ful. ,Had we not had the others this the ground is hard than to have factory should draw its supplies from "No, sub; boss, no, suh. All waheG 1&-bsoa, Brucefield ; conveyance from New cumstances there are. would probvVy be hailed with Re- when ..IsciltolL children that have it teamed, over soft mushy soil areas what is regarded• as its own my own living." 10.., York to York was doubled, and the She did take Russia in general -as claim. lAs it is chil to miss in Spring wheg, the -frost has left the geographical area." immigrant w4DuFd have, to pay 78 in 'particular -to her heart, and loved the others ;will not want hri,to- ground. 7*, 1hany of us do. Stakes V poor immigra _ . .. cents for his letter. If the letter fought for its interests. Frightful a further acquaintance with C and other supports for plants must be - A, -little negro, schoolgirl down in , ..... . LONDON AND WHNGHAK charge for it . "The House ;�. weighed an ounce, thp plagues of smallpox swept the coup- pher Robin and! Poch. . new i.. to York would )y Me- procured :or •.made. Perhaps & LADY SMOKERS HURT CARPETS Florida in answer to one question, 1�. N®> coming from London try periodically. Catherine summon- at Poch Corner" -is published I barrow should, be ordered. Garden "What is anatomy?" wrote the fol- a.m. this ounce let- ed an English physician and submit- Clelland and Stewart, Toronto- hoes, cul- lowing: . , . a.m. p.m. be $1.52. Finally, tools, such as spades, forks, cul LADY ASTOR,REBUKED, THEM I,,:- 6.51 ter were sent by the "All Red Route,." ted to vaccination before urging it on tivators, rakes, maybe a lawn mower. a human body. It is � .1 0amtralia .......... 10.36 1 -middle of the "Anatomy is . 6.(M that - bar people. It is hard for a twen- '� There's a certain joy in' using a good Right now, in the 10.49 -at is by the British packet to Hall party -season, Canadian hostesses May divided into thmee parts --the 'bald, the . . 11.03 6.18 fax and thence over British soil to tieth century person. to -realize just CREAKED DISHES TO REPLACE new law,, mower, just as in the hand- Unm The haid. 30163,11 ........... is little tit) from Lady Chest, and- the st 'Ck- " . �_ .... 10.08 6.23 York the postage charge would be what that meant. This practical cul- . ling of -a bright new spade. Pruning appreciate th behavior of guests. holds -the brains, if there is any; the .1. 4.,. 107pen ........ 11.17 6.32 $4.48. Imperial sentiment must hanger also changed the meth- . MEAT rehears, saws and axes will also be Astor, anent thechest holds the liver and the lites, and ..• � Brucajaeld ......... 6.52 rivalled wit in economy of expression od of census taking, which hereto- necessary for soon (next month in A large and important committee Of ils and ; Clinton ............ 11.53 ,a are necesfemalesthe stummick holds the entra '1� , 12.13 7.12 in those days. These outrageous rates fore had been done by military of- Creamed vegetable dishes some localities) pruning will' com- extraordinarily prominent the vowels, -. n n d serve ,o els, which, I'm a, e, i, o, T,7�> ..". londesboro ........ until 1840, when the rate - whole -some and nourishing an se were meeting in her house, to discuss 1* 12.22 7.21 continued u ficers to the absolute fear of the peas for mence of the fruit trees. and sometimes w and Y." B "', 317th ............. 1214 7.33 on letters conveyed by direct packets ant. excellently as the main, dish working conditions in factories. Some , ft� gave .......... 12.50 7.55 from any postoffice in the United "An institution still remaining as luncheon or supper -when a meat Reforestation. of the Outstanding women of England .<_ ., I ., wiggham ......... ; made one a monument to Catherine's reign required. The were there. Kingdom to Halifax was gn was dish is not following I pensive and are easily Evefy year more people desire to got well under ELEVATOR BUILDING BOOMED '.,?. r the half ounce; if, for any the great Founding Hospital, which dishes are inexpensive And before they 1 ;4' SoutL , shilling . ms and, . ,.' . I ��t.. . other post office, the rate was is 6d* she built on the banks of the Mos-, made: plant trees •on far elsewhere way, Lady Astor said: IN THE WEST ,., a.M. P.m. purely for reforestation purposes. "Wait a minute. The last time You -­ , & . 3.05 I Such condition- naturally gave cow.,, Asparagus Luncheon Dish. Still we do not plant anywhere near met here I found ashes and cigarette . 1 6.55 ,e to a and' grandeur and n Saskatchewan participat- I . 7ingliam .......... rise a 9 She loved display a . . conditions demand. Ev- t s heeled into my carpets. If Souther I 11 - L I 7.15 elevator building boom ... I . l2elgrave .......... . 325 Upper Canada Assembly. The Re- showered wealth -and distinction on Prepare -a round of,to,ast for each as many as stubs ,, 1 7.27 3.38 the � . I of ery year, many people are disappoint- smoking makes you any happier, for ad in the 1928 14 . Lyth ............. formers claimed that Imperial her favorites. She was a very ex- ,and, place ,on it five stalks . in the West. On the Regina division ,"'�- landesboro ........ 7.35 3.47 Post Office 'had no status under self- pensive einpress,, but at that time serving -paragus. On top a plication to the Pro- goodness sake smoke,. but smoke like .. � 4.10 __ hot canned sq ivincial Porestry Department for trees ,� of the -Canadian National Railways `.. Clinton ............ 7.56 t and that Canada was en- royal expenditure was never ques- round'), human -beings." " government . this place a poached egg (cut ro .11 -_1 8.15 4,30 1 titled to control its own postal ser- ' - -1 . a .- too late. In spite of the -humorously, the re- alone an increase of 26 elevators, with I . .11,u' � 13rueefield ......... tion,d. But she Was a strong ruler then. cover With cheese sauce 'w�i they are Delivered half bushels I which is always avail- ,,�� 8.22 4.381 i information wh buke worked. Lady Astor had no a total of nearly 1,000,000 bu 111ppen ............ vice. That demand was finally grant- f' i ,. or many years --eventful years when serve piping 'hot. able to the effect that appli�litious more spoiled carpets. capacity, was recorded, according to " , _ sismsall ........... 8.32 4-48 i great deal of agitation, in Frederick the Great was King of ' 5.0.5 led after a . . � peter ............ 8.47 1851; but it was only after a tong Prussia, h Louis XVI and Marie Celery and Carrot on Toast. 1 should be in before the 1st of April, railway officials. 26 new elevators I' �� I t.iia w en I dozens .. .� _. 8.59 5.17 i Antoinette G4 would4be plante" delay -:-I— Eighteen of the I I'% cGutralia .......... struggle. In March, 1833, William An � went through the horrors were built by the Saskatchewan Pool I .1 Lyon Mackenzie and Denis Benjam- of the French Revolution and when Boil sliced carrots and celery, Cut their applications and consequently R INVALIDS �,�P . half-inch pieces in salted water un- cannot procure trees. Now is the DAINTY DISHES FOR Elevators and, the remainder by 61hew R:11. . - England lost the American colonies. in I " . iin Viper. representing, as they Ina" I companies. The Regina division now /1, C. N. R_ T1199 TABLIR a public in both tender. -SMWe ,011 toast With a well .time to get in that application. Sent Egg Lemonade. .. .1, , I tained, the body of the During these stirring years in Bill- til tend sauce- Make the in now you are assured of at least a � has 302 grain elevators, with a total - , , Lower and Upper Canada, visited ope, Russia, governed by this indom- seasoned cre-fin LLti,...East. Shake together in a bottle the white combined -capacity of 9,070.,NO buslli- I �, � I ELM. p.m. England for the purpose of, laying itable Woman, played her part and sauce of half vegetable Water and goodly number of trees if not the W, entire 3,500 which may be procured of an egg, the juice of a lemon and els. I, Goderich ........... 6-20 2-20 before the Government the grievances sought to realize the Empress? dream half cream. . should there be enough to go round. one teaspoonful of granulabed, sugar; , 11 On reach' ... 2.37 of the Canadian people. reaching of a conquest of Turkey and even - -ightly and add ,, .1. .�., 2 Holmesville ......... 6.36 be seetetary Scalloped Corn Also the Department has time to see or, beat a Whole egg 1 .. 2.5o London, they wrote to t India. Her grandson, Alexander, son - � . �Mnton •............. 6.4,� sting ,in in- , two that your application 'receives atten- one-half pint of strong sweet lemon- . 6 �. ...... 6.59 3.08 of the Post Office, reaue, of Paul L, was to conquer the east- One can corn, 2 Cupfuls mill , tion. The other fellow is doing it. ade. , ., ..... 7.06 3.15 terview with the Postmaster -General- ern world as the great Alexander had -e A SMILE OR TWO I.. PA. C,olumbau . eggs 6 soda crackers, rolled fine; on Planting the part of, his farm which 'il'�­ - , �� '. 7.11 3.22 The reouest was refused on the done. twhle,&poonful butter, salt and pepper. -, Mutton and Rice Broth. '. -i.: � � Dublin ............. the P.M G. did not feel will produce trees better than any I"What is Esperanto?" "'', West. ground that For thirty-four years Catherine Butter a baking dish, place on it a thing else. Doing a little year by communicate with any seasoned, then a layer Make mutton broth in the usual "Don't know? It's the inliversal 1'v' authorized to played a leading part in the theatre layer of corn, year, why not you? No person need .,"a.m. p.m. p.m. but the Colonial S- of kings -'her renown dazzle--, us, her of cracker crumbs, then corn and and see that erwery particle of language." I 5.38 9.37 person rretary on fat 1�111; . hen Allow - I, Dublin ...... 11.17 atters. The delegates t weaknesses astonish us -but her story more crumbs. ' Dot with butter. apply for trees for ornamental pur- way removed from the surface. "Whereabouts is it spoken'?" 11.,., 3t. Columbau. 11.22 5.44 . ... Colonial in Beat . as they are not available: i is r ­ 11.33 5.53 9.50 addressed themselves to Lord Gode- fascinates us. eggs, add milk,, pour this over the poses � two tablespoonful's of plain boiled rice "Nowhere." ... ',i., Gesforth . . - - - 11.50 6.08-6.53 10.04 rich, who cordially invited them to lay Last -but not least -Have you given �.... Clinton ...... . crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven for consideration to the Planting of a to one cupful of liquid. Stir in an - w . , _.. 12.01 7.03 10.13 their case before him. Mackenzie, about twenty-five minutes. egg, beaten up with two tablespoon 11 %�. Holmesville - - 10.30 thus encouraged, prepared a long and few shade trees on the farm or else- fuls of milk,, and if liked-, add a lit- ��� . . ; '. .. Goderich .... - 12.20 7.20 detailed statement. On all other Juvenile. Scalloped potatoe$ With'Eggs. ' where, iyerhaps along the roadside? tee finely I chopped Parsley. Successful Business Man­'4Well, I -- 11 i ' Think it over. A year in the growth am rich enough 'at last to retire from points of colonial policy, Mackenzie to alternate first the "I Milne seems Place in a buttered baking dish al- of trees is a year gained. Old men Quickly Made Beef Tea. business." ..... C."p. EL TIME TABLE declared. people would be found to incomparable verses of "When We ternate lay-2rs of sliced' cooked Po- to -day are urging their sons- to plant . His Friend -"What will .you do?" - post office ng," followed by the diffier, but as regard., the po Were Very You one cup cold .. I tatoes, sliced hard -cooked eggs and trees, the things which they in their One-half pound teef, S. B. M. -Ill shall buy the little 11: they absolute unanimity. 'The then the a re was a s prose of "Winnie the Poch," tf Parboiled onions; pour over them day destroyed. The young man who water. Remove all the skin and fat farm I ran away from and go there ' � 1. East. colonial gavernments were in favor 11 delightful rhymes of "Now We Are a.m. I e Dost offices for each Prov- I I well -seasoned e d cheese sauce, cover with in his day plants trees will I himself from meat and put it through the to live.,, ,1of se more prase- The and bake in a mod- s. age 11:. . . 650 . Six," and lastly buttered crumbs a reap a rich harvest in his old e or . I—. Goderich ................. * (ill fact. in 1829, just 190 years House at Poch Corner." I -11 reset .................... 6.55 ince a committee of Upper Canada To say that the pros * does not eq- erate oven until heated through and better still leave a richer one for _____ - I... 6.04 ago e rumba are brown. - those to whom he leaves his estate. '. I . ZU(claw I � ................... ommended the es- ual the poems -need not mean -that c I.. . 6. 1 Assembly had r-ze I It is great to plant trees and to have - ____ _,.___ � .. Auburi, .................... f a provincial uost of- the prose is not good, for the verses Luncheon Potatoes. . them grow up with you. It is a great ll. 6. 5 tablishment o ... 2 I., .1. iffirth ...................... r,.40 fice, subject to the Legislature, which are exceptional. They made an in- . :. Welton .................... strongly opposed by dice; investment too! They gijv,e their -0 . 6.52 was, of course. qtr Mackenzie was of stant appeal to all sorts and condi- Cut boiled potatoes in neat and a shade, beauty and lumber and ask no 16 . t�hL . 10.25 the officials); but M tions of youngsters and were a joy sprinkle with salt and pepper ..o;. Togmto ................... opinion that such would, be impractic- . one and recompense. I 7=20 Vo , r , He contended that the only to grown-ups too. dash of celery salt. Make . West. able. "The House at Poch Corner" isn't one-half cupfuls cheese sauce, seas- � to bring all others, Pooh, oned to taste- add, the potatoes, pour ­� . rA M HAZAkDal 1,... a.m. fusible scheme Would be colonies of British North America a into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle . ' k .. ,,,.: 20ronto .................... 7.40 the c place in DAIRYING IN AUSTRALIA . 4'.. ........ 11.48 under one deputy postmaster general, with buttered crumbs and . , MeNaught ......... — . I I � ..,." Welton .................... 12.01 who should be resvonsible to the Post- the oven until the crumbs are lightly In a recent news 16tter publishtd - . . . ... i l 917ith ...................... 12.12 master General of England. His ..... I I browned. If desired, the mixture by the Dairy Branch, bominion De- I - tRe - oP a new l � Amburn. ............ suggestions were in line with . may be served on toast -doing away artment ( " i ........ 12.23 other sugge% Merida- - )f Agriculture,' there are, - NaGaw .................... 12.84 the more conservative recommends- with the necessity of heating the ov 'P W -aphs from the Queens- . (84 - Fate 16,OoMet- w1lick ; W .11 12.41 tions of the colonial assemblies. On ic stave is us " _ -0 - ... I en when a gas or electri - a few Para6 " 44444 I 11 Meneset ................... land Agricultural Journal setting I ': 12.45 one subject, 'however, be expres ad 1i . I .. ed. of inspection I ­.` ­ Goderich ................... the packed Wib� W., �rr Z CC- MaD � forth the advantages '- the BANK (DIF MM,1739& I . .1111 , self strongly. He said . I Y I him. a Canadian Prov- . Cream Sauce. and grading in improving the quality i , ___ service between the country, . t ,; of dairy Products in that 1'. A,, inces and the Mother Country was so all-TamEtle, The sauce for these dishes is made where dairying is successfully con- 6s Ilsswie(& nna is mw Wl:, A 33ARGATF indifferent that it went far to con- as follows: Melt two level table rt a large ,-tale and, the bulk I � , .l. I. . vine Canadians that Great Britain - ducted o . . aaistril6uting firee to .­ One Mile desired as little correspondence with 0 0 . WMP &MME152 spoonfuls of butter; add 2 level table of the cheese and -butter is produced . I .. ".1.4 FOR SALE. -Five acres, Spoonfuls of flour and the Season- cc -operatively under contr6l. I I .! : se 'c7ltb Canada as possible. A,. -i an instance . I aRR w6o ask 0 a cc I ":,, bub- Judging by the paragraphs . � and toilet; a -mall berm; of the inferiority of the packet ser- ANGIER'S EMULSION is in- ings, and stir Until the mixture 10'r 71-- . i ­ eurnace, bath then. add one cupful milk, and from the Queensland Journal, "qua)- I .. I I... Taxes, $15. SplemdId .rich that he I I _n I 5� ,good orchard. vice, Mackenzie told, Godr valuable for building up health tiles; until the mixture is smooth and sty products" is .the, keyword, there, as - 'rMs 600kcet 6 (Ms, , , ,,�j�; ,. abone to start chicken farm. beeG, had shortly before received. a letter and strength in alf'ru�-down Stir )p stirring for. a it is in . I "t.� ' thick. Do not 5b Canada: * ote. Apply to 0 by the Halifax packet, Which was 65 conditions and wasting diseases, moment. Grated cheese is added for "Dairy instructors, and inspectors - . cate(& 1�0 the ?T37emtMM ;. I . � R. S. HAYS, days on the way and which cost yrs . & . -1 I" � ,; , � It cheese sauce. operating throughout the producing I .... ­ - or a ter any serious illness. . . � :1 1 Seaforth, Ont 41/2d for postage, and another by way a more nourishing sauce, regions ars well equipped *ith the � -oT acci(lenU 10,��,. was only 34 days, soothes thimucous membrane of TO make `," 0962-tf of New York, which I tablappoonful each of but- knowledge necessary to assist and in- t;, "'I'q , in passage, and cost only 19 4%d. use only 1� ',,,lthe stomach and intestines, cor- an the sauce Is fo,�, the dairyman in, every WAY. The , R take too much space to . ter and flour; W% . I i � - ' p,n�'; It would I rects. igestIve and bowel irre - slightly dairy farmer has the ad -vantage of I .,� d' smooth and thick, stir in a 0", ==========I- tell -of th,L- long struggle befOT4 'Can- gu only expert advice on all matters relating I , A co?y M.% l",v , Uill, , , continue stirring - 16e asm, (� 'y nVIC ,.W:,,� nomy; but, larities, promotes a normal) beaten egg, and . - to his calling, from gowitg and, im- !� I ,,�?l: ada was given postal auto . oger. Re I , P�?, I !�,1. m,,L ., .. I I - passant, it may be remarked that healthy appetite, overcomes L I ' L en passa on appRicat, , ��,,,, " . I move and Serve immediately. - proving pastures, through every I nom t® zany . . 1411_, this postal grievance was one of those A .. . , nervous depression and greatly _--t�__ phase of animal huAgndry, to man -u- . t . responsible for the rebellion of _ ng'lhis finish- -Mr il.' largely re-Rpo BffnnC�t CDP tj6e BA , . , ,� � fam- . NO3, T ICE increases vitality. factoring right to IaW& . �_ . 1837, and that Lord Durham's [MMF,R . ad product in Col iAorage or on the L - . . I . , ,...,.i., , , . 4. . !�,,��.�:.`,,!�",�­ Report proposed that the control Ann -emulsion of purified petro- PLANNINd TO'UR S'C "' . I IL I 1X,�,',,,i,l`.'­!�'.1 ____0_ OUS should -be given Up London and other 'overseas markets. DIP MO AL " . . . , . ,�,J , '�",,� l�,�­ I of the post office al ce leum. oil, with hypo�hosphites of GARDEN Iferd testing and breed. improvement ", I I ". ,;., ��,:�." I - ago and I to the Colonies, but that the service each claim practical -attention. and drl- . I 10� , � ;`­' ,", � : I The Indu6trial laartg lime and goda, A GIER'S is !,;.,`z*­�-`:'­.. 'Company, 02 Sszj�[% , throughout the -whole Of BritishI Summer ..garden' cannot be I : . . ,:1 ". , ' all'® rection. "I'll.. li.�,.:"._... t- North America should be candooted pleasaritto take, gives tone to all l. fewL minutes. to have I'Milk or I cream grading it; the all- 1; �,��."%,�',. . I I 1 --. ­`��'. � , `Z�a,2017 Itin � , planned in i I , , . ' ' - * j`-'. :1 �l I , . ". . Ili I., . I by one central -establish" "P the digestive system, and -.is the ts a#aAge ortaiftt factor in deterrairing the . L . I t;, � ,ub.i a in positions in. i l., :'i. .;­ , . , to the best -A& qu lit�rof the output: In the grading I M 10AW, which, of course, Was not taken,�Uftil they will �dhow whil ec L _. ..'', . ' * 020048(y Crmfe(leration, in lW7, . When the equally effective for children which I BAN17L OF MONTREAL , ,.. L I I I vantage and Ift Which they Will Of- of milk or eream or any of Its pro- I "t. nd,,adults. I . I I . I . . . _ '­ '). ­L'd . atial that the gr r I �, C06d :2,== ja-ado, zt viadzbt, �. -Canadian post office es'1116 into btift a I ford a succession' 01 -bloom re(ildifes (Juvtg, It io e�ge M * astowishe'4 ,� 81? , .. I'll', , . I e- I . 'id � q. - in 11961 the d6TnP-'%d TAt6 WM tedU much ofe, the In- should -he," bis pensea trained '640 as ' ) ' I .; , . . 00"'FMtom I .1, m ,h tbotlght,'� TheTe'f ,�,W.�,� 'l"' " " �', "., . , " .� ,,, ,, . , , ., I I oeegt A Dritigh Doctor writm., 112 �6naidbr Andlet'a . . ., j � �.,;.;". ., , - !­; ,­ I' 1 I .:• ed 'th 3d per half - Out& &%d) cd smuhaarx is dn® df i'm fitiont tanica a."d porUjit W40T:k d .111a'AZIA9 the 99'r&M to ,W able tO ffilly 9=00111t#,�h,e iia. � Toed Aso= bl, aicets of $87%000,080 . ,.,., , . , ;Vm to ad per J,idl?�:'�Oftj6j dgtandth bttildern 6r1gW�Vdb1*j11(,91Jd1.)­Z.D, , 1.11 k I ".;, - ,'�v woff. 'Am tvic.,z), Lens , , carried ktter% ants ofiomin64-44-08669;161ould not tel itfluencep ,a 'OT Ancl-figivb?, of, . . " ,� ,, .0 � "', " 'Lent ,sepsis',I I ,�:�L:�, - ,.� _:� ,, '.L ' - J,'� 'Ji Igg't *e " d.M6 4 'ftte' fb'� .Me . 'bW I'll. '� . _ , , I ' , I 11 , 0 1, I ' ' ' ,-! , - I ' � ' ' . ` - , "I I I 1i I. I. I ' ' ' 'k , '4 � " N, � , , , " , - , I.L , , . � , , , , 4; , 'A , _ , I I , "' " . .� 14 1 1 be tdt %4 67 9 . R -, -.,� ' '711 I - J"1,j"" I ;',' I , . !*'L W . , il ..-,.`�!;,l:.,::1.'1'1 I , 1,1 � , I IUS Imbuths a Oft-dVade i4dif'# pilodUat ba Opilk .. f r 11 . I , - Hantiall Branthi i , L L R. CCAS, Manager , , "'dat-10, - 4 b6aback Itowl -eliow - Iii ­," "i i; I ,�­ffL�, ; , i� 'it . I . I I , :�5 4 ._ , & . , AID ftl . - . � ' 81MV43, It AO I oftmw, bottar C I vohblo of - the n6tV 0 ,taa I G ., ,"Ili - L . " , , I. , , " � ! '111" , " I 1�;"� il llli� L I �,.,.,� I . �A . , W - ; '1011, , W. 001M I ;1 o , " opobbe Ntw smw oft, r*aa x0va I � � .1 � , , e .r4l fiLtvw, vk daro 7 , PM U66d land W �, L TA, , , I , , , , , "... � . L , , . , 'L N " ', , I W I , �4 1 11 L, 1k ,� W bil a I 1, I � , -, g ' , " , ,�n,�� 1, dPw,s*9_'!',tW I ' � 1, ­ I . � "'L . ��A&Ai'td'z dw. W4$114hafotia A . L ,, nnngw ' ' 4� ' - , , . , :, buf I I I L ��;,IRO ;i�l, 4 � , 1.±,�"! , f �6ft &V , L6#06V;4 , I " , , L 411c,diid 6rssm,444, aHat= MMA'a L M % =,�M?, N m, I I I . A �, * 0 _ �1' - , � ' 'L ", ', , I 4 I . -41 , , ,L;. I �� � � "', % . , -1 11 1, "LL I I -6�i� I , �, :j,14 , I f:,1_liL' ­.V,,­�,:�A T! �",��,�._ I , , , , , ", il VbL,'' , . I .1.1 I—— , ,:" , 111�11�� , , , . , ;6 ft" hm!- araacwa , _ " � L L . .. 6W4) 1 � I . ., : 0 , '' 16 - "', ai ,, -ACCb!k-7J 3 Og = Ir%=JV pl­ - I 1. I , " , , N '� 1.9, dog 16i an q I I I . ­ 'I 7�,' IL',Lp '._J�* iv, L .,o ,; powi ,41ift' 'g%d L 11 I , , .6lift., f�o V r I -_ ", I . 1. I I I I �'i . . , " Wit 6y 6 I ON' , 6 IV � - F �ij�* � .. 4 J .,AV I 1, -f .1 , '. r t ,Jfk,, 4 L ".L �� ' 11 i'' '01 %Idll , Al - � I ,0, 1.1LnI I �� , I 01 1. � , 1� . �1. . I .. ., � J§'hj'b62',d LT'h# ,�'d 600 TOT, A% I , _ I :,,, , I , , k" L LL f4k, di�,,40,� - ­ ' n - _ , '', "Oh ivd rep;1�604 .. ;, �, wdedlad it to'' t "' � �, "." Ohl , " 66 tk(� , v , . , "'�!;]��;L';,�'�� ''M I , f , ,V4AW �PL!kt:%d,f%, VWd I of A Waffi6a & _ 6.16&ft,ffiZ& , I " .;�" _ 'P40liot we L%;� �.�, L � ,��Qt =4, C A� i t1t . Al ,", "�'­J,­�'�R Ornz " 41 , �v=e ja":�, � . , ­,L��,,­­,,D­;-h - I ­ I " I , 'S LC �dfj.',0'6 �, � , , F � U , , - , ,� , .0 1, �, / , It . . , 'a -1 , � 21 &1 \1 - 'b 4 . gi , , -.0 M ­ ; �, '2 L �;l .... L� ." I I . "'' , IV, . ­ . . . I 1 $" ­ , I L . I , ,., $I 0, �'t'., . .11� I I ��, , , I 1. I 'KA 1� ��. 1:0V . "g# ­VL - , 1 140 400 � , , ��� _ , L , ,,,� wv� I 1, 1�i t 'a - I I I W404a A 0,10 ��,0614 _ ? L .L ­;,''..— 11 11 . r,wq�,. 14i N 1W In "'At" � of A IIP to 11 , , � l, . , Y U'P.0ya V44 �­LL:-,�,--�­ , '�,:�! I';', � � ... , ­ ��, lk--"—,.-----,-aww��,�d&",W",V,j I . ,." 4 � '' I ` ' ; , . 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