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The Huron Expositor, 1929-01-11, Page 3
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JS+ ..Y:. ;:L--�9pSL l i f4 .. •. g ,. ,.,_ '1%. . 40p-': - y i .. a: :. .vi- i N'y y;r:,'}�trr it`Y, nM1A.i' 17 C� :t'0 Oka .:t . . t Ja* 0"110,' 9��wi e r �p� ,, � � , t ," �r.'k ,:s . .'", .; n.: e- .,., .. *'Ftt' .. - :.,' ,: •::r „ a J�' 4., �'Mr krs 7 p�A,r �t: ,,1� . vri,5 al r+ + M ; «, , �f�tkD&it. ttw {F •45 :P4� g4�$6 ilt�olCk • ;a ,A ,tt F �y a S '• ,.. _ ,,�+ q 5. ..I. r,> I , yid tr)" §,� ani 1 Ir 941 7A �lQv fl$a9r4A 1' gc^Gr.. rt m �f, ,", � OVA bard, cold. II&31 (L"d j t r t%r . IS 1 - i� „ r d tW.yAI lnxxns' �oetlser, hQ-eveR, GSA 'fi .,r�,l jVjw !. 1 Ia 1?tis appQlaa-zi anat, but vvhei the q .,. � t Y,rl;, 1FMM,T1NA' -rive, iln sciel¢tist gw'hom la® w§ . iy;. I I tdi Ixst t*iiew waus' Ill in bed w %, - a1. ,�e'ldl n ® co t,l iz,iu s� he d11 Nu!��!'r �f �JE�^ . r e; - .:I f. j;.n .'.�"] 1 ,1 t ,�?r1.Ft� 111;:r r,•; 4 veroati t1* ensued, 'betwP�aa nasal I� w; Y `]� l ,,,,��.�,�,R 4t1$ ilk 9f� 4➢msitiu3il11Il cpsiFsirs, cl➢r n±$marlsed', "If i, l mrN fCtl� olsulstrry Is to be used as a weapon, = r ,t+ ' , aTk"i �r}3r rias x j4> Q3 bit ,dZY �Co>Y diff ons &':Bqu r R we must 'know exactly what we are r � �, ,� , �S��g t",, � ,yq q"��{7 y.,�� {t Li'YJilr,;0k5* � , ,° -U]1QA6 Cti1 °� A� Y {®DSIlt � li' SC9�4 1+4 1" <t�}}p shooting at," S, a P',1 , `r44� r .,i4 '� y' ,r SIOIl81t`(tem '°Well, 7Jt's a cinch thalt we don't O r. I 9 know uodwl, . retorted the other, 66or ri iia k �� �+ 'n, q,�l,, we wouldn't &ave so many fancy , ! C�>luullit it4k� TtifIlm111Il�c�fE' ®�f LLYLQa ffi�'�1Tt� „ : a k �j names for the slam- t'hin'g. , ,> r', 6 t�p "' <. eOtt �91P�1Rnda �f "Wihat else could we do . inter- ''` r ' �nlA�h , 1LpQ�)I�jjIl�AZIontinues I I ,�L a ', Bank, who . b a�iways wAl �tnng tt® r:ogat d- the caller. "Wfelve' had to � J x p �` '� �' 12 refer ,to the sport in, the patient',s'El cuss Your ipiroblle �& you. anatomy Where) he felt the worst � „-�' - * +� tr ' Vwhe7! h- ,had '�, `OOld,' and the name F, n s°x, tt a^ r 5 curvy'' V . �j refers to this point of contact, rather , tl, n•(t Mr1. JS than to the nature of the cold." r� � `�,. i;' ][ am frequently asked if Y believe v a:r�Yr 'll, I -,.1".1 that colla axe "catching." Wny, of „ F," �° DOMINION/ I''��IIK course they are communicable. This , r� ISLE ` is 'proded by th® way they run t d SIF®IElT°]E[ I3IE�Ai�TCTEii through a family or an office. With s'x:`I R. Eff. Jones - Rganasw one hundred million' colds a year in 5 the United l5tates, conservatively esti Every (,r 1i1+ j� I`� i� `', mated, to Ibe transmitted, carried and" until close '' ,2 . ., spread by fingers, food aisd flies the o • NXIT CUTE throu samle as an'y other communicable dins I 111 gh working days co to incluse ease, of course they are "catching" ' Evening,Januar I t ill f ,°,try, cause a greaterononimic Lose 9 d new . 1. I'll Tramp: "Have you a good square them an other sin le form of sick- It is known -That 90 per Dant. of the rne'al for a hungry mann, missus?" ness. On the other hand, diseases of cords on record yearly are contract- o o bargains o a]f�ady: `Yes„ laird hePll be home the same family group,'sucyh as ia- ed purely by infection--carraed from f 1�`l `flj v,,"presently 'so you'd stetter go" flaeruza andcertain of 'the;pneumonaas one person to 'another, the same as l� ::1��� 13 J� out r . I which in their early stages can be measles, diphtheria, or scarlet fever. The 11DAr." which leads the way hardly distinguished from the com- Not a pleasant thing to contemplate, , In Ux. and Bars. means is it e Cold facts are not always � °d mon cold in tiheir symptoms are 9 uc+h 11 1 t' ' our /?:;;zU11ter's • ' I �s m as—rwe , e s say „ The pork in pork and 'beans, said -to cause more deaths yearly than any other infectious disease. 'agreeable. We know that sudden• chilling, wet . • disease attacks you, you can banish ars d'e'adly aft -r -freers through the rise of this great 'blood-buildin g' `9VUhout antentional facetiousness feet, wet clothing, exposure, drafts, , "Why did you give up pipe organ permit me to state that "cold"• facts and so forth are supposed to cause '; , Ilessons?" "I felt so ,blooming childish, play- i Pg with my feet. are obvious. According to the num- erous surveys made in connection with colds. Yet the Eskimo, who encoun tens all these conditions in a sever- form, is virtually •immune from colds p p �/,� �%, /� i�to�/� our ' ever the " Store ..tasked St. Peter at the pearly gates when a voice asked• entrance. „ „ public schools and industries', Pious watering of the eyes and nose, with generally some soreness of the C� L�' (1 U 11%coli Li c Gosh, let me in quick, muttered -the wandering soul of convict 50173, ling revelations have been made' re - except when he beards a ship or vis- (ar� rm right o offe "And what do you do when you garding this 'ailment. As a matter its a temperate climate. ofj Greatese %%�% �%�%%%�%%o]�leaves-them I%ij Sja t I;'f`lj (� Mol! . iai ,w Clear the fire alarm, my good man?" "Oh, I jest get up an' feel tale wall, an, if italn thot I o back to bed. of fact, it has bean. computed that the loss each year through illness, im- At the present time we know of three types' of colds, or symptoms. The first os the cold tJhat is accom- o �,�e a /�(�g �y� � �V ���t/(J�� like hat we ' disease attacks you, you can banish ars d'e'adly aft -r -freers through the rise of this great 'blood-buildin g' paired vltallty and efficiency caused Tlae u upper respiratory Ll/ �/ `'` l'�9 W Disease in Many Forms. the treacherous lis- by the common cold runs into til- panid by feelings of chilliness, slight '; , "And who are you, my good mean?" lion's. Over 70 per cent. of the ab- feveit' ars an ,aftermath, sneezing, co- ' ..tasked St. Peter at the pearly gates when a voice asked• entrance. „ „ sentees from -schools offices and' fac- torics are medical plroblems; 25r per Pious watering of the eyes and nose, with generally some soreness of the o , - Gosh, let me in quick, muttered -the wandering soul of convict 50173, cent. 'are due to the eo..tmon cold; 40 per cent. are due to diseases• of the throat ,n swallowing, and a little hoarseness. If we take care of our - (ar� rm right o offe Just released from the electric chair, respiratory organs', which' general) selves, these symptoms disappear al - "for I just had the shook of my life!" started with a cold. Ask any em ter a few hours or days, and the ployer to show you the debit side of patient is himself again. Either that his ledger, and you will see there, or the cold develops into something more serious INFLUENZA' VICTIMS Wemk, P/Iiserable and a Prep od written in red ink, results. in every ten men are disab- led by colds yearly, rearrarke3 thestubborn. . The second type is n'ot so sudden„ at tlhe outset, but it may prove' more a"Four `li.efft Th�'a sto”' � �s not giv(SM to �t�� disease attacks you, you can banish ars d'e'adly aft -r -freers through the rise of this great 'blood-buildin g' head big factory Tlae u upper respiratory " W Disease in Many Forms. the treacherous lis- of a to me recently, "and seven in emery ken women. There's a loss to industry of 1.4 days passages, ,the pathways which con duct the 'air from the nostrils to the o a 0 0 : rr ° �J trJZ fiQ bu 'One o€ most of I ci ienc and,thus p y, prevent its spread- ing.' The situation' once mastered by experts, it will be possible to re -du- lungs, always produce a number of 1; 0) ,-�1 � eases aft'ticting the people of Canada dining the winter months is influ- It always invariably ends with a year far each man, and 2.1 for wo- 'men. Worst of all, there is the loss in efficiency orf those who bunglethfE., disease-producing organisms. A small number to be sure, but enough to¢nza. find lodgment ,dv�T�Il8 ,a n o , J jusfif-y �a fully complication of troubles. Its vie- bravely on• trying to remain' at theirmultiply and more se- -• Ili On( statement lb tims suffer with alternate fevers and ,chills, headaches and backaches. $t to Posts without giving up. We have oct attempted to compute this foss, but we know that it is cure than hitherto, until they fill the blood stream of the patient with pars ons that cause all sorts of discom-t ofj Greatese %%�% �%�%%%�%%o]�leaves-them I%ij Sja t I;'f`lj (� Mol! . iai an easy prey 'bron- ,ehitis great." The the the forts. J1J 1�1fl?� jS�I �✓ (yep—g CSf g and pneumonia. Indeed, the deadly 'after effects of influenza may leave the victim a chronic invalid. prevalence of cold was most fre'auent cause of disability a- mong. 1;500 employees, for instance, The third type of cold is one that some of us carry around with us— ��f�within % ED(eng tBfou h�y� can avoid influenza entirely by fs th bl h and r d 'b duringa givern year. Could anythingo be more illuminatin 1 ourselves—and which results in recurrent sinusitis. The cavities �i V � e sir ahem eeping e o . , e y the use of,Dr. Williams Pink Pills. If you have not done "this and the g The'Chemical Foundation is, there- for-, following a course that will win in the 'bony formation of the face are filled with mucous membrane fold's or, n preventive measures seem less trou- , disease attacks you, you can banish ars d'e'adly aft -r -freers through the rise of this great 'blood-buildin g' the a ppraba'tion of millions. Scien- tifiv research i going to make it possible to discover the cause orf this sinuses. During the course of a cold t'he'se 'become .infected. The ;patient ets better and thinks that lite is cur the infection in ; x °' f��:.��(� f� �(� � Hufl&ne�As O�11LLz, in �J.:4l3d see lx \/ ou.MM�R (of nerve -restoring tonic. specific disease, ciheck it in• ills in- d, when suddenly the sinus makes itseilf felt again, and ,r 1J Here is roof of the power of Dr. p Williams'' Pink Pills over this trou- (ble. Mr. F. H. McMullen, Belleville, ci ienc and,thus p y, prevent its spread- ing.' The situation' once mastered by experts, it will be possible to re -du- the patient is once more incapacltat- edThos-'most r1 a � �ew , bu7efra who know t � �toTe neve') ®tit., says:—'Some years ago, fol- lowing a severe attack of influenza, I was left in, such 'a weak condition Cate the public, and point out its duty ir_ prev'entin'g the spread of colds. Then will dawn .the day when we wild susceptible .to colds are people with poor circulation, or who have 'some chronic local infection, ode- �u� '' o " 0) fe r���%%� the that my friends thought I would not look back upon our present slack noids, or diseased- tonsils. But since �/ J� het better. I developed nervous in- digestion, and my blood got thin and In this weakened condition methods as an example of hygienic gels. barbarism, a relic of the disapproval Just as we now look with disa royal the germ which causes You to catch cold may enter nose and throat pas sages from the air when the infect o V V ORRd lS f lS R PECR,(Ce.T�rog�Iducta,\(�n-uj)jmoI H you h�vrB ratwatery. I 'began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these did what other upon persons suffering from quaraii- tine diseases, who insist upon' expos- ed person talk's, coughs or sneezes, only goes to show how very careful anyone who has 'a cold should be to 3, ' 0 0 0 r f.� �j �j r �j/ NME 'You medicine had, failed to do—brought ing others by breaking quarantine, cough and sneeze behind his hand- ; L:�1�a�r� C0M(a J,IZI,O�° 9 WHR not lr�grZt Comm mte back to health and strength. I ,can honestly say I think t'he'm the $lest blood builder and nerve tonic so in future may we regard one who lightly tassels off -a cold with a shrug of his sih'oulders 'and a bland, "Oh, kerchief, in order not to expose ethers to his malady. from U o 0 HMAO : • f� , yeA7 Il� Il tO y. p 8rnawn, and I shall alwa s raise it's nothin ,�We g: just common' cold. may catch •a cold• using a towel, -a glass, a 'spoon, or a fork ©d r- ' � �t0�� \ �� 'them. By that time we will have been ed- that has not been properly washed You can get the pills, from your ucated to the point where w.m e can ap after it has been used by one who + mlmuggisL, or by mail at 60 cents a preciate the epitaph one SaProctor has a cold infection'. Or we may carry )box from Tht Dr. Williams? Medicine had inscribed on his deceased, wife's Co., Brockvill-, Ont. tombstone, without thought of sacci- the germs on our hands by handling leg- something that has been used by a Bros 'person with a cold. That is the way t _4 -we tis no cold through our hands, `"` I.'( -:) t 0Here lies our wife, Samlantha Proctor � J� It's easy to foresee the time when She ketched a cold and would not dec- so it is not such a ridiculous' state - there won't be room for more parking torr: ment as it may at first appear. A signs,—The Toledo Blade. She could not stay, .she had to go— hedless Person who hag a cold, and Praise God from' wbom- all blessings perhaps sneeze's with his hands over his lips, sprays his fingers. The next.<. C o TIME COMMON COLD Inasmuch as two good, hard colds are the average annual allotment tQ now. Doctors„ see more of colds than any other disease, and yet we 'a're forced moment he is shaking hands with someone, and paLssin'g on the cold ge7ms Me person who receives tL, puts his fingers' to his li hand:l'es some chewing gum, a cigar, preventive measures seem less trou- , following year, and now the common - blesome. To you, the adult, it may - elreryone in America, no gift for the or cigarette. Prestol Miad'am Cold this particular institution. The physi-i sdvanq.emeht of medical science has ,svYe'r had -so direct a personal appeal -masses ������1! " eE r@01% Germ gives a sly wink, fastens her- self on herr new victim, gloating ov- and plenty of it, makes war against eliminating waste from the system. drink to the as the fund of $19'6,000 he the means of. leading to fatal pneu- er the fact that she 'has been wait- germs. Add to this regular hours of Now, too, is the time to quan- t donated by the Chemical Foundation to make an exhaustive study of the o a O �il�� ing for this very opportunity to make her felt. Another cold rvic- sleep in a well -aired bedroom or sleeping porch, and you will find that tities of cold water. A quart an hour is none too much to flush the ,origin, cure, and prevention of the 5cN/ds1?(1T/ 1�1 }1LLtt onyl'411�/ ° 1 presence tim is added to her list, and so on, you have built up a bodily resistance kidneys and help carry off waste. Eat common cold. That 'a research iusti- Manly Annoyance, Troublesome Nights ad infinitum. that will stand you in' good stead, so sparingly. Avoid drafts. To become tution of the standing of Johns Hop- Wrecking Lives of 'khousands The very kindest thing for any per- far as colds are concerned. BY this chilled at this juncture is serious, and kine has hwbilized, its medical units States Writer Who Tells What son to do who has •a cold 'is to re- means, you restore )-our 'spent energy frequently l'e'ads to pneumonia. for a five-year investigation of this To Do For Q�uicP� lZelieff. main away from others until he has and make yourself cold -proof. Despite the fact that t:c.e el aire •subject, 'makes the gift. all the more, Backaches, Headaches, Pains in feet got rid of it ,and no longer harbors The wisp person who wishes to plenty of alleged "treatments" for significant. I I I and legs, Nervousness, Restlessness, a, geTm in his own system to pass on ,arvoid a cold' will never get the di- cold, there is no cure. There are said It as a stupendous task -that has frequent ' bu scanty Urination with to unsuspecting victims. Isolation is sect breath of one affected with this to be about 45,000 cold -curing drugs that been outlined, and it is hoped ha burning and pain, getting -up -nights'--- tllre surest preventive, The trouble in '11 is hands malady, and he will wash h lion'.,; on the market. In fact, the 1 n as rthe work advances ,and the inevit- are somle of the more troublesome the past has been. that we have min- frequently with plenty, of good soap share of the nation's $600,000,000 drug ,gable need four more extOn6lve research signs that should have 'prompt atten- imi'zed the dangers of the malady, and warm water, always using a clean hill is spent for cold remedies --three- " Ibeeornes eroddent, it will be possibly Ito tipn before they reach a more serious and have not been firm enough with towel. He will, of course, keep his fifths for patent medicines alone, sold aupplenn-nt the gift of the Chemical stag+el ourselves 'and other's in taking our fingers away from his month and nose for cold remedies, Foundation. Since the principal No matter how stubborn your case stand against its spread. It is the to avoid carrying any infection. It Cold tablets are to be avoidd as a plagulo diseases, with the exception m'a'y, %0 -em to be or how many media duty of every .individual to regard a is just such personal hygiene and "cure" worse than the disease. They ,of epideurtde influenza, luaus Tboerr 'cines ibou 'blame tried without results cold as a n'uisan'ce 'and a danger, and sanitary laws which make one less are bad for the heart and may lead tivr11 ght under eontrbl, the time is' _,..don't rt9link your condition is hope- thus make war upon it, liable to the commnnicalble colds go- to the drug habit. Nevgr take cold -ripe for th'e 'none the less insidious less or the natural con)sequennee of The .general health should be look- ing the rounds. tablets unless prescribed by a physic - disease known as the common cold to advancing years, until you have tried ed after with the greatest care. Since If you do happen to fall a victim ian. I til d and ma:3tU'red thoroughlystudied the m' ' ® oma, n Dr. South- n value of w ` that people with Dor ave shown at o we h p I1 1- to naiad a should 17e sen'S h Y, Y t h t taking a o re perfectly , a£e n You a e Y g P q th 'a view to exte`triniination. As is worth's "U11ATABS," circulation are 'most susceptible to ble enough to tape proper care of hot bath or a mustard foot bath, then poa*e'd out by Z dins Hopkins,' while ®n a gMet .guarantee of money colds, me of the first things to do is yourself for the first day or so, not go to bed and drink copious draughts )They- Is,but ilial- 'accura'te Ildorbva- back on Twat b6:2 purchased, if you do to keep th'e s'kdxt in healthy condition. only, for your own snake„ but for the of hot lemonade, orangeade or tea. tiWt ad to thdT ' e=kt 7+a1010n to not receive AWif"t and natizfying relief Frequent bathing in warm water, fol- sake of others. By giving UP to the Cover with warm blankets and take ' and t�191fl t -in di -laza, tad ouch Wises• � $atifiix p _-, cod u rYa an d ` is�t will supply y g gg pp y 9'0 I a old shower or un a and lowed b c g 3% pl v - naiad' o n tnR a old a longer iso- y y Y g 'S ,old-fashioned .i0 - t• It 1 o old fah n d awes a good g maoniis,w !' ,,A -with 1111YA�fto01 in woad packages a- brisk mb with a Turkish towel, will lation, and also obviatta a. serious ill- well to induce perspiration, if the oYdfu %d 40 sof 0A u St trcintaining a ftxx drys' supply. If they work vwondws, with the circulatiotL now that may develop, JEm ti', In bed patient is careful not to esrpos,o him - , Moat folfitl 4*"4'tUtA htUiib ZJ4&" binn'g grew li'g tadde of 48 hours The skin will ,soon glrow and tingle is a good thing, espet y when therm self afterwards. t�baz an td1*6 .4f to 5�' 1162ft, 'd,#- hid a rowonderfaxl' improvaclant ina'id'e with hoalth' 'hind life, th,Us euublili are syruaPtOl tis of wt� =-29— B'lsnt;3� Mail, you 'pause to dosau�i'dsnr &at ; lleless, , 4 1r';r :o �S13 a0t9 l 9''.' apt y`*a - ' of taco days, -corn will• ' ly pled , °, the 'body to dual e a udddsmr changes of of hedelrJtFraatrg and lowi� atrf �h ail` iia follow; .A lr�sae; 116 tho 16"us5bY y��,� coxraweulosa cold" ?ill Ee ?a yon .t� � d'sm,0= hFla 1= M .• } r � -- YAD 9 do ,: �.�j goy rad ttf they Dh Y c 9B n"n 4aa1U �Umm, q, t ' i 6YY1 'LillcrS�. r h �'$v ''� C oodd cubo To ; dao be of. lf► duel i- 6Y Y]a YY o6A 5;r 00¶ r Til +p -h elip 1b i<n _w. y o f °r vial w�� # �t. Twebe Ask S o4kv' ' egrulak eremite ,Yui 2't opm � g .I. ., rvnYl Told iirat ;' » I I a v l�l� ��a�i�� 1� ifi � , : , I, 4 1. P r ,, . , - ,.I I .: ., I. r. n 11 I d 1 - — . �. I for life with some physical handicap,I ed a recurrence of the experience thaw preventive measures seem less trou- , following year, and now the common - blesome. To you, the adult, it may cold has been nearly stamped out off mean the loss of many days' and weeks this particular institution. The physi-i from business, a cutting off of the cal welfare of their workers is �, family income, and worst of all may first consideration. Physical examin- r`il he the means of. leading to fatal pneu- atiorts are compulsory. Each em - monis or some chronic lung disturb- ployee is compelled to spend' a cer- .` ance. tain amount of time each day in, the 11 Lightly as we are prone to regard gymnasium, to drink one quart of I - I them, colds take more dollars and milk daily, which is promided', in addi- cenhs out of the worker's pockets dvr- tion to a wholesome ,luncheon. AlEtk ing the, year than any other sickness. p h ysical ailments are llookedafter t,; They ]cad to pnenman.ia, and pneu- promptly and with dispatch. Among ,,.,Qz, mon,ia causes more deaths in the tfhese employees is a Texas woin= " united States than anv other disease who went to this institution a more • except heart disease, tuberculosis an'd slip of a girl, She hall chronic colds, ;4 cancer. due to deficient diet, lack of enrereis% l One of the most intelligent surveys and improper clothing. She is now j! that, baa ever been revealed to the a happy, strong woman and ha Rrra i+: public was made by ore of the larg- raised from -nine-dollar-a-welt jo>tn 1k' est insurance companies in Ame'ri'ca to 'a, position' of sixty-five ciollarb n M, Trot long ;since. Among 7,000 ern'- week. In due time she will bo germ I d' pleyees all doing clerical work, true siond for 'life, to permit somru� o ,< i�1 common cold, bronchitis, acute inflam- worker to 'bake her place. 1. r% oration of the upper respiratory tract, Now, as -mre have seen, as cold iiia over f,,000 days, or an' average of a Iaugluing mmsi lout it ie k&1 Sty ' ' day for each employee, was totaled,, Moreover, the findring% demo that 'nye pl,ol~ed it in t'@ o ' o'a at b4ongs, ' ', ustratred that colds varied with the fall of the where an,& thed �e ,1� it "C"'onnsrton 1]'ui'aanhe,1, JU,Ao �d, ' '' Y, ,, weeldly mean rtemnpttgtum. A dro of texx dagrees', fov 6 mple, raea , 14 oramon (gold,"' If, dij 16 nsrtsaa la, is in +fie TA ''a' I h in I'ler6asa of gghftti'i A o'f w . he ln9b, 3tiM4 ti wt d , u .'; Ca � , ' r' , 1 ' xt OTM d mover the fgWAW t To ,q, V"'oak�'. hift to � M ::M, y �, :;, �r �L': ` Phe tsdakro given bbl" "thvr tLaepl1 o o e li td d4� 1 :•' 4 y �:, f�-� ,:, Isaic`ir�7(i ont. 'to Ma twob n it'll r �.. ", t d J 1 u., �Tb'� , 61k c¢I ��' s4 t'4 � . .1 -, � ,'�' 1"!�lr r ';L ',L.., ,� 11 t