HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-12-14, Page 7, I ; " , - I � , .: . . , , �. � �: i ', : i ", �', �!,'�i,.�� :111, � .. � " , " - ,�,',' S :' 1. ,� "' :, ,� ,, I, !'It".... . I . . ��,,`;�� Fv; �, �. ., 1.�' ­., "w'! T I 1, " I I .. ,:� � . .. . , . . ­ 1�,;. , "' . : . , . . . I' .11 . �, I 91 . I I J � . . '... , . . � � Q . I 11�11: I I I I 1, I .1 � I . I,- � I I I I 11 � -1 -� � I - . � I I - !-- I I . i I- ",7, 7- '7-- - . . � I � � , , ,, , , !�� �i . i, � I , I I . : �, , , � - - � ­� -,- I � ,­ ­­- -- I 11 .1 I'll � I "F, , -1- , � F!111.�, , ., , , ,4!�cla�'�'I'l",:."k),§".�,4v�,t�,VI ,Q 11 I :, �1� ", T , , , , ,� , �,701,y, �, �; " ["� � " I . 14 1 ,� . � ,,, `4�j�,., -�";;, , . - , . " AR ?0 , ,,, I I ., , , '�;� . � :"�, I , �, 1, I I . ""I, Z,��, , . �`��, ,��,�"*!;§ "'. r � , " 1:11 11 :!�� �: , ��� 1. � �, 11 �1' ".,�', ,1 ,��,,�� N, tj,(R., - 4"p.g d, I �1; ,�,� , , " ,� 4,,�;:�; ,f,j , , ai� W;i �� , . 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Barristor, , NoUp qlt� , "' . , , �Totgr 'W.11 �'. Seatiie. Block t forth, Oat. C, � I ------ I—q— - � N I . . . 3.� S. �NAVS !; , � .ftr4s,te�j.�1:.$0,114itbri-.' ConVeYAUCOr and . Noviry rume, - Solicitor for the Damidioli 134nu., wee In rear of the , Daiginjo,n Bank, Seaforth. Mibne.y to a6alt t -, . I I . . I .11.1 . . . BEST & BEST . . Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- aers and Notaries Publici Etc., Office in the Edge Building,, opposite, The 7,xpositor Office. . ag � -�- I - -- ab I VET13RINARY I . 01 . . gi JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. de Horior graduate of Ontario Veterin- 11 ary College. All diseases of domestic it l�nlmalq treated. 0415 Promptly, at- 6 tended to and charges r,aodoram Wt- . .4 lee 1-� ednary Dentistry, � A,- 1 , ty': - Offi �, and vj�jdenceon Godeil& Strdet, one ki door east ,f'1)r.;MAckaY's Office, Sea- . , iorth,.. . . . . I ----� - P A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. I Graduate of Ontario Veterinary e( College, University of Toronto. All -animals treato dN,ases ,of domestic ,d g ly t h o in o s, t modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or ititht P) calls promptly attended to. Office on 4, Main street, Hensall, opposite Town h H&U. Phone, 116. 1 st W. - � , . MEDICAL I d - DR. W. C� SPROAT d Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, f University of Western Ontario, Lou- d ,Jon. Member of College ot k,hysic- s iians and Surgeons of� Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., ' Setdorth. Phone 90. 1 — a . DR. R. P. U. DOUGALL ' t lHonor graduate of Faculty . of 6 Raedicine and master of Science, Uni- c ,versity of Western, Ontario, London. Wernber of college of Physicians and .p Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors s east of post office. Phone 56, Hertgall, b Ontario. 3,004-tf 1, DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY s I Bayfield. . . Graduate Dublin University, Ire- ' land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and t Children, Dublin. office at residence zately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Ommdays, I -to 2 P.m. 2866-26 — DR. F. J. BURROWS office and residence Goderich Street, amst of the Methodist ,Church, Sea - forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. — DR. C. MACKAY - . C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medallist of ' %yMity ,Medical College, member of as College of Physicians and SUT- geons of Ontario. . 1. 1 .1 �, -';1-1 I � -.1 1. , 1. ;;il I I ---1-111-- . I I � - I THE HURON't . I I I -----1----- —­­ 1­��";'t ­ .11, ,�, ,,,�i, . . "S, - 11 . . I I 11 . wNikilm ­­­�- ­­. � .I ,,, , ,. L I - 1.�� ; 'L �., - qmL� ,,� ,�", . I . .. � . I I . I . � . I , � .1 I � 1. ,� I - -1 .. ­.- ­- - ­ , - . — � ­­ - �� - - - - -.--- - - -- � - .-- — -­— - — . I , . 1. , - . 11 11", 41 , , - � . 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I.;, 11.1-1ATf �11 .11 , . - tOWISW Voiepe, t4e moisture i1n. I . . I ,:. 1-1.1 ", 1. ­:� �,i � ', "It L � .:.- : : �, -, . . i,"��i,`u � .4 'Publislaers I � . ! , .0 014OWU 1, : . .::: .� 1`1i,4;i '' . � wwattri�uted ? rrbalcondWd oA oft �: .. . 1, . � , " - . ,% J., er Cather to Catal, a of the throat, far Ww". a J t -10ther fo.1411 . ill ' . "I'll, ��7��;jffl, I , - tune s a g over the'tOtl` ­ , f�. . :: ; - ,,. F, I eyes,. , ,pr 11 , , ,� . - ; 'I , , ��� "I -. 1. L I - I 11 'liar - Then 01pe lines Tyere laid. and, =- ' ''., � lr.�:,.: ­ . The MUSSOUBOOk Company, T,td gladiteas ,at the 4-sh, . O; ow lam, of the stbmach`,'�nd'of th� in � OX for � ­yM ;,"If": ,�. Z � � ;.� ,�J= . � . �%, '!J �., "Ill: . . r - . , . I ... I , � I I I , . , I thin&� y for the thought . . Ir I %? , I , ­�,; ".." I . 'Porento � . I 19 ano iho laboT Wc9endpd; q.%,1;�"4#1,P1 Aaar�601t,an7linrger- sightly taa farms, "re. built. ��!­ ., a � �,.,, " ,,, � t'� �� ­,­ ," I " . . . - . � :" IN , ­1­1­11� � � - I , , 'Ranger became a,mobilization Point - ­ - , ""', � the w 11. . . . . ... � I . - . ... . tgh, c . :11, 6 �, �F,i,', T.sj % A, .01, �'��,i��;�z�, ... is . . I oicloy disap 1. � 11 ­ - �V� � ­ , . I . truly , I . . " . � . '. U1. g cou pears; ion camp fur . ` , t", �� 11 il, " ­,; . . . -a vast concentrat sup- I � '. I �11 AM ,� "i R'4,,',T,;'', . "Why, evoryl where,.0 t-�he�e as an iMproVement in the . -1.1 � .1 I �` -7 1 ­11"�­ -X � �Nf,'Q!0­�, i . � .. 1, . , 4", qa I I I I I phes, and amid its fever*lVactM0 . I I L ,�,�.. ,-��,­,,1'4�,J 1, MA 5 ,,I. I � . I .. .. I I - . .. '' , - , 'il.it,f-.1E,1 ''. . I 3J 1 4 ' .1 %,.�i,�,�v ;Ij-,�Ijj� ,-�V T,,. .. . I . I , ,1� _,'�'l , ". i . . I . ", I .A .... . .. , . I , I .... v.11 11,� 5?o.. I , " , �qle! . I � , , , "' g.,'� 'p"""i". , ,0;.,;4 belon St. , jo . wonderfullY You hwe digestion and the� aVpetite, and b7v� 10, , . ndaYs Or hol- ,-;`1. �1:il � ,w 1 , there was no rest, no Sit - . I %�,­,'�'-��,' ;R4; ,st.;�; ,!,. ; � ' I . , .?!;,`�'�g! � I (Continued from last wei!k) kq CusAl �y,ou must have a per- at pronounced tonk, invigorating ida:�s; the .work went on at top ton- I I � . � I . , - 5 " �, �..' " I . % - " , - , ,,�,'�.'�,' -of a - I I �Zi�'' J,Cet � J* , girl, dad!" clangor of HIS GENTLEMAN isbu W44 �, . .., 11alloran wagged his white heAd ih 41, I , 41 three influence is exerted upon t1le -sion might and day amid a .4.y-7'1, RW F" ."", � ,,­�,,�,,; . - �L i 61i'l Aunt Lizzie go 'bout . ,- �`,: I ?m ", � 11 is � - A ". " - `­@P'� `�"'��,�, I reementf aA unusual procedure, in-) I . . I netal, a ceaseless roar !Of motors, a Tphones -to de&thF`F­*hi4,,' ' =Wq 71�:R.1511­ �;,,'� , . I ' " back," Tom explained. "She general health. , . and I � . I -,�;.,�.'�) 0`t� �. . ..�', a,; a bcdlam of hammers. and saws 01 saying that he is t ��. �, � F. R:� "I 4, " I �;..: ; -,.e, niu,cii as,he never agreed with'Toin Y0 , esting ,their , "'s �1. 41­� h offIrea, Possibje,got---4shiftless and I -been sort .� '. Z , 1p.r� Of ANGIER'SEMULSION agrecs'p � .�; �.,.: � ,`��;',, .A I any. subject whio - er- rivaters. fMcm lived in greasy . . . . , 1:1 �, . � �;'�� ,`,�,;: , I . � . I 11.1 - . �ip,' ... I . _ since. Cle Ough, I ." `��' `VJ�W, � I "A wom� batching it aA^h fectly with the most delicate, sensitive qualities. � . � ., ,: , �.,, -'-'i�, t�:. . ,ound for ,di$AgrW.WVVt ain't it?17 � stomach -and is equally effeiptive for - ciothes, breathing- dust and the od- i . . - ;;"� . �.";�, � ­ rful W.�rll ��.IAQ.:.1,011,� *dgeT they . ors of burnt gas mainly, eating poor He, is a worker in the teleppligne Td$i41X.1h I �� -.,n R. 0i 11 I , ,,:W,t. W Barbara turned; blindly she �wal-k- adults and children. -'(Jod and drinking :warm, fetid water I laboratories. He has a rack of telePhOnM-tMns� I ', � �" ,4 , �,,. ,-,il� I x" U;co ,her, Even you could ", 'M table -and buried her " V ,... __ ANGIER'S I&MILTLSZOmhas - " , , �t ,,�poil,�Bqbj­ He raised his'red, i been re w1w, they were lucky enough to get 44 �1� "'. 1�% I e - -111 - --- � c bouquet �Of wild flowers itt and a phonograph. He talksJhOi t1d J . I I I 1� lig;rent eyes and fixed -them upon commended and prescribed by the a, y at all. . in' rs ­'�,­ IS, ': garnered from the yard. She held it t deat togrip.h'- to '$e'e', � ..L� I. jf�"y 1, " t old friend, but there was now a Medical Profession ofGreat Bri ainand This was about the state of affairs h" by means of the phor . . . . ",*i", -1 ­' � : there for a moment before e satisfactory ' ."I"'I'll., 1. -nd-ly light in them.. "You made a ,she IP"- Canada for Over 35 years. that Calvin Gray found an the morn- I whe er the transmitters giv I .!4'1�&,�,��,, � �,:.,� ..you -didn't even forget that I love . I I I , b , -r didn't you, Tom " I A British Doctor writes: "Z consider your i,Lg of his arrival. He and Mallow . ts. . , I � � Yc'sui "I 1- � I 1. V .� 17�': mi son. of h( , blue -bonnets, did, you, dad?' propar.ation saperior to CWky Other emulsion hi,d managed -to secure a . . ,. � . I . -, "Almost. I was mighty diw.p- I-Pshaw! I ain't had much to do preparation havin,4 tho aame or similar Pullman ypes of trans -1 �'� �-,,,� I '?, 7a,,..�, ' use she .was, a girl, but- ; (Sgd->--M.D. section on the night train from Dal- There have been 95 different t. - � � 11-,,�, �'�'. 'i -V1, s .11 - ointed. beca tu m-- IJL1L remember What you like, san." claim- y w8re forced to I .mitters and 64 different receivets to�ObWl� the -�,'�` ,.,.�, �" . las; the fact that the � � ',�, , � � don't know as, a boy could of s the matter? Business AAG1,F ,yS .' , "What' sta � instrument you are u� . . 1. , 1. , out much better. Well, Judge, I carr theirown luggage from the sta- sing today. And mexx a1e- ,­ I bad?" 44B,obls" face was still -bid- y ..", ". 11 . m to the restaurant wo .,� . ;1 J i ot to be moving." R tjon uptow where �� I at rk now to find one still better. . � """ ". ��,. . , I "You are neither grammatical nor den. .1 C., ' 0116F . 1�� I they hQped to get breakfast -was - , ��10 � I ... I'll � , "Oh, no! I'm busy as usual. But I � �,�,.',', ' . IF Halloran. haracteristic of the place. En, route ' .1 ,* *ec,ise, snapped Judge fee . I I'll Z .�.., ,,,,, " me I'll probably -, 11. �. t�, IF R, now you're ho h1ther they had to elbow, their way N THE NEXT ROOM another man is � �. ,, Z � V Ivink. , . - I . �� , -, using an app -dbs a Piece Of I i. �.. 11� ��,� ,.iil - � ;,2 IN "' - �",��,, , " , ou mean we must be me 11 � EMULSION et T I 'T. - like ,doing Mrs. got a lot of work . through a crowd- that filled the side aratus which r 4N, 4 I 11 nked arms with Tom and fell into left in me yet, now I got Somebody 11 , ep with him - he clung to that riglid 65Sand91a0--a*-11dM99iJe3 = walks As if on a 'fair day. telephone cord back and forth Until it frays. .�,­ :1 k-�q,l-,�f� g-, .. . "' . .. ,�JWWM�,J ,,, -,-, �, X�,�� to work Tur." , ��,­11- i--- - I I -11 I .Imm_- ? Mallow was well acquainted with ,�,� .� 11-1 .. , � in, moreove�, despite Tom's, surly ,,so you fixed, everything with your . tile town, it appeared, -and during He is seeking a better cord. He is the man�: �.,- li' ' , `.',�'&' 1:�' I � I I I ,:-�-�tqg� ?�.� ispleasure. Not until a friend stop- hands." — -.1 ��� , . , ,7 " — ,breakfast he maintadmed a running who found that the brown cord in Your tcle- : . I ... 17 .... � -4 e4 them for a word or two was the Owl how you like the . �-,`7 .A) I . I-.. E, Sure! I knew fire. Of �omm I some Of which was r phone'today -wears better than the grepn cord I ., I - �. isi-racted Parent enabled to escape gets , to. . I I . 'I, J..�" .. Z�', rom that spidery embrace; then, I'm- place to look, and -well, a "'an kit- Ing well. If they can make good it worth list I you used to bave. You May not have noticed I..'�� .,t,��- �:, , � i251t."i . ,g'V�P,.l "Ever hear how the first discovery pi�..""F�n�l, used,to doing without help. The � I -!� ,;�. .g seems like an honest firm could do ,,��,',�i'�� eed, he slipped, it as a fillibusterin cEen S clean, too." .was made? Well, the T. P. Company � the change from green to brown but it has * F,.4.1�ytw� :1. I and made from "We,11 be partners, dad. You ran bad the �;&Olo country plastered with saved hundreds of thousands of dollars for `� .��",.,; ., I c�,00ner slips its 111-ring'S. Side by side the two moved bctter." �., 'A", ,.�-:�­ ., ff as rapidly and as- unobtrusively ' to room, and, Once the,girl had .I ,,, ��,� . . - rtluill thc. insurance and I'll be the lease coal leasesand finally decided to pn� I telephone users. � " I � - possible. regained control of herself, she main- .2y . down a fifteen -hundred -foot wIldcat. -to . .. " ;�j��'171, 01111 tained -an admirable self -re . : 11 I �:. .., I ... Judge,Halloran stared aftei the re- ,straint., I That is ifte business of these gentlemen r eating figure, -then the showed -his . . '?'U"S"dy---i" Tom's eyes brightened. The guy that ran the rig had a bunch 1.77 She Petted and she cooed over objects, I � �,, .4 i-11 nf -I'll put a desk -right alongside of tlic-re was oil here if he went deep . make a better telephone and save money in 1. ,� I -,��.,, -1 ,." ecayed teeth in 'a $!mile. ""Bob' Is dear to her; she loved every - . ­ mpany � . � ­ . ,�"-�,, . -day and the old Mine ---a little feller, just your size ---7 enough, but he knew the co doing it. , 1� ------ - � e�, �, �. 4 onting home to everything; she laughed and she ex- � , ., rge in, the back room, wouldn't stick, so he faked the log of I, ,�'.' 11 Jountain Lion' is on e,dge," he ex- claimed and with her laughter suit- and a nice lou ... 1.�l-.;,�': �,` he could, then he ,. �,� lained. -1 must warn the, boys to shine suddenly -broke into the musty, where you can lay'down when you're the well as long as ., HERE ARE NEARLY five thousand of �, :1,11 � I �� I., ,,,�� in the station and give tne tired. You been away so long it Irept on drilling, against orders --me- "I ­­. I . :�Z fl, tay away fro threadbare interior for the first ti . T e % ,;,;.,,::: Poor. Tama! He has Seems close en- fused to open his mail, for fear held them at work in the Bell Telephon J? ; !. :��.­.. ;, im his hour. in four years. as fired and the jdb called . Laboratories - the largest telephone resarch ; . �, .: ... ; � Od his breath for four years." was saved for the ough." Another thought presented fire he w I I "d, - I � ,.. . ., "Bob's" room I ; :1;-, Tom Parker bad heard of children last, and Old Tom stoodback, glowing itself, and he manifested sudden ex- off. Hle- was a thousand feet deeper .:. laboratories in the world - and,the Bell Tele- �,, ;;'; I I 17. I'll 11 itement. "I tell you! I'll get a new, than he'd been ordered to go when- - .. . I .­­ ..... I ,.- ,..� in (�7 phone . Company of Canada owns a contract I :. �2 �� �1'1 pariled by schooling, of daughters ed- at her delight. He could not refra o , , . ­�.;; "I I sign pain -bed, too! 'Tom and 'Bob blooie! Over the top she went with . I ­�.,� cated away from, -their commonplace from showing ' her his, blackened surance. fourteen hundred barrels . . . Des- giving access to all the work they do. .. � �,� ,,, *.1 -!�:,;� I V . ".., P"', )arents and rendered disdainful of tbumb-mail--Ahe price of his carpen- Parker. Real - Estate and In 11 .1 �.. .111 , .. .11. . . !.. - . .. , ses.' Goshl It's demona's the name Of a camp 1�60W � . I ""..�f- � �, 11 h,.m, but never for one instant did tly-for he hoped she'd kiss it. And Oil Prop'ties and Lea I That is why your telephone system now has ,,, � '.ti;', - I - I I .. � . . I I ..��, .- , a great idea, son!" His smile ling- here, -but they call it Hog Town. Mfore -ahe ingenious device known as the "loading �� 1 "'I'A , "I -11 , .. - 1�11 '11( ie fear that his girl was that sort. .; el - ,�41A � he did. legant! Down. there the derricks ac , , He just knew better. He could -no Not until she had "shooed" him out erEd, but a montent later there. came coil" which transmits messages over wires fine �� j .,.;'W�l �� , ,.,.%, I!, doubted I'Bob's?' love for miling and into his eye-& a half -regretful light. tually straddle one another, and they ; � I ". ". more have and sent him downstairs, 5 them over to keep . I � as human hair. It used to be necessary to have 1�.", " � ' �, . . . .� I .1 - his for her, or -God's love appiness, Barbara read his thought almost have to -board . I I'� �.��.'­ "I , � ,� � ­�. , ­ � hint than . chuckling at her radiant h ,r in size with distance. , .., 1��,, �-.. F ... ��� �. Such' love is per- motions before he was aware of it, and, ris- from drowning one another out when heavy vnres, increasing ' I 1, �,, .." I �--�., . ior ,both Of them. did she give way to those e . stly. The loading coil . ,-v � -- .. I I-.. I � 1. , -he had been fighting this long time; 1 '. �� He took no thought' ing, She laid her hand upon Ins shoul- they -blow in. Fellow in Dallas The heavy wires were co I I %,�� I I '. feet, absolute. y she said, "I'm aw- brought in the first well, and it was , , �� - S, time and ' der. Wistful] has saved millions in telephone costs. ., � �� . therefore, of the change then her face grew white and tragic. rry, too, dad ---21 so big tfiat his stock went from a ' I . I ,-� - �. 1, po-,,erty had wrought in his appear- ddy!" ,she whispered. fully SO round cables developeci in recent . '�­J 11 "Oh. daddy, da .. . lars, a share to twelve The underg .. - 1. , mIt notice. He bet 9'" Eli?" . hundred dol ",il�l &Tlce: 4B,ob', v,rould I d1one to you. ' few weeks. Of f similar benefits. I . � � Ill " ou so by thousand. All in a 5he wouldn't care if he was plumb "Wbat have -that -1 disappointed Y years are another of a score o I -�,,�`�,, [ . �,�g They were one ,and � indisvis- like not being,a boy. But --it wasn't my course, he started a bank. Funniest They have wires to carry a vastly greater num- I I ��",l ragged. Tom Parker had raised his girl � I �. �. ��-�.�,, . ,,,, - , - she was his, just like his right . a son she took hold fault, and maybe I'll show you that a people -I ever saw, that way. Usually ber of messages than they used to, but they are . , ,­� , �, ­­ � I ,�. ible a sun, and like . son." when a rube makes a winning -he � I'll. I liter can help as much as a so compact and so efficient that they can be -11" , . ,,,;,�,,, - , I aim; she was his boy and his girl; of things, but with a daughter's tact. da'J 9 gambles or gets him a woman, but I �,111, �� . . , ., . his son -daughter. The old gunman Her intuition told her much, -but she . � . . pulled through the original underground ducts. ed abomin- ; thiese hicks take their coin and buy I � :� �­ . choked and -his tonsils 4,ch did not arrive at ,a full appreciation ad to be increased in size . J 41' banks . . . Ranger's a real town; af cables and ducts h . ., �- , - 9bl He hoped, he witsn't in for an-, of the family affairs until she had the law in ., . . - ',��,, I en and �­ - Y- . CHAPTER IV eiverything wide op with the vast new traffic the costs of telephon- . ,',.,, � other attack of quirisy sore throat. the house running arid went down to . . '' , ", � I I-."� . ., 1. "IL.- 4-- 44, A on ,the ay. That makes ,good times. I nn ould climb skv-hiL-h. �"`;- , , I DR. H. HUGH ROSS - But- Y lie to himselif u put his office in order. Inen, ind , � 6 . :�. . d to cry and he wanted A year before this story opens the Show me a canip where the gamblers C � , �4. , Graduate of University of Toronto was, he wante Ole learned at what cost bad come ' 11 . . �,,. r expensive Years in the t)v-n of Ranger, Texas, consisted of play solitaire ,and the women take in 0 I . - . , , � ',I 11 yaculty Of Medicine, member of Col- to laugh at the same time, and the weatheebea�en, rim-dovni railroad washing and I'll show you a dead I HE NEW CABLES, like the brown cord 15 - E She a li . I IQ ast, and the truth left her limp. stati and a v:llage. The joints here have '--;g mean millions of . ,,, �, Rege of Physicians and Surgeons of impulses were crossed in his wind T .-,! . Ontario,. Pass graduate courses in pipe. He shook -his watch like a -tvemt through Tom's dusty, disorder- on, a blacksmith shop, and the loading coil, 11 I 11 it was still ing rail, town enough, incident- signs on the wall, 'Gambling Posi- . dollars saved. These dollars are dollars in your T�,­ Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; child's rattle, to -be sure ed papers, ostensibly rearranging. and h;teb d underneath the I � . ally, -for the limited number of people tively Prohibited,' an .1� Hospital, London much; pocket. Your telephone is being connected 1 "" Royal Ophthalmic I running. -ling them, and they told her wide and o�, Mri,gland; University Hospital, arid the scanty amount, of merchan- games are running high, �- .11 I �., 1.1011- w telephones across the �:, '- I.call A . . . ,1L , ­ _ I -Barbara did not disaPPOimJt , 'her what they did not tell hex- she learn- ct.se that passed through it. Ranger fancy. Refined hum -or : " "I Do the contrary, she was ed -from Judge Halloran and other old . L 1 �, N don, England. Office Back or � father. On . the dry belt -considered an al- There were nine IcMin�- one day, but I country every week yet this increased value I I :3 ­ , minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. . haps more deeply moved tjian he crunies who came in to pray their garT lay in less part of the state that's above the average. The last 11, ore because costs are suc- I I ;4 .! calls answered from residence, Pel most entirely use does not cost you in I., ��,, . � �.t Night at their meeting. At,,sight of him. rillods compliments. cessfully offset by the econ � I I 11,��j Victoria Street, Seaforth. hilt his -where killing droughts were mot un- time I was iqi town, a couple of tool omies which re- ' �, she uttered a strangled little cry, then Tom was mortgaged to the ' , got into a row with a 1, 1. " 11, I - �;I, reyalties were pledged; a crow could common, and where for months on dressers I search accomplishes. I .... 1�1 1. .e ran into his arms and clung there I ,,, er.a the low, flinty hills radiate heat laundryman -claimed they'd been ov- I �::- .. "I DR. WILLIAM ABERHART tightly, her cheek pressed -against ' hi s iiot ,pick a living out of his insura like the rolls of a steel mill. In such ercharged six cents. It came to a The gentleman testing the transmitter and the .." I ,-� ,,,, I �� � Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, bieast. It was only upon Occasions business. times even the steep, tortuous canons shooting, and -we buried all three of I )rking in the laboratories with �:, i of like this that "Bob" kissed her father Such a condition was enough to five thousand w( . � - Member . 1* . I ..... I Un.1yersity of Toronto. of for ,she had been reared, as a boy and dismay any girl who had never ser- c1r.ed out and there was neither 5hadle them. Two cents apie<�e! That was him are saving money for you I :�., .. I ... 1-'. or moisture in them. The , � College of Physicians anG ziuTgeOw emotional display* i()l1sly considered, money matters and 11 The few farms their closing price: cost of liv- I . . Licentiate of Medical Coun- taught to shun , .but it isn't ex- every day and keeping the tele- . I '.� ,... Ontario. She s,nu,g- and ranches rou-nd about were seat- ilig is high enough . I 11 ,� cil of ,Canada. Late interne Toronto Boys kiss their motheTa. wbo had returned home to take up a phone adequate to serve the I., � uperla- tered widely, and life thereon was a pe.n�sive to die here." I 1.11, Western Hospital. ,Office, Queen's ,gled close and Tom could feel her life of ,comparative ease and s gf-im struggle against heartbreak, by In this veiTh ran Mallow's talk. needs of Canadian progTess. . I �, � I in Street. whole body shaking;'but she kept her left it I � Motel Building, North Mai t-,ve w` 11 I , enjoyment where she had rVason of the gaunct, gray, ever-pres- FTOTn the first he had laid himself out . � 1; 11 Fhone ,89. Night calUq! phone Ill. head averted, to conceal a distressing- off ,but "Bob" said nothing to her I � ess. It was a I ' r one of his orit specter of the drought. Of late to be entertained -and helpful, and I "I, ly un -masculine weakn fatter. She knew ever] I I ; I . MUNN er, for Tom ared him this particular region. had proven it- Gray obligingly -permitted him to � �. .Ili, DR. J. A u,;eless Precaution, howev shortcomings, and they ende self to b,- one of violent extremes, have his way. When they had finish- � . .,; ., Successor to Dr. R. R. ROSS vvas -blind, his eyes were as wet as and fail- of extreme dryness during which c -d breakfast, be even allowed. bi-; . - . "I : , " Graduate V Northwestern Univers- t- -her, quite as a son's faults I - Royal hers, and tears were trickling down ures deepen a mother's love, but she flowers failed to bloom, the grass c(.mpanioTi to hire an automobile and I Published bv The Bell Telephone C&MPanto of Canada to t6ll yOu � . ;�.- Chicago, ill. -Licentiate the seams in his wrinkled facq. -at he was cantankerous shriveled and died, andeven the trees driver for hirn. They shook hands I I am �1, i't Ity, kn(,w too, tb ethi%g about the telephone business and the people in it. . �' ,I College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. I ,., Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., 110h, da-ddy, it has been a long and required careful handling. Tom's I.. I., - r(fused to put forth leaves; o1r,more finally, the best of friends. Mallow . .t 4 .. . � Seaforth. Phone 151. time"I Those were � the first words tries were tender, and, he forever ex- ess, wh n the wis-hed him good luck and gravely � 2SI . �;�.,i 0 � . eitlner of them bad spoken. p;)sed .them where they were eas.ily raie , T try was drowned hen-eath tOr- voiced the hope that he would have ! .." I ,� � 1� .. - DR. F. J. BECHELY Tom opened his lips, then he clors- trodden upon, therefore the girl step- co"In Sometimes, Iffiring un- few diamonds when he, returned. . -1 I I "I . 1�1 11- -1 1. I �: I ­,.-;�:,.,.� ,.,:,�, -!, " ,­ ­� .�,�, ,, 1, � , , � 9-1 Dental ed them. He patted Barbara clums- ped cautiously and- never even refer- rential rains. ,,er . I I I . , Graduate Royal College of leared his aching rea to his sacrifices, which would have usual wintens, the heavens opened arid Gray warmly thanked his companion �. �1, 11 - , , Office over — 1. I ,�,�. 1 t . W. R. ily and finally c nselves - fr, Ms many courtesies and declared =---------- - ---- ------ --- - � �,�f", � . Surgeons, Toronto - arruniph!" He cruelly embarrassed both of them. spilled thf-i s, choking the mar ,r . :1 i.. 1 Main Street, Sea- tfiroat with a loud "Ill I ... I Smith's Grocery, . row watel-courees, washing out roads ,they would soon meet again. � ill, � - Office, 185W; rest e tears. from his eyes with But something had to be d I A --1 forth. Phones: - da,,.bed th- and destroying fields, changing the Thus far the trip 'had worked out fol,M, ,1;t,';.��,L� dence, 185 J. 3065-tf the heel of one harsh palm then lev- Iuickly; a new hand. was needed to olor to match, for they or a capacious reservoir, in the , I I ' head, di- ( id arrovos into raging river beds. much as Cray had expected. Now, v ere of a c I .. %;..,­' eled a ,defiant glare ovef 'her nj.c-n,d the family fortunes. Barbara ar . through an asphyxiat- of a vivid green garden patch and a - I . might be look At such times life for the country ac; his service car left the town and drove blindly I . ,:,,.,, .. AUCTIONEERS rected at anyone who - determined to lend that hand. the thirsty vegeta- few flourishing peach trees immedi- �: :�.�'. � a the people was scarcely less burdensome j,i,,,d the dusty procession of vehicleg,in cloud. Even ­ !.' `1. . ;. , It was t, - ­welcOM& , �,;4 1 THOMAS BROWN 0 Ing on at his weakness. - A great change bad come over und tban during the droughts, for the ,,,()vi,ng coulitryward, he covertly (�m he -side t�e roads wa, coated gray alely behind the residence I I.,:,.J... J ties blurry glare,, however, and not near 0 town and the whole country YO bottom lands became quag- studied its driver and was gratified � eye. " , P. --A I . Licensed auctioneer -for the Colin eTocious as be intended it t hicb the -girl be- 11 e��VY .Inri was so tinder dry that it seemed relief to the � 1. -of Huron and Perth. ,Correspondence ly so f about, a.changew MITC5, anfl' the clay of the higher lev- t-) note that the fellow bore all the as if a lighted match would explode Nobody answered Gray's knock at- 2.�,',z��' veral efforts he man lieved afforded her am Opportunity to ront door, ,so he wal-ked around-. - ' - -angements for sale dates can be be. After se ag- the f I f, err Is turnvd into putty or a devilish eir-marks. of a thorough scoundrel. it. garden fence, ..2"��, made by calling The Expositor Office, r=,d to -regain control - Of his vocal prrve that she wasnot a mere daugh- c �` I a,�rglutinou,i sub9tance ,that rendered Wliat con,versation the man indulged The sun glared cruelly, and the the bonse. O"r the , " ", I - 1, and powera. t��r not an ornament and a drag, but pyramidal piles of iron Pipe chained grown thick with brambles, he behold ..... "I"' orth. Charges moderate, ow beast or vehicle al- in strengthened thart impression. I "I". 4,., Seaf dlWell, soril" he a re -al sm-daughter such as Tom' con- t','11�1`el for man !" eed. cried, huskily; then ks and plunging,.two femin-ine figures, or rather two, 1� - .�� Gatisfaction guarant . to the groaning true 1. " ' , �' - most I �' %, ,:.1 " idered her. Wdchita Falls was Over mpossible. -rg ,:. P40NE 302 Hat7uniplif" appeared to be no law of The Briskow farm, it appeared, lay trailers were hot "Ough t& fry eggs th(led sunbonnets. topping two Pai . utch bigbtemed appy"l- " raw -n thither There I r - - ��IA ------------- � Barbara's cl crowded with oil men, d verage here. In dry times it was a abqut twenty milcs out, by twenty upon, but ii,either they nor the steam-, of ,shoulder-, and EL9 be d ew ueersr ­� . I - -Such a long, long timel" akburnett a . . , bent an& � .. . OSCAR KLOPP atively. by the town -site strike at Bui - desert Lwking wholly, howe,VeT, in miles over oil -field roads proved to be ing radiators gave off more heat than he saw tbai. one wornan was 1. 11 I Honor Graduate Caiey Jones� Na- Still -with her cheek -pressed close a- 11, few mile, northwest, aria excite I y, an . d the spell quite a journey. During the muddy the soil and the rocks. I slow moving, while the -other was &. - . v the beautv, the myster I 1huge creature, wide of hip and dtW . 14 - tional Sch,o�l of Auctioneering, Chi- a am -all gloyed ment was ml unting as new wells con` (',rt; in wet times. it was a might Detours were com,rtion-tes,tirnony gainst him, she ran .0 1��.' eago. Special course taken an Pure ,hand into tbe.pocket of his east and ti-nued to come in. 'Central north of a de- ,9(,,.,.%on tbe d,rivpr declared, it I s inherent optimisrn-but each of bosom, whose hare arms, burnt to.. - .. ,,,�3i 1, er- X � Real Estate, M f h -making gChen-na of mud and slush and sticki- w(, ;J" ,11 take a whole day to make that to man , ��. I �1 11 Bred Live Stock, . orth a bandana handkert- Toxas was ­Mring a," ePoc qs and entirely minus that beauty &Rtance- now that the roads were dry wag worse. than the other, the r � , chomdise, and Fa tes in bi,-ought oad- a rich golden brown, were like thoge - " " rm Sales. Hal " ich she trust into his palm, petroleum boom, for Ranger, av,raY r-e� I , I eksmith, and -who wielded hot ' % t Sat- Chief wb they could Pr becis everywhere. we'r(I rutrted, to-, o' a bla I . ith prevailing market. . shness that attends the rainy ob2My cover it in two nued h vy hoe as if it were a t6y. Sht - ��,X�'-), . '9 . ( - WiTe, saying: "It's a .g I'm home held to broken up as if from long-qoTiti ea ��,I, �act,lon assure n � te ag _ keeping wi good thin to the soutb, bad Set the oil world and � fre. Isf You've ca - -other cold seasons in a tropic clime. It was a or three hours, if the car was t _ - .n, nasal, unculti-, '. � ,!,,g �, Ut. for right an I wi a -near Range , e was singing in a thi . \ .4c Phone, ' by the ears, end now this new sand , -bitten race of Traffic r .r heavy shell fire. . ; ciscar Klopp, Z ----- r haven It you? Now ,blow your mose." at "Burlel lent color to the Id s- land peopled by a bard g,th,,. c -ton derricks vated voice. � ,�,'�f 866-52 ­;,�Fllj 1 18-93. 2 t boyish sterg--come from God knowa where rific, and bow it managed to move, From every ridge skel 1; -112 . S -north counties Were me . - as the eye could rtly they were the Brisko�rl ., . Barbara was anything bu. ,e,rtion that these were in sight wi fai Evide 1 . , and for God knows why --starved in eveT. at a snail'g pace, was a mystery t I 1., at; quite the opposite, in fact. coir.,pletely underlaid with the preei- red ones, wbo-,,e clean "help," therefore Gray made his prw- A . ��,6 1 ., I to look delightfully f�mjnine from Ott, fluid. At any rate, the price Of romid, and body, slaves of.a, bideous. for to sit a car was- like riding a reach, the scatte , .. be nbers g eamed in the Sunlight, test- ence. known and inquired for the =&q- ,,,, I , R. T. LUKER She was- ,her Smart little travel- fl,irsty -ranch .lands was Somersault- environment from which they lacked bucking horse. If there had -.en the tit I , . .. tAcensed ,auctioneer -for the Count . Mackened ter or mistress of the place, I I I � LT'J at ro d . irving to (TY .. �, a I the crown of scape. , a building . I I bolps; the ..... 6 I ., claimed for sonle slightest attempts �!�� , I 01 auto, �­SaleS attended to in ling hat to her dainty French heels, Ing and prosperity was apparent in means of r 11 in clumps, indicating The elder wo,man turned, exposinr I partg of't 6 00unty. Seven years, elt- suit was not ex- , ara's girl Geologist, had they werre now invisible, and the o,nes, usua y , , ��� I " .. .. " .. 14 ,��", I . 1% and although her tile -homes of all Barb time that there must be coal in these vehicular streams followed meander- production -4magic word. a .q4lrewd, benevolent face, and gft* . I " I " � , I ,, 1i , � 'I., parleme6 in Xhinitoba, and Saskatche- �Siv�, it' -wag worn with nil, air and friends. Her admirers of the op- sroad , 1 'i 1, 4 , , . I -&.4 -mble, Phone No. pen north Tex&,g counties, 9 contention ing wagon trails down -by the origin- S set- a moment of aPpTaIsRl said, "I'm Me , 4 � There weire a few cross . f Ivan. TerrAd 26 rhaps sa fetching as any Oat Id talk of little 6xcPPt � ­�, I , nts - , . , A .�,, 1 V18 r 11, F,xet,6t ., posite se* cou -nd "prodii,tion"' perhaps based upon. a -comfortable be- al inhabitants of pre-petrolelim days tleme ,bitch -rail towns" - uh- Briskow." uo� ��",, " , � � ieazes and bonu "Indeedl" The. I come to Wichita Falls. It Ses a ,f in the law Of compensation, upon -,jch bad not been bettered bV the painted and ramshackle, but nowhere visitor ittfidt I . i . , - ,0 1, Ordeirs Iift`iMTh6 HUTOV , nItUTO 61F�W;',� .. I 11 . 11 , j��: bad ever .-�a"; lie wl Ing, for htst and announced ,the .. OV office, Sea10Ahj,-9toWP tly at- gave the impression of perfectly set- tbey were almost too busy a theory that a region, so poor above- C,,,,l ... pounding of the past twelve was -there an attempt at farm ,��. . , � . I 11 ting off a fighte Ond a PeTsomillity money to call upon her. � ontain val- Tno.ntbq. Up and down, over armored this part of Texas bad gone hog wild erl-and. " I , .I �,, �o, , , , , '­� Eft .1. f, I . She had Barbara knew 90insthing about oil, ground must of necessity c over oil. Abandoned straw %tacks "Lawsy mel" Mrs. Briskow P1 '!'.,"�-,�J�- 1. that required no setting off beneath the, Surface. ridxes and in -to sandy arroyos, along ,a � ��! . I Of ues of some sort , i ,; . t� . the Parker eyes of quenchless blue, for ,she had. watched the drilling -ral resources) leaning hillsides and across 'dobe had settled and molded, cornflelds had ed her hoe in the soil and t I . �'� ,,',,,,� ... I Cr '0 `6�� * '�i ,, 0 every one of those shallow wells that But as for other matu at few head Of back upon Gray,. "Allial .,�, , ., , 6 0 0 , �, ­ the behtf in such. Other flats, baked brick hard by the sun, gri -Wm up to weedis, wh - "I - ,I �­�, I ! . 41well, son I tierei a boom oil* and -kept her in college, and what is they scouted .. 1. , .1 I ;­�L; hae. of the state yie0ed oil, for in- tl,, cit,rrent of travel roared and ca,Ltle, still remained lolled neR'r the has gone an' done Jit again, e i' 7. '7. A99=13 - '.; '! parts I notiont?D �, I .1 1, I 11�1 , V �`: '�'L;��'�! �� 1� '1:�'. " �,� 0 1 � 6 th6 town bas grown sioln-6; but I guess more she knew most of the property the f"Rtidn WAS reckless -disregard of artificial surface tanks, all but dried atiother of bis fool .1 � - , ,­�11� N't I I 0 LWand AlactibIng-r fOT POi& ' Stan", but bore pounded with , ` I * game as O.Vme" in this part of the state. In '"' I ' I lri . . 0 and Eldrog counti-eo, LD thinob here are about tho I'S go she believed IRY her ,all wrong. -Who e1gr heard of oil in tire and bolt and -,axle., In the main, intc mud holes. Tho womelt regarded ttdh . :,� i, . � 0 S&Ied solidites. wuh, "a left 'em.11 Tom, spoke '91th that Advantaf . n processi(yri. It. was a farm of thi,q character ently, t1leir f9eial ezVt.Q;1On lit :: 0 . the bard lime? � it was s. motot-drive 'I--- . f� - , ion. - - as be paid chance of accomplishment. . ' thdr b0`711149; QCNA ,�t!,'-',,­�, , 0 on, appucat �i&,ama satisfaction dig- There were to be sure I 0mgAonal that Gray's drivgr finally pointed Out boneath I. Te=4- , . 0 ':J, ' * �t, ,.01�. Barbara's suitOmse, almd After 4% fortnight,of careftl consid- Nevertheless, petroleum was I Brisk ranch. The hous'e, an moMse etpoged 71'8r evaTiOnzb, ? � �,i,,r,;,, "Cd p d draft horses, I :,th . 111�� � � ­, 0 Satlaftotift % . I . the fraternity tparng of fifie, importe &X11AV% � �' , ; `�' Q Imatol: 0 0.1*ffl � '=- =4451ita for her. among i s "r ow' - - : , "'., -� , , � � ''I � , r the 'oil covered, and, il t W P=M .. ate erration she decided to Onte b Vf r 6ve ,., litly nee ,a t I 1 :. � ­�� 1W &Ne� I . 6V - .� htr tbgt dealt in it Rang& beesitte a word ,11ead of live stock theft g etory�amd-&-Iklllf Miffair, secowl 'MrAt, tiad AM 0 1 :, ,!� �,,? 0 R,sat lbtaftAr , 0 the q, I" 11 from 14-ases'. -f what h&6 0 --� :'-.,,� i � ' 'ZL ­"'�'� I ' 0 01 � , . aGood idea," Tom deckt%&, 191101A e a dozen huge I r .' '' � ­� � �r - , I Xp' '0�-, 'A'� " L '6 ,rot 1, enger ears. I Yeen , M I 1 16981 app -M " " 06M at.the modsSt I 6 ecore of pass '*C"1144'� r �,'�� , OI &T- -V. ..�, truet 1-0 �' - , � '.' ��, I 6 &V . 11*6t butirosg; and"d6al in Du ry truck,%, and for'latood. at the back o is A, t�&,S"a oT contradiction and of 8600 Imeallibig- I We, 0 1, WM itivated M16, aud the vlgeo . , 0 , .0 Tgwo X-6611 d MI& kriowk�5 Mr PIS11. "The Aladdin rubted his lamp, - and lot 10111V . 'A, I I I , ­ " 0 liul, ltia,sedl The paint abe he, distivetive only tA thq fwt Qat (Nuotuda r �" J� & 4 " it gQve ev once of a good qmtee ,9011 & � : , ��,� � '' �,L* �� 0 L' � W'I&IC .'' I luots �-: , gattovo bad tovnilln go lull of zcS%1PG it look(; 11101!� taagia transformatibla ,6e6aTret1, 01,10 I Thersaye last � I . . I 'I'll 1. "� : � , I I I I . 11 01 , , � '4 -'g= .'t' 0'a g'6 , a tho'sa thsiling &voao of 9, &� teab mud, gna,&-theft dusty occul I ,td I i - . 't6'aT"11�' 0 �10 porth filiov. Rodeo Day, ana most of lam "a do. . I I I � A . ''. ,� I ..; .1L., , , . O'. it', " - k " I '.. 1, . . 6 .1 I I 1 � . L � �1: . L �J 6 "5-'6, t, . q, ,,.& ".'d' , , ti .,& ,i�69,24, puk ,.6 4 1 4"., � . ,`�,�� : , �, . I . � ': L I r -1 I -- I . I , 1; I - I . . . I'll .1 � . .4 � '. , � . N. i I I ,, I I � I I . : . . : . , 1 , . - I . . 0 I .. - , �� I . . , , . . �'. I . - , I I I , I I . . . � � .1 � I � :1 , I , I I 1, , t , `1;� c� I � , I ,1 I ,� . . I . . � . . I I I �'.,�� I I. � I I . I P, . . I . I I . . . . 11 I . � I ., I I ��%. � � :L­­''� ': � � L ' � I I I . I . . � r ... . 0 'L I ; I I . . 1. I , � 11 �, " " . . I ,A �,� I .1. - . . � i I I I , ''. I .. . - I .11 I I ' I .1 r , , .1 " . ,; I - . . I I '. -1 , " . I . . I � I ­ ' ' � . L I ''! . I I : . I �;� � '. � � I , I I 1. I I . I I . I � L' I I : ­`:� , � "' I 11 I "''I � :� ., .1 I I :, - , 1. � ",:r'� L' ,L ' - , �": I , 1. '�, I � I - I 1. � �, , I � , I ,,� I I I I , ­': " " , 1'� � , , I . �: I " I � " I ; , 1'� , I " 11 - I . , I 1. I , . . � I . ,:L I I � ­� � ,,­�r' � I .1 � , ': ­�� ';,, " : ' ' �, �. . , L I �; �� I I . :(r,:` I " I I . � I . I � I I I :� : - � : " 4 . � I I . I I � I :­ �', 'L � 1. I � 41 - I 11� I 1, � I 1, - �:,�1,14� , , 11 I , I � , I � I � "I I I ' �'1'1' , 0 '� .' ,�.� , � , r I , � . " ' ' ' � ' I I , . I I I i 1: '� r , I I �'� �' r '' ' 1:1 , , I , I �r � ;'' r '' I I I I I �:� �: I r �, I I I 1� I I I , " . . � ,: I I . 'L ­ I I I ­'' r , I . I 1, . I � ! . � �! : L' '''''. I I I 11, 1 I 1 �4 � � 11 � I I 1 2 �:, 1 L I I I I - � � I I .1 . I I I I I , ��. I .1 I I I , I I I I - � - ,;. L ,�', I � I I � I I I I . I � I � I � I 11 I I .1 r I I ­ L � In I I 1. ,4'� I -- - --­­---