HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-11-30, Page 2, ,,
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i� ,,> l�ba� tkao Lord la�aa^lesl�ouv
. - ro' , �.. ev g CQS't Fent 'JMav'e cents ^a.1od$op '�4� _:. .� ��'S" w':
Maxnts. wuthan Bias Ca>mrt balew, [rt �. yy".b r�ryY q : g p�ygry $�y�� /�� -
i ..:. .. '.:,' \� .. I • '..Y.'tt1� It'.2. i. YM''•MY +P M' Mi/A'N.'Sd: MT�rM1l "M. M'W^'i,i�.>::a !YVRr1j'SiiP,aYMr,; lr,i:f �.0
rept, Angels rotund His throne above;. �] p ,. } y y�y
Y :::, , , .. -, ,v,,: ..: .I' ;. "+? 4 iF,'N,O i^.9f ��,Q9 m+la G7r l#�iM ;.,Il ±til' ; : �.
'a7� : clic& laid el de d!
i, )" Y: ll'tat5 G tang a'l'l that Sak9ItB !ogre. ?' J
..od the sinal! �vh3te teatka of �u&to
',, R o. 1 ,t'
a h s, o illion bucks, s:''
u ng tea M b e s,, a
' „' � „;,:r, �aYrth to heaven exalt 4he atraing :.,,; ,
r �. Q��f�� ��� if they cost .$1.00 ua �'at their Yxhells •
,F1, 11 r' Send it, heaven, to earth again, vipuld be strung around t'he woks of '�i' '� ,
Age to age, and shore to shore, 1S the grillionaires' ladies wkia utrvkal BF,
41' + Praise Him, praise !lira evermore! „r their laeauty upon tine first night of11
--- . _ H. F. Lyle. ,� .
t . __-: -I in op . ,
a, a oa the erg.
- - I[AYtQ� _ _lsiS.i_-They are rave cents a liag•
w s � �- M1'___,�_A__ .
,�44 - So th®y airs nothiarg but just p3aiY� :
Z4;14 t51,
,n We thank Theo our Father for tlae 9
:r ? ;,�� record of man who under ersecu- bsclaft&9
good. ,, , __
.. q ,'. x h Y pThe
,,Item y are nourishing. F^ad- ,
• ��' „ „� tion could true to their faith and
acclaim Thee Lord, of all. 1'p us to dists and medicine men have denouaic, 1�;
be ever obedient to our Heavenly vis- 1) ed all other -kinds of food, white bread,
' h o ions for Jesus' salve. Amen. ® ta.9 sugar, coffee and milk, but none has
ft '� Q dada .
'' I
.1. iil�)
�t� dared to lift his voice against 'the
„ � � � lt,�0 , A peanut.
of peanuts is an' excellent corn and the beaten olks ®f $$Yrr®et coots , tvaenty-five minutes? - wifihqu�
,Lesson Topic—Paul Before His o lunch. I so lunohed yesterday. I ?'
.1 I
o 0 o Fandges. with bought a nickel's worth of Dante eggs then when. the mixture has water. Dr, ain, Chop to a fins pinl�
oG��� �'Il°®�❑ ��Il����Il� �%a�Il� 3 ]Lesson Passage—Acts 24 : 24-2?, slightly cooled, fold in carefully f�la4 mash untilanxayth in a mortar, p4
, A lighieri, who keeps them hot at our
I' . 26:i�-2�. stiffly beaten. whites of the three son with' one . rtarbiusiYoonftaIl butter,,
1 Corner. I ate, them for three blocks.
��� �ti11�Il7mC ��l Golden Text—Acts B�:➢9. t $t is a eggs. Porn •into a buttered baking salt area lYopper, ani .exaczxGle wit$n
The chief Captain who had charge gyour thing to lunch walking; dish and bake in a slow oven foil 'garnish of well -scrambled eggs tm
you get, your air, exercise and nutri- thirtyminutes• which have been added. two table-
'�ICIC'SQ TCOQiIio�S flY i� t® iiolJllrS lDCDa311�igIl of Paul took him before the Sanhed- EAKING
tion all at once.
]� y ➢ rim that it might be learned with a The are still better eaten be xtveen spoonfuls of grated cheese.
Onions �'FIntlu Cheese. P
quite possible to walk on Shortly after their a11iDpheai•- ' "certainty whereof be was accused of meals Theyare the ideal tid-•bat for Arran 'e !soiled onions which arc '
the Jews," That was th,e same Coun- g ( German Spinach.
tion. The varnish 1S particularly 111 h and Holl those who watch the •baseball game. not broken at all by boiling) in r.
¶ cil that had commissioned Paul years Melt one tablespoonful butter in '<^
before, to They are the right hand of the circus 'buttered baking dish, baste well w th 1
wea�,1ring v Q'a n he applied a s readily y a�laS paint, and fly persecute the Christians. POWDER
man. On trains they have no fellow, melted ,butter, and, dredge with grat- saucepan, and in it let simmer for
He stood before them now as one of � ten minutes one good-sized onion that
Just the thing for linoleums and floors. i` when there is no dining car and no ed chess®, and set in the oven nor a has been finely chopped, then add four-
•> that new sect and, as he gazed. into democracy. few moments to !brown; serve in the P '
13BIl��� �Tr�llIIilg �pS� u �� their faces earnestly, gave voice to cupfuls boiled, chopped and mashedi
II e� uart They are friends to lovers. Who same dish or `remove to a small plat- spinach to it and skit well together, ° ❑ ° the bold declaration that, in spite of :'� can sayhow subtle are the o ortuni- ter and garnish with P ' '
{� al'1 accusations against him, he be- PP green, or use and season thoroughly with salt an(U
U 24 co o1rS § u o75 Per quart a g g ,M,%D� CONTAONS , ties of the paper •of peanuts consum- as a garni'sli to -a dish of other vege- g
Q>l�ln�� ��� � ��� �d9 lieved he had done what was right. No " ,9 pepper; finish with one-half teaspoon-
: Ohl C ed by me and Mame up in'�he third tables. Mashed potatoes, piled high
s: As he proceeded? in his address a ful of grated nutmeg and 1 or two
�v �Gd4�6A10�a Q�4D�J balcony, when our hands touch as we (browned .on top) surrounded with tablespoonfuls whipped cream and!
SPECHA' LS great uproar arose so that the chief r 1 • fish the gay goobers from the sack, these onions makes an attractive dish, p pp
Captain, fearing for Pauls life, hac3 pile high in a heated dish, covering;
99 D and munch while we watch Lord Ed- Italian Spinach. the to with the 'ilio ed whites' andl
Rubber Door Masts, 17 X 32", suitable for £; him removed again to the • Castle. �, � ward being foiled upon the stage9 p pp
U �� ` area a appear befog as sent to Ces- Sweet is the voice of the peanut Wash one-half peck spinach and rived yolks of two !Yard -Cooked eggs:.
in front of doors or at alt Siiil� Soon afterwards he11
e Felix the gOV- �. W.,tiBa n q4Y t c1. aro. man, as he sings: "Five cents, a
o ra-Yo aro _
ernor_ In due time his accusers ap- - $ 0�O c nickel, half a dime. All ready and
�Cocoa�, Door Mats . • . . ....................... ��C peared against him, and again Paul : all 'hot. night this way, ladies and
> was, given an opportunity to defend gents, for your fresh roasted
Glass Wash Board ........................... 75C s' himself. Having heard both sides, - nuts?" pea-
', O i Felix dismissed them saying, "When tied among them, later married, and - C
¢` Black Roasting Pans ........................ 1OC : Lysias the chief captain shall come - ,
o strove to forget the mission. Once
down, I will know the uttermost of
}', he came back for he had an elder IiIAII£]ING DAILY L1UNCli1[]EQD1�T AN
;; IE-0'�TIE NAC�ETT E HEATER with water pan, ;your matter." A few days after- . • wards, with the evident desi brother risen e, be a master in the She a6ua ed schools, but the brother said sternly, EVER-CkIIANGiNG FIEAST � � is m
aD,lfitiQllAe oo]�DiDeY° Oi° Yllol�el �i'il0(i .......... MID � making himself better acquainted F 1
r ❑ i While your wife is a non-Christian, .
with the charges against Paul, and y , In selecting luncheon dish recipes 1
you axe none of mine.' The little
o also with the nature of his belief, from our own favorites and from the
�(� wife herself replied, "Doubtless your
O , IlHr&z� �O2M I Felix sent for him. He was in the favorite recipes submitted .by contrib-
religion. is good. I, too, believe; but
0 0 . 0 .: company of his wife, who 'being a accts to our contest, we have endeav-
if I openly worship, my old father
Jewess most likely was curious about orad to give preference to dishes that � � �
T��y ` and mother will refuse bread at my 1
������ ������ 1P U��J��v�v ��®�� the belief of this new sect to which are easily prepared, inexpensive and w" _
hands. They have no ,one
s Paul belonlged. Paul was ready to which provide in fairly generous quan- x �. i a •
of answer for the faith for which he name."' So theprodigaley live I ow•enteth6back taies the more important nutriments. _
afterwards gave his life. In doing soVegetables and milk are outstared- ;
� AVi."-= sorxowm�; to his village, then moved /(r��
he chose those pxanciples of the Chris mgly important, therefore, a vegetable th -
farther and farther away from his
tion religion which were fitted to ax- .old surroundings. A few weeks ago dish, the caloric value of which has e
rest their attentions, and lead them to been increased by the inclusion of the -
he came to the tent door. The great
repentance. His boldness in,,this in- more concentrated foodstuffs, is an.
parable of Luke 15 was told, When j
Stance was the more remarkable as ideal dish for luncheon when it is +�'
P asked to read the story himself, Laly p HIS YOUNG LADY'S JCB is to "Clock'°
he was d endent on Felix for his accompanied by milk either as a bev- •
66 �T�T17)°T(°T(�TTG°T[� }�7 99 xcad unfaltering, then, closing the
If- S 1t1� 11 1L L1Le11�A pardon, ills nurpgse was, however, book, began in to explain eagerly,"See, crag or in a dessert. the telephone service. She sits there with
rN to defend- the truth, and to save, if f ` P Before proceeding with the recipes, P
he said "that son came back a long, � her decimeter stop watch and measures to
% �¶ ¶ ���r� ®��� y��� possible, the souls of Drusilla and of we should like to .mention the question P
a • ",
/✓ 1 ll V �/ Felix. Felix had in his mind the ling way. He had greatly erred, but
� z his father loved him, and—and—" 1•tf cooking utensils'. Labor-saving tenths of a second the time taken to complete
hope that Paul would give him money utensils make possible many new and a call. Other "clockers" record the errors
Here the poor, eager voice faltered,
4 e ,< in exchange for his freedom. All interesting dishes. 99
The" Northere range of Overshoes for such must have vanished as they lis- for was n.ot he himself the younger Our own puree sieve is "worth its made, the speed with which ` trouble is .re"
teased to Paul speaking son come home, The story is not all P aired all the items of telephone efficient
' t Men,, and Children offers a wider p eking of righteous- weight in gold. It is a cone-shaped, paired, P Y•
written yet. Soon after the little
selection than ever jersey or t;asharner- Hess, temperance and judgment to • f d d htz •li 'b strongly made seive, with a wooden
a . „ wt e, sons an aug rs wi ear
,4 I..
, . ette in various heights with buckle strap come. Paul had chosen well for Fe- the name. Then should follow school P"IteL Cooked vegetables and fruits If speed and efficiency are not constantly on
• J g 9 P lix was alarmed as he had set before may be rubbed through it in half the
for the little ones but there is no the climb these are the people who know it
7: or Whizzer fasteners, him the plain truth concerning sin school.—Mrs. T. D Patton. t;me that would be required for rub first and then there is a and hunt to find out
/ and judgment to come. He wag not�Bing the same amount through an �
° Pldatch pony :'<:s_ :r:.S .:Ni ready to,tprn over a new leaf just, _ ordinary seive. A good, double action what s gone wrong•
110, iiVinter.::`:'>r:: Made with then. Rather would he thrust such A I egg -beater is areal time-saver; with a
Costume Y, 3, or 6 disagreeable topics aside and so he A LAUGHING NG ]BAIB�' it one can beat up eggs, whipped It is a good game. It gets results. °That is why
til;" "' with said, Go thy way for this time; IS A GREAT JOY dishes etc., in a moment or two. A
rI:;. I Buckles your telephone serves you better this year than
"Northern'° when l have a convenient season, I potato ricer is very useful. We use
tailored to fie
will call for thee."
What can give more joy in the
it not only for ricing the potatoes,
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild
at did last year, and next year will serve you
. _:;_1 Styl-Shu ��
Though Felix frequently saw Paul
home than a laughing, happy baby,
but for pressing the juice from fruits,
better than now. That is why it has wntribut-
but thorough laxative. They regu-
again and talked with him during the
g g
The well child makes everyone
ry e happy
•���'(n�jl� jj77��77 {y (� {�j�
11110 Sproat,
e its share to anadianProgr ass
him to be brought down to Jerusa-
lem. They were defeated in this
two years in which be was unjustly ust!Y
with his tuneful lI e and tri' h
eful �rg
answer. Today there are only 33 in every
4 '
- hizzeIIM
detained ed and handed over to his sac-
laughing hiasg eyes. It is only the sickly
Eg o .
Eggs Laoenr
butter and two eggs; then add one cup
cessor, we have no cause for think
baby who is not a laughing baby, for
Three hard ebbs9
®R EXAMPLE, E9 seven years agoo the aver-
grated cheese, one tablespoonful salt,
ing FelYx nver a ain took to heart
it is the littleone>s n tore t
-cooked one cup
medium white sauce, three slices of
troubles which accompany the cut-
i from the time you lifted
ss e intervalery
appeal of Paul which at first
era again laid many and grievous
ting of teeth and in doing those
moulds or cups, and set in hot water,
'` "'" ""
aroused his conscience a m him
e red ode
t rtelephone
Mo he s, if your :homy is cross, ifJ
ntil th operator answered
r velvet u e
things—and doing them well—they
"` " '. c en's
' `
tumble for his soul's welfare.
he cries a great deal and no amount
Chop whites of eggs; add to sauce,
could not prove. Festus listened to
was 5.1 seconds. Today the clocker finds the
minutes. Turn from the moulds, and
=� 4rberta^
Felix was succeeded in office b Y
of attention seems, to make him
reheat; pour over the toast. Press
the yolks through a sieve; sprinkle
interval Cut $0 3.7 seconds. Tomorrow it .will
ca-a.n I
Festus and, when in Jerusalem tak-
ing duties,
happy, give him a dose Of Baby's
over the top. Garnish with toast
be Still less.
- a
over his new he was in-
Own Tablets and he will soon be
to which is added a little grated
- 702 Jorm'ed about Paul. His enemies well and ready to radiate that hap- points an pars ey.—+Canadaan Cook
A®ommplete range off `Northernn° Rubbl u9 anal were, even after two ears, as deter- Book.
F111" F
����� y plicas through the home again. Seven years ago there were 95 slow calls in
1w,", .
o 0 0 0 �,,�,�}. o in upon him with, "Paul., thou art be bread the than whichest of all tooth- one tabllespoonful of onion- juice and now has been � cut to one-third of the time {
+ ��jl i` g a Tire is n® Way �o ( i.� P side thyself; much learning doth some �thitt s. one 'tablespoonful finely chopped
s g taken five years ago.
�, make thea mad." At once Paul ap- Right down below the high cost -of- parsley; let boil up once and serve.
. lL`\T7LY at press-dre gauge can ever give qou a pealed to the king, who could not but living list, down where' the multitude
,,I Ij" be acquainted with the things he had Stuffed Baked ]Potatoes. The time taken to install a new telephone used
-Z 0 trace arzaa$ncataon ®f anflattnoaa• been speaking of for they had not to be three hours and forty-five minutes. It has
�1,Select good-sized potatoes and bake
°1i°l'tltrrffe is a,¢®rg¢ct pressure for your tires. It been done in a corner; and, too, he in a hot oven (500 deg. F.) until soft. been cut now to one-hour and forty-five anin-
unds ®IIg ti82 saz� off tpn¢ cite and tlise �v�tee3� Iload. was not ignorant of the prophecies
p Cut a lengthwise slice from: the flat utas. That means something in hours saved,
i,' respecting that pressure our tires will v¢ you nu=i- was atJewthe Messiah, for Ab'YiPI� � � �� ��� �� �,�j p '
f p y ger yi side of each potato, remove' the con- with 139 000 telephones `fnstall¢d an Ontario
r`' rddr >�eage. gf yoaig tag¢ anflataon gods tfmr¢e tents from the slhells and mash. Add
Agrippa candidly confessed in his and Quebec this year, .
{ + , j 6D911 �9 lm¢g2itt3 that correct pre ure you cut e reply that Paull not only was in his o hot milk, butter and salt, and beat i
u}"" +` �trt�uIl it'd¢ flnfe o$ g�oaxr t.a¢st, right mind t by "His' powerful ap- ei o �� until fluffy, and return to the shells.
For baked potatoes with eggs, press
r peal had neo ly convinced him of the 1, lZE7CI'Y Q�iO®]� results. But the clocker
_ ice .fit 6ae. truth of Christianity. "Almost thou ° the filling down in the middle of each ,
?rettarr 5ka® y'�� to snake a nest into which an egg isn t satisfied. Nobody in the telephone
"��!,.,�,',, ..�',,
�' p in at a IIDomcinion Tire 1fDepot office a persuaded me lto b'e a Christian• In �/ ,may be broken. Return to the oven business is ever satisfied with _
et�els . dv every tare itnsgcted, and the pressure his reply Pawl again voiced his strong o �'Ill, I
ohochad. Let an oupert search for to and brt9wa , desire for the salvation of souls. "I ' ,Rzt h in rr�0 6 healing' hev&c and bake ate moderate temperature, today's Mark. °I he system to- ^�� �'�\
a slight repair will prevent a bllov7-otrt. would to God that trot onlythou but P'Mdio �a mei 375 deg. h'., until the eggs are set.
9 Q a>aorroi�r must always be better ,
If d+salted, grated cheese, or well -
also all that +hear One 'this day, •wrere People so cripppled! by Rheumatism the to keep ace 'with the ,Canada 1` �! -
Y&,,,, acre 5li�C19e'P pyo 'away from & � both almost and, altogether such as, I couldn't Vpatk have taken Ga hers seasoned chopped meat, bacon, !Yam or p 1�
,s chicken! may be added to the potato o$ tisa norro�s. It, k
bonds." I ]Kidney ilemedy and got well. It is 'mixture. Or, a beaten a may be
r am, except te50 110
__,",�l, � l, I,, ,J). M, NION-TIRE
ndo hPAUng and cleansingto g y a�
. ,,�;,. �! , ,�QDTEBLICD MIGSI[O1�S kidneysuYlmmeb ±t from the heart of mixed with the ,potato before, it is pil-* N
,`I;:""i,;�'t�7�; . "I _ � - " OT - . L . 10 I � %�,!� - '' Th�ei swee'tes't story of the'sea�soat in Tlature. ed back into bhp s'hel'ls.
r ! � our Central India Vission is only half 7C1Yro%YIYi'� backaches, dizzy spells, rhe -
4 a • ]Sued qct. A little ori 'ha'n�,Aoy in a Matid lt5alnz and nag;ing bladder ills corm Soufe• tt t av asp, batt �'eEopr-W Companv of cones& to ECR am
� � p p g are "86a" r caused by tn9amed leidneys. °g`hicken one eujo good svvnet milk Qoan¢rtlian� mboaeC ¢mPa�Eaocao �soa na ozut iaao �Yoo�to 3n ere
mission aCChuooll lout him tenor er lore Gallaghem s herbs soon rands these ills.
1! i1. ego tri at ganYe. (&11e was I,unish^ed, It zg one
of dames Gall �herto fatuous wish one n �O%a poor cbxtt starC
1 H `'� � � r atsd � laid, "]�ittdne�a !cave I taken �' season �retll f1VYtB1 s'a%t and `�
i 50-kear-old herbal Household 7Eiemedies: P err a9d
rY t'r•
:r �it��u� ea. , at ltara'da of tlYo nrtisslon. °%'his I err r
r .:� po fu IlilSlael i ss _
861d aaow by a teas ori 1 sugar,
�r � ' ,y° "lill not tako." left, muglit out I � boikd a few minutes, r�amo" �26ta „ ,
., �" inial CVM pion,-Ohtastiatti gel'ati"o, set tJd `Jill a ffiT 'QDI fire sand stir tai a5nm eta a 9^
p a�
I 14 1., j r u
:, .r... :r y I'll
+I I" II 7 V , ' ii , ,,1 I d y
, _ ,; , , ,,; . r„r :vii' ,” a= „'
NJ St.vn-•Shue is on hand to meet your nneed� " ���sm�ea "��
mined as ever to have his life and
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild
Potato and Cheese Timbales
every 1.,000—a slow call being one in which
tried to persuade Festus to send for
but thorough laxative. They regu-
the operator takes ten secondsatr more to
•���'(n�jl� jj77��77 {y (� {�j�
11110 Sproat,
him to be brought down to Jerusa-
lem. They were defeated in this
late the bowels and sweeten the
stomach and thus banish constipa-
Rice six oi%seven boiled potatoes,
and beat into thein four tablespoonfuls
answer. Today there are only 33 in every
tS�o 0 oy(�c(�1��ll11
plan of killing him by the way. for
tion and indigestion; break up olds
butter and two eggs; then add one cup
Festus said he would be tried .at Ces-
and simple fevers and, correct those'
grated cheese, one tablespoonful salt,
area on his return there. His accus-
troubles which accompany the cut-
and some paprika. Press into smallrnds
The number o£ f err of all kinds has be en
era again laid many and grievous
ting of teeth and in doing those
moulds or cups, and set in hot water,
every calls to 16,
complaints against Paul, which they
things—and doing them well—they
and :bake in the oven for about twenty
could not prove. Festus listened to
make baby happy and keep him
minutes. Turn from the moulds, and
which is over ninety-eight per, cent perfect.
Paul's defence and then asked him if
happy. The Tablets are sold by
serve with a sauce of melted butter
- a
he would Ibe willing to go back to
medicine dealers .or by mail at 25
to which is added a little grated
Jerusalem, and there be judged.
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
cheese, paprika and chopped parsley.
s IVE YEARS AGO you ran 27 chances in
Paul replied, "Neither against the
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
1,000 calls of getting the wrong num-
, t,
laws of the Jews, neither against -the
Sa®or�, Potato Cakes.
ber• That is down now to 13 chances in 1,000,
temple, nor yet against Cesar, have I
offended anything at all. d stand at
'C'ho,p six cold boiled potatoes, and
or nearly � times out of the 100 right.
' a
Cesar's judgment -seat where I ought
crush with a potato masher (or use
- — ---
to be judged."
I would lay a few wreaths at the
cold mashed 'or rived potatoes); add to.
them I tablespoon 1 mixed herbs, 3
There are only two chances in a thousand. now
Not long after this appeal of Paul's
feet of the peanut.that
ehoppe onion, 3 table-
3' ou, will be cut off. There were five
to Cesar had been made Festus had
It is one of e admirable arrange-
spoonfuls chopped left -over meat,
chances in a thousand, five years ago.
- ,
Icing Agrippa and his sister Bernice
ments of whoever runs mundane gnat
pepper, salt, 1 tablespoonful melted
visiting him. In order possibly to
get some help as to how Paul should
teas that the very best goods of life
are for every man, and that the proud
butter and 1 'beaten egg. Mould into
There used to be eight times in a thousand
be disposed of, Festus told Agrippa
and privileged when they nibble their
put in a fr n an
flat cakes and frying p
calls when ou would break in on somebody
Y y
— /
about him. His interest w�� aroused
expensive delicacies are toying with
containing one tablespoonful' melted
butter; brown, and turn with a pan-
else's conversation. Now there are onlytwo
and he asked to hear him. On the
the avengi8ag ftaries, from a pain in
cake turner to brown the other sidle,
such double connections per thousand.
I'— °
following day Paul was brought into
their tams-tums to 'hardening of'tbe
the presence of the king and Festus
Creamed Carrots and! Potatoes.
set forth the case. Again Paul was
There is air, for instance, oodles of
HERE ARE "CLOCKERS" at wont in
permitted to speak for himself. No
it free; and, if there be ought better I
To one quart of cold ,boiled potatoes
other directions too and here are some of
matter who the audience was he was
always irresistible
have never found it. Also water. Al-
cut in dice, add 1 cup diced carrots.
them in double
the things they have recorded.
ready with elo-
so sunshine,
put a boiler and cover
` ,VP
quence and argument to defend the
More expensive, but still cheap en-
with 1% cupfuls highly seasoned
. .
__ .
truth. As be Droceeded Festus broke
.-i, f—,W1t -_._,1— fMIr 9 9..,
white sauce. to which has been added
The time taken to geDair trouble99 on a line
o 0 0 0 �,,�,�}. o in upon him with, "Paul., thou art be bread the than whichest of all tooth- one tabllespoonful of onion- juice and now has been � cut to one-third of the time {
+ ��jl i` g a Tire is n® Way �o ( i.� P side thyself; much learning doth some �thitt s. one 'tablespoonful finely chopped
s g taken five years ago.
�, make thea mad." At once Paul ap- Right down below the high cost -of- parsley; let boil up once and serve.
. lL`\T7LY at press-dre gauge can ever give qou a pealed to the king, who could not but living list, down where' the multitude
,,I Ij" be acquainted with the things he had Stuffed Baked ]Potatoes. The time taken to install a new telephone used
-Z 0 trace arzaa$ncataon ®f anflattnoaa• been speaking of for they had not to be three hours and forty-five minutes. It has
�1,Select good-sized potatoes and bake
°1i°l'tltrrffe is a,¢®rg¢ct pressure for your tires. It been done in a corner; and, too, he in a hot oven (500 deg. F.) until soft. been cut now to one-hour and forty-five anin-
unds ®IIg ti82 saz� off tpn¢ cite and tlise �v�tee3� Iload. was not ignorant of the prophecies
p Cut a lengthwise slice from: the flat utas. That means something in hours saved,
i,' respecting that pressure our tires will v¢ you nu=i- was atJewthe Messiah, for Ab'YiPI� � � �� ��� �� �,�j p '
f p y ger yi side of each potato, remove' the con- with 139 000 telephones `fnstall¢d an Ontario
r`' rddr >�eage. gf yoaig tag¢ anflataon gods tfmr¢e tents from the slhells and mash. Add
Agrippa candidly confessed in his and Quebec this year, .
{ + , j 6D911 �9 lm¢g2itt3 that correct pre ure you cut e reply that Paull not only was in his o hot milk, butter and salt, and beat i
u}"" +` �trt�uIl it'd¢ flnfe o$ g�oaxr t.a¢st, right mind t by "His' powerful ap- ei o �� until fluffy, and return to the shells.
For baked potatoes with eggs, press
r peal had neo ly convinced him of the 1, lZE7CI'Y Q�iO®]� results. But the clocker
_ ice .fit 6ae. truth of Christianity. "Almost thou ° the filling down in the middle of each ,
?rettarr 5ka® y'�� to snake a nest into which an egg isn t satisfied. Nobody in the telephone
"��!,.,�,',, ..�',,
�' p in at a IIDomcinion Tire 1fDepot office a persuaded me lto b'e a Christian• In �/ ,may be broken. Return to the oven business is ever satisfied with _
et�els . dv every tare itnsgcted, and the pressure his reply Pawl again voiced his strong o �'Ill, I
ohochad. Let an oupert search for to and brt9wa , desire for the salvation of souls. "I ' ,Rzt h in rr�0 6 healing' hev&c and bake ate moderate temperature, today's Mark. °I he system to- ^�� �'�\
a slight repair will prevent a bllov7-otrt. would to God that trot onlythou but P'Mdio �a mei 375 deg. h'., until the eggs are set.
9 Q a>aorroi�r must always be better ,
If d+salted, grated cheese, or well -
also all that +hear One 'this day, •wrere People so cripppled! by Rheumatism the to keep ace 'with the ,Canada 1` �! -
Y&,,,, acre 5li�C19e'P pyo 'away from & � both almost and, altogether such as, I couldn't Vpatk have taken Ga hers seasoned chopped meat, bacon, !Yam or p 1�
,s chicken! may be added to the potato o$ tisa norro�s. It, k
bonds." I ]Kidney ilemedy and got well. It is 'mixture. Or, a beaten a may be
r am, except te50 110
__,",�l, � l, I,, ,J). M, NION-TIRE
ndo hPAUng and cleansingto g y a�
. ,,�;,. �! , ,�QDTEBLICD MIGSI[O1�S kidneysuYlmmeb ±t from the heart of mixed with the ,potato before, it is pil-* N
,`I;:""i,;�'t�7�; . "I _ � - " OT - . L . 10 I � %�,!� - '' Th�ei swee'tes't story of the'sea�soat in Tlature. ed back into bhp s'hel'ls.
r ! � our Central India Vission is only half 7C1Yro%YIYi'� backaches, dizzy spells, rhe -
4 a • ]Sued qct. A little ori 'ha'n�,Aoy in a Matid lt5alnz and nag;ing bladder ills corm Soufe• tt t av asp, batt �'eEopr-W Companv of cones& to ECR am
� � p p g are "86a" r caused by tn9amed leidneys. °g`hicken one eujo good svvnet milk Qoan¢rtlian� mboaeC ¢mPa�Eaocao �soa na ozut iaao �Yoo�to 3n ere
mission aCChuooll lout him tenor er lore Gallaghem s herbs soon rands these ills.
1! i1. ego tri at ganYe. (&11e was I,unish^ed, It zg one
of dames Gall �herto fatuous wish one n �O%a poor cbxtt starC
1 H `'� � � r atsd � laid, "]�ittdne�a !cave I taken �' season �retll f1VYtB1 s'a%t and `�
i 50-kear-old herbal Household 7Eiemedies: P err a9d
rY t'r•
:r �it��u� ea. , at ltara'da of tlYo nrtisslon. °%'his I err r
r .:� po fu IlilSlael i ss _
861d aaow by a teas ori 1 sugar,
�r � ' ,y° "lill not tako." left, muglit out I � boikd a few minutes, r�amo" �26ta „ ,
., �" inial CVM pion,-Ohtastiatti gel'ati"o, set tJd `Jill a ffiT 'QDI fire sand stir tai a5nm eta a 9^
p a�
I 14 1., j r u
:, .r... :r y I'll
+I I" II 7 V , ' ii , ,,1 I d y
, _ ,; , , ,,; . r„r :vii' ,” a= „'