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The Huron Expositor, 1928-11-02, Page 8
a 6h zT l� `HF �. J�,�•': +w^1+J.+ww,tm,awra h Y .rif�.rs1.9.'^lera!Cr ,�r,R'p ......... . . . . . . . . .... �1414. ., MO�I � �t�•. ca' �+a�d�#kova�x+�*' Q:uW?�31�Ft ALJJJ, ti MEETDor �Q 4kT=Ci) �`1aiK it � ���' H ,,��,nJy�+p�W7'.J:>;1.G'7k��yy�y',�t.1+NC!�31�/"v �1�'i%,1 ,l �,.�> ks tisk C"'s txdl ti4W Wim; s wn Y" y s p2TE a 8F f 'b y a 1' f m;n Y>v ` 1dF1ffilicT V' 1 � r eta. .. b�imD�7_ u-wonis c'3� � Ebrtil�aam )�f mfr O % � � cvislr 4a> t t�how w1w so ffba> e ny pooWded than �t it h r �`✓. A. T1fAli.1L. wii&if. attmdy, frond in athe,s �vu s loo u e F�� �:� _ LIG'ir r .6�uLB+S 1 y ; ntr�" " r 1 p hours) AalsflriEoa enf tdnm ieaIIortl �cnr4darar to insure ting anecom Ed th-0 evoumig O.H.A.11�achey Teem Tho following is in Iiot of theprf r� 8' Winners at the l¢: Bo$' fmxs 5 � �� crop p Boy .%' cos+ ume, tender 10• yearn, Gordon 1$"4m• rrlr , 1 N; ov i (Dna Dollar pstx Couple. xniffan; irls' fatscy cootnm�e, Lander V , � (i Don't Miss Tires O=_ -Tho Beat i yeaarg, Labelle Hawkins; boy's' comi4 xa CbiC OA -!n bulkTeti eastume, under 10 years, 7E`hosos,Kohele Srlti" o"'1alue! tris' comic cobturnao, under' 10 yearsn` a' MOOD f COCOA. N UT __ ... �y f orothy 'Hudson;'boy-s' comic costume 'lllFars Snowdrift) 1 30c,for ( (; 18 years amd under, John Dicks -on f$D Zi -iter pound , ... .... 41st --•--- _ _r -._ .___ f girls' coanic cosytume, 1� years ane fJ ` 11QiEa conic costume, vnder, Margaret, Ferguson; Ladies COFFk'.lr-stare Who Ilan coal -We have urgentcomic O Martha Reid; boys d � .. . need of one or two copies of The Ex - and girls' fia7tcy costume,, Kate iRc ds'%,bg erpuufad.... floc !.ositor dated ember 2€(th, antip I Lean' boys' pie -Eating contESt, Joht 13QDAf-fD far .........2ia would appreciate very much if any `C•ardno; balloon race, Thos. Sills, Jaw ' t DrgMO fil CASTIIeF .SCRAP- copies of this date Strung, Grate Free, Garnet Free; apShell Brand, 3 for subscriber having would Y hone or learve them at this20REAUX SEKLLD tie eating contest, A. Calder, girls office i V'tA sNU'I`.S--pe•r• pound .. vO� -- biscuit eating contest, Dorothy Drag y tw i�AOX9N MANCHURIAN J (w� I a er; grape Eating contest, Grace Kraut WALNUTC-Per pound .... er; Crows and Cranes, 'winner, crows . Walnuts are a very Light crop, are I geaforth Minstrels, November 23rd. c - t ,• Vetting scarce, advancing rapidly anti, --Most people of Seaforth anti viein- ;' ore worth to -day fully lrsc per pound ity will be glad to learn that on Fri- For Sale. Empty barrels for sale. Apel: .. more than these prices. day, November 23rd, the 4traforth ter Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 8177-i For Immediate or winter use we Minstrels, under the auspices of the Rooms To sent. -Aggly to Beattie urns. knave pumpkins, Hubbard Squash, Lions Club, will present a programme Geaf°rth. 8177-t 'Vegetable Marrows, Cabbage, Apples, in C rdno's Hall. New songs, new man ted work on farm: steady wore Onions, etc. Year round.nd.Apply to M. Beaton. 8171-t jokes, and a whole new 6econd part. Range For Gale. -•Imperial Oxford. six !lo o Reserve the date. The proceeds are Apply to J. W. Fre+, Sparling street. t(; Fo . �t( �WO to provide the annual Lion's Christ- 8177x mas Cheer. For Sale.-Qnebee stove with oven, in per a PMONA 11"HOR PROOIID IM fart condltion, 020.00. Mrs. Thomas Ph4lips 8177x „. 0 12 Photos make 12 Christmn_v gists. Nov - - `- - Hockey, -Here is some good news. is the time to sit. Jackson Studio, Seaforth Seaforth will have a team in the Ont. 8s x' Junior (D.H.A, this winter. We have Apples For Sola. --A quantity apples fu sale. Apply to John Scott and Robert obert Asa^ the material to put a team on the ice Roxboro, 8177 a that you will he proud of, and all that wanted. -seers about is years aid to pati i. needed to put the old town back with ho use work. Apply Saturday afternoon "^^ on the hockey map is the support of to Mrs. Gen. D. Forgue•°n. ¢ a all hockey fans in ieaforth and the Comfortable Roams-Bedrorrm and aittini n Y roorn, reasonable, for was or two adults, nea: a ° y surrounding country. On Friday Main Street. Apply at The Expositor office ht, November 0th, u dance will be Hester For Sale -Alt Arnraarland cna z heniggld in the G.W,v.A, Hall to raise heater, self feeder, with oven attmebed; it funds for the necessary equipment, ,fwcl condition. L. Flenneehuetz, Dgmand Yvi lie, 8176x1 r goal -nets, p ads, sticks, etc.., and the Sturm W4ndor+ar- Strom windows reads 8 I ilir management would o sets yotl t ld like t gloved as !°w as 01.60. Send for freight nnh there. Come now, let's get together price. Halliday Company, Halliday Bide• and start the season off with a bangl Hamilton. 8177 Miss Eleanor bolder, Organist and Choi Leader of Egmnndville Unified Church, tenche �Dl4A OF OUR PRINS iI,OAISTS of ®fano and theory. P ugig prepared for To Induction Services. -The induction ronto Conservatory Examinations. Writ �f tender, toothsome meat, is really of Rev, 1. B. Kaine into the mt:ii-try NrPanor f?nider. Brucefleld. �17'1- of First Presbyterian Church was 'held House For Sale. -Ten -roomed frame hous U the mofo economical, for there u, no on Wednesday evening of this week. with Ptertrie lights and furnace, in good con 5r✓sate to it. ];very bit can be used, >; That would still be true even if our when a very large congregation at clition, 'there are two lots suitable for gar true, the servrces. Rev, J. Mcllrn den. A,Isv frame stable, For particulars up Vices were higher than others. But Y. ply ler Adam Dodds, Centre Street, Seaforth. Wise housekeepers who have made of Hen. -all, Moderator of Presbytery, 8176x comparisons declare our prices are Presided; Rmv. Mr. Goodwill, of Blyth, - Coal and Coke. --Coal and Coke on hand a the warehouse At the station: also a aural air low as those for meats of any held divine service; Rev. R. C. Me- Dermid, of Goderich, addrensM the or hand power. Phone 44W Seaforth. AN Grade. DRBW ARCHIBALD. 8140-t St(By {�1tr Minister and RPV. .lames Foote, of �.JJ c ✓121, o tvd/ ly Vn,hetet', addre.Ced the congregation, eunoia and Property for Sole.-IneiEgmond villa, opposite the church, an g'ht-raromc. Following the induction serv'ice's the rrgr,a@ house. with ail modern conveniences Otorre Phone 58 Reg. Phone 59 ladies of the congregation C;rrved eloct.ric llaht, hot water furnace, hard an: soft water inside. On pttrperty there is lunch in the school room, when a Cocial barn and there ie an as re of land, Apply t hour was very pleasantly ;pent, anal Fred llohins°n, Bon 900, Senforth, Phon c.;hcrp all hod an opportunity or trvott- 100-4, Seadtrrth. 8188-t � F f" ' J� Da�� ing Mr, and Mrs. Keine. Local Brief.:- Mr. H. F. Tilley, Pis PA=W The home and Schotil Association• trict liligsenger Agept of the ('.,grindj��7jR� 11, =she rrglilar monthly meeting of ian National Railways, was in tow: L4 ll 14U the Home and School Association will ctn iMonclay. Mr. Tilley is a native o ` �} he hold in the Kindergarten room of St. ('olumban and one of the Sono' ' . d4 ,� )� ��� lt.hing the Public School on Monday, Novem- suer, ur•fuI of the many native sunt her 26th. All members are especial- who have left this district to make f till stifle done in first-clltgs ly requested to be there, Mrs. (Dr.) minty for themselves in the larg•ei s x rngt)nvr. C;Andiet- of Clinton, will adalr•ess the centres or Canada and the States . -- meeting on the worst done by the Mr. and Mrs. Rober•'bSmith spent thi Boole and Srh'nol Association in ('lits- week end with friends in Chesley.- �� c ��'�"��lla���� ton, Mrs. R. E. Bright will neat an Miss Evelyn Grieve, slaughter or Mr article on t'he law as it relates to and Mrs. James L. Grieve, was op• women and children. There will be this in the 40 0 <> b °7 d �J © a pian' duet by Helen Lane and stated on for appendicitis Memorial Hospital thithis week. -Mr, C� Eleannr burrows. A cup of tea vill Harold Coat", of Toronto, spent the C ° IlllohM(Ba &DIM 0 hr 141"I'l at the met+ting, Living a week end here with his mother, Mrs, Funeral Director and['riend; if possible, a now member•.- R, E, Coates. -der, and Mrs. Roul, Corresponding Secretary of the dome and son, Thomas of Toronto spent ton Licensed lEmrbtnlnner. r - and School As-ociation• the week end with their daughter, Finest Motor and Home- 0 v Miss R.oulsion, of the hospital staff.- drawn__ equipment. Beattie Cb Mr. and Mrs. Hamphill anti son, of a brain Street. opposite 4 Annitersr}' Ser1'irPR. - AllniVrl'N- Ayr, were hely tills week visiting Npositor Office, 8, T, •d' qiy Carl ioo., in connection with North Mrs. Charles Eggert„ who eta von- mog, residence, Godetich O �:id" i`niied Chtilrh were hplci on Sun- t•alcveing frnnl an appendicitis last opera- tion at. the hosittn.• l, ----Mise Annie Me- � Stt'eret Went; ('-has, Holmes'* la}• tvhrn 12rc, W. R. I\lelntosh. I ' " r'�tfiitlrnrr, Nnrth Main Street, * it.il., of King Sirervt. United ('11urch, Tngg•art, or Walton, was visiting with - ' Flalwer-n furniCliod on short 0 i,nndon, ofnipied t.hr pulpit. anti Se:afarth friamds this week, -Mrs. R. ntitirr, All kinds ofup- 'o ii,•,sehvd tory areoptahly hath morn- �,. }void. or Stratford. has ieas(41 her httlsi,,ring neatly sloop, <> ire and eva•ning to toy largo congrr- cottage on .lamas `trPPt to Mr. Iiet- }'hones: lig or 3118 0 RP10, 1C. Spprial nrnsir wars also ton- hart McGregor, or the Wolverton C! retitle by the choir under t.h,r irarlo- WM, who will move his family Naso C> G> ti C� K� GY C: -0 ::hip of Mr. (', lfowoy. on ihr Mnn_ from ('hat.harn shortly.- The seders of rear ",toning' fnllolc•int_r a t'rt•y Slitrosg- St, Thomas Church intend holding a p _.-- -- roll foal silpper was lipid in the 4rhool hnyaar slid suplier in thy school room +' room of the church. when the tapirs of the church on Nmremher 29th. - t`: ware erowdod for over two hours. yet. Mr. T. S. Smith heti purchased a new ihero wav no srareity of stood ihinrrs. Studrhakrr Commander from Mr. Afh•r supper a very enterlaininL- pro- •lohn Rogior. the local agent., - Mr. g•rgnlnlr teas gieen in the auditorium nand Mrs. It• T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll, of the eliurrh, one of t.ho leading fee- are visiting .with Seaforth friends euros of which was the lect.um of Rev. thio wrest.-11rra. G. T, Turnbull has DAN -id Rogrt•-, of 51. Thonia.b, a fol -111- roturnrd rron Toronto and 4liuntsville er pastor, on "Stale cheat Priarhrr- where Rho was mwilding a few weeks anti orators I have Known." with hor dnug'lit.om.--- Nfisa Margaret Rowo, of Toronto, visited her aunt, Miss Margaret Wilson. Matron of the Med In London. --The death of Mrs Niemoria.l hospital, fivoethe week Pnd. - 1'homaa Colbert, formerly Miss Aar . -Firs, Donald Ragas has returned to Mel,eod, took plant? at Im-ndon Dos- her home in Neilthr p Sonth after Q , Ponding n n the asst thr n Mita) a foo days+ ago, after a long p g } . loath- wits, r h 1 ai stP1• M ra aMe-Nab.-Mrs, illnasd, She wqs a daughter of thr . Alex. fielry A. Johnson, of I,uclkflnw, fa a late 1tr-. All bfl Clark I Fr end• g�ueat. at the hone of her daughter, rills. and will ha I dly nlfn-pd ley hoar Mrs. G. I1, ff%*b --.•Mrs- G. D. Per - fa it a d 4h P tir(> c1 it i n t�(ll�n� e fl . c mtnun x n w1rirh sits herd rasida+d and urht°rte tube irlmon and little draughtier have r'eturn- rd from Toronto w1horo that* -tient and ZWO Pern;thb. 3111 are _- - - -- - had Prideamd herself during her lo" }} t1ta post throe weeks with friondis,-- tes1we 00.74 , and 0" 'deem map- Py ll���r � ��� rasidanr hp manq Arty of kirtrineaat, b and in reams osene:ata when ,oho fik Mich T, S. Smith spent last week IAt1fld(i41 friends, Subscriptlota. talrevn for all rnagaxihes znd vzpvo at pnlblisheez priees. navrr thought of herself hut, only the a�?ifarra of or vlpighlierrtl, 'ihp lt4"' wit,, --•= Mesta .Crmee Srott htas returned fzirrn a motor tri friends this week Mrs. A. Roar, of sal r=,e ire o r% h her huah"d and oftht, ehildreri, sovon to Ruf9'alo and New York. ---,114r%: C. L. Smith omni Mrvi, Truemner,. of Burins, staff, has been transferred to the `valEtllr>��r �t� wnd tme 4 autrhtor, Alherr;, sof '9liwkat&AvmA, n:thhrlft, of LiwadOM', vll;ited Mcg, C. E"g t at the lava ural p this 16fIr �t3 e winter with her daughter. -Mr, and ° b $ 11 � Murdio, V,,&mer*tr'rt, ivy r+. d 1` olvhft, At .hnrrrh, and 1�r9}. it lra,, i�irourrrla We�k,� i, o Grrt�s3 c, "4 10i ", 'Milli n (rmasizn and Donald, t � � � of Lulea, ^;<bmo oiateiv salvo ne r. ha+.r, Hiplam 'M&D z1f. IIIta�rrilttarl, e i lata vsrek at than home otf Mrs, E. UET&Y, God- and her Smoother, Mrs. G. E. Hender- ill 1 f f e at vis Iota and M4. l ad arra Mr s, Aratlrur 4illlert, ei erieh Stlrt�2t a� l ,v 1 G. Sillery Idt Oil 'Tru f t , . r_ f1,n1�4u41�r, I rrms rt a@ a to? Iftrq Sin, S 'k., when leiter Wil pevrml o ar with her o H o o TERS An actions romance of Deep Seas, Strangs Ports, a Sailor Boy and a Dancing Girl. Vit, ,yttlrtr'ta do m wtoxTo the Rom. S, 0. wai Rev. �Sori,= S. K,1a��Clki] @i [4�tJ%- „, in �° IMRP, U��� 6 illirr�ia,rrrr rrer�l Ia Cta�e , tl�ie r i i t rte this} this} r, I FOR THANKSGIVING DAY 41' t✓ I 'A it ki .pia, etre the di,,AM Dud& =d Mr. C. wkwt haw eal gent's,SiRk Mr. Howard Ivers; comic ladies, 1- _ __� 1t�4 5tr1 +k�t�rc +akasa of to �qua{a�lr irntzrn �� :. GEM stove, p $1.95 a pair tl 3 n.i� ; +,`�t`hi•v;'.. ,,r�..,%#ti'.: A .. • �} ii an tram allil�gi',,,:,egc�3�,,• Vrztzt. �y.,, T110 dLJ'i®'�k"d 3�C&JAY'Y8'iU"4irA:' urli" '�� Y,dl.'BiN� 99�' ,Yllll"v)'1y"ij'`9 4* i� �ey. �6gmp "a:I eta �,t�rp�, t m . Alen, ^1911 3L+Y�r''yyt(Llil -illC��J.^:: ', FRIDAY, Nb'6BN1BPR 9th i = . -n *° �> l_� Climb,, 4a Wo- tuamW e ros" 4.a V 1dPli�Z`tl d Ifto tae ftp , ` �a (RIlett Sega t''.'tfittlat�y°Jt1x� a " •✓. 84:hWic"l Y'Yc E4^3 ibf`iyi fir.W05, to 1C✓ V°i - t J+ .- c Zai CPb ''�'d"aw rIit' eo soli Fag v Cd`v' �' '�'�.�,'.' `'ME''' .• '� ac.h ..-. �;,v�+ �' >;i�tt Pei W.,t��LJ'�i7i�1': �(�i�w�.,. �,�v�Sa. , `a+4,1�1 �.5 k i'.^ vCv?3 ray Y'+i h4'a''',d �y (1tt� �(1t x rw.7 ^sCw diL.uw�U �1ul"�. tLY4',zC"! 5 d" 91 r t�(ll�n� '710 b avo res4va 5z V*tw macntt 09 Qjdlefor: , vov, l cfz-} and ZWO Pern;thb. 3111 are v t- tto.2ar i z - & fi0 L" �indII� 003 Of 15=ai Q[IPTti�yPlated &Jy�lls�u(arrs[�0}�,a,?,. jor gforras. "• 69 $ irM, e ,mt o LY Mei tes1we 00.74 , and 0" 'deem map- hins. Th6wpsen 9 29011I01ro1. - . 0=70WE Subscriptlota. talrevn for all rnagaxihes znd vzpvo at pnlblisheez priees. week end lu Toronto. - The Misses 13rine spent ,several days with Toronto friends this week Mrs. A. Roar, of Livingstone, Montana, is a guest at the home of Mrs. A. Young. - Mr. Jack Daly of the BaTdc ,of Commerce staff, has been transferred to the Dublin branCb.-Mrs. George Werir leaves next week for Anderson, North Carolina, where she will spend the winter with her daughter. -Mr, and Mrs. Luka Nigh and son, Mr. Sylvest - ter Nigh, and two daughters, Mary and Mrs, P. flicknell, motored to Lack'awana last week to visit Bro. Francis. -Mt. Earl Ross has returned from, the West to spend the wimlber with his family here, -+Mrs. DeLacey and her Smoother, Mrs. G. E. Hender- son, left on Thursday to spend the winter In Toronto. fITOT P LAS niG Gearge o9 AIlan mad and family alle visiting with friends in o1HAR1 o H o o TERS An actions romance of Deep Seas, Strangs Ports, a Sailor Boy and a Dancing Girl. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The Screenn'd, Great Character Actor Lam Chemy in �° IMRP, U��� from David lielasco''s stage success, directed by Herbert Brenon, who gave us "Beau Geste.'° -,_ Zomakg FOR THANKSGIVING DAY prizes were awarded' as follows:- Ladies', Mrs. Rhyce, Auburn; 'It EIq�cN1E0Q8 J�. o gent's,SiRk Mr. Howard Ivers; comic ladies, EVERY DAY BRINGS SOME- THING NEW TO Hosiery. GEM stove, p $1.95 a pair DANCE $'lm WINTHROP N'i'18[l(tQDll9 IlIIALL on FRIDAY, Nb'6BN1BPR 9th Blyth Grahostra. p Lunch Served ADMISSION ( Tan imeluded ) low. The bridal party motored to the groom's parents, where a ree.ep- tion was held by the friends i 0 o Ills F elle d Cufrt ',neighbors and of the happy couple. Dainty Molle and Marquisette Curtains, lovely and A l'ldl� with pretty color tones. Attractive curtains for /to kitchen or bedroom. Valance to match. NOV, 19th� Church held their annual anniversary services on Sunday, October 28th. Rev.v Per I1DOr, $11.3 $2.25 $2.39 to $4.65 9 9 ° rrrww+wrww.x - wn . �r. Art .', 14 er D ' z, �,� ga >���lr1i .C?•PIY3'�� I�1'd#t3�'�,'t..-�a�N�',`�S� ��r �q �� rx act �xs"li lu all . li rz : �els �• euro t>trcZ �#Tx lli€�t:.�J�a"�li�il(� � i�187Ri l tin ( c 7i� eVOW cd ttaim im 1[1Mim1 IIrs niubt- 'alnd enjoyed a l oa ti s•9r-=rs, cha rleu Matoe ale coavaloscigrp� . �w Stra>fif'omd ]los,1�- iuse vttu� from here tool% in the ]lll410W,ca' = domatrssstraltion sat Ssafamtb :3z(d azelmiio�t ar sploimdid�nrogm wm a. -.-. , Alem Mitebell fu bey ftnirshtx„ up thr n�ha- ing and 'na wing wood arias vA,11 lea gflasafi When the job 19 over ar, t'ke (bald weather makes moving 7e27 disagree- able. - cry o E11eII��l1 MILIIM ]'dotes. --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steph- en and Laurie, leers. Thomas Bell and Miss Bessie Bell spent the week end with relatkas in Detroit and Bary City, -The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and l`J M. FredWl ight in the loss of their atiafaurt daughter. -Mrs. (Rev.)n.uto, and -children, also Miss II1Tfelen Murch, vis- ited in Windsor for a fever days r,-- Gently, -We are pleased to report that Mr. Philip Murch is recovering nicely from has accident last week.. II�IIII��lElI�� School Report. -The following is the report of School Section No. 7, Hibbert, for the months of September and October: Sr. IV -Bernice Har- ris, 8611o; Doris Sararas, 75; Beatrice Drover and Orval Cooper (equal) 69. Sr. I'II--iRoss Hoggarth, 65. Jr. Ill -William Chambers, 64; IInerwood Nash, (absent from examinations) . Sr. 11 -Earl Drover, 82; Benson Stoneman and John Chappel (equal), 68; Lorne Chambers, 40. First -Rae -Chambers, 63; Erin Trefgry, 61. Prim- er -Percy Wright, 85• Jean venner, 83; Wilmer McDohaf4 78. Number on roll, 16; -attendance for Septem- ber, 14.2; attendance for October, 16. -v. Bolton, Teacher. If You Have Wintkzf l �pparel go G COME AND SELECT NOW ODATS S ®f handsome fabrics, tailored W` H\\TGIH[A.M I I Via, along beautiful li�aes, superbly Notes. -Mr. John Claxton, of Al- er trimmed with Fur, also mannish rta, visited last week at W. J. Styles. Greer's.-Miss Earnscliffe, Musgrove, ! . spent last week at her home here.- DRESSES Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Rogers visited Med with Mr. W. C. Bhnnettlt for last week with relatives here. -Rev. W. E. Smith and M'rs. -Smith are at- the post two yews, has heft for t New Dresses with a daintiness tending the Baptist Conference in Kitcgoodhener, where i t Teas secured e good osition with tilts Goodrich Tire. of design and excellence of qual- Hamilton.--Mr. and Mrs. 0. Thomp- ley that will win your lllearty son and family spent the week end with friends in Stratford. -Mr. and approval 1J1J l the minute you See and Mrs. John Hanna spent the week erW inspect thein. at Grand Rapids, Michigan. -Mr. and in prommssive ouckire, The prime Mrs. Charles Bondi and son, Carl, are HATS enjoying •a motor trip through Ren- .. frew, "Ottawa and Montreal. -Ralph Fashion's best and newest crea- Carr, who has ibeen employed as op- erator with the C.P.R. in Toronto, is tions at less than ordinary pric- visiting with his parents, Ma. and e8, Colne. They will please you. Mrs. George Darr. -Mrs. James SIR tamft�& mews, iiia, ::a do& of slam and family alle visiting with friends in Markdale.-Bill Brauley is suffer- ing a broken arm from a motor 2itr i4 �{ y% �ryyISE _t_ V�1''',`tu M01 •tiiT&tivit4 '9UJL'LLb�. - Ij�westcott while cranking it. -A very successful masquerade dance was held in St Full Fashioned The Smartest Tapered Ankles Augustine last Friday night. The Chiffon Holeproof lD ]lD®lla r-a-pailr Full fashioned prizes were awarded' as follows:- Ladies', Mrs. Rhyce, Auburn; Hosiery, Ex. Toes rSt®el�Iingffi Silk I8[Olepr®®� gent's,SiRk Mr. Howard Ivers; comic ladies, Autumn tones. are Here. Hosiery. Miss Norah Robertson; comic gent's, $11.5® a Palin $1.95 a pair Mr. Joe Kelly. --A very quiet wed- ding took place in Pontiac, Michigan, --- when Mr. Charles Robinson was unit- ed in marriage to Miss Louise Krait - low. The bridal party motored to the groom's parents, where a ree.ep- tion was held by the friends 0 0 Daintily 0 o Ills F elle d Cufrt ',neighbors and of the happy couple. Dainty Molle and Marquisette Curtains, lovely and WET\�T�I�[R0P with pretty color tones. Attractive curtains for kitchen or bedroom. Valance to match. Anniversary Services. - Cavan Church held their annual anniversary services on Sunday, October 28th. Rev.v Per I1DOr, $11.3 $2.25 $2.39 to $4.65 9 9 ° George Weir, of Blyth, preached two very appropriate and inspiring ser- These Rugs come in exceedingly attractive color mons. In spite of the weather there fine crowds both tones in plaid effects. They are wonderful values.were at services. The choir rendered special music. On Starting as'low as $3,35 for the lowest priced rug Tuesday evening a chicken pie sup- nor was rued to a I d and up to $9.00 for the best, � vy ergs crow . The following programme was rend- ered to the enjoyment of all pres- ent: "Praise God" From Whom All Blessings Flow," followed by prayer by, the minister, Mr. Smith; chorus by five girls; instrumentals by TAisses Anona Dale, Cora Strong and Lydia Reid; three readings by Xiss Vera hludson; three solos by Mr. Charles Boyd; duet by Miss Grace Somer- ville and Arthur McGamin; address by Rev. W D. McDonald, B.A.; male quartette consisting of James Hen- derson, Alex. Cuthill, Hiram Blan- chard and Robert Dodds; address by Rev. W. J. Maines, of Walton- "Good Save the Icing." The proceeds amounted to $240. Notes. - Miss Bessie Blamharrd, nurse -in -training, attended the amll- versary supper out Tuesday evening. -Mrs. Thomas TO ellroy, of Sgaforth, visited friends in the village over the 1, M8T1c:TAVNSH week end. -Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ben- 't`w3t:�h B LU2 7=13 I DILAM®NIDS . nett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, of Ctrambrook. - Mr. in pierced 188. VIMtte OTC -Green Gold Armand Kernick, who leas been en- $115.0% $25.00' c$35.08, -$50.00y ami mp. Med with Mr. W. C. Bhnnettlt for the post two yews, has heft for A1160 K&W MM 82[OW7 TWFA" MOUNTS Kitcgoodhener, where i t Teas secured e good osition with tilts Goodrich Tire. �°�' ?7Tfil� � 1'i� 11ill1�Slii1 lE aved wedai Il�'l iill my of •Ville �11��' ve Co- -,'Mr. and 31Jdm' Joseph Dobnoge entertained the "Glee Club" lost Tnes- slay evening._ The tmaning wosn spe at a We wound be 1pli ape . Show these to you. in prommssive ouckire, The prime Ipl{ l ' A'Bra Ps were: 8�$�, ihl %% Miss .. AA S5��,,��„,,���„„,�,, �v p� J�,�,�,,,p g��,,.,, 3 k�G LLAJI'tl Sl taaotffi, is laaaartii and btu +'Q98 ((pp��,,��,,,ppr,������pp {�y t,' ^�, ,g �,�p �ry = Z,&M, t aV i(a�Q✓ll�r� to l�QtJ:lll�ll�li,'J�Q (l.::Y ti statia2m�, =d Mr. A, -Ab +Grnfti$l Lice- �p c+ �{(� >� Cit��t. we a5ingation or r wddaf en. linea? ' �G ��i tamft�& mews, iiia, ::a do& of slam onftv enrin� tames in a leatlbe,- wao, A. Vmy &tater l mah Tmns d br flee t SflA ---vow Arm- �� 0 i4 �{ y% �ryyISE _t_ V�1''',`tu M01 •tiiT&tivit4 '9UJL'LLb�. - Ij�westcott gGrl� 7•,,,J,tdL1LL`p�t.an.•• ��.�tlrla�i ����w�hi��iyr,/n'p�rta7ye����uMy`itsc�3 tutu. Ci�%1pa'.. u�41liY��1 JLi� .. ryi,L,il'�' j}(IAZ/ W „tmy.' , e�6d ft�b c,'- Wow, mr'ltWdnr5, cad d'' l2 +�"'''�s�.', "�.iJ1,� tJr +.. 't,iu+-,. ra zv�ko't wh tia CA 00 � "tu ¢t6 ur? }u'i: cm,12M.V�.'"�i 1u�iiyu t"".i�a .. �. • IN k