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The Huron Expositor, 1928-09-21, Page 6
.� V 4 .:,�r�� i& r ', & o �A 1 t' ' . A, . Edi q.° h auto ,. rµ �lf� Al eT �a `' A' .:. �, ..._�. � ..:moi + �.. , r p _ _ � .�'. '�. ?�, . a mQ� _,. � k „ .,_ ,�,�.d e �, 1; .._ r. L. ,� �/'� e,M1� �1< �.h , ���w�A'$�A th ?r� d+4`, �]< � , r$ .. r ... .... .' �, ,.i , .. ,? {. ,..� % $ APIIaII $ld62 {{, l �4LL4 aw:' { �w TIIO i� } gm _:..c.+a: ✓ f „S.. $4 '... ' % IOW n ::� r ,BN.. 14W.. �i AA ' ! - j, .,. :,.- s .' pkr,. IltdOaC i' rd a 1: x, t ? a A '14 y yam/ '. ,t. ".�'Q,{�. �{,, {� �f ,�Yp�a��pr_,,,�{,.�k y ,,,�, - ry, A -11-'Ir :r 9ly �r:"IYfI•hr •.. "'N.'yi,VW �B.N,i .'M :Mi' Wk.Y4 Wn:W4Y •„ e. ,• '� � . • 'I ' - r r �P Y':.�I,. .., :. 's a. . live. stools .lid recent Ike ., _ de r ry.Y V i� �v �r n I U 54:x, :'r55 ,r T r i '�' f iY i'`7' . Q,'°W '$ria. M ; " o.5e -@. $:..- 4.e.... �R C , > 69 v '.' n �5 adds. . a '' �E ,f,1&"lC',dC ,doted far 'all CIUr$SQ& Qi �:r IiILR 'ills Y.., t r ' .r S'i'r ', _ts'Y i, rAc^;.. , .. ,.. hi t i,aY rr+ ` y r o lasers uance exec &U t, 0, itlon ch' t- � r, gym, . ,_ stock' ada<l , a ti l or d , :I, � y ;deg_ , 0 � ; ;, , -,,.,.,4 r �°rt2 •ex'ly '. .9f1E.S3@j� Find ,- " 'r"T,,,'? --� �Y1 fr,.', ,o f;,,', t $ $ Il da �' #� ,i , ng R 4%d RA' + �' p ,�,, itft" Rr� > id QASY�6 Sa Cs, urine nA Ang cattle. a x„r a ,•.. . tt:. <+ d combddted,. Ildl: ` ; : ,�, :, '° , ,,'�t,�� ,ar ,r )11F1E, ACCIID7EI�IT, .AUTO. T'hi's review 's Ates. "The' cattle � :, YY �. r,: r bP, takn�� ydKdUiFever, m'tlAddlT Q&d „.:• i r II f ¢. busines-4 'blas-c�hown an eiacouraging „ r :'::": 'JP�A]RNAl1DQ) ANII) If�II.ATE r , ",, , R D & rxts In after cattle '61 oart�lad fuaT � , o-u,ddw.r QrLAS ]�ISIfS buoyancr> and theca' pave beep sgme �� D.@ r , `' ve cou ° ,� . raR ,�"�,shiona` W iUree, Mil'itin,g t..r1�s r :, r ' iy .tea raging ..sales of late and a' :, :!s ;., �p{;rg R, I HIGH :'�C% i�' >, --A18®.- t}v7+'�f' , ., A� A�R 4�.W'y'.vdt i -q4,Q ,qw' were ne ieeted'A e �-Qotb L w : r .tp}�Y, , ,;,, the prospeets for the sheep breeder u s , '`' + .• • ? U, ]ES'lCAT1E sand LOAN AG]EN'll'S b `a a, . are sin brighter. k0 ' ,uag� aaop®s�q Sidi etraadda` ', :trig always mora 9pf tie boef # ..� , err 3 . '? '3 `; . r ' ompt attention paid to placing <• g wfl �ott '3tand�wa�b ¢® . type a , the Bates �eattg, \vvbjph U,&d g ,.« ' �' F , ,{ „IOU One serious obstacle. in the path Ilo�®r..bti crE ea i• osF k... f , ra risks and adjusting of claims, of the ed'i" xee trade in re e t ears acmes . 4las�inn o�I ones, at no for ,-their 'maillzixt .-' ,� . `' 1. r`;�,"APi'.,' $usiness established 50 years, P S o ru y ° and fidsh:'as I ,µ• k', f; a `s ' ` iG, ect€,claan lrmtou, t>aiom®o qua�lt%0, lost -bath 1x►ill t � has been• the •ann+oying recurrences of fleatzo...ideaIl-roanooa, the o �''' rp,,u,s`4,4! ,� guaranteeing good service. ibnras sheds. danrehouaera, t spa t of injudicious, close �breod } g foal and mouth disease outbreaks. At matey a . 4 - 9 Aa'S , sc Doll, chnnrch69 an>aiblflq ing ;quarter of a cexirtury',,ao, r ,-' a ',sh t - ]]gents for Singer 5evviang I�flacltine the moment tive enjoy a clean bill of �fivo oto®mkuoa IIans the peals ;res dairy Shoxtkflodaa was as ° ` ", Company. health but one mentions bhe fact a'1 faros,estatt=te. Write Gt��l��i$�1�- ��`I�fl3 � Y F a�'r y a rule somew4dat plains Ram apt 0 , F, noel with .bated breath. After last• r 4 Ii ht Bashed, delicato t op ,ta ' fc Ca±' ' ,1 , � OFFICE PHONE, 33 W , k � t g yp$ f aniaaai til years experience we must hope rather C .1�i�l4T°G .. ' .rWeed showt ' some otf the old•rBates char ,�_., RESIDENCE PHONE, 33J than trust that it will open the way after but without the beaduty of: o �:' + � � . r (for extended business." ]f°RBSTON, Ol. forr 404 grandeur of eVppoarane49; and 9.2aip°i @it a A s-,&, �(B• '} ` '11----------_- Foot an mouth disease has cost1i® 8ue�®aor ¢o British ]rive stock baeedens untold dc9idiveg�o. sty]®`#hat characterized tha',.aDld Bates p__ o h I T1119 ILII cKELLUP MUTU q 11"I cocci. Shorthtorn. Two or three• fansig+lited TU115, t o "Fr Il7�iC�'I JO T3° Ili :� a , v sums 'and it is quite remarkable that breeders who Saw the necessity for Y ;:, f ,X 1 ��(] s ]� �"�j��j��;�,a° �1� �', the industry has not been completely '" , �1� r cultivadug and improving the, .m,dlk- ' the• 6i116e'1- A S1gli � C'�'�� prostrated by the long time preval- ---------• � 9 , " encs of the disease in England, crip „ ling gldallitie5 of the Shorthorn Bet a , 1 r r ` MEAD OFFICF-SIEAFORTH, ONT. one of U.E.L. crescent. out to:eyglve artype that at`the Pres- f� Y piing as it has the export trade be- i @' iT°C�a"i1�C�°f(' l`SliLtC�' Ji°11 sides restricting bhe movement in H•er heart aiyd soul are in her be crit tinlp leaves little scope for eriti 1 iso ��` OFFICERS• , g y2 t c breeding stack. We too trust that Iaved Fundy district and in this col- cism, The late ,George Taylor and . I a James ]levans, Beechwood -President Britain has seen the last of this lection of verse' sfhe 'has offered us the late -Lard Rothschild may be said 5� I t. , James Connolly, derich, Vice -Pres. a juvenile wfh'ich smacks strongly _qf to have be n the chief pioneers in - , UT U SAVR OS INTO - � " dreaded epidemic for a long time to ,Esc and his fab] y y nt3aa"ovement of the pedigree j 3 • D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. come. p eqs, as near] ever the i p gr �_ .,�� one of them has a very pointed moral., Dairy . 'Shot tho�iz► and by careful A SA Ili�iGS ACCOUJS�;1 Z � .• AGENTS: The humor is good and the illustra- breeding_. and selection coupled with , .. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton ; BOOK LOVERS' CORNIER tions not only add piquancy to the keeping strict milk recgrds they es- � _ S!' I 1 I 1, '• W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mur- text, but are so charmingly executed tablished herds that achieved won- ,; ray, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gode- Appearing do 'this issue is the first that they are a delight in, themselves. dens' in improving the type and ing ar, e, rich; R. G. Jarriiuth, Brodhagen; Jas, of a series of .book reviews by Jane The spirit of the Maritimes will be creasing the milk yield of their cat- �� � MONTRIAL ?A. I' Watt, Blyth. Holtby, under the captuon of Book brought to children who will love tle. These great' ,improvers set out, a' Lovers' Corner." These reviews, which these charming rhymes. )Estaw.ished 18a'C •- �, +si3{ DIRECTORS: will a g Mmes• The salt air in the first place to develop' milk- ppear each week in The Exposi- will be wafted to them and they can ing qualities. In many hi ly bred .. ` � ` William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; for will feature the newest books by play in spirit with, their little fellow- herds milk had been neglected' for so i Canadian authors and some by out- - • , John Bennewies, Brodhagen- James Canadians so far away. long that caws which gave more ° . standing English writers. Jane Holt-���•Tl��� ° Evans, Beechwood; James' Connolly, g g The -animal stories will perhaps than, sufficient to raise their calves p � � t a '. Goderich; lex. Broadfoot No. 3, Sea- by is an experienced reviewer of mod- y y ����®1115@' ���C�II°��� fj< ��' E ern Canadian 12terature a trenchant appeal most. Jersey Lily, the dear were comparatively rare, but fortu- 11 iw forth; Robert Ferris, HarIock; George little cow that would' eat Paris green, nately there were some herds of good; ; v McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth• Murra and interesting dvriter. She possesses Y is fascinating- old lines of 'blood in which milking b .. Gibson, Brucefield ; James Sholdice, the afbibity to sum up each book terse qualities were well developed 0and ; L2 Walton. ly yet appealingly, bringing into re- "Just the simple facts we wrote; there was also a part of England, viz., I . ! � � �. i 4' lief the salient features of the story, Reading from the stone, I quote: Cumberland and WL-stmorland, that 5' - Lovers of good Carnadian books will g ' find her an apt guide in their read- Broken tether -Paris green- had always 'been celebrated for pro- ` : LONDON AND Q`JINGID[APJ,i Jersey Lily -no more seen," ducing high class `Shorthorns of the x,;.. ing dual purpose sort 'and herds from ^„ T,, The younger generation will not be - N®r$Iln' neglected by her and fond parents line lilt and rhythm. of Coming that district were and shill are freely fi a.m. p.ffi. Home to Quoddy is most appealing, drawn upon as a means of further- P r will find her references to juvenile and "The Sand Reef Li p " - , rf h Centralia .......... 10.36 5.51 books most Qiel ful in the work of se- ght' wall make ing the work of improvement. rovement. Exeter .... , .. , .... 10.¢9 6.04 p inland children realize the different The Cumberland type of Shorthorn as lectins wholesome, enjoyable reading - _� - r Hensall .. ........ 11.03 6.18 associations a 'sea -coast child has, buy is not only distinctly of the dual parr o s s 1gr en 10.08 6.23 matter for their children, the memory of "The Ol•d Garden" can pose sort, but is also full of good old good conformation they comipare fav- bulls of ;the drual purpose- tyrpe they herds 'now average 800 gallons and hl ;' pP ,She is in close touch with the lead- be an experience of eve child who 'Bates blood although h of so-called Drably with ;bee bred stock as re- would not oil raise first rate heifers' some over, but the tendency is to I d IE$rucefield 11.17 6.32 irg book publishers of Canada, and p every g y yield of that sizct Clinton ... , ........ 11.53 6.52 thus will be able to secure the vex will notice the beautiful things they Short pedigree and none the less as girds value when the cost of rearing . to replenish their herds, but alsoex- rest content :with a 1Londesboro ........ 12.13 7.12 y see and treasure the memory of them. pure bred as any type of Shorthorn' s taken into consideration. Beef cellent steel -6 for fattening. There and to pay due regard's to the. flesh- / latest ,books for rea+lers of The Ex- iri existence. These cattle have al- rattle pure and simple ' are mostly are quite suf ,tient bulls of. Blyth ............. 12.22 7.21 ositor. Her delightful manner of good ing qualities as well, The use of p g was been noted for beauty of form -'eared on their dams, whereas dan breeding and ualit bred on correct bulls of Scottish blood in pedigreo y,' .' IBelgrave 12.3¢ 7.33 summarizin the ]contents of etch y y' g -quality r ` .7.55 g ������p �[(�� fl�� with rare coats of hair and robust 'red steers are reared chiefly on sep- lines from cowls; of from 800 to 1,000 dairy herds would do much to develop �l,x:, 4., Wingham ......... 12.50 book has .brought her into prominence constitutions standing ,on short legs ,.rated milk and milk substitute's, but gallon capacity on. the market if only ],wealth of flesh and substance in the11; among Canadian book reviewers who when fatitened steers of the A ordinary lair farmers would 9ise stair t but breeders are s South. with plenty of natural flesh and shape- hold her work in highest esteem. �py ��t�i� �� ' Shorthorn cross or y y ' y fie' gener- Y ly and capacious udders. The use o. pure Polled Angus them, but, unfortunately there ale a]ix• unwilling to Cake the risk of 7 a.m. m. We offer this weekly column as a realize at auction frim lOs. to 15s. man who " 1� bulls of the Cumberland type on good y prefer to use a scrub or lowering the milk yield by the use ' ' Wingham - ......... 6.55 3.05 guide to our readers in the belief that Seven out of Ten Are Victims But milking rows of Babes blood or the a hundredweight more than steers mongrel bred sire because he is Ob- of bulls of Scotch blood, but• 'at the . V ,.. Belgrave ... , ... , , , 7,15 3,25 they may 'profit by the few minutes Writer Tells ]Flows "Uratabs" mating .!of highly bred Bates hulls of bred from these grade Dairy Short- tairrable at a low price and this' has same time where just one cross of Y Bring Swift, Amazing Relief milking ancestr with females of the horns. Some dairy farmers ad -opt the a bad effect on the Blyth , . • • • • 7.27 3.38 stud which it merits. g y p quality of the that blood has been judiciously blend- � ` ;. _ Londesboro .. 7.35 3.47 With Renewed Vital Force Cumberland sort have been the mean= system of using a ,beef sire (Polled store stock of the country as the ed nothing but F1, < • "Swan Song," by John Galsworth good has resulted ,- Clinton .. . • ....... 7.56 4.10 g, y' „ of evdving the present day type of 'Angus or Hereford) on their Short- calves bred in these herds are sold a The future of tate pedigree Dairy I3rucefield ......... 8.15 4,30 published by the Ryerson Press, 36fi No one knows better than I, the Dairy Shorthorn -which is developing horn dairy cows, which puts a higher few days after they are born and Shorthorn. is assured -provided breed- gippen , , .... , , , ... 8,22 4.38 pages. $2.0,0. ++ borrow of joyless days and -sleepless -more decidedly on dual purpose lines. value on the steers, only the heifers those that are not • slaughtered for ers combine those qualities that will . 5q Hensall ..... 8.32 4.48' Once again, as in the Silver Spoon' nights. Tthere 'have been times wshen There wa's a fear, 'a few years ago, must also be sold out as 'beef and ,veal or sausages are distributed over not only fill the pard but mature i Exeter , ..... , .. 8,47 5,0.5 and the "White Monkey,' Mr. Gals- I felt .hopeless and helpless -and that .in striving after exceptionally the herd replerf'is�hed from time to the country for rearing for,. the beef early and make a good carcass of Centralia 8.59 b.17 worthy 'has made an addition to the when my weakness caused me the high milk records the Dairy Short- time by purchase, as of course the market and are quite unsuited to that beef, The Dairy Shorthorn is spread- "Forsyte Saga." That book was made most intense humiI'iati'on. Only those horn would, become a mere milking mi'1%ing qualities ane affected by the purpose. What we want is to' en jng its influence far 4nd wide. The ;`,'., up of three distinct novels -The Man who have gone through' such tortures mvacbini�, no regard 'being paid to use of beef bulls. This system is, courage the ordinary farmer 'to use 'breed does' 'not compete witp bh¢ A'" -. C• N, T][PlE TAlg}l„ly cf Property, To Let acid In Chancery, can possibly realize my great satis- stets other than those which dernot- however, being strongly recommend- well-bred pedigree Dai Shorthorn. F iY purely dairy .breeds such as the 't I. This addition is, taken. either as a faction when Dr. South'worth's URA- A high milking capacity, ,but• British 2d as tending to improve the quality bulls on his dairy cows so as Qo raise ]Friesian and the Channel Islands i `' ]Effie$• separate novel or as the completion TABS brought me quick relief. URA- tampers have to consider beef as well of the general run' of snore stock the standard of ,our ordinary stock to whose sole object is mhlk production. : a,m, p.m, of a remarkable picture of English TABS are truly wonderful, and I milk. The steers are sold for beelf and as many dairy farmers prefer to a higher level. The 'British farmer does not waist dsoderich ........... 6.20 2,20 life, an absolute gem- give them full praise." Such amaz- production and a type of animal is buy what they want to replenish their Milk recording has also been a all his eggs in one basket, and from K,, Holmesville 6.36 2.3; Many writers, when their reputa- ing evidence serves as convincing herds rather than breed, them there 1.Clinton 6.44 Z.bO tions are made, do seem to let, their roof of the g wanted that will not only give from , great factor in the improvement of that reason he favors an all-round p power of ijRATABS to is no reason why this s m• camiot the, Dan Shorthorn and has been t x': 800 to 1,000 gallons of milk_ a year y y� Dairy type of animal that will serve two Seaforth ......... 6.b9 3.08 readers down and grow most care- relieve there distressing ailments so .hut produce 'a .steer that will feed be extended, although if they would the means of raising the average -purposes and no 'other breed fulfills St. Columban 7.06 3.15 less, but Mr. Galsworthy maintains his item 'a handicap to those in middlegoocarexercise more care in •the selection of �e :Dublin ............. 7.11 3.22 high standard and with consistently life. y y a tl o d age. . B eeidr s. have toward - well-bred pedigree Dairy Shorthorn as much as 200 gallonssa a year.ng Many tDa ry She'better than the pure lareci . West. bea..vtiful English --+it is always pol- Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, Blad- q y � } l. a.m. p.m- p.m. is bred and 'brilliant, Throughout these der Weakness and Prostate Gland producing' a type of animal that con- ---- J)ublin ...... 11.17 5.38 9.37 six books there is,a marvellous unity Trouble ,bring on .so many distressing bines symmetry, flesh and cat con- " St. Columban. 11.22 5.44 .... Of impression. ailments which so often lead to ser- tion with high yielding capacity and ' , Seaforth ..... 11.33 5.53 9.50 It is difficult, perhaps, to describe ions diseases that every sufferer from tn'ey have succeeded. The pedigreeFour-Twenty�� cn 11 Clinton ...... 11.50 6.08-6.53 10.04 Soames as the principal character, al- Lameness, Pains in back and down Model 13o1mesviIle 12.0Y 7.03 10.13 though he is the lent motif -the copes through groins, scanty but frequent Dairy Shorthorn of to day is hand- some and well balanced on short legs / E. Zoderich ..... 12.20 7.20 10.30 nectring link-�betcau's�e he was always urination, "Getting -up -Nights," Ner- with a symmetrical frame carrying ��" risssi Raal* r so unobtrusive, he had never seem- vous Irritability and Lack of Force - ml I `we , " . ed to wish to be appreciated or even should try the amazing value of Dr. plenty of flesh and showing true rZ ,,.,� remembered by anyone," and yet brie Southworth's URATABS at ,once! Shorthorn character, distinctly a dual C. P. R. TII111i11E TABLE purpose animal. The bulls have much is the prevailing character. He is Any good druggist will supply you o " 4 of bhe aharactGr of the old-time 9 m IEast. "the man of property and it is his on a guarantee of satisfaction or 14V$60� 0� tIl yt iJ d, a• '`swan song." Through him we are money back, Shotrhorn before the Scottish type be- s o BitZii aoderich 5.511 given a very complete picture of Eng- came the fashion. The leading sires ......... . ........ are mostly of Bates or Cumberland iMenset 5.55 land under three reigns. Sir Laurence 1 ]]crit, in summing him up, said "he lines of blood and are stylish and full41 Rage're hadIG (W4110 McGaw ............ . ....... 6.04 THE ENGLISH DAIRY of character. Many of them have o dated, and he couldn't expresp him- 4luburn .................... 6.11 SHORTHORN great substance although bred from 6 25 °elf; but there was no humbug about nig yielding dams and son are s ,�, ' lWaallton ' ................ 640 him -an honest malt." In no class of pedigree live stock quite fit to compete with cattle of Y�� .swo re o z 9 His daughter Fleur is• the great love in England has there been greater _ b • McNaught . .... . ... . ....... 6.5 the beef type in the show yards. The i,.: of his life and the only one that meets improvement and development during t �Coxonto 10.25 class of sire that is most to favor r1. . with much response, and even she the last two decades than in the �4` with 'breeders must be smooth and , West. realizes she has never Aawn him as Dairy Shorthorn. The reason for this level in his fiieshirng, of correct shape i �:. S.M. much affection as she might have, has mainly been the increased ex- with m•aseuline character and must _ �� ,Toronto , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7.¢0 $e had longed to be loved and fleet tension of milk production and the } anile nsicely. Great importance is ,McNaught .......... . ...... 11.48 something in, him repelled feeling, `Fvalten a12.01 dried up its manifestation. There had attached to the handling of dairy A • • • • • • • • • • .< +� . sires. The,skin. must be mellow and ° 3` �' ` 'b' been no magnet in his make up. "' v *`Mw .......�.:........... 12.12 gn ,•� ''� loose, so t t •when' � inched. u in J �'ll .,••................. 12.28 That is the tragedy of Soames. p p; .. 12.34 What �a marvelious insight Gals- / I S A feel of . e kid r elisnaP L�fla�� � . - 'he hand in has the ` 12.41 worthy itis into Britisfh chttraetex 1 glove. Many of the leading sires are r k'�ceyi,Eset d,f9e� �� ��' ....... �odericla ...... 12.45 He makes one of his characters say �® animals ofd Targe 'scale, but size ie $ • not a great paint and although some {{ he thinks as England really thinks, D © bulls weigh a ton and dyer at matur- and not as it thinks it thinks"; but g1 171 that is very true of the author him- ss ity when made up for exhibition, bulls s A BARGAIN self. And again where he says "he of about 18 hundredweight are con- , would make •a bet that the passions sidered quite 'big enough. FOR SALE. -Five acres, once mrnile of Mie En ]isih in 340U A.D. would bei -w� ",: drom Seaforth; modern house tvitln g s C 'fit Although attempts have been madK 1 still playing golf, cursing the weather, to develop the ;Dairy Shorthorn sole- 0 I' ,, . -furnace, bath and toilet; small brawn; sitting in draughts and revising the i w 4mooel orchard. Taxes, $15. SpDend'ad prayer er book." TMD®f0p '' ly on mrlking lines, that policy h'as' chance to start chicken farm, haeo, p y found little support from the great s? I.", etc. Apply to Human nature seems always about . body of 'breeders vt»hq `recognize heat ,11 *1929 p the same, but -if this generation need �� the dual purpose tytpe is the more t' R• S• k1IA�S, a11 ny specie] understanding, Galsrovorthy profitable rine for rEarmeYs to keep OLD pYl Seaforth, ®mg. has it. "Modernity was nothing but 1560�lt,� 1 p 11 05:1-$f seed! People who blamed it might and is becorrting iia greater demrand s r as w®11 -blame telephone, wireless, fly- il the steaft •, Calves in cammerciall , ,'t, _L-_.. e -- - ing m'acbine and quick -lunch counter, herds (non -pedigree) are kept for . • L a beef production and it is easyL. Beneath, that top dressing of speed, that they should be bredp ori sue cc 99 0 modernity was old. lines as will adapt them to that. put•- HE Z;eW 1929 MJ Oder "Four -Twenty" Rogers-.B8rtteryless Radio illustrated n +�� r FleurT, as in the previous books, in-ffi�� pose. In pedigree herds the bull �" r furi'abes but tfaseinates us aria Bras- p pedigr 8i3®4l� otlnd jglsfC �DiaL��d on Sati6 is a n iIIA'n�Droved dpscelndant Off the ff�:flg famous N v calves, e7ceerpt those of bad colors, cc » ' t IIr O II a ®arts . �' r®-�we�at ®dei first introduced t®t a' �anl��i� i>� �92�, I�L1�>r� :7 r R NOTIn tic as the setting is we are glad t0 or lacking Sit merit, are sold for bi,, r have hex revived youthful affair with ��t�s (,'�� a o 4 breeding pu . see to head either .ped tIDff :these 'sets ff13i1e ba'�HIl S®Ili ti118lCIl 3ifl ®Phe]' �i�etg&C 184 ®s com- iced. 14 Vit, Ibxr settled, more for her husband IISm®my the ® off a eosin¢®uta agree or odin8iay camanercial herds, . t f11 I -"'-c -"` Micbsel's sake than 'her own. able oleepdim, one off cine '4rase not 3+nod enough for sixes 'be - It is afull canvas that Qlalaworthy I� Thndivid,uafl room Cara on in steered' 4ttd fatten -d off to 'tilde � Si.F�'le tuning i�rt1O� ®star«les fl dTtblflYl da�� which• s brcightlly t} e Rndai�'l Ma ago amal has presented to ns• -•light and shade Canadian Nadonal croina butcher in due, course or sold as - illuminated, nated, It is equipi3�Ci �Fl&� �Qb 1P5 � �: 4$'��s tt�nlQblt(��l®EAfL grim aatra14�1 p �4 057uw% -beauty stnd calmm; much orf joy and fie vines Toronto 1LTanloa "stores " 'britt in .ordinary dairy herds � �' , :, � ; �,`, y lIIn�ib&iiiiA dm, Y'k t9 much of. sadness, yet so appeat a , so a doIIn ac l0 vias n n o'cia6p, V where pedi ,breading is not par- �' ��®Ii(1�1 �II�D� l�11tQl11llflti� dit�e �OI1tiT1Dfl d• ,� uman that we will turn to g Q dard'flin avec and ht. SCD eaIlS �lkt 11$, ac �s '.1 � ger.oe . o ml �` ) •- �' � sues the �i��r eal�es �� eikha�ir sesld � � ]�i�t�g a;ta<� �°�a��a��lr'���A "Plug-in" jAck. - The �:` �, . , , , a'nd again. I2dihtoonidaasell roncaianr�"' for reariirg tlposee at a week ax cabinet is genuiflne Wal nut 'Fi ith-EY shed butt 'filen rf ilnstr u- rim nodi IC126""6t .2� wY - QIlee a agsas¢m¢nat- bated fortnight alt? of !else are kept and s Juvenile as a cuamel,r�cganlo6res- fatteaied off �o�.':bile butcher at frram IICEe%t$ DB&n6i. �Ti�� 4;Oinl it3. `:(even t �.pV9d e� p � ,Q� }; i CSS` fl + «k"unnlr Fables of Fandy," by Grace l�ealaeeadls en✓Iidn cacPz asaar. 18 months ,te 'ctioa ,ye�axs ai age. Iii- ` ra r;' Ifielen llliow, 79 pages, p�ubli'shed by and dp'hoxY dip clangs. `iIleS+m �de2e3 ff tYIlI �S eO%1n�fDi'eQ� lnJ Ilh > ft3A T - lSi I c�'lIlD asmuch as 6i ,Or tent. of the .ssiore 6 oew flO�J iS1iC¢� It(1l�irie iEi14S �� dea���y� , ,r p q tt�e Ru•Mte Loin l ooks, ill tma, 1.fr0. pu4fl annfoRannat orca aced ceaer, cattle raise 'z)it rt l rid ape the ra P f 9 g' ,?F , ; •,' `° "fiado n TUdoarat" 5 ilerov narerie traaaonna faasaan ny Cat eaztclaa�n 1.tt d'uee mf .dist bred, stock -and hat �� a� .�a e. eve �a�e eves � ��v��. ° ��>lgev� pro�� ha watt� d aoge>psyl��t- � ,; ,,, .}. , � ers. ta>rt rr �O 6�990h With this new x.92 ) ',O u,>r°y`�°��;� i��dell. ' , d 0 €dsiii rg taUdd4fru writef. she is the � aadarmaII Age fe 'era &n&? �s,,htgvb to ,p rib _ '. � sx t ss �r 'i " • irgiees tllia Cit�ckniia County , r fi �" - "s ,thi el�a ti�;.� 4tkriel �i� 1�at�ttrd'�, it t d11 7 I .1 afr��ipi fit.rxtw a, l�Y, Ili., is avbro totxialt ate iy:1. M _ .,,'. C4 Yil.(r(fH'�:{.:�'4kfi'.Ya VV'P+'Fnal,' ". r fl El tY'3 ly �l%,iIXJ' 4tl ('$ �/ CVhl °�4:i� off( b t&S I)a%tr '4� ii 'ifY(6.m ltim Cfi�Y11�';f6d, u y gr I1 C , - :_4, , LV�"1 i 'i�� ',int >J'i y��• \ r, P o t1 '' u " ivlatsC a . did i �t `5 �� �nYit 'i`lS* r° b , r � f .,0,24M r ktcb e r_ I 11 � � ,'.��;.,ltt`,,,�4;� I da tl�x..al r drr .tbdtrrs wlE w ,. ,r� �y ,n oa t . +-. 5+ f� t e ftl 0 Citi. - t2l` .,, '%ti silt 6. � r _ ,, s :' �, .. , ' '+ w, trti a ;. S ,. , ,. , . �q`6ti'a(fr YCQb'Gi . 4iliai �'1ffl' W. r V• i..,,r . � �. Y�. y ; ftdwi i 't 2tEtiiYJt9Lxs 0 r9 y�� y� 1 ��$ W �h ,,�$,. yyY¢¢ .yy� y{g�! nF` lad �. a� d( _T ;,7 .1q, � , ,.1...4t ..... :.. : .G1fAYC/ .l'IAXr.K�/Y. NN" ;f> .r+ Y .r,l ?5 "+--^�'�' . I ,,,. ,.,, .. �. ��.` - yy �y yy�4} �q�y y�//,, tgn- . R'i.�.a�Xn¢+. ,' " , '., 4 , ' ff / ��.. ,. . .:..,. r.:.,: .r. r.. Y'�{r�;y� VA. ...:Yp,Ya', �,y Y:,S.xi„ ..,, ,: t'. ,� 1'. .}'� ,...1 .Y. v ,,y,' y'R•iltr N�! ;d- r, ,b 1,4 "V A r. f. ' , .... , A _:._1. ..__,y uu,, N,.gb".� ,'ir li�(L X34 --- 11 m- _ £Tik1 4!t'.7 ply t, �, 11i , . . , . .,-, , �:., ,s 1 ( ` t ,