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The Huron Expositor, 1928-09-21, Page 3
enEg': ;4';:;4:1 . ' • , 1411 Qtbhd ]1$731 10 •tt SEAFORTH iANC1BI 1I. M. Jones - Meleager IIVRON Expi)srEtitt Jai* o letenie seeke4ee 'stele 1 0:Owe*: isYltrkli • tro,-kithlisPooriticliti 10004 Pit 301:40 ROW 'ler ten nrarnt45:, mOda, thenti 'Igen and artl. 1..'itaMetivo ,r; t1 em or ,•:,4440:001,40 • mixed WM. One 'Itab,lesPeeeiliel -hoe •.-SPe4edi between te4n seeeir$o eit White Grahaneelbee44,ON •sliee �ileeleelle.'1Olteag se teed e • Marshtleoillprk. figlA4Ntri es. 21101,4'; `slit romsfilanallemr0-7: 000i .bee WViesT ;glad' :steie, etalee-sse•eesefule maple syrap. Cetese Ave Minutes, etireieg' eelletentier 4360 slightly be- 107A,s.Oprowling la ;Veen thin slices of ""-Pitearie;,and Nut Sandwiches. .One cup „ chopped pecans, 1 cup yelp stewed larunes„ 1 tablespoonful lemon juice, 'buttered bread. • Blend the pecans' and the prunes, of which every 'particle a Peal) Pos- sible should be pressed through the sieve, Add the lemon juice, spread between slices of buttered bread anti elk into finger lengths. Being ratliea7 moist these - sandwiches should be eaten shortly after they are made. MAD NO APPETITE WEAK AND DIZZY 'This New Brunewick Woman Re- _ stored by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. James Belyea, Brown's Flat, esayse—"I am writing to tell you the great good I had through the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My health bee failed and I was trou- bled with great weakness.. I had no appetite and frequently had dizzy spells. The least exertion would anake my heart •palpitate violently and I felt tired at all times. I had doctored a great deal without get- ting much relief, and was feeling (g-reatly discouraged when I finally de- cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • The happy results following the use oaf this medicine can best be summed ene by saying that I am again per- • lectly well, able to do my housework • and enjoy life once more. I feel it a duty to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all weak people." If you :have any, ar all, of the symptoms above noted, do not delay, begin treatment at once with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You will be surprised to note the improvement in your -condition after a few weeks. You can get these pills through any deal- er in medicine or •by mail at, 50 Cents •a box from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. If you will send your name and address a little booklet, "Building Up the Blood," will be -sent free. 'THE 1. URAB'ILITY OF WOOD Reference was made in a recent is- sue oe' the 'Canada Lurabetenan" to an old church which has rendered ser- vice for 104 -years. In remodelling this structure it was found that a Urge proportion af the White pine lased in its construction was as sound as the day it was put up. Any' ma- terial which can render a century of service and still be in good condition is its own best recommendation. The trouble is that the average person aloes not appreciate the extreme dur- ability of wood and does not know bow to use it to secure years or ev- -en centuries of satisfactory service. Where wood is not viewed in as Riv- en:able a light as its merits warrant, unsatisfactory results due to the mis- use of this material are largely re- sponsible. Under proper conditions wood or wood fibre is practically everlasting. it does not decay or disintegrate in the commonly accepted sense of these -words. When protected from its -worst enemies, fungi and insects, there does not seem to be any limit to the length of time it will last. Evidence of this is found in many of the old buildings of Europe, in the furniture heirlooms, which leave come down to us through centuries, and in the wood recovered • from vessels which have been sunk for hundrede of yews. What is comenonly called rot or de- cay in wood is really the result of true attack of certain, species of fungi. These fungi thrive en wood fibre they literally eat it, leaving the wood in he condition known as "dose" or "rot." Under favorable conditions, dampness, air and • warmth, these fungi develop very rapidly and what we call decay sets in. While fungi spores do not as a rule exist in sound timber yet they seem to be eveey- where and wherever .conditions are favorable they take held andstart their destructive work. Sound 'work can also became affected by being ex- posed to or my being in centact with infected wood. To this extent rot is like an infectious disease which may be dientracted by contact or by ex- posure to spores. Thus wood used or stored under damp conditions, .Where air circula- tion is 'very slow, or even lacking, is subject to attack by these fungi and usually rots. Similarly where lea.ks develop and moisture is prevalent conditions ,favorable to the growth of these fungi prevail with the result that "decay" sets in. Moisture alone is not sufficient, for wood that has been under water for years has been found to be perfectly sound. Thus, moisture and air, together with a cer- tain degree of warmth, are necessary. The last point, the selection of suit- a.ble species, is important. Certain woods such as white pine, cedar, cy- eress, and others, resist the attack of these destroying fungi to a much greater extent than other woods., Si p112 }ouue Recipe F©r Bad Stomach • • ]Fudge—Saaidwiches. Cut thin slices erten date, raisin or white bread and cut in rounds. Spread evenly with warm fudge. Let stand 'a, few 'minutes and cover with a second slice. Spread top slice with creamed 'butter and sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches. Mix peanut butter with honey and use as a •spread for sandwiches for the children's. lunch. Honey used alone will soak into the bread o,r run off a slice that is buttered, but thor- oughly mixed with the peanut but- ter it spreads well. The mixture is also delicious on hot biscuits, muf- fins, Graham crackers and plain cake. The combination is wholesome and -high in food value. Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Dilute peanut butter with orange juice until it is of the consistency of mayonnaise, add a little of the grat- ed rind of the orange and a pinch of salt and use for sandwiches. We We a ei °vire d wiare tryfing ur 8, Sandwiches For Children's Parties. Cinnamon Sandwiches. When having a party for children whose parents are very aretiops that they do not eat rich confections, serve cinnamon sandwiches. To m ake these, use white, whole wheat, and graham bread cut in thin slices. Spread these with butter, sprinlde with a small quantity of brown sugar and a bit of einnamon, form into sandwiches, and cut into fancy shapes. These sandwiches will prove a great success. -Circus Sandwiches. • Put squares of bran bread together -with a filling of chopped dates and cream. On top of each sandwich put • Giiv *ft Relief a small pbrtion of frosting. Before this hardens affix to it an animal If you are a victim of Stomach cracker in an upright position. Troubles—Gas, Sourness, Pain or Bleating—you may have quick and Snowball Sandwiches. certain relief by following this good Cut quarter inch slices of nut advice. bread into small pieces one inch ' Artificial digestants and starvation square. Heat marshmallows in the diets - are seldom needed. Within oven until soft, but not • browned. -reason, most folks may est What they Place one of these on each side of a like, if they will keep their stomach square of hut bread. Pinch the free from souring acids that hinder marshmallows together so that they or paralyze •the work of digestion. form a round, white ball. Taw lEags@ The `"IPOr•a,161" Sign likely to stay long on your house if it is with - drat h'Ardlliood'floors. lati re -floor itWith be, hardwood, advance your price accordingly, and see how cluieltlYyota will find a buyer Estimates -gladly ftirni- shed on requast.„ . N. CLAMP & SONS Seaforth -ttre nil; TRAIN tirArt , tVERY ORADI rs And the best and easiest way to do this is to follow etery meal with a hbttla Bisurated Magnesia ---a pleas- ant, harmless form of Magnesia that swiftly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and clean. A few days' trial of Bisurated Mag- nesia (powder or tablets), which any - good druggist ca ss supply at trifling cost, should quickly convince you that fully 90% of ordinary stomach dis- tress is absolutely unnecessary. Try Bisurated Magnesia to -day! Fruit and Nut Fartines. Cut a loaf of sandwich bread into slices, and rpt each slice into rounds. There should be from six- teen to eighteen of these rounds, and from half of them cut a smaller round from the centre, leaving a ring-shap- ed 'piece. Stone one-half pound of dates, press through a sieve, add one- half pound of pecans, chopped or ground very fine, and stir in enough orange juice to make the mixture eaey to spread, Separate all the solid slices from the rings, and spread thein with the date -and -nut paste. Spread SIVRVE SANDWICHES INSTEADthe rings with ,butter and press tbem OF CAKE buttered side down, o-ni the solid ...... rounds. Fill the holes of the ringed Sandwiches with a sweet filling are slices witlh tele quince or eeen gage more wholesome than heavy cake, and jelly pressed througfi a ricer, and g ever so much easier to make. The garnish the bread rings round the hole with whipped cream sweetened only requirements are neatnesa'and a and flavored. generosity of filling. But cutting the bread in various shapes, variety is Toasted Jelly Sandwiches. introduced. For some reason or Cut bread in one-third inch slices, other, possibly because it resembles remove crusts, then toast, and cut in a cake, the round shape seems to be halves diagonally: Spread with but - the most attractive dor this sort of ter and currant jelly (beaten to the a sandwich. A sharp biscuit or cook- consto s p r e d evenly). ie cutter will produce meat forms. Be consistencySprinkle one-half the pieces with careful to have the bread well but- chopped walnut meats, covering with tered before spreading on the filling. remaining pieces, and serve, if pos. It is a good plan to butter the loaf sple, while warm. and then cut off a slice, rather than buttering after the slices are cut. Fruit Filling I. One cup dates, stoned, 1 cup figs, 1 map nut meats, grated rind of one or- ange and lemon juice. Pass the fruits and nuts twice through the food cbopper, using the finest knife. Work in the orange rind, adding at the same time enough orange and lemon juice in equal proportions to thoroughly mois- ten. Stowe in glass jars. Use for eandwithes. Fruit Filling II. One-quarter cupful figs, 14 cupful raisins, 2 tablespoonfula corn syrup, ee cupful peanut butter, efi teasipeon- fte snit, 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. Force the figs and raisins through :food «hopper. Mix with the other' itigredients and spread en the sand - an Toy Sandwiches. • se.qUarters cupful chopped dried figs, %.,ettpfol •hot water, Ye cupful enter:, etdbltspoonfuls finely ehopped resisted ahods,t tahlespoonfulrg chopped ,dystalIiied ginger. 'Cook the *leiptide .deled figs, hot "katele Mid•*gilt teteeete *S ' tates or • timiul the nti{M kei 00l. grid •am'th dtebt eeeePeeile • Sgete end Attlee eticor0;,'. rontt .-„0:htea' t,. A REMARKABLE STORY OF BLYTH CLAIRVOYANT (Exeter Times -Advocate) levo weeks ago there appeared in The Times -Advocate an item stating that Mr. Trueman Elliott had had his watch stolen from his packet the pre- vious Saturday evening. Mr. Elliote is now in possession of his watch under circumstances that are 7SrlOSt peculiar. On the Saturday evening in - question while w:orking in his store Mr. Elliott heard the town clock strike nine and he took out his watch to compare the time. About twenty minutes to ten someone was in the etore and asked him the time and he felt dor his watch and it was gone. The watch is ss handsome gold, epee fa,ee, and he era* sorry to lose it. Hearing a number lef stoles of the work of Miss Pollock, elairvoyan4 near Blyth . Mr. Elliott decided to visit her and a few evetinge after losing his Watch he mitered to her home. Seal cars were ahead of hitn mid- it ww, getting/Ike when hit turn Colt. for 'an entetvieve. MI jU&tetated that he had lost his *deb. ,Iteelinerig in en easy chair the lady pictured to. Mr. Elliott the in- terior.of his, store and .o. description of his watch, ll/r. .Elliott hat Ittot Fall kir le 11 11. ORSALENO OCK 14 ew ate KING ST. LAWRENCE UCKLEY These celebrated brands represent h a t perfection that can not, be bought in any other makes. Years of experience has built a reputation, grounded on hat satisfaction—Greys, Browns; Sands, Pearls—in the prettiest shapes you ev- er saw. Prices: $3.50 to PaN YL 4Uot aece the New C p• a • There never was a season when caps were more at- tractive in both shape and pattern than this Fall. Come in and see what a swell cap • you can buy for VAG tee • FALL WEIGHT FABIRIICS— The most comprehensive range including the finest British Canadianaand Con- tinental makers; exclusive designs, Dublin Twist, Brae - burns,' Bannockburns, Har- ris Tweeds and fancy Wor- steds, also Blue and Grey Serges in plain and stripe cloths. STY The newest and most up-to- date as worn by the best dressers. FIT AND FINISH— In these two great essentials of clothing we specially em- phasize the worth of our clothes—you will be delight- ed with the snug fitting col- lars, the smooth hanging coats, neat fittihg trousers. PRICES: 5 b $35 st obtainable at the - $1. And the e Price. Good weight Merino un- derwear, motteled pattern. Just the thing for between seasons. Will give good wear, and real comfort. Sizes, 34 to 44. PRICE $136 10:1_< Shirt Il AND 95c Khaki, Grey, Navy and Light Blue Work Shirts, double stitched, full size, good length in body and sleeves. Sizes 14 to 17. PRICE g5c Swe 4.70 ter 44-1 FOR MEN AND ILOYS Special fancy knit Sweat- ers for sport or dress wear in a big range of fancy and plain patterns. PRICES, $3 to MO tewar ea ort ees "VYff tioned anything aboutbeing in busi- ness, but ,she pictured to him some of his .actions and transer eons during the evening and stated that while he was reaching ,for some article overhead the watch was taken from his pocket. She was not sure that he would get tee watch back,but i f he did it would be soon and would be found among his ready-mades. The next morning when Mr. Elliott same down to open up the store he found ,the door open and a suit of clothes belonging to Mr. 13. W. F. Beavers lying on the countee. Going over to Mr. Beavers he jokingly re- marked that he must have been strong' that morning to ha,ye forced his lock. Mr. Beavers remarked that the door was partly open when he took the clothes in. On returning Mr. Elliott found that the leek hadr been forced and remembering what Miss Pollock had said about finding his watch among the ready-mades, he started in search for it and he went through everything on the 'counters.. Mr. E. R. Hopper came in and assisted him in the search. They were about to give up when 'Mr. Elliott decided to search the suits that were hangeng on a rack at the rear of the store. In one of the packets he found his watch. Another story is told in connection with the work of Miss Pollock that comes home close to us. A little dog belonging to a neerchant in town was ill and was taken to a veterinary for treatment and Was left with him for a few days. While in the care of the veterinary the dog disappeared and a boat ad. was inserted in The Times - Advocate. Thinking- of the numerous doge that have been poisoned recently in Exetee, the veterinary had an in- terview with Miss Pollock, She de- scribed the dog and said that it had been sick, het that it was better and that in a few days it week' return to its home. A few days 'after tbe dog was found by its overeat sitting en their back verandah. Figure -A5 `1&11 WateTP ,A(1‘ GYPROC01414 ivalla and partitions will make your summer cottage ziesch more attractive, comfort- able and fire -safe. Gyproc t es ,:ny decoration— perfect Rnaterial with which to line your summez home. tt, Write for free book, "Mlle That Reflect Goal eudgment," on home plannine with Gyproc; Recboard and Inaulea. CARADA Glf2SIST14 AVED ALAMILVIIIMD &Mr= 'Nen Cetaandel •4‘? kftglOr • rtt (t3°* -A Gee. A0 Sith tvg