The Huron Expositor, 1928-09-07, Page 4RON 1, &700
�bonR rwkl 440 1-7 1 ;VV 7"
September 7th. Miss. Bgnruixet VWyamo IkQr Qt '94,040 I-Tiagarth, og Exeter, isW� X, i��jVto Babylon Ui% VT E. 47
FAI RS otStQgdill, Q Sutton, and ve
the 'W04
eWqright are spe. Qe wM Cement work 4 the �jip meetint;,wus, the VtOse t t
aMent Wvrl�, 01-90- T� 47otte� tl� life pb �hjp
and October me ;ns,
their mother, Mrs. George Dowson.- balance ce� I Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys and Bong,, Pay list, E ne. sa j:J,*4Lr Va' �11 "which the A6 &T Will b(a Ole
tres� h -old Ruskirt and Stewart �id 'a
-naller lug, pay
-We&r H&tS in C�OR S' �T\14tQp I
cell Vow si were visitors at $20.U; W motb.6, liy Mr6.� iiw ao, w
eisoh, W
bi ' -told A
ails G, J. T d, �bauliu PUIOAt' grOve was sting am.- t 0 - .9 a a;5
are Toronto Zxhiition and at the F
fall f airs. What
tt;�` to V.*0
ancl see the=.
-this yeax? Are last week. -Miss Norma Hood spent $84; Johnston 4 M bil
al 'Wb �A -Murtrie, Mrs. (And r,4
to be like a -sant visit at the homi of Mr. $282,96;
A, Todd, cement grael 4
Ueith continued with. the dis- inirnedlat'oly'W.'ap I
to be exhibits of stock y on Sunday. -Mr. $22.75; S. Ropp, Pay list, $12.40; X. Mri �O e pa"Ment to
Robert McCilinche _4
that will be vvorth going Colin Campbell, of Stratford, will -Stanlake, pay -list, $217.75; G. B, Th#M- the topic, T'he Meeting the choq1, a 'thifi Is. � g�
take the services at Goshen, Blak son, pay list, $11.50; P. Schad Pay uce
��,44'or are they going to be a ser bli Hymn 659,,, Mf
very Meet a �in on MQj1da7
-na next Sunday in the inter- list, $10.76; H.'H. Neeb, R04d SUPt,, Mi- ,
ows that and Vai and 3hs, W.J.
cheap side sh 9 $14; T. X71e, pay li:st, $62.65. , Tele- Lqw� ilton, and 'Mr, and Wxs. 24th, (to set4he, taz�. ate tbw
ost of the Lord's Day Alliance.
phone' Accotints-Canadian Telephone R, Xaean and wo children, Jim year,
4 be a waste of time and mor"Y
their- C�Aegl 3ULpplieg, materil, W43; _H. Eiek- and D�rald, of North Ba�r, Were the.
Brief g. -Mr. and AaJ. Sweit
The answers estions lie meier, paint
; J. H QU, of
to �hese qu for garage, $8; L, gueswat- the homt� of Mr. and p, , Albrecht, salary, $64; 'A
and little u,,Otier, LOU- Mls� 4reyisltom at �4q.
a4d W.Va. r dso
nIrma !Higgins, of Kitchener,, i;d mi.
M. G. Deitz,
ely with the rural cum G
ent :.31&ry and car, $90. General Ac- Mrs. -,A Anderson, accomparAed nsister, H eorge HU U, "an,
t surround the ci�ritres in Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Angell and Bertram North, of Woodstock, �,ere
counts -Hugh McEwen, ist award, S. by Mrs. James Clark, spent the week I faimily, anotored,10 'Pa- m nitle, J. Hudsor r!Qn,Ortoi
u 6 e Of i an(l net and Mrs. E. Sturgess, of Wind- week nd visit 'Mr. tro# the lattoi! part of. th, weeU� 441i� �vbich these fairs are field, 1-1. Scholarship, $27.50; Elda Ginger- at Tot end �jja uto and Niagara Falls.
or, spent the week end at the home and Mrs, . ; r1i "o Ill 9 '�i]
-ectors of the the ich, _>nd award, S. M. Scholarship, Elva-jt�4j and her friend fro' and a," where with the oflicers and dii Miss m Forest v Labor, Day mnth'Mr. and, f Mi. ar.Lf Mr4 J. Varley Miss Mttie Ellis' o. ha� ee
Richaxd Bedard. 3rd award, spent, $iindu with Elva *i,.
fairs. These officials have (lone their Doro�n Varley retqrned ith them for y AnOrsou.- spending her suw�ier acgt1i
S, M. Scholarship, $11; Municipal Mr, ji�,d A] rs. Harrey Hubbard, ac, On With SulleLns,-Mrs. J. wn� Miss ?Q6tor's ne , d I Mi's. part in te past and v du It a short holiday. -r. Angus McKin- itivs n Binsegrth, . Ift � an visited by a number of her rel
World, supplies, $6.95; S. Martin, co "'ed by Mr. Melville Mccli.; er L hom ved Severe injuries 7other places, returned to h from Montreal fqr a few days,-M!rs. on Wednesay Mornin L g Wpom ' Weed Act, panLIP
recently recei
atiV L w;eek
Denomine, cutting weeds, W 0' a
a fall caused by the breaking of In '! Detrb'it, visited with-reb
wel. They are still doing it, but i non cutting -weeds, Noxious ion r
Tecent YLas the farmrs and othu-, $29�65; L, N. anuMbs� of the Oddfel- Errol Drummond, who has been vis- by -Miss - Ethel Murdock h" liite '46
It is to be hoped that he es an (I around our village Idur, lo Lodge, attended itiIng with her sister at Rochester, is remaining with them at ;bh4ir �t d:sr from Hensall
ee The council -Miss Margaret , ation so,,qces at 4nd
worth exhibiting, xvill soon be able to follow his work, Noxious W d Act, $ 0 �,Pa, week. -0
who have stock
gaijq on Monday, a expected bome, this w�elL. Mr. Lavn- for a short visit. -Mr. E. Z and Mrs.
of London, adjourned ta 'meet a vid. Grac� Cooper, of London, spent re visited Carlisle, bave been showing an ever increasing iss Evelyn Wilkinson, G. J. Sutherhinil, -by invi-taiort; of the ence HefferaxV Ahd family we -of Detroit, were visitors the !day at the home r.
ho has October 1st, at 1.30 o'clock p.m. -A. the h9l of their b
e by a number of theIT' relatives froom past -wee at the for-miek's -6isters'
disinclination to exhibit it, and by was here visiting her SL:;ter Bruce -field- Lodge,L-tooli C�Arlje�'�f th
F. Hess, Clerk. theri Xi. William R. Cooper, of the
d from the bog 'tal. service, A number of ridniAers'gave
dollar that �uSt'returne Pli Mrs. Leepr, and Mrs. ill. J. McDon,
so have lost -Y a Loncft R,ad,-School, started on. g-Qod addresses -Mr. Alex- MeMnr�- age. �4:f 0 01 ald, reftunung by Toronto to take.'in
would have JiLghtened the tax bill oz ------ Tuesday of this week 9nd teachers Ts.
tri, of Tor -onto, spent the week,end .1 A� e 0 0, 0 the Exhibition. --Miss Gertrude Hig-
scholar� will start work again with his mother, Mrs. A, HoMiIrtrie- -ad family, gins hi accepted a posiiion as �o6k-
or have swelled their bank account -s. and' b6mg- refresbed-with the holi Elkhart, Ind., of the Lon , R 'on all, a
mean that the priz,� after -Mis-.,4 Gille6py, of d.--, lask lorence kepejL and stenographer With
We do not days. -Mr. Emrson Smith,, of our Ross
spent a few day* recently it the-
Notes.-Misis Annie Speare has re -
money would h#ve accomplished thi� Notes. -The anniversary services of illage�L Met with an acci&-nt during Reynolds, who hs, spent her. summer and Taylor, Zxeter, starting work
on turned to Toronto after spending a the borne of her friend, Miss Helen Swan. vacation at her 'home 'here, 'left for there this Week. -Mr. and Mrs. W�n.
alone, because the prizes as a rule, the United Church will be held home. -Mrs. 0 Walk- '�heu he was in the act -Miss Marie, -Foster left for Kiteh- Calgary, Xlta.i the latter part'ok last Ingram, of New York accompani
er 16th.�Mr. and few (;Fvs at hir
run about three to five dollars. Not Sunday, Septem of gettilig on the truel0which carn*es
family are er is -��pending a few days wta hir ener on Sunday last, -where she bar. week to, resume. -her teaehingmir by 'Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Strtford,,
um to be sneezed at, but not , Mrs, Harry Leslie and the Taen, forward and back On the secured a-positon in a beauty parlor. and Mrs. G. Gram are beiug�,visited v�mrre visitors last week With I
-Mr. Som, Otto, in Detroit. -Mr. Lloyd Mil-
etin of what couid spending the week in Icr spent the week end with his p. q4y� be slipped and fell, in3u'r -Miss Helen and Jean Elder, of Lon- ndfra Donald Balfour and Mis's y a number Of relatives from the XT . Fred Corbett and famil�,�Xr�
and Mrs. ing is kriee -to the extent that will don, spent the holiday with thirvar- States this week.-4&ss An Mrs. Frank Young, accompanied
es Rebecca Bruce, of W McKellar is attend -
the way of sal ' and in the advertis- indsor, spent the ents_'Aiss Mary Jay him , up for a 'week or so. -41ra. nie Hog- ara
the hilijbition at Toronto thi nts, Mir. and Mm John Elder� gartli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. y their son, Lloyd, and his Wife,
tising of their holdings. it is a suf- week end with Mr.'and Mrs. David irg Jagnes, MCClymont, of our village ac -
son week. -Mr. and Mm Russell Sert- - Rev. Mr. Sinclair had, charge of the E Hoggarth,, formerly f this Vil- 'spent the holidays with -Mrs. Leeper
thing -that all but one or tw(. Bruce. -Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wil eornp�nied by her ilaughter, Mrs. services on Sunday last after an ab- lage, -but no* of Londono where M
rising attended the Exhibition in Toronto were visitd--by friends? from Ljn,�nn t i and Mrs. IL J, McDonald�Mias Ber-
ve failed to - RusseV Geoghegan, of London, are sence'of a month., ba beeK. On his and Mrs. Hoggarth hold very, go th�L Ctorbett and friend cdsited on'.
'farmers in each cenfre ha 12st week. -Messrs. J. Sadler, K. on Sunday last. - The Craiturty ving 0 'Sun -
c fair, oppor- -umh, which is bcing remod�.',A, -s taking in the Toronto Fair. - The yaction.. Atboth morningand even- positions as --teach4s, lef for Bn day with the f'ormer's aunt and uncle,
ee in a fall fair or any Drake and L. McKellar spent Satur- cl Moffatt,
man -friends of Join nearing completion. Ing services his discourses were well land recently, wh' 11 ;Zd
tunities Of making Money for them- day at Toronto Exhibition. - MY. who has,been staying at the home of ere she spend a Mr. and Mrs. James O'Brien, of Bxe-
Howard Leary, of Ow delivered and much appreciated by year teaching school I -r.�Aft�T spending the -past, w��
felves. -r dAgliter, Mrs. Bert McKay, of the large congregatAous. A trio, enr week continue to lead to -,*the great th friend s and --
London, spent the . Fie-wer Sh ' .-The annual Flower he this *
-ulturA s
I the London Road, but who is now tronto, Mrs. H. J. McDonald returff.;
Almost every township ha week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary. Sbow of the Cromarty Hor` , in in St_datharine
Mir. and Mrs. W. B. O'Brien, Flint, Smety was held in Staffa Ithe London hospital, will be sorry to titled, "There is a Fountain," cm- Mxibition Wng`L held at Toronto, and
two farmers or breeders who have - posed of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield! all who have returned from seeing it. ed -to her home 'on Friday eyeni
spent the week end under the paren- on Friday, Augrst 31st. Owiag to) learn.tiIit she is not improving as ng�
xhibitd their stock Y -T after year tal roof. -Mr. Robert Livingston, of the good weathe-- and 'people 'Oeiog So fast a,9L her many friends would like and rq. � G. Hess, weRl rendered and report it as simply gand and beyond Mr. Percy Campbell, Who rec�ntly nim -
at the larger fairs, as well as at thi3 Hamilton, spent the week end With b-.isy. the attendance was not as larga, to �see.-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geogegan much - lerdbyed, Was igiven lait, tble' descriptiom-Mrs. Charles L. Jinks derw6nt,an operation for-the'removall-
exhiitoM in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liv- as it might of been. As you will see and daughtr, 6f London, visited at "'rig service. At the wKening seT- returned, bn ftesday last of big tonsils t Dr. -Browning's hos-
country shows. The e the rendering of that beautiful -from a pleasant trip and visit with pital, Exeter, on Firidaylast, is im-,
ingston.-The officials of the United by the following list. we'had some the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. James Me- VIC
many cases, have failed to capture a Church have arranged services for the beautiful flo'w-ers: Be -%t spike of Clymout, -of our village, during the s("lo, "The Holy City" was sling by relatives and friends in Windsor and provin�g nicely_.-;, -Mr. and' Mrs. S, L.
first prize, or even a second or third opening of their new shed on October Gladiolj_Mrs. E. Allen, Mrs. F. Al- past -week_'Mr. William Glazier of Mrs L. -nedden, while Miss Fisher, Clinton, Michigan. -Mr. an& Mrs. Peppler have been spendini'their vs�
the -very efficient organist, presided Richard -Blatchford left 6re recently cation with relatives and fiiends. ha
at the large fairs, and have not al - 7th and 8th. Ian, Mrs. Lammond; three named Clintov6-.,viited at the home �i his UgUally-able
-n in
-an- to visit relatives nIondon, Lambeth Hanover and Brantford� and are titk-
ways been successful at the smlle' Gladiolis, Mrs. F. Allen; display of 7 at I
sister, Thomas . Butt, of our vil e orga her I
Gladioli, Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. J. Wor- I -Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, of Wood- and Windsbr, and, expect to be from Ing in the Toronto Exhiition before
'Dues, yet it is On record-- that these aga, dipring the past week. rs. ner
den, Mr-_ Lammond- 3 named Dahlias, stock, spent a few days recently 'with home for a month or so -Mrs. ShnI,- they 'return. home. -Mr. Joe Hagan
1sa=.Jarrott and son, Gilbert, isited Mrs Pearson's siste
men have received much hij'her Pric- Mrs. F. Allen; 3 best Zinnias, Mrs. J. at-th . of the former's so r, Mrs. T. Simp- uel Meriir returned during. tbe.-Past was last-weelt visited by a number oi-
n, Dr.
James Jarrott, of' Ail:sa
es for their stock, than h— their Wordn, Mrs. Allen, Bella Miller; 3 and gon.-Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin -week from, an extended afid 'very his brothers from, St- Pauls, Minn.,
and. Maq, accompanied by' Mrs, pleasant visit with a number of rela- and Parkhill and Z;�Ioi - Mr. R6bL
neighbors, a get these prices con- Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Asters �f one color, Mr. Howe, Mrs. Cr6ig during -the week. -Mrs. obert el of'T r
s "I J Worden; oneboquet of Sweet Peas, D,ym' , of Tuckersmith, is'visiting Aaulkinson, spent the week end With tives and friends in Michigan -Mrs. caldw I onto' accompanied by
ristntly, and invariably the pur- Taivistock-Mr, and Mrs, W, A* * ond relatives in Loridqn�-Mr- and Mm. Peter Fisher 'and daughter, Miss Miss iZth 'Cameron sperrt th� *eel:
Mrs. F. Allea, MT-.. J. Worden, Miss friends in Detroit�Miss E�tta, Jaxrott
Ier holidays
chaser is a big firm or a big breeder G�mpbell and daughters returned to Davis; one boutluet of Snapdragon, w1io has. been spending I rael Lindenfield and family, of Lon- !Manor, returned oif Wddnesday last endand holiday -with his parent%'Xr.
from a distance. His market is not their home in Winnipeg. -Mr. King Mrs. E. Allen,- Mrs. F. Allen; One at her borne here. has returned to To- don, spent the holiday with relatives from, a pleasant couple of weeks' vis- and Mrs. William Caldwell,and otheir
an left on Tuesday for FALston, PC -1,11 d fnendg in Hensall.-The H�usall it with'relatives in the icinity - of relative.-Haivest HorrLp Services
limited. In a. year - two -ch n" bouquet of Verbe-nas, Mrs. E. Allen; ,,t, to -,,s,me hey- duties as teacher
where he will spend his vacat"'-- Rose, Mrs. Worden; Special, Mrs. F. Ioeh 1, there� Public and Continuation r4-- Brucefield.-Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie will be held in St. Paul's Anglican
'is a marked man. He j-' of the ss , -Mr. John terii�ber 3rd, were' -recently visited by rel4tives�' Church on Sunday, September 16th,
xhibitor Mr. and 'Mrs. Nains., Stratford'. spent Allen; Perennials, Mrs_ J. Wordem; Graham, of London, visited- with -op
ened on Tuesday, Sep
constantly ree after th zurnmer holidays, with 'the from the West�--Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Rew. - F. - W. Shapger, of W11ugham,
eiving communioations the week end with Mrs. Rrde�Local Potted Ferns, Mrs. Sadler; Begonias, friends b this locality during -the phst e
from province -wide buyers asking bowlers attended the tournament at Mrs. McLellan, Mrs. Hambly; Pottei "A,,. Bell of usual staff of teachers, -with the ex- Horton left here on, Friday last to will -have eharge'of tlle si�rvices.-Mr.
C -rt -right, gave
i of- Mr. Claude Blowes, who visit their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mear
what he 'has on his farm. lie set' Stratford, Seafrth and Chesley, but plant, MTs. McLellan; Ndvelty Plant a very m-spiring sermon in St. An- Albert Smith had occasion on Tfiesday
'�een engaged as Principal of the of Hayter, Alta., and expect to spend evening while returning home to neet
genrall� he gets only one rink, composed of 0. ThomP- Mrs. Humbly; Living Room Bouquet
his own price and drew's UP.,ted Church on Sunday
ere successful ' V. Bell public school. in the lace of Mr. Wim. -couple of monhs in, the West- 'with an, accident. While turning im
son and J. Mason, W In Mrs. J. Worden, Mrs. Kerslake, 'Mrs. M0rr,*g`Ia,zt_ Re was an old
it too. has,
d entering the prize list. They won the VICKay, who resigned at the close of Harvest Home Services will e held the road at Kippen, a.14rge% truck col-
rizes be- im, causing corisid
Not all the good stock is Ted an onsolation at Chesley, the p Sadler; Dining Room Bouquet, Mrs. Tuckersm&th boy. -Rev. Connof and he term, and Mr. Ferris Cantelon, in St. Paul's. Anglican 'Church on Sab- lided With hi erRble,
McLellan, Mrs. F. Allen, Mr-- Ker'-" 'M,-- Com,,r are expected ho
estab- Me- me to the of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon, bath, September 16th, -at both mru- damage 'to the car, but with the 'em-
wned on the large breeding ing silk baskets. -Mr. and Mrs. lake. Mgmse 4hL, week to again -renew their son
a fraction of it. Loughlin and fandly, of, Montreal, �ontivatin, -and Ing ano eVening diets of worship and
lishments. Not labors aftqr zi monfIt's vacation -Mrs. �ts Principal of the 0 ."ption, of a great shock, Albert was
erl n 'tb' Blp Will ,po the_p6reatcher,1( unnjure(L-21r.. and � -Dim W.� A. -14 -
-siting the form s other, Of 'T 'V2 xr, tliat wasioni wi -Mis. G. E. Thomson and -There is stock scattered about this are vi A- MnivtAX,
Mm J. B. McLean attended the South dulot give excellent Sa IS ac IOTL- liafter, `6f i�f5ng ounty that is the equal of'any ev- Pleasant Valley. -Mr. and Mrs. D. t' be the Rev. V. W. anied by: " f. and 1%m
t may be in the rough Hamilton are visiting in Toronto and. Huron W.M:S. Convention held in Ex The friends and relatives of Mrs.l. hani, The choir is repaTing appro- W 0.,iGoodwin motored. -to Liow
er exhibited. I Hamilton, and while there Mrs. H�am_ Welsh, who has been critically ill at priate music for those servites-1kilss and'spent Pthe holiday there�
but it is here, and it lives and dies ilto, will represent Fern Lodge, No. Flower Show�The Flower Show eter last week, 4.:7Nch Miss Chace, her home herq with a nurse In attend- Jessie Johnston of Clifford, was in M'r. and Mrs. Allan McDonnell are
held on Wednesday last -by the Kip- a returnc-d missionary from the West
ws. about it. 19, Wingham, at Grand Lodge of j' ance, will be leased to learn that her the village during the past week r- visiting with relatives in, Mount
here, because no one kno pen Horticultural Society was cer- was the special speaker.-M:rs. and, new#ig acquaintances and,,her friends Clemens, Mich.,s-Mr. Jack McDionnelB
t. Loyal True Blue Association in Ham- orid
What an opportunity los tainly a real treat for all flower lov- Finlayson took in a few days in To- ition is slightly improved,
splendid hopes are entertained for her were pleased to Theet her. -Misses spent a few days this week it Osh-
d, of "ton- ers w -ho -saw the wonderful displays ronto- laFt week, attending the Can -
in early days there was a pri ecovery.-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram Mary and Etm mia Johnson, accompan- awa.-The many friends, of Mrs. I
Nwa- in the difFerent classes. More of the adian National Exhibition -Mrs. J. r I
'possession -lacking in these. W. McLeeam is visiting in Toronto- together with his brother and wife, ied by their friend, Miss Gilks, spent Higgins will regret to learn that Sl
ays tWe local farmer must be reason -of members exhibited this year than ev of Detroit, were week end visitors at' Labor Day - with friends in Wingliam, -has been confined to the house with
er before, 'with a correspondingly Misses Grace and 'Margaret Cooper, their home here -Mr, Jack Car- and Teeswater.-Miss Gilks, of To- a severe attack of heart trouble and
bly certain that he is going to take harger nuber of entries. Follow- Perry Striet, London, spent the week
michael, of Detroit, spent the week r6nto, spent the,past week the guest asthina, but we- rust, she will soon
a prize, or 'he won't exhibit. He is
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan ing is- a list of the prize winners, all end with their mother, Mrs. . W.
5 . prizes being a -warded in stock,from Cooper.-Iffiss Olive Cooper, of Flint, end with is mother, 'Mrs. J. Car- of her friends, Misses Mary and Em- be feelipg in good health again�Mr.
fraid -of th comments (5f his ne'gh- and children, of Toronto; Mr . B michael and sister Miss Nellie. -G. J. ma JonsoiI.-Mr. Jack Tapp sper�t Edward Berry, who has been dampin
n wi
bors if he loses. He knows or he O'Flaherty, of Chicago; Mrs. F. Bad- which'it is hoped more fine peci- Mich., speidt a few days rece tly th c ri s
mens will be grown for next year's her lather, Mr. , R. Cooper. -The Suth rIa I pe��ing most of this the week end n Toronto. -Hr' and at Grand Bend, left for his home
should know that tbe prize winners ley, of Port Huron; Miss Mary D�or Tho�son clan. picnic was held last week the sights at the To- Mrs. Wilfred Hudson, wife and fAm,. Windsor last wee.
show: Potted Plants, Mrs. William
3 nor sey, of Stratford, and/ Miss Frances ronto Exhibition and also combining
Are not always the best sire,, raid Fortune -rance, col- Wednesday -afternoon at Drys&le.
af of Seaforth, were recent Anderson, Mrs. Reid Tor business with pleasure.�Mr. S. E.
yet the best dams, yet he is guests at the hoTne of Mr. and Mrs. lection of. six Annuals, Mrs. A- Men- This is art annual picnic to which ev- McArthur has just Fleted.
to back his own judgment in the T. Moylan. -Miss Grace Moylan is teith, Mrs. Wiliam Anderson, Mrs. ery one looks forward. About fifty his fine new residence which he has
show ring. He sets his eyes on a visiting friends in Chatham and Port Dave Cameron; collertion, of Perten- were en -Joy a few hours had built this summer on his farm
Huron.�Ivlr. Edward McGrath, of St. nials, Mrs. J. D. Stewart,,Mrs. J. Fin- recreation, afterthe heavy labors Of
mile or so west Of Hemsall and to -
three dollar, prize, instead of a hun- Clements, spent Labor Day at the jayson, iss j. Chesney; collectian-6f the harvest season. -Again the coun-
dred or more that might -be made in home of his mother here. -Mrs. F. Gladioli, Winnie Stewart, Weisley tryside is awakened to the tane of geLher with his wife and- baby, expect The School of comerc-e2 an,0109 011t
old nine o?clock school bell, to take up residence there the first
a sale. Corporations and individuals Hollis and two daughters and Mr. French; one Spike, any color, Mrs. the and
y little boy and girl is again part of this month. -At- the services
�qqt huge sums of Vine n- A. Monteith, Edythe Borwey en -
would not -pay ent Hollis, of Arthur, spent Su held'in, Carmel Presbyterian Church offers you a PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING thit has
money every year for Advertising if day with f riendE 'here. Spikes, named, J. Chesney, �rs. A. gaged in filling their heads with use- on Sunday last Dr. McNair, of London, made it po�sible for our scores -of students to obtain and HOLD
Monteith; collection of Dahlias, Xrs. ful knowledge. Work has begun in
delighted the Congregation at oth POSITIONS demanding a HIGH, STANDARD OF EFFICIENCY.
it did not pay them to do it, yet farm -
J. Mustard, W. Ivison; Wree named earnest for everyone. -Our many
I Tid evening service, with two
phe eheapeFt and one Dahlias, Mrs. T-. Mustard, IVT. nison, teachers of ihis-district have left for morning a
ors will pass u foieful sermons, THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU-
ZURECE of their fields of labor. Miss Rose Me- very splendid and
�of the best advertising mediums -the Margaret McDonald; collection
arsons, of
Asters, Mr. A. Monteith, Mrs. R. A. Lean has left for Parkhill to resume while Affss Jean Ferkuson, of Brus-
Country Fair -just -because they are Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Heny Magel t -My. Fred P sele, a guest at the home of Mr. and Secretarial, Stenographic Oommerclal,GenT�al
Lundy; six Asters, Mrs. A. MM eith, her teaching, Offlee, Civil 'Serivice, Commerel
al Teachers, Course and Special
of J. A. Fleming, and a niece of
not sure of a prize. and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magel, Mrs. Reid Torrance; Collection of London, spent Sunday and LaborDay Mrs,
ere for a f2w with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Flem-h*, in a very plealsing. and Courses arrAnged.
Tbe country, fair could be, and in DetToit, ivisited friends h Pansies, Mrs. J. Bowey, Mrs. R. A. 'Yen eamnat A,*s,%d n Mottor Seheol-Why X�A Attend Thig?
sonia seo6ons, is the est paying days last wek.-Mr. and Mrs. Nioh- -Linigy; Sweepas, X. R. %arsoiis,�Agsz Edna -Bremnt, Oj acc4table manne7, rendered- a beauti-
olas Deiehert jamd aon, of Detroit, Brucefield, spent the week with Mss ful s*, entitled, "Not UndarGtood," 20ROOL RE012MB 9EPTMMER , 1929
frdemd a fsrnier has. If he, -�7ould Whiteman, Mrs. A. Monteith; collec- enjoyed. Re -v. Mr.
spent the week end with relatives Marguerite— cDonald which tKas much
r tion of Perennial Phlox, Mis. J. Fin- and other
-Mr. and ruem'ne layso-n,' Mrs. A Moriteith; collectiom friends.-Yj Thomson --and McIlroy,\Rastor of the church, wbo hao Write �0 day for WoTmatien.
brimg out his best stock he would not Mrs. John T
-Ae(W to orry about lhuYers- All and Mr. George Yollan, of Detroit, been will oc-
of Snapdragon, Mrs. A. Monteith, Miss Isobel Ale:wnder Gpent a w
any visited relatives unday- Mrs. J. W. McLean. gewey,s days the gudstr- of their uncle and cupy his own pulpit this coming Sun'
large atock corporations and in Mr. Phone 298. B. R WARD, 1B.A.- Pg. Acet&, PAM69
men con,
.4)f the larger breeders have., Rev F. L. Howald,, wife and two special prize -was awarded to Mr. W. aunt, Mr. and Hn. J. Moodie, of day, September 9th.-Xisi Edith
child -ren, of Elmwod, are spending a Bucefield.-Miss. D. Smith gpeht the Ewan left for Kitchener this week to
Ivison for the best collection of nam- �9- A. STONE,-Ctm. Specialist, vice-prhfi.
ti-nually scouring the ctmritry for few days with relatives here th's 6d Gladioli, and to -Miss Jennie Ches- week end TTft her parents at Blue. rersurne teaching for the C0rnd1ftg term,
mals and once let
likely looking ani wEek.-Mr. Jog. Schwarz and daugh of named vale. She wis accompanied by Miss. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White motored
ney for the est collection it became known, and it won't take ter, of Detroit, are spending a week The eigel& SriIb offered Doris Alexandey. to Southampton for the. holiday,' Mrs.
-very long, either, that all the best with her parents, Mi. and IVITs. John for the best novelty plant -was award- (Intended for last week.) WhiWs mother returning with them
Fuss -Mr. Edward Appel, of New and -will make her home here for the
stock 'in a certain. district will be ea Miss Jennie Chesney for a very Notes.-Niss' Elva Anderson took winter months. -Mrs. L.. 0. Yaeger
Hmburg, and Mr. Victor Appe, of "ty
fair, I'd the Moncton, visited relatives here . on rare pe of fern. The judge waG Air. in a few days at Toronto E xhibition nd little daughter, Ileen, who have
_gathered at a country
Roweliffe, of Exeter. The Committee last week, -Nii8a Mary Thomson vis -
Chatham over the spent part of the summef months with
people would be amazed at the nu7n- Sunday.�Mr. and Mrs. Lemrd Klpp in charge wish to thank all those who ited frien<fs�\�Iear
on in of Wterloo, visite, relatives here on la -r her parents, Mr. and M�s. W. Hab�
a. H. McMurtrie has
*ber of buyers and he competiti helped o energetically to make -the week end. e 1Z
-prices it would create. Sunday. -A number from Zurich at- retu�rned from visiting friends in Chi. kirk, left recently � foi their hom e at
tended the Luther League Conven- Brandon, Man -Mr. and Mrs. Keys,
What is the use of breeding or d- tvetroit.-Rev, Brown, from of Guelh, were week end visitors at,
tion held at WaberRpo on Sunday and p. Smith, Of cago an
Hensall, who assists his br6tb6r Mr Ashburn, Vrolkhed very acceptably
Auto Accident.-,Xr S
show such a splendid, buccess.
I I the home of 1AT. and m En-�ch We' Fal
ovning goed stock unlesw one ets Monday.-Laboy. Day passed off very
"tb, I -ppen andansgreen United church
-the top return for it. There maybe quietly in the village. Some atteptled Alfred Sm ri the bakirig business, Ki �n Sunday laist. He delighted ll Parker and Air. and "Mrs. Kd-gar Cud-
liad the Tnisfrtune)to be TuA into oA 'es 0 --Mr. and, Mrs. J. Wilson, of
some men high- at ONTARIO
4�aforth, Stratford,.were vj's-itois- over the Week
in the farming business the opening services of the new
ay between �Clinton and 'S Tuesday f this week, breaking his by a fine 'oo�
'0 Lin Mppen St. An- "IDre
-for the- love of It Only, but they are to the extent of fheing.beyorid. re- drew's on Sdnday morning. L h
spent the day at the lake car end -with r. and Mrs. G. Bitown.-
while others
y morn- pairs. Mr. Smith ad just finished Mb few and far between in this district. and at Goderieh.-On Suna v Mr. and Mrs. . Cook* an:d 19afi-y c�r
th ng somw- read at Mr. Bowey a -wee
rg out Ing Prof. E. Neudoerffer, of
,e Wa- deliveri rived home,on Thursday of last k
Forget the prize� money; bri N - ice er t to terloo, College, conducted the ingtalla- store and was in the act lt turning after very ,pl ant M-6tor trip to
'for -bigger things. -tII6 atock and look
tion services in the local Lutheran around, not noticing a largerach be- Los Angelez, Cal., *here they spent
od diidends g of Motor Ai�Weni.-A rather serious , numb, CaL
Fall Pair Vill pay'go Tuerk- longing to Mr- 301171 SchOOrral
�T) an with Xv. !and
dollars ond defttgg pihaefin as,pastor Of the church. Rev. Clintn, coining from the 'toilib. Hp accident 6�eiihvd on Monday after. Mrg, -X a horseshoe nadd .Money,. f it I# Onl givo-A tyfl�, OPPOT- Mi. Gruehn, of Stratfod rd, Was uable
just got nicely on the eentire of noon at I�k,' �Wr's bridge, a..mile to helil t Litc,-.,el recbnt�
when a 4 to 'report thm t*6 t
to conduct the sevvites, but the im- the road -when the truck struck him south of car IF ease
iftitr to do Co. -north, eon.
and carridd the 'eay. in the nei �Olil nor av":
pToss!ve ervices ware ably talcen'care ghtor- coming fro%�']A`Adm going
kho*� hovstislhoe, j$ayefa, ar
feet before stopping.. Mr. tgnirig a AJ'6�4" faad. hig wife, Collide XV. Paul ioy' str k6h of by Storey, Slhak, of 11 1nI5SinWy "working in the South $TAAL VaS somewhat a�!d cut with a car eonwill, Hwisall, Wovi fi ;he evout,
-Vt wa illustrated, ing ourE44,:�
thsead, but. can c - od DUrIng a to
STATILIMI oba tjo CSV dt,,L
Ameiican -field, 6A M�to2ing disotirring go morLi tfi06'ludky ihat he W64 viot �d leatul-e in the Eivangelical 0hurch on on the 1brid&A "et�b turdber 4, garA66 161ared duting the
a-Lah- Mhe large truck vas Wood to YXMVJU child-, Out:. g"Onj secured
Thd - pletufei4 erLs Set, thro�piijd'L4t
ft w1ill be movi midl dLjL0V0*;_-r, Of s-qb-jeet was Vell t"T 'of
VeeL t.
badl d 2Jd joy
and TvIr. UP- but'ibe ow,?w ywy by Mr. Lt6 Stly but L Storerimr. I)Rma
03" OPM '46 �JW,
t *111,
TlLomb Of Olt M I.Amdoyi. t tnak
t1me th,6 aftenez'
te, 7- in lwogpot fa oThe
L, L 0, o V, zl
vam, pre,
.. ..........
W, V
RON 1, &700
�bonR rwkl 440 1-7 1 ;VV 7"
September 7th. Miss. Bgnruixet VWyamo IkQr Qt '94,040 I-Tiagarth, og Exeter, isW� X, i��jVto Babylon Ui% VT E. 47
FAI RS otStQgdill, Q Sutton, and ve
the 'W04
eWqright are spe. Qe wM Cement work 4 the �jip meetint;,wus, the VtOse t t
aMent Wvrl�, 01-90- T� 47otte� tl� life pb �hjp
and October me ;ns,
their mother, Mrs. George Dowson.- balance ce� I Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys and Bong,, Pay list, E ne. sa j:J,*4Lr Va' �11 "which the A6 &T Will b(a Ole
tres� h -old Ruskirt and Stewart �id 'a
-naller lug, pay
-We&r H&tS in C�OR S' �T\14tQp I
cell Vow si were visitors at $20.U; W motb.6, liy Mr6.� iiw ao, w
eisoh, W
bi ' -told A
ails G, J. T d, �bauliu PUIOAt' grOve was sting am.- t 0 - .9 a a;5
are Toronto Zxhiition and at the F
fall f airs. What
tt;�` to V.*0
ancl see the=.
-this yeax? Are last week. -Miss Norma Hood spent $84; Johnston 4 M bil
al 'Wb �A -Murtrie, Mrs. (And r,4
to be like a -sant visit at the homi of Mr. $282,96;
A, Todd, cement grael 4
Ueith continued with. the dis- inirnedlat'oly'W.'ap I
to be exhibits of stock y on Sunday. -Mr. $22.75; S. Ropp, Pay list, $12.40; X. Mri �O e pa"Ment to
Robert McCilinche _4
that will be vvorth going Colin Campbell, of Stratford, will -Stanlake, pay -list, $217.75; G. B, Th#M- the topic, T'he Meeting the choq1, a 'thifi Is. � g�
take the services at Goshen, Blak son, pay list, $11.50; P. Schad Pay uce
��,44'or are they going to be a ser bli Hymn 659,,, Mf
very Meet a �in on MQj1da7
-na next Sunday in the inter- list, $10.76; H.'H. Neeb, R04d SUPt,, Mi- ,
ows that and Vai and 3hs, W.J.
cheap side sh 9 $14; T. X71e, pay li:st, $62.65. , Tele- Lqw� ilton, and 'Mr, and Wxs. 24th, (to set4he, taz�. ate tbw
ost of the Lord's Day Alliance.
phone' Accotints-Canadian Telephone R, Xaean and wo children, Jim year,
4 be a waste of time and mor"Y
their- C�Aegl 3ULpplieg, materil, W43; _H. Eiek- and D�rald, of North Ba�r, Were the.
Brief g. -Mr. and AaJ. Sweit
The answers estions lie meier, paint
; J. H QU, of
to �hese qu for garage, $8; L, gueswat- the homt� of Mr. and p, , Albrecht, salary, $64; 'A
and little u,,Otier, LOU- Mls� 4reyisltom at �4q.
a4d W.Va. r dso
nIrma !Higgins, of Kitchener,, i;d mi.
M. G. Deitz,
ely with the rural cum G
ent :.31&ry and car, $90. General Ac- Mrs. -,A Anderson, accomparAed nsister, H eorge HU U, "an,
t surround the ci�ritres in Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Angell and Bertram North, of Woodstock, �,ere
counts -Hugh McEwen, ist award, S. by Mrs. James Clark, spent the week I faimily, anotored,10 'Pa- m nitle, J. Hudsor r!Qn,Ortoi
u 6 e Of i an(l net and Mrs. E. Sturgess, of Wind- week nd visit 'Mr. tro# the lattoi! part of. th, weeU� 441i� �vbich these fairs are field, 1-1. Scholarship, $27.50; Elda Ginger- at Tot end �jja uto and Niagara Falls.
or, spent the week end at the home and Mrs, . ; r1i "o Ill 9 '�i]
-ectors of the the ich, _>nd award, S. M. Scholarship, Elva-jt�4j and her friend fro' and a," where with the oflicers and dii Miss m Forest v Labor, Day mnth'Mr. and, f Mi. ar.Lf Mr4 J. Varley Miss Mttie Ellis' o. ha� ee
Richaxd Bedard. 3rd award, spent, $iindu with Elva *i,.
fairs. These officials have (lone their Doro�n Varley retqrned ith them for y AnOrsou.- spending her suw�ier acgt1i
S, M. Scholarship, $11; Municipal Mr, ji�,d A] rs. Harrey Hubbard, ac, On With SulleLns,-Mrs. J. wn� Miss ?Q6tor's ne , d I Mi's. part in te past and v du It a short holiday. -r. Angus McKin- itivs n Binsegrth, . Ift � an visited by a number of her rel
World, supplies, $6.95; S. Martin, co "'ed by Mr. Melville Mccli.; er L hom ved Severe injuries 7other places, returned to h from Montreal fqr a few days,-M!rs. on Wednesay Mornin L g Wpom ' Weed Act, panLIP
recently recei
atiV L w;eek
Denomine, cutting weeds, W 0' a
a fall caused by the breaking of In '! Detrb'it, visited with-reb
wel. They are still doing it, but i non cutting -weeds, Noxious ion r
Tecent YLas the farmrs and othu-, $29�65; L, N. anuMbs� of the Oddfel- Errol Drummond, who has been vis- by -Miss - Ethel Murdock h" liite '46
It is to be hoped that he es an (I around our village Idur, lo Lodge, attended itiIng with her sister at Rochester, is remaining with them at ;bh4ir �t d:sr from Hensall
ee The council -Miss Margaret , ation so,,qces at 4nd
worth exhibiting, xvill soon be able to follow his work, Noxious W d Act, $ 0 �,Pa, week. -0
who have stock
gaijq on Monday, a expected bome, this w�elL. Mr. Lavn- for a short visit. -Mr. E. Z and Mrs.
of London, adjourned ta 'meet a vid. Grac� Cooper, of London, spent re visited Carlisle, bave been showing an ever increasing iss Evelyn Wilkinson, G. J. Sutherhinil, -by invi-taiort; of the ence HefferaxV Ahd family we -of Detroit, were visitors the !day at the home r.
ho has October 1st, at 1.30 o'clock p.m. -A. the h9l of their b
e by a number of theIT' relatives froom past -wee at the for-miek's -6isters'
disinclination to exhibit it, and by was here visiting her SL:;ter Bruce -field- Lodge,L-tooli C�Arlje�'�f th
F. Hess, Clerk. theri Xi. William R. Cooper, of the
d from the bog 'tal. service, A number of ridniAers'gave
dollar that �uSt'returne Pli Mrs. Leepr, and Mrs. ill. J. McDon,
so have lost -Y a Loncft R,ad,-School, started on. g-Qod addresses -Mr. Alex- MeMnr�- age. �4:f 0 01 ald, reftunung by Toronto to take.'in
would have JiLghtened the tax bill oz ------ Tuesday of this week 9nd teachers Ts.
tri, of Tor -onto, spent the week,end .1 A� e 0 0, 0 the Exhibition. --Miss Gertrude Hig-
scholar� will start work again with his mother, Mrs. A, HoMiIrtrie- -ad family, gins hi accepted a posiiion as �o6k-
or have swelled their bank account -s. and' b6mg- refresbed-with the holi Elkhart, Ind., of the Lon , R 'on all, a
mean that the priz,� after -Mis-.,4 Gille6py, of d.--, lask lorence kepejL and stenographer With
We do not days. -Mr. Emrson Smith,, of our Ross
spent a few day* recently it the-
Notes.-Misis Annie Speare has re -
money would h#ve accomplished thi� Notes. -The anniversary services of illage�L Met with an acci&-nt during Reynolds, who hs, spent her. summer and Taylor, Zxeter, starting work
on turned to Toronto after spending a the borne of her friend, Miss Helen Swan. vacation at her 'home 'here, 'left for there this Week. -Mr. and Mrs. W�n.
alone, because the prizes as a rule, the United Church will be held home. -Mrs. 0 Walk- '�heu he was in the act -Miss Marie, -Foster left for Kiteh- Calgary, Xlta.i the latter part'ok last Ingram, of New York accompani
er 16th.�Mr. and few (;Fvs at hir
run about three to five dollars. Not Sunday, Septem of gettilig on the truel0which carn*es
family are er is -��pending a few days wta hir ener on Sunday last, -where she bar. week to, resume. -her teaehingmir by 'Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Strtford,,
um to be sneezed at, but not , Mrs, Harry Leslie and the Taen, forward and back On the secured a-positon in a beauty parlor. and Mrs. G. Gram are beiug�,visited v�mrre visitors last week With I
-Mr. Som, Otto, in Detroit. -Mr. Lloyd Mil-
etin of what couid spending the week in Icr spent the week end with his p. q4y� be slipped and fell, in3u'r -Miss Helen and Jean Elder, of Lon- ndfra Donald Balfour and Mis's y a number Of relatives from the XT . Fred Corbett and famil�,�Xr�
and Mrs. ing is kriee -to the extent that will don, spent the holiday with thirvar- States this week.-4&ss An Mrs. Frank Young, accompanied
es Rebecca Bruce, of W McKellar is attend -
the way of sal ' and in the advertis- indsor, spent the ents_'Aiss Mary Jay him , up for a 'week or so. -41ra. nie Hog- ara
the hilijbition at Toronto thi nts, Mir. and Mm John Elder� gartli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. y their son, Lloyd, and his Wife,
tising of their holdings. it is a suf- week end with Mr.'and Mrs. David irg Jagnes, MCClymont, of our village ac -
son week. -Mr. and Mm Russell Sert- - Rev. Mr. Sinclair had, charge of the E Hoggarth,, formerly f this Vil- 'spent the holidays with -Mrs. Leeper
thing -that all but one or tw(. Bruce. -Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wil eornp�nied by her ilaughter, Mrs. services on Sunday last after an ab- lage, -but no* of Londono where M
rising attended the Exhibition in Toronto were visitd--by friends? from Ljn,�nn t i and Mrs. IL J, McDonald�Mias Ber-
ve failed to - RusseV Geoghegan, of London, are sence'of a month., ba beeK. On his and Mrs. Hoggarth hold very, go th�L Ctorbett and friend cdsited on'.
'farmers in each cenfre ha 12st week. -Messrs. J. Sadler, K. on Sunday last. - The Craiturty ving 0 'Sun -
c fair, oppor- -umh, which is bcing remod�.',A, -s taking in the Toronto Fair. - The yaction.. Atboth morningand even- positions as --teach4s, lef for Bn day with the f'ormer's aunt and uncle,
ee in a fall fair or any Drake and L. McKellar spent Satur- cl Moffatt,
man -friends of Join nearing completion. Ing services his discourses were well land recently, wh' 11 ;Zd
tunities Of making Money for them- day at Toronto Exhibition. - MY. who has,been staying at the home of ere she spend a Mr. and Mrs. James O'Brien, of Bxe-
Howard Leary, of Ow delivered and much appreciated by year teaching school I -r.�Aft�T spending the -past, w��
felves. -r dAgliter, Mrs. Bert McKay, of the large congregatAous. A trio, enr week continue to lead to -,*the great th friend s and --
London, spent the . Fie-wer Sh ' .-The annual Flower he this *
-ulturA s
I the London Road, but who is now tronto, Mrs. H. J. McDonald returff.;
Almost every township ha week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary. Sbow of the Cromarty Hor` , in in St_datharine
Mir. and Mrs. W. B. O'Brien, Flint, Smety was held in Staffa Ithe London hospital, will be sorry to titled, "There is a Fountain," cm- Mxibition Wng`L held at Toronto, and
two farmers or breeders who have - posed of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield! all who have returned from seeing it. ed -to her home 'on Friday eyeni
spent the week end under the paren- on Friday, Augrst 31st. Owiag to) learn.tiIit she is not improving as ng�
xhibitd their stock Y -T after year tal roof. -Mr. Robert Livingston, of the good weathe-- and 'people 'Oeiog So fast a,9L her many friends would like and rq. � G. Hess, weRl rendered and report it as simply gand and beyond Mr. Percy Campbell, Who rec�ntly nim -
at the larger fairs, as well as at thi3 Hamilton, spent the week end With b-.isy. the attendance was not as larga, to �see.-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geogegan much - lerdbyed, Was igiven lait, tble' descriptiom-Mrs. Charles L. Jinks derw6nt,an operation for-the'removall-
exhiitoM in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liv- as it might of been. As you will see and daughtr, 6f London, visited at "'rig service. At the wKening seT- returned, bn ftesday last of big tonsils t Dr. -Browning's hos-
country shows. The e the rendering of that beautiful -from a pleasant trip and visit with pital, Exeter, on Firidaylast, is im-,
ingston.-The officials of the United by the following list. we'had some the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. James Me- VIC
many cases, have failed to capture a Church have arranged services for the beautiful flo'w-ers: Be -%t spike of Clymout, -of our village, during the s("lo, "The Holy City" was sling by relatives and friends in Windsor and provin�g nicely_.-;, -Mr. and' Mrs. S, L.
first prize, or even a second or third opening of their new shed on October Gladiolj_Mrs. E. Allen, Mrs. F. Al- past -week_'Mr. William Glazier of Mrs L. -nedden, while Miss Fisher, Clinton, Michigan. -Mr. an& Mrs. Peppler have been spendini'their vs�
the -very efficient organist, presided Richard -Blatchford left 6re recently cation with relatives and fiiends. ha
at the large fairs, and have not al - 7th and 8th. Ian, Mrs. Lammond; three named Clintov6-.,viited at the home �i his UgUally-able
-n in
-an- to visit relatives nIondon, Lambeth Hanover and Brantford� and are titk-
ways been successful at the smlle' Gladiolis, Mrs. F. Allen; display of 7 at I
sister, Thomas . Butt, of our vil e orga her I
Gladioli, Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. J. Wor- I -Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, of Wood- and Windsbr, and, expect to be from Ing in the Toronto Exhiition before
'Dues, yet it is On record-- that these aga, dipring the past week. rs. ner
den, Mr-_ Lammond- 3 named Dahlias, stock, spent a few days recently 'with home for a month or so -Mrs. ShnI,- they 'return. home. -Mr. Joe Hagan
1sa=.Jarrott and son, Gilbert, isited Mrs Pearson's siste
men have received much hij'her Pric- Mrs. F. Allen; 3 best Zinnias, Mrs. J. at-th . of the former's so r, Mrs. T. Simp- uel Meriir returned during. tbe.-Past was last-weelt visited by a number oi-
n, Dr.
James Jarrott, of' Ail:sa
es for their stock, than h— their Wordn, Mrs. Allen, Bella Miller; 3 and gon.-Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin -week from, an extended afid 'very his brothers from, St- Pauls, Minn.,
and. Maq, accompanied by' Mrs, pleasant visit with a number of rela- and Parkhill and Z;�Ioi - Mr. R6bL
neighbors, a get these prices con- Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Asters �f one color, Mr. Howe, Mrs. Cr6ig during -the week. -Mrs. obert el of'T r
s "I J Worden; oneboquet of Sweet Peas, D,ym' , of Tuckersmith, is'visiting Aaulkinson, spent the week end With tives and friends in Michigan -Mrs. caldw I onto' accompanied by
ristntly, and invariably the pur- Taivistock-Mr, and Mrs, W, A* * ond relatives in Loridqn�-Mr- and Mm. Peter Fisher 'and daughter, Miss Miss iZth 'Cameron sperrt th� *eel:
Mrs. F. Allea, MT-.. J. Worden, Miss friends in Detroit�Miss E�tta, Jaxrott
Ier holidays
chaser is a big firm or a big breeder G�mpbell and daughters returned to Davis; one boutluet of Snapdragon, w1io has. been spending I rael Lindenfield and family, of Lon- !Manor, returned oif Wddnesday last endand holiday -with his parent%'Xr.
from a distance. His market is not their home in Winnipeg. -Mr. King Mrs. E. Allen,- Mrs. F. Allen; One at her borne here. has returned to To- don, spent the holiday with relatives from, a pleasant couple of weeks' vis- and Mrs. William Caldwell,and otheir
an left on Tuesday for FALston, PC -1,11 d fnendg in Hensall.-The H�usall it with'relatives in the icinity - of relative.-Haivest HorrLp Services
limited. In a. year - two -ch n" bouquet of Verbe-nas, Mrs. E. Allen; ,,t, to -,,s,me hey- duties as teacher
where he will spend his vacat"'-- Rose, Mrs. Worden; Special, Mrs. F. Ioeh 1, there� Public and Continuation r4-- Brucefield.-Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie will be held in St. Paul's Anglican
'is a marked man. He j-' of the ss , -Mr. John terii�ber 3rd, were' -recently visited by rel4tives�' Church on Sunday, September 16th,
xhibitor Mr. and 'Mrs. Nains., Stratford'. spent Allen; Perennials, Mrs_ J. Wordem; Graham, of London, visited- with -op
ened on Tuesday, Sep
constantly ree after th zurnmer holidays, with 'the from the West�--Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Rew. - F. - W. Shapger, of W11ugham,
eiving communioations the week end with Mrs. Rrde�Local Potted Ferns, Mrs. Sadler; Begonias, friends b this locality during -the phst e
from province -wide buyers asking bowlers attended the tournament at Mrs. McLellan, Mrs. Hambly; Pottei "A,,. Bell of usual staff of teachers, -with the ex- Horton left here on, Friday last to will -have eharge'of tlle si�rvices.-Mr.
C -rt -right, gave
i of- Mr. Claude Blowes, who visit their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mear
what he 'has on his farm. lie set' Stratford, Seafrth and Chesley, but plant, MTs. McLellan; Ndvelty Plant a very m-spiring sermon in St. An- Albert Smith had occasion on Tfiesday
'�een engaged as Principal of the of Hayter, Alta., and expect to spend evening while returning home to neet
genrall� he gets only one rink, composed of 0. ThomP- Mrs. Humbly; Living Room Bouquet
his own price and drew's UP.,ted Church on Sunday
ere successful ' V. Bell public school. in the lace of Mr. Wim. -couple of monhs in, the West- 'with an, accident. While turning im
son and J. Mason, W In Mrs. J. Worden, Mrs. Kerslake, 'Mrs. M0rr,*g`Ia,zt_ Re was an old
it too. has,
d entering the prize list. They won the VICKay, who resigned at the close of Harvest Home Services will e held the road at Kippen, a.14rge% truck col-
rizes be- im, causing corisid
Not all the good stock is Ted an onsolation at Chesley, the p Sadler; Dining Room Bouquet, Mrs. Tuckersm&th boy. -Rev. Connof and he term, and Mr. Ferris Cantelon, in St. Paul's. Anglican 'Church on Sab- lided With hi erRble,
McLellan, Mrs. F. Allen, Mr-- Ker'-" 'M,-- Com,,r are expected ho
estab- Me- me to the of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon, bath, September 16th, -at both mru- damage 'to the car, but with the 'em-
wned on the large breeding ing silk baskets. -Mr. and Mrs. lake. Mgmse 4hL, week to again -renew their son
a fraction of it. Loughlin and fandly, of, Montreal, �ontivatin, -and Ing ano eVening diets of worship and
lishments. Not labors aftqr zi monfIt's vacation -Mrs. �ts Principal of the 0 ."ption, of a great shock, Albert was
erl n 'tb' Blp Will ,po the_p6reatcher,1( unnjure(L-21r.. and � -Dim W.� A. -14 -
-siting the form s other, Of 'T 'V2 xr, tliat wasioni wi -Mis. G. E. Thomson and -There is stock scattered about this are vi A- MnivtAX,
Mm J. B. McLean attended the South dulot give excellent Sa IS ac IOTL- liafter, `6f i�f5ng ounty that is the equal of'any ev- Pleasant Valley. -Mr. and Mrs. D. t' be the Rev. V. W. anied by: " f. and 1%m
t may be in the rough Hamilton are visiting in Toronto and. Huron W.M:S. Convention held in Ex The friends and relatives of Mrs.l. hani, The choir is repaTing appro- W 0.,iGoodwin motored. -to Liow
er exhibited. I Hamilton, and while there Mrs. H�am_ Welsh, who has been critically ill at priate music for those servites-1kilss and'spent Pthe holiday there�
but it is here, and it lives and dies ilto, will represent Fern Lodge, No. Flower Show�The Flower Show eter last week, 4.:7Nch Miss Chace, her home herq with a nurse In attend- Jessie Johnston of Clifford, was in M'r. and Mrs. Allan McDonnell are
held on Wednesday last -by the Kip- a returnc-d missionary from the West
ws. about it. 19, Wingham, at Grand Lodge of j' ance, will be leased to learn that her the village during the past week r- visiting with relatives in, Mount
here, because no one kno pen Horticultural Society was cer- was the special speaker.-M:rs. and, new#ig acquaintances and,,her friends Clemens, Mich.,s-Mr. Jack McDionnelB
t. Loyal True Blue Association in Ham- orid
What an opportunity los tainly a real treat for all flower lov- Finlayson took in a few days in To- ition is slightly improved,
splendid hopes are entertained for her were pleased to Theet her. -Misses spent a few days this week it Osh-
d, of "ton- ers w -ho -saw the wonderful displays ronto- laFt week, attending the Can -
in early days there was a pri ecovery.-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram Mary and Etm mia Johnson, accompan- awa.-The many friends, of Mrs. I
Nwa- in the difFerent classes. More of the adian National Exhibition -Mrs. J. r I
'possession -lacking in these. W. McLeeam is visiting in Toronto- together with his brother and wife, ied by their friend, Miss Gilks, spent Higgins will regret to learn that Sl
ays tWe local farmer must be reason -of members exhibited this year than ev of Detroit, were week end visitors at' Labor Day - with friends in Wingliam, -has been confined to the house with
er before, 'with a correspondingly Misses Grace and 'Margaret Cooper, their home here -Mr, Jack Car- and Teeswater.-Miss Gilks, of To- a severe attack of heart trouble and
bly certain that he is going to take harger nuber of entries. Follow- Perry Striet, London, spent the week
michael, of Detroit, spent the week r6nto, spent the,past week the guest asthina, but we- rust, she will soon
a prize, or 'he won't exhibit. He is
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan ing is- a list of the prize winners, all end with their mother, Mrs. . W.
5 . prizes being a -warded in stock,from Cooper.-Iffiss Olive Cooper, of Flint, end with is mother, 'Mrs. J. Car- of her friends, Misses Mary and Em- be feelipg in good health again�Mr.
fraid -of th comments (5f his ne'gh- and children, of Toronto; Mr . B michael and sister Miss Nellie. -G. J. ma JonsoiI.-Mr. Jack Tapp sper�t Edward Berry, who has been dampin
n wi
bors if he loses. He knows or he O'Flaherty, of Chicago; Mrs. F. Bad- which'it is hoped more fine peci- Mich., speidt a few days rece tly th c ri s
mens will be grown for next year's her lather, Mr. , R. Cooper. -The Suth rIa I pe��ing most of this the week end n Toronto. -Hr' and at Grand Bend, left for his home
should know that tbe prize winners ley, of Port Huron; Miss Mary D�or Tho�son clan. picnic was held last week the sights at the To- Mrs. Wilfred Hudson, wife and fAm,. Windsor last wee.
show: Potted Plants, Mrs. William
3 nor sey, of Stratford, and/ Miss Frances ronto Exhibition and also combining
Are not always the best sire,, raid Fortune -rance, col- Wednesday -afternoon at Drys&le.
af of Seaforth, were recent Anderson, Mrs. Reid Tor business with pleasure.�Mr. S. E.
yet the best dams, yet he is guests at the hoTne of Mr. and Mrs. lection of. six Annuals, Mrs. A- Men- This is art annual picnic to which ev- McArthur has just Fleted.
to back his own judgment in the T. Moylan. -Miss Grace Moylan is teith, Mrs. Wiliam Anderson, Mrs. ery one looks forward. About fifty his fine new residence which he has
show ring. He sets his eyes on a visiting friends in Chatham and Port Dave Cameron; collertion, of Perten- were en -Joy a few hours had built this summer on his farm
Huron.�Ivlr. Edward McGrath, of St. nials, Mrs. J. D. Stewart,,Mrs. J. Fin- recreation, afterthe heavy labors Of
mile or so west Of Hemsall and to -
three dollar, prize, instead of a hun- Clements, spent Labor Day at the jayson, iss j. Chesney; collectian-6f the harvest season. -Again the coun-
dred or more that might -be made in home of his mother here. -Mrs. F. Gladioli, Winnie Stewart, Weisley tryside is awakened to the tane of geLher with his wife and- baby, expect The School of comerc-e2 an,0109 011t
old nine o?clock school bell, to take up residence there the first
a sale. Corporations and individuals Hollis and two daughters and Mr. French; one Spike, any color, Mrs. the and
y little boy and girl is again part of this month. -At- the services
�qqt huge sums of Vine n- A. Monteith, Edythe Borwey en -
would not -pay ent Hollis, of Arthur, spent Su held'in, Carmel Presbyterian Church offers you a PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING thit has
money every year for Advertising if day with f riendE 'here. Spikes, named, J. Chesney, �rs. A. gaged in filling their heads with use- on Sunday last Dr. McNair, of London, made it po�sible for our scores -of students to obtain and HOLD
Monteith; collection of Dahlias, Xrs. ful knowledge. Work has begun in
delighted the Congregation at oth POSITIONS demanding a HIGH, STANDARD OF EFFICIENCY.
it did not pay them to do it, yet farm -
J. Mustard, W. Ivison; Wree named earnest for everyone. -Our many
I Tid evening service, with two
phe eheapeFt and one Dahlias, Mrs. T-. Mustard, IVT. nison, teachers of ihis-district have left for morning a
ors will pass u foieful sermons, THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU-
ZURECE of their fields of labor. Miss Rose Me- very splendid and
�of the best advertising mediums -the Margaret McDonald; collection
arsons, of
Asters, Mr. A. Monteith, Mrs. R. A. Lean has left for Parkhill to resume while Affss Jean Ferkuson, of Brus-
Country Fair -just -because they are Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Heny Magel t -My. Fred P sele, a guest at the home of Mr. and Secretarial, Stenographic Oommerclal,GenT�al
Lundy; six Asters, Mrs. A. MM eith, her teaching, Offlee, Civil 'Serivice, Commerel
al Teachers, Course and Special
of J. A. Fleming, and a niece of
not sure of a prize. and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magel, Mrs. Reid Torrance; Collection of London, spent Sunday and LaborDay Mrs,
ere for a f2w with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Flem-h*, in a very plealsing. and Courses arrAnged.
Tbe country, fair could be, and in DetToit, ivisited friends h Pansies, Mrs. J. Bowey, Mrs. R. A. 'Yen eamnat A,*s,%d n Mottor Seheol-Why X�A Attend Thig?
sonia seo6ons, is the est paying days last wek.-Mr. and Mrs. Nioh- -Linigy; Sweepas, X. R. %arsoiis,�Agsz Edna -Bremnt, Oj acc4table manne7, rendered- a beauti-
olas Deiehert jamd aon, of Detroit, Brucefield, spent the week with Mss ful s*, entitled, "Not UndarGtood," 20ROOL RE012MB 9EPTMMER , 1929
frdemd a fsrnier has. If he, -�7ould Whiteman, Mrs. A. Monteith; collec- enjoyed. Re -v. Mr.
spent the week end with relatives Marguerite— cDonald which tKas much
r tion of Perennial Phlox, Mis. J. Fin- and other
-Mr. and ruem'ne layso-n,' Mrs. A Moriteith; collectiom friends.-Yj Thomson --and McIlroy,\Rastor of the church, wbo hao Write �0 day for WoTmatien.
brimg out his best stock he would not Mrs. John T
-Ae(W to orry about lhuYers- All and Mr. George Yollan, of Detroit, been will oc-
of Snapdragon, Mrs. A. Monteith, Miss Isobel Ale:wnder Gpent a w
any visited relatives unday- Mrs. J. W. McLean. gewey,s days the gudstr- of their uncle and cupy his own pulpit this coming Sun'
large atock corporations and in Mr. Phone 298. B. R WARD, 1B.A.- Pg. Acet&, PAM69
men con,
.4)f the larger breeders have., Rev F. L. Howald,, wife and two special prize -was awarded to Mr. W. aunt, Mr. and Hn. J. Moodie, of day, September 9th.-Xisi Edith
child -ren, of Elmwod, are spending a Bucefield.-Miss. D. Smith gpeht the Ewan left for Kitchener this week to
Ivison for the best collection of nam- �9- A. STONE,-Ctm. Specialist, vice-prhfi.
ti-nually scouring the ctmritry for few days with relatives here th's 6d Gladioli, and to -Miss Jennie Ches- week end TTft her parents at Blue. rersurne teaching for the C0rnd1ftg term,
mals and once let
likely looking ani wEek.-Mr. Jog. Schwarz and daugh of named vale. She wis accompanied by Miss. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White motored
ney for the est collection it became known, and it won't take ter, of Detroit, are spending a week The eigel& SriIb offered Doris Alexandey. to Southampton for the. holiday,' Mrs.
-very long, either, that all the best with her parents, Mi. and IVITs. John for the best novelty plant -was award- (Intended for last week.) WhiWs mother returning with them
Fuss -Mr. Edward Appel, of New and -will make her home here for the
stock 'in a certain. district will be ea Miss Jennie Chesney for a very Notes.-Niss' Elva Anderson took winter months. -Mrs. L.. 0. Yaeger
Hmburg, and Mr. Victor Appe, of "ty
fair, I'd the Moncton, visited relatives here . on rare pe of fern. The judge waG Air. in a few days at Toronto E xhibition nd little daughter, Ileen, who have
_gathered at a country
Roweliffe, of Exeter. The Committee last week, -Nii8a Mary Thomson vis -
Chatham over the spent part of the summef months with
people would be amazed at the nu7n- Sunday.�Mr. and Mrs. Lemrd Klpp in charge wish to thank all those who ited frien<fs�\�Iear
on in of Wterloo, visite, relatives here on la -r her parents, Mr. and M�s. W. Hab�
a. H. McMurtrie has
*ber of buyers and he competiti helped o energetically to make -the week end. e 1Z
-prices it would create. Sunday. -A number from Zurich at- retu�rned from visiting friends in Chi. kirk, left recently � foi their hom e at
tended the Luther League Conven- Brandon, Man -Mr. and Mrs. Keys,
What is the use of breeding or d- tvetroit.-Rev, Brown, from of Guelh, were week end visitors at,
tion held at WaberRpo on Sunday and p. Smith, Of cago an
Hensall, who assists his br6tb6r Mr Ashburn, Vrolkhed very acceptably
Auto Accident.-,Xr S
show such a splendid, buccess.
I I the home of 1AT. and m En-�ch We' Fal
ovning goed stock unlesw one ets Monday.-Laboy. Day passed off very
"tb, I -ppen andansgreen United church
-the top return for it. There maybe quietly in the village. Some atteptled Alfred Sm ri the bakirig business, Ki �n Sunday laist. He delighted ll Parker and Air. and "Mrs. Kd-gar Cud-
liad the Tnisfrtune)to be TuA into oA 'es 0 --Mr. and, Mrs. J. Wilson, of
some men high- at ONTARIO
4�aforth, Stratford,.were vj's-itois- over the Week
in the farming business the opening services of the new
ay between �Clinton and 'S Tuesday f this week, breaking his by a fine 'oo�
'0 Lin Mppen St. An- "IDre
-for the- love of It Only, but they are to the extent of fheing.beyorid. re- drew's on Sdnday morning. L h
spent the day at the lake car end -with r. and Mrs. G. Bitown.-
while others
y morn- pairs. Mr. Smith ad just finished Mb few and far between in this district. and at Goderieh.-On Suna v Mr. and Mrs. . Cook* an:d 19afi-y c�r
th ng somw- read at Mr. Bowey a -wee
rg out Ing Prof. E. Neudoerffer, of
,e Wa- deliveri rived home,on Thursday of last k
Forget the prize� money; bri N - ice er t to terloo, College, conducted the ingtalla- store and was in the act lt turning after very ,pl ant M-6tor trip to
'for -bigger things. -tII6 atock and look
tion services in the local Lutheran around, not noticing a largerach be- Los Angelez, Cal., *here they spent
od diidends g of Motor Ai�Weni.-A rather serious , numb, CaL
Fall Pair Vill pay'go Tuerk- longing to Mr- 301171 SchOOrral
�T) an with Xv. !and
dollars ond defttgg pihaefin as,pastor Of the church. Rev. Clintn, coining from the 'toilib. Hp accident 6�eiihvd on Monday after. Mrg, -X a horseshoe nadd .Money,. f it I# Onl givo-A tyfl�, OPPOT- Mi. Gruehn, of Stratfod rd, Was uable
just got nicely on the eentire of noon at I�k,' �Wr's bridge, a..mile to helil t Litc,-.,el recbnt�
when a 4 to 'report thm t*6 t
to conduct the sevvites, but the im- the road -when the truck struck him south of car IF ease
iftitr to do Co. -north, eon.
and carridd the 'eay. in the nei �Olil nor av":
pToss!ve ervices ware ably talcen'care ghtor- coming fro%�']A`Adm going
kho*� hovstislhoe, j$ayefa, ar
feet before stopping.. Mr. tgnirig a AJ'6�4" faad. hig wife, Collide XV. Paul ioy' str k6h of by Storey, Slhak, of 11 1nI5SinWy "working in the South $TAAL VaS somewhat a�!d cut with a car eonwill, Hwisall, Wovi fi ;he evout,
-Vt wa illustrated, ing ourE44,:�
thsead, but. can c - od DUrIng a to
STATILIMI oba tjo CSV dt,,L
Ameiican -field, 6A M�to2ing disotirring go morLi tfi06'ludky ihat he W64 viot �d leatul-e in the Eivangelical 0hurch on on the 1brid&A "et�b turdber 4, garA66 161ared duting the
a-Lah- Mhe large truck vas Wood to YXMVJU child-, Out:. g"Onj secured
Thd - pletufei4 erLs Set, thro�piijd'L4t
ft w1ill be movi midl dLjL0V0*;_-r, Of s-qb-jeet was Vell t"T 'of
VeeL t.
badl d 2Jd joy
and TvIr. UP- but'ibe ow,?w ywy by Mr. Lt6 Stly but L Storerimr. I)Rma
03" OPM '46 �JW,
t *111,
TlLomb Of Olt M I.Amdoyi. t tnak
t1me th,6 aftenez'
te, 7- in lwogpot fa oThe
L, L 0, o V, zl
vam, pre,
.. ..........