The Huron Expositor, 1928-08-24, Page 8lAr f the A.
Mel. CeA isle and�,QG. '�)Farkcs were reprl- Alere to the Sovereign
Gre , at of Canada annual as- o
sembly held1n London, Ont., on July ti
since Tee notification from the
Grand collor, W. H. A. Beldiardt MR
%, that he has been appoint- Pef
of Montr 25 ed a meibbir of the Grand Council. el
Coagratdidons to "George Edward," in
who y hia deep and - active interest pe
in all bramq�bes has done"so much for lat
Masonry in Dunnville." hai
Died Js'-.Torontu.--The follovans log
death ntice.,which, appeared, in a re- n
cent issue, 6fAhe Globe, read r
with a great many old pr
friends'of. %r. Dowling in Seaforth a,
morning, U`g'ust lith. Charles ., A.
Dowling, �belbved husbitnd of Annie
Brown, is61st year. F�Tlerral
Tu.ezday A*kust 14th at 2.30 m., B
from his, U%6-residenc�,' 36 Colligr St., at
story of �0e Meza wliere cowboys Ir
break wilit' horses ---and Chicago, St
where they.,break wild Cowboys. so
with r.
Monday and Tuesday Only -,MARA BOW of
in C
The "IT girl in a story of hearts s
adrift inffawaii-
0 77 S�l eciav w
Th eaven
- "7th Heaven!. is a. great 'war pic- ture with sweeping panoramas of the
battle re-enacts General v
e Joffre's requisitioning of the taxicabs t
and motor vebleles of Paris -and the mobilizing of his -army for the stem -
and has scen�s of trench life that
have never been eircelled, ut even as f
-someone has'siid ' "Above all nations b
L, is humaniy,". So does the poignantly (
human, side ofi"this, drama transcend
the thunder of its spectacle. a
Marvellously.' directed by Frank
Borzage, it piatijes the lives of two
s young people -born of the dregs of
f Parisian life, their rise and trimph- r ant regenerati6n.
- This is the one, picture on the PTin-
h cess' 1928 lis�t -#8t YOU should not t
miss. 4 DAY SBOWING 7 N -C E S 00'
at Spzclal Odd V"1 Is CUPS ' ' et ........... Ihina Store,
d CA A as in V The e AT THIS 861%,4 OF M25, C. Well Mi ....... 16i HAIT Outtl ase,
'ki u9pbew of Mrs. J., U was Wilson, ot this town. auding - re- d in the DepebMiental Zxamina- School ,is this year. In. the � Wddle aninations of the a55 ttempts , 214 were a ventage of 83.9' In the Upper 001 Erii�aTinatior s of 194 attempta- ay w at ,de, 165 Were successful, giving a- Frid id S V, lay of. 85,. The papers In'taii terexamination- this- yearwere ANY SUNKFAR DRESS HN STOCK and the marking unusually sev- IFor, -some years, 'Seaforth Col" flacluffi ay' Vdae and. Fugi, efthey sk�evkss iate has 'had a sitanding second o QD9 ae in the province, amd this year's or Rom,g, skeve ReBigth, at Ord -will increase that prestige. incipal W. G. Spencer and the staff EXACTlY 1EALF PRICE e to be congratulated on the sue- s of the school, A�so and Mrs. attie and so , of Ottawa, are gu""el ANY SPRXNG CGAT WHICH WML 13IR MOSIT n the home of Mr. Beattie's mother, rs. James, Beatti�Mrs- 'Ireland, SUHTABLE FOR FALL WEAR has een spending several weeks the home of her parents, WT. and Ars. J. &L Goverglock, returned to imax, Sask., ori. Thursday. — Miss EXACTLY HALF PRICE ene Patterson left on Saturday for rling, Alto-, where she will spend me weeks with her brother.—Ms. Weston, of Detroit, is visiting her ster, Miss Alva Graves,-4Mrs. Jas. Intosh is visiting her son in Inger- and rs. John. Neely and Am tra. T&rrance, of London, wVre week guests at the home f Mrs. -S. eely.----Miss Evelyn McFaul and Mr. Eihsori,.of To.,onto -are guests at e home of r. and �;s. J. . Mul- n. ---0r. H. H. Ross and daughter, ss Margaret, returned on Saturday ning from trip abroadi — The 0 To Keep. isses Nicr—jure have returned from ndon where they were visiting their ster�Mr. George Coates and son, New York, were guests this week Bu'iy the -home of MT. and Mrs. Willimn lark, at Constance- -451r. and Mr.' ex. Kennedy and sons, James and BEST Fast colors- good cloth, W1 inch width, lex, and M-rJ. pbnd, of Detkoit �en� the week end with -friend's i� PRIN�i light grounds, 30C quality for 23c yard. eaT-orth and vicinity. — t)r. R. Blue groupds, reg. 35c quality for 26c
. Ross, Mrs. Ross, 'Miss Gireta -yard nd rs. James Ross left this ,eek on, a -motor trip to Montreal.— IT. W. Barber, f - London, spent the -tia nice., qgality Cotton Crepe, eek , end with h1i �arevts, Mr. and COLORED' An.ex Irs. P- A. and rs. J. CR I EPES �-aulted to ma4 es, pat: y its! �erns Leiidon, were week- dDermld'� and- colors"36dyfard. n,d guests dt the hom# of Mr. Adam IcKay. Miss Beatrice Spoat, f 'oronto, as a I &,est last week at CHINTZ Light, grounds -with floral patterns in he home of My. and Mrs. R. H. or6tty color tones, 38 inches wide, 29c proat.—Rev. I. B. Kane, of Orange- ille, will occuPY the pulpit in; First resbyteTjan Church on Sunday -next. .Mr. and Mrs. Glen Colert, of Lon- on, were guests this week at the FACTORY Fine- even thread Factory Cotton, 40 ome of Mrs. Colbert's parents, Mr. Also light weight nd Mrs. A. Baitoiii John H. Mc- COTTON j11&� lymont, of Toronto, and a former fa, ry c6tt6n, 14c' y A id. ell known Seaforthite, was visiting ith friends in Seaforth and, vicinity P ILLOW Cir&ilar pillow,�cotton_l 42 inches wide, his week-�Mr. W. Wright, of Hal- I ett, left this week on a trip tG the i COTTON y bleached and free from dressing, Vest.__4jvjT. and .,Mra. John Murray rd. nd son, of Ottersvville, were visiting v -ith Mrs. Murray'& mother and, other riends this week.—Dr. W. S. Caip- ell, Mrs. Campbell nd Miss Jean White Pu�e Linen ampbell, of Albany, 'Missouri, were Flannelette stripe mests this week at the home Of Ivii. 27 inche's Towelling nd Mrs. -0. Stewart.—Miss B. Grieve, n9c yard: 15c Yard /fiss Peggy AGrieve, Miss Marion Wat- ac ,on and, Miss iGuerra, Brown'left this veek on a, motor trip to Montreal and SEAFORTH, ONTAREG. uebee.--4M'rs. ('Rev.) R. J.- Ross. of tound Lake, Sask., andmr. -and Mrs. T,-Ridddll, of Auburn, were guest his week at the home of Mi iffirs. J-. D.'Hwat, in Tuckiers-iWiti._' Mr. anO Mrs,. Alex. Gor�lon- recently. are guests -at the home of Mr. anZ viT. and Mrs. W, A. Crich are on a __-M. and -Mrs. Harry Prettie'and Mrs. Charles Adams�—M. and @Rrs� notor rip to North Bay and, other children of St. Clair, Mich., -who have Arthur Mason and son,,Charlie, Miss oints.---JMr. and, 'Mrs. W. A. Nixon been visiting Mrs. Prettie% father, MT. Charters andi Mrs. W. B. ?/IcLean ind family, who ave been visitig at Alex. XcKayj in- -Egmandville and spent the- week end with friends in r. and Mrs. James Nix- other friends -in town, left on Sunday Hamilton and Bridgeburg, Mrs. Mc -
.he home of M on, have returned to their home in for their home.---kMrS.,,Th0'S- Coultei, Lean remaining -with her, sisteir, rs, pojedo.___4yj[r. nd Mrs. James Oolqu- Miss Alva Graves with a friend from Beattie, of Bridgeburg.—Mr. and IhIrs. boun and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, motored to :Toronto this arien Ament, of Detroit, are spei W, Neubau�w,'Clapi,, Martha and Ed- week and intend taking a boat trip ift a few olidy at the borne of ward Neubauer,"of Niagara Fallvi N. up the lakes,Mr. and. Mrs. Angus Mr... nd Mrs., W. A�Inant_41r. an&
Y., were the guests, of r., ohd Mrs. Carter, of Rockwood, and, WT; * Themas Jarm�%n left on Thurs-
williiam Kruse lai week. -Miss Mabel 'Mrs. Passmore and dbildi ob', Were, day fok .ShAmtehowan, wbere ther
Kruse retuined with them. for a couple ni�btoiliag from, Flint, 'Mich., C41100. on , spend some time with theii'sion.
Mlzsss� Cl ',J XISsIlelen,Broadfoot, who has been
of weeks, liolidays.—The irs their aunt and'. uncloo P4V and A and Angela Eckert. were Alex. Gordoilf in Xffm6fiuvl-11e,' 16ot" 't�; -guest . at the, hom . of her grand-. with Mr. and, Mrs. J.- R. Didilald.4oft, week.--Viss Monica t1ughes. mother, H.'Broadfoot, return- Goderi&-Mr. J. F. Thiesen, Of De- urday to cdait, frl4nds in D*,r16!t,— 'ed, to Moose 4aw on Tueefty. Mr. oit, spent the.week'end, ut the, �hme M. and, Mws. nbertd`* d, add Colqu I �&. hout and 161 Jack B er of XTS. W. wl�&.RUO. the latter's, Gem i, of Ham- simequ Browtieu, a - - "ateadd Mrs. Ftanji'Butt,dr, of d6d;6ck, ilton;,spent.tunday 'Ovith Miss Dollie
spending a few days with Z. nd ovei -the wei W. .0.4rlin. — Ts. Swartzlender a 111 49,1 MTs. Sidney W-2711ess, B61A:Iier and dliushter,. of TOKOUW, CoatiAued on Page Four Of Varna,' Mr. and Miss A. Hwtf.e� of Detroit; Mr. 7— and XrsR." T. McIntosh, a r. 'a -ad, ms. W.'Aftintom, 011r. SUG -mrs. a TWO" glid aud' T. of -kilotton, out FA,L, L. TE�R--,.,M_1', OFE,`N' V&S. Ste D' Thi"on 4-nd step to their -home b 19 kV14 oomoe�te offl& ennCali ,�tr6elca rih = Uezen's, ADVANA008 Oi i '0 111% John, v1=1*11. 010 a%%d 1*6, - g: ef M.G. I