HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-08-24, Page 44 114, Igo 3��%ftu racider ow VIC —*Iry �M, n Tan .11116ScotntG Toronto X sired Zorpart Socitt. and the late Ms. Soott, Ifts XypQQ X4m 1; fty evewm Is' -,)w open W q1 and zbnora zb� in Tho bride wore. a WS weok:-ta abo 10� poudre blue crepe 4nd- cream =4 visit �4isAd gh -R&W., gal ',pt LCA;iq; With. bat to mat6i afid 0� Mrl,. F. Attaid5v tho"Siowor show. %4 parvi,ed and Mr. a4,9 Dfts, T%4= ,4 of PC amlverjw 111 L k h1a their slateri Kra. Goo gry butteTfty ror -ton, mivisit 0s. She was, attended by clin her'eister, IMIss 14, JIGS ary Young, in a eph Riley".Qf the winage., thv R of W114rle4p; Wiamlaron Read from dress (of peacock -blue crepe, trimmed OMicht: awa ere, vi TMOTUO A)a1%Zq5Un,* lavthar and WhAny r4�1�- t to 9aderich will be cQle- "Itowlal 'he tovus mid villages* -and fem 44 � Z41L4 Mr, Ke 4 T ried sweet peas a as ad friends, as is gil neth ones supported,the g iff 19. 0 faxw, LOt ThoWas lludspn and, room. Af- ja QF T' a"t'-100 ac" including ter the ceremony a 'buffet lunch was 0 Say T6w=hip; '14' miles son Toronto, is pi-nding g visit wtth his 10 aeres suitable r gwi and his wife, also of mariate M -X 0 two, centres. served at the home of the bride% -brother, Jidwes, of our wx�'.etz�r" A-'0vJy w J*hu Bell- Sr" "d"'SU, -41r. Nerbert Rogmarth Id Pona HOCRarth. both Of London, spent, now living who raw the mother. Mr. and Mrs. Scott left on David Workman, opmed twill be present at t] Mr their 'y eOn their re- Workman, of � village, during the (nee Mise F aye Me go, Ito 'r trip to Toronto, Oshawa, Oril- at the home of - and Mrs. John Uetrolt -­i�b daughter D S. Allaup Mr. Dbuglas Neelands,of Chic a moto of visited Fired -14cDomell, Of Week end ereWith lis and Muskoka Lakes, -our -M are many to but tm Donell) of the gather with is aOf wife and meiht�e� turn they will reside on Hibernia St. week. --Mr. a t history of its opening will nd 'Mrs. Norman Pa>tter- same, city, were here during the. past the family, were in the villag4� son, of London, visited at the home �e.as familiar almost as. is the his- gowing acquaintances and V�s- Saturday ft t)ieir.way DUBLIRN of Mr. and- Mrs. Eerson Smith, of itit1g, in this, their i9nner out: to visit Mrs. Neelands re�latives Wy. of the great war to the presenz our village during,the wek.-Mrs. III— --Ana A Notes.-Miss Beth Hicknell has re- ;eConell and son, of Detroit, an nfiieuds lii�atf Stafra, �and '.to at- generatiour. Many others can traice . who, Oothe Tew-msip of Hay, -have- een ten Lurnd from a well spent holiday -L -I have been visiting me _toriner'g Visited 41W 4 a Picnic at Grand Rend, a Doug- -luok in memory the last as is -laikatjjer-�rof onr Hen.saU b03's ",lorthern Ontario. -Mr. and 1qrs. G. father, Mr. ohn Whiteman, and'sis: ing the papt week or so, many coming V'ho has !thIi,-- world -arid fifty years numer of relatives dur- Ond picture the changes hat have �&Cann, Mrs. John Stapleton and her ter, Mabel, have returned to their from quite a distance and, forming a place. on, of. Toledo, are holidaying in Hib- home. -The many friends all. --blithe,New of Mrs. the Eactett faily and York Central illway C�� y 9Ae 4undred years ago there was bert township, and are 'the guests of John Moffat, who is staAng at the have, ra An be., a time in the ing at present Silperinten of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stapleton_)THIss home of her"daughter, Mrs. Bert Mic- ilroad i ent o ra n Huron; no daily or old friendshi ith rel. Warehoses, while' rene�d�* ips wi Beale is having two -weeks' Kay, of the London Road, will be ativeS, aud ,i Mrs. N".1ands ey= weekly malls'were carried or ghbors ana real home well � and f vacatibii.-MT. M. Burns is quite ill sorry to leaxn that at the pres - wvorablyl known in this, en 011joymetts in the tha,Huron Road. There was not, a 't thehomle of is relaives, Mrs. J. time she is quite ill. We 1. way Of music, sectioll h6r girlhood home e�jug,near UrusL at -On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Staffa.' They mbt�d h b�$ok housen it, not telegraph nor Burns, near Staffa. Mr. Burns is a a decided change for the better. will !a era and re:J ��l Oi 09mion6illb, conducted port a very pleasant trip, and-thll, nor a retired farmer, who has many friends soon -take pl ee.-Mrs. Dan Kilpat ck 0 a telephone line; not a 6 ri the United Church both many fTiends n ffensall and V16inity w1ho would li-ke-.to see hirn,regain his of -the Moose Jaw district, s spend- nGrnA1*,. nji evening �,and delivexed are pleased- to -meet them ain.' i to,'virn;,not even a cleared fa�m, usual heahk although advanced in ing a visit with -her sister, Mrs. Bert very g-a%nast an well thought out sb�- Douglas is -the second, -son of the �ate But- that, of course, is hiitory that yars.---�Mr. Joseph Stapleton, one of McKay, and also other members 01 epressed the pleasure 4t Thogas wq all know, even the youngest has Dublin's bachelors, will join the Ben- the fa-mily.-ThTershing has commenc alwayA.Swe to him to preach to the y of the'H&nsall .01xserver--Mrs. the edicts shortly. -The entrance to Nor- ed in this neighborh ;s4n the last reat change in od, and quite a Henisal-I congregation, and paid tri� J. mal schq'ol examinations were too dif- number of farm rs are�.- W. Pedk -has -returned f iom a plea,__ Igtron Road, the- new cement pave- SLOOK rnTe9ft- �$ bute to. ithe large Bible Class held in, ant visit with relatives and friends, ficult for many of the pupils who at- ing.. They report the yield. as fair-- the auAtpri urn of the church previous in Clinton.-The� Miss - 11 a -Ant -which runs like a white ribbon tend our Continuation school and Mr. and Mrs. D. Bell and fami es fie a n ly, to tbo,li0iie of morning worship, re- Slay,Of the Su d over what was once am-ordurey road. many. of these students are old an-. Boston, isited, relatives 'n these gardingAt as a spiritual pulse of the ribeani- Trio, �irho, wwe -and congratulated the Miss Lamnife, of this village, a mem', To -day the Huron Road is one of ohgh to have learned a trade or to -parts uring the post week- They congregation, here during 'the past -week. visiting the finest motoring roads in, Can4da. try housework. were accompamed home by -their son, presa,4 t C so T r of e sa cl un am Donald, who has een rvisiting here ea�her of.ithe Bible la , M he th i S be Trio,'have n to this from a lane -be- John.R,�V*liffe. At the morning ser- It, has giow for some months. --4 s. Hugh returned to their homes at London. c- of'the and Garnet Cuino d M 0. Goodwin, leader nd little daughter, of To- tvkeii the trees in just one hundre Murtrie is visiting fin Chicago- ­Mr. ch%*r, reudered a solo that was much and wicre a service -here visiting Mrs. R. L;uc[- year�. Can anyone visualize with Notes. -MT. George Angell has re- and Mrs. P. -Tippet, of Bayfield, visit- -land at the, i�venl ronto, AM --1%=NM-V,4,f Vpt"'i enjoyed., ww, ng any accuracy what it will be like one turned to his home,in -Belleville after ad at the home of the latter's par- the -SunbUm Trio, the Misses Lam rnPre---4Mirs. Agnes McDonald, accO- hundred years from now? spending several weeks with relatives ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Pietty, on mie,'Sellrs and Slay, delighted the con- panied y -her daughter, Miss Fiotzq here. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Flood and Sunday last. -Mrs. A. MeNurtrie is 'Will gregatl theree a road, r will motor miwith a fine trio and solo, ence, are sPen4ing a few days, at the j:amily, of Russelale, spent Sunday spending a few days at th e home of the two list�nientionedibeing here vis- b,m of . a IcMurtrie, of the iti r son,, Hugh, and wife at� trgific as e have it on roads to -day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hod- her son, Mr. Huh Y a h i1g _:�ritli Lammie and favoring ife at� -ed as the ox cart f gerts-Miss Irene Daters and Miss Town Line ­Miss Grace Cooper, of Grimsby.-Mirs. James Stapleton and ba%, as little us the congregation as they did. -Mrs. Doreen Varley spent the week end London, is spending her holidays with little- son, Jack, -of London, Witt the a kunded years ago? Will railroads 4t her home. -Oat cutting is finished her mother, Mrs. W. Cooper,'an Reid, wife of Dr. Reid, of week 'and,at the home -of d also Port ITuion, and recently of St. Mr. W.. S�,ue, her f4�he�, bv superceded. ? VA11 mail be deliver- in this section and the farmers are 1,Lr lbrbther, Mr.,W. R. Cooper, Lon and sisters' Misses 'air, r w - George, irnotord here on Satfirday al- Grace and Jean.-- �ed, by 0 ill All cOmm'1drACstiOn ­sY now drawing in. don Rad.---iThresbirigg is the order -Mss, 0 ryl DIrumi- _Pcompanied by M�rs. Georg a ge rhnd ileft -for Toronto last week, R LD S_ LARGEST Tmyer, dftourtland, and little daugh- wher, he , 1I -' 1� be� carried on by -wireless Phones, or the day.-7_Ray...McEwen preached ' IT Will' -every persion--have-a -private air LONDESBORD very inspizin sermon in.St- And -re -'s ter, -to i remain, for a few vper.d Sunday with heT pscr- weeks visiting relatives and will also' P IiAe- in which to broadcast and no Note- --Miss L. Young is- &pending United Church on Sunday last. -Rev. ents, 'YIT. and Mrs..,Ed. -Sheffer, who take in the Exhibition while -there.- OPULAR PR�CED Brown, of Azhurn, will take the ser- returne�d, with her on the following ome time with friendi at Bruce -ice Florence Wels,b, of Liond -the farms I 6 att4 _Brigham., -bag v on Sunday, Augu,-/.t 26th, at 11 ndl% ta Tartu M�ndaj�to spend a few weeks in,Port on her Wacation and with her sister, AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE i-cience returned after visiting friends a.m.-The Kiptiiaii HorticuXural 80-, Rowan.;i,-Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Lon- 'buildings look like? Will ,s.- Laird Miekle, are spending 1�;b I'loind. Charles and, Bruce Beach -Mat kiR� intend holding their Flowef dn, took the services, in Car' !e x , mel,Pre e ' Show on Wedesijay, August 29th. s- time camping at Rondeau Park have shown farmers how to grow any and Mrs. Jones, of Copp r Cliff', call- bytriain Church on Sunday las,for and Mrs. Neil Sparks AdmiSSIM-CMdren 30c, Adults 60c, Tax ?aid, Flower Show.--Zhe annual Flower the pastbf, Rev. Mr. McIlroy, Who 0aughter, Patsy, of Detroit, accom- drid of a crop on any kind of soil and od n friends here on Monday. -Mr. and little Show of the Kipper. Horticultural SO under any concritions? Will buil& and Mrs. J. Carter spent Sunday it - enjoyln�jthe- latter part of his month's panied by Archie, ciety will -be held in the school room holidays.' The Rev. Mr. Hmilton de- sent the� week end be lighted by wireless beams. and Grand Bend, also Mr. and Mrs,-, Inv of St. Andrews U ted Church, Kip- live ry good discourses, lbotij, friend, and Adaais,�-Mrs_ Dunbar, of trat? hi _red 4 with Mr. Alex. Sparks.-J'Phe - many yid� %eated by harnessed sunlight? ­,Nil 'spa�nt several dW, with friends- ip ji- fsa, on and evening of morning "und evening.-_Xr. T. C. relatives wil regret to our village, is' here visiting with lei surprised on Wednesday afternoon &D pen, on the afteruipi 'p e, work four -rs i� UY Wedneday, August 29th. Please Joy learn, that Miss Runs son, many friends-4MssGrace, F,orreA ise.,receiv two fan -tailed. pigeons froml pml;y nt radde a buginess trip to To- daughter of �.Mr. *and Mrs (forn*unity last week.-XiiFs E 4Vn wilkin k.4 -In his grand-dauhter,* Margaret,, who is this date in mind.- Besides th jK'e past wek----Mr. Ben Wi ki Hensall,*has beery ail'exhJbidp ase bull game played visiting in New Bruw�wi -Mr. J ke ep Virilliam. -iibili,4ying at .14ur hours a w4k, or �w 91' m�de -work V-16ted her sister, Mrs.'Sa - I I e ronto during BhyBeld this wee usual prizes nson,` bVnear eans ? Palmerston, l"t week.-4Mr. Will as shown on the premium Elder hab- been threshing grain in ek. olm I)q doney mechanical m In very Poax heath for. a number. list, a special prize is offered for nov- the shstie on his farm about twb Lyon is rvisiting his son at Leaming- elty plants. f on our diam6ndetiveen the Red Cas �Xinns, of'Stratford, There were no buggies, no rail_ -was liere during 9 ton -for a few weeks. The committee in'eharge miles smtheast of -our village_,Xti. weeks, and wp taken to Seaf6rth of London and the, Hensall team, Li6n� tha'pist week visitingphis, uncle, Mr. -roads, no no motors, no aero- are very desirous that every me#tber Memorial Hospital last Satuift�� and. don won. bSr a la ' score. This ` d R. J. -Pst,�xson, salealady in the T. C, an Opera s.,.Th-e Rev. Mr. McDon- rgs -no r�nta 11 mai4. Oynt, 9 le enjoying a weeir tion f6r appendicitis was du i a partly � to Our boys -not being- at W, of Egmolidvillo will preacih - im praletide and some b6ing in the hhrieat the United Chuft n Sunday. an a take p4r,4 in the show nd bring j performed in the hope. sues, no telephope§, ; hu, n d*re, d; othAr It s16:7M4th1Ak,,1O- disPlaY for the bonefit that'4b. will coal Merchants, It XOtes.--rJM'r- ,Grant Love, of Lan_ and fir�rest of visitors and- fellow art ,have bu!sly en , qedn the delivery of coal er fri Thom-a's DrumniondV*ag e nj bring your. ti k' MT. &hn Reichart lisve to -da . I ow ron a hundred 7.ears, ago thi sing, Mchig is hornei'on'�his hol.i. memheA.' Come and �f�f a, V 'IN., What will the 'next and. ]1�6s. r a visited f ends so" and beE;i w onias y a lil r! that this will be the Orbit, spent the week end panied by er son, .,h"dred years briug? And. will there ith friends inRensall. on Sunday, show -yet held -by the Socie Mr. Fred- Berry,� M 61 ere with r. Reichart's parent's and 430 any more happiness, any more C,.u: Eleanor Bell, of near)Hensall, is (Too late for last week.) who hav6 �spent'tW,, past -number of at hehome of - Mrs. E. j. Nts.-Rev. C. Mus,&rd, of Torion- tournament h4ld, �n Lucknow o n W, hom�6`of Mr. and tentluent among the people of the visitin brother, Nelson�Ait the bowling months'atthe mr�. � U tu re�efatly left for To�-, i � Inery, Troyer.-4Mr. Ress Love called on his to, an ld Brucefield boy, took divine Thursday, Augusft 16th, one of -the Consitt' M 11 ron TrAct one hunded years',from friends in, 2rigden On 8unday.-Mr,. services in t. AndTew% United Hesll inks, Olnpos fOnto, where they *R of the f�,,_ vn .11ow, - an. there iso -day? James Go4rane and aughters, Iffiss er Imoliths ge tb Church on Sunday last. Rev. Mar, lowirig: W, MkAJaren, W. 0. G ood- Annie and �Ajnes, of - Clinton, ar tard preached in Kippen when a young number of a M. Albert WNte spending a few days with their man, so any were eagero hea Thrsd,y CONTUqUED FMOM PAGE EIGHT r him sides, skipf, fir- I I P Ing on ttle I,at prize in, -the as� k Eri 10i �.i,* - We are featuring all the Npwest Ideas in wizes, W,6 F ends. - Misses -Martha, and Annie P-9-ain. Rev. M. cErwen, of Toron- 3ociation the Whe're Uey'; 4aughter, Paggi,6, left for their home Oarlile are pending a few days at to, took the services on Su ay, Aug behi four wnd - h Read -to-Wear Hats in Colors,'M.aterial t andsom -and useful Well and tree b 4 11 y ng u"'per-croPs' Ovl�i and �5tyle and will be glad to have- you in Oyen, Alberta, on Xonday,­Xiss the home of Afr. And Mrs. Charles 19th, at 11 o'clock.-Harvesti I'A platters. -The -many friends of Mrs. er 'Ida Heron, of Torouto,,, spent her Farquhar -and fatily_41r. and Mrs- this clistriot is in full fr6inj... vf dies swing, t4� to lstra,�_ aAe 161idays alirnet Case,vill regret to learn that t at the homi of Mr. and Allen, of near Bruefield, visited vhth warm sultry weather haVing OpMed she ,uffer ford TerEO, 40' 'an call and see' them. rn M." ed'.a Wary 9evere attack of and J. L Kerr, of MKillop-Mrs. their friends o1y Sonday.-Rev. IVIC- in the oats'v&r quickly�Tllie$hfng ppend'icit5s, necessitating h Mr derich - T. Fell an# two sons, of Go Ew.en, of Toronto, conductki the aer- Is again under -progress std tho, moval. to oShakespeare,' L Siaforth Memorial Hospital, and eld, s - visiting at th o Rev. Mustard Tr- of threshftig mwine wbisles iwe, a where ,I operation was, performed in Mrs. -Bertha E 6-Befl, Hensall,Ont the gruviii-,4b-lgtiatfio -,-had -a 'ItTs. Charles Finldbeiner�Mrs. F. D. Tor"to, will conduct the -service next other 'note in the musi4�al reslin Of upoh her on -Wednesday morning last. 'Chrlin, of Detroit, and Mrs, --T, �,Flood Sunday at 2-30 ap�-Mr. and Mi.s. ature-�--XT. H. Soldan, Of Hensall, At date of writing shq is pragrassing ver3r. -aska utinga. a7id P&s. isited on )ou6ff 'hame bee4 vift�d V. -mg the of Windsor, were the guesfg of Miss W. E. JArrott, of Brigden, vi �a4 -purchased the Syndicate yeparr favorably.-Afra. Boyd And little son, past eqk D61li Carlin, on Sunday. -Mr. anq Wednesday last with 'Mfrs. E. J. ator of Stanley. -Miss D. Smith spent of Niagar4 Fills, are vigitors at th4� Haw have returned to 'Mrs. E. Broderick Sunday with.friends in Brucefield.'' 1riende' :i:. Mrs. Gordon and' Trio�er.-Mr. and hom of Mr., and Mira. Robert Me' t1keir home in, Detroit after spondilIg -e-re week end- ��isitors With. friendg -Edv�ard Arthur.-4FVrarik Mden is suffering 161d d Ing t1le past 16ha holidays -with relatives licire. MT. in - Michigan.-4*reshi i w h Chr3eglir%ftom �fo very severe attack o auinsy Yvanicis Devereux accompanied them order the- -day. ng s. no b e from a W ZURN(CH and is cianfin,ed to his room.-Aaster'i And: :,Mrs -&,Windsor, where, e will join his of Zurich, is. ,,,dlng oncert Bobby Peck, the who is visiting' her sister, Notes -Mr. and Mrs. William It-upn some, Los th holidaya, At the home of his j� ghter a air'' r' J. D. VConnell.-Hiss J. Kenny, of Detroit, visited relatives here thi's grandpareit -and- Mrs. John M ud'son-inf-law, W.' andf An Open Air pi �Irs. Morley Chelqv� and 6by. jow, ,hd,. ,dO th�,.Aus ces of St. John's AnRv�n in, is visiting her sister, rs. week. -Mr. Martin Schweitzer, of San der. -Rev. Mellroy who is speu& bil Ntes­-Wr. and Mrs. Jacks n and u Will fie held, on C-"Eckalt.-Miss -Mary Finkbei son, Harry, a Windsor, have beeit ner is Past. month so, are now - On their' Antonio, Texas, is spending a ew ing a few &ys campirig,at Bayfield, visitingat the honie. of Rev. and Mrs way h�T-e ey of his 1. _M0r]FATT'8 LAV;N, VARNA- Coleman, of London who ;h" Sarnia And �weeks "with friends here,Nl�i. and is spendiurg-tha,.'�remslnd _g her holidays in _V AIte.�Kisg­ BOvn of To� s holways, 'and has 'been at MitChge'll"lijisited month' routo, I is; && at tM fe res visiting er p4fi of rt ff 111­10eta ,,* '- fi4id, Ihare'e'n SiihAhy. Toronto, -his, Totmer,home, this w' guests 'Of Mr. and Mrs. James :kith,- her cousin, Miss Mary Johns.-Afiss Mr. and, ,Mrs. W. F. ee.k. Willilft Arniitr6rig"' has 1928 .601 Braun, of'For- -Quite a large. humber from Our vil- hoine.- I 9�;= I � 11 . . , N1T,'X00!JST 28A, this tveek �apd *,,-Josaph Zrb,.jV ingeher I.. �'. . I . "711 . . -nded the fbp�trks? and kiij- "MyWei of Nrt ARVEY bteGM,- isted. M. McNaughto Blarich'D[Own, of Strathroy, is visit. est, visitod at the -home of Mr. Win. age and vidiulty atte W1W Is 0iii t6-str ot th'A�nprior - r, 'MT. Robt."Woods. si`nif Nti*%'. G. Circus held;�'Af o6ericli on Vriday of Auburn,, ass o were ��'and wisitors; 'at thd DIT, - arid Mrs. L. - J!. Irart of. A- . nn minded of ft Mr. �ord, werie.,cakers. on friends here last ra� To -bf r.' UndL Xr% Pked Corbett, '0041egiato lnstitut�e, is visiting her 'Mrs. Will Rae, of Strat, H. Stephenson, of arlette, Michigan, -last. In tb,v nbettion. we 'a Dancing ��ur litle toto� , -Atkp furnish-, --�Mr. and b j nes4 pan - by wan, dl ent where a little and,famfly. :and, Mrs Sum&Y.-Mr. -and,Mrs. Chafles Rice girl at h h h br mothey to allow who has -bee&, ViAtingv 'With rel4tieil Mill nd aaughter, of To- Arbor, Mich., and Miss Mary De*ir I was te-4 1 a Mofissewi' hi& B"d. .,W coms highly recommended McGee rol �er� Zi&rs oVer the week end and famlly� of Woodstock, visited &r. of Kincardine, iiisited, ousting -both Scotch nd IrisX- 0. ppi or to go t64 dircils,. hut, the m,6ther and friends nd Bend r - J. %atiie, of Charles�-JWhfts. -tho'beginnin1g of the Gra has e Earl -Weido ion T` V b week.. - bftsW uesdai.?_ !. eing er'ved-Hot Dogs, ongr6upda at which �vjll be 9 Rice is spend- Val 1voltzmazi hear of hek'WIt daughter attend- turned, to epleii Cake rand,-. Ice Cr sain Kitichofier is ea _15 vVitins I kdUve-It in D 6ifildti or the 'Week with !�Isfting M fhe ,in, and dr. -and Mrs,i Gerald 0olqin. home� V hit; &her' ing,'and theAdlid'siill ple u -Plaut ar4'4siting 47akid,�ft. Scott Whaley, of Pjr. ing tO-igO -and ketW f.t J ad 99a. r� nt tho,week q. Holtzman -Messrs.' Clayton' the mother, �ss.a.conipr6mlse, said'to I,& l" � . V 45. CeAtg� lwaukee--Mr. Peter Me- r: 0 Children, 20 cezpo 9i4 ir4 W91ting ere. thii r T -friends in. M1 St. ma -It, are holi- hen' end -wit eand Mri Hoffman-, of Oa you will. be a very Nis -4V& and 3ki n, CenP6tt will be given in Dr. M76ffattls ?mrn. -Cowan left on Thursday to go Wast ill week.� S E�"Iyn Edwards, Of Iffit- daying at, their home,here­mr. Ross good girl, Zf�i all you can, to --tbe gry hell, spent SartUrday ltl� her cousn '0 help k2so Viola, of -oil - , eaters' exe,urstn. - Mr. I hnst�:, of Blake, has left for the in the home, ,4nd doing whatever al West tly whilarb AThk�, Mrs, Ed. Johns. !BEss, Bessie Jwl�; recen Xdvak will take -part in ., the harvesters! extursiya­ mother to do, I will in thpt A. -the service'41prilse in First Pre is ftajer._�_ Vi strong. --419r. afid,Mrs. Fred &%'as Re, C. Fritz 47i4 hi,,brothar, Mr., . event on thie,owdgs'day take, you to your graft V to� Xo�, M Agnes Bobby, moto erian Chu*h, on Sunday evening- rmr Rev. CIYS&le� and fattlily,- w6re Fritz, of 1KOtri4tdwn,, left on TW- 8 grave- 's companied by visitors at Brock's recently. day f or. A wee1 fisfiing, tr1 dred MePog'ib returned from .-fed to Kettle Nint - on 11oggart;,,,otGue$,h, sre� guests of the, esforffi,�has Ontario. -Mr. Peter RajreUe'his pUr- Parkfilll, th dtLy theta attend- A RIQ14M and - QUO mer4 cousin M!is- chased a' *Lof � land at the rest of hi the 4'�Pxvd 'Ather, Mr. J. G. Ine been holid&yb eprincipal of, d son;­glr� Johh 'Ricks tei(' clifdn Urt. his store"from the'O. Merner estate, Visiting - relift, rin of this gon, and itrandson4d, gosodd4ughter Ljolfathlift .0-* � Bel%601: and a fruif 'haVe 15atars 1*d aarge� of week, while -1h_ the interests of Will and -Xiae - and Aloo. J the 4irvices in -the, Lutheran Chumb harvesting _0rOV0_r in the Niagara district, la re- are p" 7vjwi l acquAintgufts in.jh, town Fraiicia, wer ng d in last SU2167 and made tL - good knpras- tdre fields, Oft and thv pulling luson'.. $ion On -those Ptese4t. -.He this neigwAl4iod on ina n ThraN -A W4e, is takiA of 11 M kbobi. 9 hall''bettIftem41*4%ed �atL&­*Ji, Malls -42 yf4 60001 Id Mrs. A, I .nWiNeek, dot, and, Our aAx r- A,,e age and wo,'Wera the mtn� 'urtrad to t44W oh�ftl�ions at-th t .Of M' da I nitly South nino. atwr the services in. tn�q chureb.' he tt� t- vy Ott Ier -mo And myt ton 'o li%suly, wip# coliaert nT dhat!" 'Oft ly to d 1 the hs ib#dtWW litt, uagri I,Avinikon T Hey, J�k., and a ltwgo th6 Cual ftTs. cnedit 04o tin the. lawn of, mr. T*ohlber'.4if NOlverton J#A to lmrblfghA& Mg ftt,� 1 " 11"fi , vit�vft , *#N J. S. I'Peqp�b Were present to lfst,*h t4 heToro -W, -T to 414d IAO`Ois� th ch9 hytviA as I Alle"Afffig hol It fin's 'We t 7 pali friends gird 'has 4nd to it Chi :t�' Not tgk) iod Bmwo'' 2&w* -Urfrett * *eiek at G - � I dor to A* IWipe, Aid* V91, 1ftt.jZ jjX Ns d W613 �9M 'U., b 0 c t a n U mid us" Aa& mrig Mob Of of V4 WIZO ile I I Ito