HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-08-17, Page 4�H ul� ,7 THE ]HUAVOWN 7 Rp fFE ADVICE. '41. K n, 09 R71a . p F%M W. Varsn who meent yqg�,; 4 Ij P � =igd op V k dnce here, to Mr. Ross lutifirl, -*is RTI at t1le licara of their Quw� 4=0 of tho city Dsvereaux, Huron Road, ,740M P, . " '' ." soma� very whole omss "y d, would c h Flark district, motorists, and which, purchased a home on WA Iover of jaoxm verysoon in -tbe HA from ther M �.N of Lb . wo: 'half the ever in- XT and I,$. W. Finl,aysou l4n- 99 49 4agsatiq to wikgrby beautlw cut in X V40, daughtek, Lola, motored, to Xkie, thrp, -,ware �04yd m i This 4oss tlkt; Vale up* of rA or otor accients, Pennsylvania, +Ids week x They w1axle vics is blampipad 'k, t me 411 too common ccompanied y Mr. and Mrs. 5-awy V,onth sprv!40 'Ohav- Th i streefts, and public high -ways. and Mrs., riding her holiaays in Presto% Th Io,dal 4� directed ifo re Among other things, the bookle�. is We kts audl UAh A J. . Pegik, 4 of Newi'Yor,h, refund $200 —aVs. R, A. Wilson, l4he vfta�e, tye"4vz y� ur village,. 44nt g Q ikw 1�bnoad. and Min iE, a guest at the home of her bro- -beirtig't9iO surplus Zrthe �llear in the th, r�, ents, ljo ye wx e* 447ylou may be able to stop, y ur W. E. Southgate.—Mr. J. street lighting department. er interst ftira ther, Mi neral lr in a distance of 44 feet, C Greig was in Toronto this Veek The Lae B. lWehert,--tThe in and'bQme *Ad few days' vvi4aton-and. i ut remmber you have only lie attending the funeral of,his mother. of the late Emanuel-Retehert, held on she Iz4a, mother were More, IWO ly n which to do it -if you and Mrs. Arm -strong, of Milt- Sunday afternoon was a yl I rgely at- siste s, fb" so much :tQ9eU1W, not F. 1Talins is in th, 166 -are travelling at 30 miles per (+elil; Mrs. Armstrong, f Tara_and tendd. The i�,�'Fces were, eondudterd only kae, but also *U in M. T. Armst eshop in Mrs. rang, of London, by Rev. L� Kaildisch, -of iii- hUniel ie a as th y lai�myiably- Went iid 'Mrs. Albert Reickard,� of "If an object suddenly cro,-:se�.: vvLre vilsitors, at the home of Mr. ari termenttaking place in the'Luthran tog*bar the we4*, el�id- at ut path 50 feet ahead how y �b-s. A. D, Armstrong -on Mvnday.— Cemetery. Tile laz�e?Mr. Reich, -,rt was Iand Mrs. 0.e6rg0,;V -home of,14r, and. Mrs. Adam' you are sitting at the thW Betty Sargeant, of Stratford, is seriously injure. in an-euto, arpidknt ' e rl�l W --U from a couple, of -we _kSr Reloblrd 20 -he home or some weeks ago, and wa-si wl.eel and you are travellin_ spendling hr holi-days, at t ivs and 'les -per hour you have (,nlv Lorne Dale, Nortb -Main Street.— St. Jseph's- Hbspitzd, LovJdon, for treit and Mrs., J. cently friends in Ja=61S Pa#ersoia .spent ki few dayis re a��41ls and, otheT �1n(- second in -which to act to Miss Helen Constable, of Oshawa, 'is trea"ient. _His inuries, proved fatal D. Buohjr;al�, of 1ondlon�,- are ere a,,.oid an accident, and only half - 7 laces.—Mes. the guest of MISS Myrtle Sharkey— and he passed away last Thursday. with their many joying a, tri iU46e� wrinnd if object is only 25 fert Mrs. R. L. Clark and granddaughter, He was in his 42nd yi�jar and was a reliti ds in, this f home to ber flen4�, -rapofti, ,,way:' Ruth Pin-kney, spent part of last successful farmer, living near Hilln- - —Mrs 4�h, le-. L. J,ink§ is in Windsor Spin�d tIme-1mr. J. , "Can you with a f�ir degree of V urrwlslu u4s, h Mr. an Mrs. green. His widow -an six children her relatives and friends Sold -one age lots* .9-A, * he-, eek in Alyiner wA _4 of 'his vill accurdey guess 50 feet on a road- (�harles Clark.—Mr. Gibb, Mr. and survive. Much syTopathy is fel for in the T`,AjT 'D. B. kc. nortb If not, you will find a lit- -side of. Richmond Street, - in way. Nirs. Clarence Innis and baby, Calvin, the bereved onles in the loss of the Lean by relatives and Moir's surviely, to 4 t4le experimenting both interest- Air. W. J. 1,3fims, Miss Carolin Sims husband and father. d ­. � . Mr. W, frien a at a distance during the past which lies conveniently situated to and helpful. nd Jami& were week end guests at week--4Vib4, r)Ulling IS now the or- Mr. Pfile's lboot and' -shoe sh,(>p..:_!Mly. Ing -ing in ternis "If you ce4ase think Lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Luene Dale. der of'the 'dav and Messi!9,, Owen T. Palmer'& on are, Supplying a miles and hours, and think in Of amie stayed over for a couple of Geiger have a large force -of numbei of Indiaps and families it', terms of fet and se-conds, you =P1&1\\T h days.—r. and Mrs. William Helth-on Indians':Fiird obliers usily exigag`ed, stoi�e'f)rovisions,,whc� are pulliiig flax are boun to be a careful driver," and daughter, Margaret, of �Blyth, Notes.—Mx. and Mrs. Verna e- and wi* an acreage under flax iie for Geige'r's.'_'bhe services, in !�he IHlow miany drivers, of motor cars spent Sunday with Mrs. Carhert.— Clymont, cd Detroit, visited t the believe, of nearly fivehun, Unitd Gh4rch on Sunday last -were dred aer t and seconds*? Miss Margaret Arnistrong is return- home of Aie former's,'paxents, WL-. -will, mean, 'a &-reat deal of employ- conducted by the Rev. 'G, W. Sm. ih, think- in terms of fee Not many if the column reports of ing this -week from a two weeks' holi- and Mrs. James MClymont, of our ment given, -which, during the school of M*fflp, *hw gave well 0iought' iav at Point Clark.—Mrs- TbonlS village, during the pas wereik.—Ahss holidays for' out Be mons, on 'both inorniog and which appear every S, avn, of Saskatchewan,, who has re- Nora Stewart, of London, who has,many'p.t,the boys and girls to-earri evenin�, At -the �nornffig _jr motor accidents- a pretty nice thing service Mrs. in the newspapers, are to be be- cently een visiting relativef, in Hen- been spending part of her vacation a listtle'.money --Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Anna, 78acDonald and Miss Margaret lieved—an they are. Every day sees sall and Brussels, was herehiG week with; Air and WTs John D Stewart T—Tor 4: -1�oniion were F 4- . I I . I I I — . er a r-6 eilvila S 'IS miles the guest of her sister, Mrs, Harry has returned to her home.—Mr. Chas. -visit 'at the home of Mr. and X�rs. "Mhy Crucified Him," whia a car being driven at leasit,frt TUPENMY an hour on Goderich Stree��and ev- C"harters--Miss, Lucy Eckert has re- Wfasman, of the London - Road, had George Tr4yer, of Hay Tawnship.— well redered and much, �njoyed, and -AWAVAVs 94" turned to Detroit, after spending 'her the misfortune to lose -a good horse, Mr. A., -Son of Mrs. 'Mary at the evening service 'Mr. W. 6. ery night sees them rt -aching fifty anct ',,Iid,ys with her parents, Mr. an4 which means quite a Ioss.—A n id holy, and IJIW, tcavbv;PZ� An S -W'G=&aC4 0Z umber Pope, of has been appointe Goodwin, leader of the c� sixty ()in the lUghway coming into Mrs, C. EckarL this �omwurrity Assistant Superintendent of Grand Mrs. L. fieden sang a uet entitled, —Mr. and Mrs. Or- of the farmers- in. and 1eaving the town. Ville 1-fabkirk and family were guests have threshed their fall -wheat and River Railways. Lake Erie and North- "Gates of the West," which was ex- WAlr -This condition of affairs, is not the on Mondv at the home of Mr. L. report the yild as very gDod.—Iiiss ern�R;,dlwa� C,ompany, as well as ceptionMly well rendered an 0 d foll w- Dale.—Mi;� Jean Foster has return- Grace Meyers, of Zurich, is spending sport Go., Ltd. The'se eid'wMi'much interestby the conre- aws F;ul ot 9 Z4,7, Po fault of the traffic poliemen or an� cd to Hens -all after sp.anding a week's a few holidays with her cousins, MISS' are v e positions, and we gatiry-n—The past w�ek has been most ery resporisi -her uncle, Mr. Louis June and Marjorie lSmith, of our wil- congrat0l4e our former Rensall boy favorable for the farmerg,in gettin ther policemen. There ean not be holidays, with Policeman for every car. But that Rilde�ran'dt­­Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lage­4Mr. amid Mrs. Frank Potter and upon 'Wr�_,chosen to fi�ll them.—The in their ountiful hrvest and they T E D'S LARGE8T� or death are the only things that will Hays and Mrs. C. Eckart and daugh- famHy mot6red over from South Da- followi#g,mentioned, all from London, are making good use of it.—Rer. W.. Fl_ 7 W 0 L Isto some drivers,, 'and -all too re- ter Miss Lucy, mtored to'Niagra kota and are visitors at th`hom of ome S. on -a ni e urc. , I- Fals and spent a few days very M POPLILAR PRICES r. and Mrs, J. D. Stewaiit, of Tuck- Pope7 ow.,t n ay ast, namely, Mr. E dville, will , duct services -in, uently when death dos come in a pleasantly last week.—Mrs. L. M. "- ersmith.—Mr. and Mrs..!'Hogan and- and aithe, Mrs. Reath, Miss the United Church n, -the comirlIg N to the other fel- lies, of Niagara Falls, with her two W. J. Hogan,of Toronto, visited MrS,. e Price aind Mr. Williams. Sunday and also on, the� -following, motor accident. it nieces, Miss Virginia Fulton., of Bos- Jams Chsney last week also Mr. Th _AMUSI��MENT ENTERPRI-SE low and not the one who is respolifs- I I. . ng mentioned were also the pastor taing a month's holiday& Ises ton, and Miss Hazel Fulton, of Strat- M-rilliai Mustard, of Kansas, visited v a few da-ys, Mr. Jake —Mrs. Gordon'Cudmore andbaby, of. 1ble for it. Or, if the accident cat ra, r f ord are guests this week at the day last week with Mrs. James. and Miss Grayb6il.—Mrs. Landon, are Spending a few days with Admission, CHdren 30c, Adults 60c, T4 Paid ly material damage, too oftien,the haQ of Mr. ad Mrs. Harry Char- Chesney. Downa andmiemers of her family, of elatived and, friends bere.—Robert driver who is at fault is Some ir- ters. , Mrs. Gillies. is a sister of Mrs. London',g-re- here visiting with their Keys had the misfortune one da y last �sponsjble fool, who has not the Charters.—The following were guests many -Matives and friends. Mrs. week, while ssisting with drawing at the home.of Mr� and wherewithall to pay for it, but who 011 Sunday Dowrid"W­."a" daughter of the late Mr. n a load of hay, to fracture his arm, Lrth and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandt: Mr. and Mrs. For Sale or To RenlL-100 acre farm, Lot and Mrs, �tobert Bullard, -who lived but at date of wyiting'i� doing as rives as if he wnd the e� 19, Concession 3. Hay Towmship; I Y� miles - =11 C. Thil of I(Weliener; Mr. and him. from Hexx5all; 10 acres suitahle for fail In 0 village for many years. --Our well as an,be expected­-4Wss Gert- nell,'accompaliied.by heir two young [poultry industry At- thef norlthwem?,,� -all upon it. P. Deic�ei�, Jr., of Zurich; Miss Ire-ne 'St., -heat.' Apply to John Bell, Sr., Andr.ew Council itio deservin- of much credit rude Hiiiins, of Grand Bend, spent �ons, is here spending a couple of 'part of our villuge.�—Mrs, A. I&Mur_ Nor is'th driver of the big or ex- lUldelbrandt, Roy Smrder, L. Kramer, Exeter. ont 316.6-2 'or gettin y or so this week at -her home weeks withier parents, Mr.. and Airs,, chie is adding'tio the. appeariffice a.9 - W our park- fitted out ith a ensive car often at fault. It is us- A. Musselman and E. Kaiser, of Kit - New Thresher ODinine.­On Thurs- hydra v. -mug at very little exp-_nse; here.—Air. nd Mrs. G. V. Laughton C. A. R1bDonell.-4High Chief Con- her neat cottage, on RiA,�iond strteet -hener—Mrs. Lorne Dale was visit- day afternoon last quite a large num- as it a ver� ually the jitney, the smill ligllt car nice thing to.have and fa6ffly, of Toronto, are guests at stable r, Albebit. WI42sided, olf South, by having it painted, btr. Fred ing with Stratford friends on Wed- ber of our villagers -motored out to lights wh6kthey might be need ed for the home of Mr. and Mrs. -C. A. Mc- G,lAerich,' hs ,had is dwelling here Kennings being e a i .-,W th rt A e arts that not once in tem. times can e nesday--iMrs. Joe E,( -kart is visiting cne of the farms of Mr. George W. any ev�n-m', f Dnnell.L—Mrs. Johnson and dugh rented by 'Mr. Garnt Case nic-ely re- pleased to state thlat Mr . s. T. C. oynt meeting-& or play! ter, W. n 0 � "I trolled. in an emergency when, driven with Chatham friends. — Mrs. Wren, of the Township of Uibbert, games vhen daylight was failing t Miss Dorothy, of Goderieb, who have shingled.—W Jobn Dallas is"Just as recomersit'g' nice y from,her'latee over thirty miles an hour, thatis be- Moxley and Miss Mox1ey, of Guelph about five miles east of our village, fi 1w. days with -Mrs. completing a nk�e . new building for illnei�t ad is .V� ab! ar nish i B. Campbell and Mrs. been spending a ft to go oino inig driven to the cer's'sqmed- -4nd N. Zwart,.of Wlql!111)1�g, to iee the, mrnrlding- of the "%ow. c -ate Miss W.'Moore, left the stbring of Straw for his lal�ge a Uttle., om- W& daughtOTr§, the Osses Johnson S, sl k this - we9k - ftn- r, where they. are guests at the holu.2 of lAne machine- ti�xL both- cut6, V=10 Not thatAse drivers are going ny sin J ean a �0p spent the Wee grain, and end he, e: wffh'Mys_�- Oam�pbell's par- will visit with relatives there—Mr. Mrs. E. Hunt—Miss Marion Watson, threshes the standing e ... .... udar place, 'Or to 'see any Pr- of New York, is rvisiting at the home -watched t with gfreat interest, av it and Mrs. T. )�Iurdock, and John and William Craig, accornpan� par -he icul-ar person; aey am just going, of her father, Mr. James Watson— �!as the first of the kind in use -in wer on tilky wa.1Tom attending ied 'by their sister, Hiannah, left that is all. Mrs. R. iM. Jones and Miss M. W. this locality, or for many miles dist- the�,,old bovi4, reunzion:at Parkhill, the by motor -to Philadelphia, Pa., last Mackay r, j:�6f.the doctor, and froln' week, where they re spend�ng a There is not roadway.in this motored to Toronto on Wed- -ant. 0onsiderable delay ensped 211 fo mer hom fifty feet wide, yet it nesday and are spending a few days eting it nicely started in the after�, -here they ribttilred'on -to Kineard zhort time with friends of that city. -county only ine, _T with friends in the city. oon as is usually the case with new where Keith, he doctor's son, 'had —Mr. William Simpson, accompanied r akes a second, to cover that dist- i i T machines that always need a certain'been camping to take him with them by his sister and aunti- Mrs. S Vair, -ane. The distance into the ditch is CHISIRLEURS'T 3mount of adjusting, such, as beltF, back to Toroto.—The force of Hydro of Toronto, and Jack Stacey, 'of De- only a$out half that, and iolie goes Notes.—Mr. William" -Slavin, Jr., te., and then there being such a very meri who haive een working here for trolt, motored to Muskoka on Sunday sL, the intend camping for a The 4Fd .4 'into the ditch iust as - fast as on the eavy growth this season of weeds some weeks in putting in -heavier wire I t -h- Y underwent an operation for appen- and grass, had a tendency in hinder- will Soon have their work all cm- week, returning.home the latter part -straight way. fastr PerhaTr)s. dicitis in. Seaforth Hospital last week. ing the usual dean cutting of such a pleted an which was no small under- of the week�Mr. and Mrs. - J. Smith, "Think in Term-,, of Feet.and See- His many friends hope that he may combine, 'as the weeds and beavy faking, in as it did all the wiring in of Windsor, are spendinga, few days ev mke a speedy recovery.—Last Sun- oTWs" Should 'be printed, ' on ery day Rev, W. Smith, of McKillop, con- growth choked up the receptable pro-� our viillage which is well supplied in with M -r. And 'Mrs. Widiliam Consitt. 4TIveT's license, op n, -very wind- ducted se d for the grain stilks or straw. all sectron.—The Rell Telephone Co. Their daughtqr, who has spent the yvice im he United Church " ed shield.. because until drivers learn to Sext Sunday Rev. AcDonald, of Fg' However, after getting the eombine have also' been. busily engaged for summer inenths with Mr. and Mrs. ith them— .,think in sut terms, motor -accidents mondville, will take charge of the in smooth running or&r and guard- some time past and are still in the Consitt, wflI.7notor ,back wi vill contiTfue to increase on our citv s very ch come it contact with the wi temily ivisited friends near, Walton and town streets and on our public ywing to the almost constant or ---- �Mlr. Lorne Scott, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. ; Hudson and family. last week end--Quie a number of D ervice­4MT. And Mrs. J. Varley and ng -as well as possl:ble agviust the trimming of our 'street shade trees Mr- and Mrs. L. Sulles, of Detroit, heavy undergrowth in the field, whi res' spent the week end' at the home of �armer§ have visited flie farm of Mr. daily rains for quite a length of formerly of our village, and members —'Mrs. C. Jinkit s visiting with ,her time' pretty good progres� was ma,de, of 'his family arvisiting their many sister, Mrs. Miller, of Windsor, for W. Wren, to - watch the combine and ;Aile only a couple of rounds, or relative ano friends in Hensall and a Short vacation.—MrfjJ. Young and k Continued from Page Eight be done to judge as to " mr- working. So far sufficient has not was getting too late to cntinue cut- sold back to Mr� Edward Dat of havebee'n' spending some time at the so of the field was made before it veinity.—Mr,,, Albert Pranger has son-, Jack of Harrington West, wh' 'Brownsville, are guests at the home itsver the binder and threshing ma- Air. ars' he hom an Iling, I Wren brought home a nuih- the Township -of Hay, the farm , of Mr. Mrs. W. 0. Go6d- chine—With the adven t of better d �of Mr. a -ad Mrs. J. C. Laing. — miss weather, the oat harvest is proceed- her of bags of gra',�,;', d6monstratin bought from:Aiilm Jast December.—A win and Airs. MIaulkinsom have.retaim- TEn Pins CA . V. os� E�;Xlcs Margaret Stewart and Miss Dorothy that -the combine not only aa a cut- number of our , farmers ave he ed h0mle---�'Mis`Si Mildred Forre-st, in 'ng rapidly. Some field threshing has `%%bster are visiting with Detroit �een done. ter, but also a threaheT. Mr. Charles tbreshers ariork in order to provide companiv wilh glill friends,'is camping friends.—MT. and Mrs. W. R. Plan L. Jinks, of this village, 'te local more room. k9 r the taldng� in. of gram at Bayfiel this wee.— St. Patills and wo children spent the week end agenbof J. 1. Case Company, of Ra- and the yield.1s proving -very good.— Anglican Church held their annual in Thorridale.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Wlegg HANLEY c5ine, "Wiis., took a number of Snap- Oil Friday lgv%�hing last District Dep- Sabbath School picnic to Dayfield on are guests qt the home of Mrs. G. Nts.—Miss Xiay Cn,,Iy nl %hots -of the machine as with the trac uty Grand "J�eli, My Fred Sturdy, Wednesday aternou. The day was *D C. Harn.—Mr. William Mazy tor it made AS way around d of Goderich4."I�nii 'he L. Dorshel, from Kitchener; Mrs. Pt t� Ul ieam, installed Ane when they'we're, leaving in it here- -a is visiting his mtberl MzGrmth, from Dublin, and r. -and Ln ch rge of experts ent out by, the the incomi ra, ifternoon an(I.Ahere was quite a ears of Hensall Ledg� E Gonigany, with Mir. Wren, -the pur- of Indeend nt" T ey a --Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain Mrs. Lavou, from Chicago, ere is- -0 d of dle4low Ace. — Reeve Higgins, :e-vd daughter, of Tor2to, are guests itors, in our burg leat Sunday­-4Mr. zhaser, at the helm, �and a large, nam- Clerk Murdock, and ex-lb�evfe Geiger RE'M a car wino aucc'�aai as. quickly ac thim ere wam ai'vei,7.fair attendance for rat the home of Mr. and Mrs- P16bert Lawrence McKay and his daughter, of bey of farmers and others following a w. W arm closo4venin , coupled with a and son niotored to St. Coluban ofn now 0-ldsmobilt there is only' ovief conchn-' . orterfield—Miss Vilt Rankin the farmers, man Gion—it P hg combine in its,rounds. More cut, :very busy til. 1kor 9 y Monday fore -moon last, -to attend th- -must be gpoll, is Nebraska, were visitors in our burg -visiting with Deti;*it friends. — Mr. ?ast week-, They motored all the way Jng followed the following afternoon of whom 'aie,,-mewbers of the local funeral of tlf-- 'late, County Coubeil- And.thelacto confirm thisjudgmerit. ,11arry Livens, of London, was visit- (Thursday) and very ggod teadway lodge here, 40d very naurally afthi lor, Frank McQuaid, and, wtho hod al- to see their paren's former homes, Ing -with friends, in Selalforth (tSis as eing made, but which *--is hallt: an ardous dok­60'the farm they are so been Reeve f licKillop, and wh Ito magnificent nelm liodea by' #lsher reveal the who left here about 50 years ago, I - week.—Mr. and Mrs. rchie Hays,.of, aa8 there are a ftwi left who re- �d a -little after four o'clock owing soewhat iii#$sPosed- to come out is so hl�rhly spoken- bf -as a wan ourpaosbag beauiy atid raftsmanship for v�hich -Fort F Fiohdr in - -fitiaous. rde, are guests at the homlel!nlf member them in their- sabool days. to a heavy thunder storm coming up, some miles 00�,Ovleh as interesting o'e- excellent charabter and ond- eremo and Mrs. WAllain MacKay and Ito 5 Xr. and'Mrs. James Hays, in Egm His mother vras a sister of Mr. Pat wh*h prevented any further -work for casion, as in, installation c 117- rett 55 h.p. eughie d his assod daughter liss Aft -riot, have, returri- ville.—Miss Bertha Grieve is vi cLoughlin, who Will resides an the that afternoon. hese combines are The 5. D. ates W�thoutopeciaL fuels.' -with Toronto friends.—Mr. J. G. Mul� �,ld hlo4n,tekad. ',Mr. McKay,& mlotlie, s, great source of interest in aecti*ns received vent_*!*h credit for the ed fro -m Gueltph actumaillied by their ev6ryprinciple (of 'len and Mr. J. MacTavish are died when be w2z quite young, and equipment,ahotm-, Gil a where they have never been in use, admirable nitthelr �n which they per- --on, Louisi wbo Aad also ben visiting -motor trip o Ottlavra and other ib CUD but In the Wesi are very much used, formed thei� utx%� and nutuber of in Guelpla.—Mr. 'and Mrs. Ed. Me. his father died a ew years go,'but 0X46Pd*ftft1 Obngl!)Tlfl With'43 or �&IW' IL 'Eastern pbint%.----4Wr. lk"rd Hatr hewas bit on seeing his paTent's, being piabticulsrly adapAnd �or very short adre§1d3i9.'were given at the Queen and dauOhters, 'Dorothy arA -of London, Spent Sundak at the home fomer ho card so lay eapre 9 free of fences, etre. )wed by ENva, Lqliojqr �Ig&aulfo mes,, since he h age close of the?,4-A, �Ijatiop, folh are sipendihe a,couple of W"kz of -his fgffier, Mr. William Neath of Miss Ida 0Dxdter.--JVV* re- n tasty lu;WWKWit is almost need- with relativ brates radwor iut, much about.- it. They returnd by ea and friends, In, jmkoit. and MTS. W. C. 1andsborougb, of Niagara F411g, to see tr eek to have to chrnicle less eh enjoyed, and it --M'r. John Young, *bb oo.auceec-%. tcirDo bignpaira front and iearlI Vugo� arid ire Sights there, gret this I to say t nt Olt. -that with the to peratute(. auge on the; das i reldif, are visiting ola friends Port C th deth of I& May, o�ly'davghlior is confide Jil- fully and effllel6ntly earrieffl on thin t 6 t not �Seafofth ad vicinity.—BIrs. Wan- of Mr. and Mrs., J41in 0oult-ar, of our conving olne goi)d standili, of bubiuiq for. a nox - bet of ilears here ribtet to.' co t�, 60ir 'Ies ZURICH h an _60610' r 9, of Varna, is visiting at the home village, which slad event occift=tsd at the Lodge e 4?a o*% God and its in'the I UtIfts4std. No. 223 was, of her daughtlet, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, - Ntes,.-L-,Xr. Ed. . Psin and sister, her. hme here on Sunday wfornii moemb-ershlpq'� 6int t4'. Mr., j6hn Mlifpon, is nlow, re� so thi d'vidoitce iMies Clive, of De�hf visted rel- last in her 43rd' year, Ida W been we believe fraternal ordei, fitt'ha U 4#� Geor913 Rotel Judgment. tells, you —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spen, lo.'at week crtd in Xiga= Falls,, -41%m. mtives here for it -few days last ,week. ideelfiflng lfealtb fo sonve y,�� Wt 1r. our villol- numbers, Ya Queet -Isto.: n, 10 , 0- ", 4id any corner "I Igiting tvith. Tormto frinds. —Mr. and Y*s. Ed. Sippel, of Lan- durfng thd p#A sbz montha by vo rfliembers.ai IP�hz*ered n1ally"of "wh hee will dthet wb4ii- is a. go.dd Noilma ' t I �;. 1", adMichiga%. lvisibed f1rfeiids and ,h, 'Je6l-�pyoud, i�Abftd, it, or *deyy was verry zferioulak af a�w which any * dd.ded Autdorest, t*9 0 a-PaC Dad'hwood mil �f,tb6 best medieal a of, -and. -by 4,;,�,go .at., Vnimf; td tbi,��Plsttf:iig ttv o "this nZurich, dtzring the past,, few 0*4aii 4t *Ak 14th Cpneegaion iumb,er of 4odors grew e_,radu tsnd-aze d 0 ..pr��Ap "latsinda, to—Aill, brf8C.'9trJfti* will fbt�,'a, A groa� g wio bgs be�-A anil Mrg. W11112m; Greb, ani worse un,til Sul "Ay Morning, bowle ob not' hain # - - I tha lunj at the IT6 of 'her psrmts, of Str2tfoiA vistbe -,he passled very She OW U 01 d t the home -of shal 6=,4 it ass lboking, —Dr. e��hg� out O$IrValr, and a� bi, ap ri 9i "K, du iki& wvm . viT. joht arennew on, satavety. w Veen b6�iad to 16� 'Eftt ift Nrt Vnl- vnd llrp� A. J. NadMiunt wid 'two so ( 6f a veTy adtd, ft, and have �0'r o ;661, eb* 1,sweia and Mt. stna spent a few 4sys this *,eek witli ble d W-Aw. was it valued member -of thd. Untbdd tests. and all- Tim geard 'of Dot it: sftA-n&, th& rriea&" clat-econ PIM14 I —M110 At the 1home of 'lid E-16%, vf9te 'his of Ingtahi left'�'4h 6.� t wor, g 4 � A$bMI TNwises, ging; f-M&T. Mi. G. Holtzman, Lvevle, M Churdfi, fthfa,ga.:;t b the P� -A4 6r 6hurch an4 its friends, i7b, tuo Vt. �af ehe -strafts.", h a, lina .2 00`9i, v1putst ents aild, bei�­Oifly Avnit* %,day Tbe le Vok x. W 8��hg44 lft,. en. A* iat, Cotuifti Q Ulu, 4,ftnh 00 A !,a I'a E FAW ova DV 0, , f* f, T, A 12%, II.... . ...... ILI