HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-08-17, Page 2717 7
Thet I. Qgu ur" aample 4kuclo�s o14DUS. SaMOe& enou'h for To solne ua,4,10" ums .xon -oer t.9 9 to ready gathered :fl� the service. In- deed it was. more than likely there `:', A, mr agrival in, Philippi and er, per 14:mp ��,PTt!pd yn the Sabbath, Hay fork pwley there fvMd, 1kome women &I- e .V
tM A -m thers. present, the were -no * Jews to Ad. fit bl this -gre, & -6ift*ptioa of 52 CAN oPulley hooks .......... Wni few in rilimber in that One- at least, of, the women was not Jew by birth. To small ton ggtt�w the filiat wa b 'box W. out th4l. I preached on thd Cbriinent of Europe from t e aust tabes, nsand the first convert w6na Ulm qu WM an 6e alsed C an -inuent4al and woman. Canm a, " , . , , . Farrar says-' "Among the women from a, tech feet) -a like 4,000'aliot6r,4,or 13,1%, feet, which. W d",13Y -inch 'the city of Thyatir26'who ha& there y Wrenches, 10 A native of 0 somhigGenuine Carborundum Files J\donke a Lydian proselytess, -7- el i , belonged to the guild of dyers. The but -a meii� hope at presont; a ton jrs -of -paying I -OVA could. be, trawported PAT luxurious extravagincii of the age -created -a large demand for purple in from: bijilu to New Yorky consum- a *6re� R114t 010 fats lvlk 4 ore the market of Rome, and Lydia found Ing � not m ,than sixteen, tons of from Coming. mong combusflbl�s. th6 citizens of P1;RipPI. As she sat SPRAYI�30-307EI AER AND EL4-1\\TD room for her profitabld trade a "t -, "o, AQ " I do get tshi6.- Wed re away in� melthan4 ij� 6 prayers, suitable for house use .......... listening the -arinir of conviction in refuse. There w4s, a,.. ' each e.; iheo Di,--ced her, heart. Ats she accepted the PLAGUE OF RATS DEMANDS neith7 --b C. atia4i"*hou '0 Hand Sprayers witI glass jar ...................... faith -and Was aptized with slaves seen in Western Carradii, e- m, both- PO ID -.Ve and children. #er conversioxi, 'bore SOME ACTION lieii -they ore spre fr�,6 owat , 32.
Compressed Air Sprayers, large ................... 3S.60 atmice one hapok fruit,,for she used, IVVA:pdsor Is doing nobly 'for the, coasts and soon,7411 IFO-,-relstl of,%� woka ii,im d "If tain t t way .6ar. Uumerlou, 6 in thit are 'T hospitality -without grudging. Sur thj11.'.'0,.,ot er, was C1 One of newspslxTs inhot wather by supply- in urapt; he me toe faithful to those- s0i"y injured ivas t-44 wif.,01 IS 180 gaven, as Compressed Air Sprayers, 21/2 galloii ....... Ing w�: Zeries, , of seasations, First. for- getting tld,.' rats Caine ... the Lord, come'luto my house, and of _a p",ftent Toronto iainki,6, to UF3,re and tg�ere was-fhe rOid dg. Then abide theie." Gil Ce 6i:'Rus 14. IILA 6L', The IF,sris Green, English, per pound ................... -the rabid pat. Now appears- the,' rabid ii fo-&e ruk* 76, To 'accede to'the request was not' or put� and X��Wa; - .xat, To -morrow will pTob"iy a"rlve tbern,, in a, eage. -G+ve -them, *ter in accordance with the princ!Plels� the rabi&,malt, eaen. 21�y_+,he rabid Arsenate of Lead, pound .......................... 45C which the -great Apostle had laid but,no. fooit . In a 4 &ys.tho �d %�OMPLAINTS�- rat,--cas -the rabld mt,. VhIcla f Made* .,Mgk
down to guide his conct. Lydiaj ght by _oUr0t,fiW Win aie�become tloe eggs,, to the� I at 'tur f Arsenate of Lime, pound ........................ ... 20 however, -would not be refused, so KILL LITTLE ONES -was in. -ii chased b�j the rabid dog. .afid in a week but one iq*lt. ' d In ouropi n here is no an engourag &nt which has., e%1T 1r010e -one 'b6 Paul did not tbink it right to, persist III emain, This betwee r4b th ":rid., 6 nytts her give, the-, tuxe a a U t sign Of dur-M turhiid-160's'e'. -H-e it; guaronieed t, Crenoid, per gallon ..................... house ontinued tw" V' n id,,_rg
........ $1,25 in "'s refusal- the l.j#le one -tat. B.6$h tw*
to e their home as long as they re- _Wd: be te t f vtiver� rats -He h" ljtry,_,.� It coo ts We see t4". bpefi in Philippi. B Tabl or in a &w V mained Zenpleum, per cluart ............................ C:aimubt. th-6 pra -,oc- be beyond' These rnade,sho,%� ., I 1. . hou aid, U, �, W4% -=t,* do P 000,000� -worth. of- Ment ar TO# lb)l 00t: ps it - sli r, - �t at V pal. ven occasionally to thAa aA ilaidereoR_ mmer Vora poviaQe.' This . ifiust bb� h prelven ro' du* R IN 'BRITAIN,- 811 -0999 as A-Vailable -to —aetl 'WORLD MISSION$ d They4re omnivorous, -and- w.ell-: -ChA d will Promptly relieve mate HORSES FEWE practi r4q*r, these-,, if they come. on Wd- ay bVerybing hat " oxes�: thor everYbOd ok the 14�d:o In the year1W East Indian immi- 1COMMERCULZ VBH14PLEB tmokE, exercise� s Own Tableis should from younp, Partridges 'to eggs, -or Geo. A, sills $Ono care, ad egan. This c where grOWUM orizWon of gmtion to , Trinida Nnxinission6r 'fu
-of -a -new era of alwii. n th Te kir larked the dawn V ti every -home- r crops is eaten vi Ai out tbat. t wVbt* HARDWARE, PLUMBING IFURNACE WORK in , , U a, prosperity for that country. They ft �:goun-g chil 'is zest- They star elij1<1ren. v new �Great Ari-,t*in, is; Pr6eeedi "'oon rapidly than _th4t,'o drdn There'
no, otheJ icine as -good, and the: MatelleR and cauad new sugar -cane estates spiread-out all a 1%ev aTe, -'u a n o Th "A Id thp rnother.�,-)' Ahe guarantee- that they te a kit,.; -the United S�&6es.` Ptiring the"ilik In, the' U. over the island. in -the space _ey aTe ju wid leLmve rabies- of la"Cre W f6 Jb, Vr �&a twerity-thwe years, the East -Indian are -a sq #My safe. They re sold ten number of com As e,,Vat,ig to. pasthAff &bado tbie communicate rabies b, et to
by all 4 *1 biti 4 t
pulation, reached- 25,000. � To the sts, or will be mailed',on P0 e itain Lis 'ke rai TNs h- thb city POP�ft- c6usidetily ul it was a rece n -6616d SUNDAY AFTERNOON should mt 'be troubled cents perok, by 'It ii ..believed" that MO. ipt,, about rites planters and estate owners 25 th & '5 biought.te i I I i a m s I Xedicille Cb., easeRmt"ta., the, W [�:the and Ceremonies. 'Some t4me later on golden age. gut this picture' had its The tion of rats., is 0A toa, Uf nitbas: 4Let us g)o dark side --and a very, dark 'si �dtipn, a�d, so Al. 0.4, X- d to ,a._Jo*er de— BroekV A little booklet, hrilh4ll MU1 -ar Aj§ -wo Mdels.. ''!as'. bee4 JBy Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) Paul said to Bar TTJ ff It. figure hifol�e the w I as it our bretliven in every 25,000 children of the Fast had been Bail)y in, Health And. are aware -.ii,o';eon again. and visa r&:' There are 'how in Gre Can we, whose souls are lighted city where 'we have preached the -poorly domiciled and -neglected in the ever �beea 11vad& in, Tokonto, 4t least, B be Em gIO rl.an � � , OVA- four - aid five V"ines ,mg, *h 1-1six, Will -be sent free to , t"., w moth6r thesb foul be"U.' We �� �*any� com'"herciab or 11goodft motor With wisdom -from on high, word f the Lord, and see thovir they colony for every ye4r of the twenty- as, Can we to men benighted believ4), that sed w They could not %tgrft upon: the three in whipl%. here -at W Unem- me bOUr' v0bW& as h' r. n, v�,_ they toiled. te, use� The lamp of life deny? m uO mo wisdom of taking John Mark-, with, Neither the then existing &urch no ployinent is a problie 0410on � _ "
A. str4b
could lileb� Salvation! 0 salvation! them on this second journey as he the government had done a thing to6 MO' H4DP 99"MINUIMS. han settijlg,JS�m be fduwi 0* Th; f th issue 7-44 S. - i remotest nation FGRW,' . If, would , ifid", -the Avit -tra6k; Berlin,Germany, thi� tax rates to. The joyful sound proclaim started dn the hung �. � �! I . lighten the intellectual 'arid spiritual M each after they Sad Wt them not long be. W16rtii i�dtht- Has learnt Messiah's nam, first. Thus it w4s darkness which about their of East Indian pE&4. recently a Im"' W t"' '.of autombile tures. they parted company and Paul took lives- No chi in so -me c WastonAe� an —Reginald Heber. Y, rted Ut Silas, as his companion. They had, ets was found within the walls Of 11V far as Trms when a -new s1chD _.__4 ases We are. glad to -the. the �6 t mi* ol, nor ad an East Indiaii Ileard ts�ified spectators like -a bullet fro note that the League �taimtion and .#Cewl 4. - PRAYER gone as of Nations h�s a Committe which -,'U d " : , direction was given to their journey. as yet in fair lere the savi message i��, its tail�10iving� 4L,"4ak of urlitga.-peiiod. 69 thre,6 uV green giving, attention to' the i4t problem., p ' 411. &,mirla, th4,-'tr&d A Grant, Lord, that the appeals that Paul had a vision in the night. of the Gospel. They had Had expgrp- nd 14t was A "rocket" It met ecember Ist,,19,1.,' d"' ''. .1 U, .,purple flanves. recently in .. I , He, I , j6c4pts, -ads, Paris whe Wetherla -P44- le&-�m orar and i e es ab 4re constantly falling upon -the ears this dream -he saw an ordinary Mae- ience of.teaxs and sorrows and.Ndth Aitomobi of' *hich derlv- lastAeard of"was-aboit:to; 96&'aild J_ -6 ,o Of Christianz everywhere nVay meet edonian countryman Who earnestly the Characteritic poer'of proceed to iuIT4. contri, ute�'a. ut ol eggs = iiiii-6al6d its motiv4,iyower from-fthe back Havre to -witness. doin6nitratiovis of thiL� I th a quick response so that the needy besought Paul to visit. &h which marks the fervi#qkici of iigarifi,rockeks. 'Also it was nhis country c0ro"U'Ulli various methodg. of --destivyin-j- rats. u 10. 'in Ursor eb'"� made with �and Atear_4�drft',en and-' cknowledge Christ as Lord of all Possibly he had hear,d of the work Heaven, 4and Heaven answered them. planewhich t `_'inverrOrs believe will 6' warld may be rought. to know and and give to them the gosp�l messg. race of India, our fathers tried :,to,lmerely the PiA4 �of a,Tocket air- Experiment S Gie4t gas and have 64en highl satistactory Ay propelled -goods- vehlck,li done in ather places, nb e when eircuinst�., and give t6 him the'liomage due to. Paul -had Thereame a missionary. able to attain.�A`speed so�greattfiat tii4i4s. ;;&ttd it His -holy name. A -men. The circumstances -of his rriv4., S UM whils motox 'hackiley- hat, d Lo�Va more needy than his country so -he the distance Berlit to New York Pisoiiind. traps have their us arid "O, come 'over and help u S pleaded: point unmistakably to the gal aWe *ould be covdt", ill win-ety-three min- when the'warfare i to be on es LESSON FOR AUG. 19th, 1928 P7 of that God who led of old s
Us. Dr. 12ghtfoot suggests that at utes, Wbich_-.,�.&-� a shlidil th�e fijures arL-� compaed vAth.. E�o"ds very inter- -scale, these Ags, 4, and atriarch. His, liberal ed�' sting sbarp terj�ier and of.1922 and- .1927--, -sson Topic m. -Paul Carries The �his time Cilarist would eaqploy Paul ll, L but a little'li&rd to credit even maybe A Coup Gospel his greatness of -heart, -his in this age ma- rvel a innute." the best IG-,nf ftrrOts' will. give Licenses� eurrent.-at enid'i-, of into Europe- in a piece,6-f new work, which.was to like'spirit, made the Rev. John. %iting in restulti. Those who rely'on ary--_Goods,.*.dAelei. preach the gospel to a Ro �'assage—Aets 16:9-15. 'he 1&w ','York Times, cts re likely tq e di�hppoint�d,. arid ijjj� -58,636;_1928,_U Lesson '01"Y ton a i�an belitted for that plac,� Waldemar K -2 Golden Text --Acts 16:9. at Philippi, for fhitherto the Gentils oz" eft.,gives us he there. is on:re -�som6 undi-eds . of ha�klieys time. rom the bond Of ii1i he 'bad preached to were Greeks. lage theories on vihich. tho _projectors of years ago ithe edrious fact hat rats IMt, 7Q793; hm When the deputation returned The darkness to emancipate our $eople this bullet pl�nd� -base their hopes for and, cats agr u a truce,. the IS�2'2, 176,049- 1927,-:77,796; Antioch from Jertiaalpm, the to Romans were more J�articularly hat -God called him out unto a foreign I" success. eed , Pon -Jerusal- ed by the Jews than other Gentiles, Jand "4C rats having at,that time become so 63,837. fe' —Firm an -address deliveiTed - ' ,I.izn.b to -%, in P7
n A
em church sent along with thein chos- their armies were the "aboUldnation -of, ten miles in bold and vigorou,::that the cats hisi- Quic indi at the Diaftwnd Jubfle�ef 46 an -airplane .present type, tated o tackle them. Ch6herwise it e4rawlk, ve_hicles Jastin en men to deliver the sentence on the of de lati*n.- g: relief Jby ;r4iinoving 't was therefore a h L� disputed matter which ad been sent very extraordinary can and Paul Was equipped witli,,,adustable propellers w,,ould seen, that the..W d-ra tCe' U toll g0oaS indsor .prt>b- ast six I . p wl" "INTothing -to ttain av- lem- of the hulf-wild cats'.would drels itChide 1, down to them for judgment. Their ready qt once toanswer it, ,asgurd- and it may aserage neak- Ilicle fig ce-, 0; . -aAd tru&s wfife)i i , led 4irkultur_ opinion was that those from among I ly gathering thathe Lord haa Cal speeds"48- `e than 250 miles. ly, daftol-.the'�6&er: Windsor -pro 91 716,� 11 *eviqi ONR�MIRD CA A CA a Ivii fwx W. the Gentiles that had turned to God us for to� preach the unto N*DJ N R9 n hour in r k..coramercial, prac- of the undue L Congregation: IV ITS -4 b tice, V Ii But why Stop The fact As. thot:. not. L%very ael. 11.9E OWNED BY TEI& 'a Z le! f t irtY' and kill a Tat. T110 'guarA th.r,;? tw f
s o - hY M s, Y UnalMinaule of cats. FARDIER for AmAll V d TW, I speeds of 2,000 enjoy jbilt iflals go by ai y%a a rcraft.o At nril t aivnei% 1and flie, elassification ssible, he Ing noreasy V�Iejjn�t $oo 4 000 e LPV are p Atin,
thite y new �" �' . � -wlieTship of motor cars. dogs. will. in.point 4f o entirely Oh' a thl tba m Approximately of airshif'jh; it e invented -if rd ially It hey' ore Ofe ad Pairf(d 0 "hieles man is to the higher seU6 on of'o thao a million, mot,� On nipf%d. in kJ4 in 'Canada are own4id by farraerss, suld reaches. AT 4s, the only *ehkle t1ist can Prop tN!�:in a Vaeutirri even am;, to at thfi4 time: in� Valier has� th tu gly irldustrializ#d 4 , lat inei" � -in he nirm,� Province in.,Ahe Dornigl,6ir a ers enable him to -to- ,j&e 'dud 'future crofss4 own about 1% _q,wnter of. he 0
tfileles. rur forket. Ass ien- 6 ow, in thteo, s a rats haErfill ed -,b grwyt V�Aj.' Jki 't 6 -e l JLtW* JS Ok h Ugh a is blato*±X1 Berlin to Ne not miw deel, t tform some -nuch, th� rax&6 A'jil '$iot&*Ug�,!. A6 I 0. pain, a �act uto I]. SAre tirely logical. stops -being , I V11 s 1i been d g.-Pla �iew Yo. rocket shoots- ery and, telephone com w. r bhe And 11 in the mxiitfafi-eft 4here,,A,tp.ft-r.td "X&Ting atthe v'effi with a te steep have bnn . 4d rural - UP population socially aArd educa, s tr es in -brder to, .e m, Va angle f in Eirrope, 'but ribA& 4 tionally ge-the mdor ear. Itte � 5 I I Ikh the tniost rit- d, forll Ve 466 reach its larly. forluid-Able, 41i WR ",�ids 1. .- rura Pi6ty. sei Za v6tor In qeeonds fis7i; d to the, contrat��
Ith betaurap) onl Ad ;�velcomed, 00 lxieftl� a d 137-'HIounft M117 thde raffic that Is the eiieryday. -ow,uVol, ed Thot4i" Suropq i 'Who' drive 0 to �%iflor �&Wefi &Ming In ti Imad Which rh, ee -b y th, of tho rk UL 0 .'o , 1W MO sigualo. They "ill i ak, is :*V, 06M 80 6w filly