HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-08-03, Page 8Montmorency, d" '
Now at their bebt for
Awice. Large White
11lack are a6>4i
&maple asupplivo 6,00t 44 4Z
lon' r at: 4 1 1
... .. .... .
AVG ST 3 '1928
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^4,4 d
.0 de, �%OW an
MA 11 —,I,- _4 143 are our
ct the
XV4e BU,t in
m he Fla 41
unelse cmd
n a d
z4astw at the post POe
for a4t,3=
..... .....
W Money SaBo--Pure clever boney� mice
T OIL SOA� 11 centq, Apply to PL r4pne 19
by the Pq�m Olive Commencin q p.m,, s4arp plah, yellow, Whi
to help ith
hQrviaat ak4e to
��w spo a*ged,
guler loc. and . IN.
20 Svldff�mkg FVemts
drive a team. Apply to A. W. RiTic, R. R.
No. S. Sei Phone 3-150. 81164xi
26c th increa�
A 7nport X444Z 21MIS MCE�wen StA i te e pw-T�ftst g,,ae.d ........ 15c roll ; prints, 8c eacti, any size� be placed :pqo of
J;ael=u Studio, Z t X
;�g f 8161-4 the M1w%W N special values at 40c to
A Mg Dme
Ven. The appe '0 7&nte4 t One" doom frame with decision ill..; $,.' "
ta-asom. and ide lights, i. SID Apply at The Zxvzaitor Office� -AND UUCERS--Beg English 'MM(B ad th Tack, -Was adjourn 'gar
Coal and Cuha.—Coal and calre on hand at do4t of the $1.44 per dozea. A Sna PY Orchestra the warehouse at the sution'- olso a. smail Best English P
-Years wonulnen
forth toot valued -citizen for ya,
44W. Senforth. AN-
Amiple spaae allotted Yor car Pair a1mg DRUW ARCRIBALD. Death 01
as a Son .01 the
per dozen. 5-0ce M
TGWATOES-2 for 25c, for Good dance Geer Money Waniled.—Wainted to borrow an first ZI!Y
pusitor Office,
Ing Street,' h VADMD PEAS -2 for away at is, Sparb is,brother and usirii�ss partner,
0; ........ 25c
House to.Utent.—Au 9 -roomed house on High following i i4jj liliness. The decea V er of.Regina.
Refreshment Booths 31st, wlw4 business mill of ea&tho
mortgage on good farm roperty, $2.000 or.
CORN -2 for ......... 25C z, - Lawrence NeN!4,�. passed, peacefully survived by is
A&ply dt The wieCHE AND HAVE A REAL NIGHT $3'000. for Zhort term 'a alt Logan, all P
All funds realized will be spent for Street, hard and soft water inside; electric
ed had 'been' &or %ealth fo
lights and garden. or further particulars ap- r a
................... community benefit.
3158-tf Uffere4, 0.. ktr86 f
h eath Adm�sslon Eon simond- never rallied Melville was a*ou
se and Pro�erty, for save.—I E
'Ply to Mrs. John Sclater. Hgh street, sea- number on Monday last ---Q—
forth. rom Nvhiph he
vAlle, opp the church, an t
eight -roomed
of the la*, L enee Melville, and 6d 'in Mitchell ou Monday night, of- 1
frame house, with all modern conveni—cm IFP D. HutchI&DE't CMdren Free. Mrs. AdWts 25C. a.� was born in I R610h, 7 mother of Mrs.
electric.light. hot water furnace, hard
Ontario C
PHOW19 PHOR PHOGD-166 DR- CHAS. MACKAY soft water inside, <Zu Property there Is a tY, 79 Ye=.*'�ft A Belli, of Torpintoo nd, a former
barn �and there is nn scre of land. Apply to ts 0 Hrlll,�jt President Lions Club. came wi
th t 'Fred Robinsn, Box 296, Soaforth. Phone Vtdhell� eddest eitiz
eing one? of Rolph *Ss
1604 Sea&orth. 9163-tf towaishipi b
0& s o f the district,
CHAS. P. SILLS and had- she Ii ed, until -September of.
hairman Park Com. the earliest Zet this - year_would'ha�e rated ei
his father 4*t.
one hundredth l' OiAhrg a grist mill and Th .9 r a n
saw rthday, She
-mill which Mr. L. 0. B. A. Picnic�A very enjoy- been in ppor health
for somei- time,.
able "picnic was helo by the L.O.BA. -though, her was- 6xcell�_nt up
Wallis -Fair --On Monday Juli 2-3, at Grand Bend on July 25th. The af- to about six arouths agb. Born, in
He'll Mak Heart Play
d S
by the Rev. Hall Lebmana, Maijorie ternoon was pleasantly spent orr'the Tororito tli6 late Y S. Rolph moved to� , y
-oh, after which, a delightful picnic
Jean, youngest daughter of the late ea Mitchell -when Young Woman - and
ag With.,")(our r
Henry H. Fair nd Mrs. Fair, late tea, under the eharge-of Mrs. Parke IMd resided there for more than 80
London, Ont., to Gordon Willson and Mrs. Welsh, war. enjoyed. by all 'She wag- 'a mernber of eapresent. The sports under the con- le -oyd,in Mthodist, now United Church. Her
ar -B
Willis, Detroit, eldest son of Mr. nd an
MT& Walter G. Willis, Seaforth. enership of -Mrs. Alex. Butler, con- sband, who -predeceased her by
eluded he prograrne, for the day. S
yeirs,' elped. to clear fthe* -forest on
The results of the races -were as fol- he - ground where the town of
AanouncemenL—Mr. and, Mrs. C,; H. lows: Fifty yard daslifor men, Jack s. -Mrs. R
hell now stand gAph 1 le ri d y Scott; 'time race, Mrs. W. Mcholl ;
to mourn her lose, three sons and. twD
Holland, Seaforth, announce the en -
peanut race, Mrs. J. Scott; 50 yard The King of�.-Comedy -has comi dughters,-Willism, of Logan James,
gagement of their youngest daug hie r, dash for , L.O�B.A., Hornell, N. Y.; Joseph,
Mrs' Hopper'; Riotous rokaltyli,%-i�ready to entektaill. avauge, thread and needle race, -Mrs. J. Scott; If you had resided- Wris. Morrison, Of
lder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sav- smoking race, Norman Nicholl; three- ave augh, prepare
to AtvVood, and,Mrs. John P. Bell], of -To -
give them up;, W -p the king's. decree n P. jr
egg ronto. Three daughters and I - THE SAVORY ODOR auge, of Seaforh, the marriage to I ed race, 'Mrs. Hopper and G that Seaforth'-AA be merry. Long one son This is _0 0
take place the middle of August. Scott; balloon, race, -Mrs. J. A. West- predeceased -her.
of our roast 'beef tells you that I
ive the kii
it is race, Mr. �and Mrs. cally -evierythin WO.,have-, in,-,.'
prime in taste and flavor, cott; matrimon —Long I the laff!_
as well as in name. Cooking, does J. Scott; coat race, Mr. and Mrs. J.
mot disguise the inferior quality Civic Holiday.—Monday next, Aug- A. Westeott; children's race, Clarence SATURDAV UATINEE, 3 1p.m. Local Briefs.—Miss 1 who voods, BaHai tyne,
Holiday for Seforth, by Mayor Gold- E of our meats, but rather rings ust 6th, has een procl&imed Civic Wesi RM., 8.30 p.m. has been spending several' month out their truly superior flavor Satu rday Eve and 9.3o p.�n. with relatives in Perisylvania, res is ured. -and superlative quality. ing, and all places of business will be turned to er home in Harpurhey on
Lyon-Carnochzn—The wedding Of 0
closed on that day. On Monday the
A" SteWajrt post ol w6cketsvill bepen from Agnes P
Xrl 'Carnodhan, iquyse of
Ament, of Dbtroit, spent the-wWk
0 -he spital, 'Michigan, o a I y
nm C�
eaf Store, Pone 58 Res. Phome 59 will be open to box holders up to nine daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan, to, r. and t
12 noon to I p.m. only, but t office Eloise end it the home)Df Mr. Ament's par- This. is S, f r h't-U
P.M., as usual. to Royal H. Lyonr of Detroit, was
Mr. Leslie Watson '-of Toronto, is. iam Ai"
-at tho ho,*�, of,
spending is holida:ji
on the evening of July
solemnized ng,
t th
The Rev.- Di sppg, 6,week
4 Purcell, of,D6
eud at his home Aithur 'y s D. Jeffrey offic Ile
28th,. at 6.30 o'clock, at Scovel Mom- his 'father. Mr. James wa"n --M-
S AL en Heating Plant Installed --- Crom- orial Presbyterian Monse'
iated. The bride
arty congregatiDn has jusi had two Jme
wore a twa piece gown of oyster whife Scott, of Vvindsor, -spent the week end
<> iatge furnaces placed in. their re- Fer�.Ck� ofid bifore, it,
de chene, and wore a a corsage' withitis father, Mr
0 modelled Presbyterian, church- These Tolin �Sc�tt, Ro-k-
of 7hite orchids and lily of the val boro—Mr. Kerr amd, so�m,, Port Sam 0 were installed by eo. A. Sills &
S. T. Holmes &
ley.' The attendant, Mxs. W. G. Ful -
Funeral Director and .0 Sons, whose long active experience Huron,- are.visiting Mr. L..'Ellfson,Ju
efect lerton, of Detroit, -wore a -gown Eginondville. Thirt3r Years ago Mr. an viorkmanshi of d p asures a p Licensed Embalmer. cream flat crepe. She alsomore a Kerr was an employee of -the Reid �'7 job. The same firm is also placing A
orsage,of pink rose buds and lily of
-nest furnace in the Presbyterian 0 Milson hardware, store in Seaforth--
Fi Motor and M.rse- .0 new
<> blouse, Seaforth- the valley. Morris G. Fullerton serv- Mr. Jack
drawn equipment. Beattie ed the bridegToom as best man. The We t bilme Holmes, of - Toronto, 6 J0
spending his -holidays at the home 01f
Block, Main Street, opposite �O
be-idal party left July 30th for his grandfather, 21T. S. T. Htolmes.�-
TORKTO-DAY Mrs. Ross, of Stratford, is a guest at -SEAFORTE ONTA910
4%> The Expositor Office. S. T. Niagara Falls and, points east. Up- A STORY OF NE*
Holmes, resWence,. Goderich <> Harvesters" ZXcursion—The 'first on returning Mr. and Mrs. -Lyon will the home of ,Mr. and Mris. Rob�;rt
Street West; Chas. Holmes' <> Harvesters, excursion to the West will be at -home to their.- friends at 1()422 Frmii the novel y Captain. Felix �Smith.—Mrs. J. G. Wils
residence, North Main Street. - -Rei-senberg. on, of K�in-
<> be run from Tor01A0 and Points West American, Ave., Detroit. dersley, :Sask., Is visiting her sister,
Flowers furnished on short 0 on both C.N.R. and C.P.R. on Thurs-
Miss S66tt, in Harpurh�YMr. Tom
notice. All kinds of UP- 0 day, August 23rd. 7:he fare to Win- GEORGE &,BRI Cluff has taken a position, in the G,
holstering neatly done. nipeg will be $15, plus half a cent per VIRGIN IA D. Ferguson hardware st
C Ore. ack 'by War- -the *e0k end with M
ontributions Acknowledged�The Mr. and was accompanied b
Phones: 119 or 308 �0. mile to points beyond as far as Ed- Z. FARREL Ai6DONALD John Beattie is spending a fe* days griet and.,. blaTy Sproat; wh6' a
Treaurer of the'Muskoka H w, er ack mouton. The Seaforth Ticket Agents OsPital Among the immeiise�.Sceues 'of this at his old, home i s
for' Consumptiv�es desires -6f -the Mrs. Robertsn, of Galt, has been the here ..... Mrs. Xarry Little and- d4ugh- is
gratefully n Wditon _C _W�. spending their holiday?, 9 Jk this week. a-th,6. home of
<> <> 0 4:5 '0� '0� 0 0 <> for this excursion, are C. Aberhart, picture is a reprodiietioii Canadian National, and Stewart Bros.', to acknowledge the following contri- ink .,of the- "Titanic.�,
buUons received in Seaforth by the guest of Mrs. W. E.'Broadfoat--Mrs. ter, Mra. Straahav, and . her 'little toot.. 4111r. P4ti 411a�,r of xiagarv,,
C.P.R. Meld Secretary of the National Sani- Monday Lorne Twiss -and little son, of Saska- daught iidsor, wiwe Falls is visiting -�is
Tuesday41� or' June' of W brotbors, Xesks�,
tarium Association: Robert Bell, $5; toon, are spending a few *eeks wit.h �alling'ion'frfeuds in town. Ion on- Johli'sAd James, ffay in-�Tuekersmithro
F.S. Savauge, $5; E. G. Thomson, —Rev.,A. W.McIntosh, day of last week—bir, kud Ms. P. —Xr. and � Mxi.� F.- A Hutchison am
relatives here.
Junior Women7s Institu'te. Tht j
Nunn, DD.S., $2; W. R. P B.D,, Ms. McIntosh, and daughters, C. Calder returned -from their wedding- visiting at th� hoAie -of -their' son jj�;
A >�Wh,
regular mnthily meeting will -be held $2; Gallop & 'McAlpine, $1; of Vancouver, have been visiting r. -trip on aturday -and left WoulaLay, for Taronbd.w--Rev. . W. 4. H24 of- Flor-
John PRYNOEM , gue on Friday, August 3rd, at 3 P.rn. n Regier, $1; W. G. � Willis, $1; J. E. McIntoshs sister, Mrs. J. M. Header- ther omle-in St.,Cathirine�s, _'Mr. idas d S,�
Carnegie Hall. The roll call,is to be Keating, $1, A friend $1; R. M. Jones, T-heV came East by motor, andUrs. W. Mason and family re- "j91stei J..R.
Y - $1; J. A. Westeott, $1; J. MacTavish, making the trip in two weeks.
answer a favorite dessert recipe Last cently attended the celebatiop,of the Wanel* ie'visiting with friends in�
iss Anwe Lawrence, R.N,, will give $1; E. H. 'Close, $1; J. F. Daly $1- week -Mr. and,Mrs. Heuderson.,mcom- ar'nage - of j?'d*t Elgi-M."Urg'
3M anniversary of 'the m
a panied them to Niagara Falls an4 all MT. Mason's brDther,_held at Belkrave. thee difildren . and Xre; Ora' k
for Sale a health demonstratid . Mrs. A. Kirk, Fred Wigg, $1; W. H. Elliott, $i; A:
ingr -Ewe- Past President Clinton Wbruem!s Insti- Dunlop, $1; Watson & Reid, $1; Geo. eatfie tort spent several days visiting relatives _Mir and Mrs.,J. H. Robertson a,6d jk�� a coaage lin-, ftyfibld,:T*r thiv,
tutf_� will alsi) give a talk on Wbraen's D. Ferguson, $1; Tbomas Dickson, $1; in Derby and, Cattarangus, I%T. 'y— baby'and Miss Dorohy DM'is, of'.De� m,�ntli - W'Aug-,a
Institutes. Girls over 16 Years and Cheifetz Bros., $1; F. D. rtchison,- Miss Dorothy Webster, of Toronto, is roit, spent a few days, last wiek� if zolihad* a. eaa4x.
41id-Mrs.Atinald McDonald
women ho are mernbers, now, or $1; W. A. Kerslake, $1; Rev. W.. P. visiting at the home of her father, the- -home of Mr. and 10m, red ;Ctirito
L MUM AWR ARE YOU A LIS IF NOT Mir. Walbur WebsieT.--Mr. and -Mr
wish to become mendbers, are Jane, $1;'Sundry cGntributiam, $1.50., s- inson.---miss. Annie Gordoi�, of Eitd_
YOU ARE Dry, 1-1099wM1, -gind-, Miss Etfiel�
come. Fees, twenty-five cents Year- Total, $37.50. hI, Ri J. Gallager are, spendlng_ their land., is the guestf rg.
fi -holidays at Cass
%Nip Nwic Bay- — Miss —Mr. R. H. Sproat hos leis6d, 9c'D�ugal1`vs1W':old friondg 6ii Listening i pro table,�,to all rhen to- Frances Fortune is spending this residence n Huron street; i46outli -boundary bh,SUAd4y.,* Miss 21cDon4.-
day. 7 Of course, not expect- week in Stratford, the guest of her
Weekly Band Concert —71 pro Death -a James Speedie-71he fol- vacated y r. John 4all- :.left Tu�saar -f6r )Ford Hwv
lowing -was �aken from a Woodstock taken. a -position ith pita, Detroft,
gramme for this week's Sumdy eve- ed to -believe all the,4"S you hear. cousin, Ws Mary -Dorsey. — Mrs, . I ' ' *h6re she is in, train -
It's just as Alex. SnOth, of Brussels$ has been at Clintoii.;--Mrs. W. E.7�Bra"f6ot is and FrW, 3DaVfdg#:2n61
Paper: "To the many Wadstock well to ning band concert will E* as f0ll4DWSZ
'10 Canada" people whoknew-him, it will be leatn, 0mr Stori- j -the -guest of Mrs. William Mason.— spending , W" ith. fAn&, ju:oalt. familyp 6f _%ranto, W&6' Visitoks C&I
ust n(�Vc', s�-
March----�'Tlhe Herald" ed -with deep regrat that the death MrI, J. Jordan And Miss Monica Burns, _Miss Lo-rettg, pailikiiei f , Uss,; "'Anii
overtuje__�'Priacess of India' �&L_ week, )& W bf,
occurred Friday afternoon t three GIFT CHINA and ERWAp of � Detroit, wee the guebts ok Mr. with Hamilton ris w6t
tj e
Sereuade—When Roses Bloom' O'clock of James,�Speedie, 206 Graham and -Mra. Lea Fortune Over Sunday. Miss Ant 144wcomb as tettivw''to,
Our, St Mrs, 3&�
Street` Mr. lSpeedie had had a lin �ach James�Love and son, Mr.' -Geo, Djtr0itLIaft16r voA�� 6it
B.;ritone S -1, ---Mr, Fred E. Willis M with hWr r Brass Quartette—"The Minstrel BA3y,p gering ill Over since -he came to an.y- New Snnmer,�Zjaps Al -riving. Ldve,'of Toronto,, ate visiting vA1th g:J the home Mr.. "Snd Mrs. P now --Mr. 41141 Vftlw.
ZI Won; s-Seaftirth fri6rxis,'this veek. — Mrs; Robin da
M. gart,
of Regina, Bandsmen Novak, Hoag, McLeod, E. the citi five years ago, and his death And we invite you Sea,, Mlet AdAms has rotun)ad - fro,
was the result of his ill ealith. Born
'a'sells for iday at are v
OP pleasant hol isitifig -with, the,
CHM RACT02 Selection—l'Operatic -Mingle" in Ireland 55years ago, Mr. Speedie Quality con6* qp4s
9 came to, Cauad2& 8!41 years ago and
1,1- Po
Sacred Omterture --- �PJoy to th Warld' th4 $nest and Jift 6his vieinity.—Mr.!aull geoft, UOV- Talot'and on, Mt. Be '6-f mectoic 3atko -God gave the King" was engaged. in fizming aear Saa- A Taylor sta'
as returned o
Accompanist, Mrs. 1VL Rennie; con- forth Re -Wes,thore for a year but *M'A 'home' in. MISS Jean ftlth, of Toroutoe', tv�
"ving k*7A a' P10A8- Visitor his week, with, Mrs. &fiilo lreogihi�
ductor, Mr. . Novak. bis ll health prevented him from ouver aftw h �ja es continuing (Chis activity. ant visit tvith -his QmtheVs,
'd &sst C 7'�
John and �?Wbert 6venitic W Tot, Trl
The decd�
and his ronto, was. -a wek e�i
@11rs. Jas,
ed is survivgd by his wife and QiTee nd
augh end John, of this citrt. -a S. ovzdk&�
The Lions aub—Thuroday, August sons, fronf,_the Wag
Robert, of T
Graingeir hit
Belfast. wo daughtsrs returned
Agmtmmto cm= fol? 9056-oso 9th, the Lions Club propoeD hoding
t for the
son To
-0� MOB mt?m its annual swimming raes are -also left to mtourn his less. They
-are ay and )Ift. W. R -Trotter, In -
l&rs. The funs =11%14 Vill go
to-5ggg youngstero And gardez psAy for the
re -
towards paying for th _t
HT0. J&uft'n, 0 0� Belfast, Irelgad, pairs ihade, to the parlt year and
, 6k'r
b%lr 9LI90 survive, The lurrstal wfil kke
Mce Vill US-dfbr *0 hS"- Al jgiaa Gn Monftvr *'t t*o' T''* nd6 Urb'tltfs, �W; btibim �hs aftiez--tted orit doll, 60 '1&�,
pip ]by of u0im, M
intm'isnt made in *e tWo r
Wh4e, 6-etock from tht -late rwi<go '.=4
4ffort iz ihaing m-ndb to hQV6
the Red � I
and young psVis a our, t-!,Tm end
�Oj4o JWA4 VA'r 6 80' d, ft oft d Tela a M06�'w
lap d!
dill atar:y*�IVT 010. W
wool Zr!. 06
ER _� — 4� gj.� �0, , e I : F" 1; ,
ql t r",,JU J,,V J , , , ; � I �, Ir I .1�' I