HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-07-27, Page 6!`T Iutt. Ft132aZta , Naze ant °Meeat MadiCillo* Uvq-naw e • 04i,a N� ork OahtWe Lutitute, Mooref011e oldem. Square Throat I3I- Mon, At Conenneretal aa;forth, third 4onday ha oth fro 11 a.m. to g .erloe Street, South, Stretfoxl. .atford, LEGAL • (P50. No. gl ZORN Z. IBIUGGARD Barristee, Solicitou, Notary Public, Etc. Block - - Seaforths Cn I2. S. MAYS ISarsister, Solicitor, Conve7anc3u aged Notary Public. Solicitou foie the ICISaminion Bank. Ohms iia rear n',1 tiko If:Dominion blank, Seaforth. Noway to Loam BLAPO ?ACTOR 1IN IlltECANt T35TEt • .- Dr. R. W. 13unting ie of the opinion that baeillas aeidophilus is the prinel- pal factor in decay of teeth, although diet -is an important contributing fac- torU.e thinks, laboratories should be called off for cultures made from the mouth to deterrnine the presence or absence of this bacillus. Maybe such examinations should be a lunction of the public health labor- atory. If examination for bacillus acidophilus proves of value in con- trolling decay of teeth, public health laboratories •may at least make the required cultures on the menthe of children in hospitals and homes oper- ated by the state. If the bacillus is found, Dr. Bunting would have the mouth freed from it or its growth re- strained by the use of approved dis- infectants. In studies of many hundred chil- dren, principally in Michigan insti- tutions, Dr. Bunting found bacillus Baealaters, Solicitora, Conveyaa- acidophilus in practically every case ears and Notaries Public, Etc. 14.,ca where decay was active. If he found (la the Edge ainikling, opposite 1%e •the bacillus present he was able to 1:2:apooitor re ca. find decay proceeding actively at the time of operation in most cases. In other cases he kept the child under observation and deeay was observed starting up before very long. In his observatiofl decay does not proceed evenly in the mouths of chil- dren. In the first place, its inaugural hinges on the accident of the establish- ment of the bacillus acidophilue in the mouth. The invasion by this bacillus, and its success in establishing a home there, is something of an accident. Ls the second place decay spreads rapidly at times and slowly at other times. Again, the bacillus is the prin- cipal cause of the variation. Dr. ]Bunting recognizes the import- ance of diet. He has a group of children on a diet which contains the minimum amount of sugar. In this connection we recall the ex- perience of a physician who treats children with diabetes. He has found that if a diabetic child be given a diet rich in fats and very poor in starches and sugars the child pros- pers, so far as diabetes is concerned, and incidentally tooth decay is pre- vented. In the discussion Dr. George Evans said he had had some success in con- erolling tooth decay by feeding chil- dren bananas, raisins, dates and prunes in lieu of sugar. 'YMT3E:NAM' ..vbrsiN (=MN, v.s. EMMY graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases a domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at - ted to and ebiesge.s moderato. Vet- erinary Dentist* a specialty. 01Z.ce =ledi residence on Goderiala Street„ one or east a Dr. Mackay's is ism, Sea - foist& A. az. capainaLa.,, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic ausienals treated lase the most modern principles. rgea reasonah . Day or night calls promptly attended to. • Eta Street, Ivensl opposite Town 231a11. Phone U. DIE. W. C. SincOAT Graduath of Faculty a Wadable, Umiversity of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Member -of College of Physic - UMW and Surgeons of Ontario. an oace Aber rt's Drug Store, Main St., Soaforth. Phone O. DR. R. P. L DOUG -ALL Honour graduate of Faculty of Medicine and Master of Science, ILIni- versity of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. 0 ce, 2 doors east of post oia es. Phone 56, Efensall, Ontario. 3004 -ti DIEL A. NIEWTON-IsRADIT ayfiekil. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda 1: ospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 2 pen. 2866-26 I DR. F. J. rsURROWS Bitter leeroles "PahsaMeSaal4secta7* ? IFOQ CPO CeriaiAanalikan rT,TEriv wall% IL -°E a•nta teoneatly carer Truilt...a-tivese° cm the awe atenuail seaulatos &two QVXzni;0.4. QT.taciTnurae..ifiga, 11 reeivo exiled many, =Imo paten ant(ti, lett Trutt-a- tivee11‘74x; act eally and eEen- ¢fivelly. 11etneet aincesely recom- mend eieem." Ikdr. S. BilacNalls. Ido arose time fitatenoiliZet list= of? frea/a iirullta combileteil wade Semi= "Firsailit-a-tive" ilia =Miramar 4 icbe. etretalatbaan0 dee (*rate= alp acn unatuneallily evalout .abe 5,111011110 II= of • Ilasativest--21fO amdi EC; iNtiliq can beerq "IWO 't9 Psin:„Ve OtStioi atiaere no one eau tell Wes to,' -let 11164.: 4rwehneeavlre..za. .114." for!, ./eXe-,)iddies to romp their heara 4tntent; then time owning ed • SeRall Itisline is indeed titegreatest VeaVitatit, h - he can Make. talt, th.4 whale ithoug-ht in the ilvet inetateee de- pndshOire his attitude toward 'ovid- ing ih4 'healthiest and sagest place for those- depending 4Zin hhi Fer.loinaber dealera, real estate pe - pie aisid ;suppliers of all kinds of build- ing teria1 w'ho are primarily inter - es ,0 iss more home building there is one stte way of getting more people interested in having their own home —and -that is by demonetration. The wideasaake merchanta in many parts of thanebuntry are turning their at- tetatinia snore and more to showing the • people model homes cornpletelly furnietied. They are seating a desire for a feetter hoine—ehome a man can Call his own.—From Caned= Lumberman. EES LACK SYMPATHY AND lanterns are of a type which can be operated by use of batteries. They will not only aid in the teaching work of the staff, but no doubt will make the school car even more of a social centre than in the past. The teaching is no small problem in itself, since the pupils are of various grades, and many of foreign parent- age. Some of the children begin with a knowledge of English confined to a few "had words," which, however, they have acquired in all good faith. Yet at the end of three weeks' inten- sive study, one of Mr. Slomain's pup- ils wrote a presentable letter in Eng- lish, which is now in possession of Dr. J. B. MacDougall at the Parliament Buildings. But aside from teaching the younger citizens, these frontier representatives of the department are called upon for many and diverse ser- vices. The teacher is consulted on commercial law. A man who is asked to sign a promissory note may bring it along for advice. A university student presented to one of the travel- ling teachers an algebra problem which was beyond even his capacity. It is not to be found in the depart- ment's blue book, but one hears that Mr. McNally turned tonsorial artist at one settlement on the C.P.R., and bobbed a small girl's hair to the sat- isfaction of all concerned. He is now attending the Summer course in Arts at the University of Toronto, during vacation. "The teachers in charge of these cars are doing a great deal of civiliza- tion," in the opinion of W. 0. Carson, inspector of libraries. Dr. J. B. MacDougall, who directs the work for the Department of Edu- cation, has a brief review in the an- nual report, recently issued, in which he says of the school cars: "This pro- ject, which started as a rare venture in educational polity, has amply prov- en its worth both as a social and an educational factor in the life of the scattered settlements along the rail- ways of the north. The parents are largely of mid -European origin and have brought with them their own racial attitudes and practices. Ninety- five per cent. of them are of non-Eng- lish extraction. The school car has become their social centre_ It is ex- ercising a wholesome •Canadianizing influence. Parents and pupils are making contact with Canadian history, ideals, modes of life and government. Evening classes are giving mastery of he English language and helping par - silts with business needs. To much ^redit cannot be given the teachers 'or their faithful and aelf-denying ,ffort upon which the success of the ;nstitution has so largely depended." Offeee Mid residence Godericb Street, eat of the Methodist church, Sea - forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. t, DIEL C. MACKAY C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- iltye University, and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. a DR. H. HUG1131 ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office—Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. COMPLETELY RUN DOWN Symptoms That the Blood is Thin Should Not be Neglected. Weak, run-down, lacking strength, energy, and ambition, nervous, sleep- less, poor appetite, digestion disturb- ed—these are the symptoms named by a great majority of people who have been benefitted by the use of Dr. AArilliams' Pink Pills. These tonic rills correct the condition described and if you have any of these symp- toms you should give these pills a trial. Their great value in cases of this kind is shown by the statement of Mrs. James A. Tibbetts, Halifax, N.S., who says:—"I was completely run down in health. My blood was thin and watery, and my nerves so bad that I did not sleep well at night. My appetite was poor and the least e-setticn left me weak and trembling 'Wier I went cut I would have a se- vere headache, and would have to lie Sown as soon as I got in the hoitse. A friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I soon found they were helping no and by the time .I had taker 'de sixth box I felt like a new woman, and have enjoyed good health ever sinee. , For this reason I can highly reconsdnend the pills to snyone run -doh or troubled with their nerves." ltct only do Dr. Williams' Pink Pills help the rierves. Their main :mo tion is to enrich and increase the blood, and as the blood supplies th chole body, new life is given to th entire system. Better sleep, steaty nerves, improved appetite, increassd vigor—all these can be yours by tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Begin them to -day. Sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail post paid, at 50 ,cants a box from The Dr. Williams' IVienlifine Co., Brockville, Ont. SET'FLIERS OF NORTH SHOW DR. J. A. IIIIUNN Successor td Dr. R. R. Ross Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ity, Chicago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Dace over Sills' Hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. s. WORK TOO ziAam tt seems a pity at t 's late date to find any fault with the -industrious habite of our little friends, the bees, afterall these years in which they have lea held out as a good example to the ever-pre.sent majorityof iis who -would rather play if .that would pay the rent and the buteher: But if we believe Sir John Lubbock, and MO one iseentitled to greater credence, the busr bee carries industry- to ex- tremes.- Work is all right in its way as all of us, will agree, whether we acteally feel thatway about it or not, for with- out some sort of work it might be hard to keep the tank full of gaso- line or scrape up change to get into the movie houses. Work is all right —within limitations. But when it becomes .an obsession, as with the honey -hoarders, then we have some right to horn in with an objection. Lubbock reports that as far as his observation went n'o bee at work ever found time to assist a sister in dis- tress or even seemed to give a hoot about her troubles, anyway. Once he recall§ killing a bee so close to one that was busily stacking nectar that the wings were touching's. But so, he says, the sister engaged in stock- ing up on sweets was absolutely in- different. As far as he could discosa- er the surviving bee was neither glad nor sorry and treated the whole af- fair as so much nothing. Now we can imagine times such as those when the soldiers had to ad- vanc4 through territory where t e thing to do was go ahead with what must be done, regardless of who falls by the wayside. But if the bee sys- tem ever -becomes anything like gen- eral it will be just as well for all of us to pack about four good spare tires whenever we hit the road, and perhaps two jacks, for other motor- ists would give us nothing better than a nasty look. Honey is sweet but it seems it's made in a, bitter fashion. DR. F. 3. ielECISIELY Grata ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea - forth. Phones: Office, 185 W.; resi- dence, 1853. 3055-tf Aucrnommgas THOMAS Enrepleni Licensed auctioneer for the counties M ;won and Perth. Correspondence arrangements ,for sale dates can be made by calling The Expositor ()Pace, Seaforth. Charges Moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. OSCAR MILO?? DESIRE FOR GOOD BOOKS Ontario' citizens in the scattered settlements of the North are reading up on constitutional history, applied science and the classics. Doubtless they read some trash also, but the little libraries carried by the Educa- tion Department's "schools on wheels" have served to measure the literary appetite of thedraore or less isolated people up there,,and there has been revealed an ast nishing demand for "solid" stuff. 7From the teachers in charge of th,� two school cars operat- ed along the C.P.R. and Canadian Na - Ili onor Graduate Carey Jones' Ra- tional school of Auotiorseercnom Cm_ tonal lines have come requests, on sago. Special course taken i behalf of residents in Ontario's North - n Pura Bred Live Stock, Reel &Atte, mete west, for standard authors, the best eliendiee and Far= sales. Ratec n2.• classics, and works on commercial keeping with prevailing market. Sat- laW. Technacal volumes on gaso ine mfaetion assured. write or „Amp engines have been asked for, and Oscar Elopp, Zurich, Ont. nom, books dealing with electrical equip - 13 -98. 226,: 52 merit. These two cars—there are to be five when the Fall term opens—start- ed out with a library of three hundred volumes each, ranging in subject mat- ter "all the way from Little Red Rid- ing Hood to scientific works," but it was not longbefore requisitions came in to W. 0. Carson, inspector of lib- raries, foe books of a standard not usually in demand by even public libraries in cities of Old Ontario. Fred G. Stomas, in charge of the car on the Canadian National, who 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° came down to Toronto a few days ago, ) 0 explains that in addition to the booke o 15. VT. /maws lent to actual pupils, there is a t e ade- o mend from their .prns, from mai- • Leev.ed Attatimie for Per& cli , d d the gen_ * afeel Waren onntle. 0 versity students, an no ee (" 10aW Oellidital, 0 era' public of the little communities , V-Ottar.ii 0A Oplikatidd, 6 wbich the sehool, car g serve. Ile and ,e) , ,, , rctintAtetots otatavattog 0 W. 141: McNally, hi ehise, rgo a *LC. 6 tt4 ratbi eime%, olawa ma s Jr IL ear, apetattratti afsertfoOn geieturg t,f hOtthrlAy dr inaltrilatiOfl lit XIS nal F. 0 At?mioNo . 0 ntl, MOM at Ole Patlitilar 1 13aetelagla; `45 1.74,61:26..4.0 1400110 ti Vat,,gar,rlitg optratioedny o teinvnintatv •.,1* 6, 'zst ' gsgas 0 1.7,..iouA are to 1 a tis , OtP r . . 6 ,, ''' :kait'•(38.4 6 . '' 6 1 • i fr PA) Moo. it till /la 11, ' 11 ' 0, 'n the several Gehool atm,. cornmenc tt tP glibly, tv "site kV 2R DoWet, the MAKE THEM WANT A HOME "If I hadn't had that thousand dol- lars tied up in a house, I could have Made five hundred dollars in the stock market last month." This was a statement made by a young man at a neighbor's party I at- nded the other night. When young arried people get together the con- rsation naturally develops into a discussion of the problems of house- keeping. This evening the attention was focused on the relative merits of renting verses house owning. Of course, the question is an old one, but during the past five years drastic changes have taken place in the hab- its of the average man that has a di- rect bearing on the amount of lumber being used for building small homes. Always keep bicarbonate of soda in Ever since the war when thousands the house. For burns and scalds it is of people were educated to invest an excellent remedy. The surface of their savings in victory bonds there the burn should be covered with it, has been a growing investment mark- either dry or slightly dampened. A et until to -day the mining brokers are small saltsipoon in half a tumbler of making more in the brokerage than water will relieve heartburn and in - the mines themselves produce. Un- digestion, and if taken with tepid doubtedly the average man itches to water last thing at night will fre- speculate and make a fortune. Some quently induce sleep in restless per - are even mortgaging their homes to sons. get into the swim, hoping they will be the lucky one among thousands. A PROMISIING STUDENT Those that are interested in seeing a growing demand for small homes are recognizing that something more should be done to show the average man why owning a good home and investing his money safely at six per cent. and keeping his equity intact is far ahead of groping along the un- charted paths of the financial market with his modest capital. Volumes have been written actually showing that home owning is cheaper in the long run than se-nting. And yet most people are aware that if an individual is out to spend just as little of his salary as possible for the roof above his head, then renting a home is the best method of living. But once a man has decided that he is going to systematically save raceiey R. T. LUIKM lAcenged auctioneer for tine couvt7 a Eturon. Sales attended ft in all porta of the county. Seven yam° Loerience b Manitoba and Backatebc- tnan. Terms reasonable. Phone No. 11EX r 11„ Meter. Centzalia P.O., ,.Lt •o. 1. -Orden, lea at The ism Bs- - Ofrilee, Seafoirtta promptt t'Emtatfccl. TIME! She (late for appointment): "I'm awfully sorry. I didn't know the time; I can't wear a watch because T always break them." He (sarcastically): "Well, you might at least carry a calendar." A colored woman went to her hus- band's physician and said: "Doctah, Ah's come to see if. yo' am gwine to ordah Rastus one of dem mustard plasters again to -day.' "1 think, Miandy, perhaps he's bet- ter have one more." "Well, he says to ax yo' kin he have a slice of ham wif it, 'cause it's mighty pow'ful to take alone." GOL EN RULE If I knew you and you knew me If each of us could clearly see, And with an inner light divine The meaning of your heart and mind, I am sure that we would differ less And clasp our hands in friendliness, Our thoughts would pleasantly agree If I knew you and you knew me. BICARBONATE OF SODA EE 0 al s :swc :77' 47$0: ..1110Fietaict TT 17e ,,raTar ^1; sealed ha' VAC f vast Actilv,Eacce (welt a anbalesaN'on. 17Z 7."...; 6e: 41.1. navel? efqr s. ty PIS 1.1,."1,!410;"2,Ti ss tame ailaie ha a all m Stu PDakea. today. Enjoy lisi iqiezanfaTt yez.; th,:, asughe t stxeteld Tun know. See Tarfe new lbeauty ef Rhi rad coIlerro Thema compaTe Stinaliebaker9s new llow Orme- Ih.coat paces NY Y t Sese al a At ga98... &n beanbag. opring olockles 2H-ao oecrot of eie: rentoP- ble iding mullein of One maw Star.4ebeecero. 'oral New Limes of Cars, $3095 riem° ff. m. 5. wauemin. oat. Gov't 5cace-,5 eattsm t X (4, JEWELif t647.400Ziat0AaU'r,04edaiiveeV4tig4f,a. se su.c,`, ;Cr, t; t, • ,r,Vt".0.00.4.YWirWrai .0ief iifehrni'4,Var.W;nri'01,9 ••• • "' • • OO,i;ah de 'Se' des Go Quiz The four trien were playing golf. Among the ,quartette was Blenkinsop, a very bad player. During the game he had simply plowed up the links, making great holes on every tee and Putting green. In addition he had broken practically every role of the game and, by hi's continual chatter, lainadee..made himself a thorough nuis- After a cularly frightful shot his partner' turned to him and inquir ed: "Hew long, may I ask, have you been playing golf ?" - "Oh, about five years," was the re ply. Piles are caused by cortgestiort of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cauee. Thatfis why salves and cut- ting fail, Dr,. LeonharcIt's a harmless tblet, stece es, beeaune It relieves this eangesVieret avd strengthens the afZetted oarts. :gem- Roid tisz ffiven quiets, stife awl last. ing relief to thotroahda of Pile Surrceterst wilt do the VitliM for PIO Or MrinCY Mat. Oharlea llart •arul armaitt.a everribisre td11 Itea4oid with NO "Really," Said the 'first scathingly. "I had no idea it was passible to ac- quire such aamalling ignorance of the game in so Short 0 time." IEFFECTICVE ANYWAY A clerk who was continually late was reprimanded biy his employer old mended his Wars, "Ala Smith," said' ftbe boa one morning, etlad to Sedd you arriving earlier." "Yes, sir" replied Smith, "Ive got s prrot." "Parrott V/hat for? I tloought you eaid you had, ,an etletni dok?" kites, but the, parrot is -'iii addition fe the clock, Ittil s*,,s, a get6so 'aed to the clock that it tailed, tO Waken me; now I halm the pezi�t s e4ge, tette he clock, end '0,11a *ib 111.04 ttwa Alen the bell iirkga. WOuld vagt0 Orr. bodr." Essen popularity in Chicago io but part of a national and world prefer- ence that makes Essen sales the larg- est off any si-cylinder car in history. ee, fry C ,,, a The enormous spread ON Essex success is due to an accumula- tion of values never approached under $1200, which is per- fectly obvious to the ordinary buyer as well as the expert, At $885 and up you not only get the brilliant performance and reliability of the famous Essex chassis; you also get a sat- isfacton, in appearance, richness and comfort, nevereven cora- siderd within hundreds of dollars of The price. As you lounge in the roomy, high-backed form -fitting sea every evidence of quality and comfort surrounds 'You. You have before you every control in their most natural and handy place. And all about you, the panelling, the weather , stripped doors, the silenced body construction; the floor mat- ting and the hardware in graceful silvery . -- patterns speak quietly andtertairily of quality. The Essex Super -Six high compression motor is patented and exclusive, and is so far as we know the most powerful of its -size in the world. fie 5 COACH 065 , SEDAN (4,r)ke 'ROADSTER. .611,00' COPS $94t0 t vioiNts sea saa7i4or,0), • . pe4o.rakkt?. er:4ttiditS,eaocc eartra , , • •C • Avers can pap, pot, ca0C attat op Itracanne at lottficar? cvaigabila case . po&iftnOp,ak, hicaizegeowirengri Xmayeabca 4S;