HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-07-20, Page 1I7 II. .. .. ........ II..... ...... 14 iA 'tkit -yv arli�,� ot A I91 01 au vmut or .104 I r reT44 W, 0 nt stock. Mr. Bennett is mclift; latent for several generatiopa, Vw,y wealthy., and, Doris roes am Amerigola The United States Is a wealthy- co had -4 to, Arlo, a -4 B�r. Bennett co fr u is of itmblie, try. Thelle is in ha� Xatlon'06 P - aii, the III, eive $10 dur ,t"A tho a y lr at the oll ries to a man of wl4o'qent the, Fix reIs OrRAMW ion qunt a ould represent a large part 114t, 9 a Tariff of It Tmiff 0 rst year's empenses of a oy rolotives in I turna� Ito, their �home Matt, deapite -his �0. J Ord 01"Duld '410- 9R�1414meut still atten &ug that Institutiod.,
gddance- for h ParlISInent Will con- The conditions are riefly &a fol -an'son, Ndwwdi aito, family, were Visit- of '004'0=� 4 ske -them. lowis: wvs Clarke and
ors with Ky. and Mrs. Salm ay =Pir,01071 in the genius on�d %dt 1. A1pplicantsL should e farnier's Motedl .1 Latent, I seek I it, uscristoft on Sund sons residng in Huron County. 2. Applicant 8 years Odgw and boe, who, have spent ti� Bennett, on. the other hand, looks to NrRANCE EXAMENAT90N Is must be I E Tas:teelg with her parents, Mr. and aat G-�etjug his guidp; -1st, Ammerici�i practices as Of age on or bef ore September 2 College, ' N ULU F" i SON Mrs. Alfred Nelick, -has returned to Speaking at Cooksbire the other day PD28, the opening day of spent on Thursday last in the ku". 4, her 4ome in, Pigeon, Hichi 3. Appjloants. must -be tbiose con- he said: I � ;7 � I — - and IVIT Old and young enjoyed the 'iiThere should be in Canada a TkAff The, following are the results Of the templaing entering he two-year a. P, Rwelle and,family spent MY. C. Whtters, of Logan, i's in Loii�,� �&o Biltraiice Examination held at See- I* Imown. as the associ- lary of thV Hobvee-,X Irence. In the Sund;y *#h the former"s -parents at don hspital for, treatment of,, 'hig and 14r_ Uoj, course. This , Ve Grand Bend.—Frank Bossenberry, of Ahel and Waaley. At ate, coursel;l nerves�Mrs. U. Unfac and the Mim- Jaw, -nlati�Vd', CommiWon such as they have in the forth, Busseas, F ppimion of some App -
Ing authorities S e the guests of their 4. Applicants should' 'figure on thl. record is in 9#"attributable to United States . . . this should Se�aforth Gelestine O'Leary and Elsie Kitchener, was a weelt end vigitor at weT rovii stood highest with 640 marks t, the home. of William Wagner—Ward determine the condibionts under whI47ft D es Loagewy king up arming as their Vocation the fact that -the. ay police are aunt, Mrs. J. Nagle n ManUy last. bro*04 Vb. Alex".11 our manufacturers and our producers - - t of Fritz Tnade a business t each out -of a total of 750, the former at the coneWston of their college under the direction, s er rip to Detroit have to meet the ampetiti —MrS. SU-phen EcIzart is spending a Week 071 of e mini, th h a latter nd exelbsively e Separate SVhool, t ighways specific;ky., th her manr relatives, 40111d uvu�.�U. , I . I few days wi world." Brussels berfo eviela .1. .. . � I IF", - , . sOinIhe Public, Sohod At is avail- for the functions flipk rm On August 2nd� 1926, Ili _�Oljy 5. Only ne schlarship Need Mrs. Basil Byrne and two little bOys. h COLUM AN of D�etroiit, and Mr. and. -Mrs. John Harmon, from S. S. Ng.'4, able for the y 192849. .less to say these aut ST. of Calgary, he made a similar car Mirities are con Wee Re stood highest with 6543 marks. 6. The total amount of the schol- vincd that it woul(f'% a great un's- Notes.—Rev. Father Eckert, of Fkaw- Flanagan and family were the v- W.� A� �%� Mv. mient: guests torks will -be sent shortly to un- arship is $100, ayable part in the take to integrate the',i provincial and thorne NY., is spending his holidays of Mr. and Mr�. JoI Nagle. on, Sun- and IVA Tariff Board such as they hmvA�,�', the United States -should gar * ,succeq&,uJ candidates, but NOT 'to Fall term and part in the Winter highway police forcbs��, Traffic direc- with �is brothers and isters.—Dor- _daYV-r.,andMr§_. Joseph Kd, were ed tA) tbeir 'home, iii, candidates. term. tion and control as-_06thing in com- the evidence anA m4ke its Tee othy Melady, of 'Stratford, spent the the -guests of Mr. gnd,MX3. William Verk afte'r,redding onel-)!,e 'Appeals should be sent to the In- 7. Applications along with char- nin with the deteqH,oJli, pux;suit and week nd at the home of her fathr, StaPletolin Sunday.:Wiss Gertrude hIlTheir. Ons . . . by that we ck or wendati spect before the middle.,of August icter and other recommendations capture of bootlegers, safe-,,, to, welcome them1a .4nd Frank Melay.—Rev. Father Receard, Stapleton, who taught in No. 14 Ifil- T istand or fall.1 A few -cases may receive earlier con- should be mailed to the Ontario De- ers, they contend, assorting that the f Broo I k Y" N.Y., is visiting r. and, lowell, Prince Edward leltnd, h,�d the v The American Board. sideration. partment of Agriculture, Clinton, not mixing of the forces -0 issionary from. South Ak" Old proe any- �Here we have a very clear state- Mrs. PeteTEchart.—Misses Agnes, and pleasure of seeing one -of er entrance in Seaforth. later than August 15th. thing,but eneficial.in1'results. But ii�axt Sunday, julyg2ftd; ment of fact—made two years ago-- Leona Purcell, of Toronto, are visiting pupils win a *gold medal-, given, by the Prach tion -s are that is digrvisive. T d On Monday 8. If a number af applica then to Mr and T. Flarmery.—Mrs. P. township to the Entrance pupil with ng,�,, verang. Tepeated now.- It remains only to ex- . Agar, H. Beattie, L. Beattie (H), be standing.—T.sm, Rspb..r_ he -will ie an address ilusi t received it may be necessary to have the original theme—ail the fee sys- A O'Sullivan has returned home after the hig arnine the kind of Tariff Commission E. Broadoot, A. Broadfoot, J.'Cardno the applicants appear -before a com- tern is abolished eive,, effort should 'weeks visit -with St. Catharines ries have made their appearance on with lantern sli&i at 8, 0.141. they have in the United States. It (H), E. Chapman (H), V. Coleman, nt om cloriti a mittee in order to decide the wnner. e made to PT46ve friends. — Mr. and Mrs. T. Malady the mparket.—The Separate school is in effect, a Commission for thd S. -Cudmore (H), B. Delaney (H), M. It is unnecessary to dwell here np- to be a despicable for* of parasitism, visited St. Columban friends recently. passed 100 Per cent. of t�rir pupils held at Baypld on- Th urpose of giViiiethe manufacturers Delaney (H), M. Dodds, & Dony, E. on the advantages'of a course in that in its rapacity' induces law bons V A. Bremmerl,� the full power to exp1dit the con-surn- Droifer (H), A. Eckert (H), C. Eckert, —Rev. Father Gib of Wiugham, at the Entrance four Agriculture -at such a well known In- breaking. of the Godeqich Sum=mtetr -in took honours, Vlary Dorre- ers. For � instance: It, investigated Tres visited Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney.— of who Young People, is iattend*g' B. Edgar (U), E. Forrest, M. Fo -t stitution. There should be no scarc- The highway police -are given merit the Mary Doyle, of Detroit, s spending sbyn, Mary Dillon, E. O'Hietarn and the sugar uties; R5 report on this (H), G. Free, E. Hawkins, J. Holland, ity of suitable applicants. Therefore, marks by the Minist�6 of Highways her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Gertrude Mulligain—Logan lawn so- this week. The deleggtee from r investigation was resented to the E. H-ugill, R. Hugill (H), H.Kennedy for freedom from coges- t- field are the Misses kleanor III The President has refus- it is hiiype that any boy conternplat- acci Mrs. James Doyle.—Mr. and Mrs. Ste- cial on Wednesday night was well President. (H) 0. Knox, R. Little, WJJson Lit- ion tie-up and so foA ot for fines. Dorothy Broadfoot and Janeit ing ntering the O.A.C. this fall will t phen-Eekert, of Timmins, are visiting tended. The music as excellent and ed to make public the report. SO tle, 'R. :MacLean, R. HeGonigle, �H. make an effort to win a worthwhil This is laudably constructive, and in head,MT. and Mrs. James- Bar desired, onked up �FtcLachlan, A. McLeod (H), J. their many friends.—Mrs. John Dal- the eats all that could e close were the ig interests li Me- 'he "fee" system, Hamilton, are enjoying a fe* holi� scholarship. toll is visiting friends in Kingsbridge. striking contrast t6t with the operation of the Tariff board Quald', S. MeSpadden (H), -1�. Malady, and indeed any system that plaurs a — ------ days sit the home of hi sister, r&., IS. OW-allory,,of Toronto, is visiting in the United States, that actually the E. Nott, E. Oka, C. O'Leary (H), J. premium on the #nW and the col- John Vfttsou and othssr frieud.�' nis cousin, Reta O'Rourke— Lucy representitive.cif -the ugar interests Patrick (1-1), G. Perdue' V. Quail (H), lectin of "costs, ff6m motorists. BRUSSELS Many from this community are at- was resent on the Board in the per- H. Rankin, P. Reeves,'M. Reid (H), Burke has returned after a visit with HURON NOTES tending Summer School -0_ London friends.—Annie 'Mrs son of one 14. IL(Glassie. Common M. Ross (I-1), H. Sclater, E: Scott, Downey, O� Notes.—Mrs. Allinghain and daugh- Mr. and Jim 'Mackay, and Mr. Seaforth Meeorial Hospital, spent ters, Pat and Sheila, of Saskatoon. and Mrs. Don, Brace, of Weodsto,, decency would have dictated.that this W. Shannon (H), R. 'Shinn, H. Sm- —On Monday evening last during (CONSTANCE entlern�an should abstain from sitti her laolidays with her parents, Mr. and are vvisitdng Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gerry. were week nd visitors at the horn 6 9 119 erville (H), -B. Southgate (H), 0. the heavy thunder storm, the light- "Golden Weddirig.:-�Mr. and Mri3. s M'0 ael Downey. on case* in which his personal inter�l Stirlind, I. Sundrcock, G. Taylor ning killed a very valuable cOw be- Joh9i Carter,. of the 2ii(I concession of r I h The former will be better known to of and mrs.,mv- nt. Mr. Gla friends as Stella Gerry. — Mrs. limin MeMnlan, of Emudville� test w4s so appare sele M Taylor Wilber Tremeer, longing to MT. Hfth Thiel, of the Hull,tt, celetrated thor golden wed- old refused to do this. Congress passed Bella Stroh, Mrs. Jobn Stroh and Sunday at the home, a BIT. and U'ri ien about 200 Tremeer,' M. Wolsh. 14th concession of Hay. The cow was ding on July 17th, STAFFA ra Falls, N. Y., al- John Watson. a special law tern-Olving. Mr. Glassie out in' the Open in the middle of the Mrs. Roy Rex and -daughter, of Niaga guests gathered piicheyvening to con- Notes.—Mr. and -is Shultz, of New F�alls, from the pay -roll of he, hAtio until Brussels. field. A of lightning also enter- gratulate and iodn i Try mak- son, Harold, of Buffalo, and Mr. and so Mrs- Lew N. Y., have been visiting Mrs. A. Dov the case was finished. Yet this. isthe . Wyap, JhTans, ad a tree near the.house of Mr.. Win, ing, 'Khe danciRg wag p aafwth, vd%it- S. S. Burchell bthe Mrs. Archie Barton, of S sort of ,thing that,passes -for a Tariff ntlyMiss had ber Ian ce (H) D Uttley, of Zurich,'ad it somewhat -hcaire"d present el over Sunday with Mr. d Mrs. De Board in the United Stites. Natar- J' Douglas (H); . Drager, S. u of tonsils removed �o 'Monday. r. if -,battered the tree, but no ot:ier dam- from a disitarice were,'Mx- David Car- William Jeffery.—Miss Jefferson, ally this aroused'some storms. In- Fischer, N. Fowler (H), R. Fox age was done. ter, of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs, Lamont, Tuckersmitli, has: been engaged to and Mrs. Matthew Cameron, Cran- Cottriges.—A few furnished a es are E. Hall, . Hamilton (H), G. Har- k, were in town on Monday dven" available for August. If you�vrahtone ap vestigation was Vhrateried. Senator —Mr. Ji 0. Hbkirk, who recently of Brussels, -and Mr. William Goddes, teach in S. S, No. 4, Hibbert.—rs. broo ply inon (H), L. Hudson, H. Jacklin, J. -to F. A. EdvvaT&, who h2s harge.of some —Mrs. Fred Smalldon and daugh- Smoot one of the big sugar men of Kerr (H), W. Lowe (H), H. McAlli-s- purchased the restaurant of Air. J. of Toronto, Their family presented D, Bruce has returned home after ing at most reasonable ratm. the United States.was always on the U em I chesterfield, and spending the past six weeks with her ter, Helen, were in Brussels on Tues- ter (H), J. McCall, J. McDowell, M. H. McKay, of Wingliam, has sold 0 t tb wit a beautifu Ellroth Breezes.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davi- job to l6ck investigation. All this day.—Mr- and Mrs. William s mixed up -with the notoriou's spcu- McQuarrie (H), J. Murray (H), G to the former's brother, Mr. Jack Me- thedr brothers andisters with a purse daughters in, Windsor.—Mr. and Mrs. I of Ambestburg, -are visiting Mr. and son, of Detroit, were. here over the X? -V - s, f Buffalo, and My. Kay, the new proprietor taking pos- of gold. The gaithering broke up with harry Matthew Pawson,, V. Porter (H), E. Riley, M. Mrs. William Cardiff this week.—Miss week end with Mrs. J. Davison.—Miss lative sugar market of 1921 when the tariff rates on, sugar were being fi.- Roe (H), W. Shetreed (H), G. session immediately. i,lwis,h that the happy couple will and Mrs. James Jeffery, of Hamilton, Edith King, Detroit, is spending a Mary Dewar and'Miss K. Urquhardto Mr. Robert J. Southcott, of Lon- ore years in the jur- spent a few days during the week with many in -an the exploitation f t don, an uncle of -the Suthcott fam-, Mr, and Mrs. William Jeffery.—Miss d, Kh he A- Smith, M. Thompson, N. Thompson couple of weeks with relativs.—Rev. of Kincardine, are guests of Mrs. D. Watson- (1H), E. Williams (H), C. ,y-- tbrough life. of Kitchener, Dewar ------ �Rv. J. C. Tolirde, Mrs.,TO1_
erican people by the sugar trust was R Williamson (H), IS. Voll,,k (H), R. ily of Exeter, died at his home in tha Nots.—Miss Helen Britton has Mary Wilon, of SmitMs Falls, visited and Mrs. S. W. Harn,
n Ethel for a couple of days, mie and daughter, Ferg,of Sothamp- one of the most notorious instances W. Norris and were 1 city on Tuesday, in his 74th year. The pased her primary Mina wikh of the looting of the consumer by Yuill. piano exa .J.r. and Mrs. A last wek_-�Miss Edna 'McColl, of ton, were at the Albion over the week Ethel. deceased was born in this community tion in music in Stratf&rd. She r. nd Mrs. J. M. Worden on Wd predatory interests ever brought to Nwmaxket, is spending her vacation end.—Miss Annie Elliott, of Toronto, being a son of the late John South- pupil of George B. Clarke.—Mr. and nsday. — Mser Bill Bol�es, of the attention -of the American public. ts; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. is home for the hlidays.—Mr. A. F. G.- Dilworth, G. Lucas, M. MIntos, cott. When a youth he went to Lon- Mrs. Logan, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Niagara Falls, is spenqding the holi- with her paren sg 'Yea, verily, Mr. Bennett selects L. McKay, S. Neabel, B. Parr, R. don and entered the employ Of J. William Logan, of Blyth, were the days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Smale. C. McColl.—Harry Laird, of Detrit, Kin and son, Douglas, and M, I',, -------------- has been visiting his - cousin, S. S. Mina Proctor, of Toronto, were guests Estrange idols for dedification. Pearson, W. Robertson, L. Whitfield. Darh & Sons, where he had been a guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Leo Stephen- �en's Hotel. Mr. Laird of Mr. and Mrs. G. W, King over Sun- American Opinion. faithful employee for 54 years: The son over Sunday—mr, and. Mrs. Gil- STANLEY Plum, at the Qu meron, Isabel and. left Brussels when he was, ten- Years day.—M. James Ca In the United 'States athe present Manley. deceased is survived by two sons and more and Mr. Jack Nloore, of Toron- Notes—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Palmer old And sees many changes in the old Evas'Gameran, of Toronto, are vie- time there ate two difFeTerit appions H. Beuwman, E. Carlin (H), P. two daughters. to, spent tbje week end with Mr. Win. and d,,ghters, of Hamilton, spent a in regard to the Tariff Commission. town.—Mrs. C. McLean and daughter, iting John Cameon.—Ms. Prentice, Moore.—Miss Mary Moore ib- spend- few days with friends in this vicinity. Dr. Taussig, of Har�ard University, Connol-ley, L. Eckart (H), V. Eckert. miss Hope McLean, and litte grand- of Toronto, is ivisiting her par�_-�#, Mr. 1. Koehler (H), Miss —Mrs Rolinson, Sr., who has spent daughter, Joyce Gorton, of Detroit, and Mrs. W. J. Stirison�The merri� and a former chairman of -the tariff (H), G. Kleber (H), ing her holidays in Toronto. M. Elva Whatly and Nliss Grace Scott the pa*st year with her daughter, Mrs. ex- A. Manley, D. ;McNi,6hol, E. McPha- THE FEE SYSTE are visiting at the home of Mrs. Win. bers and friends of the Y. P. S. are commission of the United States, left Monday morning for Port Albert, E. Lowden, of Hamilton, has returned Moses. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Sa- having a beach party Friday evening.
pressed it as his opinion at a meeting son (H), Evelyn McPherson (H), L. week at the -a. -he American Economic Associa- Ryan, D. Thornton (H). Years ago the iniquitous fee sys,_ where they will spend a to the old home on the Goshen Lin
ling, f London, were in town for a —The Guilds of Trinity Church are, of t tem -of remunerati-ni county con- C. G, 1. T. Camp there. days.—Ena Hollinger, of Detroit to have a tea and bazaar n the' tion two years -ago, that the interests —MT, and Mrs. Gilman Shaw, of Lon ftw of Mr. dori� spent Sunday at the home stables and magistrates was abolish- ------------ spent the week end with his father, tory lawn on Thursday aft, ernoon, envolved du the results of tariff mak- and Mrs. D. J. Stephenson. — Mrs. vlytSre� so 6rfu and exerted I i York county following an in Jake Holldnger.—Allan A. Lamont July 26th, from 3 to 7 p.m. There 77. C. T. U. A N 1\\� U A L ZURNCTI Oscar Wright and farnily, of Kenil- a and non- Notes.—Mrs. P. Clarke and children, ly Ivi uir p h
-in er Flit party tensive campaign and searching ex- and sistr, Miss Mary Lamont, recent- will be various fancy and useful art -
its despicable fruits by the worth, are spending a week with h sited relatives in Kiricardine.— icles for sule, also garden posure of mother, Mrs. G. Dowson.—Mr. and CONVENTIDN ()ntario Motor League. Unfortunate- George Bae,her has accepted a P011- Tea will, be served, and music provid- 'etically im- S Olive st Satur- ed -by the Lakeside entertainers.—Mr. wee . an extreme ly it is still in effect -in man coun- tion at Welland and left la
O!ff p ffi, of Windsor, are spen(lin a couple of
�' I -4 Mrs. Rusc,el Erratt and Mi
The Huron County W. C. T. U. held ks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of Cleveland, and ties of the province and in some its day. and Mrs. R. ough it comes from a man of
t I- Erratt visited at Auburn o ent. R, J. Gascho.—Lennis Calfas, of Kitch- vit ention in —Mr. and Mrs. T. PenTose and Mr. and"reasoned judgment, and by its thirty-first annual 4conv abuses are only too appar Mrs. Eric York, of Toronto, axe Wi with his par- ----------- c:z:_ ener spent the week end f Hamilton, spent the Ontario Street Church, Clinton, on ports of there from time to time I Penrose, o uestg of Mrs. F. Baker. — Fred 710 rneans a bitter opponent of the Cal�as and, children, week end with their parents, Rev. and 9 ents here. Mrs. Tuesday, July 10th, with morning, af- reach motor league headquarters and Phelps of W!indsor, is visiting his si-s- of Mrs. Penrose, at the parsonage, policy of tariff proecti_p- Mr. E. p, who h0e spent the past couple D\&KILLOP ternoon and evening sessions, with are brought to the att(�-tion of the -Mrs. T, Ord, at Sum R Inn cort- Costigan, of Denver, who also has weeks with relatives here returned to Varna. ter, had experience with the Tariff Board the President, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, in provincial authorities or directly com- their home with hini.—MT. and Mrs. Eighth Line Notes.—Among the tage--Gapt. Humphrey, a -member of the chair. E Orts Were batted by the motor league. in the United States., is not quite so ncouraging rep J. Trevethick And son, Carl, of Brins- visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Church Army Crusaders, who is r6celved from the departments of Recently a member reported that HELLSGREEN the at oderich, preached in Trinity ingr g in is condemnation; he ley, spent Sunday with the latter's Charles egele on. Sunday we're sweepin t is still possibe to make work- while driving west of London on a Notes. — While Mr. -and Mrs. M. olds that i parents, MT. and Mrs. William Hies's. It ollowing: Mr. and Mrs. William Church Sunday morning—MT. E. L. Reichert were coming home fro Zur- -1d, of Kansa he Tariff Coin-missin of the United The address of welcome was given provincial highway. another car badg- city is visiting orkable institution, but by Mrs. W. Hiles, of Clinton, and was ered him into "stepping on the g —Clarence,an Cayton Hofffman and ch on Saturday evening last ,bout Doerr and children, of Gadshill; Mr. Bloomfic States a'w ti Dr r Ramsay, of spent Sunday and Mrs. Will Gross and sons, of Hul- his sister, Mrs. A. C. Brando ii Miss Mabel Bailie, to get away from the provoca ve !dn,ight, just as they bad turned on 01
that it ust have turned, upon it the Jett; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fisher and Maud McGregar, accompanied Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman.— in' clearest searchlight of publi,61ty and, of Goderi6h. At the afternoon Gas- driver. That is just what the driver Mrs. William Nichols,on and son, Otto, to the Blind Line about half a mile daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mrs. Wightman. on, a motor trip to on reports from Secretaries and wanted him to o. He was a fee Sys from Zurich, a car crashed into them, -have lit- s' tospf and baby, of Fullarton; Miss Detroit Sunday- -Casey Atkinson, of that its past performance,% its stan- Treasurer followed. The Question tern "cop" and he "got" the driver throwing bath occupants -out of the Eggert— Detroit, is boMdaying here. — Mrs. tie to command it and that R. Eggert and Mrs. John of Drawer was conducted -by Mrs. T. T. who had been proceeding at a 'Vea- a guest Of her dards andractices, are wholly out ig, Mr.,, Reichert received minor in and Mr. Paull, of London, is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koehler raason and common George, of London, FiiAd Secretary of sonable ate of speed until decoyed P th juries, while Mr. Reichert receiver a recto conformity with- , ent Sul" son, Rev. F. H. Paull at the rY. 11 and Mrs. William K'Gehler 8P Provincial W. 1C. T. U. Mrs. Downs and exasperalted into stepping on A." broken hip and collar bone and sev- a Sea-bach —Mr. -and Mrs. H. X�oLaen land fain- sense. His conclusions 'ae.' He was tak- day with Mr. and Mrs. Esr 1. ,That -within the,last year the and Mrs. Aiken rendered, a duet. Under the iniquitous fee system the eral ribs were cracked. Rudesebla ily, of POrt Elgin, were gu st pital, London in Fularton.—MV1. Otto s of United States Tariff Commission has, The election of officers which fol- magistrates and "cops", are remuneir- en to St. Joseph's Hos d family, of Elmira, are spending Mrs. Stirling over Sunday.'— Miss osed as a rning for treatment. At an' 'hem taken as a whole, abdicated its func- lowed 'resulted as follows.:. Honorary ated out of the costs imp on Sunday mo ie of weeks with her mother, Maud Stirling returned with t -time of writing -he is getting along a coup tion of disinterested non-partisan in- Presidents, Mrs. Davidson, Goderieh; result of their joint activities. ebe plen.-_Mr. and Mrs.' R. The Unitd Ch-urchof F0199MM and Mra. A. McGuire, Brussels; President, The provincial highways are policed Hors, RaeO as well as can be expected'—Mr. and Mrs. M. Ra dependence." gdent, spent Buuk and baby, of Rostock, spent Kipp -an held their -annual picAe in 2. "That the suppress -ion from Mrs. A. T.,,Cooper, Cl,inton; ist Vice- by the highway police force. On them Mrs. W. E. Jarrott, of BriM... Sunday with her parents, Mr. and JowebV9 Grave on the loth Sna sorAb sr of the President, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, Wing- travels the great hulk of the motor Under the auspices of the- Hamilton Sunday at the home of Mrs. Henry Deitz.—MT. and A splangd public scrutiny of a numbe Ed. 250 enjoyed the Outing. ham; 2nd Vice-lPrealident, Mrst E. traffic. ounty and municipal roads Driving and Athletic Association Troyer, who accompanied thern home Commisisions most important findings Rose and son, Albert, and -Mr. and programme of sports was run of? vnith, and repoTs militated against the ef- Bender, Blyth; 3rd Vice -President, are not negrly s fertile field for the ar Mrs. Charles Eggert and children result§ as follows: Boy, 14 and u -ad urray, Exeter; Correspond- fee syste. county a murrici Grieve, of Seaorth, spent a few days
:ficiency of its work and prevented MiS 9 J - IV, spent Sunday at Zurich and Grand der, A. McMurtrie, J. 00ops scretary, Miss E. urdock; Hen- 44cops', o work. So they at times with friends in this vicintY.—MiSsio under 14, Seatlice any infOrged,public comment upon a lug S wed"Appe 15V928 Bend--lM. and Mrs. Charles Bersahe, Cooper, it- gall; Recording Ser een etary, Miss A. E. poach on the provincial highways and Band will be held at the close of the 2 ch v T. and Mrs. Albert Tarke and sons, man, Helen Upshall, Dar
7krimb-or of fitoal questions, whi silly, affec,(;� the.whole country." Consitt, Exeter- Treasurer, Miss employ objectionable methods to PTO- service on Sunday, July 22nd.—Quite IVIisses 1.�anda Bersche and 16 and under, Nellie Taylor, label Bailie, Goaeich- Y.-S-earetary, ure ilegal grounds for convictions, im- $1,050.00 RN PURSES a number motored to Bayfield On "nu 1, Oklahoma, MicGragor, Beatrice 060"r.. -14That the flexi-VIA provisions of h B. Joynt, 'Mughain; L. T. Secre- pogitions of fines, and, above all, ithe the pearl Priboth, of Blackwel Tuesday afternoon, July 10th, to Tariff law Miss who have been visiting Mrs. Berscher- ladies, Elva Andt-mov, bllbixgkt, into pldy for the t&TY, Mrs. George Johnston, Gode- collction'of their fees in, the form of 210 Trot or Paceo PUrse $350 Sunday school picnic of Kippen and uncle, Mr. Henry Buerman azid other Odga Bell- ge�=r& IeACOO Gode- east 'or Z P0 slii�At o -f and a Con- rich; -Auditor, Mias Robeztson, relties in this vicinity, left by motor Greg G�ae Co r, 2.17 TW or Pacs� patqe$350 Hillogreen United hurches Recently on. the Lambeth highway ------------ :�_ -of their ro- rich. on Mr M76 T&s.-A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, gave a ��rbal battle took place btvtre0n 2.23 Wit or Face"Onise $350 TugdZy to Visit - and YUng VaOn, rMlftT carly ammit, a 6 tM6,A14 .011duld. take ace as William Hegy in lffhrvey VoClymmt- a short address on Law Enforcement. hig6mmy traffir, 'offleers and IM10 h" been roceived on Sunday afternoon there was -a rate, Ruth .Whftoa,, UfforrVIrt Mile meate—Best ilikes fe five Notes.—Word �Aty and provincial t66ftleo to 'The memorial service at the close members of the cot! that William Neal has arrived safely large gathering at thet IiOme 'Of Mr- g session its conduct- police forces. The hA of- n Country.—William and Hsnry Banemn to visit i h, their 4. "That, unill d of the mornin, ghway traffli r to hotlt� Utftki 9 the in the Old A tgnee 0 on, Silver Troph3 -g attended the family re- friends from OklAh011 d ,thaf dd y Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, of 'Mingham, ficers final-ly ordered the other c are establi6e ig p�, �,06= track recoid. rs. Wo6d tie. Amng ihose stables of? the lftbwaY. all the Ur iiiiwbers *ore on the list. missiO4 will ive4u& ltg loft union at Kitchener n Saturdy and who were present MlOng with to, The � evening mud session had as chair- The highVMY 'tr&ffic Pofice Are a 7irst mce at 2 0?13:rVD had an enjoyable ime.—George E. Bauerman's in this vicinity wiWe MT. J. % Vogg. A, dust was saried $ovce in Vhe Mp[6Y Of tl�ft and Mm, Ferguson, Missfes Jean For- and Mrs. Charles Bersehe Miss bands dapartmevg W ghways. Tile This -will 'he -the finil rdea 7fteet -for tt Ta
public hi
M�5. and Lola Ralph, of Toronto, Bersche, W -r. avd Mrs- MU rkG are, amured 1911SOn bly little f6its is ochooled in accidnt1profth- the Year mild 60 pdiie With the formaIN and tvm a0lts 2nd appropriatl6n, for-Ift. and control the -best of qaeIan radu VAth every "Mre visitor !811116 .7o6 $ah'aftor, of Godorleh, a fine, 44an -work, the direction ...Nes Mr. Pow*# "'Aft mother last Friday and Saturday.— of Bincimmll, Oklahc in face t0,:�&ge 96iidemon, of of titffte and Ithe ditseouragement of d1w1a Well Anal. Oh A., Ing, Mr. awd 2a'V9, Harry avd Mrs, Mooney and their so'
'% isaighlo; Mr. and raw. I lavy and order and mbItOTIZ4 Bennett Istill sdtk to eo%prehi�naivv a& livIlwealft. Lyle, and his wife, all Of Benlit of Lon- tlVely folL M214" �'�D �diebd .'h iffij, T. T. Gaor& Minn., are visiting in amd around Wil- of Larelet; Mt. declaTation Of tVV# 70ars' a have COIA0 to regard -its officei = �h '61 KA"e W th ton. Spreat, ton. Mrs. Mooney Was, a former Vad- Clga, Mr. and A 02 GO ?Ala cookshire IMIR
loin 11ML V I
dont of this eaction. M-0,'W'n d* kv Ithe ChAddl 1rull 4V 06.1 Amu PA. S, --The regular &&bb! 2a di I 12heo the towmit has' bom Do 11 1,02w. A6 Z Mr. and Xrm Sontr )1*V5r, Kit
1 itItII