HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-07-13, Page 8it .............. ................ .............. . . .... ... mar W d I'7— "RIVE 05, ug A a is 9 t t44 qestfi, T .11 .,BVc I Akno EENkerg Ur ans taken gqv" f J 747 TOX WZZ YLIT to& at pers at OUT04 ne Soays and Volsons'kar insects t rat, P,;values at 75C to Me 1b. Igeorg of all kins have Sand assi —AT— Dainty Lunch Sandwich ", , ' 4. oia q eA li . h, u j� and K TU d;e wth And�-dur- coat r ok T otook Qjv0* Butter, Maple But- ii�. dift ing Oia 'time y fvfm� 'J�u= 'ge, the to near iloat nd a arii dainty, handy and a an, Inter, fing i4i %Ad The Be XMU Dxug Stere social was'QRowed by i piano: 010 y- M 'brii wa nd, Helen, if PHON3 28 �6hesney. Durim on vn j t,m is �urvwed, by his ZLk* �,4`rER CASTILE 931A]FORTIM uttetio u I a Every Coat. in stocl� at P. Ggatly Ridi*d 'eakes for ........ -re. One a&op, -Joan, an,d, three �njty songs we ar e C�irloi and George, CntsZXpert regul busine�s was taken. Step, to So and �brd%Ws- 'ind I sisters, roll 4woipii St.&.. Up, decided end four d. Seaforth. '7 $1614 Jos� Goderich Summer Sc sood airl for senorcil house Tb4i oftring taken up yas for Mis- liamiifbid; -1, SPECIAL PRICES IN BOSIZIRY. Held a %-ork- Apply to 4sbn NeDowel ' R. R. 2, Picnic�The Junior Woman a 6A. ura, (q Institute Clubs of S-eaforbh and Blyth, Seaf�rtb. or phone 12-240, Se4wth. . aiso.3 I . 4- IN- bell, 'q.f ii�dlt !Otg '0�� 0, SVE-CIAL PAICES GL VW ]?I�ONR PHOR PHOOD-166 held a joint picnic and , m ing at Apartment to Lot with Vath roam, and air T ovm Counc�R.­The regular. meet- Castle, of Bayfield on Friday, July Sthlo modern onveniences, Aply to TAxs. James -who CIAL PRICE$, IN LINGER -IF, GiMesl;kie, North WainStreet. -8161.1 -m qfithe town council Was held in is private, ill ib held hl at residenc6o Market KUCIAL PRICES -IN, LINENS, omsezieeper want;4e.-wantea at oncei a the coil chamber =. July Rth, 2,30 on- Name Omitted-Thxough an error, it capable housekeLver; house has every modern with all members, p�resen. Friday. WX the name of Ge ventenze. Apply at The Exp=ftar office. p;%tlii�'Raattie. That the report of orge Crich was 01111 bed from -the list -of boys attending can the South Hur�n Boys, famp, which La3t--or, Tuesday evening between ca- the fmane committee be ado�ted as Band Colmeert-The band concert was published -last -week. forth end Walton, a headlight nday 'e. for Ford V. G. Fee, $60; John A. -Wil- this week will be held, on Su Sedau. Finder please at Daly's Garage. son, $75; John Knighit Charles ovelling at 8.1-5 P=. in Victoria Park $65- Seaforth. NF4W S 17"ge hay, $16.15; Gener�l Motors, instead of on Thursday evening as e Seaforth Pub New Teachers�Th House to Rent_--4kn 8 -roomed house on High SoMice Sales Garage, $3.45, Goo usual.- The.biand and orchestra i lie School Board at a meatingheld Street, hard and soft water izWa I tric Co., $4,28; .'*jlson The cond ed yL.Mr. . -NoVak and Tuesday evening, appointed -1bliss lights r,,nd garden. or further D. . erguson a uct - by James A more -than -ordinary -showing of ; - will - e assiated in. solo ply to Mrs. John Selater, High Street. ea, -MaWkillt, cartage and freight, $19.37 7 Mary Bell, as teacher of the Second forth. 458-0 C. X telegrams 45c; T. E. O' 't Renly, -, ew-ark accompanietV 'by 8. F. Book, and [Miss Ruth Thompson to Nome C002dna Sale. -The Darba&-kirlFman cheritio0s, $112.38; R. Bell E. & T. Novak. The programme follows: th6ntl 11i the va bus, teach the Primary Gom. Auxiliary of LFirst Presbaqisriaa Church,, are ment that is au le .4-01. George A_ Silb & Sons, '.'Tho 'Maple Leaf" I - . . . r� ST -Y �p ------------ holding a aule of home made cooking on 44 d color effects. Kill VVUR Reopen. -Th W,01- Saturdy. July 21.k t 4 p.ra..-in ths* vacant $N.05'- Canada In -gat Iron Co. $50.40; March .............. . The Wonder" tare morth oil Mr. A. R. Boiea reitaurant. $20;_ Bell Tele-, overture ........... '�Kingi Lear Co.,of St -'Maus, I ve Property For Sale_- -On West WiMam St., p= -Co.,, $33D, C. N. R' crossing S ........ ish �ta Aays insu Come in and select one or more gowms. verton M -i ;i, I -election Melodies" this week purchased the Seaforth flour one block from public schorcd. churches and mill from the town. The Company is Main Street of Sealorth, niuQroomed house, protection, $13.07; Geo. D. Ferguson overture ........ �."On- the.. Riviera" water - inside-. & -Co.,'$47.08; James V. Ryan, $8-530; Serenade 014a Paloma" at present operati ills ng mi in St el-tac light hard nd soft furnace in good condition. here is - this Thoma THE SAVOR7 ODOR Marys and New Hamburg. Posses- a Klein, $45.30; FTed Adams, property garden. gurage'.4nd stable and A'..,*i to. the Store will disel t- Tenor Solo .......... There's a land" t ose .many� a -h ion will be given on August 16t gcod benhouse. This property is in first class of our.,roast eef tells you that condition. Apply to Mrs. Roselle Martin. James Stewart traedve ite'w' s: fer� M 3160=3 Sacred Seection-­�'Thow Out the Life _su -mertime shoppers. it, is r1rue in taste and flav:oi, --khlr. and Mrs. Adam Announcement. special opti�nl OfFer.--High tra NOW IPLAYn Line" as well as in name. 0ooking doem. Hay, , inne the, engagement of eight gold-filled spectaclen with best fiat March 'The Invader" ZDt disguise the inerior quality their elder daughter, Jean, ROFS, to spherical lenses for only 04.00. All other 1;-* ... ­, , of our meats, but rather rings - sty -le of frumes end lensi!s at lowest prices. God. Save the King,, Peter Cameron Calder, or St. Cath RK 'THN TIN out their truly superior flavoi rins, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Eyes examined by our well known and pains- ao4A superlative quality. Scotland,' taking speciaiist, Djr. HVghson, with 28 years' William Calder, Edinburgh, I experience; 19 yeaxs,comiug to S!aforth. The Death, of Miss Hughes -Ile death the marriage to take place the latter very best in optical. work and at reasonable Miss Arina Marie Hughes daugh- prices. 'From Monday, I pm., JuJ,? 16th. to I J0 part f July. ter of Mrs. IMary Hughes and the late U,, A. steag W,ednesday, 12 noon, July 18th. Beattie7 A d ie Re0ent 'of Fair, S forth. 3160-2 James Hughes, occurred in London on Tasire 1�hone 58 lRes. ?home 59 S45tures Contracts. - Mr. Henry .,.ie" Pit Specialist - in Seaforth_- If Y X story of the World War, based on Wednesday, July 4th. Deceased had Edge, who has -been engaged for wish the services- of a Government Registered been in ill health, since 1,%et Novem- Rin -Tin -Tin's own life. some time past in erectiz?-g the fine Optometrist, who will.give you the most up- to -date tand thorough �_,xazninaiion of your ber, nevemtheless, here death came as -0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 * new Sumrtest service station in eyes possible� using the latest instruments Also showing a -great surprise�to her many-fTiends, tin with er parents here. -Dr. and Mr. and MrS.- R. 0. Parke and Mrs-- 10 0 town,- learned this week that he had knwra to optical science, have your eyes ex- on Miss Orl' WillianI Kruge Motored to Toronza>, 'Miss Hughes was well known in Sea- Mrs. Fred Clarks and - D. is Ross Savauge, R.O.- No extra THE: �MRL FROM MVERYVkMERX forth, having livedre nearly all her spent a few ays last week with Mt. last week -aird, returned Wednesday. S. T. HaRmes charge is made far thisthorough and careful Sam (O been successful in securing contracts anilineil'by M: <> for two new Supertest stations in aud glasses re supplied at life. Three years ago she went to andrs. G. D. Ferguson. -MTs. Snell night. -Mr. and Mrs. J. FairservIce, Funeral Director and rea- A Mach Sennett comedy with eene, Detroit, where she secured a good and Dfiss Marguerite Snell, Of Hamil- f London,'iWere guests f their sis.:- 0 Windsor. Mr. Edge -will move hig prices. 3161-1 Licensed Embalmer. mr.- 'Melville on o Windsor at once. Agents Wanted. -District munagers, agents. uipment - t in natural colors. position in the Great -West Insurance ton, are visiting Mrs. John Tu ter, Mrs. T. 0 eq wonderful new disovery, Palbump]. really seals Company. She had. a kind and lov- 'Mr, Cecil Knight underwent a severe Monday.1 fL <0> Finest Motor - and Horm- 0 ,, Mr. -and Mrs. J. B T!kerman and W%r- nail punctures without Temoving tire from -ay, Wednesday RID&Pit4l. M. Welvilre returned ori'Monday'aftir otifferent, gu&mnteed hainwess to rub� IM",day, Tuesd ing disposition, being quite favourte opra1in, in the Ki 0 drawn equipment. Beattie <> , New "Speed Cqp" for Coumty�The rinL io County Council at the June session ber- Cannot d -e. Lasts IiXe of tire. with all who knew her. The funeral MTs. Knight has left for KitcherVir to spentling- their vacation iii Leamin' Koney maker for agents. XWerr made S916-00 9 - The Expositor Office. 0,, decided a traffic officer was ncessal took place 'on, Saturda, be with him.-*rs. John Day and son, torl'and Detroit. -The Barbara Ki - Blocl;, Main Street; opposite S. T. a in five weeks Write for proof and free -trial y, uly 7(oh,, rh from St. James' Church, were George, wh have -been s -nding the man Auxili. Mr. Earl Crich, of offer. palccs- sOo Holmes, residence, Goderich 0 on county, -roads. sel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Pe ary intend holding a saR_- ted to the AlexandTia, Ont- 0 -return, 4> Street West; Chas. Holmes' <> Cur.ton, has been appoin Requiem High Mass was, sung by pan week with fri,6nds, ed.'to of home-made cooking on Saturdak C, 'residence, NoiZth Main Stree�. -0, position and has -been supplied with Father Gaffney, of Clinton. Rev. Detroit on, Sunday.-4MY. and Mrs. July 21stiat 4 p.m., in the store ziw�th aim Rev. 'Listowel, cialled on of 14> Flowers furhished on short <> a new -motorcycle. He will start Former Seaforth Musician Honor- Father Goetz assisted in the choir. Wobert Gbrey, of Mr. A. R. Box%- rostaurantmts_ F, -y! The Paul Reid and 'Mrs., Willi idg 0- notice. All kinds of up- iO patmling the -county road system at- ed�The daily papers on July 11th, She is survived ib�,her- mother, -one Mrs. J. Patterson on Sunda am Re of from the Cosmopolitan Magazine sister, 'Miss Mona, and ope brother, King Construction Gornparly, Who, be- Lucknow, spent -'holstering neatly done. 0- once- carried a story to the effeet that Ed- 'Phones. .119 or 308 <> wara Johnson, the famous tenr, had James, to whom theympathy of the, gan paving operaions at the Seafortb visit�ng friends and 'relatives. Th'eV- to 'have 'now retufned S Electrical Storm. -A severe elec- given $25,000 to the City of Guelph, whole community is extended. Her end a week a:go Tuesday, aturday.-­4Mr. Russel H�� �0 0 10 �O <> 0 �O trical 'and wind storm visited parts -be used to teach music in the Guelph C1, father redeceased -her four inpuths completed a mil.and it half ofpave- and Arth ur Sudson, ok -Detroit, 0�6h of Huron -on Monday afternoon. No schools. , The only cond�tions attach- ago. The pallbearers were J. Dorsey, ment. It Will not, however, be open Saturday and Sunday 'in Seaforth,. serious damage wasone in Seaforth, ed to the offer were thAt he school PA3NnE 0 W. Faulkner, F. Nolan, and her three to traffic for some weeks yet. -lMr. Stratford 9nd Bayfleld, the guests- off T -I T 01 -1 ___ -9 411, +.1,4 MY -A 'D ID_A .9 out hydro and -GeLelytione, poles between Seafarth and linton were blown down. A large barn ifid driving slied However, board organize and opera mu c department under a competent head. TheMail and Empire goes pu to say: "J. Canadian couSins, 0,M,Y11i Olin, annery and John M-eagher.,, Those who gt- tended he funeral from a distance Mrs. J. Flannery, Mrs. J. H. 9 I _r. work of Mr. Lloyd Dinnen, Of -the Bank of Commerce while he is ill.—Mr. -Alex. Cardno. and son Fred, —Mr'. and Mrs. Hugh 9proat.and Ron- al nd Dorothy Vokes. left Sundair forheir -home in Detr*it, near C-linto ,p was razed. to the L. Yule, prominent mus - friend Mr. John- GWD BEND CASINO were Schummerlan, Mr. H. W. Dunskey, of Winnipeg, -are visiting at the home aSter Soon& ing a week with friends -m town, anei according agricultural repre- sentative's office, crops we're not dam- ician and personal -of son, at present in charge of singing -of Detrodit, and Mrs. J. Burgard, of of Mr. and, rs. G. P. CaTdno.— rvcinity._,Miss, Anoux% Dale -has gorm 4 aged to any ex1tent at the Kitchnr-Wterloo Collegiate, Fidillers' Contest St�atford. Messrs. -Gordon 'Bair and Joseph to Detroit to spend some time Wltb, has been appointed director of the Keenarl, f London, are visitffig friends ihre..7-Misses Margaret antTR Home and ScVbol Council- — The department in Guelph, and. will as- - R1 NDAY, SULY 16th Local Briefs�­Miss K. Burrows last friends in, town.—Edward K. Lnnon, the- Mary SpriOat are spending their vaca- tion -with fri4nds next meeting of the associated clubs %u-rne his dqAies there in September." Friday sailed- from Montreal for he of Montreal, is spending summer in, to.wn.—Mossrs, of Godrich, Clinton, Exeter and Sea- Mr. Yule wats for a -number of years —alsa_ British Isles and the Coritinent.—Mr. olidayswith is allnt and -acle, Mr. Martin Klinharnmeri and Joe Jrdaia fonth, will be held in Harbour Park, rgardst and chair leader of First SteP Daiteing and Mouth'Organ Con- and ]Mrs. Roy. Williams, of Galt, were and Mrs. James D_evereaux_ - Miss of-Detrq`tj spent the week- end Ooderich, Tuesday, July 7th. All Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, an test---�Square Dancing visitors last week of M. George Hilda Baebl-or isiiting at the home ing frieTi�s in eaforth.' lWiqs Aileert. members of'the clubs and husbands his many friends in, town ill- join LADIES, 25c. GENTS, 50c. Dixon.--4Miss Florence Moro, of D- of Mr. and, Mrs. Rueben Frost.—Mr. Jordan,, of Long Island, N.Y., spent. are welcome. Cars will leave the with-Tbe Expositor in congratulating Dancing Free troit, is wisiting her parents, fMr.' and and Mrs. Milne Rennie and family re the week en4 'here, the guest of Mrz_ public school, SeafoTth, at 3.45 p.m. him on his new position. Mrs. J. Mero.—Messrs. Walter Scott spending' a mouth. at Gralid Bond— -Leo Fortune.-LJM�s XcLeo of TcZ; d, Each person will toring an individual -On HURRAH! and William Hays have retiqrned to Mr. and WTs. W� J. Duncan and Tam- -r6nto,. is -visiting her cousin, Mac, 1%og lunch." Tea will be made on the Golf._ Thursday last 13 ladies Detroit, after spending their olidays ily and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKezie, Jessie Bethune. � The Missles Cress'- HVI&OU111 �IxiLIA - I I... rounds. All those who wish to go, fro the Seaforth Golf and Country in town.—TVITs. W. Neely is visiing of twn, and Kenzie, of-0-ri - well re Spending a few UU 0, yr, in -3. please notify the 'Secretary, Phone Club played the ladies of the Mait- friends in London. -Mr, and Mrs. Ed. lia, motored to Man-itaulin.1sland this roto.-MNs Janet Govenlock left farur and his -k.4 "I nday noom . Golf Club, Goderich. Douglas, of Hyde Park, are visitors week. Mr, and Mrs. -Reg. Reid, Midland on Thursday mornmg.----� The ideal 3,08, by Mo land BAMBOO GARDEN RADIO &, make at the home f Mrs. J. Patterson- of Stratford, are visiting aforth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, of Claytoz4. weather be materially to A Sad Death.�Grace Finndgan, the the afternoon the suebess that it was. ORCHESTRA, of Cleveland Miss, Helen Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, friends.--JMaster Jimmy Scott is va- Mich.k- is isiting his rother" Xle_ _aW Mrs visiting her grapd- 'itigg friends in Grand Bend­-4Mrs, M. Ed. Hunt_4Mr. Mrray Savauge whip, The Goderich ladis'were the winners who has, been ten year oldaughter af MK William Finnigan, died from lockjaw bythree games. The individual scores One lVight OnDy 'niatheT, Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, Davis has gone to Winnipeg where she has been in the Sea&orth brAnch QjT Registered Drmgless on Wednesday morning. About 21 *er: left Thusday� morning for New will spend the summer with Mrs, H. thei Bailk a lCommerce, has beez r branch 62 Practitioner. week ago she burt her foot but "M-rs, Sniith......o Miss Williams. . 1 TUESDAY, SULY 17th ym* and Philadelphia. - MT. Wil- Golquhoun.-4Mr. and Mrs. . 1. Hill transferred to the Exete CHIM5PRACTOR Sp ank,'MTs. Irwin Armstrong, ce thought nothing of it. However, last Miss Eacoal..._o Airs. Donalson I 11im GT�eig, of Toronto, is home and son, of Waterford, eant the past th-it Monday lockjaw developed. An op- 'Mrs. McKenzi_ - 0 Mrs. Saunders. 9j' 8 Ito 1 Admission 25c for the holidays. --Mr. and- Mrs. Doug- week at their parent's home. - Mr. Exeter, is a visitor at the home (of Magnetic Electriel rs te Dancing, 4 for 25c las Walker, of Buffalo, were recent and Mrs. Thos. Rankin,, of New York, Mr. !Ed. 'Hunt -Mr. nd Mrs. FrgA ELECTRIC Danein i, athe eration was performed and serum in7 Mrs. Best ....... I M - Mi hell 0 'CarUn V rtzander and Xisr-& jected, but all to- no avail. The fun- Mrs. M,�M,,,hi,.o Mrs. Naft5l .... 1 are the guests of Mr'� anA.:,'Mrs. guests f Mr. and Ms. J. Walker Swa CommerciaR HeteR, seaq0221 eral will be held on Friday, JuLT 13th. f Miss Combe. 0 Tom ...... I -Miss Jes-sie tScott and Sleott J. R. Ardhibald.-Mist Doi7othy Parke 'Dblly"Wlin attended the reunion last,; s Wisis Frances, Olbery spent a Wedi�a;day in Elgfrifield.-Mrs, Wei. Monday, Wednesday =d Besides her parents, sh, leaves to miss Porter. Chapman..0 McKinley, of Winnipeg, are guests and mourn her, three sisters, Jeanette, 'Miss Wilson. a' Miss Saunders 1 at the home to Mr. and Mrs. few days withAheir frieud, Miss Win- ford'and son, of Toronto, areL vigfting7 ]in at t�e home of Mr. JObn 'Thompson- Aftermomm. Margaret, 0vfildmd, and five brother, rs Gr ig. ... _1 Mrs. 'Brown ....O A. D. Seott.--4Mr. J. Corbet, of, De- nie Kruse_ --Or. and Mrs. Fi d Nee Adjustmemts dioenoe@ Al , Harold, Gordon, Griant and Mrs* Laidlaw.... Mrs. Coulthurs 0 troit, is spending his holidays in town. a -Ad wo children, Of Toronto, spent -Mr. and Wrs. Frank Carlin, *h4> rts ea # at th m Of his B' Utyl (3k, aRR Edmdo. Stewart A number of years ago an- Wiss Brown.. 0 Mrs. Robe on 1 _4Miss D. Nation, of Toron�o, is a ten days. with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. have b�en via ing 0 ho e other jdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fin- Mrs. Sill ....... 0 Mrs. Martij ... d Col.'and Mrs. Neelin in Stafartli and. Bayfiel. They brother, Mt. J. A. Cirlin, ha;ve* TO- c visitor at the home' nigan�s Was drownd when she fell Mrs. Burrows.. _0 iss Wurtele ... 0 R. S. HaysMiss Mabel Turnbull, of loft here, earl y take a turned to their home -in Petrott.-4k, Crafarid -and, son.,aro in a Cistern. - Huntsville, is, spending the holidays trip'dawn the St. L,awenm - Mm. and X". Ei - R. arti of # iolden" Aiberta', g6r4oll enG 6 ita re G. Albert Ste* Siting friends in In at the orne of her mmother,. Mrs. A Case of Interest in Division 7 Turnbuil-Hr. and. Mrs. R. T. HeIn- visited lim, icousius�.Miss A. Tkorman Dresdet,.-Miss.. B. M. Grievt, is tak- use Elie D_4=tmnl� Court. -A case of more or less public Closing Musicale -An intere9ting tosh, of Ingersoll, guests this and Mm. T. 11eville, an,otheit rela- ing a summer it Tbronto;_-4- interest WAS tried in the Division es n musical evening -was held at ime nome P\/iisg, Alade Wallace, of Toronto, weekat the home of his mother, MTs. h town , last week,�­Dt. ind Mrs. Jamet $Ander,o �, Goderich Court before Judge Lewis and, * Ra , ry of Mi�,s -day 11- 7n. J. X. Hutchison, of,VAnnipsg, Wiest, who has, been seriudY. I = gradus�e' of Lucille Nichors James MoIntosh.-Mr.,,Edward A. Govenock on Thurs on Friday, the Oth of July, VUL, last, when -members of her piano class- Scha6l,'Vf Beauty Culture, end kin has seculied school near Buffalo. visited relatives in tovnij last wedk.�­ re�ccwerin& a expett �ai? (x�co fmt& Saf,-3 Malone, plaintiff vs. Lorne Wilson, do- es entertained their parents and lggr�eller, will arrive -air. and IMT%. McIntoRh and ftm- fendart. The defendant sold a horse few friends. The musical program here,. soom and open a Beent 'ily, Detr -th,6. guests of Mrs. to the plaintI17 on, the u-ndersta-ading which -Was well rendlered d vrAe-21 Shop. Wall sco'tt­ '00ahl and'ehil- that the horse's age was six, coming in style, was in ch d rge of the Treble 01f. (Wob. are vial ng at seven years. The Plaintiff late'! Was Clef Club, Mwtdr Jim Scott, presi- 0� Mr. .7. Hug-, 1%foimed tbt thv boree's age at the dent of he club, actingAS chairman, 90Td. Ur. Ikavid Murchland * be Prizes for the yoses work "We"re who hae.�bseu, nford, 0'0. Wo;aL, time of t1vb deal would, appMr't Ab 1-1 IA In, Seaforth ten to eleven years. Theplaintiff took y Irene erhart, Eva Starlett, Jim visiting ends jty, 'left last MoUday'foi! action to remver $65 da=ges fr (Im Soft',and Pithel Shirm. At a short Wilt 91 'Sh the defimidant. 'rho jury on the. emi- buegne��s 'te;gt�on it VT hehep r'y will isdil � eme. rw*d thL is IMant to the p1dum. -th junior membaT6 as lbrmerl and _Tht, L4illffl Cuthill derlce heard allo plaintiff the ll rn�mkero of 4%he cloijoibo thenibes 'e"10 d $0, to 68 paid by -the defend- of lbho Trebl<� 0101 Club htstead of just thtt oWjiW tD the finVo I and Scott .1. 4n liold picnig Olt eA wya, tr of ot A adjLifi�'j.MMIL., , r .4 ;I L,,#d , vr.86- so.A: _nolefi r. So tdz�, It tymola acv- d4ng -W99 slmMize& in, J�M� I&O'elbainff g f 0 ho Iti Juns, Adt& fho c169# f the t6t; 'blo ghftrl togtid Z, eivy cwga half 'hour J! C.� of T of, JLAI I - ' I 14,:,% I'* "" , , le M,2 MI." 6t V�t -T -AP11K �A I* Olt' A of .-V 6f &6 m �0" 9 .: W4 hZi df 'a; 0�6604 40,k tog V 'W U6 xolhgla ii 61 t V., I , , I &�J 'T�tdj , , 4 I7