HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-07-13, Page 6DJL JVT x4te AM6 WA 4" ow, at*L XQ1, tJ4�)
i1a Lear qd Sao
IaQuar graduate of Ontario Vetwia-
Qzw 00flege. An diseases, of domestic t
a�auaWa M -law. Calls promptRy at-
taud4d to and charges moderate. Vet-
-1 - I Dentistry a Specialty. Office
Qn4 ilasidence on Gederich Street, one
door east of Dr. Lllackz�ylzj Officep Seiz.
A. a CPAW1?3:3L1L, V.&
�Gradurte of Ontario veterinary
College, Uinversity of Toronto. All
diseas.es of dome4tic aa-imals treated
athe most modern principles.
arges reasonable. Day or night
calls promptly attened to. , coca on t
Main Street, Hensall, opposite TOTM F
11all. - Phone 11G.. to
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, pe
University of Western Ontario, Lou- 42
don. Member of College of Physic- $6
aans and Surgeons of Ontario. Office be
In Aberhart's Drug Store, lEzin St., se
Seaforth. Phone go. to
I tu
Honour graduate of Faculty of!
2-dedicine —A Ta..+. -F -; rr 1 w
..... ----- 77 Iot 'd VZ T Ma. 4 Kp 4,0 V Roa R -A 07 field 4e -ion, t
I,I must bo a -4 An Q Ntzmt qu Z," gallans) "go tho 4 4"akte., r0k,"A pour the two dRub 3014!Mmko Zn V'?eM to. W=tAi5q. QW-k4q;pqr of to avol$ afl�*r i2l that OhAtt laeriod, of only yen 44 eP4 IMAM,' 9 ox requiriaff lar� �Ilmaatltie3 of , tQ �Q.f , =4- 1111XIII C&Onl nmlie up this country bPd bz,-A tQWld e 0i I d the N yJaers ago t7a,at the D�amtnjon 0 ned. qr, ution neatone, and
Zda, wltl� its population o, little in in �Dre preptwea Cs NO Iowa.
creased in that .3wied of t2 qr al-TA00 OkuNt4 the 18,14 ftwes indicate, would &Ncre&se its ex, totQL,., ,, tOlve 40 -pounda of Wuestono in ln� the Intervewad tim, 2 a war, 40, r4.450ns of water by halaging it �4 Penditure by al%ost 100 pereent., he h&Z 0�ccurlid- Wars, are anponsive; b at the surface of the Iwould have thought it impossible that d tr asure. The troops W" gallon of waer will. con it uld be so, yet there are the fi ,Tures nwr6h %way ith cheers aud roturn Pound of bluestone, Sla&B before us -"—Extract frO 4! speech Of with ch*r$ and tears but he ddbt 40�'�4taads of stone lime. in a Bennett in the alouse of must be paid,ia sw t ea 'We are pay� QFA*g to 4 ing now for the oom t of water and mghe up June 9th, 1928. ach gallon of vmter will ar. The increasid apn6jk� E In the closing. days Of the Session, expenditure is alm Hon. R. B. Be�nett moved a vote of ost entirely due to pound of Vane. ddress o U.% In want Of cOnfidence in the Government IM, the Hon. j=es 'Robb gave the up, ott on" the war. In the Budget ixture can n1pyy be mp-'de 21 which he challenged the an �fttly in, the sprayer by fill1mg nual ex- following statement of the expendi- at �kW full of water, and, if it h,,*., )enditures, asserted that they were tu res in IM,27, attributable to the, ccpQoity of 40 gallons, add t;m &GI figh beyond reason and that the cc an- War. The Cigures vary little foom loras'�bf the sock solution of blue ry could not expect to receive value year to year. two gallons of the� Stock of lime, after which the cask IIncrease of interest on Public Debt (over 1914) ........ $116,67,00 War Pensions a nearly filled with water and -estzblishment ....... .............. W,6W,900 twqA-alliins more of eah Soldiers' Ciil ]j�' Cif the stock Soldiers' Land Settlement ............................. 7,200,000 36I added. If the co;ytainer is S11 . . ....... M add the necessary ainount of Inot f Imperial War Graves Commission .............. sao,000 WOtzr, If the sprayer h2a a larger Battlefield Memorials ................................. Adjustment war claims ............................... ta4lt� it is merely necessary to add 77 165.,000 Pr4pqphonate amoI of the stock $162,922,800 W,1417e spraying is the essential ac- I Ior ibj� eon trolling -blight, other rac- Deduct this sum. from th The most im ortant- thiig, �verL WA- ires of 1926. It must be deducted. or age t4at not all I al I e expendi- the m t forgiveness might be ticetC4re exceedingly profitable. Ex- i es T i y r these items no Government was 7ithhZle he had! added to it. Then peififieI performed at the'Laoa, a4d� the m t' order 08 Oft, 11 6
it must not be forgotten tor�.'.tf,'Plant Pathology, LIxperiment tblame. That gives us the figures expenditures of G la -gest Upyautoznoi tt
P erence, -overnment are pay- Stjtit�jl Charlottetown, Prince Ed- Goi
f the cost of general administration able frbm tax revenues. When we war4 ace you wiffi not a ti�bers well covered with. earth side from the itemp for which war attach postage stamps we pay Non , have shown that keeping Rt is a prefere eiidorsetihd s6ri the
id war alone was responsible, De- tax to the Governme md ride in the Essex- nt, Uut a price lairgel�j ,prevents blight when blight acting this item from the total ex- for the transmission of letters. Pos- is seveTe. In late September o early nditure of 1926, we have $192,264,- tal revenue therefore cannot be con- Octq,�e The New Fme it has been found profite6le k Super -six -is a&�ght tolheoye�-in- lillies" 3, or an increase over 1914 fiA6 of sidered as ordinary rev,enuc�§. In- to kiff�he toi)s off with a strong solu- ex2enor appointment and in careful Wsh that hi And ,0?,3,3'75. The challenge now must creased wages and expansion of busi- tion�..(yf bluestone (15 pouinds to 40 the' closest exam-ination. over the latter figure. t repre- ness have caused great increases in 9VOI�i�of water) . - the tops are Within, this satisfaction to eye�and sence,is apparent,ili �.,�v6ry debail. —aside from war ex- partment. qually also there has dead-, much blight rot- will e avoid- tal expenditure g0i f6i two weeks after
nts an increase of 3.2 per cent� in expenditures y the Post Office De BY delaying dig nditure tween 1914 and 1926. been a great-inerease in postal rev- ed.- The quality of -the high-backed,Jorm-fittin .9
nless he challenges the war expendi- I enues as the following table shows- 9- Potato growers should look upon stered—impressesyou immediatg�ly'. At the slender, res—that must be the' figure to spraying as a businez& propsition, it . - - gt-Acef hich Mr, Bennett takes exception. I Post Office Department. vou look out over tb� Ll- ; t, 9 - .1 ., . . ".-en Still there are other factors The I Expenditures R I S on nee sary operations for 0. AA Al vIa Ly 0 cowl., - 10va, sa. cl evenue fend. the. sucee-s�;ful cultue Of potatoes and versity of Western Ontario, London. I Ramps, heavy� archink to the Winged radiator figure ifiat i purchasing power of the dol r is 1914 $12,922,068 ers., Member of College of. Physicians and la $12,F)54,530 should not be neglected. h less than it was in 1914. Every J1926 30,399,-686 30,334,575 expresses the spirit alid fleetness Surgeons of Ontario. Qffice, -2. doors I muc I . -- under your hand. housewife, every salaried man knov's; It will be seen that the revenues east. of post office. Phone 56, Henzzil, I that fact. The Government is a large li�ve grown with expenditures, Ilt And -theii you have the famous Ontario. 3004-tf Essex -chassis, 'Powered with - the purchaser of suplies expenditures WAS VERY DEUCATE oi adm4nistration costs no more to post a letter now Super -Six high -compression, fiigh efficiency m6tor that turns DR. A. NEWTON-IBRAD nust be increased !than it did in 1914. The incre' waste
-1ving -rformance never before by the lowered value to the dollar. exp' New Health Came Through Using heat to power, 9 brilliant sustained Bayfield- The Government in 1914 was not liv- enditures comes from the growth 1)t7illiams' Pink Pills. known in this field. e Wil
Graduate Dublin University, Ire-, of the business. In fairness then, this land. Late Extern Assistant Waster ing withoi its income. The same Year item of expenditure might be ded&t- Rotunda Hospital for Women and Book to which Mr. Bennett refers is; ed from oth 19f4 and 1926. We -Casper Miller, Lourdes, N.S., authority for the statement that in says at twice in her lifetime se 1311111111M Children, Dublin. Office at residence � would then have a comparison betwe-an has lately occupied by -,Mrs. Parsons. the fisal year 1914 (year ng I the expenditures of 1914 and 1926 to be thankful'for what endi
March 31st), the year before the war, 1 leaving out the Dr. -Willianis' Pink PAIG, did Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; war from the 1926 to for her. ery e Bel
tal—bhere was of course no war ex- girl going into womanhood/11when. I 91
Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 1 we added to the National debt, $21, She says: 1 was a v liate 695 225 --in 1926 the reduction of � penditure in - the fiscal' year 1914 first .f6lwd benefit from Dr. Williams' DR. F. S. BURROVIS dei� was $27,70�,587. A man may i which ends on March 31st—and leav- be pardoned for purchasing a new ing out -the nk -�Pill-S- I was a ufferer with expense of postal ad- craMPS'L and pains every month and Office and residence Goderich Street, car when he bad knocked a chunk off I ministration. east of the Methodist church, Sea- was hardly able to move around at forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the Comparison of Expenditures. all. One day when I was very sick 04, ROY BT%OTHER
County of Huron. a f4etid came in to see tie, and she General expendi- said tO'MY mother, 'Why not try Dr. DR. C. MACKAY tures (leaving out William,* p jnk, Plls Total For War know they Post Office war and P. 0. strCL 0 1914 $186,241,048 - I Will C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- $127922,058 $113,418,900 do 'her 9 -world of good."- The Ry University, and gold medallist of was my mother got six boxes 1926 $355,186,423 $162,922,000 $30,499,686 $161,76,4,737 result Trinity Medical College-; mimber of and I began their use, and I soon T tal expenditures a,side from these eliminated from the transaction. Our f u d benefit from them. By the is 'necessary; in fact, they should bc het�ween the the College of Physicians and Sur- ite' post office) time I had taken them all I felt an low Employment Service and Salads that combine'a good deaS of geous of Ontario. financial corporations do not have to ed to wilt slightly before water his ownraneh in, every iIvay possible,t altog,,Aher different girl and no long- Is given. 'Phis induces increased chl�ese- with other thing-%,ake als�D are actually less than before the war. foot the bills for increased debts and Agents in Europ Then a few YeI -ago I was at-' e tell nien they can t0urs6g in themselves, yet we oftem. Do these -figures reveal extra,va er suffered from cramps an hardins, make $5 a day - On farms in Canada, find a heavy.cheese sala to DPL EL HUGH Ro gance I I' pensions as has the Canadian Govern- d pains. Mr. Bennett says they do. He asserts I ment In many cases finary, Tomatoes require a moderate rich _d added
Graduate of University Toronto zial com- and more than that in factories,r, Faculty of Medicine, mem that "National disaster is inevitaibl -as ick so"- hate Mr. 'Hudson,, discussing immigr . ation a
of Col A_,a,. I F arte tak- 'will usmIlY stimulate the production generally. "Th' are wonder 'why thby-feel unhappy. lege of Physicians and S eons of - during the war -period from the pro- ing Dr. Williams' Pink 't Pills, and of ripe fruit. Ly not intreated
if this mad orgy of extravagance can 1panies strengthened their position for six weeks. said heavy me tAinner. -And then pe6yEa e e tacked -with in-fluenza, and The addi�7o� of superphosp
in -this contry, only in the e6mmjs_ , Wh�n cheese -is used witli a aftm-e�r )he $ion they a -re going to make. It takes ish—a ti - - rn- tinues." It is "an orgy of extrava- fits accumulated. The aftermath of again t4ey brought me good health. Thelants should not be set in t salad, it shuld be merely as ga
Ontario; pass graduate in I
Chicago Clinical School of 490 ; gance." Mr. Bennett has occupied a the war with pensions, interest on I am the motheir of a family and do field until alf dngeT of f-rost is gast. newcomers some time to dise ny dusting of gra� cheem c a
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Ong prominent position in many financial debt and other items, had to e met all my own work, so You see I have They should 1hd set in ovx that to give a touch of gold, nothing mm -e.
England; University Hospi I n- corporations. He has been closely as- by the 'Government. If our Govern- apart, and rows four feet it is not so easy to keep in good health, and depend about eighteen don, EnI Office Back 0- sociated with the C.P.R. Will he tell ment has been extravagant, what inches They have it all figured out how much us one company which upon these Pills t apart in the rows for -,staldn. When they are going to save, and minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. -has held its must be said of other Nations where o, keep me so. Now then they Victoria Street, 8eaforth. . of only 3,2 per cent. atbove the pre- greater. apa
Night calls answered from residence, operating expenses down to a level the increase since 1914 is vastly Pink Pills to any of my friends who rt. -ExPeri- ed." I "always recommend Dr. Williams, grOwP O'D the flat they may be plaAt. find things are not quite ag represent- ioY1 in. Fleet St. The comparative figures ed four by four feet - There is more
may he ments- copiducted. at.. thei Charlotte- One Parliamentarian who. insultg -Cke
war level? Yet this is what has hap- help to give us a clear idea'df. the tSpeak -er t4ran- Over -ninety -a-rid n the administration of our relative expenditures in different Gov- If you to'.Vp Experimental Station show that ibnrable membeis Who are in 0M
DR. 1. A. NUNN pened i Ob- h
aye suffering from any cn- the iagest amount of ripe fruit is ed f
Smecessor to Dr. RL R. Rous NationaT affairs if war costs are ernrnent,A� in 1914 and 1926. aition due to -poor, watery blood, or tAined from pil *19 'AND NUTS Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ants that are Pruned to CHEES I S"eir 0 Y ing' SUSPened.4Sir Jolm- Ity, � Chicago, IU. Licentiate Royal (Comparative Expenditure& weak nerves, begin taking Dr. W-ql- 'one stem and tied tO-e:ither stakes or. ills now, and note how wire, liams' Pink. Pi Two things that can, be used to f ake College'of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Canada .1 ............ $196,241,000 $ 355,186,000 89% 3�our strefigh and hefdth will i the place of meat in the sum Office over SiLls, Hardware, Main St,, United States ........ 70OA4,= 3,529,000,000 404% prove. Yu can . get m- ---------- dietary am cheese, and uts. Iner these pills IMMIGRANTS MIS1,19b Seaforth. Phone 152. Great Britain ........ 9197,492,969 X 826,999,778 319% BY
through any dealer in medicine, Oe we must always Ye'member that these Australia ...... ..... 1 2-5,412,231 X 75,396,000, AGNTS IN EUROPB It111 things -are not just adjunebs -of a at 50 cents 2�box from The D. Wil- 4,While they are talking about a meal,but-,that they are real food, and Da IF. J. 3RCEII&L'y Mr. Bennett claims that the increase It is nOt only a right, -but a &:qty. liams' Medi, . a I ine Co., Brockville, Ont, Graduate Royal (College of Dentzi in expenditure since 1914 constitutes sibortage O""m workers, it is PGs`- nlust be Counted as such on,the Ai
Criticism may be constructive orNe- le we have the men, and it is ridic mem 0 Take banana salad, for imtance . I * ZI
a Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W, a proof of extravagance, then God help structive. But there should he in any ulous to be gending to Grea& Britain This calls ISmith's Grocery, Effain Street, Sea- our unfprtunate neighbors and friend for plenty of nuts, as, well W,
forth. Phones- office, IS5 W.; resi_ who have dashed down the incline s Public mab, a sense of r ISO esporalbility THE PRODUCTION OF RIPE for men when they are here 11 said H. as the fruit. Cut the d in regard to his pulic utterances. C. Hudson -general sup�rint�endent banana in 4ence, 185 J. , of halves, both 'TOMATORS lengthWise and drogs,� 8005-tf Plane at a pace s6 reckless in com- The incapable the 0 Ie&I T .4 AUCM(91\JEW6 facts in the face, Mr. Bennett says "In tu is a prime factor in the the receilt � aun?J&l' conferencI indis- in the form of an'X, put a may e tolerated, the ntar1O EmPlay-ment 'Service, at wise� lay four pieces on, lettud 41pr�A '
iL pariscon to ours. Yet, staring these merely s Pid may be forgiven, ut Earliness the enli ghtened individual veho occu- production of Tips tomatoes in most cussiOn f overlapping 'in fafm lielp Of AnelY-ehopned Tiuts on each piece D. a k England, France, Continent0 Europe, pies a public position -Pow 'e' eik out, placement to imWOV0 the color TMOMAS BROWDJ, in a astern, Canada. Pl-!Wnlents. �, At Bel�;wlle h� 1;61vl� -of banana; and
-tes with all their rich- Part�T should feel a sense of obliga- tis, if alfaiiWto ripen naturally, will -help, both scheime, put a dkb bf mdj Sell the United StP _great Parts of Ei X tiom not only to the Party, b t to the ture men and women, is left with, the Ekn_ the X at the junctwn. y behmen T.. ucenscla auctioneer for the 6untieo es, they have approached these prob In n1a all bbbfi! fruit -before frost. It of farm COrresPOZdencO lems as men intent upon bringing a- �ublic. No fair',man WAR knowledge faCt, no amoiiiit of,prunig or fertiliz- PlOY'luent elsewhere it is sup- " Now that is: a real meal r the maiii tourse nrrangenzentz for sale daten can be bout a shrinkage in expenditure facts would make the stat ing -ill OV400I the tardiiIiess of posd to place women only. end mpr� Suitable fo itself, made by cAllng The Expositor 02co, Hansard, page 4235. What can t the s 02 Geo. A. Ellio &aforth. Charges moderate, me m t made by Mr. 3�eunett,ou Junee sme vario*as' to -ripen. tt, director Gf oolDnza� at luncj�on than as the' salad course am& saY to such --a statement in view of 9th, much less would he oontinud to Ghoosint.�,ia, variety i � then one of tion, gave assurance Of co-OPeration at dinner.: Gatisfmcticn avarantsed. the facts ? No one can deny the repeat them on the pubj.i -platform the ewe;2 9, -tO succs right of an c ssful tomato y public man to criticize. tbroag�iout the country. growing. Th6 Alacrity is one of he 02CAM 1KILOPT earbest vatieties and is usually very Zonor Graduate caray JOI 2kTZ- Productive.- IleruI Sional School of Auctioneerin& eago., special eburse tnkea im lltua CONTROLLING -LATE SLnGH'k OF tuber- about one-fourth of is Inclined1o, -be rough. Bonny B9%tt Bred Uve StocIr, Real rlotu, Mor- POTATOES This condition is 1�nown as t1hough n�i�Wts. so early is niudb smoother '� d`of qupality. TI Of RI RMOPIMS TAth prarailing markot mt. Late liblight, inclu4ing its 0onse- dependent upon thorough spr chan0ge an& Farm snlco. Rafto �;M Sucaessfw control of this are also DUNLOPI flcfZ�6tl& SOMM& Writs ce V&�n quential tuber r6t, -is recogrAzed as the PI with Bordmik popular W-W'=971Y market garden- b, Omt- yb4u�s the Most destructive disease Of- pota- Fiv,,h to e6ven applications r of 'the Plants se ted on ZSi�g t0e�&- In 0anada, particularly Vae sary, starting wben thhal plgo, t in are te the weid& 90 -on, Importp-at factor 3ftVitime Provinces,' it i's -worst dtar- to eight inches high_,std c -6 det slid c At i & IX. ILUMM ing August and, SeptI when the intervals of eight to tan d ss of matu thy ENI ouffiiant and com'ofi'* of ripanimly venther is damp. It may appeav in Out the gm'wing ta oft. Q0 C fk6st. V feU ==dC12 rma�2 I889 f Wmh Ing Aff7m o%.Iw Jaby if weathj�r condition) are favor- weather spray every weals Plant depends not onaugh, tow W that e, tAuch toot only 441teg Of owing and able. It is not active during bot, dry ',qpraying ops4-atjong swI -pars of ft emiqtv. &MM roatn" 03. I -Pe Ver- transplanfl* Jbfit upon expert mnn� wenther.,Thia disease is reaegaited formed with tbree nozzl" 20r doubt, TbU vAst joultit 1:9M, the"tow madto'bn agemsnt by haracteistic J�rowl&h or Mkie, d , -, thet. other details of V991qV Tkan aft PIP Une %ozzle directs the sp2g y uym- Plant grov all' blotehes. which, iruaUy -begin Ward, while the other twb . _%�b p - at the ehOUI46 '& edgariv of the loaf and spread ov- spray upwlar To r Cove th srfae, Mois the, lower ftrgaees, of t�h Cort'trans 7� erdjusted, to 16 61ti h e saed AWA, 6 flats early 1009,-At'h A ev the ntire Af an$? 11-t%g jump 0 ter th- h nld weathvr he�ze zraw appear w4itsr be ftoX aare cvelra -0-A -ad he sprkir gader not 16�% e ib vk& A6 the u ,a is* IbA, Zte Vith a ft -S gra3riph-whfte tilil- P a detv, The' a5ecte& nrotg� e6ftepa Ithe b&e 6 rftahtd in, t1io bolt, thia to ddeared, viftga. -hSt6 t Iatm ' ftirkry tun Bar. agazir, &�t qwead to I6t, Aid 'A' . etp II'O A u 4 atl& I77771t IIII
DJL JVT x4te AM6 WA 4" ow, at*L XQ1, tJ4�)
i1a Lear qd Sao
IaQuar graduate of Ontario Vetwia-
Qzw 00flege. An diseases, of domestic t
a�auaWa M -law. Calls promptRy at-
taud4d to and charges moderate. Vet-
-1 - I Dentistry a Specialty. Office
Qn4 ilasidence on Gederich Street, one
door east of Dr. Lllackz�ylzj Officep Seiz.
A. a CPAW1?3:3L1L, V.&
�Gradurte of Ontario veterinary
College, Uinversity of Toronto. All
diseas.es of dome4tic aa-imals treated
athe most modern principles.
arges reasonable. Day or night
calls promptly attened to. , coca on t
Main Street, Hensall, opposite TOTM F
11all. - Phone 11G.. to
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, pe
University of Western Ontario, Lou- 42
don. Member of College of Physic- $6
aans and Surgeons of Ontario. Office be
In Aberhart's Drug Store, lEzin St., se
Seaforth. Phone go. to
I tu
Honour graduate of Faculty of!
2-dedicine —A Ta..+. -F -; rr 1 w
..... ----- 77 Iot 'd VZ T Ma. 4 Kp 4,0 V Roa R -A 07 field 4e -ion, t
I,I must bo a -4 An Q Ntzmt qu Z," gallans) "go tho 4 4"akte., r0k,"A pour the two dRub 3014!Mmko Zn V'?eM to. W=tAi5q. QW-k4q;pqr of to avol$ afl�*r i2l that OhAtt laeriod, of only yen 44 eP4 IMAM,' 9 ox requiriaff lar� �Ilmaatltie3 of , tQ �Q.f , =4- 1111XIII C&Onl nmlie up this country bPd bz,-A tQWld e 0i I d the N yJaers ago t7a,at the D�amtnjon 0 ned. qr, ution neatone, and
Zda, wltl� its population o, little in in �Dre preptwea Cs NO Iowa.
creased in that .3wied of t2 qr al-TA00 OkuNt4 the 18,14 ftwes indicate, would &Ncre&se its ex, totQL,., ,, tOlve 40 -pounda of Wuestono in ln� the Intervewad tim, 2 a war, 40, r4.450ns of water by halaging it �4 Penditure by al%ost 100 pereent., he h&Z 0�ccurlid- Wars, are anponsive; b at the surface of the Iwould have thought it impossible that d tr asure. The troops W" gallon of waer will. con it uld be so, yet there are the fi ,Tures nwr6h %way ith cheers aud roturn Pound of bluestone, Sla&B before us -"—Extract frO 4! speech Of with ch*r$ and tears but he ddbt 40�'�4taads of stone lime. in a Bennett in the alouse of must be paid,ia sw t ea 'We are pay� QFA*g to 4 ing now for the oom t of water and mghe up June 9th, 1928. ach gallon of vmter will ar. The increasid apn6jk� E In the closing. days Of the Session, expenditure is alm Hon. R. B. Be�nett moved a vote of ost entirely due to pound of Vane. ddress o U.% In want Of cOnfidence in the Government IM, the Hon. j=es 'Robb gave the up, ott on" the war. In the Budget ixture can n1pyy be mp-'de 21 which he challenged the an �fttly in, the sprayer by fill1mg nual ex- following statement of the expendi- at �kW full of water, and, if it h,,*., )enditures, asserted that they were tu res in IM,27, attributable to the, ccpQoity of 40 gallons, add t;m &GI figh beyond reason and that the cc an- War. The Cigures vary little foom loras'�bf the sock solution of blue ry could not expect to receive value year to year. two gallons of the� Stock of lime, after which the cask IIncrease of interest on Public Debt (over 1914) ........ $116,67,00 War Pensions a nearly filled with water and -estzblishment ....... .............. W,6W,900 twqA-alliins more of eah Soldiers' Ciil ]j�' Cif the stock Soldiers' Land Settlement ............................. 7,200,000 36I added. If the co;ytainer is S11 . . ....... M add the necessary ainount of Inot f Imperial War Graves Commission .............. sao,000 WOtzr, If the sprayer h2a a larger Battlefield Memorials ................................. Adjustment war claims ............................... ta4lt� it is merely necessary to add 77 165.,000 Pr4pqphonate amoI of the stock $162,922,800 W,1417e spraying is the essential ac- I Ior ibj� eon trolling -blight, other rac- Deduct this sum. from th The most im ortant- thiig, �verL WA- ires of 1926. It must be deducted. or age t4at not all I al I e expendi- the m t forgiveness might be ticetC4re exceedingly profitable. Ex- i es T i y r these items no Government was 7ithhZle he had! added to it. Then peififieI performed at the'Laoa, a4d� the m t' order 08 Oft, 11 6
it must not be forgotten tor�.'.tf,'Plant Pathology, LIxperiment tblame. That gives us the figures expenditures of G la -gest Upyautoznoi tt
P erence, -overnment are pay- Stjtit�jl Charlottetown, Prince Ed- Goi
f the cost of general administration able frbm tax revenues. When we war4 ace you wiffi not a ti�bers well covered with. earth side from the itemp for which war attach postage stamps we pay Non , have shown that keeping Rt is a prefere eiidorsetihd s6ri the
id war alone was responsible, De- tax to the Governme md ride in the Essex- nt, Uut a price lairgel�j ,prevents blight when blight acting this item from the total ex- for the transmission of letters. Pos- is seveTe. In late September o early nditure of 1926, we have $192,264,- tal revenue therefore cannot be con- Octq,�e The New Fme it has been found profite6le k Super -six -is a&�ght tolheoye�-in- lillies" 3, or an increase over 1914 fiA6 of sidered as ordinary rev,enuc�§. In- to kiff�he toi)s off with a strong solu- ex2enor appointment and in careful Wsh that hi And ,0?,3,3'75. The challenge now must creased wages and expansion of busi- tion�..(yf bluestone (15 pouinds to 40 the' closest exam-ination. over the latter figure. t repre- ness have caused great increases in 9VOI�i�of water) . - the tops are Within, this satisfaction to eye�and sence,is apparent,ili �.,�v6ry debail. —aside from war ex- partment. qually also there has dead-, much blight rot- will e avoid- tal expenditure g0i f6i two weeks after
nts an increase of 3.2 per cent� in expenditures y the Post Office De BY delaying dig nditure tween 1914 and 1926. been a great-inerease in postal rev- ed.- The quality of -the high-backed,Jorm-fittin .9
nless he challenges the war expendi- I enues as the following table shows- 9- Potato growers should look upon stered—impressesyou immediatg�ly'. At the slender, res—that must be the' figure to spraying as a businez& propsition, it . - - gt-Acef hich Mr, Bennett takes exception. I Post Office Department. vou look out over tb� Ll- ; t, 9 - .1 ., . . ".-en Still there are other factors The I Expenditures R I S on nee sary operations for 0. AA Al vIa Ly 0 cowl., - 10va, sa. cl evenue fend. the. sucee-s�;ful cultue Of potatoes and versity of Western Ontario, London. I Ramps, heavy� archink to the Winged radiator figure ifiat i purchasing power of the dol r is 1914 $12,922,068 ers., Member of College of. Physicians and la $12,F)54,530 should not be neglected. h less than it was in 1914. Every J1926 30,399,-686 30,334,575 expresses the spirit alid fleetness Surgeons of Ontario. Qffice, -2. doors I muc I . -- under your hand. housewife, every salaried man knov's; It will be seen that the revenues east. of post office. Phone 56, Henzzil, I that fact. The Government is a large li�ve grown with expenditures, Ilt And -theii you have the famous Ontario. 3004-tf Essex -chassis, 'Powered with - the purchaser of suplies expenditures WAS VERY DEUCATE oi adm4nistration costs no more to post a letter now Super -Six high -compression, fiigh efficiency m6tor that turns DR. A. NEWTON-IBRAD nust be increased !than it did in 1914. The incre' waste
-1ving -rformance never before by the lowered value to the dollar. exp' New Health Came Through Using heat to power, 9 brilliant sustained Bayfield- The Government in 1914 was not liv- enditures comes from the growth 1)t7illiams' Pink Pills. known in this field. e Wil
Graduate Dublin University, Ire-, of the business. In fairness then, this land. Late Extern Assistant Waster ing withoi its income. The same Year item of expenditure might be ded&t- Rotunda Hospital for Women and Book to which Mr. Bennett refers is; ed from oth 19f4 and 1926. We -Casper Miller, Lourdes, N.S., authority for the statement that in says at twice in her lifetime se 1311111111M Children, Dublin. Office at residence � would then have a comparison betwe-an has lately occupied by -,Mrs. Parsons. the fisal year 1914 (year ng I the expenditures of 1914 and 1926 to be thankful'for what endi
March 31st), the year before the war, 1 leaving out the Dr. -Willianis' Pink PAIG, did Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; war from the 1926 to for her. ery e Bel
tal—bhere was of course no war ex- girl going into womanhood/11when. I 91
Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 1 we added to the National debt, $21, She says: 1 was a v liate 695 225 --in 1926 the reduction of � penditure in - the fiscal' year 1914 first .f6lwd benefit from Dr. Williams' DR. F. S. BURROVIS dei� was $27,70�,587. A man may i which ends on March 31st—and leav- be pardoned for purchasing a new ing out -the nk -�Pill-S- I was a ufferer with expense of postal ad- craMPS'L and pains every month and Office and residence Goderich Street, car when he bad knocked a chunk off I ministration. east of the Methodist church, Sea- was hardly able to move around at forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the Comparison of Expenditures. all. One day when I was very sick 04, ROY BT%OTHER
County of Huron. a f4etid came in to see tie, and she General expendi- said tO'MY mother, 'Why not try Dr. DR. C. MACKAY tures (leaving out William,* p jnk, Plls Total For War know they Post Office war and P. 0. strCL 0 1914 $186,241,048 - I Will C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- $127922,058 $113,418,900 do 'her 9 -world of good."- The Ry University, and gold medallist of was my mother got six boxes 1926 $355,186,423 $162,922,000 $30,499,686 $161,76,4,737 result Trinity Medical College-; mimber of and I began their use, and I soon T tal expenditures a,side from these eliminated from the transaction. Our f u d benefit from them. By the is 'necessary; in fact, they should bc het�ween the the College of Physicians and Sur- ite' post office) time I had taken them all I felt an low Employment Service and Salads that combine'a good deaS of geous of Ontario. financial corporations do not have to ed to wilt slightly before water his ownraneh in, every iIvay possible,t altog,,Aher different girl and no long- Is given. 'Phis induces increased chl�ese- with other thing-%,ake als�D are actually less than before the war. foot the bills for increased debts and Agents in Europ Then a few YeI -ago I was at-' e tell nien they can t0urs6g in themselves, yet we oftem. Do these -figures reveal extra,va er suffered from cramps an hardins, make $5 a day - On farms in Canada, find a heavy.cheese sala to DPL EL HUGH Ro gance I I' pensions as has the Canadian Govern- d pains. Mr. Bennett says they do. He asserts I ment In many cases finary, Tomatoes require a moderate rich _d added
Graduate of University Toronto zial com- and more than that in factories,r, Faculty of Medicine, mem that "National disaster is inevitaibl -as ick so"- hate Mr. 'Hudson,, discussing immigr . ation a
of Col A_,a,. I F arte tak- 'will usmIlY stimulate the production generally. "Th' are wonder 'why thby-feel unhappy. lege of Physicians and S eons of - during the war -period from the pro- ing Dr. Williams' Pink 't Pills, and of ripe fruit. Ly not intreated
if this mad orgy of extravagance can 1panies strengthened their position for six weeks. said heavy me tAinner. -And then pe6yEa e e tacked -with in-fluenza, and The addi�7o� of superphosp
in -this contry, only in the e6mmjs_ , Wh�n cheese -is used witli a aftm-e�r )he $ion they a -re going to make. It takes ish—a ti - - rn- tinues." It is "an orgy of extrava- fits accumulated. The aftermath of again t4ey brought me good health. Thelants should not be set in t salad, it shuld be merely as ga
Ontario; pass graduate in I
Chicago Clinical School of 490 ; gance." Mr. Bennett has occupied a the war with pensions, interest on I am the motheir of a family and do field until alf dngeT of f-rost is gast. newcomers some time to dise ny dusting of gra� cheem c a
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Ong prominent position in many financial debt and other items, had to e met all my own work, so You see I have They should 1hd set in ovx that to give a touch of gold, nothing mm -e.
England; University Hospi I n- corporations. He has been closely as- by the 'Government. If our Govern- apart, and rows four feet it is not so easy to keep in good health, and depend about eighteen don, EnI Office Back 0- sociated with the C.P.R. Will he tell ment has been extravagant, what inches They have it all figured out how much us one company which upon these Pills t apart in the rows for -,staldn. When they are going to save, and minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. -has held its must be said of other Nations where o, keep me so. Now then they Victoria Street, 8eaforth. . of only 3,2 per cent. atbove the pre- greater. apa
Night calls answered from residence, operating expenses down to a level the increase since 1914 is vastly Pink Pills to any of my friends who rt. -ExPeri- ed." I "always recommend Dr. Williams, grOwP O'D the flat they may be plaAt. find things are not quite ag represent- ioY1 in. Fleet St. The comparative figures ed four by four feet - There is more
may he ments- copiducted. at.. thei Charlotte- One Parliamentarian who. insultg -Cke
war level? Yet this is what has hap- help to give us a clear idea'df. the tSpeak -er t4ran- Over -ninety -a-rid n the administration of our relative expenditures in different Gov- If you to'.Vp Experimental Station show that ibnrable membeis Who are in 0M
DR. 1. A. NUNN pened i Ob- h
aye suffering from any cn- the iagest amount of ripe fruit is ed f
Smecessor to Dr. RL R. Rous NationaT affairs if war costs are ernrnent,A� in 1914 and 1926. aition due to -poor, watery blood, or tAined from pil *19 'AND NUTS Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ants that are Pruned to CHEES I S"eir 0 Y ing' SUSPened.4Sir Jolm- Ity, � Chicago, IU. Licentiate Royal (Comparative Expenditure& weak nerves, begin taking Dr. W-ql- 'one stem and tied tO-e:ither stakes or. ills now, and note how wire, liams' Pink. Pi Two things that can, be used to f ake College'of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Canada .1 ............ $196,241,000 $ 355,186,000 89% 3�our strefigh and hefdth will i the place of meat in the sum Office over SiLls, Hardware, Main St,, United States ........ 70OA4,= 3,529,000,000 404% prove. Yu can . get m- ---------- dietary am cheese, and uts. Iner these pills IMMIGRANTS MIS1,19b Seaforth. Phone 152. Great Britain ........ 9197,492,969 X 826,999,778 319% BY
through any dealer in medicine, Oe we must always Ye'member that these Australia ...... ..... 1 2-5,412,231 X 75,396,000, AGNTS IN EUROPB It111 things -are not just adjunebs -of a at 50 cents 2�box from The D. Wil- 4,While they are talking about a meal,but-,that they are real food, and Da IF. J. 3RCEII&L'y Mr. Bennett claims that the increase It is nOt only a right, -but a &:qty. liams' Medi, . a I ine Co., Brockville, Ont, Graduate Royal (College of Dentzi in expenditure since 1914 constitutes sibortage O""m workers, it is PGs`- nlust be Counted as such on,the Ai
Criticism may be constructive orNe- le we have the men, and it is ridic mem 0 Take banana salad, for imtance . I * ZI
a Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W, a proof of extravagance, then God help structive. But there should he in any ulous to be gending to Grea& Britain This calls ISmith's Grocery, Effain Street, Sea- our unfprtunate neighbors and friend for plenty of nuts, as, well W,
forth. Phones- office, IS5 W.; resi_ who have dashed down the incline s Public mab, a sense of r ISO esporalbility THE PRODUCTION OF RIPE for men when they are here 11 said H. as the fruit. Cut the d in regard to his pulic utterances. C. Hudson -general sup�rint�endent banana in 4ence, 185 J. , of halves, both 'TOMATORS lengthWise and drogs,� 8005-tf Plane at a pace s6 reckless in com- The incapable the 0 Ie&I T .4 AUCM(91\JEW6 facts in the face, Mr. Bennett says "In tu is a prime factor in the the receilt � aun?J&l' conferencI indis- in the form of an'X, put a may e tolerated, the ntar1O EmPlay-ment 'Service, at wise� lay four pieces on, lettud 41pr�A '
iL pariscon to ours. Yet, staring these merely s Pid may be forgiven, ut Earliness the enli ghtened individual veho occu- production of Tips tomatoes in most cussiOn f overlapping 'in fafm lielp Of AnelY-ehopned Tiuts on each piece D. a k England, France, Continent0 Europe, pies a public position -Pow 'e' eik out, placement to imWOV0 the color TMOMAS BROWDJ, in a astern, Canada. Pl-!Wnlents. �, At Bel�;wlle h� 1;61vl� -of banana; and
-tes with all their rich- Part�T should feel a sense of obliga- tis, if alfaiiWto ripen naturally, will -help, both scheime, put a dkb bf mdj Sell the United StP _great Parts of Ei X tiom not only to the Party, b t to the ture men and women, is left with, the Ekn_ the X at the junctwn. y behmen T.. ucenscla auctioneer for the 6untieo es, they have approached these prob In n1a all bbbfi! fruit -before frost. It of farm COrresPOZdencO lems as men intent upon bringing a- �ublic. No fair',man WAR knowledge faCt, no amoiiiit of,prunig or fertiliz- PlOY'luent elsewhere it is sup- " Now that is: a real meal r the maiii tourse nrrangenzentz for sale daten can be bout a shrinkage in expenditure facts would make the stat ing -ill OV400I the tardiiIiess of posd to place women only. end mpr� Suitable fo itself, made by cAllng The Expositor 02co, Hansard, page 4235. What can t the s 02 Geo. A. Ellio &aforth. Charges moderate, me m t made by Mr. 3�eunett,ou Junee sme vario*as' to -ripen. tt, director Gf oolDnza� at luncj�on than as the' salad course am& saY to such --a statement in view of 9th, much less would he oontinud to Ghoosint.�,ia, variety i � then one of tion, gave assurance Of co-OPeration at dinner.: Gatisfmcticn avarantsed. the facts ? No one can deny the repeat them on the pubj.i -platform the ewe;2 9, -tO succs right of an c ssful tomato y public man to criticize. tbroag�iout the country. growing. Th6 Alacrity is one of he 02CAM 1KILOPT earbest vatieties and is usually very Zonor Graduate caray JOI 2kTZ- Productive.- IleruI Sional School of Auctioneerin& eago., special eburse tnkea im lltua CONTROLLING -LATE SLnGH'k OF tuber- about one-fourth of is Inclined1o, -be rough. Bonny B9%tt Bred Uve StocIr, Real rlotu, Mor- POTATOES This condition is 1�nown as t1hough n�i�Wts. so early is niudb smoother '� d`of qupality. TI Of RI RMOPIMS TAth prarailing markot mt. Late liblight, inclu4ing its 0onse- dependent upon thorough spr chan0ge an& Farm snlco. Rafto �;M Sucaessfw control of this are also DUNLOPI flcfZ�6tl& SOMM& Writs ce V&�n quential tuber r6t, -is recogrAzed as the PI with Bordmik popular W-W'=971Y market garden- b, Omt- yb4u�s the Most destructive disease Of- pota- Fiv,,h to e6ven applications r of 'the Plants se ted on ZSi�g t0e�&- In 0anada, particularly Vae sary, starting wben thhal plgo, t in are te the weid& 90 -on, Importp-at factor 3ftVitime Provinces,' it i's -worst dtar- to eight inches high_,std c -6 det slid c At i & IX. ILUMM ing August and, SeptI when the intervals of eight to tan d ss of matu thy ENI ouffiiant and com'ofi'* of ripanimly venther is damp. It may appeav in Out the gm'wing ta oft. Q0 C fk6st. V feU ==dC12 rma�2 I889 f Wmh Ing Aff7m o%.Iw Jaby if weathj�r condition) are favor- weather spray every weals Plant depends not onaugh, tow W that e, tAuch toot only 441teg Of owing and able. It is not active during bot, dry ',qpraying ops4-atjong swI -pars of ft emiqtv. &MM roatn" 03. I -Pe Ver- transplanfl* Jbfit upon expert mnn� wenther.,Thia disease is reaegaited formed with tbree nozzl" 20r doubt, TbU vAst joultit 1:9M, the"tow madto'bn agemsnt by haracteistic J�rowl&h or Mkie, d , -, thet. other details of V991qV Tkan aft PIP Une %ozzle directs the sp2g y uym- Plant grov all' blotehes. which, iruaUy -begin Ward, while the other twb . _%�b p - at the ehOUI46 '& edgariv of the loaf and spread ov- spray upwlar To r Cove th srfae, Mois the, lower ftrgaees, of t�h Cort'trans 7� erdjusted, to 16 61ti h e saed AWA, 6 flats early 1009,-At'h A ev the ntire Af an$? 11-t%g jump 0 ter th- h nld weathvr he�ze zraw appear w4itsr be ftoX aare cvelra -0-A -ad he sprkir gader not 16�% e ib vk& A6 the u ,a is* IbA, Zte Vith a ft -S gra3riph-whfte tilil- P a detv, The' a5ecte& nrotg� e6ftepa Ithe b&e 6 rftahtd in, t1io bolt, thia to ddeared, viftga. -hSt6 t Iatm ' ftirkry tun Bar. agazir, &�t qwead to I6t, Aid 'A' . etp II'O A u 4 atl& I77771t IIII