The Huron Expositor, 1928-07-13, Page 4m�7
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929 he, w
way boo
Detioit, Mich., ond vere 110m f ',holiday. The vx4"Pt has CA oin 4vqr the Qptire om- Too
And and much iymapathy is Wt —D 'Alta MX$. .3" Y y VOT
the bereaved parents au4 friends- MAU, Ulwa DI :0�vwrnan =4 t Team aq At A
Lontlln� ana &,w sp4enxd�p
I in - ibmr,.A� Richard Robin ueane gowmA4,
0A son
Uilbute was fl� aCecil H. Bo,, 9 beauty sQ04 Q LAke,
as Ruby Errott and Rev
has w
-on oV Robinson arrived by motor from' Qtld' WTA- A. H. Yeo, of rou: havig varfia, laat eek attI masnifio, safe atbitu'P. last week, and will A wers' hictre U000% Y 7
tj d
national and g,tjme in otario. funt of th former's mother. excellelilt je groun i Taylo.K. '49' Wxua, vol'.
e Vi 40 P 6
h If
Filgrim. - There Dam J. Yeo..-A&iss B. Sne t
the seafortb, Menk- rec�enly gracluated at Toronto Unl� Ace, iahe declar-
tte a able. Sprt, istj �b
orial Uolay. July 9th. verisity, has reI to a ad eum Ye ol nd family'
xa. Z tor a few
X"i abeing one of Mary IFotter, wife Of Charles mq�r Pourse, at the sam, inetitution, Xr, and Y
of the time. His C pi i 0
Varna, in her 66th and. Mrs. lautson are god Th' aqww� 9 �p first Znd
tery. Q4r. and Mins -George Turn tdl r
last. e -Theltmeral, washeld Wedues- Spending a low days in London with $ garage�, ��urc
y al" respectively, keep up
His appeal is fty from Varna to Bair's elee 'CaPP_. o I ,
th of the na-
Mrs, FUggim -has been confirled- to her a4a Charles Pirce were in London on thet'iW44 igh rate of, porf"lon
the you
settle down bed for 4bio
enters intoii the perfect a -to
. . . ..... ome months, having sufilered Monday of this week.,The, Women's whi06
tly in oMer tha fpr- spe some weel.
t 0
I of rserity had a fall -which fractured her Other ly meeting on Tuesday at the home of ther;:qpq tin in referenee�to Milday n accoI of ays ago she Migsiongry Society held their month- *aaa on, of the visit nt is t
a fractued, leg. Some d SAVlNG H5% TO 20 0 W. ta
jMnssral well-being way re- returned to town andI mumed charge
leg and hastened her death. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie. The th4t it is pl-PaOng
oLord Beaver- a 0, his blackr4ith bushma.
Staffa baseball team tare pla not� 44,4 A. Newto*Bra
Dr - Mr.
-has been trans-
brocp.1t is strong b yii�g good o OX3 29-4 AIR
ecause he 3
Ireland, 4, Oank,La Mon e&I
he sees ball now, defeating Clinton on, TI grada%q the famus Trinity Wedi- Wlalber,,I tr rd rd .......
�cIver�, ferred to'tb
Political dynamite when day last and playing a -tie with Credi- cal Cojj;eZ, of Dublin, . * - W. SWs S609 -5
ton on Monday last.-Staft baseball edical hon- 44 t
It. He has built up and W11red (Too lote, forlast week.) Hard and or.% o 'vlsit�a, ''At tue
eoDtrol of newspapers whQ$e CGI
tournament, August Ist. l*_,�,recently returned After k, A Of
. 9., - ibined worth is more than thre, Notes. -Mrs. Walters, of Goderich, softball. See bills at a lae date c I ' r ' ad ate course in home f the Or% pAI awl
mpet ft::4 post -gr u _0th(pr SizOS St 00rawp9ndinzi millions f dollars, and they are and Mrs. Halpenny, of Wardsville, for full articulars.-Mr. and rs. the w4gjid-�enowned John HDpkin 1. Mlrs. T. Jhnsoii,_�04 SuVdW Y. no for sale. Recently he public- were the guests f Mr. and Mrs George Butsn are spending a few HI Medical University of and Mrs. JohnsoI had "been �t��a to
, , & . week. --!MT. Aid Mrs. VAn. , eel 1-y ststed th�at mither in his life Moodie this During the medical iting at,-Xitchener fbT
days in London with Mr. An Mrs. Baltimore;- d.
e F RSTS11
little, daughter, A L
nor in the'life. of hie'sou would Copp. term Vi4',aoetor assisted in surgical returned to -their home L -Tg."iSBAND TUBES ARE
Sheila, of Toronto, spent -week s them. -Mr. and- -Mrs. JQhD Bremner
they beJor the The Late Mrs. Ye4p,,-There Passed took spetial course
end at the home of the fDrMOr Par- & 0, visited re atIves, in Kitchener oveT the
We away at -her late horlail,-Lalt 13, Con- relative io the dise sea. f omen un- 1 are , pgrWularly interested in ents, Mr. and Mrs. James -McQueen. cession 8, ffibbert, on Wednesday, der the tuition of the eminent pro- week end,. --Mr. end Mrs, Merrier And
hil ed relatives-
-811- to tble Gneman, fessor Thoam S. CulleI and also that c dren, of Detroit, visit
Lord aPPI S
London, nd July 4th, Emily Jane S -I
visited, W_
rk diji- Mr. Allen McKerrZie, of Cuba, widow of the -late Henry S. Yeo, in of gastra4�estinl_diseasss by Pro- here for a few days this week. -The sattle dI and wo
their parents, Dir. nd Mrs' R. Me-, ht&4 71st year. Diec,�_� who ad fessor I %'&-Brown. members of the Board of Directors
Dr. Cullenas Y in -wide stress Keraite, this week. -Mr. Taradr!;l , of . been-' failing'health for some time, wold �eputation a &_ medical of the Hay Township Ftarmerd' Hut-
n�.:the youth og. the Preston mnM,Mr. Russel, of Cobourg, Fire Insurance Co., met at Grand
and dqm a-hwn si authority'a-4d is a Cana4iau by -birth, ual
hadI, ns of imptovemMt un
on Saturday for the monthly
country Anst w0k diligently if they spent Dominion Day at the Man-%, V til last few days when she took a hisfther *as for many years pastor l8end
of 'Rev. W. A. and, Mrs. Brem- ',cliati for eeting.-A number, from
are to aMOMPIJ34, WWU4n91 ibUt the guest -9 the worst and gradually of the Pr yterian Church hi. Kin- business ner.-Mrs. D. Tough visited friends eker uwtil death ca the village attended the district Sun -
trouble ith the - mjorlitY of them is fite. She cardine ajX4 exchanged -pulpits on school Convention held in the on Bronson Linz, Stanley, 1pst b;orn in the Township of Peach, many occastons with the late
the Dr.. WjAc_ - day
&hat they don't iettk, do*n. A ell I al
wee Evang Q church, Dshwood, on
- , tntd)�o county
1c_-IV1r. Hugh �McGregor retiar`34 Leaving there at an donld, of Seafrth. At present Bay
-Omq, 't� mean engaged as public school
doesn7j home this week after spending a wea'" h came with her parents field k e tith the Wednesday. - Af'the has been
Aay or vacation,
y age a e Is" Ing pac great Tuesday and
his sister, Mrs. MzGinnis, of congregationul meeting held after the teacher for siiv�ral year@t ut has ac-.
rest, but a mad' with Ze !to,,P -rt township, in which town- mctr4 the world, London, Eng
ilw)�kAo some reotart ��bL
where The Sacrament of - land, in' 01*1111191' service in the Lutheran cepted -another school foie the coming
the crowd is so; great that �he has resided ever since, comi reference to its police deport- In
Loird's Supper was disprised at �e inI to her late home aftr forty Years ment. ft fe-averred that "the mind church last Sunday -an unanimous year at an advance of salary, is home
a dance.,
to push his Way through; Sunday morning service, July 2t�- She was a devoted mother and of great'
has men run in grooves"I -which call was extended to Rev. Mr. Tuerk- here' spending part of her holidays'
e Preparatory service was held on II :of -,-kind disposition, -beloved by all is ha�,plly,,,jjpstanced by he, BritifIh heim, of Sullivan Township, to e- with her mother and -with relativest.l.
po orn
and then a mobor trip hoI the day evening, at 8 p.m. who- knew her. The funeral which House of 06mmons in its ap intment c e Pastor of the local church. --Mr. and friends. -Mr' Robert MdNartin
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bai tcok Friday, July rj:th, -was of Tiord Byng, the former Governor`l Francis Kochems. was badly bruised e of weeks or so recent-
bighest speed - possible. place
the largely attended -ris fractured ly, with relatives and, ffiends in Die-.
and daughter, of Toronto, spent the service being General of Canad had a number of
&�nps far at, to the position.of and
True; we have sunuder e -eek end at the home of the former's conducted by RII Snell, pastor of Chief of Seotland. yard police -gnd last Frida when he team of horses tro
Y it and vicinity-Xr. and Mrs. Jno.
nrls of the. i"IeScent er, rs. George Baird--Wr he was driving on Mr. James McAl- Parke accompanied by -Mr.. and Mrs.
the boys and g rtioth s- G- the United 101*2rch, assisted -by Rev. - ultaneousI in its wisdom the
'lie ages si-m
age, but it is the youth frahi' Iet,
11:1, visited at tl-,e home of Dr. and J. E. Jones, 6f Hickson. Interment twnhip-council of Stanley ap;oinf- lister's farm, Parr Line, got beyond Clarence -Park ' mot(,�redto Marlette,
. Of seventeen to tweny-flie �.that are Mrs. Rogers, f Forest. The doctor . 's took place in Staffa cemetery. The ed Mr. �Vftiam Osmond to the posi- his control. H was brought to the Michigan,_on Sunday last and. attend -
friends, ii� Brucefield will regret pallbearer& were Messrs. James 'Mil- ti,, a - village and treated by Dr. A. J. Mae- ed the ftaiieral of the late Albert Red -
to take the responsibi hitj of6e coun- -any Cuef of Police f Bayfield,
to 'ear that he is seriously ill. -Miss ler, Robert Norris, Samuel Webb, Geo. and not to'he out -paced by a common, Kinnon and taken to his home. He mnd. - Mr. and 'Mrs. Troyer and . . . . . .
y,s development on their, shoul- is getting along nicely. -A garden family, of Courtland; Ceell Hudson
tr Alice Munre is visiting friends in Wilson, William 'Sadler nd Joseph ordinary, 'everyday township council
Unless G beauti- social was 'held -on'the fine lawn of and wife, of Chicago, and Mr. and
ders in, the very near future. alt this week. --M. George Munoe Worden. There were several in mtters:'of police authoriy, the
hese are fitted. physically for their I the week end with friends in ful flral tributes. She leaves to B-ayfield Police Village Trustees ap- Mr. John A. Mangan, On Wednesday Mrs. Leslie Sullens, brother and wife,
task, our country must suffetr. DuT- Galt. -Mr. -and Mrs. James McQueen inourn the loss of a loving mother, inted Mr. Wilmer Blair as Chief of evening under the auspices of the of Detroit, all were viAtors at the
vi,:ited friends in Clinton and BlYth three sns and one daughter. po Blake church. Zurich Band Was in home oUtheir relatives, Mr. and Mrs-
ing the past feW days the � CO Policie, thus, giving the Police em-
Itast week. -Mrs. A. Jamies-on return- brogic, a hazardous guess for su- attendance. -Mr. Win. Snider Pass- George Hudson. and family over the
ha lost everal of -itts grand old me' -d hme last week after visiting ed away at Dasilivaod, on Friday in week nd_--�Miss Florence Welsh, of
CHESF premacy. It is quite evident there is CANADIAN-
and in every case the long life and friends in Detroit. - Mr. and Mrs. s 81st year after an illnessi extend- London, was a guest at th
bad -blood between the township an- hi e horne of
success in huainess is attributed to Hugh McDougall -and daughters, who Notes. -Mr. 'Ge, Angell, of Belle- ing over six years.' The funeral was her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
village,authorities, at least it illus -
g the past few ville, is spending his hlidays at the held on Saturday, intem�nt taking Welsh. -Dr. and Mrs. S. Coulter and
simple living, outdoor recreation and have been spendin trates the aptnes of the truisim 4ttbe
an adequate amount of rest. weeks at the Walker House, have gone hoe of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and qmaller the nit the fiercer the, t. place in the Exeter cemetery.-Oln -hild, of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting at NATI
extended visit to the West. Mrs. J. Varley. 'Mr. Ross McLean Sunday there passed away at bi; 'I home ofhis parents, Mr, and Mrs.
on an fight." :So big -Bayfield..
Mr. J. K_ Maodtanald, of Toronto, has returned to Detroit. Mrs.' Mc- hon
)e on it -he 17th concession, Hay, Coulter and daughter, 'Miss Ida. -
who passed away last week in his Lean and children are remaining 'here Emanuel Wiilds, in his 46th year. The iiiss Helen Smith and Floyd, of Dt-
RRIBBERT atives.-The late Mr. Wilds was well and If trait, spent the week end with their
for a short time with rel avlor-
be Smith
y -firs year, a man who'will Address and Presentation. -A few farmers have made a good start at KEPPEN -,bly- known in the western portion of and Mrs. Alex.
Sadly missed in the businiess world, very pleasant hours were spent in No. the hay and the crop promises to be here the township,- a I nd his death is rel- and family. -Miss Grace Pepp
Nottes.-I wv. received
church and state, had an immense 4 school, Hibbert, when the pupils re- better than anticipated. last week -of the. death of Mrs. Lorn gretted by all. The funeral was Guelph where she is taking a
ity for work, but h&l no h6s- tumed on FridRy morning far the re- is in TORONTO
papac (Too late far last week.) Moffatt, 4 Regina. Mrs. Moffatt had held on Tuesday, interment taking course at thke 0. A. C- Mrs. J.
itancy in saying that he oed w-ell for some ti e. it � larg#_ sults of the year's examinations. Successful Strawberry Festival--: not been ' in place in the Grand Bend cemetery.- Prawn, of Edy's AI is a guest of 0
Their teacher, Miss A. Pearl Thom- Quite a large number from Hensll W. M._S.��If4g July meeting of the A meeting in the interests of the her daughter andson-in-law, Dr. and
ly to his simple, mode of living. a reat in. store for them of and vicinity motored to,Ghiselhurst on WiM.S. of St. Andrew's United wheat pool was held ip-the town hall Mrs. R. P. -1. Dougall, for�a few days.
wealSan, had
Davdd,Ytile, reputed to : ce cream and cake,' iss Thomson Thursda evening last to atend the Church, was,& of Mrs. here on Tuesday everting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchan -an, of
-Aest Briton, died last wc-ek in Eng- �as been two years with this school �y eld At -the home ___4k 2+S'
.1 strawberry festival held under the Jamps Finla'-Y-11on 6n, Wednesday af- Tuckersmith, are this -.week the hosts *to
land. He, too, livd a simple life, and has proved herself to be an ex- auspices of the Unite Church, which ternoon last. A large number of of Mrs. Buchanan I s brother, Mr. and
hough head of a great Indian mr- ellent teacher, and has won the favor was one -of the first -held in this 10- ladies were present. Mrs. A. Man- W. E. Carlisle and Edgar, wbu
of her scholars by her unselfish ef- cality There was a very large at- teith presided in her usual able man- motored-, from Wdrindipg, via, Minne- cantile firm and the director
teriqlance the church being packed, in, nr. Mrs. J. Henderson gave the Death of Mrs. James �utherland.- aplis, MissisSIP
orts to do all in her power for each pi Valley, Chicago
eral banks. -hild. and it was at this time of her , ct a number could nat get seatii4 Bible reading; Mrs. Robert Dinsdale, On Sunday afternoon. there passed and Detroit�Mrs. C. A. McDohnell WoricPs Largese
the MTS. J. Finlayston and'Mrs. J. W. Mc- From her home here one oof Hensall's ?rd baby returned, home the Arst part - Evert 0 og 1928
Pssibly thre are some who may leaving that the pupils grasped the 'room
The supper, was held in The Supey
smile at our concern for the youth of opportunity to show their apprecia- school room of the church as the Lean took the study period; Mrs. Geo. pioneer r"idents and we believe the nf the week, after a very pleasant vis-
-1, when a very handsome purse weather was so threatening. The E. Thom -on led, in prayer. After the second oldest in the village or vicin- it with her parents, at Mount Clem- PRESENTING vAdiin
our country, but it is to beoed for : ior
was presented -by Pearl Ross and Ar- tables were ladd with th,6 good, devotional and business part of the ity. We refer to the &�ath of Harriet ens " Machigan.-Mr. Jck Woods and
nce of the meeting, an hour -was spent in socia E. Dent, widow of the late James bo 'friend, of Santa Barbra, Cali -
their own, sakes, if for nothing else, thur Smale, while VKable McDonald jh, gs, including an abunda 11 t 4 -day period, exhibits fmm
n y
they will settle down. read the following address.: "Dear ,ery finest of -strawberries which, with intercourse, many admiring Mrs- Sutheiiand, who was the first Post- famia, motored over recently and are nearly every country; the firs�
Miss Thomson: We, your pupils of delicious - cream, made a firi supper Finlayson's beautiful flowers. master in 1-Fensall, and who passed spending his holidays at the -home o
School Section No. 4, Hibbert, have public howing qf 1929 mmotoir
apart from all the other tempting Notes. -Miss Gladys 'McLean srt away a number of years ago in his his grandmother, Mrs. J. Dinsdalean'd
rathered together this afternoon to viands. After all had partaken haaa-t- a few days with Triends in Park -hill. 34tb year. Mrs. Sutherland bad at- family. -The many friends'.of' -Mr. cars at Canada's Nationd
Notes, -Vern -on Clegg of Pontiac, �.xpress to you 6ur love and apprecia- ily of the supper, a move was made -Mrs. Brightmore, of London, is vis- tainted the ripe old age of nearly 93 Thomas Murd-bek are pleased to see Motor Show; the Continenes
Michigan, is spending a few days tion of your thoughtful and cha or the auditoriu'ni of the church, iting her si�ier, Mrs. JohiY Cochrane, years, and until the Oast h' out again aItter his recent illness
friends in town. Wis. Alex. Russel ing services, wicb was always ex- -Mrs. D. C. Paisley and two 1�tftlse Premler Home Show; First Im-
anid-,6hildren are here a fine litedry and musical pro- for a few dys.-Mr. and rs- Geo. remarkably smart and brig&t in ev-
spending a few days te�rded -to us. we cannot permit this gramme was carried out with G. J. E. Thomson and--faraily attended the ery way, but the weight of years kore daughters, of Montreal, are visiting ternationalAir Craft Display;
-with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Long, Cran- occasion. of your leavi�ig us to pass �utherland, postmaster at Hensall, Fluke -r reunion -'held at Bayfield on heavily of late and coupled with the at the home -boif hI parens, Mr. and the note . 2,200 -Voice Exhibioi bro.----MiSs Winie Long has re- withmt -an expression, of our -warm �ctin as chairman. An. introductory Saturday last. Friends- were present e st rs. E. Rennie. -Miss Elva Bolton of
excessively warm weather of th pa I
turned home from an enjoyable hli- attachment to you and our sincere sor- week or so, weakened very -rapidly Kitchener, teacher, is home for hex tion Chorus; B and Concerts by
address was given by the pastor, Rev. from Detroit, Auburn, Clinton, Gode
day with friends, in Detroit and Pori- raw at partingi We will miss you in A, Sinclair. This was followed by the rich, Toronto and -Hensall. - Miss what had, been" a wonderful constitu- summer vacation with her parents, SM&
tiac.- H.M. Royal Air Fore. B
Douglas Walker, of Buffalo, N. the school where so many pleasant chairman' address. Then came a fine Etta Jarrott', of Toronto, is spendiRg ti,,,, and' on Sunday afternoon last Mr. and iMrs. Gordon Bolton and fain -
Y, waa week end visitor -with his hors have been spent by all of us. musical number by the large choir of her hafidays,� (England), and other cza-
_ak.the home of her par- she- passed away most peacefully and ily.-Mr. William Webber relturrIed
parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Thouras Wal- Your devoted and faithful interest in the Chiselhurst church, after which ents, Mr. and, Mrs. Isaac Jarrott.-A without the lightest struggle or I from London -and vicinity on Monday standing musical Or6ganizatiomc-1
ker.-Mr. and Mrs. John 'McNichol and our work proved yurself worthy of the Women's Institute of Zurich, ren- large number (from this district at- Jce of pain. Mrs. Sutherland was last, wheret'he bad- been visiting 'his
son, Aubrey, Blyth, were Saturday' our highest esteem; always ready and dered a -fine quartette, dTessed. in cos- tended tile -Kippen St- Ainrew's the eldest daughter o' the late Col. for tb past month oil so nd an enbrely new Grand %no
visitors -witbi Mr. and Mrs. Welfd willing to elp -an� sympathize in me in keeping with their selection, Unted Chureh.-lSuday school and J s me Extrav a
D. Dent, late of Embro, Oxford Intends returning this week to re u aganz by L500 perfca- Cameron -Miss Clara Storey, of To- times of t�ojjbl. Our ainc6rcr -wish Is th the -Rev. ATT. Mc -
Min Vera Hudso, of Seaforth, then Hillsgreen Uuftl�4�Sunday school pic- County, &o came to this country his -visit wi m. mers on the -world's Rargea
ronto, is spending a few days with that you may b spared, to enjoy follwed 1with a fine reading, after iiie held at BayOld on Tuesday. The from Ilroy was iii-TororiI his. f(yriner home
-Mr. and Mrs. J. McNichol, eighth line, many years of, usful service - and now the "Isle of Man", his wife be- -of this week. -Rev. J. H. ]Qykes, stage, end the Premier Interm-
which the Missest Eleanor Fisher and lake was delightful and the day ev- ing a native of Ireland. The deceas- P"t
mbm's.�Victor Shearers and Mrs. we ask you'to accept this purse ag - a foinner resident of tour village while donal. SPO -,E4ent of- th's
2.1 Irene' Douglas, off H&sall, rendered a eryfhin.g bh6k, copld e Ilesired; ed was mariied quite early in life, and Frank Taylor and Aildmn of Stra- slight token of -our aff iss the rain oft,4mb 'day before kianvdIny ou*_- man -on
ection. - it i - lendid instrumental duet. shortly after she had returned from 4 Y the Methodist cir- year,
ford, spent Saturday with relatkiest in
accompanied with feelings -which el
dson, of S�aforth, gave 'another cooled the weather and in some parts ttendig At -the Ladies' College , at cuit, was here.tbis week renewh�g ac Th
towm.-Mr. nd Mrs. Palmer Somer- cannot express. Ovir best wishes go a reading, followed by a fin -5 made it too *,k kor oeing. A ball CoI first living in Enkr, and - quaintances and soliciting funds .,for Thiird Wrig,FC27
ville, were Sunday visitors in Bavfield. with you to your new field of I or, the Muskoka Sanitaiiuni And hospItal
lit, and 'ter than the preceding a by the Chiselhurst choir, tnd game played'by,the teams cOmPOse'd terAird, in thb village ofAuburn and Marathon Swim
Zd Mrs. James MeNdbb pleasan of young anfl to Hensalf to Jack, Stwa4i, of Tin
ne, ;c repeat number by 'Miss Mudson. QW alik�! from KIPPe town of Forest, coming dper, is
&qby lscp� DannX siant Sunday v9th parents �ere.Mrn. John for 8L, $50,000 purse ana t6 clam, -
Then came er fine sslction and Hills-gre��. was played fif th* live over fifty years ago and where v'8�dng his
relat:ijvez i1i Stratfotd�Mr. and Mrs- Our friend for tvio years you havj"-, the anoth -by . After tn early lunch the her quiet retiring, alin dud sweet life Murdock has r6turn fToin a pleas- �ionohip of0me 7mld, and am Zuii�h Institute Quartette which afternoon off. Rvryon"had ant visit in A.,my Lam -
1D. M. clott, London, were week end been, brought a most splendid pro�r��,Tne 9 gained forerthe respect,and esteem CA lama 8VA
ports were run Xur sports proI
visitors ith Mr. wid Xrs. George All -our ants so kindly filling; t: to a lose, said to We one of the est their picnic op mi, of -Toronto, is visiting at her
�jiit and feet, and the of the comunity. ) The funeral ser As mtapimd e -2,m
S,omI. and IMm Roe Qra�vfOrd, The soothing balm- of love you gave, vice. -which was a private one;
given in hisel-burst for a long time. events were 01 well, filled. Bathing home here. -We afe-pleased to see
of, XcKillop,spentSaurday with rel- ' Ajd&j-4a. ra�-
IF-loved so cheerful and so willing. on the eac
The proceeds, -at -a small hwas not neglected 'by was Mr. T. Murdock out Again -after
, 4� , aiivesAn Brussels. -Mr. and Mrs. Wal- -gignd y the Scholars. charge, old from the.hine. here' and was %emot, to amounted tR-ovr $80. A hgrty vote the younger. seit and. everyone rePorts conucted-by the Rev. A. Sinclair of illness of - two weeks. -Mr. Ge I _4m: W 'A�
orge ter Messer and children, Vernon and an idea! day-4Xr. and Mrs. Orval the 'United Church, who paid 'aigh Thompson, of Toronto, fomirly- - of of d*;, 62 gi*8T%t
of thanks was passed. to the
_Ois, of Palmerston, spent a few days CROD
n1an and 2al takig part, ad the en- Cann nd aofi, Usborne, and Mr. tibftte to the fife of &e lath rs. "Ubnsall� paid, his - telatives and
6rilng the Past week with Mrs. An and Mais. 04,-Arl4 friends ere a visit this wteek-jMT9.
-meron, of W. M. S. -The Cromarty Anxiliary t th, Mr. and Mrs- kr. William. -MacXay, Charleis A. Me-
ng of the National Ainthern. visifted L6016 � t '1�ad tertainmient was closed with the sing- m3, Cann, of Exeter, Sutherland. The pallbearlars were
a Messer.- Miss Jean Ca rrison jo ejn�g visited by her
rge F. . Ca . ad, J A' A. sister from, Ireland, whom she h" not
A* -the'past week- Donell, Geo anbr9oh, was a wee -k end visitor of the W. M. S. held their tvrenty- W.
"th her friend, Miss Mildred Logan. fifth anniversary on Saturday htst,
Miss the Town seen for a gnoat marly years. - MX.
C. Petty -and John D.
-the ho _�_Alvin Pride, Miss Margaret Pride, July 7tlY, at -me of Mrs. James BAYORFLD Bell, George �!v
ine,, an ey I= returned from hqli- Craig, and the remains weie interred .9 -has ben engaged* as
Fred 'Smalldot and 'Miss Helen Hill. A very peasant and 'ofifable sotucea are U�'fiished aying -with Principal of our public pehool and &Er , St
L' St I Claud Bys
isne, At Brantfakd and,
Vr Pr Ceftag=A few I d n Hengall Union Cemetpery in the
one London. -MT `90ward. Holmes, of i Farris Cuntelon as principal of. the
-those of her late
were Friday visitors iti Blybh. - Mr. afternoon, was spent, A pleasingfea- avaaable -for Aug t. If' V7 nt apprv,
A. FAvuaxIIZ. . family plot beside
ftd Mrs. JamesSpiver and son, John, ture of te meeting was the number ix) r Detecit, is *'Aiting- at 'the hou'le of, husband. Those attending from a Continuatin school.-AIr. William
vVere. Saturday visitars with Mr. and f former members whb wefe present a most Webber -his old his dwell
'Mr. and Mr Li . ft Elgie, and Also
inM.S. ohn aunder.-Mr. and Mrs. and who arta pD7 in. other partsi Breezes._ -4t shotild have been an- distance were lber',two sistei, Mrs. g house
dfid Mrs. Albert
itors in Clintoft. - ay.,71 IMb, ant% ofyfield are not thit both of Wo6dtodk; MTs. H. VAilson, of
y inuch pleased to have nounced arlier in the svkson that with Mr. n A. 1-1. Carroll hud, Mrs. G. F. Seotft,, on Richmond, Straett,.,Nrth� to J�I&Wilton were Frid vis- We were ver Brucefteld.L George W. WWn,, of vbe# T�
with us one of our former members, the mere'li after- Alexander a Norman and Winnipeg- Mrs; Charles I ship, who expects to, movelyki a
rr,. J. A. MorrI of Winnipeg,'wbo '&eA hving the Thursday _gicholls, �of 't
Powitt was in Kitebenter )b Safur- M Joh Al azid- Miss Isabel fall. -As we go to pkes
Pn-boliday that has been, the cus- of S the td�4n
And (Mrs, Va Sanderson was our fvrst treeI Mrs. Bei3nie, n �alf
"co"a London-, krk Ale!Zande, day in Kitchener Rliv0'VPXh People Arriving fro�
Inj dy visitiors of Mitchell who is 'the president of iqM far'some -years. Pleas remem-
hia F ts to, 9b 0' the� neighborhigg tovI ljjj� th
Xts. Ida J. Walk4v, the sectio;al part of Pregbytery, wag ber -stores, are open'each week day but' rec' e 'Clelland re-, StratfoI last fonr Mentioned be- n iA the
these an Thursdiwo at SM. ing nieces of MrS.'Sutherl6nd,; Mr. J.
�f &m&o.rtj�. g�4§ftt &turday in town present and gore a pleasig addi7esS, close 97's
bro' parts ta�ok circua at �tLbndoft celebrafting t ,t*
'itA iis t1her,- 11%.o#jas Walker. Mrs. Mivldna, of Monatm, Presbyter- p.m. "b asn, 0
�Iq C., ial President, gave a vary intsi-eatirig Date R-anam
V, X. ay04'Thaft, of ttetir. T -floral
-2jThe 'Surar�&A, 6f..the hovft, S130 -
and liqlpul addriess. Mrs. Ritchie, of rilf3gaetA at fliet 'home of, J� bautdal, although
-ter wag. di twa,-, �0� at. - Point Eaward,.wh formerly wa6 our Howtrd,'ou,SaturdZj, Jons 9bfh,',Rai-- fitted ChurW�bhl' Stimay list. A s -A et�sw ed residt gavo, a vary hoI som. n6ldb, !MarggWot I&rg, .10, att sad 4tality occur ftovretal w" Thf V0 /0 of ful %nd. i. spirimg- address. A number felft',it -,his �Jghty-'thir`d Yedr. The SataAy -being ar
y Taut
a ear drven by na qf choice, quarb-attes bd solov were kad �eeft iid 1yoor htlifth 6r the hottest py, get
1 fivaAy ust wer &or vil.
Ine7er fb
a. rei) or -h r4dro -4utttly aw", A6 fogctt�6, hy thI nearesi�, and
WIA, shments q dwe 'I ftkl, II 19M, rnd. was; by sevei�`
afra itee cream whs tables is ahig Widow, illso Ione deait�gt to I S4*01an&r
"no 19awts
to Min
�Vts Nandin; on being very artioticalty �V
a�tstl, on the sd4er, &N, It. of Oft I 9 u
lown. I
'the i . ' gttoli A tlegdy began' ;5UL tho
2L,,fttq, D, ftth- time a writinI JupIuilto will be do-,
le, Wo -aid
This h" ?aduded. W6. *�bt vardle
Wa Sohn MCtillch ho is at pro� 12th W Irs; it d
Ital at London, ft4 In, the lioppi
, k 4� 011d , anom ,
I WW'. 1 one 01rdn' %jfMLjg vegT ill.
aftd er oftioeds) �wftd,,n6oMm
ba Wt. 111116'r tw� optat V�e lafto. aeL>
V44 v
, "j