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The Huron Expositor, 1928-06-22, Page 3
�a. is 11,F<.111,4tON 3 100.0 o r:to 4 : a P.t10.131e0 i041.* thy. ut pa'4i4lar :900,aaa : a t�,40 + . �• 4i�,a tta ' w1 tkap wort reporter fokLOuTirtiWO ago 41t that hl� Y b b0`. .°r`Rh»a 'Rae Feat "v '; ' 4 ' found sag WO: 1141itoC spirited def;, that- t40 ,. a4411d It w .opnkn1:< o h e1 ie little '9. i1ai of et -0 m ed • :file ne seta off an. a r _ i re i � d ' : 4t 3& o t G the. feet . � ' ink '�aouglat that rurao 'ger• few days Thesacra is true of yr tsl alee.he ,probable The stir vvit- iharleere, tteh, salt rheum and other 00s5.41Rdy 40,s013.60 ns eMass a&rbiteiting •anal unsightly skin truer X saw ° sad been •taatredieed to Koss-,• ales 1e$' Niflaeat • he, flea ettn rg, to be sing) You gin obtain I oonVg Er eraad ani in seeds of a. " fl, had paid t3i1 in the original bottle at any Maud coven gl,o f,mu a list elf pD alrl 1 a$;ke ;' ern drug storms. it is safe tot use, and Wee X .b d. also paid) hermonel*r:. 'failure in any of the aib000ito noted before Meeting ' Mae -04Y . haat • been above as next to inapt saah1 , 9, .4 so4r= presented"'eto two otheti• ` genileren. Iliart, can supply you at > y t1n3e. One att.= was a (Mexican half caste "whose appearance s so alarming that elle hue sed. away from him after OW.1 ® IG 10 a single glance, : The second man was ` erAlesle ,eexp a pin lames a: Mr. Wood, 11 years her senior, who •was fat and smelled of liquor. After The`$ndiane coming upon a charm of her meeting with Mr. Moseley which l aitaiaig; shimmering lakes about terminated suddenly when he, accord- eeinety miles east of Toronto, named nig to her story, had asked if she were ahema`Kawalctlia'i--+"Bright waters the sort of girl who went away for and happy lands." week ends, and she h given the It is many years since the Indians appropriate indignant answer, she met gave the name "Kawartha" to these Messrs. Stevens, Dance and Newman, Eventual - lakes; yet to-dayvacationists find it all of whom were very nice. Eventual the source of hppy holidays in the ly she and Mr. `'J.P.A.D," determined =any resorts scattered along the to get married. They had met on Wednesday and became engaged oh shores. Saturday. "J.P.A.D.'1 had not given If you are an ardent fisherman, cast her an engagement . ring. Nor does. your line in the larger lakes for bass he appear to have any hopeful em- and spenpe mon'ge; in the smaller lakes ployment since he is now in England ckledid trout provide good sport. enjoying a holiday.afterhavinglost Ll... any of `the many good summer r� Motels there is every facility _for can- all his capital amounting to 2150 on ',tieing, motor -boating, bathing, tennis, a Plantation. He was not produced golf and all the other out-of-door re -in court and the Judge seemed to have grarve doubts; as to his existence. <creations. The contention of "John ull" was Illustrated folders with full, infer- that Owen made no investigation as ernation and map of "Kawartha ]Lakes" to whether the people who advertised -will be gladly given you by nCan- with him or those to whom he furnish- sadian National Railways Agent. ed lists were married or unmarried; EUJMATIC PAIINS DUE TO THIN BLOOD :iFteflie? Comes -Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The most a rheumatic sufferer can rhope for in rubbing something on the swollen, aching joints is a little relief, and all the while the trouble is becoming more firmly rooted. It Ils now known that rheumatism is rooted in the blood, and that as the trouble goes on the blood becomes ss ll further thin and watery. To et rid of rheumatism, therefore, sou must go to the root of the trou- Tole in' the blood. .That is why Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills have proved so e Taeneficial when taken for this trou- hle. They make new, rich blend 'which expels the poisonous acid and the' rheuh'iat smiffiPPears There are thietteareds' of former rheumatic sufferers in Canada, now -well and strong, who thank Dr. Wil- Iliams' Pink Pills that they are now free from the aches and pains of -this dreaded trouble. • One of these &les. W. F. Tait; McKellar, Ont., -"rho says:—`AI am one of the willing canes to tell you of the great bene- -71its I received_ from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After lying in lbed for seven weeks suffering untold agony with inflammatory rheuma- tism, relief finally came through the ease of this medicine. I could not movie in bed only as . they lifted me, and I could only sleep when opiates -were given me. The . medical treat- -nnent-- I was taking seemed of no avail. Then I was advised to try -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and soon' I lhegan to get relief. After taking six or eight boxes the rheumatism , was Dbanished and I had never felt better in may life. It is several years since this happened and I have had no re- turn of the trouble since: I may add that I recommend the pills to ewe of my friends who were suffer- ing with rheumatism and the pills -were equally effective in`both cases." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for tamaeania, rheumatism, neuralgia, in- zdigestion or nervousness. Take them its- a tonic if you ,are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills tthsough any medicine dealer or by vial' at 54ic a box from The Dr. Wii- iiams° Medicine Co., 'rockville, Ont. P,(dA11g8.ILMONIAL AGENCY HAD SINISTER SIDE There -must be few el sses of; pub- lication in the English language upon wwkich we have not set eyes at one time or another, and among this select Ilist is the matrimonial paper. These publications exist for the ostensible purpose of introducing people Who 'arrant to get married and who may prove suitable mates for each other, Stlaough except for the intervention of elle paper, they never would meet. The suggestion that some of them may exist for a less worthy purpose respectable or raffish. The suggestion was that in many cases these adver- tisements were merely signals flown by the vicious to the immortal, and that innocent girls might be' lured into traps set by lecherous satyrs with the assistance of Owen and his paper. Owen declares • that he had sent the following letter to Moseley which 'Moseley denied receiving:— "Dear eceiving:"Dear Sir,—II have 'just been inform- ed by one of the young ladies to whom. you obtained an introduction through the medium of this agency that you are a married man, and that you are apparently looking for somebody to flirt about with. If you had truth- fully stated your case the fee would have been the same, and you could have obtained introductions suitable to your requirements, for- I have al- ways plenty of ladies on my books who merely prefer good companion- ship of a platonic nature. But unlike yourself,.,:. they are ehonest Enough to tell the truth and register according- ly. As the ladies who have 'been giv- en to you are seeking matrimony, pure' and simple, and to my knowledge do not in any circumstances wish to meet with men of your status, I shall - be happy to send you a better list on hearing from you in the matter and receiving your apology." One extract from "The Matchmak- er" was as follows: "Each day brings its full quota of happiness to the clients who joined up yesterday, and a world of new hope to those who join up to -day, for there is a mate for everyone somewhere." Another advertisement from a man who described his weight and recrea- tional tastes, and announced that he was "practically single" was read. This man, according to Mr. Owen, has been divorced, and in the six months before the decree is made absolute, thought he would hunt out another bride. It was pointed out to him that this was rather a perilous business because the King's Proctor does not believe in platonic friendships. The plaintiff did` not deny that he accept- ed advertisements' from business men who wished to frolic round in London and were on the lookout for congenial playmates, but he insisted that he kept the earnest seekers after matri- mony in one group and that no less earnest seekers after diversion in an- other. He said that he and "The Match- maker" had been successful in ar- ranging betereen 200 and 300 mar- riages, which had turned out as well so far as he was aware, as marriage arranged in more conventional form. He considered that he was discharg- ing a useful public function, He was asked to explain an advertisement from a woman "with .a good figure and dark eyes," who wanted to meet =a well educated man of literary tastes, "a 'real good pal, to come and have a cup of tea." It was suggested to him that if the meetings were to be platonic there was no point in the ad- vertiser mentioning her eyes or her figure. For such purposes, Judge Amory was of opinion that, a full figure was just as appealing. tt A T1 Ili ! LLIINC SUMMER TOUR Through 1,1'M Lakes and 'Virgin For- est without a Guide. Algonquin Park, in the Highlands ofOntario, i$ the ideal spot for a rov- ing holiday. Some 2,000 feet above sea level, its cool pine -scented air and fresh invigorating breezes bring new life and health to nerve -worn people. 'tou may paddle or hike almost any - Where throughout the park without a guide. The fishing—speckled trout, •sla, mon trout and small -mouthed black bass -can ?hardly be bettered. The Park, with its glorious pine *gory rocky hills, gleaming lakes and infers, is.a, rveritable mecca for those "rho like W. "he-man" holiday. Every Mlle ofits .three tho'asand square Miles le ietereoting and beautiful. Ask any Conl a6fian National IthiI- ways A;at1t foe Rall inforin•ation and illustrated 'keratin 'kin Algonquin Parte. 11 Balbriggan Merino Combination B.V.D. Hatchway Naincheck t New style Straw Hats, in plain or fancy weave, with fancy or black band, sailor shape or snap fronts. All this season's hats; full as- ssortment of sizes. ve al -1 Dollar for dollar there is no better Overall value any- where than you will get in Snag Proof. • (:,lack, I:.lue, I:,lue and White stripe, and f a itt c y stripes. • w ]fn Dark Cue, , Light flue, Chambray, Khaki ® all made full sizs ,double stitched with a generous yoke, good len.' i h itt body and sleeves. him 95c Paw ty 5 F YOU would see the very newest in Men's Suits, come in now. All the new styles, all the mei" shades,* all the new patterns are herr---Fancy Dublin Twists, attractive Bristol Stripes, swell blue hair line stripes, guaranteed Blue Serges, and a very dependable line of Grey Serges for the middle ,: ged• man. When there are better values made, we will have them. Every suit we sell, we guarantee. PRICES: 11.03 © ;35.00 $D (Plain I:,roadcloth or fancy patterns in weights th..: t are light and summery, will at the same time give you satisfactory wear. Sizes from 14 to 18. PRICES: 1.075 to $3.0C There is a delightful col- lection of n e w Sunder Dresses on display right now, and one of the very at- tractive features is the reas- onable prices." Fuji Silk Dresses..... $309 Voile Dresses $Goon Silk Crepe- $8.75 Wash Flate • Crepe...Crepe...4E15 House Dresses $1059 Every new style, every wanted shade, every guar- anteed and reliable make, has full representation in our Hosiery Department. No matter what gown you wh to match, you will find the hose to match here, in ay P Monarch Silk Pierrette Silk Full fashioned extra quality silk Silk with pointed Weldrest Silk, extra, nu 5175 5 These are made up to For- sythe'Es regular high statin.) : isd, Full sized, big variety of pat- terns. Separate or ;:Attached collars Sizes 14 to 16II9 . Me L75