HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-06-01, Page 5JUNE 1, 1929. THE HURON EXPOSITOR
I DOI 1.11
'4 Ili
Id% * z't
d 0 43,
r lei
d f
on tug w"), Ow vim?, 444104 �5,: Tap*,
%I Ab4 e 444 'in 11-
4LA r U0, V 1
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may IWO-
W' 10.7 VVI.
duaviiqv, daya; -balalice, mayi7� 611ishortgaige fit 3, Lot-.� la �hle only for
miglo- To
s4W� thch have W P
. ,J�w
and ba' t Seaforth. 4b'e, 81st day 99 'Gg' *A h1Q con �Ota le.
bp� Will, rem4in until Me, 2o&lovjuz�
be coatiutie4'throu�hont. th�
153ST a BEST..
Soucllftzc� eel: Go nsJ%a -on W -t�. Mr.' pf Seed
0T#Aj coy 14th, a Mansff�4-
'ter aSuckwheat
sbq WV�j
it lasts.
'oa "in
Ra Ilau, t8th, to xr. 7bo Secure
n ZI anti Allan FU=: Your X s now.
a daughter. Hospitul, F4reter. COOK BRO
FO S -AL1.
according freilght@ tWheiis,—Iti Dr.
on May W. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stepben,
inon Hensall
falp.-Viep I I � BONNER GLENG723
of Ellinville, a am. ()HEVROLM V20 nwdel.
Dvixonme0A. the Sauble Lin% Stanley 3155-2
Tireq,,aro gooa,qud Ong=
Pm Mrs. ivaw- , e In 1238201 (a,99saj
in edftm-, othip, on May 18th, to Mr. d �;'Uj*
r second Patents In jute, 44-5-- . rence penomme, a son. OWsving nntEclonter.,,4n Grey' Township. on Way 20h, gObd A�ppW� !to, Will Stu* for maes for the season of 1923
lots 6.20 "a' t;,O! "a to X.r. Ad Mrs. Q,4sc -.0. Eckmier. Q so In -0 r
fowsMRS. SAMRS leave
(COURT or ftandar�iwiil his town staba�_ at �AAA+
21) Cone
Klopp.�In Hay, Township oh6, jUbj=k
W47 8th, to 4814sliter. G St. West Proceed to, J-;;� Mile', con
Towl, )[LLOP on Way 4th, 'blip cillarginU cofitML .
T H2 . rtt.ifor` uson; then to Angus W4Xinnou's,
�AVSSTOCK MAIMU to Mi. au;] Mis. G. Wpqr, a daughter. 3155X' The. Court of Assessment 11, Tuckersrnith,�for night.
e car ye O=a=e to ald
ROD of the Tbwnsbiv op for the Tues ay -To Luther Reynold's, Lot 27, con.
ofr even mWe marlmd degvae, they de;w
Stock Turds, Toro 'I gop Haa:,
nnto. ay 20ib. I on Cession, 3. lJoborne, for noon; hen to Walijam
ming on an, year 1928, will be held
"The. cattle trade . was slo�v' in -op Monday, June Ilth t Lot"19, Oonces 5. Usborne, or method of rubber _Ik:lo=ting� for -the
oNaritIg showina-, �orne 600 increase over a JOHN nls`h� Veduesday.-To Fred Delbridge's, Lot new m4b:046 of silenciftg� the chassisvz;
Wacesilft'9, Usbone for noon; then 2Y2 intari*ft of the
-weeu buye-ra bidding a quarter lower at 3156-2 smart neN7 Fisher bodies. Drive
-tbe otait�' Aetiv%y, was astored b3r 11non. mil, *dsst: and 2% mil;Z north to John Bal- the now"Olds=bile once--,md UWW
MCDOnald.-In X�nire�i Agnes. es
-jhbvvs$w, with -light butche, steers and heifers, on May 19th. I;antylie � for night. Thursday. -To Edgar
why its brilliant performance
�Irqowis 4n4 balls selling steady 4t last'week'si Cavan - McDonald, widow of the late,_ Rev. has, become �j,'
Moriteith's, Lot 9. South Theme. Road, for
-matter of
Dr. cDonald, formerly minister of Wne,
j�RV-ar Egm0ndville n6m; then to Dan Briotnell's, Lot 97, gib-
kep, : and weighttr' butchers slow and a common htno-ledge-Wby -thqus=dQ
Willfs,Frerbyterian Church, Clinton. bt Boundary, for i.ht. Fridy-T,, Frank
vWe'qosier. - Meavy bteem in a shoil supply YMFzTHNG of baYl�ro today are choocing Oldsmobile�,
-tmade steady prices- Some 2,000 head; 'or a- D—is-In McKillop. on May 20th, Sarah
Lot 19, Concession 11, for noon; then
U)out bulf the -offering. had erc sed the seales Elesnor. daughter of Porter _4$,. and 21Ts.
east 3 Infes and north IY, miles to Ferg.
.9 xffotmv Own deferred pq�7we_zr� j=
U)j mid4&ternoou, and there was a fair Clean- Denilis, aged 2 years and 7 COUNTY Z (CE,
Garage 11DIns, Lot 7. Concession 9, for night,
his own stable for neon, where . . . affords you the simplest. and
The . Council of thei, Uorp.6 twn Of he will-temain until the following Mndav imost acanondcal way of
Just the Qdd single heavy steer made the buing our
11�' cents. per wt. top ot" 1,200 pounds Cdunty of Huron will ins, in:.the Ciouncil morning.
C _pt hainber, Goderich, at 6ver,sellmg ftem 11 to 11% cents. Best cloCk in the af- Terms. -To insure a, foal, $16.00.
3day, the 4*'dO .,W June, 1923. FRED COLQU11OUN, CHAS. WORDEN,
We have opened a Oarag�6 in ternoon of Ta@� brought 10% to 11,
2,000 to 71,2004ounders All accounts against the UOIiitir must be in Proprietor. Manager.
,oeteta. With 'one choi0et lad, at 11.15 cents, Note.-Rems under this heq�S wM he chm- Egmondville, and, have secured the ban& of the Clerk Monday
_60 Cents PeF single verse and 25 ocIta for
ilyw4eire preceding the meeting of'.101914-fiel
-while lij�t butcher steers brought a tach additional veroe. 'Mr. Kading, first class' me- jjr9.m'9L60 it oll.15 cents, according t6 quality. GEO. W., HO
butcher heifers were worth 10 tG IQ8 The of our dear wife and chanic, to look After your needs. F C4� ?�re Bred Imported Percheron Stenjon OLDS
ver -2
h A. Murray, who departed
n Goderich, Way 21
pound, with others downward to UU8 �12XS (9
mo erMrs.memory 1928.'
cents per pound. Cows . were 'firm at last Repair work of all kinds, Oil,
this life one year ago to -day, Way 24, 1927. RAVEN
-week"w, of the good to choice
xdvAnce&i (gas, and all Automobile Ac
-U4 ej.1d: v6rd,: from - 8 to 9 cents and the ee-
She sleeps in Jesus, free from pain, (12804)
=2hoiCe fat cow up to 91/4 cents. Fair cessories.
bog.'ght 6% cents per pound -or better Our though great� to her is gain; 0 <> <> <> <> *
d, as low - as 4% Moved by all w1jo knew -her here * Will stand for mares this seas6n as follows
And to her family none more dear, Monday_---�Wjll leave his own -table at Staf-
steady prices at h Jesus' death is T. Holmes'& Bolm fa land 90 north to the 7th Concession. Hib.
for the bulk of Yet hope throng given,
That soon we- all may meet in Heaven. bert, and west 21/2- rail. and north 11/4 miks
cents. Baby J� "OULTER and West to John McIvOr's, for noon; then
with the odd fancy bull at 92/4 cents HUSBAND AND CHILD 0 Funeral Dire�tort'
and fair "kind downward to 7 Licensed Brahallner. VIRst to 91ism Riley's, Tuckersmith, fo,
Tlieef 'values' were unchanged, choice kind mak- night. -To day North 21A_ miles and west to
ling .12't6 f2yj, cents, and the rest of a es
Ized Sesforth, then north 1% miles to Frank Col,
offering from 10 to 11,12 cents.
MOUSSEAU.-In loving memory of in- 0 Finest Motor man's. for, noon; then east by way of 2nd
-'Trade In store"cattle, was draggy, with just font son, Laird Robert, who passed away one -0 drawn equipmenti concessicy, and outh to St. Columban to W
the Vdd load recorded jnL the
weigh-uP at' 2 'ago, the 27th of May, 1927, aged one
year Bloclk, Main Street, pposite �O J. Cleary's, for night Wednesday -North b; PRODUCT OF G12MEMAL MOTORS OF CANPA, IZZITEZ
1p.m. thii3 ot toonsiotOng, of rfair quality
imedium weight stockers vibich sold at 7.40 month and seven days.
0 The Expositor -Ofte -S. T. C> way of Beechwood, to William Kaylan's, for
noon; then northeast to Henry Benneweis, Jr.,
,Cents., He was only a little white rosebud, NOTICIR 0� Holmes, residence, &derich, for night 71ursday--South-ewt, to Ed.
The calf supply was around 100 head I A sweet little flower from birth'. -0, Street WL�Lst; Chas. Hblmer' <> Rosey's, town line, for noc; then south-east
Veal pre
�r than IgatMonday, but g ere un- God took him home to Heaven
anger at last w�ek's dee(line, most choice We will only run our Chopping ICI res -nee North Mitin.-Street. to Biushfield Bros:, for eight Fri4ay.-East
'Ch ide
rveals, selling at 13 to 14 cents per pound, Befoe h I e. was soiled on eart., 1�4 miles and south to Grey Bros., 4th Con- Mill every Tuesilay and Friday 0 'Plower's furnished on short * ession of Hibbert� dar noon; then south-eait
and a few
primes up to IS: cents, Grass God has taken horne,our darling, forenoons during t h e - Summer <:> -notice. . All .'killldg 'Of UP- 0 to his own stable for night Saurday-At
`Zdjves,..werfe_-more VlontitUiL 'in 'the supply Placied.our bud.amongst His flowers;, months. dvriW.' I 'his ovrn stable all day, whdtb he will emain
0 It
'Ohan a'week ago, and sold jaLshade easier at olstering neatly
,3% to 6% cents Per, Penn& Taken back the me He kut US' 3154x3 KRUSE BROS. -0 hones: 119 or' 30 F", until the following Monday morning.
o a better home than ours, TermI to insure; two mares frujin SADLY MISSED BY, HfS PARENT& 0 same owner, $28.
The -lamb, supply corwistFea mainly 01 sp"g,
only the odd lot of fair yearling <> <> <> <> <> 45,
t S TZI-I'lored
Ghowing'in the list of sales at 13 cents per
Vound, The Spring ambs brought steady DAAHN TENDERS JOHN LIVINGSTON, Manager. Wear.
1pricV rangimg from $10 to $16 each, the
1hulk -sh fair to good conditi?II. Sh�ev Tenders for the improvement of the Carro
viere i fair volume. showing an in- Municipal Drain, McKillop, will be received 0 'lotheso
Irreas in the percentage of Clipped sheep. Bargahw.� 5c foot up. Laid mea- up -to Moriday, June 11th, when tend will 0 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
'Values were unchanged at 7Y� to 8 cents for be opened at Winthrop Hall at 2.3. p.e.ro W. 0. CAAR-7--
,�Ith fair kind -at SU Ten per cent. of contract to ac pany lbeat light ewes 6 cents and re.. Send size of room. Catalogue EMPEROR McKINNEY
-'eullst slowi and samples free. UNLLIDAY tender. Lowest or any tender Trot neccomssanly Licensed Emblamer and. (54153) 1653 To took well dress6d, to feel well dressed, to ap-
Funeral Director.
HAMILTON, 107 Jackson St. East. -accepted. Plans� and specifications at Lot 85,
The hog run.was 11OLty'laeking 400 of last Concession 8, McKillop. Up-to-date 'Horse and Ag)otor <> Elme�t No. 749 Form I peltr distinguished and have individuality you must
WoMay's supply -a -rid the market was strong
JOHN rdcNAY, Clerk. Equipment. Jc� Will stand for mares at his own stable, Lot
-wIth prIces on - the up -grade, - most of to -day *s 3155-2 8, Con�ession 4, Tackersmith. luezr Bright's Tailored Clothes.
aaaw being made at an advance of a quorter Night and Day Service <> Ternis.-To insure a foal, %13.00, payable
tilver lost week's close. Bacon selects made one 19-22, Dublin. <> January ist, 1929. Parties with mares in
<> Ph
f.o.b., and frm It. . 65 to 113/,je - 0 <> foal and disposing of them before FebTuary Lotus tell you this fact —the chea er the clothes
IMPORTANT NOTICES 1st will be hold responsible for insurance. p
you buy the dearer you pay for thein. And then for
The r I eceipts j"ay were 2,907 cattle. 940 ares at owner's risk.
alves, 1,060 rogo and 226 sheep and lambs. — WILLIAM RILEY, appearance, too, Bright's Clothes hold their shape
Proprietor and Manager.
half Lot 17, Concession 3, McKII-10% con- SummeirTerm
-A I Quotatiom �s. Choice, 311 taining 50 acres. Apply to ROBERT DEV- <> <> <>; 3154xI2 after years of wear.
_ge 's Twelv S hoofs
pvy bed ote( ERPUX,Sr., upon Road, or address Sewforth- lit each of Shav� e c
to 611.75; do. fair. W.5�_ to butehe
nteem, -choice, 310,00 to'311.00; -butcher helf- P. 10. 8155-3 follows the present Session in
This condition is due to extra quaRity of canvas
-3m. choice, $A.75 to'$IW.50; do. regular order from July 3rd with 0, W. IT. 1302 00" ID The Premium Clydesdane Stallion
$9.00; butcher cows, 000d to choicet. $9.00 'Usborna. Y 0
no forced vacations. Enter' an <>
to $9.00; do., fair to good, $7.00 to! $7.75; -do. farm in the T%w=hW3 of Funeral! Director anol atrimmings. Be sul?e to have your next suit made
t ackerazalth =4 91bbert Good buildIngnand day. Booklet free. Write 1130 0 FAVOURETS A -GAIN
$5.00 to Z5.60; canners oind cutters.. tdi fCOb. TIMMAS Licensed Embalmer,- -0 at BRIGHTS.
M101111n, 1butcher bu.11% good to -choice, WeR 10 CAM Bay St.,, Toronto, W. R. SHAW, E243373
K50 SROX. Mxeter. OPJL rL c. Box Enrolment No. 1961 Form A I
:67,0 to 0.00; Secretiry.
U*Iojmas,. $6.00 to ".75; baby� be4 ...... -0 Beat Motor and Horse-drivm <> Monduy-Will leave his own stabl Bruce -
C� field, and go south to Robert Coper's, for
16 S12,80; feeders. CholCI $8.50 to W50 *, GkASS 'Sweet .. .1 <> noon; then south o Robert McLarens, Hen- Wo bave a Special Goey Worsted on hand
do. fair, $&00 to 08.501, stockem. clioice.. . of.Yellow 31onsom Clol - t!� - equipment.
10� 1"jjj-jgeu moderate now at. ................ ......
49.00; do., fair. $7,'00 to MSO;' $4.50 per bushel. Aloo a quantity of Timothy aall for night. Tuesdqy.--Mwt to the Second ......
npringelu, thoide, Slog to, Zigb; mileh cowa.� ai�41 Abike =I= re, 27 per oeirt.- abike. $6.00 0- F16*ers furnished an A S42,00
1W � '40;rt 0 then nrtH to McGregoee corner
00 W $100 ; c,,klvw, choice '196V gradid and- free'ffovi ti . 0 and east to Alex. Sinclair's,
*18 to _$14. � Per, bushel, ernment no ce. for noon; ther
medijun, $8.60 tq,$12.00; do. Orkhair'710xiOus -weeib. Apply to RUSSEL, 0, Night Calls. Day;Oklls C, east 21/2 miles to Town Line, then north 11/1 An& an Fxtra Special Hmpoyt Indigo
DOlUrdMRTT; Walton. Lot IW. Con- 17 miles dnd east to William Patrick'B, for night.
buibs; clicioe-44j"01.1 $15. 'ii As a number o monuments in this Came- 0 phon T75
16 $7. 6 t� 8,44- 10, sergel ..........
Wto s1aS0;,-i3Priiik Phioilie 21-0i. Phdio4g, Wednesday -East and north 2% miles, then
terr am leaning cons"derably. and some so
sh6eps, choloo, uch as to be in danger of west to Patrick Wfflinms'. for noon. then
owners mon
to $81.80; am, Calls. wANTEDV=- THOUSAND MARKET atectfull:� urga all j a <> 0 <(> west 21/2 miles and south to Robert Doig's.
I 'ahrd6hemg to 101nt, -our h fiddl, 7th Concssion. for night Thursday. -West
%0 i6* $4 5(t - fioga-s. ieleetb, Vjl.o.,C., $11 nients to have the fbundatfo�ns repired Do as
au.1-3; do4. 311.36 to $21.45.. do.* thick cabbage nd Bermuda on-lon to make such, *monuxnent3 sale to visitors to to Gernmell's eorner and north to Mill Road SEE THESE CLOTHS
to George MdCartney's, for noon; then east to
=e pUjitt will praduife Vdgetables' +hAsa the Cemetery; �snd.also'to make them conforin
weeko earlier than hom -grown plants. It is to the sefteral aI�od appearance of the came- 0 McAdam's side road, then north to the Sec�
to $19.95. rwallo or. re. 0 0 nna. nesdo= Moe per hog fio experiment terr� Na Would aAh th*t - thig � be donez by ond Concession. and west to G. and R. Carno-
foa your Money. j,,IVL� at f this year, fter which date Zhe 0 chan's. for night. Friday-Weat to Broad-
�hau aeleat -plants ready to Get 14 open field, WI -11 out's bridffe, then to him own stable by way
efted OD W. L WAWKU� Of Will Road far neon, where he will remain
13t=d te*perature-twentr degreds ebove on o=. remain In dankamus or
out I urw", on
onlo4 plants und' 011 'b'd until the following M day morning. Ro E, BRIGHT
d -* —
oabWb 90uto affll)04 Trms-4710 insure, $16.001
W&Vkeir, FunerSEDft- 0 R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor Manager,
market z-jo:7 96 to as certin lo*er; I 00!3�ld $1 00
410 Mo.. Ms%V;7 but,111611p. quot3b16, .!rs nspfo Collect 0. and 19mbal
to $10.16; piw.- m5o to 1g: piacking a ad
or oir fforse Equipmp
Cara- or -flowers futieAll
0 hs� -requested.
Pb on�
Day or Ni
SNALE, D tenders adftgsed to the under- is here; seedtime at
hand. We have sold a lot, but somo
nigned and .Tender for Recdo- General Springtime
�strtiettbn of'the ier. Goderich, ont"',
Real BoUts
of you stilll nee -d Fertilizer and Agd-
eof the supamtruetac of, the
a.1tural Litne. There ihss been.linore
losge Sao Bon& artificial needa for increase of your
406- '.IOU opecail prices on pout t cro -feet at 2dde;eh,
ps sold this year than ever before.
quart $1.16; plans of a6lotraot can he seen an(2
tr ?Or inSidG 0nd OUUM8 Tnrk Why? Results Count. Willy not be
pecification and t6ftils of tender obtained at
this Deartment at 'the 601tes of the District
ou. We are &I_ We vigh to announce to the farmingcommunity of Hensen
il and turpeatibe. Get"OUC pribe one of the prosper
phone n52 ways prepared to give you service, or
V108 ath 0 Mitainem, Customs Ruilding. Iiftdori, Oft;
and Exeter districts, that we are prepared to rent a large
a ZQuity Building, Toronto, 'Ctb+.. and at Fh�
w Goderich, Ott, vko ai the Builders.
V\Tb &�qo have afar nica pattem
infornlittiOn. Goods alwRYs On hand. acreage of Flax Land.
ioglar $1. 20 for 950; 4 yaros of liam En gd� -TO Bond'StreA T6vovto, (Out Give us a call. The more busness we
&d will not he considered uidean rAndo e mom dollars you gain. Oive Fall or Spring ploughed sod land prefei-ted. Farmer vAIR
do, th
r, if impossible to do the
4 pai� �&rd. 'ttintalaC4 Anted
on i form hupplied by theepartmont
us a call. Phone 186-2. prepsis the seed bed as directed, o
work, we may arrange to have it done.
6��dei, must be %V CM
" § 'We will do the sowing ar�d gna"antes that only Pure Seed,
n;60 t 'Obrdoe'dI The 0 ile kirlm, Gemerml Agen�. free from weed oeeds. will be sovu.
i no _Vomftlou 62. a-_ or All comunications addressed to the undersigned rW receive,
Me . ==10- adwidr= A's aicy, 2 lbe. very promt att6fition.
Homrd Barr 06-deTich- F. XCXG%�- our
OrW& jdS '10 OZ.- J&T CA tr 0agaltdt *5; Joseph Aikinson, Dub-
1� I forl, jai?
lin, Russell Soott, CromavtY; J.
Workman, Ki n, and others. Go�acls
Orat Seaforth. 140 or -
an han Owen Geiger son.
D deys too sinll; none too big. W6
W NV Spnatt
........ .... .. .